Matrix Calculation Project in C Programming
Matrix Calculation Project in C Programming
Matrix Calculation Project in C Programming
Submitted By:
Saurav Subedi
Submitted To:
Er. Kiran Sharma
Department of Bachelor in Computer Applications
I take this moment to extend my sincere appreciation to my teacher, Mr. Kiran Sharma, for his insightful
advice, motivating suggestions, and invaluable guidance that were instrumental in the successful
completion of this project.
My gratitude extends to the Head of the Computer Department, Ms. Kritika Gulati, for her essential
guidance and support in cultivating my skills. I also recognize the department's timely facilities,
contributing significantly to my academic journey.
A special thanks goes to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Advanced College of Engineering and
Management for their dedicated help and support throughout my ongoing bachelor’s degree. I am also
appreciative of my classmates for their collaborative efforts, encouragement, and valuable suggestions.
Lastly, but most importantly, I express deep appreciation to my parents for their consistent support and
encouragement throughout my bachelor’s degree. Their constant guidance has been a pillar of strength
and motivation.
Saurav Subedi
This report introduces the Matrix Calculator in C project, a user-friendly application facilitating efficient
matrix operations. Serving as a comprehensive tool for users across scientific and engineering disciplines,
the calculator addresses common challenges associated with manual matrix calculations. The Matrix
Calculator not only simplifies complex computations but also serves as an educational resource. The
report outlines the project's significance, identifies current challenges, and details the program's structure,
including user-defined functions and the main function. The calculator's dynamic features, such as matrix
size selection, transparent solution display, and user-friendly interface, make it a valuable asset for users
seeking an efficient and flexible solution to matrix-based problems. Future enhancements, including error
handling and additional operations, are envisioned to further optimize the Matrix Calculator's
functionality and usability.
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………………………………… i
ABSTRACT ……………….…………………………………………………………………………… ii
1.1 Introduction
Matrix operations are fundamental in various scientific and engineering disciplines, including
mathematics, computer science, physics, and more. Performing matrix calculations manually can be
error-prone and time-consuming. To address these challenges, the Matrix Calculator in C is designed as a
user-friendly tool that empowers users to perform various matrix operations efficiently.
Comprehensive Solution:
The project displays both the final results and specific details from each matrix, enhancing transparency
and usability.
User-Friendly Interface:
The intuitive interface enables users to perform matrix operations effortlessly.
Problem Statement:
The current matrix multiplication systems have limitations in handling matrices with different index sizes
and lack simultaneous result verification. The Matrix Calculator in C aims to overcome these limitations,
providing a user-centric and comprehensive solution.
Matrix operations are foundational in numerous fields. The Matrix Calculator in C not only simplifies
complex matrix computations but also serves as an educational tool for understanding matrix-based
problem-solving principles.
Matrix-based problem-solving is a common requirement in various disciplines. However, existing
systems for matrix multiplication are often limited in their ability to accommodate matrices of different
sizes. The Matrix Calculator in C seeks to address these limitations by offering a more flexible and
user-friendly system.
The Matrix Calculator in C aims to provide users with a comprehensive solution for efficient matrix
operations. In the following sections, we will explore the specific problems this project aims to solve and
the methodologies employed.
Matrix multiplication is a fundamental operation, but the current system has limitations that hinder its
effectiveness and usability. The Matrix Calculator in C project aims to address the following problems
prevalent in the current scenario:
By solving these problems, the Matrix Calculator in C seeks to provide users with a more efficient,
transparent, and user-friendly tool for matrix-based problem-solving. The subsequent sections will delve
into the breakdown of the program, its functionalities, and how it tackles these identified issues.
The Matrix Calculator in C project is structured to provide users with a comprehensive set of
functionalities for efficient matrix operations. The breakdown of the program includes a series of
user-defined functions and a main function that orchestrates the overall functionality.
Function: readMatrix
Reads matrix elements entered by the user.
Integer array for the matrix, number of rows, and number of columns.
Function: printMatrix
Prints the matrix entered by the user.
Integer array for the matrix, number of rows, and number of columns.
Function: matrixAddSub
Adds or subtracts matrices based on user input.
Integer arrays for two matrices, the number of rows, the number of columns, and a multiplier for
void matrixAddSub(int arrayA[10][10], int arrayB[10][10], int result[10][10], int rows, int
cols, int operation) {
int i, j;
Function: matrixScalarMultiply
Performs scalar multiplication on a matrix.
Integer array for the matrix, scalar value, the number of rows, and the number of columns.
void matrixScalarMultiply(int array[10][10], int scalar, int result[10][10], int rows, int cols)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
result[i][j] = scalar * array[i][j];
Function: matrixMultiply
Multiplies two matrices and prints the result.
Integer arrays for two matrices, the number of rows for the first matrix, the number of columns for the
first matrix, and the number of columns for the second matrix.
// Multiplying matrices A and B and storing the result in the result matrix
for (i = 0; i < rowsA; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < colsB; ++j)
for (k = 0; k < colsA; ++k)
result[i][j] += arrayA[i][k] * arrayB[k][j];
printf("\nOutput Matrix:\n");
for (i = 0; i < rowsA; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < colsB; ++j)
printf("\t%d ", result[i][j]);
if (j == colsB - 1)
4.2 Main Function
The main function serves as the control center for the program, offering users a menu of options for
matrix operations. Users can choose to add matrices, subtract matrices, perform scalar multiplication, or
multiply two matrices.
#include <stdio.h>
// Constants for matrix operations
#define ADD 1
#define SUBTRACT 2
// Function prototypes
void readMatrix(int array[10][10], int rows, int cols);
void printMatrix(int array[10][10], int rows, int cols);
void matrixAddSub(int arrayA[10][10], int arrayB[10][10], int result[10][10], int rows, int
cols, int operation);
void matrixScalarMultiply(int array[10][10], int scalar, int result[10][10], int rows, int
void matrixMultiply(int arrayA[10][10], int arrayB[10][10], int result[10][10], int rowsA,
int colsA, int colsB);
int main() {
// Variable declarations
int matrixA[10][10], matrixB[10][10], result[10][10];
int rowsA, colsA, rowsB, colsB, operation, scalar;
// User input for matrix A
printf("Enter the number of rows and columns for matrix A: ");
scanf("%d %d", &rowsA, &colsA);
readMatrix(matrixA, rowsA, colsA);
// User input for matrix B
printf("Enter the number of rows and columns for matrix B: ");
scanf("%d %d", &rowsB, &colsB);
readMatrix(matrixB, rowsB, colsB);
// Display matrices A and B
printf("\nMatrix A:\n");
printMatrix(matrixA, rowsA, colsA);
printf("\nMatrix B:\n");
printMatrix(matrixB, rowsB, colsB);
// Matrix operations menu
printf("\nOperation Menu:\n");
printf("1. Add\n");
printf("2. Subtract\n");
printf("3. Scalar Multiply\n");
printf("4. Multiply two matrices\n");
printf("Enter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &operation);
// Perform the selected operation
switch (operation) {
case ADD:
matrixAddSub(matrixA, matrixB, result, rowsA, colsA, operation);
printf("\nResult of matrix operation:\n");
printMatrix(result, rowsA, colsA);
case 3:
printf("Enter scalar value: ");
scanf("%d", &scalar);
matrixScalarMultiply(matrixA, scalar, result, rowsA, colsA);
printf("\nResult of scalar multiplication:\n");
printMatrix(result, rowsA, colsA);
case 4:
if (colsA != rowsB) {
printf("Invalid matrix dimensions for multiplication.\n");
} else {
matrixMultiply(matrixA, matrixB, result, rowsA, colsA, colsB);
printf("\nResult of matrix multiplication:\n");
printMatrix(result, rowsA, colsB);
printf("Invalid choice.\n");
return 0;
Explanation of the Code:
Matrix Input:
Users are prompted to enter the number of rows and columns for matrices A and B. The readMatrix
function is called to input elements for both matrices.
Matrix Display:
The printMatrix function is called to display matrices A and B.
printf("\nMatrix A:\n");
printMatrix(matrixA, rowsA, colsA);
printf("\nMatrix B:\n");
printMatrix(matrixB, rowsB, colsB);
Operation Menu:
Users are presented with a menu to choose the desired matrix operation.
printf("\nOperation Menu:\n");
printf("1. Add\n");
printf("2. Subtract\n");
printf("3. Scalar Multiply\n");
printf("4. Multiply two matrices\n");
printf("Enter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &operation);
Performing the Operation:
Depending on the user's choice, the corresponding matrix operation is performed using the appropriate
function (matrixAddSub, matrixScalarMultiply, or matrixMultiply). The result is then displayed using the
printMatrix function.
switch (operation) {
case ADD:
matrixAddSub(matrixA, matrixB, result, rowsA, colsA, operation);
printf("\nResult of matrix operation:\n");
printMatrix(result, rowsA, colsA);
case 3:
printf("Enter scalar value: ");
scanf("%d", &scalar);
matrixScalarMultiply(matrixA, scalar, result, rowsA, colsA);
printf("\nResult of scalar multiplication:\n");
printMatrix(result, rowsA, colsA);
case 4:
if (colsA != rowsB) {
printf("Invalid matrix dimensions for multiplication.\n");
} else {
matrixMultiply(matrixA, matrixB, result, rowsA, colsA, colsB);
printf("\nResult of matrix multiplication:\n");
printMatrix(result, rowsA, colsB);
printf("Invalid choice.\n");
The main function orchestrates the entire program's functionality, interacting with the user, calling
relevant functions, and displaying results.
Sample Execution:
To illustrate the functionality of the Matrix Calculator in C, let's consider a sample execution. In this
example, we will perform matrix multiplication with the following matrices:
Matrix A: Matrix B:
12 56
34 78
Operation Menu:
Operation Menu:
1. Add
2. Subtract
3. Scalar Multiply
4. Multiply two matrices
Enter your choice: 4
Matrix A: Matrix B:
1 2 5 6
3 4 7 8
This sample execution demonstrates the Matrix Calculator's capability to perform matrix multiplication
with matrices of user-defined sizes.
CHAPTER 5: Future Enhancements
While the current version of the Matrix Calculator in C addresses significant limitations in existing matrix
multiplication systems, there is room for future enhancements and improvements. Some potential areas
for future development include:
Error Handling:
Implement more robust error handling mechanisms to guide users in case of invalid inputs or operations.
Matrix Inversion:
Add functionality for matrix inversion, providing users with a broader set of matrix operations.
Explore opportunities to optimize matrix multiplication algorithms for larger matrices, improving overall
By focusing on these future enhancements, the Matrix Calculator in C can evolve into a more powerful
and versatile tool, catering to a broader audience with diverse matrix computation needs.
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion
The Matrix Calculator in C project successfully addresses the limitations of existing matrix multiplication
systems. By allowing users to input matrices of varying sizes and providing a user-friendly interface, the
calculator enhances the efficiency and usability of matrix operations. The inclusion of simultaneous result
verification and the display of entered elements for larger matrices contribute to the project's transparency
and educational value.
In conclusion, the Matrix Calculator in C not only simplifies complex matrix computations but also serves
as a valuable educational tool for understanding the principles of matrix-based problem-solving. The
project's user-centric design, flexibility, and comprehensive features make it a valuable asset for students,
researchers, and professionals in various scientific and engineering fields.