5 - Enemy
5 - Enemy
5 - Enemy
Unify Your Audience
Another great way to create similarity with strangers on the internet is by defining a common enemy.
Creating an enemy has been shown to increase cohesion among strangers by 25-30%.
Remember, people buy on emotion…
Not only does an enemy bond strangers, but it creates additional motivation to buy.
The brain is looking to keep us safe from external threats, so it naturally responds when we declare an
enemy that pushes against our values.
Embracing a brand enemy can activate their emotional brain so when we offer them a solution, they are
already primed to buy.
Emotions create memorable experiences.
Which is why movies and sports are so
entertaining, because they have a clear enemy
to defeat.
This is what's missing from most Origin Stories
and About pages.
People want to look cool and credible, when
really it's the struggles and enemies along the
way that they endured to get to the top that is
going to create resonance and therefore, action.
By declaring an enemy, your products go from
fulfilling a personal need (which is easy for
customers to continue to ignore) to becoming
weapons in this important fight.
The 🧠 On Enemy
A meta-analysis in the journal Aggressive Behavior
reviewing over 200 studies concluded that for both
men and women, emphasizing a mutual adversary
activated neural reward pathways, which
influences social bonding.
A study published in the journal, Evolution and Human
Behavior, found that when women were primed to
see another woman as a competitor/threat, it
increased in-group solidarity and cooperation
among themselves.
Having an "outsider" strengthened their bonds.
According to an article published on Spring, anger is “a kind of positive energy
and a powerful motivating force. Research has shown that anger can make us
push on towards our goals in the face of problems and barriers.”
This is how we activate the limbic brain to motivate their subconscious to buy
from us.
2 The Everyman
Desires connection with others and fits in with the world around them. Their enemy is exclusion or
elitism that undermines community and belonging.
3 The Hero
Aims to prove worth through courageous acts, seeking to improve the world. The Hero's enemy is
villainy or cowardice, anything that promotes fear or injustice.
4 The Caregiver
Wishes to protect and care for others, driven by compassion and generosity. Their enemy is
selfishness and ingratitude that threaten the welfare of those they're trying to protect.
5 The Explorer:
Craves adventure and the freedom to discover who they are through exploring the world. Their
enemy is conformity and the entrapment of societal expectations.
6 The Rebel
Desires revolution to disrupt what isn't working and to release pent-up energy. The Rebel's enemy
is the status quo and authoritarian control.
7 The Lover
Seeks intimacy and experience in relationships, valuing beauty and sensuality. Their enemy is
isolation, loss of connection, or anything that makes the world seem dull and uninteresting.
8 The Creator
Needs to create things of enduring value and to give form to vision. Their enemy is lack of
imagination or innovation, and the destruction of creative expression.
9 The Jester
Wants to live in the moment with full enjoyment, making people laugh. The enemy of the Jester is
boredom or sadness, or a world that takes everything too seriously.
10 The Sage
Seeks the discovery of truth and to understand the world. Their enemy is misinformation,
ignorance, and being misled.
11 The Magician
Wishes to create something special and make dreams come true. The enemy is the unexplained
negative outcome, disillusionment, or the shattering of illusions.
12 The Ruler
Desires control and order, and aspires to create a prosperous, successful community. The enemy is
chaos, anarchy, or anything that threatens their authority.
Putting It To Work
Look at the enemy of your Brand Archetype and compare it with your Hero Journey to determine an enemy
that you can use to connect with your audience and give your business more reason to exist.
1. What is the opposite of your brand’s core value?
2. What are your customers passionate about that your product can help them feel like an activist in the
Define enemies big and small that you can vilify in your marketing and community:
Enemy 1=
Enemy 2=
Enemy 3=
Warning: Don't pick a brand that is smaller than you. Nobody roots for Goliath. Apple chose IBM
as their enemy in their early days, but had to pivot once they became the big dog.