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4ps Research

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The Problem and Its Background

All parents want the best for their children. They want their children to finish their

studies. Unfortunately, many poor families cannot provide for the education of their

children. Some families can only afford one meal a day and they cannot even send their

children to school. The Philippines has been battling against poverty for over several

years. Because poverty continues to worsen every now and then, the government has

its own strategies and policy adaptations to combat the serious issue of poverty. Poor

families in the Philippines have six or more members, with greater numbers of younger

and older dependents. In most poor families, the head of household has only an

elementary education or below. These families have few or no assets and minimal

access to electricity, water sources and toilet facilities. They also have limited access to

health and education services.

Among Philippine citizens, the poor are most vulnerable to financial and price

shocks and natural disasters. Often their efforts to cope with these shocks and make up

for lost livelihoods and income result in deeper levels of indebtedness. The latest

campaign against poverty applied in other countries in the world is the Conditional Cash

Transfer Program (CCT). South American countries like Brazil, Columbia and Mexico

are the first countries to apply the said approach. In the Philippines, the CCT was

adopted and applied. It has been referred to as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

(4P’s). Santiago (2012) created and approved the Senate Bill No. 3412 or the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program Act of 2009. The bill aims to institutionalize the program by

formally making it the National Conditional Fund Transfer Program. The 4P’s also helps
the Philippine government fulfill its commitment to the Millennium Development Goals

(MDGs) – specifically in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, in achieving universal

primary education, in promoting gender equality, in reducing child mortality, and in

improving maternal health care. The program is currently implemented by the

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

The idea behind CCT Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Pilipino Program is that poor

families are given a subsidy if they agree to certain conditions: keep their children in

school, receive health care during and after pregnancy, and agree to have children

immunized, be subjected to periodic checkups, and be monitored for growth. The aim is

to “increase the productivity of the poor”. 4P’s operates in many different provinces

covering municipalities and key cities. Six thousand a year or five hundred per month

per household for health and nutrition expenses and three thousand for one school year

(10 months) or three hundred per month per child for educational expenses are allotted

to qualified recipients. These cash grants are distributed to the household beneficiaries

through the Landbank of the Philippines or, if not feasible, through alternate payment

schemes. Subsidies can be received by the household beneficiaries if pregnant women

availed of pre and post-natal care and are attended to during childbirth by trained


Parents and guardians attend family development sessions which include topics

on responsible parenting, health, and nutrition. Children aged 0-5 receive regular

preventive health check-ups and vaccines. Children aged 6-14 receive deworming pills

twice a year. Every child beneficiary ages 3-18 enrolled in a school maintains an

attendance of at least 85% of class days every month. Households whose economic
conditions are equal to or below the provincial poverty threshold and who agree to meet

the conditions specified in the program are eligible as beneficiaries. Many good benefits

arose from the implementation of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s) such as

the increase in enrollment in public schools, alleviation of malnourished children, and

almost out-of-school youth. The Department of Education and DSWD saw the

importance of the program. The Local Government assessed that the program

contributes a lot to the education and welfare of the pupil recipients.

Background of the Study

The program is currently covering 255 municipalities and 15 key cities in 45

provinces, serving 700,000 households nationwide. In many different public schools, the

number of 4P’s recipients is highly evident. They grow in population considered the

leading group assisted by the government in terms of education. They are regularly

monitored in terms of their attendance, health, and condition in school. But then, not all

pupil recipients are meeting the expected conditions of the program. Some of the

negative circumstances are immediately reported to the office of the local government

or DSWD. On the other hand, the government needs to address solutions to different

problems in the implementation of the program. DSWD created the Grievance Redress

System (GRS). This system collates complaints directed to the program or

beneficiaries. The system alone has delisted more than 77,000 beneficiaries. They were

delisted because of the following reasons: they did not follow the required tasks set by

the department – such as regular health consultations, and pre-and post-pregnancy

care for mothers – and failed to encourage their children to attend school a minimum

number of times.
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s) is currently helping 5,204 4P’s

household recipients. All elementary schools in the municipality have 4P’s recipients.

The program is a great help to the families because the cash assistance that they are

receiving sustains the financial needs of the children in school. Since parent recipients

are highly involved in this study, they have encountered different problems as well. Few

of them are complaining about the delayed release of cash allowance. The use of ATM

is a problem for some of the recipients, so they need assistance every time they need to

get cash. In the experience of some teachers, some pupil recipients are not submitting

projects on time and not paying authorized contributions until their due date.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the impact of school-aid particularly the 4P’s

Program on students' education. The following specific questions will be answered on

this study.

1. What is the respondents’ perception of the 4P’s program?

2. Do respondents believe that 4P’s educational aid helps them with educational


3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the 4P’s educational aid program?


The researchers believe that this study will be beneficial to the following:
The Department of Social Welfare and Development. The researcher believes that

the result of this study will be of great importance to the department since they are the

ones monitoring the 4Ps program. May this study serve as the basis in the modification

of the conditions in giving cash grants. Condition must not only focus on the attendance

of the pupils all throughout the school year but rather, the performance of the pupils in

school. The department should implement a maintaining grade for pupils under the

program, so that parents will have a hands-on monitoring on the performance of their

children in school. And with that as the basis, pupils will do well in school.

The Administrators. The result of the study would be the basis of constructing and

implementing new and innovative teaching aids to help teachers fully supervise and

assess the pupils to achieve their full potential, since children are financially supported

in their studies by the government.

The Teachers. The result of this study may help the teacher in constructing and

developing new teaching strategies to help the pupils in their performance and be

mindful that even if pupils are provided and supported by government, they still need

equal guidance to perform well in school. The factors affecting the performance of the

pupils may also help the teacher as their basis in making daily lessons.

The Parents. The result of this study will inform the parents that their guidance is a big

impact on the performance of the pupils in school.

The Students. May the result of this research help the student in understanding that

coming to school daily may be a guarantee that they will also have good academic
performance. And may the result give them the overview of how the government is

supporting their studies and that they must do their part by studying well.

This study was anchored on the theory of Social Reconstructionism by Theodore

Brameld, who believes that students are critical element in bringing about social

change. Children should be not be deprive with education. Education has been the

foundation of all the skilled and professionals who contributes to the society. According

to George Counts, the social issues of the 1930’s involve racial discrimination, poverty,

and unemployment which are similar to present issues. And this is where the

government had initiated the conditional cash transfer to eradicate poverty and help

children to have the right to education.

Selective Material Gratification, refers to beneficiaries feeling gratified by

receiving cash transfer (Perova, 2010). The cash grant that the beneficiaries will be

receiving will help them in their expenses such as health and education. In this case,

the beneficiaries will feel more gratified towards the government. This will serve as an

incentive to reciprocate the benefits that they receive by participating in civic activities

(Verba et al., 1995). And that, children will no longer be working for their family, but

instead they will be sent to school. And children are expected to do well in school

especially with their academic performance since they are provided with the things they

need in their studies.

To facilitate the understanding of the terms used, the following are defined:

Academic Performance. It is the outcome of education- the extent to which a student,

teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. It is measured by the final

grade earned in the course.

CCT or Conditional Cash Transfer. This is a program that transfer cash, generally to

poor households, on the condition that those households make prespecified

investments in the human capital of their children. Health and nutrition conditions

generally require periodic check-ups, growth monitoring, and vaccinations for children

less than 5 years of age; perinatal care for mothers and attendance by mothers at

periodic health information talks. Education conditions usually include school enrolment,

attendance on 80–85 percent of school days, and occasionally some measure of

performance (Fiszbein et.al).

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. Refer to the national poverty reduction

strategy that provides conditional cash transfer to extremely poor households to

improve their health, nutrition and education particularly of children aged 0-18.

Selective Material Gratification. Refers to beneficiaries feeling gratified by receiving

cash transfers (Perova, 2010).

Social Reconstructionism. An educational theory that advocates change,

improvement and the reforming of the school and society. Believes that students are the

critical element in bringing about social change. According to Paulo Freire, a person

must learn to overcome oppression and to not be a victim. Rather than “teaching as
banking” Freire thought that teaching and learning was the way for a child to invent and

reinvent the world.

4Ps Beneficiaries. Refer to poor households with pregnant women and/or with children

0-18 year old selected by the Department of Social Welfare and Development to be a

part of the program through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty

Reduction (NHTSPR).
Review of Related Literature and Study

The CCT (Conditional Cash Transfer) programs in other countries have favorable

education outcomes but others may not. In the Philippines, they have a computer

system available to monitor the compliance and conditionalities among beneficiaries if

they are attending classes and in health centers. Therefore, it clearly makes sense from

a poverty reduction point of view to make that additional investment on the education of

the child. A high school graduate will have more employment opportunities and higher

pay. If the program aims only for graduation in the elementary level, and does not

provide an effective exit strategy, the possible returns are very minimal to matter.

Given the same budget, recipients proposed that deepening the program would

yield better human development outcomes rather than expanding it to cover as many

poor people as possible. Instead of increasing the number of beneficiary families, they

recommend the expansion of the program by providing longer assistance to current

beneficiaries to ensure that their children finish high school. This would mean extending

coverage to up to 16 or 18 years of age (considering Kto12) to enable the CCT children

to finish high school and increasing the period of coverage from 5 to 10 years or even

longer. Due to the financial burden of supporting till the child finishes high school, it is

also worthwhile to consider starting the education support at a higher grade. While it

intends to ensure universal access to primary education, the program could also have a
better impact if it were to target the five percent of the 7- to 12-years old who are not

attending school. This would mean prioritizing children of indigenous people and other

population subgroups who live far from public schools and street children to ensure that

they attend elementary school.

Ruiz et al. (2013) stated that in selected areas in the Philippines, praise for

Pantawid Pamiliya and brought to bear three other issues. First, family beneficiaries

receive the grant for at most five years if they comply with the conditionalities. This

maximum five-year support could mean that a child who was six years old at the time

that the family first received the benefit may only complete Grade 5 by the time the

family exits from the program. If the program seeks not only to improve school

attendance but improve at least elementary school graduation rates, then coverage

could be extended to address the fact that some 23% of 14-year-old students are still in

elementary school when they should be in high school. Second, since community health

volunteers have been mandated to take on additional activities under Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program, health administrators stressed that there is insufficient, if

any, allowance for transport or equipment for their outreach and verification work, which

is above and beyond the terms of their original job description. Currently, designated

project staff is provided such allowance but not frontline community health workers.

Addressing this concern may increase health care service delivery coordination efforts

and desired health outcomes that the program aims to improve. Third and last, parent

beneficiaries shared that they especially find programs on entrepreneurship of

enormous value and expressed interest for a wider range of sessions on skills training

so that they could diversify other means of earning livelihoods. Overall, Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program is on track to achieve its objectives of promoting

investments in the health and education of children while providing immediate financial

support to poor families as highlighted in a recent impact.

According to the Center of Global Action in University of California (2010), adding

conditionality or directing the cash transfers to mothers did not increase the program’s

impact on student attendance or school enrolment. This is likely because the program

was framed as an educational support program and perceived as an endorsement of

the local schools, since headmasters were responsible for enrolling families. Overall,

the results of the recipient experiences suggest that in some contexts unconditional but

labelled transfers targeted at poor communities can provide parents with the small

nudge necessary to increase attendance. This nudge is relatively inexpensive, due to

both small transfers per child and small administrative costs.

Mella et al. (2011) states that 4Ps also have its disadvantages that may

encumber its helpful benefits. One of the most crucial characteristics of the 4Ps and

other CCT programs implemented in other countries is its being a ‘demand-side’

intervention instead of being a ‘supply-side’ intervention. That is, to be considered as a

beneficiary of the program, one must concede with the government’s demands and

conditionalities. This is remarkably notable in the conditions concerning education and

health services where the beneficiaries are being brought into the education and health

services system instead of expanding the education and health systems to reach them.

Furthermore, as previously mentioned, poverty in the country is not only caused by the

lack of economic resources but also because of socio-economic and political factors

that prevent the equality and distribution of resources. Although the 4Ps aims to provide
the poor with the education which is, otherwise, inaccessible, it does not directly answer

the socio-economic and political problems which are the primary cause of poverty. In

the case of the 4Ps in the Philippines, it does not answer the issues regarding the

political and economic elite families. And poverty can only be totally alleviated if there

are programs that could target its roots.

Cuesta (2007) mentions that 4Ps will also encounter some difficulties in

achieving support from the other social classes, mainly because it does not benefit

middle-income groups which have also been steadily affected by limited universal

services and decreases in employment. These middle-income groups are also suffering

from issues of poverty and limited access to educational and health benefits but are not

included in the target population of the 4Ps. The 4Ps is programmed to help only the

extremely poor. Another major disadvantage of the 4Ps implementation is that it

requires a huge amount of finance which we do not have at the present. The 4Ps is a

loan driven program, wherein much of the funds constituting the conditional cash grants

given to beneficiaries are generated from loans abroad, particularly from the United

States. Arguments against the 4Ps point out that despite the large amounts of financial

resources needed to implement the program, it does not generate guaranteed returns to

the economy as much as infrastructure.

They also mentioned that the 4Ps is a good example of strengthening the

government’s capability of distributing the country’s resources to those who are

extremely in need. It is undeniable that there are many poor households that benefit

from the said program, and that the program covers the basic needs that otherwise

would go unmet. Likewise, the government’s effort in making the country’s educational
and health services system inclusive is a huge step towards social mobility and equality.

The researchers feel strongly about the 4Ps’ principle that well-fed and educated

citizens are imperative for a productive country and society. However, it is also

undeniable that the 4Ps, as well as the other CCT programs being implemented in other

countries, is not the perfect solution. There are many insufficiencies that the program

might face in the long run of its implementation.

In the Philippines, the 4Ps will certainly need further revisions and studies in the

future. Nevertheless, the researchers believe that for any government program to

succeed, the government and the citizens must arrive at a peaceful consensus. The

government’s duty is to ensure that the people’s needs are provided, and their rights are

protected. The citizens, in return, must use their full capacity to be productive and help

the country. The researcher believes that the implementation of the 4Ps is a good

example of the concurring responsibilities of the government and the citizens.

Chapter III
Research Design
The descriptive method of research was employed in this study. The researcher

in this study assessed the effectiveness of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program on the

education and welfare of pupil recipients. It focuses on the description of the above

program. The population of the study consisted of parents and pupil 4P’s recipients in

Cajidiocan, Romblon during the school year 2023-2024.

Sampling Technique
Purposive Sampling Technique was employed in this study. Creswell (2014)

suggests being purposeful in identifying participants that might provide insight into your

research question. Purposeful sampling involves selecting participants because you

believe that they might contribute something to your analysis.

Scope and Limitation

This study was focused on the impact of 4P’s educational aid to its recipients.

This is limited only to the 4P’s beneficiaries of Cajidiocan National High School. The

study solely explored the students' point of view on the government program (4P’s).

In this research study, the chosen subject or respondents are the 4P’s

beneficiaries’ students of Cajidiocan National High School. The total number of

respondents is 50 distributed by grade level wherein 10 respondents for each grade

level will be drawn.


The different data and information in this research study came from reliable

sources like the information from the internet websites, research papers, dissertations,

scholarly articles, academic journals and online books. This information is being

carefully compiled and gathered by the researchers respectively with the copy of its

source, link authors name and date of publication.

The research questionnaire will be distributed to fifty (50) 4P’s beneficiaries’

students of Cajidiocan National High School. After the distribution, interviews will be

conducted to gain the views and perceptions of students concerning their point of view

on the 4P’s educational aid program.


The research study being conducted doesn’t use high level of statistics. The

researchers only aim to determine the frequency, percent and rank in order to get the

results from the gathered data.

Frequency- is used in order to determine the total number of responses being made by

the respondents in each question.

Percent- is used in order to determine the differences of every frequency and to identify

its relation to the whole.

Ranking- is used in order to determine the position of a frequency and its level of

significance to the whole.



This chapter shows the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data

obtained from the respondents. The tabular presentation of each set of data is shown

with the corresponding textual presentation. The results presented in each table are

analyzed to determine possible causes, reasons, comparisons, contrasts, and


Table 1. Respondents’ Perception on 4P’s Program

Agree Agree or
Statement Agree
F % F % F %

1. Improve preventive health care

among pregnant women and 28 56 22 44 0 0
young children.
2. Increase the enrolment and
22 44 26 52 2 4
attendance rate of children in
3. Reduce incidents of child labor. 32 64 16 32 2 4

4. Raise the average household

18 36 32 64 0 0
consumption in food expenditure
of poor households.
5. Encourage parents to invest in 18 36 32 64 0 0
their children’s and their human
capital through investments in
their health, education, and
nutrition and participation to
community activities.

Table 1 shows the respondents’ perception on 4P’s program. It reveals that the

statements Reduce incidents of child labor., Raise the average household consumption

in food expenditure of poor households., and Encourage parent to invest in their

children’s and their human capital with a frequency of 32 or 64 percent and a verbal

interpretation of Strongly agree and agree respectively.

This implies that the respondents believe that the 4P’s program serves its

purpose of alleviating poverty.

Table 2. Respondents’ perception on 4P’s educational help with educational

Agree Agree or
Statement Agree
F % F % F %

1. Grantees’ Children 3-5 years old

household members were enrolled in
30 60 20 40 0 0
daycare or preschool programs and
maintained a class attendance rate of
at least 85% per month.
2. Grantees’ Children 6-18 years old
household members were enrolled in
17 34 33 66 0 0
elementary and secondary schools
and maintained a class attendance
rate of at least 85% per month.
3. Household members with elementary
children including daycare and
preschool children receive a grant for
25 50 23 46 2 4
education of P300 per month while
Household members with secondary
children receive a grant for education
of P500 per month.
4. Household grantees attend to once a
once-a-month Family Development
Session to enhance their knowledge 19 38 31 62 0 0
and skills in responding to parental
roles and responsibilities on the
education needs of children.

Table 2 depicts the Respondents’ perception of 4P’s educational help with

educational expenses. It can be seen that the statement “Grantees’ Children 6-18 years

old household members were enrolled in elementary and secondary schools and

maintained a class attendance rate of at least 85% per month.” got a frequency of 33 or

66 percent with a verbal interpretation agree while the statement “Household members

with elementary children including daycare and preschool children receive a grant for

education of P300 per month while Household members with secondary children

receive a grant for education of P500 per month.” got a frequency of two or four percent

with a verbal interpretation of neither agree nor disagree.

This only implies that providing the needs for basic education is the top priority of

the program based on the responses of the participants in this study.

Weakness of 4P’s Program

Recurring Theme Central Theme
Late Pay-out
Not enough subsidy
Not working Beneficiaries Dependency
Screening of Beneficiaries Systemic Screening

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, commonly known as the 4Ps

Program, is a flagship poverty alleviation program in the Philippines which provides

conditional cash transfers to poor households to improve their health, nutrition, and
education. The program aims to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty by

investing in human capital development and promoting sustainable livelihoods.

One of the key principles of the 4Ps Program is sustainability. The program is

designed to provide short-term assistance to families in need while also equipping them

with the skills and resources to become self-sufficient in the long run. For P1, P2, and

P5 she reiterated that beneficiaries are required to comply with certain conditions such

as attending health and nutrition seminars, ensuring their children attend school

regularly, and participating in livelihood training programs.

However, while the 4Ps Program has made significant strides in promoting

sustainability, there are concerns about dependency among beneficiaries. Some critics

argue that the conditional cash transfers provided by the program may create a culture

of dependency, where beneficiaries become reliant on government assistance and lose

the motivation to work towards self-sufficiency. To address this issue, the program has

incorporated a multi-dimensional approach that includes not only cash transfers but also

investments in education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities. By providing a

comprehensive support system, the program aims to empower beneficiaries to take

charge of their own development and reduce dependency on government assistance

according to P3 and P4

The 4Ps Program in the Philippines is an innovative poverty alleviation program

that focuses on sustainability, dependency, and systemic screening. By investing in

human capital development, promoting self-sufficiency, and targeting resources toward

the most vulnerable populations, the program has the potential to make a lasting impact
on poverty reduction and improve the well-being of Filipino families. However, continued

monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure that the program remains effective and

sustainable in the long run.

Strength of 4P’s Program

Recurring Theme Central Theme
Education and Health Support
Providing basic needs Alleviation of poverty
Additional Income

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, also known as the 4Ps Program, is a

significant poverty alleviation initiative in the Philippines that targets vulnerable families.

By providing conditional cash transfers to low-income households, the program helps

address immediate economic needs, such as access to food and healthcare services. It

also focuses on human capital development by requiring beneficiaries to prioritize

education and healthcare for their children. Additionally, the 4Ps Program promotes

sustainable livelihoods through training and income-generating activities to empower

families economically. Overall, the program plays a crucial role in reducing poverty and

improving the well-being of vulnerable communities in the Philippines. This is based on

the responses of P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5.

The program serves its purpose especially if the beneficiaries stay true to what

the program wants to accomplish and do not misuse the subsidy given to them.

This chapter presents the summary of the findings based on the results and

discussions in the previous chapter, the conclusions that are generated based on the

findings, and the recommendations for further improvement of this study and future

research reference.
This study aimed to determine the impact of school-aid particularly the 4P’s Program

on students' education. The following specific questions will be answered on this study.

1. What is the respondents’ perception of the 4P’s program?

2. Do respondents believe that 4P’s educational aid helps them with educational


3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the 4P’s educational aid program?

This study was anchored on the theory of Social Reconstructionism by Theodore

Brameld, who believes that students are critical element in bringing about social

change. Children should be not be deprive with education. Education has been the

foundation of all the skilled and professionals who contributes to the society. According

to George Counts, the social issues of the 1930’s involve racial discrimination, poverty,

and unemployment which are similar to present issues. And this is where the

government had initiated the conditional cash transfer to eradicate poverty and help

children to have the right to education.

The descriptive method of research was employed in this study. The researcher

in this study assessed the effectiveness of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program on the

education and welfare of pupil recipients. It focuses on the description of the above

program. The population of the study consisted of parents and pupil 4P’s recipients in

Cajidiocan, Romblon during the school year 2023-2024.

Purposive Sampling Technique was employed in this study. Creswell (2014)

suggests being purposeful in identifying participants that might provide insight into your
research question. Purposeful sampling involves selecting participants because you

believe that they might contribute something to your analysis.

This study was focused on the impact of 4P’s educational aid to its recipients.

This is limited only to the 4P’s beneficiaries of Cajidiocan National High School. The

study solely explored the students' point of view on the government program (4P’s).

The research study being conducted doesn’t use a high level of statistics. The

researchers only aim to determine the frequency, percent, and rank to get the results

from the gathered data.


1. What is the respondents’ perception of the 4P’s program?

The respondents believe that the 4P’s program serves its purpose of

alleviating poverty.

2. Do respondents believe that 4P’s educational aid helps them with educational


Providing the needs for basic education is the top priority of the program

based on the responses of the participants in this study.

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the 4P’s educational aid program?

The 4Ps Program in the Philippines is an innovative poverty alleviation

program that focuses on sustainability, dependency, and systemic

screening. By investing in human capital development, promoting self-

sufficiency, and targeting resources toward the most vulnerable

populations, the program has the potential to make a lasting impact on

poverty reduction and improve the well-being of Filipino families. However,

continued monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure that the program

remains effective and sustainable in the long run.

The program serves its purpose especially if the beneficiaries stay true to

what the program wants to accomplish and do not misuse the subsidy

given to them.


1. The respondents believe in the purpose of the 4P’s program was created.

2. The cash subsidy was not enough due to the high inflation rate.

3. 4P’s beneficiaries should not be highly dependent on the cash subsidy given

by the program.

4. Income-generating program can be introduced to make the beneficiaries



1. The government should make the verification process of beneficiaries more


2. Cash subsidy should increase depending on the inflation rate based on the

data from the Philippines Statistics Authority.

3. Beneficiaries should look for a job and not be more dependent on the cash

4. A similar study can be conducted by looking into other factors like the system

used in choosing beneficiaries, the number of siblings in the family, and other




Submitted in partial fulfillment for the subject Research II

Cajidiocan National High School

Submitted by:


School Year 2024

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