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BS ISO 4302:2016

BSI Standards Publication

Cranes — Wind load


National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 4302:2016.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee MHE/3/1, Crane design.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
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This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
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© The British Standards Institution 2017.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017
ISBN 978 0 580 81289 7
ICS 53.020.20
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 28 February 2017.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
Date Text affected
BS ISO 4302:2016


Second edition

Cranes — Wind load assessment

Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Évaluation des charges
dues au vent

Reference number
ISO 4302:2016(E)

© ISO 2016
BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)


Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms....................................................................................................... 1
4 Wind pressure ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 In-service wind ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Action of in-service wind on suspended load .............................................................................................................. 3
5.3 Wind load calculations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Shape coefficients for individual members, frames, etc ...................................................................................... 4
5.5 Shielding factors — Multiple frames or members ................................................................................................... 5
5.6 Wind loads on individual members (inclined to the wind direction) ..................................................... 7
6 Out-of-service wind ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Loads due to out-of-service wind ........................................................................................................................................... 8
6.3 Equivalent static out-of-service wind pressure .......................................................................................................... 8
6.4 Wind loads on individual members (inclined to the wind direction) ..................................................... 9
6.5 Storm wind maps .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Annex A (informative) Reference storm wind speeds .....................................................................................................................11
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

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This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 4302:1981), which has been technically
revised. All clauses have been technically revised to be aligned with ISO 20332, in combination with
ISO 8686-1, and the informative Annex A, “Wind maps”, has been added.

iv © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

BS ISO 4302:2016
 ISO 4302:2016(E)

Cranes — Wind load assessment

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the assessment of wind loads on cranes.
It establishes general methods for calculating wind loads (for in-service and out-of-service conditions),
which are included in the load combinations stated in ISO 8686-1 and used for proofs of competence
such as those given in ISO 20332 for the structural components of cranes.
It provides a simplified method of calculation and assumes that
— the wind may blow horizontally from any direction,
— the wind blows at a constant speed,
— there is a static reaction to the wind load applied to the crane structure.
It includes built-in allowances for the effects of gusting (fluctuation in wind speed) and for dynamic
It gives guidance on when to secure the crane for out-of-service conditions.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8686-1:2012, Cranes — Design principles for loads and load combinations — Part 1: General

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The main symbols are
given in Table 1.
in-service wind
maximum wind that the crane is designed to withstand under operating conditions
out-of-service wind
maximum (storm) wind blowing from the least favourable direction that a crane is designed to
withstand when in an out-of-service condition

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

Table 1 — Main symbols

Symbol Description
A Characteristic area
AH Wind area of the suspended load
Cf , c H Shape coefficients
D Diameter of a circular section
F Wind load
frec Recurrence interval factor
K Terrain-roughness-coefficient
FH Wind load due to the wind on the hoist load
mH Mass of the gross or hoist load in kilograms
p In-service wind pressure
q(z) Equivalent static out-of-service wind pressure at height z
R Recurrence interval
vg 3 s gust amplitude
vs Wind speed, used as a basis of the calculation
Wind speed component acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis or surface of
vs *
a member
v(z) Equivalent static out-of-service wind speed at the height z
Wind speed component acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of a member at
height z
vm(z) z, in metres per second
vref Reference storm wind speed
z Height above the surrounding ground level, in metres
Φ8 Gust response factor
θ Angle of the wind direction to the longitudinal axis or face (θ < 90°)
η Shielding factor
ηw Factor for the remaining hoist load in out-of-service condition
ρ Density of the air

4 Wind pressure
The wind pressure, p, is given by the formula

p = 0, 5 × ρ × v s2 (1)


ρ is the density of air which, for design purposes, is assumed to be constant ρ = 1,225 kg/m3;

vs is the wind speed, used as a basis of the calculation.

When using the international system of units (SI), where p is expressed in N/m2 and vs in metres per
second (m/s), the following applies:

p = 0, 625 × v s2 (2)

 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

5 In-service wind

5.1 General
The wind loading shall be applied in the least favourable direction in combination with the appropriate
loads as defined in ISO 8686-1:2012, load combinations B and C.
In-service design wind speeds and corresponding pressures shall be either selected based on Table 2 or
specified based on the crane configuration, application and the wind conditions. The in-service design
wind speed shall be documented in the operating manual of the crane.

Table 2 — In-service design wind speeds vs and pressures p

Design wind pres-
Design wind speed
Type of crane or application vs
m/s N/m2
Cranes that are easily secured against wind action and which are
designed for operation in light winds only (e.g. cranes of low chassis 14 125
height with booms that can be readily lowered to the ground)
All normal types of crane installed in the open 20 250
Cranes in process applications, where a crane must continue to work
28,5 500
in high winds

p (3)


FH is the wind load on the suspended load in the direction of the wind;

cH is the shape coefficient of the suspended load;

AH is the wind area of the hoist load;

p is the wind pressure corresponding to appropriate design condition.

In the absence of detailed information on the load it shall be assumed that cH = 2,4 and AH = 0,000 5 × mH,

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

5.3 Wind load calculations

For crane structures or individual members used in crane structures the wind load, F, in the direction
of the wind, is calculated from the formula:
F A p (4)


F is the wind load acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the member (see 5.6)

A is the characteristic area, i.e. the projection of the solid area of the member on to a plane
perpendicular to the wind direction;

p is the wind pressure corresponding to appropriate design condition;

Cf is the shape coefficient for the member under consideration, with reference to the wind
direction and the characteristic area (see 5.4). Values shall be either those given in Table 3
or those derived by recognized theoretical or experimental methods (e.g. wind tunnel or full
scale tests), or other recognized sources.
The total wind load on the structure is taken as the sum of the loads on its members.

5.4 Shape coefficients for individual members, frames, etc

Shape coefficients, Cf, for individual members, single lattice frames, and machinery houses, etc. vary
according to the aerodynamic slenderness and, in the case of large box sections, with the section ratio.
Aerodynamic slenderness and section ratio are defined in Figure 1.
Where a frame is made up of flat-sided and circular sections, or of circular sections in both flow regimes
(D × vs < 6 m2/s and D × vs ≥ 6 m2/s, with D the diameter of a circular section in metres, and vs the design
wind speed in metres per second, the appropriate shape coefficients are applied to the corresponding
frontal areas.

Table 3 — Shape coefficients Cf per aerodynamic slenderness

Aerodynamic slenderness l/b or l/D
Type Description (see Figure 1)
5 10 20 30 40 50
Individual Rolled sections, rectangles, hollow sections, flat plates 1,3 1,35 1,6 1,65 1,7 1,9
members        D vs < 6 m2/s 0,75 0,80 0,90 0,95 1,0 1,1
       D vs ≥ 6 m2/s 0,60 0,65 0,70 0,70 0,75 0,8
≥2 1,55 1,75 1,95 2,1
Box sections over 350 mm square and
1 1,40 1,55 1,75 1,85
250 mm, 450 mm rectangular
0,5 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,35
0,25 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0
Single lattice Flat sided sections 1,7
frames        D vs < 6 m2/s 1,2
       D vs ≥ 6 m2/s 0,8
Machinery Rectangular clad structures on ground or solid
houses, etc. base (air flow beneath structure prevented)

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BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)



d D

length of member l l
Aerodynamic slenderness length of member = = or
breadth o
f section across wind front b D

breadth of section across wind front b

Section ratio(for box sections) = =
depth of section parallel to wind flow d

1 wind direction

Figure 1 — Aerodynamic slenderness and section ratio

η, given in Table 4. Values of η vary with the solidity and spacing ratios as defined in
Figure 2.

Solidity ratio (see Figure 2)
Spacing ratio A/Ae
0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 ≥ 0,6
0,5 0,75 0,4 0,32 0,21 0,15 0,1
1,0 0,92 0,75 0,59 0,43 0,25 0,1
2,0 0,95 0,8 0,63 0,5 0,33 0,2
4,0 1 0,88 0,76 0,66 0,55 0,45
5,0 1 0,95 0,88 0,81 0,75 0,68
6,0 1 1 1 1 1 1

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)


a) Solidity ratio


a a a

b) Spacing ratio

Solidity ratio
A area of solid parts(shown shaded)
= =
Ae enclosed area b× l

distance between facing sides a

Spacing ratio = =
breadth of member acros wind front b

1 wind direction

Figure 2 — Solidity ratio and spacing ratio

Where there are a number of identical frames or members spaced equidistantly behind one another in
such a way that each frame shields those behind it, it is accepted that the shielding effect increases up
to the ninth frame and remains constant thereafter. The wind loads are calculated from Formulae (5)
and (6).
On the first eight frames:

1 −ηn
Fn = × A × p × Cf (5)
1 −η

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ISO 4302:2016(E)

Fn is the wind load on the nth frame;

η is the shielding factor;

A is the characteristic area, i.e. the projection of the solid area of the member on to a plane
perpendicular to the wind direction;

p is the wind pressure corresponding to appropriate design condition;

Cf is the shape coefficient for the member under consideration, with reference to the wind
direction and the characteristic area (see 5.4). Values shall be either those given in Table 3
or those derived by recognized theoretical or experimental methods (e.g. wind tunnel or full
scale tests), or other recognized sources.
On the 9th and subsequent frames:

1 − η 9 
F =
(n ≥9)  1 − η ( )
+ n − 9 ×η 8  × A × p × Cf

For design purposes the term ηx used in Formulae (5) and (6) shall be taken as 0,10 whenever it is
numerically less than 0,10.

5.6 Wind loads on individual members (inclined to the wind direction)

Where the wind blows at an angle to the longitudinal axis of a member or to its surface, the wind load
acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis or surface is obtained by using, in Formula (1), the wind
speed component vs* calculated by

v s* = v s × sin θ (7)


v s* is the wind speed component acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis or surface;

vs is the wind speed, used as a basis of the calculation;

θ is the angle of the wind to the longitudinal axis or surface (θ < 90°).

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

6.2 Loads due to out-of-service wind

For the calculation of loads acting on a crane due to out-of-service wind, it is assumed that the wind
blows horizontally at a speed increasing with the height above the surrounding ground level.
The out-of-service wind loads assumed to act on a member of a crane and/or on the hoist load remaining
suspended from the crane shall be calculated by
F q(z) × A (8)


q(z) is the equivalent static out-of-service wind pressure at height z;

for a member of the crane

F is the wind load acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the crane member;

Cf is the shape coefficient of the member under consideration (see Clause 5);

A is the area of the member under consideration;

for the hoist load remaining suspended from the crane

F is the wind load, acting on the remaining hoist load in direction of the wind speed;

Cf is the shape coefficient of the remaining hoist load in direction of the wind speed;

A is the maximum possible area of the remaining hoist load.

In the absence of detailed information of the remaining load it shall be assumed that Cf = 2,4 and
A mH, where mH is the mass of the hoist load in kilograms and ηw≤ 1)
for the remaining hoist load in the out-of-service condition.

6.3 Equivalent static out-of-service wind pressure

The equivalent static out-of-service wind pressure at height z is calculated by
ρ × v(z (9)


ρ is the density of the air, set to ρ = 1,225 kg/m3;

v(z) is the equivalent static out-of-service wind speed at height z

v z () vg 
v z = f rec × 
 v ref
+Φ8 ×
v ref
 ref (10)
 

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ISO 4302:2016(E)

frec R; for crane design in general an out-/

of-service wind, which may recur once in intervals of 5 years to 50 years (R = 5 to R

R = 5;
       R = 10;
       R = 25;
       R = 50;

vm(z z, in metres per second;

vref is the reference storm wind speed, in metres per second, depending on the particular ge-
ographical region, and which is defined as the mean storm wind speed with a recurrence
interval of once in 50 years, measured at 10 m above flat open country, and averaged over
a period of 10 min;

Φ8 is the gust response factor (Φ8 may be simplified to Φ8 = 1,1);

vg is a 3 s gust amplitude beyond the 10 min mean storm wind.

Formula (10) may be simplified using, conservatively, factors of flat open country, as
v(z) = frec × [(z (11)

Applying conservative assumptions:

v g = v ref × 2 × 6 × K and

K is the terrain-roughness-coefficient, set to K = 0,0055 and the gust response factor Φ8 = 1,1.

6.4 Wind loads on individual members (inclined to the wind direction)

For a crane member, the component v(z)* of the wind speed acting perpendicularly to the longitudinal
axis of the crane member shall be applied. The wind load perpendicular to the area of the member shall
be calculated by Formula (9) using the wind speed component calculated by
v(z v(z) × sinθ (12)


θ is the angle between the direction of the wind speed v(z) and the longitudinal axis of the
member under consideration;

z is the height above the surrounding ground level, in metres;

For the hoist load remaining suspended from the crane, the substitution of v(z) by v(z)* shall not be

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

equivalent static out-of-service wind speeds and pressures, calculated by the equations given above,
shall be modified according to meteorological data and/or aerodynamical considerations.
More detailed (national) wind maps or local meteorological data, based on the assumptions of this
clause, may be used as sources for the reference storm wind speed, vref [see Formula (10)].

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ISO 4302:2016(E)

Annex A

Reference storm wind speeds

A.1 Europe
A.1.1 France
See Figure A.1 and Table A.1.

Zone 1 Zone 3

Zone 2 Zone 4

Figure A.1 — Map of metropolitan departments of France indicating regions where the same
reference storm wind speeds are applicable

Table A.1 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in France

Metropolitan department
Zone label or Overseas department
(see Figure A.1)
region name
1 2 3 4 Guadeloupe Guyane Martinique Réunion
vref [m/s] 22 24 26 28 36 17 32 34

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

A.1.3 Spain
See Figure A.2 and Table A.2.

San Sebastian









Malaga Almera


Zone 1

Zone 2

Figure A.2 — Map of Spain indicating regions where the same reference storm wind speeds are

Table A.2 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in Spain

Iberian peninsula North Africa
Zone label or Balearic Islands Canary Islands
(see Figure A.2) (coast/shore)
region name
1 2 Not included in Figure A.2
vref [m/s] 24 25 28 28 28

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ISO 4302:2016(E)

A.1.5 Ireland
See Figure A.3 and Table A.3.


Zone 1

Zone 2

Figure A.3 — Map of Ireland indicating regions where the same reference storm wind speeds
are applicable

Table A.3 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in Ireland

Zone label or
1 2
region name
vref [m/s] 32 36

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

A.1.7 The Netherlands

See Figure A.4 and Table A.4.


Zone 1

Zone 2

Figure A.4 — Map of The Netherlands indicating regions where the same reference storm wind
speeds are applicable

Table A.4 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in The Netherlands

Zone label or
1 2
region name
vref [m/s] 28 32

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ISO 4302:2016(E)

A.1.9 Sweden
See Figure A.5 and Table A.5.





Östersund Husum



Örebro Stockholm




Zone 1

Zone 2

Figure A.5 — Map of Sweden indicating regions where the same reference storm wind speeds
are applicable

Table A.5 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in Sweden

Zone label or
1 2
region name
vref [m/s] 24 28

BS ISO 4302:2016
ISO 4302:2016(E)

A.1.10 Switzerland
See Figure A.6 and Table A.6.



Zone 1

Zone 2

Figure A.6 — Map of Switzerland indicating regions where the same reference storm wind
speeds are applicable

Table A.6 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in Switzerland

Zone label or
1 2
region name
vref [m/s] 28 32

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ISO 4302:2016(E)

A.1.13 European regions

In the absence of specific data or relevant national maps, the rough storm wind map of Europe shown in
Figure A.8 can be used. See Table A.8.





Figure A.8 — Map of Europe indicating regions where the same reference storm wind speeds
are applicable

Table A.8 — Reference storm wind speeds, vref, in European regions

or region name A/B C D E

(see Figure A.8)
vref [m/s] 24,0 28,0 32,0 36,0

Special conditions should be agreed upon for cranes used in Zone F, where vref ≥ 36 m/s. Cranes likely to
be used in different regions should be designed for the conditions applicable in those regions.

18 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

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[1] ISO 4306 (all parts), Cranes — Vocabulary

[2] ISO 20332; Cranes — Proof of competence of steel structures

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