Annual Report
Annual Report
Annual Report
Our Two Reports The statements include known and unknown risks and
opportunities, other uncertainties and important factors
that could turn out to be materially different following the
Annual Report publication of actual results.
This printed annual report also available online at www. is intended to provide readers with an These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date
overview of our operations during the year. It includes of this document. The Company undertakes no obligation
messages from leadership, financial and operational to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-
reviews, corporate governance and risk management looking statements, to reflect events or circumstances after
reports, summarized financial statements and information for the date of this document, or to reflect the occurrence of
shareholders. anticipated events.
4,346 EBITDA
(2022: 9,272)
Sales Rs. in Millions
(2022: 66,153)
Rs. in Millions
Rs. in Millions
10.37 3,480
Rupees Rs. in Millions
Shareholders’ Equity
(2022: 20,847)
Rs. in Millions
Export Sales
(2022: 13,763)
Rs. in Millions
Total Assets
(2022: 53,086) Break-up Value
02 Directors’
40 Chairman’s Letter to the Shareholders
42 Chief Executive Officer’s Remarks
44 Directors’ Report to the Shareholders
57 شئیر ہولڈرز کے لئے ڈائریکٹرز کی رپورٹ
58 چیف ایگزیکٹو آفیرسکا تبرصہ
59 شئیر ہولڈرز کیلئے چیرئمین کا خط
04 72
Shariah Review Report
73 Independent Assurance Report on Compliance
With the Shariah Governance Regulations, 2023
75 Statement of Compliance With Sukuk and
Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) Features and
Shariah Requirements
76 Independent Auditors’ Review Report To The
77 Statement of Compliance With Listed Companies
(Code Of Corporate Governance) Regulations,
79 Independent Auditors’ Report To The Members
82 Statement of Financial Position
83 Statement Of Profit Or Loss & Other
Comprehensive Income
84 Statement of Changes In Equity
85 Statement of Cash Flows
86 Notes To And Forming Part of The Financial
Horizontal Analysis
Vertical Analysis
64 Summary of Statement of Cash Flows
65 Financial Ratios Other
Graphical Analysis
Distribution of Wealth
69 Results reported in Interim Financial 144 Pattern of Shareholding
Statements and Final Accounts 146 Trading in Shares of the Company
147 Notice of Annual General Meeting
150 Statement of Material Facts as Required Under
Section 134(3) of the Companies Act, 2017
151 Form of Proxy
153 پراکسی فارم
To meet the expectations of our customers in providing them with high quality,
reliable and durable steel products, through product research, business process
and information system improvement and up-gradation of technology. To meet
the expectations of our employees by providing opportunities for professional
growth and personal welfare. To meet the expectations of our shareholders by
enhancing profitability and maximizing returns through achieving excellence in
core business and exploring growth opportunities through diversification.
Maintaining our competitive position in the core business by employing
professional and technical excellence, exploring new growth opportunities
through diversification and creating value for our stakeholders.
Health & Safety Ingenuity
The Company has strong commitment to the health and We seek new opportunities and out-of-the-ordinary solutions.
safety of its employees and preservation of environment. We use our creativity to find unexpected and practical
The Company perseveres towards achieving continuous ways to solve problems. Our experience, technology and
improvement of its Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) perseverance enables us to overcome challenges and
performance by reducing potential hazards, preventing deliver value.
pollution and improving awareness. Employees are required
to operate the Company’s facilities and processes keeping Excellence
this commitment in view.
We make sure that we always do what we say we will and
strive for excellence and quality in everything that we do.
Non-Retaliation Policy
The Company strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone Personnel Development
who reports in good faith a possible violation of the Code, no
We are endeavored to foster a culture where people come
matter whom the report involves.
first and we hire, develop, train and retain our people to work
as synergized teams in line with our mission and vision.
We pledge to comply and enforce the basic principles of
Code of Conduct and prevent its violation. Any employee
observing any violation or abuse of this Code of Conduct Fairness
may bring the same to the notice of the Management in We are devoted to implement such policies and procedures,
writing. which translate into fair and equitable treatment of all
stakeholders, including selection, hiring, rewarding and
We attribute our persistent growth to the strength of our deep rooted values,
which distinguish us and guide our actions. We tend to conduct our business
in a socially responsible and ethical manner.
Integrity Trust
We are dedicated to maintaining We trust, respect and support
the highest ethical standards each other, and we strive to
and ensuring openness and earn the trust of our customers
honesty in all our dealings by and shareholders.
maintaining utmost integrity at
all times.
Diversity Ingenuity
We provide equal opportunities We seek new opportunities and
to all our employees without out-of-the-ordinary solutions.
any bias against gender, race, We use our creativity to find
ethnicity and religion. unexpected and practical
ways to solve problems. Our
experience, technology and
perseverance enables us to
overcome challenges and
deliver value.
Teamwork Excellence
We are committed to fostering a We make sure that we always
culture where employees work do what we say we will and
as a team, listen to and respect strive for excellence and quality
each other, provide support to in everything that we do.
one another, work co-operatively
and highly regard one another’s
views – making our work
environment fun and enjoyable.
Customer Personnel
Satisfaction Development
Our experience shows that if we We are endeavored to foster a
satisfy our customers well, our culture where people come first
own success will follow. and we hire, develop, train and
retain our people to work as
synergized teams in line with
our mission and vision.
While recognizing that the old
way may still be the best way, we
constantly strive to find a better
way of doing things. We pride
ourselves on having pioneered
many of the practices and
techniques that have become
standard in the industry.
At Mughal Steel we work with passion and expertise to Steel re-bars cater to both housing sector market and large
develop high-quality diversified portfolio of quality products. infrastructure projects market, while girders mainly cater the
This means we create value for our customers and can housing sector market. The housing sector market for steel
successfully exploit the diverse opportunities in the markets re-bars comprises mainly of housing sector in the urban
of the future. Depth of technical and managerial expertise, areas, whereas, the housing sector market for girders mainly
reputation for reliability and a sharply defined business comprises of housing sector in the rural areas.
focus, has forged the organization into a modern, highly
competitive supplier of quality products. The Company’s The large infrastructure projects market on the other hand
ability to generate profits throughout the fluctuations of comprises of demand from different projects initiated by
various economic and business cycles is testimony to the various private sector, public sector and semi-government
strategic initiatives to continuously reinvest, modernize and institutions. Mughal Supreme steel re-bars are used to target
diversify. the housing sector in the urban areas since steel re-bars are
used for construction of roofs in urban areas, whereas G60
The Company is involved in multidimensional activities. steel re-bars are mainly used to cater large infrastructure
The products are grouped into ferrous and non-ferrous projects market. On the other hand, since girders are
segments. Ferrous segment mainly comprises of billets, products used for construction of roofs in rural areas,
girders and steel re-bars while non-ferrous segment mainly therefore they are used to target the rural housing market.
comprises of copper ingots, copper granules and iron waste.
The diversified product and market mix of the Company has The quality of all products is ensured at all stages of
been carefully designed to mitigate different risks. Being in through systematic and effective adoption, implementation,
the industry for over 5 decades has enabled the Company monitoring and continuous enhancement of quality control
to carefully nurture this portfolio enabling it to maintain its systems using latest methods of analysis. All stages of
competitive edge year over year. the production process right from the selection of raw
materials, processing of materials and the finished products
The main markets of the Company are domestic housing are subjected to rigorous testing, to ensure that each
sector market both in urban and rural areas, large item is of the highest quality. Our laboratory is equipped
infrastructure projects market and international market for with traditional chemical and mechanical analytical
copper products. Demand from rural markets is based upon machines besides the world’s renowned Optical Emission
various crop seasons while demand from urban markets is Spectrometer of M8 series. The Company has also installed
non-seasonal. Copper products are exported to Peoples’ Spectro lab for its girder mill for conducting chemical testing
Republic of China. There is no major seasonal impact on and procured copper content testing guns. The Company
demand for copper products except for impact of market is ISO-9001:2015 certified and truly implements Quality
shutdowns or holidays. Management System.
• Mughal Supreme
• Mughal Super Girder
Diversified Product
and Market Portfolio
Global of Scale
Cost Effective Diversified
Inbound Logistics
Strong Brand
Strong Clientele /
Distribution Network
Legal Advisor
Chief Financial Officer
Muhammad Atif Butt
Mr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
Tel: +92-42-35960841 Ext: 138
E-mail: [email protected]
Tax Advisors Soneri Bank Limited
Samba Bank Limited
Akhtar Ali Associates Silk Bank Limited
Juris Counsel Summit Bank Limited
Farooq Khan Law Associates United Bank Limited
Butt & Company
Punjab Law Associates Geographical Presence
Shareholder Complaint Registered / corporate office
Company Website:
Allied Bank Limited
Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited
Bank Alfalah Limited
The Company is operating website
BankIslami Pakistan Limited containing
Bank of Punjab (Islamic Taqwa Division)
updated information regarding the Company.
Bank of Khyber
Bank Al-Habib Limited
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited
Faysal Bank Limited Note: MISIL’s Annual & Interim
Financial Statements are also available
Habib Bank Limited at the above website.
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited
ICBC Bank Limited
JS Bank Limited
MCB Bank Limited
MCB Islamic Bank Limited
Meezan Bank Limited
National Bank of Pakistan
Scan QR Code
Standard Chartered Bank Limited for Website
2022-2023 2021-2022
Months High Low High Low
Board of
Human Resource
Company Audit
& Remuneration
Secretary Committee
Executive Executive
Director Director
Executive Officer
(Finance) (Operations)
Procurement - Local
Chief Financial Officer Corporate Sales - Bar
Raw Material
Administration and
ERP Production and Planning
Procurement - Imported
Marketing and Branding
Human Resource
Supply Chain
Export Sales
Steel Billet Locally
Urban Housing
Sector - Re-bars
(Mughal Supreme)
Iron Scrap
Waste Sale
Best Export Report Award
Performance 2020
Award 2014 Certificate of Merit
Girders & T-Iron
Best Corporate
Report Award
Best 2021
Corporate Certificate of Merit
Report Award
Certificate of Merit
Best Corporate
Report Award
Certificate of Merit
Best Presented
Brand of Annual Report
the Year Awards SAFA 2017
Award 2011
Girders & T-Iron
The Company follows the period of July 2022 to June 2023 as the financial year.
20 July
Redemption of Islamic
29 November
Corporate Briefing Session
Commercial paper - I - 2023
12 August
Independence Day 02 December
Sukuk-I Redemption – 7th
Celebrations Rental and 3rd Principal
02 September
Sukuk-I Redemption – 6th 20 Approval of Interim Accounts for
the quarter and half year period
Rental and 2nd Principal
ended December 31, 2022
September March
20 02
Approval of Annual Audited Sukuk-I Redemption – 8th
Accounts for the year ended Rental and 4th Principal
June 30, 2022
28 06
Approval of Interim
Issuance of Commercial
Accounts for the quarter
Paper – II
ended September 30, 2022
31 October
13th Annual General
28 Approval of Interim Accounts
for the quarter and nine months
period ended March 31, 2023.
October Sukuk-I Redemption – 9th
25 Mehfil-e-Milad 02 Rental and 5th Principal
11-12 Sports Gala
12 Successful CoD of Recycling plant
for non-ferrous segment
At Mughal Steel, we are firmly 3. has, or has had within the last three years, a material
committed to ensuring the highest business relationship with the Company either
directly, or indirectly as a partner, major shareholder or
level of good governance through
director of a body that has such a relationship with the
adoption of the best corporate Company;
governance practices and monitoring
4. has received remuneration in the three years preceding
their effectiveness. his/her appointment as a Director or receives additional
remuneration, excluding retirement benefits from the
Leadership Structure Company apart from a Director‘s fee or has participated
Brief Role & Responsibilities of Matters Delegated to Management by
Chairman & CEO the Board
The Chairman represents the Non-Executive Directors Management is primarily responsible for implementing
of the Board and is entrusted with the leadership of the the strategies as approved by the Board of Directors. It is
Board’s proceedings. The Chairman acts as the head of the responsibility of management to conduct the routine
the Board meetings and is responsible for avoidance of business operations of the Company in an effective and
conflicts of interests. He has the power to set the agenda, ethical manner in accordance with the strategies and goals
give directions and sign the minutes of the Board meetings. as approved by the Board and to identify and administer the
The Chairman is also responsible for assessing and key risks and opportunities which could impact the Company
making recommendations regarding the effectiveness of in the ordinary course of execution of its business.
the Board, the committees and individual Directors. The
Chairman ensures effective role of the Board in fulfilling all its Annual Evaluation of Board
responsibilities. Performance and Evaluation Criteria
The CEO is an Executive Director who also acts as the
for Board Performance
head of the Company’s Management. He is entrusted with Corporate governance requires boards to have effective
responsibility of: processes and to evaluate their performance and appraise
directors at least once a year. The Board of Directors has put
• Safeguarding of Company’s assets in place a mechanism for undertaking annual evaluation of
the performance of the Board.
• Creation of shareholder value
• Identification of potential diversification / investment Review of Chairman Performance and
• Implementation of projects approved by the Board
The Chairman has the overall responsibility of the board
• Ensuring effective functioning of the internal control evaluation. However, the performance of Chairman is also
system evaluated which is linked to both the functioning of the
• Identifying risks and designing mitigation strategies overall board as well as the performance of each Director.
Presence of Chairman of
Board Committees
Audit Committee at the
Audit Committee
The Committee comprises of three non-executive Directors
with the Chairman being an Independent Non-Executive The Chairman of Audit committee was present in last Annual
Director. The Board of Directors has approved the terms General Meeting of the Company.
of reference of the Audit Committee. The Board provides
adequate resources and authority to enable the Audit
Committee to carry out its responsibilities effectively. The
Transaction / Trade In
Committee meets at least once every quarter of the financial Company’s Shares
All the trades in shares of the Company carried out by the
Directors, Executives and their spouses and minor children
Human Resource and Remuneration
during the financial year 2023 are disclosed in Pattern of
Committee shareholding annexed to the Annual Report.
The Human Resource and Remuneration Committee
comprises of three Non-Executive Directors with the Executives include Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating
Chairman being an Independent Non-Executive Director. Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit and
The role of the Human Resources & Remuneration Company Secretary and certain other employees for whom
Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in its oversight the Board of Directors will set a threshold. In accordance
of the evaluation and approval of the policy framework for with the threshold set by the Board of Directors, employees
determining remuneration of Directors, employee benefit who are drawing annual basic salary of Rs. 3.6 million or
plans, welfare projects and retirement emoluments. The more are regarded as Executives.
Committee meets at least once in a financial year and may
meet more often if requested by a member of the Board, or
committee itself or the Chief Executive Officer.
Whistle Blowing Policy Succession Planning
As part of our firm commitment to highest standards of The Company believes in proactive approach towards
ethical, moral and legal business conduct and in line with succession planning. We recruit employees, develop
our policy towards open communication, we have devised their knowledge, skills, abilities, and prepare them for
a whistle blowing mechanism for sounding of alerts against advancement or promotion into ever more challenging roles.
deviations from policies, controls, applicable regulations, or Succession planning ensures that employees are constantly
violation of the code of professional ethics / conduct. developed to fill each needed role. We look for people who
exemplify continuous improvement when we are spotting
c. Implementations of HSE: Statement of Unreserved
The Company has developed and implemented
aggressive HSE strategies at its Plants to ensure safety
Compliance of
of its people and equipment. International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Management’s Issued By International
Responsibility Towards Accounting Standards
the Preparation and Board (IASB)
Presentation of Financial
The Company is preparing its statutory Financial Statements
in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards
as applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting
The Company, its Board of Directors and the management
standards applicable in Pakistan comprise of International
have always been keen to follow the standards set down by
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the
governing institutions. In lights of the same strict compliance
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as notified
of all standards set out by the Companies Act, 2017, the
under the Companies Act, 2017, the Islamic Financial
International Financial Reporting Standards have been
Accounting Standards (IFAS) issued by the Institute of
adhered to and otherwise good and responsible reporting
Chartered Accountants of Pakistan as are notified under the
has been our general practice.
Companies Act, 2017 and the provisions of and directives
issued under the Companies Act, 2017. Where provisions
of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017
differ from the IFRS, the provisions of and directives issued
under the Companies Act, 2017 are followed. In addition
to this, relevant notes to the annexed financial statements
specify few standards and interpretations which are yet to be
effective in Pakistan and have not been early adopted by the
Having joined his family business in 1976, Mr. Javed Iqbal rose to become
a pioneer of the steel industry of Pakistan. During his exemplary career, Mr.
Iqbal challenged and changed the personal and industry mindset, both
within and beyond the business framework. He has not only developed new
pathways to achieve energy efficiency and economies of scale, but has made
remarkable contributions towards the technological advancement and effective
documentation of the national steel industry. With his visionary leadership and
unparalleled expertise, Mr. Iqbal has been the driving force behind the Company’s
success – making the Company reach new heights of growth and expansion.
Mr. Qureshi is a law graduate from the Punjab University, Lahore. He is a veteran
in the field of corporate law and related matters. He has over the years, served in
various capacities erstwhile in Corporate Law Authority (CLA) and the Securities
and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). He has been member of various
committees and commissions constituted to review and revamp company
law, securities law, insurance law and banking laws. He has attended several
international courses, seminars, training programs and workshops on various
subjects related to corporate laws and corporate governance particularly in
countries like Australia, Japan, lndia, USA and U.K.
Mr. Shoaib holds MSc (DSS) degree from National Defense University, Islamabad
and MBA degree from IBA, University of the Punjab, Lahore. He has 35 years
of experience in Financial Management, Banking, Accounting & Auditing,
Administrative & Regulatory aspects. In addition to above, he has vast experience
in project appraisal, monitoring & restructuring and development of strategies.
During his career, he remained Director and member finance of National Highway
Authority (NHA), Islamabad.
Ms. Mariam Khawar holds MSc (Statistics) degree from Government College
University Lahore (GCU) Pakistan. She is also a fellow member of Institute of Cost
& Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP). She has more than 18 years of
experience in the fields of Corporate Affairs, Finance, Legal, Administration, and
Human Resource.
Mr. Jamshed has over the years played a pivotal role in developing and
maintaining the clientele network across Pakistan to ensure that all kinds of
geographical requirements are met by the Company, a feat that has resulted
in expanded growth of the Company. Today his vast experience and in-depth
knowledge of the steel sector and consumer market is highly beneficial at the
Board and operational level.
Mr. Khurram Javaid holds an MBA from the Coventry University, UK. As the
company’s CEO, Mr. Khurram has spearheaded Mughal Steel’s initiatives
in transforming the Company into a highly competitive organization through
modernization of manufacturing facilities, improving quality of products,
developing of diversified product and market portfolio, identifying new markets,
strengthening and broadening the sales network within the country, creating
efficiencies in inbound logistics and investment in alternate sources of energy. His
efforts have resulted in enabling the company to deliver year on year improved
performance and to steer through difficult times.
Executive Director
Mr. Mubeen has academic background in economics & finance and has done his
Executive MBA (Leadership & Strategy) from London Business School (LBS). He
is responsible for the Financial Management of the Company. His astute financial
acumen combined with in-depth knowledge of steel manufacturing operations has
over the years resulted in improved operational efficiencies, optimum utilization
of funds, better working capital management and strengthening of internal and
financial controls. He has been responsible for initiating professionalization of the
organization by developing and reorganizing the human resource function, making
it more effective as a strategic business function.
Mr. Fazeel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the Lahore
School of Economics, Pakistan and a Postgraduate degree in Professional
Accounting from the Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. He has also
done Masters in Leadership from Northeastern University, Boston, USA. He has
extensive knowledge and experience of re-rolling production processes.
Mr. Mateen holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the Lahore
School of Economics, Pakistan.
Review of Board Your trust and support, alongside the dedication and hard
Performance work of our employees, have always been the bedrock of
our success, and for that, I on behalf of the Board extend my
As the Chairman of the Board, I hereby present the review gratitude.
on the overall performance of the Board and Board’s role in
achieving the Company’s objectives as required u/s 192 of
Companies Act, 2017.
The year under review has been marked by both triumphs Lastly, I’d like to thank our employees, our business partners
and trials. The economic and political landscape presented and our members for their support. In 2023, we will continue
us with unprecedented challenges, pushing our resilience to work to further improve our performance. I am confident
to the forefront. Inflation, high interest rates, currency that the entire Mughal Steel team will collectively work to
devaluation, rising energy costs, volatile geopolitical make us a stronger Company.
environment, fluctuating demand patterns, increased
competition, and volatile raw material prices exerted Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, we shall
significant pressure on our operations, supply chain, and continue to rise above challenges and shape a prosperous
profitability. tomorrow.
Operational Review Company issued Commercial Paper (ICP) of 270 days tenor.
The proceeds therefrom were utilized to finance the Company’s
working capital requirements. The Company constantly monitors
Political turmoil, devastating floods, volatile global commodity
cash flows to ensure overall liquidity and was able to manage
prices, increased energy tariffs, rupee depreciation, high
its operating cash flows by ensuring tight credit controls, better
discount rates, rising inflation and disruptions arising from
collections and inventory management.
administrative import controls, slowed down overall industrial
activity with deteriorating consumer and investor confidence and
All contingencies and commitments have been disclosed in
impacted the overall performance of the Company.
detail in relevant notes to the financial statements.
However, amidst the prevailing adversities, the Company
Furnaces generated an overall production of 181,690 MT,
managed to register its highest topline in absolute terms. Sale
recording a decrease of 30.57% from previous year. The
increased by 1.87% as compared to last year. Out of total
overall production of rolling mills was recorded at 188,710
sales, total sales for ferrous segment decreased by 2.52%,
MT, showing an overall decrease of 39.05% over the previous
whereas sales for non-ferrous segment increased by 13.66%
year. The overall production of copper ingot melting was
as compared to last year. The overall increase in topline was
recorded at 5,988 MT as compared to 8,317 MT of production
mainly associated with increase in sale prices, whereas,
in the previous year. In addition, the Company commenced
volumes witnessed decline due to overall economic slowdown.
operations of its recycling plant for non-ferrous segment with
Decrease in sales commission was due to decrease in sales
annual processing capacity of 90,000 MT against which 5,600
through commission agents. Gross margins of both ferrous and
MT of feedstock was processed during the year.
non-ferrous segments witnessed decline. Overall, margins were
adversely impacted due to various adversities but the adverse
The Company’s asset base recorded an increase of Rs.
impacts were curtailed to large extent mainly due to effective
6,746.528 million compared to last year. Resultantly, the
inventory and logistics management.
Company’s net worth as at June 30, 2023 stood at Rs.
25,372.436 million as compared to Rs. 20,847.078 million as at
June 30, 2022 with a breakup value of Rs. 75.60 per share as at
June 30, 2023 as compared to Rs. 62.11 as at June 30, 2022.
Dividends and c. Authorization to the Board of Directors, to issue 50.000
million ordinary Class-C shares of Rs. 10/- each as and
Appropriations when deemed fit, with such rights and privileges as
mentioned in the notice of the said EOGM.
Adequacy of Internal
Subsequent Events / Financial Controls
Material Changes
The Directors are aware of their responsibility with respect
The Members of the Company in their Extraordinary General to internal financial controls. Through discussions with
Meeting (EOGM) held on September 19, 2023 have approved management and Auditors (both internal and external), they
the following: confirm that adequate internal controls have been implemented
by the Company.
a. Purchase of 174.692 million fully paid ordinary shares
and 22.570 million fully paid Class-B shares of Mughal
Energy Limited (an associated company) for an aggregate Composition of the Board
consideration of Rs. 3,150.000/- million, whereby, Mughal
The Board comprises of nine members. The composition of
Energy Limited will become wholly owned subsidiary of the
the Board is in compliance with the requirements of the Listed
Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019.
b. Increase in authorized capital of the Company from Rs. The composition as at the close of the financial year was as
5,000.000 million divided into 500.000 million ordinary follows:
shares of Rs. 10/- each to Rs. 10,000.000 million divided
into 700.000 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10/- each, Total number of Directors:
250.000 million ordinary Class-B shares of Rs. 10/- each (a) Male 8
and 50.000 million ordinary Class-C shares of Rs. 10/- (b) Female 1
Names of Persons who During the year, the Committee was re-constituted post-
at any Time During the election of Directors. However, there was no change in the
Directors are only paid meeting fee. For information placed before the Board for review and approval. In addition
on remuneration packages of Directors and CEO and to the above, as required under Companies Act, 2017,
aggregate amount charged in these financial statements, details of contracts or arrangements entered into along
please refer relevant notes to the financial statements. with the justifications for entering into such contracts or
arrangements have been disclosed in relevant notes to the
Information about the pattern of holding of the shares is Policy for Related Party
Segmental Review of The Board of Directors has approved a policy for related
Business Performance party transactions, which require that the Company shall
carry out transactions with its related parties on an arm’s
Information about segmental review has been given in length basis in the normal course of business. The term
relevant areas of the Directors’ report and also detailed in the ‘arm’s length’ requires conducting business on the same
relevant notes to the financial statements. terms and conditions as the business between two unrelated
/ unconcerned persons. The policy specifies that all
transactions entered into with related parties shall require
Changes in Nature Board’s approval, however, where majority of the Directors
Risk Description of Risk Response to Risk
Political uncertainty Political situation of the country including changes in Government, regulations and
and instability impact business policies are monitored closely and appropriately to take timely decisions to
Political Risk
the business and its avoid / mitigate / address unfavorable impacts on the Company’s business.
Economic conditions of Economic conditions are monitored appropriately to take timely decisions to avoid any
a country generally affect unfavorable impact on the Company’s business. Overall foreign currency exposure is
all businesses that exist closely monitored. Foreign currency risk is managed by limiting imports, shifting to local
in that country. Increase buying and increasing exports. Interest rate impact is managed by controlling working
in commodity prices, capital cycles.
Economic Risk
high interest costs, high
inflation, high exchange
rates, taxation and low
economic growth impact
Technology plays a At Mughal steel we believe in process of balancing, modernization and replacements of
vital role in success of our production facilities, ensuring our production facilities are state of the art to ensure
any company. There cost minimization, energy efficiency and output optimization.
is risk that technology
employed is or may
become obsolete in the
near future.
Being in the industry for over 5 decades has enabled Mughal Steel to effectively
compete with existing companies in the industry. The following strengths of the
Company place it at a competitive advantage over its competitors:
1. Diversified product and market mix
Competition from 2. Global footprints
business competitors 3. Strong and well-established distribution network
may create a hostile
Competition Risk 4. Strong supply chain
environment for the
Company and result in 5. Backward integration
business loss.
6. Brand recognition
7. Economies of scale
8. Technological efficiencies
9. In-house electricity generation
Customers and banks Most of our sales are either against cash or advance. For credit sales, credit limits have
Credit Risk may default in payments been assigned to customers. Risk of default by banks has been mitigated by placement
to the company. of funds with banks having satisfactory credit ratings.
Insufficient cash The Company has a proactive cash management system. Committed credit lines from
available to pay liabilities banks are also available to bridge a liquidity gap, if any.
Liquidity Risk
resulting in a liquidity
Decrease in Decrease in the demand The Company has carefully developed its product portfolio which is diversified and risk
the demand for Company’s products averse.
for Company’s may have an adverse
products impact on its profitability.
The Company may not The Company has installed a gas-fired captive power plant and also has a dedicated
be able to operate at an 132 KVA grid station.
Energy Risk optimal capacity due
to the unavailability of
With an experience of over 5 decades, the Company has developed a procurement
Adverse price movement
team who is well versed in acquiring the necessary raw material for production. Further,
Raw Material or no availability of raw
the Company has built strong relationship with its suppliers. In addition, due to export
Sourcing Risk materials may deter
operations the Company remains in good positions to import raw material, in addition to
smooth production.
sourcing raw material locally.
The Company is The Company has employed various professionals of respective fields so that the
regulated by a number of Company would strongly and strictly follow all the laws that are applicable to the
Laws & Government regulations Company.
Environmental which are required to be
regulations strictly followed. Default
in this regard can have
serious consequences.
Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) 1. Installation of dust collection system for environment
We are firmly committed to maintaining a safe and healthy
working environment for our employees. Health management
2. Plantation is carried out to ensure a healthy and green
involves strengthening our employees’ physical, mental and
social well-being.
3. Keeping in view the occupational health of employees,
A free medical Centre has been established at site providing
regular first aid and CPR training programs are conducted
medical facilities to the employees. Keeping in view the
to ensure the safe health of workers.
occupational health of employees, regular first aid and CPR
training programs are conducted to ensure safe health of
Further, the Company is in compliance with ISO-14001:2015.
The Company is ISO 45001:2018 compliant. Energy Saving Measures Taken By The
Company And The Company’s Plans To
Business Ethics & Anticorruption Overcome The Escalating Energy Crisis
Measures At Mughal Steel our main priority is efficient use of limited energy
The Company ensures ethical compliance with all regulatory resources available. Successful operations of new energy
and governing bodies while conducting it’s operations. The efficient melting furnaces and re-rolling mills have contributed
Company has formulated various polices including “Code of towards efficient performance in addition to overall improvement
Conduct” and “Whistle Blowing Policy” and ensures effective in energy consumption. The Company has also installed system
implementation of these polices. Employees are encouraged to for generation of electricity from solar energy.
report any “kickbacks” deals. No employee is allowed to run a
parallel business.
Messages of The
National Cause Donations Chairman, Chief Executive
The Company encourages contributing to the national cause in Officer and Directors’
Statement of Compliance
the form of donations to Government Schemes.
Contribution To National Exchequer The Directors endorse the contents of the Chairman’s letter
During the year, the Company has contributed an amount of and review, Chief Executive Officer’s message and Directors’
Rs.10,806.528 million approx. towards national exchequer in statement of compliance.
shape of taxes, duties, cess, levies etc.
• Horizontal Analysis
• Vertical Analysis
• Summary of Statement of Cash Flows
• Financial Ratios
• Graphical Analysis
• Distribution of Wealth
• Results Reported in Interim Financial Statements and Final
Total equity 25,372,435 21.71 20,847,078 26.48 16,504,860 102.33 8,157,574 8.71 7,503,934 0.50 7,466,333 12.49 6,637,098
Total non-current liabilities 7,867,435 12.60 6,987,054 8.75 6,404,989 86.22 3,439,460 (9.04) 3,781,257 136.34 1,599,956 148.81 643,053
Total current liabilities 26,592,117 5.31 25,251,327 33.67 18,889,958 34.84 14,009,074 23.36 11,355,819 35.05 8,408,467 (3.83) 8,743,576
Total equity & liabilities 59,831,987 39.62 53,085,459 27.02 41,799,806 63.24 25,606,108 13.10 22,641,009 29.56 17,474,757 9.06 16,023,727
Total non-current assets 19,810,891 19.83 16,532,562 4.25 15,859,024 59.13 9,965,806 15.51 8,627,828 35.99 6,344,432 48.42 4,274,764
Total current assets 40,021,096 9.49 36,552,897 40.93 25,940,782 65.86 15,640,302 11.61 14,013,181 25.90 11,130,324 (5.27) 11,748,963
Total assets 59,831,987 29.32 53,085,459 27.02 41,799,806 63.24 25,606,108 13.10 22,641,009 29.56 17,474,757 9.06 16,023,727
Sales-net 67,390,171 1.87 66,152,807 47.10 44,971,836 64.70 27,304,991 (11.43) 30,828,089 38.70 22,225,843 18.20 18,802,811
Less: cost of sales 57,719,143 3.02 56,024,920 46.35 38,280,468 55.06 24,687,543 (10.68) 27,639,095 42.24 19,431,431 15.41 16,837,364
Gross profit 9,671,028 4.89 10,127,888 51.36 6,691,368 155.64 2,617,449 (17.92) 3,188,994 14.12 2,794,412 42.18 1,965,447
Sales and marketing expenses 155,130 (36.84) 245,615 (3.42) 254,310 76.74 143,886 (28.63) 201,592 (18.16) 246,333 50.16 164,049
Administrative expenses 682,086 (3.24) 704,941 31.06 537,896 32.15 407,032 10.95 366,852 17.24 312,901 18.04 265,075
Other charges 353,845 (33.63) 533,108 40.46 379,246 609.53 53,450 (56.72) 123,487 8.62 113,690 24.32 91,451
Allowance for expected credit losses 34,445 2.89 33,476 (39.09) 54,959 1,537.15 3,357 1.42 3,310 100.00 1,664 - -
Add: other income (324,057) 51.87 (213,381) 219.31 (66,825) 13.67 (58,788) 95.97 (29,999) (17.50) (36,364) 7.03 (33,977)
901,449 (30.86) 1,303,759 12.40 1,159,586 111.24 548,936 (17.48) 665,242 4.23 638,223 31.16 486,598
Profit before interest & taxation 8,769,579 (0.62) 8,824,129 59.52 5,531,782 167.43 2,068,513 (18.04) 2,523,752 17.05 2,156,188 45.80 1,478,849
Less: finance costs 4,423,182 68.69 2,622,146 91.36 1,370,294 (9.54) 1,514,786 92.64 786,328 42.33 552,460 115.34 256,551
Profit before taxation 4,346,397 (29.92) 6,201,983 49.04 4,161,488 651.54 553,727 (68.13) 1,737,423 8.34 1,603,728 31.21 1,222,298
Less: taxation 865,912 9.47 791,024 4.11 732,338 (1,970.83) (39,145) (110.74) 364,492 16.26 313,513 35.40 231,538
Profit for the year 3,480,485 (35.68) 5,410,959 58.64 3,429,150 478.40 592,872 (56.82) 1,372,931 6.41 1,290,215 30.22 990,760
Total equity 25,372,435 42.41 20,847,078 39.32 16,504,860 39.49 8,157,574 31.86 7,503,934 33.14 7,466,333 42.73 6,637,098
Total non-current liabilities 7,867,435 13.15 6,987,054 13.12 6,404,989 15.32 3,439,460 13.43 3,781,257 16.70 1,599,956 9.16 643,053
Total current liabilities 26,592,117 44.44 25,251,327 47.56 18,889,958 45.19 14,009,074 54.71 11,355,819 50.16 8,408,467 48.12 8,743,576
Total equity & liabilities 59,831,987 100.00 53,085,459 100.00 41,799,807 100.00 25,606,108 100.00 22,641,010 100.00 17,474,756 100.00 16,023,727
Total non-current assets 19,810,891 33.11 16,532,562 31.14 15,859,024 37.94 9,965,806 38.92 8,627,828 38.11 6,344,432 36.31 4,274,764
Total current assets 40,021,096 66.89 36,552,897 68.86 25,940,782 62.06 15,640,302 61.08 14,013,181 61.89 11,130,324 63.69 11,748,963
Total assets 59,831,987 100.00 53,085,459 100.00 41,799,806 100.00 25,606,108 100.00 22,641,009 100.00 17,474,756 100.00 16,023,727
Sales-net 67,390,171 100.00 66,152,808 100.00 44,971,836 100.00 27,304,991 100.00 30,828,089 100.00 22,225,843 100.00 18,802,811
Less: cost of Sales 57,719,143 85.65 56,024,920 84.69 38,280,468 85.12 24,687,543 90.41 27,639,095 89.66 19,431,431 87.43 16,837,364
Gross profit 9,671,028 14.35 10,127,888 15.31 6,691,368 14.88 2,617,449 9.59 3,188,994 10.34 2,794,412 12.57 1,965,447
Sales and marketing expenses 155,130 0.23 245,615 0.37 254,310 0.57 143,886 0.53 201,592 0.65 246,333 1.11 164,049
Administrative expenses 682,086 1.01 704,941 1.07 537,896 1.20 407,032 1.49 366,852 1.19 312,901 1.41 265,075
Other charges 353,845 0.53 533,107 0.95 379,246 0.99 53,450 0.22 123,487 0.45 113,690 0.59 91,451
Allowance for expected credit losses 34,445 0.05 33,476 0.33 54,959 0.82 3,357 0.13 3,310 0.10 1,664 0.06 -
Add: other income (324,057) (0.48) (213,381) (0.32) (66,825) (0.15) (58,788) (0.22) (29,999) (0.10) (36,364) (0.16) (33,977)
901,449 1.34 1,303,758 1.97 1,159,586 2.58 548,937 2.01 665,242 2.16 638,224 2.87 486,598
Profit before interest & taxation 8,769,579 13.01 8,824,130 13.34 5,531,782 12.30 2,068,512 7.58 2,523,752 8.19 2,156,188 9.70 1,478,849
Less: finance costs 4,423,182 6.56 2,622,146 3.96 1,370,294 3.05 1,514,786 5.55 786,328 2.55 552,460 2.49 256,551
Profit before taxation 4,346,397 6.45 6,201,984 9.38 4,161,488 9.25 553,727 2.03 1,737,424 5.64 1,603,728 7.22 1,222,298
Less: taxation 865,912 1.28 791,024 1.15 732,338 1.63 (39,145) (0.14) 364,492 1.18 313,513 1.41 231,538
Profit for the year 3,480,485 5.16 5,410,960 8.22 3,429,150 7.63 592,872 2.17 1,372,931 4.45 1,290,215 5.81 990,760
2023 2022
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Rs. in ‘000’ Rs. in ‘000’ Rs. in ‘000’ Rs. in ‘000’ Rs. in ‘000’ Rs. in ‘000’ Rs. in ‘000’
Cash flows generated from / (used in) operations 4,754,863 3,514,913 (3,770,313) 1,292,104 1,844,467 1,953,568 (756,354)
Net (increase) / decrease in long-term loans to employees 2,713 (12,089) (8,260) (1,373) 8,008 7,533 1,143
Net (increase) / decrease in long-term deposits (2,563) - (100) 1,685 (585) (2,587) -
Defined benefits paid (31,588) (23,758) (13,748) (13,519) (7,076) (5,886) (5,504)
Workers’ profit participation fund paid (389,453) (223,496) (30,466) (73,986) (46,140) (65,304) (68,013)
Income tax paid (880,704) (776,564) (595,002) (885,451) (196,005) (437,312) (224,664)
Net cash flows generated from / (used in) operating activities 3,225,012 2,479,007 (4,417,888) 319,460 1,577,994 1,450,012 (1,053,393)
Payments for acquisition of property, plant and equipment (1,738,305) (1,696,277) (1,289,777) (1,554,198) (2,435,378) (2,205,110) (473,866)
Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets 72,615 34,924 11,472 45,881 5,975 2,159 2,641
Net proceeds from sale of assets classified as held for sale - 489,744 -
Profit received on term deposit receipts 49,381 584 15,685 38,776 5,645 23,109 18,813
Net cash generated from / (used in) investing activities (1,666,462) (1,171,025) (1,262,620) (1,469,541) (2,423,758) (2,179,843) (452,412)
Long-term financing - net proceeds (341,094) 610,926 1,215,848 135,403 2,510,954 797,287 (407,496)
Finance cost paid (3,859,933) (2,493,734) (1,679,267) (1,480,422) (566,504) (517,684) (219,433)
Net proceeds from short-term loans 388,283 4,499,046 4,000,887 2,074,240 1,263,797 (473,618) 3,442,287
Net cash generated from / (used in) financing activities (3,833,088) 1,632,580 5,555,877 427,951 2,657,087 (357,799) 3,447,851
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (2,274,538) 2,940,562 (124,632) (722,130) 1,811,322 (1,087,629) 1,942,046
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 5,163,452 2,216,929 2,340,364 3,062,494 1,251,171 2,338,801 396,755
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 2,885,126 5,163,452 2,216,929 2,340,364 3,062,494 1,251,171 2,338,801
Profitability Ratios
Gross profit ratio 14.35% 15.31% 14.88% 9.59% 10.34% 12.57% 10.45%
Net profit to sales ratio 5.16% 8.18% 7.63% 2.17% 4.45% 5.81% 5.27%
EBITDA margin to sales 13.69% 14.01% 12.95% 8.24% 8.68% 10.31% 8.55%
Return on equity 13.72% 25.96% 20.78% 7.27% 18.30% 17.28% 14.93%
Liquidity Ratios
Current ratio 1.50 1.45 1.37 1.12 1.23 1.32 1.34
Quick / Acid test ratio 0.64 0.54 0.59 0.54 0.74 0.62 0.68
Cash / current liabilities 0.11 0.20 0.12 0.17 0.28 0.15 0.27
Activity / Turnover Ratios
Inventory turnover ratio 2.80 3.27 3.84 4.34 5.54 3.63 3.51
No. of days in Inventory 130 111 95 84 66 101 104
Debtor turnover ratio 9.07 12.25 12.09 9.95 13.50 10.70 8.02
No. of days in Receivables 40 30 30 37 27 34 46
Creditor turnover ratio 4.20 6.16 5.01 4.20 4.43 3.13 3.19
No. of days in payables 87 59 73 87 82 117 114
Total Assets turnover ratio 1.13 1.25 1.08 1.07 1.36 1.27 1.17
Fixed assets turnover ratio 3.69 4.02 3.05 5.61 6.26 5.08 4.85
Investment / Market Ratios
Earnings per share 10.39 16.12 12.85 2.25 5.46 5.13 4.21
Price earnings ratio 4.74 4.09 8.12 16.90 4.61 12.20 19.18
Cash dividend per share 3.20 3.00 3.00 - 1.20 2.20 2.60
Stock dividend per share - - 15.00 - - - -
Break up value per share 75.61 62.11 56.55 32.42 29.82 29.68 26.38
Capital structure ratios
Financial leverage ratio 1.02 1.24 1.26 1.85 1.78 1.16 1.21
Weighted average cost of debt 17.0% 11.22% 8.55% 12.31% 9.34% 6.15% 4.02%
Long term debt to equity ratio 0.20 0.25 0.28 0.42 0.45 0.11 -
Interest cover ratio 1.96 3.34 3.58 1.11 2.57 4.18 6.27
14.00% 1.40
12.00% 1.20
10.00% 1.00
8.00% 0.80
6.00% 0.60
4.00% 0.40
2.00% 0.20
0.00% 0.0
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Gross Profit Ratio Profit Before Tax to Sales Current Ratio Quick / Acid Test Ratio
EBITDA Margin To Sales Cash To Current Liabilities
12.00 100
10.00 80
8.00 60
0.00 0
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Inventory Turnover Ratio Debtor Turnover Ratio Earnings Per Share Price Earnings Ratio
Total Assets Turnover Ratio Creditor Turnover Ratio Market value per share Break Up Value Per Share
6.00 25
0.00 0
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Financial Leverage Ratio Weighted Average Cost of Debt Interest Cover Ratio Return On Equity
Horizontal Analysis - Statement Of Financial Position Horizontal Analysis - Statement of Profit or Loss
Rupees in thousands Rupees in thousands
30,000,000 50,000,000
20,000,000 30,000,000
0 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Equity Non Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Sales Gross Profit Profit From operation
Non Current Assets Current Assets Finance Costs Profit Before Tax Profit For The Year
Equity & Liabilities Assets
Rupees in thousands Rupees in thousands
30,000,000 50,000,000
25,000,000 40,000,000
0 0
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Current liabilities Equity Current assets Non Current assets
Non Current liabilities
1% Impairment 1% Impairment
1% Taxation 1% Taxation
2023 2022
Rs. In ‘000’ % Rs. In ‘000’ %
Wealth generated
Distribution of wealth
Wealth Distribution
Rupees in thousands
Distribution, To Directors & To Government To providers of To shareholders as Retained in
administrative employees as taxes finance interim cash business
& other as remuneration as financial dividend
2023 2022
2. Applicable Criteria
The criteria for the assurance engagement, against which the underlying subject matter (financial arrangements, contracts, and
transactions having Shariah implications for the year ended June 30, 2023) is assessed, comprise of the Shariah principles and
rules, as defined in the Regulations and reproduced as under:
Shariah principles and rules means requirements, standards, rulings or permissions, pertaining to Islamic financial services,
derived from the following: -
ii) Shariah standards issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), as
notified by Commission;
iii) Islamic Financial Accounting Standards, developed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Pakistan, as notified by the Commission;
iv) Guidance and recommendations of the Shariah advisory committee, as notified by Commission; and
v) Approvals, rulings or pronouncements of the Shariah supervisory board or the Shariah advisor of the Islamic financial
institution, in line with (i) to (iv) above.
The above criteria were evaluated for their implications on the financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30,
2023, which are annexed.
The firms apply International Standard on Quality Control 1 “Quality Control for Firms That Perform Audits and Reviews of
Historical Financial Information, And Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements” and accordingly maintain a
comprehensive system of quality control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical
requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
5. Our responsibility and summary of the work performed
Our responsibility in connection with this engagement is to express an opinion on compliance of the Company’s financial
arrangements, contracts, and transactions having Shariah implications with Shariah principles, in all material respects, for the
year ended June 30, 2023 based on the evidence we have obtained. We conducted our reasonable assurance engagement
in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000, ‘Assurance Engagements other than audits or
reviews of historical financial statements’, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. That standard
requires that we plan and perform this engagement to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the compliance of the
Company’s financial arrangements, contracts, and transactions having Shariah implications with Shariah principles is free from
material misstatement.
The procedures selected by us for the engagement depended on our judgement, including the assessment of the risks of
material non-compliance with the Shariah principles. In making those risk assessments, we considered and tested the internal
control relevant to the Company’s compliance with the Shariah principles in order to design procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. We
have designed and performed necessary verification procedures on various financial arrangements, contracts and transactions
having Shariah implications and related policies and procedures based on judgmental and systematic samples with regard to
the compliance of Shariah principles (criteria specified in para 2 above).
We believe that the evidences we have obtained through performing our procedures were sufficient and appropriate to provide
a basis for our opinion.
6. Conclusion
Based on our reasonable assurance engagement, we report that in our opinion, the Company’s financial arrangements, contracts
and transactions in respect of Shariah Compliant Securities issued, for the year ended June 30, 2023 are in compliance with the
Shariah principles (criteria specified in the paragraph 2 above), in all material respects.
Name of company: Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited (the Company)
Year ended: June 30, 2023
Securities: Shariah Compliant Sukuk Certificates
Shariah Compliant Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP)
We confirm that:
The financial arrangements, contracts and transactions entered into by the Company in respect of issue of Sukuk and
Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) were in accordance with the Sukuk and Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) features and
Shariah requirements.
• The Company has implemented and maintained such internal control and risk management systems that are necessary
to mitigate the risk of non-compliances with the Sukuk and Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) Features and Shariah
requirements, whether due to fraud or error.
• The Company has a process to ensure that the management and where appropriate the Board of Directors, and
personnel responsible to ensure the Company’s compliance with the Sukuk and Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP)
Features and Shariah Requirements are properly trained and systems are properly updated.
The Sukuk and Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) features and Shariah requirements shall mean the following:
• Shariah principles in the light of the rules, regulations and directives issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission
of Pakistan (SECP);
• Shariah Standards issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), as
adopted by the SECP, if any; and
• Requirements of the applicable Islamic Financial Accounting Standards as notified by the SECP.
We have reviewed the enclosed Statement of Compliance with the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019 (the Regulations) prepared by the Board of Directors of Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited (the Company)
for the year ended June 30, 2023 in accordance with the requirements of regulation 36 of the Regulations.
The responsibility for compliance with the Regulations is that of the Board of Directors of the Company. Our responsibility is
to review whether the Statement of Compliance reflects the status of the Company’s compliance with the provisions of the
Regulations and report if it does not and to highlight any non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations. A review is
limited primarily to inquiries of the Company’s personnel and review of various documents prepared by the Company to comply
with the Regulations.
As a part of our audit of the financial statements we are required to obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal
control systems sufficient to plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach. We are not required to consider whether
the Board of Directors’ statement on internal control covers all risks and controls or to form an opinion on the effectiveness of
such internal controls, the Company’s corporate governance procedures and risks.
The Regulations require the Company to place before the Audit Committee, and upon recommendation of the Audit Committee,
place before the Board of Directors for their review and approval, its related party transactions. We are only required and have
ensured compliance of this requirement to the extent of the approval of the related party transactions by the Board of Directors
upon recommendation of the Audit Committee.
Based on our review nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that the Statement of Compliance does not
appropriately reflect the Company’s compliance, in all material respects, with the requirements contained in the Regulations as
applicable to the Company for the year ended June 30, 2023.
Name of company: Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited
Year ended: June 30, 2023
The Company has complied with the requirements of the Regulations in the following manner:
3. The Directors have confirmed that none of them is serving as a Director on more than seven listed companies, including
this Company;
4. The Company has prepared a Code of Conduct and has ensured that appropriate steps have been taken to disseminate
it throughout the Company along with its supporting policies and procedures;
5. The Board has developed a vision/mission statement, overall corporate strategy and significant policies of the Company.
The Board has ensured that complete record of particulars of the significant policies along with their date of approval or
updating is maintained by the Company;
6. All the powers of the Board have been duly exercised and decisions on relevant matters have been taken by the Board/
shareholders as empowered by the relevant provisions of the Act and these Regulations;
7. The meetings of the Board were presided over by the Chairman and, in his absence, by a Director elected by the Board
for this purpose. The Board has complied with the requirements of Act and the Regulations with respect to frequency,
recording and circulating minutes of meetings of the Board;
8. The Board of Directors have a formal policy and transparent procedures for remuneration of Directors in accordance with
the Act and these Regulations;
9. 7 of the Directors have completed the Director’s Training Program certification from authorized institutions and 1 of the
Director has obtained exemption due to having the prescribed qualification and experience pursuant to Regulation 19 of
the Regulations. Remaining 1 Director will also complete Director’s Training Program in near future;
10. The Board has approved appointment of Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary and Head of Internal Audit, including
their remuneration and terms and conditions of employment and complied with relevant requirements of the Regulations;
11. Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer duly endorsed the financial statements before approval of the Board;
12. The Board has formed committees comprising of members given below;
Currently, the Board has not constituted separate Nomination Committee and Risk Management Committee as its issues
are deliberated in Board meetings.
13. The terms of reference of the aforesaid committees have been formed, documented and advised to the committees for
15. The Board has set up an effective in-house internal audit function which is considered suitably qualified and experienced
for the purpose and is conversant with the policies and procedures of the Company;
16. The statutory auditors of the Company have confirmed that they have been given a satisfactory rating under the Quality
Control Review program of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and registered with Audit Oversight Board
of Pakistan, that they and all their partners are in compliance with International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) guidelines
on code of ethics as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and that they and the partners of the
firm involved in the audit are not a close relative (spouse, parent, dependent and non-dependent children) of the Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit, Company Secretary or Director of the Company;
17. The statutory auditors or the persons associated with them have not been appointed to provide other services except in
accordance with the Act, these regulations or any other regulatory requirement and the auditors have confirmed that they
have observed IFAC guidelines in this regard;
18. We confirm that all requirements of regulations 3, 6, 7, 8, 27, 32, 33 and 36 of the Regulations have been complied with;
Mirza Javed Iqbal Khurram Javaid
Chairman / Director Chief Executive Officer /Director
Lahore: September 22, 2023
We have audited the annexed financial statements of MUGHAL IRON & STEEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (the Company), which comprise the
statement of financial position as at June 30, 2023 and the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the statement of
changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to financial statements, including a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory information, and we state that we have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the
best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of the audit.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the statement of financial position, the statement
of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash flows together with the notes
forming part thereof conform with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan and give the information required by the
Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017), in the manner so required and respectively give a true and fair view of the state of the Company’s affairs as
at June 30, 2023 and of the profit and other comprehensive income, the changes in equity and its cash flows for the year then ended.
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as applicable in Pakistan. Our responsibilities under
those standards are further described in the Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are
independent of the Company in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (the Code) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities
in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the financial statements of the
current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion
thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
Following are the Key Audit Matters:
S. No. Key Audit Matters How the Matter Was Addressed in Our Audit
1 Revenue Recognition Our Audit Procedures Included the Following:
(Refer to note 4.7 and 33 to the financial statements) • Obtained understanding of the Company’s processes and
related internal controls for revenue recognition and on a
The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and sale of
sample basis, tested the operating effectiveness of those
products relating to ferrous and non-ferrous segments.
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized as or when
• Assessed the appropriateness of the Company’s revenue
performance obligations are satisfied by transferring control
accounting policies in accordance with the applicable
of promised goods to customers, and control is transferred
financial reporting framework;
at a point in time. Revenue is measured at fair value of
consideration received or receivable, excluding discounts • Performed testing of revenue transactions on a sample
and the payment is due on the satisfaction of performance basis with underlying documentation including dispatch
obligation. documents and sales invoices;
We considered revenue recognition as a key audit matter due • Performed audit procedures to analyze variation in the price
to revenue being one of the key performance indicators of and quantity sold during the year;
the Company. In addition, revenue was also considered as
• Performed cut-off procedures on near year-end sales to
an area of significant audit risk as part of the audit process
ensure revenue has been recorded in the correct period; and
as it includes a large number of transactions and customers
spread in various geographical locations. • Considered the adequacy of the related disclosures
and assessed whether these are in accordance with the
applicable financial reporting standards and the Companies
Act, 2017 (XIX 2017).
2 Existence and Valuation of Inventories Our Audit Procedures Included the Following:
As disclosed in note 11 to the accompanying financial • Our audit procedures, amongst others, included obtaining
statements, the inventories balance constitutes 38% of total an understanding of controls over purchases and valuation
assets of the Company. This comprise of stores, spares of inventories and tested, on a sample basis, their design,
and loose tools, raw material and finished goods and waste implementation and operating effectiveness;
S. No. Key Audit Matters How the Matter Was Addressed in Our Audit
We have identified existence and valuation of inventories as a • We performed observation of inventory counts for stores,
key audit matter as it forms a significant portion of Company’s spares and loose tools, raw material and finished goods
total assets. and waste inventories and additionally involved an external
expert to perform physical inspection of scrap inventory held
at company’s premises; and
• We assessed net realizable value (NRV) by comparing
management’s estimation of future selling prices for the
products with the selling prices achieved subsequent to the
reporting period. We also compared the NRV of inventories
on a sample basis, to the cost of finished goods to assess
whether any adjustments are required to value inventory
in accordance with applicable accounting and reporting
3 The Company’s Exposure to Litigation Risk Our Audit Procedures Included the Following:
(Refer to note 15 and 32 to the financial statements) • Obtaining understanding of the Company’s processes
and controls over litigations through meetings with the
The Company is exposed to different laws, regulations and
management and review of the minutes of the Board of
interpretations thereof and hence, there is a litigation risk.
Directors and Audit Committee;
Consequently, the Company has significant litigation cases
• A review of the correspondence of the Company with
pending with Custom Authorities, Federal Board of Revenue
the relevant regulatory authorities and tax/legal advisors
and Punjab Revenue Authority.
including judgments or orders passed by the competent
Given the nature and amounts involved in such cases and authorities;
the appellate forums at which these are pending, the ultimate
• Discussing open matters and developments with the in-
outcome and the resultant accounting in the financial
house tax/legal department personnel of the Company;
statements is subject to significant judgement, which can
change over time as new facts emerge and each legal case • We also obtained and reviewed confirmations from the
progresses, and therefore, we have identified this as key audit Company’s external tax and legal advisors for their views on
matter. the status of each case and an overall opinion on the open
tax and legal position of the Company; and
• Whilst noting the inherent uncertainties involved with the
legal and regulatory matters, assessing the appropriateness
of the related disclosures made in the annexed financial
Information Other than the Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report Thereon
Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the annual report, but does
not include the financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether
the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we
are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Responsibilities of Management and Board of Directors for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the accounting and
reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan and the requirements of the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether
due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern,
disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either
intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Board of directors are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.
Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but
is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan will always detect a material misstatement when
it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be
expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism
throughout the audit. We also:
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit
procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The
risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.
• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made
by management.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence
obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to
the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based
on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditors’ report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to
cease to continue as a going concern.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial
statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
We communicate with the board of directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit
findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide the board of directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence,
and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where
applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with the board of directors, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the
financial statements of the current year and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditors’ report unless law
or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest
benefits of such communication.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Based on our audit, we further report that in our opinion:
a) proper books of account have been kept by the Company as required by the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017);
b) the statement of financial position, the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity
and the statement of cash flows together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of
2017) and are in agreement with the books of account and returns;
c) investments made, expenditure incurred and guarantees extended during the year were for the purpose of the Company’s business; and
d) no zakat was dedutible at source under the zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980 (XVIII of 1980).
Other Matter
The financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2022 were audited by M/s. Fazal Mahmood & Company, Chartered
Accountants, whose audit report dated September 20, 2022 expressed an unmodified opinion on the aforementioned financial statements.
The engagement partners on the audit resulting in this independent auditors’ report are Fazal Mahmood and Arqum Naveed.
AS AT JUNE 30, 2023
Property, plant and equipment 6. 19,691,989,633 16,460,726,021
Intangible asset 7. – 721,651
Long-term investment in financial assets 8. 50,153,187 –
Long-term loans to employees 9. 65,909,792 51,269,414
Long-term deposits 10. 2,838,069 19,845,317
19,810,890,681 16,532,562,403
Inventories 11. 23,030,260,466 22,962,971,000
Trade debts 12. 9,283,146,446 5,573,585,633
Loans and advances 13. 431,390,565 148,276,956
Deposits, prepayments and other receivables 14. 629,520,459 189,758,304
Due from the government 15. 3,761,651,991 2,502,670,861
Cash and bank balances 16. 2,885,126,870 5,175,634,586
40,021,096,797 36,552,897,340
Assets classified as held for sale 17. – –
59,831,987,478 53,085,459,743
The annexed notes from 1 to 55 form an integral part of these financial statements.
BALANCE AS AT JUNE 30, 2021 2,918,555,940 2,762,735,410 980,000,000 3,402,244,904 6,441,323,325 16,504,859,579
Profit for the year – – – – 5,410,959,141 5,410,959,141
Other comprehensive loss – net of tax – – – (53,871,350) (7,967,332) (61,838,682)
Total comprehensive income for the year – – – (53,871,350) 5,402,991,809 5,349,120,459
Interim cash dividend for the year ending June 30, 2022
@ Rs. 3.00 per ordinary share i.e. 30% – – – – (1,006,901,799) (1,006,901,799)
BALANCE AS AT JUNE 30, 2022 3,356,339,330 2,324,952,020 980,000,000 3,018,133,793 11,167,653,096 20,847,078,239
The annexed notes from 1 to 55 form an integral part of these financial statements.
The annexed notes from 1 to 55 form an integral part of these financial statements.
The geographical locations and addresses of the Company’s business units including plants are as follows:
Business unit: Geographical location / address:
- Registered office 31-A Shadman-1, Lahore
- Manufacturing plants 17-KM Sheikhupura Road, Lahore
- Warehouses 17-KM Sheikhupura Road, Lahore and Badami Bagh, Lahore
- Sales centres Badami Bagh, Lahore
2.1 Statement of compliance
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as
applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards applicable in Pakistan comprise of:
– International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB) as notified under the Companies Act, 2017;
– Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan as
notified under the Companies Act, 2017; and
– Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017.
Where provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ from the IFRS and IFAS, the
provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.
i) Useful lives, residual values, depreciation method, fair value and impairment of property, plant and equipment
(note 4.1 and 6)
ii) Useful lives, residual values, amortization method and impairment of intangible asset (note 4.2 and 7)
iii) Provision for impairment of inventories (note 4.3)
iv) Defined benefit plan obligation (note 4.5 and 25)
v) Provision for current tax and recognition of deferred tax asset (note 4.6, 24 and 40)
vi) Due from the Government (note 4.6, 15 and 40)
vii) Revenue from contracts with customers (note 4.7)
viii) Financial instruments - fair value and allowances for expected credit losses (note 4.8, 12 and 50)
ix) Estimation of provisions (note 4.12)
x) Estimation of contingencies (note 4.13)
xi) Operating segments (note 4.18 and 48)
xii) Leases (note 4.19)
xiii) Deferred grant (note 4.22)
xiv) Control over associates (note 4.23)
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These
polices have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.
Any revaluation increase arising on revaluation of items of property, plant and equipment is recognized in other
comprehensive income (OCI) and presented as a separate component of equity as “Revaluation surplus on property,
plant and equipment” net of related deferred taxation, except to the extent that it reverses a revaluation decrease
for the same asset previously recognized in profit or loss, in which case the increase is credited to profit or loss to
the extent of the decrease previously charged. Accumulated depreciation outstanding as at the revaluation date is
eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the items of property, plant and equipment revalued and the net
amount is restated to the revalued amount of the items of property, plant and equipment revalued. Any decrease
as a result of revaluation of items of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the statement of profit or loss,
however, a decrease is recorded in statement of other comprehensive income to the extent of any credit balance entry
in revaluation surplus in respect of same assets. An annual transfer from the revaluation surplus on property, plant
and equipment to un-appropriated profits is made for the difference between depreciation based on the revalued
carrying amount of the asset and the depreciation based on assets original cost (net of deferred tax).
Depreciation is charged to statement of profit or loss applying the reducing balance method except for developments
on leasehold lands and solar plant which is depreciated on straight line method, at the rates given in note 6.1 to the
financial statements to write off the depreciable amount of each asset over its estimated useful life. Depreciation is
charged from the date when the asset becomes available for use up to the date of its disposal.
An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefit is
expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss on disposal or de-recognition (calculated as the difference
between the net disposal proceeds and carrying amount of the asset) is taken to statement of profit or loss. In case
of disposal of revalued item of property, plant and equipment, any revaluation surplus relating to the particular asset
being sold is transferred to un-appropriated profits.
The useful lives, residual values and depreciation method are reviewed on a regular basis. The effect of any changes
in estimate is accounted for on a prospective basis. Further, the key assumptions used to determine the fair value of
property, plant and equipment are provided in note 6.
Capital work-in-progress:
These are stated at cost less identified accumulated impairment losses, if any. All expenditure connected with
specific assets incurred and advances made during installation and construction period are carried under capital
work-in-progress. These are transferred to specific assets as and when these are made available for use.
Impairment test for property, plant and equipment is performed when there is an indication of impairment. At each
period end, an assessment is made to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any indications
exist, an estimate of the recoverable amount is calculated. The recoverable amount of an asset or cash-generating
unit is the greater of its value in use and its fair value less costs to sell. If the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its
recoverable amount, the asset is impaired and an impairment loss is charged to the statement of profit or loss so as
to reduce the carrying amount of the asset to its recoverable amount.
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
between market participants at the measurement date. Value in use is the present value of future cash flows expected
to be derived from an asset or cash generating unit (CGU).
An impairment loss is recovered if there has been a change in the estimate used to determine the recoverable
amount. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the
carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if any.
For the purpose of impairment testing, assets that cannot be tested individually are grouped together into the smallest
group of assets that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows of
other assets or groups of assets (the “cash-generating unit, or CGU”).
original cost of the asset. The useful lives, residual values and amortization method are reviewed on a regular basis.
The effect of any changes in estimate accounted for on a prospective basis.
4.3 Inventories
These are stated at lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost is determined as follows:
Stores, spares and loose tools at moving average cost of invoice value plus other charges (if any) incurred
Raw material
- Externally purchased at moving average cost of invoice value plus other charges (if any) incurred thereon
- Internally manufactured at weighted average cost of estimated manufacturing cost
Finished goods at weighted average cost of estimated manufacturing cost
Trading goods at moving average cost of invoice value plus other charges (if any) incurred thereon
In-transit at invoice value plus charges incurred thereon
End cuts at estimated replacement cost
Wastage / By-products at net realizable value
Estimated manufacturing cost consists of material, labor and other attributable overheads.
Net realizable value signifies the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less cost necessary to be
incurred for its sale. Net realizable value of stores, spares and loose tools and raw material inventory is determined
on the basis of replacement cost. Cost of inventories held for use in production of finished goods is not written down
below cost, if the finished products for which they will be consumed are expected to be sold at or above cost.
The Company reviews the carrying amount of inventories on a regular basis and as appropriate, inventory is written
down to its net realizable value or provision is made for obsolescence / excess inventories, if there is any change in
usage pattern and / or physical form of related inventory. Inventory write-down is made based on the current market
conditions, historical experience and selling goods of similar nature, which can change significantly as a result of
changes in market conditions. Major spare parts and stand-by equipment qualify as property, plant and equipment
when the Company expects to use them for more than one year. Transfers are made to tangible fixed assets category
as and when such items are available for use.
The Company’s post employment benefit comprises of a defined benefit plan. The defined benefit plan represents
an unfunded gratuity scheme for all its permanent employees subject to a minimum qualifying period of service
according to the terms of employment. The plan defines the amount which an employee will receive on or after
retirement, usually dependent on one or more factors such as age, years of service, and compensation. Provision is
made annually to cover obligation under the scheme.
The liability recognized in the statement of financial position in respect of the defined benefit plan is the present
value of the defined benefit obligation at the end of the reporting period less the fair value of any plan assets, if any.
The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by an independent actuary using Projected Unit Credit (PUC)
method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash
flows using discount rate as determined by reference to market yields on Government bonds. In determining the
liability, estimation is also made in respect of salary increases over upcoming years and the number of employees
expected to leave before they receive the benefits. Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments
and changes in actuarial assumptions are charged or credited to equity in other comprehensive income in the period
in which they arise. Past service costs are recognized immediately in the statement of profit or loss. Latest valuation
was conducted on June 30, 2023.
Following risks are associated with the scheme:
Final salary risk:
The risk that the final salary at the time of cessation of service is greater than what we assumed. Since the benefit
is calculated on the final salary (which will closely reflect inflation and other macroeconomic factors), the benefit
amount increases as salary increases.
Demographic risk:
a) Mortality risk - The risk that the actual mortality experience is different than the assumed mortality. This effect is
more pronounced in schemes where the age and service distribution is on the higher side.
b) Withdrawal risk - The risk of actual withdrawals experience is different from assumed withdrawal probability. The
significance of the withdrawal risk varies with the age, service and the entitled benefits of the beneficiary.
c) Discount rate fluctuation risk - The plan liabilities are calculated using a discount rate set with reference to corporate
bond yields. Decrease in corporate bond yields will increase the plan liabilities.
Short-term employee benefits:
A liability is recognized for benefits accruing to employees in respect of wages and salaries and other short-term
employee benefits in the period the related service is rendered at the undiscounted amount of the benefits expected
to be paid in exchange for that service.
estimates of whether additional taxes will be due. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the
amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will impact the current and deferred tax assets and liabilities in
the period in which such determination is made.
This includes adjustments, where considered necessary, to existing provision for tax made in previous years arising
from assessments framed during the period for such years.
Deferred tax is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method in respect of temporary differences arising from
differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding
tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit. The calculation of deferred tax involves an estimate of future ratio
of export and local sales considering the current trends and future expectations.
Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognized to
the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences,
unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilized. Deferred tax is not recognized on temporary differences arising
from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects
neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss, and differences arising on the initial recognition of goodwill. Deferred tax
is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply to the period when the differences reverse, based on tax rates
that have been enacted. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset
current tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable
entity, or on different taxable entities, but they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or their
tax assets and liabilities will be realized simultaneously. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at
each reporting date and is adjusted to reflect the current assessment of future taxable profits. If required, carrying
amount of deferred tax asset is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits to
allow the benefit of part or all of that recognized deferred tax asset to be utilized. Any such reduction is reversed to
the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
4.7 Revenue recognition
The Company’s business mainly comprises of sale of ferrous and non-ferrous related products, comprising primarily
of “steel re-bars”, “girders”, “billets”, “copper ingots”, “copper granules” and “iron waste”.
Revenue from contracts with customers is recognized when control of the goods is transferred to the customer at an
amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods and
the performance obligations are satisfied. The Company’s contract performance obligations are fulfilled at the point
in time when the goods are dispatched / shipped to the customer. Invoices are generated and revenue is recognized
at that point in time, as the control has been transferred to the customers.
Revenue is measured based on the consideration specified in a contract with a customer. In determining the
transaction price for the sale of goods, the Company considers the effects of variable consideration, the existence of
significant financing components, non-cash consideration, and consideration payable to the customer (if any). The
Company’s contract with customers do not contain any other promises that are separate performance obligations to
which a portion of the transaction price needs to be allocated.
If the consideration in a contract includes a variable amount, the Company estimates the amount of consideration to
which it will be entitled in exchange for transferring the goods to the customer. The variable consideration is estimated
at contract inception and constrained until it is highly probable that a significant revenue reversal in the amount of
cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when the associated uncertainty with the variable consideration is
subsequently resolved. The Company does not enter into any contracts that provide customers with a right of return
which give rise to variable consideration, nor any volume rebates / discounts are given.
The Company only receives short-term advances from its customers. Using the practical expedient, the Company
does not adjust the promised amount of consideration for the effects of a significant financing component, if it
expects, at contract inception, that the period between the transfer of the promised good or service to the customer
and when the customer pays for that good or service will be one year or less.
The Company applies the requirements of IFRS - 13 Fair Value Measurement in measuring the fair value of the non-
cash consideration (if any). If the fair value cannot be reasonably estimated, the non-cash consideration is measured
indirectly by reference to the stand-alone selling price of the respective material.
The Company pays sales commission to agents for each contract that they obtain for sales of different goods.
The Company has elected to apply the optional practical expedient for costs to obtain a contract which allows
the Company to immediately expense sales commissions because the amortization period of the asset that the
Company otherwise would have used is one year or less.
The Company’s policy relating to expected credit losses of trade debts and contract assets is mentioned in note 4.8.
The Company’s policy relating to rental income is mentioned in note 4.19.
The Company’s policy relating to income from financial assets is mentioned in note 4.20.
Miscellaneous / other income is recognized on occurrence of transactions.
4.8 Financial instruments
A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity
instrument of another entity.
Initial recognition and measurement:
Trade debts and debt securities issued, if any, are initially recognized when they are originated. All other financial
assets and financial liabilities are initially recognized when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions
of the instrument.
A financial asset (unless it is a trade debt without a significant financing component) or financial liability is initially
measured at fair value plus or minus, for an item not at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), transaction costs that
are directly attributable to its acquisition or issue. A trade debt without a significant financing component is initially
measured at the transaction price.
Classification and subsequent measurement:
Financial assets
On initial recognition, a financial asset is classified as measured at: amortized cost, fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVOCI) – debt investment; fair value through other comprehensive income – equity investment
or fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL), as appropriate. Financial assets are not reclassified subsequent to their
initial recognition unless the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets, in which case
all affected financial assets are reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period following the change in the
business model.
The Company classifies all its financial assets as measured at amortized cost. The classification is made in accordance
with the Company’s business model for managing the financial assets and contractual cash flow characteristics of
the financial assets. This classification is only made when the Company’s financial assets are held within a business
model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and when the contractual
cash flows of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and
interest on the principal amount outstanding. The Company does not hold any equity investments.
Financial liabilities
On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified as measured at amortized cost or FVTPL, as appropriate. A
financial liability is classified as at FVTPL, if it is classified as held-for-trading, it is a derivative or it is designated as
such on initial recognition. Subsequently, financial liabilities at FVTPL are measured at fair value and net gains and
losses, including any interest expense, are recognized in the statement of profit or loss. Other financial liabilities are
subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Amortized cost is calculated by taking
into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees or costs that are an integral part of the effective interest
rate. The effective interest rate amortization is included as finance costs in the statement of profit or loss. Interest
expense and foreign exchange gains and losses are recognized in the statement of profit or loss. Any gain or loss on
derecognition is also recognized in the statement of profit or loss. The Company classifies all of its financial liabilities
as ‘Other financial liabilities’.
Financial assets
The Company derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset
expire, or it transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows in a transaction in which substantially all of the
risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset are transferred or in which the Company neither transfers nor
retains substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership and it does not retain control of the financial asset.
Financial liabilities
The Company derecognizes a financial liability when its contractual obligations are discharged or cancelled, or expire.
The Company also derecognizes a financial liability when it’s terms are modified and the cash flows of the modified
liability are substantially different, in which case a new financial liability based on the modified terms is recognized at
fair value. On derecognition of a financial liability, the difference between the carrying amount extinguished and the
consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed) is recognized in the statement
of profit or loss.
Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities:
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is presented in the statement of financial
position when, and only when, the Company currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the amounts and it
intends either to settle them on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
Effective interest method:
The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial instrument and of allocating
interest income or expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts future
cash receipts or payments through the expected life of the financial instrument, or where appropriate, a shorter
Equity instruments:
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company after deducting
all of its liabilities. Equity instruments are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs.
Impairment policy:
The Company recognizes loss allowances for expected credit losses (ECLs) on:
– financial assets measured at amortized cost;
– debt investments measured at FVOCI (if any); and
– contract assets (if any).
The Company does not have any debt investments measured at FVOCI or contract assets.
In respect of trade debts, the Company applies the simplified approach to calculating ECLs. Therefore, the Company
does not track changes in credit risk, but instead recognizes a loss allowance based on lifetime ECLs at each
reporting date. The Company has established a provision matrix. To measure the expected credit losses, trade
debts have been grouped based on days overdue. The Company calibrates the matrix to adjust the historical credit
loss experience with forward looking information. For instance, if forecast economic conditions are expected to
deteriorate over the next year which can lead to an increased number of defaults in the sector, the historical default
rates are adjusted. At every reporting date, the historical observed default rates are updated and changes in the
forward-looking estimates are analyzed. The assessment of the correlation between historical observed default rates,
forecast economic conditions and ECLs is a significant estimate. The amount of ECLs is sensitive to changes in
circumstances and of forecast economic conditions. The Company’s historical credit loss experience and forecast
of economic conditions may also not be representative of customer’s actual default in the future.
For financial assets (other than trade debts) whose credit risk has not significantly increased since initial recognition,
loss allowance equal to twelve months expected credit losses is recognized. Loss allowance equal to the lifetime
expected credit losses is recognized if the credit risk on these financial asset has significantly increased since initial
recognition. When determining whether the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantly since initial
recognition and when estimating ECLs, the Company considers reasonable and supportable information that is
relevant and available without undue cost or effort. For debt instruments at amortized cost, the Company applies
the low credit risk simplification. At every reporting date, the Company evaluates whether the debt instrument is
considered to have low credit risk using all reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue
cost or effort. In making that evaluation, the Company reassesses the internal credit rating of the debt instrument. In
addition, the Company considers that there has been a significant increase in credit risk when contractual payments
are more than 30 days past due.
At each reporting date, the Company assesses whether financial assets carried at amortized cost and debt securities
at FVOCI (if any), are credit-impaired. A financial asset is ‘credit-impaired’ when one or more events that have a
detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset have occurred. The Company considers
a financial asset to be in default when internal or external information indicates that the Company is unlikely to
receive the outstanding contractual amounts in full before taking into account any credit enhancements held by the
Company. Evidence that a financial asset is credit-impaired includes the following observable data:
– significant financial difficulty of the borrower / customer;
– a breach of contract such as a default or being more than 365 days past due; or
– it is probable that the borrower / customer will enter bankruptcy.
Presentation of allowance for ECLs in the statement of financial position
Loss allowances for financial assets measured at amortized cost are deducted from the gross carrying amount of the
The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is written-off when the Company has no reasonable expectations of
recovering a financial asset in its entirety or a portion thereof. The Company makes an assessment with respect to
the timing and amount of write-off based on whether there is a reasonable expectation of recovery.
4.9 Trade and other payables
These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Company prior to the end of financial year
which are unpaid. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition. Trade and other
payables are presented as current liabilities unless payment is not due within 12 months after the reporting period.
Trade debts:
Trade debts represent the Company’s right to an amount of consideration that is unconditional. Trade debts are
carried at original invoice amount less expected credit losses based on a review of all outstanding amounts at the
year end. Bad debts are written off when identified.
Contract liabilities:
A contract liability is the obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the Company has received
consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the customer. If a customer pays consideration before
the Company transfers goods to the customer, a contract liability is recognized when the payment is made or the
payment is due (whichever is earlier). Contract liabilities are recognized as revenue when the Company performs
under the contract.
Right of return assets:
Right of return asset represents the Company’s right to recover the goods expected to be returned by customers.
Such asset (if any) is measured at the former carrying amount of the inventory, less any expected costs to recover the
goods, including any potential decreases in the value of the returned goods. The measurement of the asset recorded
(if any) is updated for any revisions to its expected level of returns, as well as any additional decreases in the value
of the returned products.
Refund liabilities:
A refund liability (if any) is the obligation to refund some or all of the consideration received (or receivable) from the
customer and is measured at the amount the Company ultimately expects it will have to return to the customer. The
estimates of refund liabilities (if any) and the corresponding change in the transaction price are updated at the end
of each reporting period.
4.11 Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise of cash in hand, balances with banks and investments with maturities of three
months or less from acquisition date that are subject to insignificant risk of changes in fair value. Bank overdrafts
that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Company’s cash management are included as a
component of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of statement of cash flows.
4.12 Provisions
A provision is recognized in the statement of financial position when the Company has a legal or constructive
obligation as a result of a past event, and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle
the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of obligation. Provisions are measured at the
present value of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the end
of the reporting period. The discount rate used to determine the present value is a pre-tax rate that reflects current
market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. The increase in the provision due
to the passage of time is recognized as interest expense. As the actual outflows can differ from estimates made for
provisions due to changes in laws, regulations, public expectations, technology, prices and conditions, and can take
place many years in the future, the carrying amounts of provisions are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted
to take account of such changes. Any adjustments to the amount of previously recognized provision is recognized
in the statement of profit or loss unless the provision was originally recognized as part of cost of an asset.
4.19 Leases
The Company assesses at contract inception whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. That is, if the contract
conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Company as a lessee:
The Company has elected not to recognize right-of-use asset and corresponding lease liability for short-term leases
with terms of 12 months or less and leases of low-value assets. The lease payments associated with these leases
are recognized as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Company as a lessor:
Leases for which the Company is a lessor are classified as finance or operating leases. Whenever the terms of the
lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee, the contract is classified as a finance
lease. All other leases are classified as operating leases. Rental income from operating leases is recognized on a
straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease. Assets subject to operating lease are initially stated at cost
and subsequently at cost / revalued amounts less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment, if any,
as the case may be. The revaluation, impairment and depreciation policy for assets subject to operating leases is
consistent with the normal policy in respect of tangible fixed assets as mentioned in note 4.1.
5.2 Standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards that are not yet effective and
have not been early adopted by the Company
Following are the standards and amendments to the IFRS that are mandatory for companies having accounting
periods beginning on or after July 1, 2023 and have not been early adopted by the Company. These are considered
either not to be relevant or to have any significant effect on the Company’s operations upon their initial application
and are, therefore, not detailed in these financial statements:
Effective date
(annual periods
beginning on or after)
Amendments to existing Standards:
IFRS - 16 Leases
Amendments to clarify how a seller-lessee subsequently measures
sale and leaseback transactions. 1 January 2024
IFRS - 17 Insurance Contracts
Amendments to address concerns and implementation challenges
that were identified after IFRS 17. 1 January 2023
Effective date
(annual periods
beginning on or after)
IAS - 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
Amendments regarding the classification of debt with covenants. 1 January 2024
Amendments regarding classification of liabilities. 1 January 2024
Amendment to defer the effective date of the January 2020 amendments. 1 January 2024
Tangible fixed assets 6.1 18,250,834,254 14,814,802,289
Capital work-in-progress 6.2 1,441,155,379 1,645,923,732
19,691,989,633 16,460,726,021
6.1 Reconciliation of carrying amounts of tangible fixed assets - owned and assets subject to operating lease at the beginning and end of the year is as follows:
Depreciation charge for the year – (10,930,134) (283,976,265) (290,596) (55,754,174) (2,333,094) (4,260) (1,016,349) (18,609,970) (380,243) (28,745,243) (20,167,650) (9,954) (1,432,756) (1,190,064) (570,683) (16,641,664) (442,053,099) (3,421,311) (445,474,410)
Balance as at June 30, 2022 567,500,000 262,323,218 11,274,589,537 – 1,537,222,223 187,581,990 166,157 11,546,691 425,546,178 3,422,184 179,348,354 114,283,353 89,581 3,343,098 4,760,255 22,256,633 220,822,837 14,814,802,289 – 14,814,802,289
Depreciation Rate (%) – 4 2.50 2.50 3.50 4.00 2.50 10 5 10 15 15 10 30 20 2.50 7 – 2.50 –
Net book value 567,500,000 262,323,218 11,274,589,537 – 1,537,222,223 187,581,990 166,157 11,546,691 425,546,178 3,422,184 179,348,354 114,283,353 89,581 3,343,098 4,760,255 22,256,633 220,822,837 14,814,802,289 – 14,814,802,289
The depreciation charge for the year has been allocated as follows:
Cost of sales 404,615,323 389,246,909
Administrative expenses 52,145,842 56,227,501
456,761,165 445,474,410
6.1.2 Freehold land, factory building on freehold land, plant and machinery, power plant and other machinery and
equipment are measured using the revaluation model. The fair value of these assets is determined periodically. The
latest revaluation to assess the fair value of these assets was conducted on June 30, 2023 and performed by an
independent valuer - M/s Tristar International Consultant (Private) Limited, having appropriate qualifications and recent
experience in the fair value measurement of properties in the relevant locations. Revaluation was carried out on the
basis of information from various real estate agents of present market values of similar property in the vicinity for
freehold land, replacement values of similar types of buildings based on present cost of construction for factory
building on freehold land and valuations of plant and machinery, other machinery and equipment and power plant
based on the estimated gross replacement cost, depreciated to reflect the residual service potential of the assets
taking account age, condition, location, design, adverse factors, threats and opportunities and obsolescence. There
has been no change to the valuation technique during the year.
6.1.3 Information about the fair value hierarchy of freehold land, factory building on freehold land, plant and machinery,
other machinery and equipment and power plant as at the end of the reporting period are as follows:
The above table shows assets recognized at fair value, analyzed between those whose fair value is based on:
– Level 2: those involving Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or
liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices); and
– Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data.
6.1.4 Had the Company’s freehold land, factory building on freehold land, plant and machinery, power plant and other
machinery and equipment been measured on a historical cost basis, their carrying amount would have been as
2023 2022
6.1.5 Forced sale value as per the last revaluation report as of June 30, 2023 of freehold land, factory building on freehold
land, plant and machinery, power plant and other machinery and equipment and was Rs. 508.480 million, Rs. 248.133
million, Rs. 12,979.456 million, Rs. 1,360.600 million and Rs. 35.000 million and respectively.
Warehouses, colony, sales centres and registered office, represent developments on leasehold lands. Developments
on leasehold lands represent civil / structural improvements.
6.1.7 Title of land measuring 63 kanals and 8 marlas has not yet been transferred in the name of the Company. The said title
is currently in name of Mughal Steel (AoP) which was taken over by the Company.
6.1.8 Detail of charge created on certain items of property, plant and equipment is given in note 23. This charge existed at
June 30, 2023. The Company is not allowed to offer the assets under charge as security for additional borrowings or
to sell them without prior approval of the existing lenders.
6.1.9 Property, plant and equipment includes certain assets held under common ownership under diminishing musharaka
6.1.10 Contractual commitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment amounted to Rs.37.700 million as at
June 30, 2023 (2022: Rs. 861.664 million) note 6.2.2.
6.1.11 During the previous year, certain items of property, plant and equipment were transferred to assets classified as held
for sale. These assets had been retired from active use and their carrying value was to be recovered through sale
rather than continuing use. Immediately, before transfer, the said assets were remeasured to fair value and impairment
loss of Rs. 53.871 (net of tax) million in respect of plant and machinery (revalued assets) was recognized in other
comprehensive income, whereas, impairment loss in respect of coal gasifier plant (non-revalued asset) of Rs. 3.109
million was recognized in statement of profit or loss account. All these assets related to ferrous segment.
6.1.12 The detail of tangible fixed assets disposed off during the year is as follows:
Rupees Description / Particulars of buyers / Relation Mode of Cost / Net book Net Gain /
with the Company or its Directors disposal revalued amount value proceeds (loss)
Muhammad Irfan Amin - employee Company policy 1,566,730 856,512 750,000 (106,512)
Rashid Hassan Butt - employee Company policy 1,391,000 614,580 500,000 (114,580)
Chanda Mushtaq - employee Company policy 1,480,000 671,005 1,080,000 408,995
Adil Sajjad - employee Company policy 1,790,100 1,092,281 1,800,000 707,719
Aziz-ul-Rehman - employee Company policy 1,853,500 961,368 725,000 (236,368)
Ijazullah - employee Company policy 2,402,530 2,156,360 2,400,000 243,640
Basit Habib - employee Company policy 6,113,530 3,208,298 4,360,000 1,151,702
Sheikh Irfan Javed - third party Negotiation 20,498,500 6,594,042 30,500,000 23,905,958
Sheikh Irfan Javed - third party Negotiation 18,390,867 5,604,722 30,500,000 24,895,278
June 30, 2023 55,486,757 21,759,168 72,615,000 50,855,832
June 30, 2022 645,740,346 589,519,264 524,667,414 (64,851,850)
- Payment for land 6.2.1 14,240,625 – – 14,240,625
- Plant, machinery and others 6.2.2 1,631,683,107 1,564,672,010 (1,769,440,363) 1,426,914,754
June 30, 2023 1,645,923,732 1,564,672,010 (1,769,440,363) 1,441,155,379
June 30, 2022 1,067,981,304 1,624,808,799 (1,046,866,371) 1,645,923,732
6.2.1 This represents estimated payment for acquisition of land measuring 7 kanal and 7 marlas deposited in Government
treasury in accordance with the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. The matter is currently pending.
6.2.2 Transfers mainly included recycling plant and pre-fabricated building for non-ferrous plant capitalized during the year.
This represents cost of ERP software implementation. It is being amortized on straight line basis over a period of 60
2023 2022
7.1 The amortization charge for the year has been allocated to administrative expenses. This was completely amortized
during the year.
2023 2022
This represents investment in listed, rated, unsecured, privately placed term finance certificates of Soneri Bank Limited
having tenure of 10 years, carrying profit at the rate of 6MK + 1.70% per annum. Since, investment is held by the
Company within a business model whose objective is to collect contractual cash flows which are solely payments of
principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, therefore, these have been classified as financial assets
measured at amortized cost. As at June 30, 2023, the term finance certificates were rated A+.
2023 2022
Stores, spares and loose tools 2,811,602,149 1,920,118,029
Raw material 16,082,208,930 15,386,825,723
Finished goods and waste 4,136,449,387 5,656,027,248
23,030,260,466 22,962,971,000
11.1 Inventories include material in-transit on account of stores, spares and loose tools, raw material and finished goods
amounting to Rs. 50.211 million (2022: Rs. 102.058 million), Rs. 1,117.145 million (2022: Rs. 2,459.191 million) and
Rs. Nil (2022: Rs. 366.386 million) respectively.
11.2 Inventories are under hypothecation of commercial banks as security for facilities in respect of short-term borrowings
(note 30). Inventories amounting to Rs. 929.624 million (2022: 104.364 million) are carried at fair value less costs to
12.1 These represent trade debts outstanding against export sales of Rs. 10,019.770 million (2022: Rs. 12,341.238 million)
made to such parties during the year. The entire sales in respect of these parties was made in the region of People’s
Republic of China. Out of total sales to these parties, Rs. 6,456.586 million (2022: Rs. 12,341.238 million) was made
against LC on sight basis and Rs. 3,563.184 (2022: Rs. Nil) was made on basis of payment against documents. For
aging purposes, the receivables against export sales were neither past due nor impaired. No export sale was made
to any related party during the year nor there were any cases of default on part of any export parties.
2023 2022
The allowance for expected credit losses assessment requires a degree of estimation and judgement and is based
on the lifetime expected credit losses, grouped based on days overdue, and makes assumptions to allocate an
overall expected credit loss rate for each group. These assumptions amongst other factors include recent sales
experience, historical collection rates, economic conditions during the period over which the historical data has been
collected, current conditions and the Company’s view of economic conditions over the expected lives of the trade
debts. The management believes that none of the balances are credit impaired nor any further impairment allowance
is necessary in respect of unprovided past due amounts as there are reasonable grounds to believe that the amounts
will be recovered in short course of time.
Aging of trade debts is as follows:
Not overdue 5,689,148,889 4,097,041,685
Past due:
30 days 1,734,706,247 596,704,867
60 days 1,300,785,316 96,859,314
150 days 415,972,964 18,813,844
Greater than 150 days 276,010,401 863,198,441
9,416,623,817 5,672,618,151
Allowance for expected credit losses (133,477,371) (99,032,518)
9,283,146,446 5,573,585,633
13.1 These represent interest-free advances provided to employees in accordance with Company policy. These are secured
against salary / gratuity and are repayable within twelve months. The maximum aggregate amount of advances to the
key management personnel outstanding at the end of any month during the year ended June 30, 2023 was Rs. 4.948
million (2022: Rs. 6.673 million). There were no advances which were past due or impaired. No amount was provided
to the Chief Executive Officer or any of the Directors during the year ended June 30, 2023 (2022: Rs. Nil).
Rupees Note 2023 2022
Interest accrued on term deposit receipts 18,548,303 4,716,603
Letters of credit 8,054,813 3,061,988
Prepayments 31,118,603 17,091,336
Security deposits against rent 14.1 1,100,000 1,100,000
Deposits 14.2 29,408,644 26,534,318
Margin against guarantees 14.3 528,689,019 133,843,453
Other receivables - considered good 12,601,077 3,410,606
629,520,459 189,758,304
Due from related parties:
- Al-Bashir (Private) Limited 500,000 500,000
500,000 500,000
The maximum aggregate amount due from related parties outstanding at the end of any month during the year ended
June 30, 2023 was Rs. 0.500 million (2022: Rs. 0.500 million).
14.2 These mainly include pay orders issued to Collector of Customs as security against various import consignments.
14.3 This represents margin against guarantees issued for the supply of steel bars and girders.
Sales tax - net 15.1, 15.2 735,697,445 142,870,332
Advance income tax - net 15.3 2,802,911,314 2,255,973,571
Custom duties 15.4 223,043,232 103,826,958
Export regulatory duty - considered doubtful 15.5 – –
3,761,651,991 2,502,670,861
15.1 This includes Rs. 103.292 million (2022: Rs. 103.292 million) outstanding on account of alleged sales tax liability
recovered against order of the Additional Commissioner, Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) on the basis of presumed
non-withholding of sales tax in respect of various taxable services. However, the management and the Company’s
legal advisor were strongly of the opinion that there was no non-compliance of any provisions of the PRA or rules
made thereunder and that the said order and recovery was illegal and violative of the fundamental rights, against
the factual position and without the support of law and that the charges therein were based on the misconception
of the department. Accordingly, against the said order of the Additional Commissioner, appeal dated May 09, 2018
was filed before the Commissioner (Appeals), whereby the Additional Commissioner was directed to initiate enquiry
and address the grievances of the Company. The Additional Commissioner submitted the enquiry report to the
Commissioner (Appeals). The Commissioner (Appeals) passed order in favor of the Company by partially deleting the
demand to the extent of Rs. 27.495 million whereas the remaining amount of Rs. 75.797 million was set aside. The
set aside proceedings were concluded, whereby, the demand of Rs. 75.797 million was sustained by the Additional
Commissioner. The Company again filed appeal before the Commissioner (Appeals) against the said order. The
hearings have been concluded, however, the order is awaited till date. The management is rigorously contesting the
case and along with the Company’s legal advisor are optimistic that the ultimate outcome of this case will be in favor
of the Company.
15.2 This includes an amount of Rs. 80.783 million deposited under protest against a demand of Rs. 398.945 raised by
the Customs authorities on account of sales tax, whereby the Customs authorities recalculated the value of supply of
local waste generated from non-ferrous segment, in accordance with the valuation rulings issued under the Customs
Act, 1969, despite of the fact that in case of local supply, the said value was to be determined keeping view the
provisions of section 2(46) of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, and that valuation rulings issued under the Customs Act, 1969,
were applicable only in case of imports and not in case of local supplies. The matter is currently pending before
the Collector Adjudication. The Company and its legal advisor are of the opinion that the said demand is not legally
justified and hence refundable / adjustable.
2023 2022
Advance income tax - net
Opening balance 2,255,973,571 1,880,561,668
Payments 858,880,186 776,564,037
3,114,853,757 2,657,125,705
Adjustments (311,942,443) (401,152,134)
Closing balance 2,802,911,314 2,255,973,571
15.4 This represents payments made under protest on account of regulatory and additional custom duty in respect of sale
of local waste generated from non-ferrous segment against demand created by the Customs authorities, despite the
fact that regulatory duty and additional custom duty are not applicable on material imported under manufacturing
bond scheme. The Company and its legal advisor are of the opinion that the said demand is not legally justified and
hence refundable / adjustable.
2023 2022
Export regulatory duty - considered doubtful:
Export regulatory duty 54,148,408 54,148,408
Provision for doubtful recovery (54,148,408) (54,148,408)
– –
Government of Pakistan (GoP) imposed regulatory duty on export of scrap and steel products with the objective to
protect the local steel industry. This duty was not applicable in respect of goods manufactured and exported from
raw material imported under the Duty and Tax Remission Scheme (DTRE) or in manufacturing bonded warehouses.
However, the Company under protest deposited the regulatory duty to clear the export consignments at that time. This
fact is also evident from the subsequent withdrawal of duty by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) from exports made
out of finished goods manufactured from raw material imported in manufacturing bonded warehouses or under DTRE
regime. The matter is currently pending before the Customs Appellate Tribunal and due to uncertainty in respect of
recovery, provision has been recorded.
Balances with banks in:
- Current accounts 16.1 1,956,666,671 2,783,562,418
- Saving accounts 16.2 280,338,557 267,447,954
- Term deposits 16.3 648,085,000 2,122,500,000
2,885,090,228 5,173,510,372
Cash in hand 36,642 2,124,214
2,885,126,870 5,175,634,586
16.1 Includes US$ 341,490 (2022: US$ 469,530).
16.2 These include an amount of Rs. 123.394 million (2022: Rs. 101.719 million) maintained in an account over which lien
is marked in favor of sukuk holders. The said amount can only be utilized for purpose of payments to sukuk holders
as and when due. These carried profit ranging between 13.50% to 20.50% (2022: 5.8% to 12%) per annum.
16.3 These carried profit ranging between 13.50% to 19.50% (2022: 11.00% to 15.25%) per annum.
2023 2022
202,207,479 202,207,479 Shares allotted for consideration paid in cash 2,022,074,790 2,022,074,790
58,579,553 58,579,553 Shares allotted for consideration other than cash 19.1 585,795,530 585,795,530
74,846,901 74,846,901 Shares allotted as bonus shares 19.2 748,469,010 748,469,010
335,633,933 335,633,933 3,356,339,330 3,356,339,330
19.1 These represent shares issued against purchase of business comprising of net assets of Mughal Steel (AoP) including
fixed assets.
19.3 213.595 million ordinary shares (2022: 216.894 million) of Rs. 10/- each were held by major shareholders, key
management personnel and their relatives.
19.4 Pursuant, to covenants contained in the financing agreements, the Company is prevented from declaring dividend, if
such declaration leads to breach of any financial covenants stipulated therein.
2023 2022
This represents reserve on account of share premium charged in respect of issuance of ordinary shares in previous
years. This reserve can be utilized by the Company only for the purposes specified in Section 81 of the Companies
Act, 2017.
2023 2022
21. This represents contingency reserve set aside from un-appropriated profit for meeting future catastrophic events.
2023 2022
Breakup of revaluation surplus net of deferred tax is as follows:
Freehold land 572,274,137 504,174,137
Factory building on freehold land 140,456,018 147,171,360
Plant and machinery 2,553,748,610 1,659,950,831
Power plant 718,599,630 706,837,465
Other machinery and equipment 13,299,783 –
3,998,378,178 3,018,133,793
22.3 The revaluation surplus on property, plant and equipment is not available for distribution to the shareholders in
accordance with section 241 of the Companies Act, 2017.
Long-term loans 23.1 2,333,310,665 1,687,346,898
Diminishing musharaka 23.2 437,042,917 708,494,719
Shariah compliant sukuk certificates 23.3 2,210,124,312 2,913,340,269
4,980,477,894 5,309,181,886
Current portion shown under current liabilities (1,678,411,215) (1,281,336,412)
3,302,066,679 4,027,845,474
Long term loans:
Bank Alfalah Limited - II 23.1.1 39,500,000 59,250,000
Bank Alfalah Limited - III 23.1.2 – 34,885,061
Bank Alfalah Limited - IV 23.1.3 79,263,135 117,137,552
Soneri Bank Limited - I 23.1.4 39,106,767 44,454,332
Soneri Bank Limited - II 23.1.5 28,864,000 33,040,000
United Bank Limited 23.1.6 76,190,476 152,380,953
Habib Bank Limited - I 23.1.7 221,901,000 233,580,000
Habib Bank Limited - II 23.1.8 1,848,485,287 1,012,619,000
2,333,310,665 1,687,346,898
Current portion shown under current liabilities: (576,372,118) (195,742,065)
1,756,938,547 1,491,604,833
23.1.1 This represents outstanding amount in respect of term finance facility obtained for the purpose of financing various
items of plant and machinery and related civil work for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 16 equal quarterly installments,
with the last installment due in May 2025. It carries mark up at the rate of 3MK + 1.25% per annum.
23.1.3 This represents outstanding amount in respect of term finance facility obtained for the purpose of financing plant and
machinery for ferrous segment availed under State Bank of Pakistan temporary refinance scheme. It is repayable
in 16 equal quarterly installments with last installment due in May 2025. It carries mark up at SBP rate + 3.00% per
annum. The fair value of the loan has been determined by discounting the loan proceeds using prevailing market
rates of interest for similar instruments. The differential between the loan proceeds and fair value of the loan has been
recorded as deferred grant (note 4.22 and 26).
23.1.4 This represents outstanding amount in respect of term finance facility obtained for the purpose of financing procurement
and installation of solar system. It is repayable in 120 equal monthly installments with last installment due in November
2031. It carries mark up at the rate of 3MK + 2.00% per annum.
23.1.5 This represents outstanding amount in respect of SBP scheme for renewable energy facility obtained for the purpose
of financing procurement and installation of solar system. It is repayable in 120 equal monthly installments with last
installment due in May 2030. It carries mark up at SBP rate + 3.00% per annum.
23.1.6 This represents outstanding amount in respect of demand finance facility obtained for the purpose of financing plant
and machinery and related civil works for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 21 equal quarterly installments, with the
last installment due in May 2024. It carries mark up at the rate of 3MK + 0.80% per annum.
23.1.7 This represents outstanding amount in respect of SBP scheme for LTFF obtained for the purpose of financing imported
plant and machinery for non-ferrous segment. It is repayable in 20 equal quarterly installments, post completion of
grace period of 12 months, with last installment due in March 2028. It carries mark up at SBP rate + 1% per annum.
23.1.8 This represents outstanding amount in respect of term finance obtained for the purpose of financing imported plant
and machinery for non-ferrous segment and certain spares for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 20 equal quarterly
installments, post completion of grace period of 12 months, with last installment due in June 2028. It carries mark up
at the rate of 3MK + 1% per annum.
Diminishing musharaka:
Askari Bank Limited - I 23.2.1 87,500,000 175,000,000
Askari Bank Limited - II 23.2.2 – 38,917,073
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited 23.2.3 87,500,000 175,000,000
Meezan Bank Limited - I 23.2.4 127,020,169 184,021,420
Meezan Bank Limited - II 23.2.5 135,022,748 135,556,226
437,042,917 708,494,719
Current portion shown under current liabilities (247,992,663) (271,451,802)
189,050,254 437,042,917
23.2.1 This represents outstanding amount in respect of diminishing musharaka obtained for the purpose of financing
various items of plant and machinery for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 16 equal quarterly installments, with the
last installment due in April 2024. It carries mark up at the rate of 3MK + 0.90% per annum.
23.2.2 It was completely repaid during the year.
23.2.3 This represents outstanding amount in respect of diminishing musharaka facility obtained for the purpose of financing
imported machinery for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 16 equal quarterly installments, with the last installment due
in April 2024. It carries mark up at the rate of 3MK + 0.80% per annum.
23.2.4 This represents outstanding amount in respect of diminishing musharaka facility obtained for the purpose of financing
plant and machinery for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 16 equal quarterly installments, with the last installment due
in March 2026. It carries mark up at the rate of 3MK + 1% per annum.
23.2.5 This represents outstanding amount in respect of Islamic temporary refinance facility obtained for purchase of plant
and machinery for ferrous segment. It is repayable in 32 equal quarterly installments, with the last installment due
in June 2031. It carries mark up at SBP rate + 4% per annum. The fair value of the loan has been determined by
discounting the loan proceeds using prevailing market rates of interest for similar instruments. The differential between
the loan proceeds and fair value of the loan has been recorded as deferred grant (note 4.22 and 26).
Shariah compliant sukuk certificates:
Sukuk I - (diminishing musharaka) 23.3.1 2,210,124,312 2,913,340,269
Current portion shown under current liabilities (854,046,434) (814,142,545)
1,356,077,878 2,099,197,724
This represents the amortized cost of 3,000 privately placed, rated, secured, OTC listed Shariah compliant sukuk
certificates aggregating to Rs. 3,000.000 million (inclusive of a green shoe option of Rs, 1,000.000 million) having face
value of Rs. 1,000,000/- each, issued for a period of 5 years (inclusive of 1 year grace period) to Qualified Institutional
Buyers (QIBs) in accordance with Section 66 of the Companies Act, 2017 for the purpose of meeting working capital
requirements of the Company and utilized accordingly. These carry mark up at the rate of 3MK + 1.30% per annum
and are repayable in 16 equal quarterly installments, with the last installment due in April 2025. Pakistan Credit Rating
Agency Limited (PACRA) and VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (VIS) as per their latest reports have assigned long-
term rating of A+ to the sukuk certificates.
23.4 The above outstanding facilities are secured by joint pari passu charge to the extent of Rs. 9,562.906 million (2022:
9,562.906 million) over present and future fixed assets (excluding land and building) of the Company with 25% margin
and by way of personal guarantees of Directors, other than Independent Directors. In addition the Company is also
required to comply with certain financial covenants including but not limited to prohibition with respect to payment of
dividend until certain financial requirements are satisfied.
2023 2022
Net deferred tax liability is recognized in respect of
following taxable / (deductible) temporary differences:
- Accelerated tax depreciation 2,199,427,327 1,530,173,118
- Revaluation surplus on property, plant and equipment 1,916,478,351 1,026,828,593
- Defined benefit obligation (189,161,842) (116,388,017)
- Allowance for expected credit losses (41,993,203) (24,633,954)
- Tax losses (5,655,687) –
3,879,094,946 2,415,979,740
Deferred tax assets and liabilities on temporary differences are measured at 39% (2022: 29%). Deferred tax asset
is recognized for tax losses, minimum tax, alternative corporate tax, and tax losses available for carry forward, if,
the realization of the related tax benefit through future taxable profits is probable. Deferred tax asset on tax credit
representing minimum tax available for carry forward under section 113 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 has not
been recognized as sufficient taxable profits would not be available for adjustment / utilization in the foreseeable
future. The minimum tax would expire as follows:
25.1 This represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation recognized in the statement of financial position
(note 4.5). The latest actuarial valuation was carried out on June 30, 2023 using Projected unit credit (PUC) method by
an approved actuary. It includes Rs. 83.392 million (2022: Rs. 55.858 million) on account of present value of defined
benefit obligation of key management personnel. The Company does not have any plan assets covering its defined
benefit obligation.
2023 2022
Changes in net liability recognized in statement of financial position:
Opening balance 467,898,836 357,573,653
Expense charged to statement of profit or loss 169,312,697 122,861,112
Remeasurements recognized in other comprehensive income (4,363,993) 11,221,594
632,847,540 491,656,359
Defined benefits paid (31,587,729) (23,757,523)
601,259,811 467,898,836
Expense charged to statement of profit or loss:
Current service cost 111,157,767 88,985,159
Interest cost 58,154,930 33,875,953
169,312,697 122,861,112
The expense charged to statement of profit or loss includes Rs. 24.291 million (2022: Rs. 14.870 million) in respect of
key management personnel.
2023 2022
Remeasurements charged to other comprehensive income:
Actuarial loss from changes in financial assumptions 4,468,126 4,089,203
Experience adjustments (8,832,119) 7,132,391
(4,363,993) 11,221,594
Function-wise breakup of expense charged to statement of profit or loss:
Cost of sales 110,132,030 77,226,984
Sales and marketing expenses 2,621,022 3,510,317
Administrative expenses 56,559,645 42,123,811
169,312,697 122,861,112
2023 2022
Key actuarial assumptions used:
Discount rate used for interest cost in profit or loss charge (%) 13.25% 10.00%
Discount rate used for year end obligation (%) 16.25% 13.25%
Future salary increased (%) 15.25% 12.25%
Next salary increase 01-Jul-23 01-Jul-22
Pre-retirement mortality SLIC 2001-2005
Set back 1 year
Withdrawal rates Age based
Retirement assumption Age 60
Actuarial valuation method used Projected unit credit (PUC)
Figures in this note are based on the latest actuarial valuation carried out as at June 30, 2023.
The sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to changes in the weighted principle assumptions is:
There is no significant change in the obligation if the life expectancy increases by 1 year.
The sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In
practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated.
Based on actuary’s advice, the amount of expected liability in respect of the defined benefit plan in 2023-24 will be Rs.
217.499 million.
25.10 Expected benefit payments for the next 6 years and beyond:
Rupees Note 2023 2022
Deferred income 26.1 67,144,905 49,791,235
Deferred grant 26.2 17,868,455 25,538,866
85,013,360 75,330,101
26.1 This represents unrecognized sale proceeds in respect of long-term loans to employees against vehicles.
26.2 This represents the non-current portion of the deferred grant recognized (note 4.22). Deferred grant amounting to Rs.
7.670 million (2022: Rs. 21.371 million) was amortized during the year.
Creditors 1,298,726,860 1,356,737,951
Accrued and other liabilities 200,885,728 191,922,790
Utilities payable 27.1 1,044,301,279 511,535,453
Withholding taxes payable 60,621,348 17,639,969
Contract liabilities (Running account with customers) 27.2 79,641,552 284,779,489
Workers’ profit participation fund payable 27.3 233,598,643 336,093,118
Workers’ welfare fund payable 88,701,984 224,980,733
3,006,477,394 2,923,689,503
27.1 This includes Rs. 591.131 million (2022: Nil) on account of Fuel Price Adjustment (FPA) and Quarterly Tariff Rate
Adjustment (QTR) charged in electricity bills for the period relating from July 2022 to December 2022, against which
writ petitions were filed before the Honourable Lahore High Court, whereby stay was granted in favor of the petitioners.
However, LESCO has filed intra-court appeal against the order which is still pending in the Honourable Lahore High
27.2 These are unsecured and represented advance payments received from customers against which goods are to be
Workers’ profit participation fund payable:
Opening balance 336,093,118 223,495,586
Allocation for the year 37. 233,598,643 336,093,118
569,691,761 559,588,704
Interest charge 53,360,169 –
Payments (389,453,287) (223,495,586)
Closing balance 233,598,643 336,093,118
28. This represents unclaimed and unpaid dividend amounts and includes amount of Rs. 5.255 million (2022: Rs. 4.577
million) on account of unclaimed / unpaid dividend outstanding for more than three years.
Payable in respect of:
- Long-term financing 136,956,112 34,556,501
- Short-term borrowings 752,802,100 345,312,592
889,758,212 379,869,093
Short-term borrowings availed from: 30.1
- Islamic banks - secured 8,858,844,100 9,321,707,679
- Conventional banks - secured 10,304,753,595 9,265,108,351
19,163,597,695 18,586,816,030
30.1 Short-term borrowings have been obtained from various conventional and Islamic banks under mark-up / profit
arrangements for meeting various working capital requirements. The aggregate credit facilities available to the
Company other than under trade credit amounted to Rs. 37,713.000 million (2022: Rs. 38,354.714 million) which
represent the aggregate of all facility agreements between the Company and respective banks in respect of funded
and non-funded facilities. Out of the total available facilities, Rs. 6,712.754 million (2022: Rs. 8,104.791 million)
remained unavailed as at June 30, 2023. Funded facilities include various facilities comprising of running finance,
cash finance, karobar finance, running musharaka, istisna, wakala and other import credit facilities which can be
used interchangeably. Unfunded facilities represent facilities for opening letters of credit and guarantees. Majority of
the funded facilities are sublimits of unfunded facilities. The facilities are secured by ranking / pari passu / joint pari
passu charges over present and future current assets of the Company, pledge of stocks, lien over documents, title of
ownership of goods imported under letters of credit, lien over EE statements, against trust receipts duly executed in
favor of banks and personal guarantees of the Directors except for Independent Directors and carry mark-up at the
rates ranging from SBP / 1MK to 6MK rate + 0.50% to 1.50% (2022: SBP / 1MK to 6MK rate + 0.50% to 1.00%) per
30.2 This represented Shariah compliant, privately placed and unsecured Islamic Commercial Paper (ICP) of 360 days
tenor. This carried profit at the rate of 6MK + 1.75% per annum. It was completely repaid during the year upon its
30.3 This represents privately placed and unsecured conventional Commercial Paper (ICP) of 270 days tenor issued during
the year. The proceeds therefrom were utilized to finance the Company’s working capital requirements. This carries
profit at the rate of 6MK + 1.50% per annum.
30.4 This represents temporary overdraft due to cheques issued by the Company at the reporting date to be met with
subsequent deposits.
This represented interest-free and unsecured loans from Directors and were repayable upon demand. These loans
were provided and utilized for meeting working capital requirements.
ii) Aggregate amount of guarantees issued by banks / insurance companies on behalf of the Company in the
normal course of the business amounted to Rs. 3,418.704 million (2022: Rs. 2,848.462 million).
S. No Name of the Particulars of the case Principal Date
court, agency parties instituted
or authority
vi) Commissioner Appeal was filed before Commissioner Inland Revenue Company and February 25,
Inland Revenue - Appeals (CIR-A) against addition of Rs. 53.917 million Federal Board 2023
- Appeals made u/s 122(5A) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 of Revenue
(CIR-A) on account of disallowance of expenses for the Tax
Year 2020 which is currently pending. No provision
has been made in these financial statements as both
the management and the Company’s legal advisor are
optimistic that the ultimate outcome of this case will be
in favor of the Company.
vii) Commissioner The Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (DCIR) Company and February 25,
Inland Revenue initiated audit proceedings u/s 177 of the Income Tax Federal Board 2023
- Appeals Ordinance, 2001 for the Tax Year 2018, creating demand of Revenue
(CIR-A) of Rs. 251.522 million against which appeal has been
filed before Commissioner Inland Revenue - Appeals
(CIR-A), which is currently pending. No provision has
been made in these financial statements as both the
management and the Company’s legal advisor are
optimistic that the ultimate outcome of this case will be
in favor of the Company.
viii) Commissioner The Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (DCIR) Company and July 11, 2023
Inland Revenue initiated proceedings u/s 161 of the Income Tax Federal Board
- Appeals Ordinance, 2001 for the Tax Year 2022, creating demand of Revenue
(CIR-A) of Rs. 49.285 million against which appeal has been
subsequently filed before Commissioner Inland Revenue
- Appeals (CIR-A), which is currently pending. No
provision has been made in these financial statements
as both the management and the Company’s legal
advisor are optimistic that the ultimate outcome of this
case will be in favor of the Company.
ix) Appellate The Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (DCIR) Company and August 17,
Tribunal Inland initiated proceedings u/s 11 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, Federal Board 2023
Revenue (ATIR) whereby demand of Rs. 30,418,929/- was created on of Revenue
account of late deposit of monthly sales tax liability. The
Company filed appeal before the Commissioner Inland
Revenue - Appeals (CIR-A) who upheld the order passed
by the DCIR. The Company has subsequently filed
appeal before the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue
(ATIR) which is pending. No provision has been made
in these financial statements as both the management
and the Company’s legal advisor are optimistic that
the ultimate outcome of this case will be in favor of the
2023 2022
i) Non-capital commitments 8,391,875,445 6,458,594,758
ii) Capital commitments
- Local – 110,974,000
- Foreign 37,700,000 861,664,257
SALES - net
Local sales 59,812,469,607 60,290,250,077
Export sales 15,041,590,753 13,763,038,779
Trading sales 1,638,847,791 1,590,437,615
76,492,908,151 75,643,726,471
33.1 All goods are transferred at point of time. Revenue recognized during the year from contract liabilities as at the
beginning of the year amounted to Rs. 261.871 million. During the year, the rate of sales tax was increased from 17%
to 18%.
Rupees Note 2023 2022
Opening stock of finished goods 5,656,027,248 1,564,891,690
Cost of goods manufactured
- Raw material consumed 34.1 46,732,183,191 50,517,045,026
- Salaries, wages and other benefits 34.2 1,318,272,984 1,118,068,305
- Stores, spares and loose tools consumed 1,304,078,293 1,420,494,058
- Fuel and power 6,035,848,208 6,416,506,246
- Repair and maintenance 1,052,000 1,045,541
- Other manufacturing expenses 403,515,013 235,362,930
- Depreciation 6.1.1 404,615,323 389,246,909
56,199,565,012 60,097,769,015
Closing stock of finished goods and waste (4,136,449,387) (5,656,027,248)
Cost of goods sold - manufacturing 57,719,142,873 56,006,633,457
Cost of sales - trading – 18,286,619
57,719,142,873 56,024,920,076
Raw material consumed:
Opening stock of raw material 12,927,633,914 7,876,473,404
Purchases - net 48,769,613,325 55,568,205,536
61,697,247,239 63,444,678,940
Closing stock of raw material (14,965,064,048) (12,927,633,914)
46,732,183,191 50,517,045,026
34.1.1 Raw material consumed includes Rs. 1,220.008 million (2022: Rs. 1,271.244 million) on account of cost of raw material
sold during the year.
34.2 This includes Rs. 110.132 million (2022: Rs. 77.227 million) in respect of defined benefit obligation.
Salaries and other benefits 35.1 44,778,098 40,624,032
Advertisement and sales promotion 70,230,612 152,475,487
Freight, clearing and handling 28,406,941 41,206,575
Travelling 2,610,880 349,580
Insurance 9,103,275 10,105,197
Inspection – 854,090
155,129,806 245,614,961
35.1 This includes Rs. 2.621 million (2022: Rs. 3.510 million) in respect of defined benefit obligation.
Directors’ remuneration and benefits 36.1 72,491,536 51,627,990
Salaries and other benefits 36.1 449,642,751 515,650,481
Travelling and conveyance 10,624,933 5,010,832
Postage, telephone and fax 3,686,984 4,556,598
Printing, stationery and publication 3,232,000 3,192,104
Legal and professional charges 1,034,500 1,401,000
Fee and subscription 41,044,043 32,431,190
Rent, rates and taxes 4,836,178 4,800,400
Repair and maintenance 87,991 405,289
Computers and website maintenance 5,666,938 3,773,938
Vehicle running and maintenance 136,423 383,212
Utilities 34,148,403 20,982,918
Insurance 2,585,997 1,610,767
Amortization 7. 721,651 2,886,623
Depreciation 6.1.1 52,145,842 56,227,501
682,086,170 704,940,843
36.1 This includes aggregate of Rs. 56.559 million (2022: Rs. 42.123 million) in respect of defined benefit obligation.
36.2 Amount of Rs. 0.120 million (2022: Rs. 1.447 million) was paid during the year on account of fee to Shariah Advisors.
Auditors’ remuneration 37.1 3,024,000 1,280,000
Workers’ profit participation fund 233,598,643 336,093,118
Workers’ welfare fund 88,701,984 130,596,244
Workers’ welfare fund - prior 3,275,017 –
Donations 37.2 17,700,000 1,600,000
Impairment loss on PPE transferred to assets held for sale – 3,109,448
Foreign exchange loss - net – 53,189,642
Balances written off - net 7,545,798 7,238,985
353,845,442 533,107,437
37.1 The charges for professional services consist of the following in respect of joint auditors’ services for:
2023 2022
37.2 Detail of recipients of donations, where total donation exceeds 10% of total donations or Rs. 1,000,000/- whichever is
2023 2022
Above recipients of donations do not include any donee in which any director or his / her spouse had any interest.
Profit on saving accounts 41,322,528 11,451,134
Profit on term deposit receipts 63,212,438 5,300,581
Profit on long-term investment in financial assets 8. 4,842,830 –
Foreign exchange gain - net 103,312,370 –
Commission against corporate guarantee 32. 60,000,000 60,000,000
Gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets 50,855,832 14,132,739
Balances written back – 12,128,012
Sales tax adjustment – 44,611,628
Rental income – 4,550,000
Miscellaneous income 511,600 61,206,757
324,057,598 213,380,851
Profit / interest / mark-up in respect of:
- Long-term financing 714,150,193 506,819,889
- Short-term borrowings 3,567,171,258 2,037,565,018
4,281,321,451 2,544,384,907
Interest on workers’ profit participation fund 53,360,169 –
Bank charges 88,500,381 77,760,890
4,423,182,001 2,622,145,797
39.1 Borrowing costs capitalized during the year amounted to Rs. 121.618 million (2022: Rs. 45.377 million). The rate of
mark-up has been disclosed in note 23 to the financial statements.
Current year 552,866,427 402,399,047
Prior year 40.4 (219,099,569) (1,246,913)
333,766,858 401,152,134
Deferred tax - origination and reversal of
temporary differences 532,145,567 389,872,078
865,912,425 791,024,212
40.1 Relationship between income tax expense and accounting profit:
2023 2022
Average effective rate of tax charged to statement of profit or loss % 19.92% 12.75%
40.2 The tax provision is calculated by considering the various taxes applicable on local, exports and trading income
in view of provisions of various sections of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, after taking to account any adjustments
of brought forward tax losses, minimum taxes and tax credits (if any) available under the Income Tax Ordinance,
2001. During the year, unrecognized minimum taxes of Rs. Nil (2022: Rs. 326.572 million) have been used to reduce
current tax expense. In accordance with the Finance Act 2023, rate of super tax has been revised from 4% to 10%.
Accordingly, the Company has recorded deferred tax @ 39%.
40.3 The income tax assessments of the Company have been finalized up to and including the assessment year 2008. Tax
returns of subsequent years are deemed to be assessed under provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, unless
selected for audit by the taxation authorities (note 32). The Commissioner of income tax may at any time during the
period of six years from the end of the tax year to which they relate, may select the deemed assessment order for
audit. As at the year end, the Company has filed tax returns up to tax year 2022.
40.4 This mainly represents reversal on account of tax credit availed against super tax at the time of filing of income tax
return for the tax year 2022.
41.1 There were no dilutive potential ordinary shares outstanding as at June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2022.
2023 2022
Profit before taxation 4,346,397,216 6,201,983,353
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 456,761,165 445,474,410
Amortization of intangible asset 721,651 2,886,623
Expense recognized for employee defined benefit charge 169,312,697 122,861,112
Allowance for expected credit losses 34,444,853 33,476,039
Balances written off 7,545,798 7,238,985
Balances written back – (12,128,012)
Sales tax adjustment – (44,611,628)
Gain on disposal of tangible fixed assets (50,855,832) (14,132,739)
Impairment loss on PPE transferred to assets held for sale – 3,109,448
Profit on term deposit receipts (63,212,438) (5,300,581)
Net unrealized foreign exchange loss / (gain) 129,135,475 (67,342,798)
Finance cost 4,369,821,832 2,622,145,797
Workers’ profit participation fund 233,598,643 336,093,118
Interest on workers’ profit participation fund 53,360,169 –
Workers’ welfare fund 91,977,001 130,596,244
5,432,611,014 3,560,366,018
Profit before working capital changes 9,779,008,230 9,762,349,371
Effect on cash flow due to working capital changes:
(Increase) / decrease in current assets:
Inventories (67,289,466) (8,095,092,729)
Trade debts (3,731,981,147) (352,575,860)
Loans and advances (283,113,609) (12,683,065)
Deposits, prepayments and other receivables (425,930,455) 747,061,548
Due from the Government (712,043,387) 446,501,050
(5,220,358,064) (7,266,789,056)
Increase / (Decrease) in current liabilities:
Trade and other payables 196,212,880 1,019,352,918
4,754,863,046 3,514,913,233
2023 2022
44.1 Total active capacity available comprises of currently active capacities and does not include temporarily suspended
capacities. Short-fall in actual production is due to market demand. Recycling plant achieved CoD during the last
quarter of FY-2023, due to which there was significant short-fall in actual processing.
2023 2022
Detail of related parties with whom the Company had entered into transactions or had agreements and / or
arrangements in place during the year, along with the basis of relationship, percentage of shareholding and details of
transactions (other than those which have been disclosed elsewhere in these financial statements) are as follows:
2023 2022
Al-Bashir (Private) Limited
Relationship Common Directorship
Percentage of shareholding Nil
Detail of transactions
- Rental expense 1,920,000 1,742,500
There were no outstanding balances with related parties as at the year end except for those which have been disclosed
separately in relevant notes. Details of salaries and benefits to key management personnel have been disclosed in
note 47.
47.1 1 (2022: 3) Non-Executive Director(s) including the Chairman, were paid fee aggregating to Rs. 7.697 million (2022:
Rs. 10.105 million) with view of encouraging retention and value creation within the Company.
47.2 Executives include aggregate amount in respect of salary and benefits to 3 (2022: 3) key management personnel
(other than Directors) amounting to Rs. 53.618 million (2022: Rs. 52.972 million). Benefits include Rs. 12.225 million
(2022: Rs. 10.222 million) on account of defined benefit charge and Rs. 7.345 million (2022: Rs. 7.440 million) on
account of other benefits.
47.3 Amount charged in these financial statements in respect of meeting fee amounted to Rs. 3.937 million (2022: 1.525
million) on account of meeting fee paid to 3 (2022: 3) Independent Directors and 3 (2022: 3) Non-Executive Directors.
47.4 Chief Executive Officer, Executive Directors, certain key management personnel (other than Directors) and some of the
executives are provided with Company maintained cars in accordance with their terms of employment. The Company
bears travelling expenses (if any) of Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Directors and other key management personnel
relating to travel for official purposes including expenses incurred in respect of attending Board and Committee
47.5 Executives mean employees other than the Chief Executive Officer and Directors, whose basic salary exceeds Rs.
1,200,000/- in a financial year.
- Ferrous
- Non - Ferrous
Ferrous segment comprises of long-rolled mild steel related products whereas non-ferrous segment mainly comprises
of copper related products and iron waste. Information regarding the Company’s reportable segments is presented
Rupees Total
2023 2022
Unallocated income and expenses:
Administrative expenses (682,086,170) (704,940,843)
Other charges (353,845,442) (533,107,437)
Other income 324,057,598 213,380,851
Finance cost (4,214,430,313) (2,536,205,559)
Taxation (865,912,425) (791,024,212)
Profit for the year 3,480,484,791 5,410,959,141
Revenue reported above represents revenue generated from external customers. The accounting policies of the
reportable segments (except as disclosed otherwise) are the same as the Company’s accounting policies as
described in note 4 to these financial statements. The ferrous segment allocates certain percentage of sales and
marketing relating common expenditure to non-ferrous segment. Segment profit represents the profit earned by each
segment before taking account of unallocated income and expenses which are presented separately. This is the
measure reported to the chief operating decision-maker for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of
segment performance.
2023 2022
- Steel re-bars 58.10% 66.28%
- Girders 29.35% 27.57%
- Billets 9.64% 3.65%
- Others 2.91% 2.50%
100.00% 100.00%
- Copper ingots 64.46% 74.49%
- Copper granules 8.58% 0.00%
- Copper scrap 4.42% 3.66%
- Waste 21.79% 20.98%
- Others 0.75% 0.87%
100.00% 100.00%
generated from external customers within Pakistan. Sales outside of Pakistan is made to customers in the People’s
Republic of China. All non-current assets of the Company as at June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2022 were located and
operating in Pakistan.
2023 2022
Other information:
- Ferrous 361,664,489 365,203,106
- Non-Ferrous 10,969,877 2,960,410
- Unallocated 84,126,799 77,310,894
456,761,165 445,474,410
2023 2022
2023 2022
Geographically, there is no concentration of credit risk except for certain receivables from export parties which
constitute almost 13% (2022: 14%) of total financial assets. Out of the total financial assets, credit risk is concentrated
in trade debts and bank balances as they constitute almost 98% (2022: 99%) of the total financial assets.
The Company’s exposure to customers is diversified and majority of the Company’s customers have been transacting
with the Company without any default history. None of the customers are credit-impaired at the reporting date.
Expected credit loss assessment in respect of trade debts is provided in note 12 and 4.8. Management does not
expect non-performance by these counter parties on their obligations to the Company. Accordingly, the credit risk is
Long-term investment in financial assets, long-term loans to employees, long-term deposits, and certain items of
loans and advances, deposits, prepayments and other receivables are considered to have low credit risk. Expected
credit loss policy in respect of these financial assets is provided in note 4.8.
The Company considers that its bank balances have low credit risk based on the external credit ratings of the
counterparties assigned to them by credit rating agencies. Out of the total bank balances of Rs. 2,885.090 million
(2022: Rs. 5,173.510 million) amounts aggregating to Rs. 2,395.431 million (2022: Rs. 2,323.746 million) are with
banks having short-term credit rating of A1+. Whereas the remaining major amounts are placed with banks having
minimum short-term credit rating of A-1.
In respect of guarantees provided by the Company, the maximum exposure which the Company is exposed to is the
maximum amount which the Company would have to pay if the guarantee is called upon. Based on the expectation at
the end of the reporting period, the Company considers that it is more likely that such an amount will not be payable
under the guarantees provided.
The other financial assets are neither material to the financial statements nor exposed to any significant credit risk.
The Company does not hold any collateral as security against any of its financial assets other than long-term loans to
employees and advances to employees as detailed in relevant notes. Detail of financial assets on which lien of sukuk
holders is marked is given in note 16. Deposits, prepayments and other receivables include guarantee margin against
guarantees issued by banks.
The following are the contractual maturities of financial liabilities including estimated interest payments and excluding
the impact of netting agreements.
Carrying Contractual Within 1 More than After 5
amount cash flows year 1 but less years
than 5 years
Financial liabilities
At amortized cost
- Long-term financing 4,980,477,894 7,171,991,659 2,645,846,884 4,472,344,847 53,799,929
- Trade and other payables 2,543,913,867 2,543,913,867 2,543,913,867 – –
- Unclaimed dividends 2,956,938 2,956,938 2,956,938 – –
- Unpaid dividends 6,105,932 6,105,932 6,105,932 – –
- Accrued profit / interest / mark-up 889,758,212 889,758,212 889,758,212 – –
- Short-term borrowings 20,995,046,293 20,995,046,293 20,995,046,293 – –
- Short-term loans from Directors 5,689,036 5,689,036 5,689,036 – –
June 30, 2023 29,423,948,172 31,615,461,937 27,089,317,162 4,472,344,847 53,799,929
Financial liabilities
At amortized cost
- Long-term financing 5,309,181,886 7,556,262,660 2,121,813,077 5,351,864,407 82,585,175
- Trade and other payables 2,060,196,194 2,060,196,194 2,060,196,194 – –
- Unclaimed dividends 2,963,664 2,963,664 2,963,664 – –
- Unpaid dividends 7,068,715 7,068,715 7,068,715 – –
- Accrued profit / interest / mark-up 379,869,093 379,869,093 379,869,093 – –
- Short-term borrowings 20,618,945,517 20,618,945,517 20,618,945,517 – –
- Short-term loans from Directors 25,062,812 25,062,812 25,062,812 – –
June 30, 2022 28,403,287,881 30,650,368,655 25,215,919,072 5,351,864,407 82,585,175
It is not expected that the cash flows included in the maturity analysis could occur significantly earlier or at significantly
different amounts. The contractual cash flow relating to long-term financing have been determined on the basis of
expected profit / interest / mark-up rates. These rates have been disclosed in note 23 to the financial statements.
50.3 Market risk
Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as currency risk, interest rates and equity prices will affect the
Company’s income or the value of its holdings of the financial instruments. The objective of market risk management
is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing return.
2023 2022
Sensitivity analysis:
At the reporting date, if the Pakistani rupee had reasonably possibly strengthened / weakened by 5% against
foreign currency, it would have affected the measurement of financial instruments denominated in foreign
currency and affected profit or loss on net basis by the amounts shown below at the reporting date:
2023 2022
The analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest and tax rates, remain constant and ignores
any impact of forecast sales and purchases.
term financing, short-term borrowings, long term investment in financial assets, saving accounts and term
deposit receipts. at the reporting date the interest rate risk profile of the Company’s interest bearing financial
instruments is:
2023 2022
Sensitivity analysis:
Sensitivity to interest rate risk arises from mismatch of financial assets and financial liabilities that mature or re-price in
a given period.
The Company does not account for any fixed rate financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss, therefore, a
change in interest rate at the reporting date would not affect the profit or loss.
A change of 100 basis points in interest rates at reporting date would have increased / decreased profit for the year
by Rs. 249.971 million (2022: 235.260 million)
The related mark-up rates for variable rate financial instruments are indicated in the relevant notes to the financial
statements. The sensitivity analysis prepared is not necessarily indicative of the effects on the profit for the period and
assets / liabilities of the Company.
In addition, for financial reporting purposes, fair value measurements are categorized into level 1, 2 or 3 based on the
degree to which the inputs to the fair value measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fair
value measurements in its entirety, which are described as follows:
Level 1 inputs - are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can
access at the measurement date.
Level 2 inputs - these are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable for the asset or
liability, either directly or indirectly; and
The Company takes in to account factors specific to the transaction and to the asset or liability, when determining
whether or not the fair value at initial recognition equals the transaction price. Except for long-term loans to employees,
long-term deposits and long-term loans under SBP refinance schemes, the fair value of financial assets and financial
liabilities recognized in these financial statements equals the transaction price at initial recognition. The fair value of
the long-term loans under SBP refinance schemes has been determined using discounting techniques. However,
due to immaterial effect and impracticalities, the fair value of long-term loans to employees and long-term deposits
has not been determined and their carrying value has been assumed to be equal to their fair value. Accordingly, the
carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities recognized in these financial statements approximate their
respective fair values.
Financial instruments by category
Financial assets:
Maturity within one year
- Trade debts 9,283,146,446 5,573,585,633
- Loans and advances 69,497,531 53,742,166
- Deposits, prepayments and other receivables 560,938,399 143,070,662
- Cash and bank balances 2,885,126,870 5,175,634,586
Maturity after one year
- Long-term investment in financial assets 50,153,187 –
- Long-term loan to employees 65,909,792 51,269,414
- Long-term deposits 2,838,069 19,845,317
12,917,610,294 11,017,147,778
Financial liabilities:
Maturity within one year
- Trade and other payables 2,543,913,867 2,060,196,194
- Unclaimed dividends 2,956,938 2,963,664
- Unpaid dividends 6,105,932 7,068,715
- Accrued profit / interest / mark-up 889,758,212 379,869,093
- Short-term borrowings 20,995,046,293 20,618,945,517
- Short-term loans from Directors 5,689,036 25,062,812
- Current portion of long-term financing 1,678,411,215 1,281,336,412
Maturity after one year
- Long-term financing 3,302,066,679 4,027,845,474
29,423,948,172 28,403,287,881
51.1 These loans have been obtained against various facilities from different Islamic financial institutions under various
financing arrangements and carry profit rate ranging between 1MK to 6MK + 0.60% to 1% (2022: 1MK to 6MK+
0.60% to 1%) per annum.
51.2 These represent saving accounts with Islamic financial institutions and carry profit ranging up to 20% (2022: 12%).
51.3 The entire revenue of the Company is from Shariah compliant business segments except for profit / interest income
earned on term deposit receipts / saving accounts maintained with conventional banks. During the year, no investments
of any kind were made except as disclosed elsewhere. The Company maintains good relationship with Shariah
compliant banks and carries out trade and other routine banking transactions with them. Details of outstanding long-
term financing and short-term borrowings has been disclosed in note 23 and 30 to the financial statements. There was
no exchange gain earned on actual currency. Details of exchange gain / loss recognized during the year has been
disclosed in the statement of cash flows.
The Board of Directors in its meeting held on September 22, 2023 has proposed final cash dividend of Rs. 3.20 per
share i.e 32 % amounting to Rs. 1,074.029 million. These financial statements do not include the effect of the above
appropriation, which will be accounted for in the year in which it is approved.
In addition, the Members of the Company in their Extraordinary General Meeting (EOGM) held on September 19, 2023
have approved the following:
a) Purchase of 174.692 million fully paid ordinary shares and 22.570 million fully paid Class-B shares of Mughal
Energy Limited (an associated company) for an aggregate consideration of Rs. 3,150.000/- million, whereby,
Mughal Energy Limited will become wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
b) Increase in authorized capital of the Company from Rs. 5,000.000 million divided into 500.000 million
ordinary shares of Rs. 10/- each to Rs. 10,000.000 million divided into 700.000 million ordinary shares of
Rs. 10/- each, 250.000 million ordinary Class-B shares of Rs. 10/- each and 50.000 million ordinary Class-C
shares of Rs. 10/- each.
c) Authorization to the Board of Directors, to issue 50.000 million ordinary Class-C shares of Rs. 10/- each as
and when deemed fit, with such rights and privileges as mentioned in the notice of the said EOGM.
The figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee.
Corresponding figures are rearranged and reclassified, wherever considered necessary for the purposes of
comparison and better presentation, however, no significant rearrangements / reclassifications were made during the
• Pattern of Shareholding
• Trading in Shares of the Company
• Notice of Annual General Meeting
• Statement of Material Facts as Required Under Section 134(3) of the
Companies Act, 2017
• Form of Proxy
• پراکسی فارم
AS ON JUNE 30, 2023
No. of Having shares Shares
shareholders From To held Percentage
BANKS, DFI AND NBFI 13,986,718 4.1673%
INSURANCE COMPANIES 6,651,249 1.9817%
GENERAL PUBLIC (LOCAL) 27,109,173 8.0770%
GENERAL PUBLIC (FOREIGN) 3,044,615 0.9071%
OTHERS 9,755,897 2.9067%
FOREIGN COMPANIES 173,836 0.0518%
COMPANY TOTAL 335,633,933 100%
AS ON JUNE 30, 2023
Notice is hereby given that the 14th Annual General Meeting (the Meeting) of the
members of MUGHAL IRON & STEEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (the Company) will be held
on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 11:45 a.m. at Pearl Continental Hotel, Shahrah-e-
Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore to transact the following business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements of the Company together with the Chairman’s Review
Report, the Directors’ Report and the Auditors’ Reports thereon for the year ended June 30, 2023.
2. To declare final cash dividend @ 32% i.e., Rs. 3.20/- per share of Rs. 10/- each for the year ended June 30, 2023, as
recommended by the Board of Directors.
3. To appoint auditors and fix their remuneration for the year ending June 30, 2024.
A notice referred to in sub-section (2) of section 246 of the Companies Act, 2017 is hereby given to the members that, the
Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Audit Committee has recommended the names of M/s. Fazal Mahmood
& Company, Chartered Accountants and M/s. Muniff Ziauddin & Company, Chartered Accountants the retiring auditors, for
re-appointment as joint external auditors of the Company after obtaining their consent.
4. To consider and, if deemed fit, to pass with or without modification, the following resolutions as special resolutions with
respect to related party transactions in which some or majority of directors are interested:
“RESOLVED that the transactions entered into by the Company with related parties during the year ended June 30, 2023 as
disclosed in relevant notes to the financial statements in which some or majority of the directors are interested are hereby
ratified and confirmed.”
“FURTHER RESOLVED that the Company be and is hereby authorized to enter into and carry out transactions in its normal
course of the business from time to time with related parties during the ensuing year ending June 30, 2024. The members
have noted that for the aforesaid transactions some or a majority of the directors may be interested. Notwithstanding the
interest of the directors, the members hereby grant an advance authorization to the Board Audit Committee and the Board
of Directors of the Company to review and approve all related party transactions based on the recommendation of the
Board Audit Committee.”
“FURTHER RESOLVED that the related party transactions as aforesaid for the period ended June 30, 2024 would
subsequently be presented to the members at the next Annual General Meeting for ratification and confirmation.”
Statement of material facts as required under section 134(3) of the Companies Act, 2017 is annexed.
By Order of the Board
Muhammad Fahad Hafeez
Lahore: October 05, 2023 Company Secretary
NOTES: are requested to get themselves registered by sending
1. Closure of share transfer books: their particulars at the designated e-mail address
[email protected], giving particulars as
The share transfer books of the Company will remain closed per below table latest by the close of business hours
from October 19, 2023 to October 28, 2023 (both days
(5:00 PM) on October 25, 2023.
inclusive). Physical transfers / Central Depository System
(CDS) Transaction IDs received in order by the Company’s
Name of CNIC No./ CDC Cell No Registered
share registrar, M/s. THK Associates (Private) Limited, 32- Member NTN No. Participant email
C, Jami Commercial Street 2, D.H.A Phase-VII, Karachi, ID/Folio No. address
whereby, rate of withholding tax is 15% and 30% 5. General:
respectively. ‘Active’ means a person whose name
Members holding shares in physical form are requested
appears on the Active Taxpayers List available at e-portal
to promptly notify Company’s share registrar, M/s. THK
of FBR ( and ‘Non-Active’ means
Associates (Private) Limited of any change in their postal/
a person whose name is not appearing on the Active
email addresses. Members maintaining their shares in
Taxpayers List. The Company will ascertain the tax status
CDS should have their address/ email addresses updated
of members as at the first day of book closure and will
with their relevant Participant/CDC account services.
deduct tax accordingly. All the members whose names
are not entered into the Active Taxpayer List, despite the
Members who by any reason, could not claim their
fact that they are filers, are advised to make sure that
dividend/shares are advised to contact our shares
their names are entered into the list latest by October
registrar M/s. THK Associates (Private) Limited to collect /
18, 2023, otherwise tax on their cash dividend will be
enquire about their unclaimed dividends/shares, if any.
deducted @30% instead @15%. Members who have
joint shareholdings held by Filers and Non-filers shall
Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2017 requires every
be dealt with separately and in such particular situation,
company to replace its physical shares with book-entry
each account holder is to be treated as either a Filer or a
form within the period to be notified by the SECP. The
Non-filer and tax will be deducted according to his / her
members having physical shareholding are accordingly
shareholding. If the share is not ascertainable then each
encouraged to open their account with investors account
account holder will be assumed to hold equal proportion
services of CDC or sub account with any of the brokers
of shares and the deduction will be made accordingly.
and convert their physical shares in script less form. This
Therefore, in order to avoid deduction of tax at higher
will facilitate the shareholders in many ways, including safe
rate, the joint account holders are requested to provide
custody and sale of shares, any time they want, as the
the below details of their shareholding to the Share
trading of physical shares is not permitted as per existing
Registrar of the Company latest by October 18, 2023.
regulations of the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited.
This statement sets out the material facts concerning the special business listed at agenda item 4, to be transacted at the
forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 11:45 a.m. at Pearl Continental
Hotel, Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore.
Further, it is expected that the Company may be conducting related party transactions in the normal course of business in the
upcoming financial year as well, wherein, some or majority of directors are expected to be interested in due to their relationships,
common directorship and shareholding in these related parties. The members are informed that it is not possible to make
estimate of the quantum of related party transactions to be undertaken in the period ending June 30, 2024, which depends on
case-to-case basis, however, the Company will present the actual figures for subsequent ratification and confirmation by the
members, at the next annual general meeting. Based on the above, approval of the members is also sought to authorize the
Company to enter into such transactions with related parties during the ensuing year ending June 30, 2024 and further grant
power to the Board to periodically review and approve such transactions based on the recommendation of the Board Audit
Committee by passing Special Resolutions as mentioned in the Notice of Annual General Meeting with or without modifications.
The directors who are/may be interested in this subject matter are as follows:
The directors are interested in this business to the extent of their relationships, common directorships and their respective
shareholding in the related parties.
Industries Limited and holder of ________________ Shares as per Folio No.______/CDC Participation ID # __________
and Sub Account # _________/CDC Investor Account ID #______________do hereby appoint ____________________
_________/CDC Investor Account ID #______________as my/our proxy to attend, speak and vote for me/us and on my/our
behalf at the Annual General Meeting of Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited scheduled to be held on Saturday, October
28, 2023 at 11:45 a.m. at Pearl Continental Hotel, Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam Lahore and at any adjournment thereof.
1. Signature Affix Revenue
Stamps of Rs.
2. Signature
1. A member entitled to attend and vote at this meeting may appoint any other member as his / her proxy to attend,
speak and vote instead of him / her. A proxy must be a member of the Company.
2. A member shall not be entitled to appoint more than one proxy.
3. The instrument appointing a proxy must be duly signed and witnessed by two persons, whose names, addresses
and CNIC numbers shall be mentioned on the form.
4. Attested copies of the CNIC or the Passport of beneficial owners and the proxy shall be furnished along with the
proxy form. In case of corporate entity, the board’s resolution/power of attorney with specimen signature shall be
furnished along with the proxy form.
5. Proxies in order to be valid, must be received at the Share Registrar office of the Company, M/s. THK Associates
(Pvt.) Limited, 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2, D.H.A Phase-VII, Karachi not later than forty eight (48) hours
before the time scheduled for the meeting.
Manager Share Registrar
(Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited)
M/s. THK Associates (Pvt.) Limited
Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2,
D.H.A, Phase-VII, Karachi, Pakistan
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2023 28
vii- 32
Manager Share Registrar
(Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited)
M/s. THK Associates (Pvt.) Limited
Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2,
D.H.A, Phase-VII, Karachi, Pakistan