Human Acts Vs Acts of Man
Human Acts Vs Acts of Man
Human Acts Vs Acts of Man
Constituents of Human Acts As an object of morality, the human action is done with
full knowledge of the action, performed with the use of
1. Human acts must be known and deliberate.
free will, and acted upon voluntarily. The absence of these
An individual, as the moral agent, has full knowledge three crucial determinants renders the action as a mere act
of doing a certain action. There is prior knowledge and of man
a deliberate evaluation of whether to fulfill an action or
not (Living a Christian Moral Life, 2013). It asks the As an object of morality, the human action is done with
questions: Do you know exactly what you are doing? full knowledge of the action, performed with the use of
or Do you do the act intentionally? He/she must have free will, and acted upon voluntarily. The absence of these
full knowledge and consent of his/her action. three crucial determinants renders the action as a mere act
of man
Ariola, M. (2018). ETHICS Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc