Iso 9927-5-2017
Iso 9927-5-2017
Iso 9927-5-2017
First edition
Cranes — Inspections —
Part 5:
Bridge and gantry cranes, including
portal and semi-portal cranes and
their supporting structures
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Vérifications —
Partie 5: Ponts et portiques roulants, y compris les ponts portiques et
semi-portiques et leurs structures portantes
Reference number
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
© ISO 2017
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
5 Daily inspections .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.3 Results ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
6 Frequent inspections ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.2 Items to be inspected......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.3 Periodicity ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.4 Results ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
7 Periodic inspections ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.2 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.3 Periodicity ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.4 Results ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
8 Exceptional inspection ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Content........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex A (normative) Overview of inspections .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Annex B (informative) Example of periodic inspection checklist ....................................................................................... 10
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 9, Bridge and
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A list of all parts in the ISO 9927 series can be found on the ISO website.
Cranes — Inspections —
Part 5:
Bridge and gantry cranes, including portal and semi-portal
cranes and their supporting structures
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e c i fie s the i n s p e c tion s to b e c arrie d out on bridge a nd gantr y crane s . I t i s i ntende d to
2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng do c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content
con s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d app l ie s . For
u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s .
ISO 4309, Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
ISO 9927-1, Cranes — Inspections — Part 1: General
3 Terms and definitions
For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s do c u ment, the fol lowi ng term s and defi n ition s apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
competent person
p ers on who has the ne ce s s a r y prac tic a l and the ore tic a l knowle dge a nd the ne ce s s ar y e xp erience o f the
crane and e quipment u s e d i n the l i fti ng op eration to c arr y out the func tion s ati s fac tori ly
4 General
I n order to en s u re s a fe op eration o f bridge a nd gantr y c rane s , thei r prop er worki ng and op erationa l
condition shall be maintained. Therefore, all cranes need to undergo regular inspections. This ensures
that deviation s from s a fe cond ition s are de te c te d and c an be re c ti fie d . T he i n s p e c tion s s ha l l be
— frequent inspections,
5 Daily inspections
5.1 General
Daily inspections shall be carried out at the start of each shift during which the crane is to be used. These
are to te s t the fu nc tiona l ity o f the c ra ne and vi s ua l ly che ck for any de fe c ts (i n genera l, no d i s ma ntl i ng i s
re qu i re d) . I t i s e s s entia l that the s e a re c arrie d out from a p o s ition o f s a fe ty. Vi s ua l a nd aud itor y che cks
are norma l ly made from flo or level u n le s s a b e tter p erma nent va ntage p oi nt i s ava i lable .
T hey sha l l b e c arrie d out b y a comp e tent p ers on (e . g. the crane d river) .
5.2 Content
The inspections shall include the following:
a) the fu nc tion i ng o f emergenc y s top control s;
d) the functioning of motion limiting devices, exercising caution while making checks in case of
ma l func tion;
f) the fu nc tion i ng o f l i m iti ng and i nd ic ati ng device s and aud ible warn i ng device s , where fitte d;
g) a visual examination of the general condition of the crane structure and mechanisms, with
p ar tic u lar attention to the rop e s , cha i n s or b elts , the she ave s , the ho ok and its latch;
i) for cab-controlled cranes and cranes with access to the bridge, a visual examination to ensure
th at the work are as on the crane are tidy a nd fre e from a ny item wh ich m ight fa l l, that acce s s and
egre s s from the c ab i s ade quate and that the appropri ate fi re -fighti ng e qu ipment i s ava i l able and
s er vice able;
j) a vi s ua l e xam i nation o f the cond ition o f the c ab control s , the p enda nt and as s o c iate d c able s
or remo te control s tation as appropriate; i n p ar tic u la r, the cond ition o f the c a s i ngs and s e a l s o f
k) where an i ntel l igent s el f- d i agno s i s and fau lt-fi nd i ng s ys tem i s provide d, che cki ng any i n formation
on the d i s play;
l) a visual examination to ensure that there are no obstructions in the path of travel of the crane and
p ower fe e d s ys tem and that ade quate pre c aution s are i n place to prevent col l i s ion s; i n p ar tic u l ar
for p or ta l and s em i-p or ta l c rane s , a che ck for a ny debri s or o ther track ob s truc tion s;
m) a visual examination to ensure that the crane signage is present and legible including the rated
capacity, any individual hoist and hoist combination capacities and motion signage on crane/hoist
structures corresponding to the operator controls.
In respect of d) above, when it is impractical, due to speed or distance, to check long travel limiting
devices on every occasion, a check need only be made when the crane is to be used in their vicinity.
5.3 Results
Written records o f all daily checks shall be kept and include at least the following in formation:
— identity o f the crane;
— date o f inspection;
— result o f the check, i.e. whether or not the crane passed;
— name and signature o f the person carrying out the check.
NOTE This can be kept to a minimum by, for example, completing a single line o f a pro- forma record card
located near the crane.
Any de fect found shall be reported to a person authorized and competent to decide on the action to take
(e.g. to leave the crane in use, repair it, make a more detailed inspection of a part of the crane or the
whole crane or, in the event that the crane is not safe to use, to isolate and lock-off the crane to prevent
further use until the problem has been resolved).
The crane record shall be updated with the result of the inspection and the action taken.
6 Frequent inspections
6.1 General
Frequent inspections shall comprise visual and auditory inspections as specified in 6.2, and the
functional tests according to 5.2.
NOTE In general, no dismantling is required, although it might be convenient to schedule the inspections
concurrently with planned preventive maintenance.
They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. an experienced technician; see ISO 9927-1).
In addition to any checks specified by the manu facturer, the following items, as summarized in Table 1,
shall be inspected:
a) all wire ropes for broken wires, flattening, basket distortion or other signs o f damage, excessive
wear and surface corrosion in accordance with ISO 4309, other lifting media such as chain or
webbing belts for damage or excessive wear;
b) all rope, chain or belt terminations, pins and retaining devices, and inspection of all sheaves, for
damage, worn bushes or seizure;
c) all hooks, sa fety latches and other load li fting attachments for damage, free movement or wear and
a visual inspection of the hook shank thread and securing nut for undue movement, which might
indicate wear or corrosion;
d) the structure for damage, for example, deformation, cracked welds and loose bolts and other
e) all wheels and wheel flanges for damage and excessive wear;
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved 3
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
f) a l l gu ide rol ler s ys tem s for de formation, damage a nd exce s s ive we ar;
h) whe ther a l l movi ng p ar ts are ade quately lubric ate d with a n appropri ate lubric ant;
i) the electrical equipment including the insulation resistance and a check for exposure to
contam i nation b y oi l, gre a s e, water or d i r t;
p) the fu nc tion i ng o f the c rane though a l l its mo tion s wh i le che cki ng for any u nu s ua l noi s e s , unu s ua l
q) any lo ad l i m iter. T h i s s ha l l at le as t compri s e a phys ic a l che ck o f the lo ad l i m iter comp onents , p ayi ng
r) the fu nc tiona l e ffe c tivene s s o f the bra ki ng s ys tem a nd that it i s s u itable for the appl ic ation . T h i s
m ight ne e d to i nclude s e eki ng con fi rmation from the c rane op erator. When there i s doub t ab out the
n), o), q)
Fu nc tio n a l te s t ( genera l l y witho ut lo ad) o), p), r)
Measurement a) , i) — i n s u l ation re s i s ta nce o n l y
6.3 Periodicity
T he p erio d icity o f the fre quent i n s p e c tion s s ha l l ta ke i nto account the ac tua l u s e o f the cra ne and
the environment in which the crane is working. The maximum period shall not exceed 6 months
unless, following a detailed review of the crane condition and operation, a competent person deems it
appropriate to extend the inspection period to suit the crane usage.
6.4 Results
Written records of all frequent inspections shall be kept and include at least the following information:
— date o f the i n s p e c tion;
— results of the inspection, including details of the condition of critical components which need to be
monitored, for example, a wire rope showing signs of wear.
The record shall be maintained with the crane’s historical records and made available to the competent
person responsible for the periodic inspection.
Any de fect found shall be reported to a person authorized and competent to decide on the action to take
(e.g. to leave the crane in use, repair it, make a more detailed inspection of a part of the crane or the
whole crane or, in the event that the crane is not safe to use, to isolate and lock-off the crane to prevent
further use until the problem has been resolved).
The crane record shall be updated with the result of the inspection and the action taken.
7 Periodic inspections
7.1 General
Periodic inspections are inspections made periodically, as indicated in
Periodic inspections shall comprise visual inspections and functional tests, both with rated load and
without load, as defined in 7.2, 6.2 and 5.2.
NOTE In general, no dismantling is required unless the inspection indicates potential defects which require
further investigation.
They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. an experienced technician; see ISO 9927-1).
The competent person shall be in possession of
— the report of the previous inspections, and
— the automatic registered data, where available (cycles, hours, days, loads, etc.), permitting knowledge
of the service time of the components for which data exist.
7.2 Content
The periodic inspections shall include the content of the frequent inspections as specified in 6.2.
In addition to any checks specified by the manu facturer, the following items shall be inspected as
NOTE This list is not exhaustive. An example of a periodic inspection checklist is shown in Annex B.
a) end carriage structures;
b) long travel drive including motor, coupling and gearbox, wheels, axles, bearings and brakes;
c) bridge girders;
d) crab structure;
e) cross travel drive including motor, coupling and gearbox, wheels, axles, bearings and brakes;
f ) cross travel rails;
g) hoist mechanism including motor, brake, couplings, gearbox, drum and bearings;
h) operator cab and seating;
i) platforms and access ladders;
j) supporting structures;
k) gantry beams, rails and fixings;
Assessment criteria
7.3 Periodicity
T he p erio d icity o f the p erio d ic i n s p e c tion s ha l l ta ke i nto account the ac tua l u s e o f the c rane, the
envi ronment i n wh ich the crane i s worki ng , the manu fac tu rer ’s i n s truc tion s and any le ga l re qu i rements .
7.4 Results
Written records of all periodic inspections shall be kept and include at least the following information:
— date o f the i n s p e c tion;
— results of the inspection, including details of the condition of critical components which need to be
monitored, for example, a wire rope showing signs of wear.
The record shall be maintained with the crane’s historical records.
Any defect found shall be reported to a person authorized and competent to decide on the action to take.
Defects which present an immediate or imminent danger indicate that the frequent inspection and
maintenance regimes are inadequate to ensure that the crane is maintained in a safe and serviceable
condition. If such defects are found, the inspection and maintenance regimes should be reviewed and
adjusted accordingly.
The crane record shall be updated with the result of the inspection and the action taken.
8 Exceptional inspection
8.1 General
The inspection shall be carried out after exceptional circumstances.
Exceptional circumstances include an overload beyond that allowed for by any load limiter, collision,
use for particularly arduous duties, failure o f a structural component, subjected to weather in excess o f
design parameters, up-rating o f rated capacity or changing to a more arduous or hazardous duty.
The verifications shall be per formed by a competent person (e.g. an experienced technician or engineer,
depending on the nature o f the verification).
8.2 Content
The extent of the inspection shall be proportional to the nature of the exceptional circumstances and
the extent o f any damage, repairs or modifications and should take into account the reports o f previous
thorough examinations, where applicable.
Annex A
Overview of inspections
Daily inspection Frequent inspection Periodic inspection
When — At the start of — At intervals not — At intervals not After exceptional
(periodicity) each shift during exceeding six months exceeding 12 months circumstances
which the crane is to and/or according to taking into account the
be used. f
the m a nu ac tu rer's actual use of the crane,
instructions the environment in
which the crane is work-
ing, the manufacturer’s
i n s tr uc tion s a nd a ny
legal requirements
What See 5.2 See 6.2 See 7.2 See 8.2
How — Visual inspections — Visual inspections — Visual inspections, — Visual inspec-
— Functional tests — Functional tests including reading of re- tions, including
cording instruments reading of recording
Without dismantling -
G enera l l y without d i s
— Functional tests instruments
mantling although it (loaded and unloaded) — Functional tests
might be convenient to (loaded and unload-
schedule the inspec-
dismantling unless the ed)
G enera l l y witho ut
tion s co nc u r rentl y
By whom Competent person Competent person Competent person Competent person
(e.g. crane driver) (experienced (experienced technician) (experienced
technician) technician)
Daily inspection Frequent inspection Periodic inspection
Inspection — passed, or — passed, or — passed, or — passed, or
— request for action — request for action — request for action if — request for ac-
if fault found, or if fault found, or fault found, or tion if fault found, or
— can give rise to — can give rise to — can give rise to a — can give rise
a request for a more a request for a more request for further in- to a request for
detailed inspection detailed inspection vestigation, dismantling further investiga-
(repetitive cases, (repetitive cases, of components and/or tion, dismantling of
major fault, etc.), or major fault, etc.), or additional tests components and/or
— can require the — can require the — can require the additional tests
crane to be isolated crane to be isolated crane to be isolated and — can require the
and locked off to pre- and locked off to pre- locked off to prevent crane to be isolated
vent further use vent further use further use and locked off to pre-
vent further use
Report A written record shall A written record shall A written record shall A written record
be made. be made detailing the be made detailing the shall be made detail-
inspection. inspection. ing the inspection.
Crane The record shall be The record shall be The record shall be
record updated with the re- updated with the re- updated with the result
sult of the inspection sult of the inspection of the inspection and
and the action taken. and the action taken. the action taken. Any
The details o f any re - Any maintenance maintenance work, de-
pair shall be recorded. work, defects, damag- fects, damages, repairs,
es, repairs, etc. shall etc. and any changes
be recorded required to the inspec-
tion and maintenance re-
gimes shall be recorded.
Annex B
Example of periodic inspection checklist
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
Table B.1 (continued)
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
Hammer Measuring Functional test without load
Visual examination
tapping (after disassembly) Functional test with load
Corro- Dam- Distor- Obstruc- Loose Align- Lubrica- Func- Vibra-
Cracks Wear Noise Heat
sion age tion tions bolts ment tion tion tion
e) Cross O O O
travel drive,
axles O O O Include
bearing O O O O
brakes O O O O Depend on
brake type
electric O O O O O O
coupling O O O O
gear box O O O O O O O O O Include
gear teeth
f) Cross travel O O O O O
g) Hoist mech- O O O O O O
anism, elec-
tric motor
brakes O O O O Depend on
brake type
coupling O O O O
gear box O O O O O O O O O Include
gear teeth
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved
drum O O
bearings O O O O
Table B.1 (continued)
© ISO 2017 – All rights reserved
Termina- O O
tions and
guides O O O
sheaves/ O O O O Include
pins ke y way
bearings O O O O
bottom O O
hook(s) O O O O O
i) Electrical O O
panel and
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
rel ay a nd
j) Operator O
cab and
Table B.1 (continued)
ISO 9927-5:2017(E)
Hammer Measuring Functional test without load
Visual examination
tapping (after disassembly) Functional test with load
Corro- Dam- Distor- Obstruc- Loose Align- Lubrica- Func- Vibra-
Cracks Wear Noise Heat
sion age tion tions bolts ment tion tion tion
k) Operator O O
er cab,
pendant or
l) Limit O O
lision and
m) Platforms O O O O
and access
n) Supporting O O O
o) Gantry O O O O O O O
beams, rails
and fixings
p) End stops O O O O
and buffers
q) Down stop O
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ISO 992 7-5 : 2 01 7(E)
ICS 53.020.20
Price based on 14 pages
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