Classification of Living Organisms
Classification of Living Organisms
Classification of Living Organisms
Classification is the process of placing animals and plants into groups according to their similarities
in structure, physiological processes and behavioral.
This involves collecting organisms, observing their structural characteristics and sorting them into
groups known as taxa.
The branch of biology concerned with classification is called taxonomy.
The word taxonomy is derived from a Greek word taxis- meaning arrangement and nomia-meaning
The level of classification is called taxon. Plural –taxa. A taxon is a unit of classification made of
similar organisms. The largest taxon is the kingdom and the smallest taxon is the species. All
organisms have been put in seven major taxa and these include:
1. Kingdom
2. Phylum (phyla)
3. Class
4. Order
5. Family
6. Genus (genera)
7. Species
Easy formula for seven taxa from highest to lowest
A kingdom is the largest taxon, and all the other taxa (groups of living organisms) are placed in one
the kingdoms. In modern classification system, there are 5 kingdoms:
1. Monera (bacteria)
2. Protoctista
3. Fungi (Mycota)
4. Plantae
5. Animalia
Viruses are not classified in any of the five kingdoms because they do not have all the characteristics
of all living things. For example;
They do not have cellular structures like cytoplasm, organelles.
They use nuclear material and organelles of other living organisms to carry out their metabolic
They can survive out their host’s cell as inert organic crystals.
A species is the smallest taxon which is made up of individuals that have almost the same
characteristic features and can interbreed freely to produce viable off springs i.e. reproductively
fertile off springs
Examples of hierarchy system of classification
Human Honeybee Maize Meadow mushroom
Kingdom Animalia Animalia Plantae Fungi
Phylum Chordata Arthropoda Angiospermophyta Basidiomycota
Class Mammalia Insect Monocotyledoneae Basidiomcetes
Order primates Hymenoptera Commelinales Agaricales
Family Hominidae Apidae Poaceae Agaricaceae
Genus Homo Apis Zea Agaricus
Species sapiens mellifera mays campestris
Importance of classification
It is easy to study organism in a group since the members of a specific group resemble.
It helps new organisms to be easily classified since they share certain characteristics with those in
It helps the scientist to easily identify organisms belonging to the same group.
The use of scientific names enables to prevent confusion that would arise if the organism had
different names used in different places.
Bacteria are grouped according to their shapes. There are four groups of bacteria
Shape Type Structure
Coccus Diplococcus:
Single spherical These occur as a pair of spherical cells.
Spherical shaped occurring in a bunch or
Spherical cells in a chain
Bacilli: Bacillus:
These are rod Single rod shaped bacterium.
shaped. Diplobacilli:
A pair of rod shaped bacteria.
Rod shaped bacteria existing in a chain.
Spherical spore bacilli:
These have spherical spore at the head e.g.
clostridium tetani which causes tetanus
Vibrio: Vibrio cholera which causes cholera
Coma shaped
Examples of protoctists are:
Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium, Trypanosomes, Chlamydomonas, etc.
This is the main phylum of kingdom Protoctista. It has several classes but the most important are:
1. Rhizopoda e.g. Amoeba
These are free living organisms by means of pseudopodia or false legs
2. Ciliophora (ciliata) e.g. paramecium
These possess cilia all over the body for locomotion or movement.
3. Mastigophora e.g. trypanosomes.
These have a flagellum for locomotion.
1. Amoeba
Amoeba is a free-living protozoa found at the bottom of ponds. It has temporary extensions called
pseudopodia used for locomotion. The pseudopodia are also used for enclosing food particles which
form food vacuoles. The food in vacuole is digested by phagocytosis.
The extra amount of water can be regulated by contractile vacuole.
Structure of amoeba
Food m
vacuole vacuole
Locomotion in amoeba:
Amoeba moves by means of pseudopodia (false legs) that are formed by the flow of cytoplasm
(plasmosol and plasmogel) in the direction of movement but this is followed by the flow of other
protoplasm in the same direction, as shown below:
1 2 3
Direction of
The movement of amoeba is mainly determined by factors e.g. water, food, poison, acidity, alkalinity,
etc. and it will make amoeba move towards or away from such factors.
Excretion in amoeba
Excess water is eliminated from its body by contractile vacuole. This collects the water and moves to
the cell membrane where it discharges its contents. The process is repeated and hence it is the means
Amoeba feeds on microscopic algae and bacteria. It captures the food by developing pseudopodia
around the food and it engulfs it. The cytoplasm flows around the food. This one now forms the food
Digestive enzymes are produced which break the food particles into soluble food substances. The
products are utilized and amoeba moves away from undigested food remains. This is called egestion.
Reproduction in amoeba
Amoeba reproduces by binary fission.
Binary fission in amoeba;
i) An amoeba ready to reproduce stops moving and rounds off.
ii) The nucleus then constricts and divides into two identical parts. This will be followed by nucleus
complete separation as the cytoplasm begins to constrict so that the separation of the remaining
parts into 2 can occur.
iii) Two identical daughter amoebae forms and move apart to feed and grow into mature amoebae
before they divide again.
Unlike amoeba, paramecium has a distinct and permanent shape and certain areas of cytoplasm, (cell
organelles), are specialized to carry out specific functions.
Cell membrane
Characteristics of spirogyra
It is filamentous green algae found in fresh water of slow flowing water in ponds, streams, and
It grows in length and its always one cell thick.
Each cell is capable of living an independent life
Each cell has one spiral chloroplast from one end to another
Small protein bodies called pyrenoids are present on each ribbon like chloroplast and are used to
store starch
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The nucleus is in the center to control the activities of the cell
There is a gelatinous sheath(mucilage) around the cells that gives them slimy nature that is useful
for protection
Reproduction in Spirogyra
1. Asexual reproduction
The vegetative reproduction is common and consists of part of the filament breaking off and
continuing to live as a separate plant. It can also be called fragmentation.
2. Sexual reproduction
Spirogyra reproduces by conjugation between filaments lying side by side as follows;
i) The opposite cells of the two different filaments lying side by side develop a swelling or an
out-growth which begins to grow towards each other.
ii) On touching they dissolve to form a conjugation tube and at the same time the contents
change into gametes.
iii) The gametes from one cell (male gamete) migrate through the conjugation tube to another cell
(female) gamete.
iv) The two gametes fuse to form a zygote which develops a thick resistant wall and becomes a
v) When the conditions are favorable, the zygospore germinates and grows into another filament.
Economic importance
Algae are used in the manufacture of agar which is used as culture medium in laboratories.
They provide food for humans and fish.
When they die, they sink at the bottom of the sea bed on which they can turn into oil.
During photosynthesis, they release oxygen that is necessary for the respiration of animals that
live in water.
They are used in the manufacture ice cream, cosmetics, and plants.
They pollute water, i.e. producing foul smell.
They clog water pipes in hindering the flow of water
Algae cause eutrophication of water bodies which may be harmful to aquatic life. (Eutrophication
is the enrichment of water body with nutrients)
Kingdom fungi mostly have multicellular eukaryotic organisms such as mushroom and mould. Some
are unicellular like yeast.
Other examples include toad stool, smuts, pencilium ,mucor (grows on soil and dead plants),
Rhizopus (common bread mould).
Rhizopus is saprophytic fungus which grows on decaying food like bread and fruits.
General characteristics
Are multicellular except a few e.g. yeast.
Fungi inhabit damp or aquatic plants
They reproduce by means of spores. They have saprophytic or parasitic mode of nutrition.
Have vegetative body called mycelium which consists of a network of hyphae.
They have cell walls which consist of a material called chitin.
They lack chlorophyll though majorities are plant-like.
Diagram of common bread mould (Rhizopus)
Sexual reproduction
i) Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of the male and female gametes to form a zygote.
ii) During sexual reproduction, the two different hyphae face each other and become swollen. The
nuclei from each tip develop.
iii) The tips meet and form a cross wall.
iv) The cross wall breaks and nuclei from different tips pair and fuse.
v) A zygote is formed which develops a thick wall to form a zygospore.
vi) The zygospore remains dormant under unfavorable conditions and germinates into a new
mycelium in favorable conditions.
The hyphae fuse and
- + their contents mix to
form a zygote
Two hyphae of
different mating
type come together
Kingdom Animalia has several phyla each of which consists of a variety of organisms.
The phyla include
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1. Porifera e.g. sponges
2. Coelenterata e.g. hydra
3. Platyhelminthes e.g. flat worms
4. Nematoda e.g. round worms
5. Annelida e.g. ringed worms
6. Mollusca e.g. snails
7. Echinodermata e.g. star fish
8. Arthropoda e.g. cockroach
9. Chordata e.g. man
General characteristics
i) Animals carry out locomotion
ii) They have heterotrophic mode of nutrition
iii) They are multicellular organisms.
iv) Their body has a definite shape.
v) They have cells without cellulose but contain true nucleus.
Hydra structure
They live as endo-parasites ni the gut of man, muscles of goats, cows and pigs.
They have suckers and hooks for feeding and attachment on to the host.
They have elongated bodies consisting of segments called proglotids.
They absorb digested food directly from the host.
ii) leech
6. phylum: Mollusca
The organisms are generally aquatic and live both on fresh water and marine. Examples include
snails, slugs, octopus, squids, mussels and oysters. They have the following characteristics:
They have soft and unsegmented bodies.
Nearly all have shells with exception of octopus and squids.
The foot is used for locomotion and attachment to the substratum.
Garden snail
7. Phylum: Echinodermata
The organisms are sea dwellers. Examples are bristles star, sea urchin, sea lilies, sea star, star fish, sea
cucumber. They have the following characteristics:
They have unsegmented bodies.
They have radial body symmetry.
The bodies have five arms.
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The body wall has three body layers of cells (triploblastic) i.e. ectoderm (outer), mesoderm
(middle) and endoderm (inner).
They have feet for locomotion and capturing the food (feeding).
They have spiny skin which is a hard plate.
They have water vascular system instead of blood circulatory system.
Structure of star fish
Arthropoda has a wide variety of animals. These animals occupy a wide variety of habitats on land,
sea and fresh water.
Main characteristics
i) They have a segmented body.
ii) Presence of an exoskeleton that is shed periodically.
iii) They have jointed limbs and appendages for feeding, locomotion, and irritability.
Note: The exoskeleton is made up of chitin which is a fairly firm but flexible carbohydrate. The
exoskeleton provides support to terrestrial arthropods. It also provides points of attachment for the
The exoskeleton prevents the desiccation of the body by secreting wax. The exoskeleton also protects
the organism from mechanical injury.
The phylum comprises of classes Crustacea, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Insecta and Arachnida.
1. Class: Crustacea
Crustacea are organisms whose body is covered by a carapace. A carapace is a hard shell. Examples
of members of the class Crustacea include crabs, crayfish, lobsters, prawns, woodlice and shrimps.
Distinguishing characteristics
Crustacea are mainly found in marine and fresh water. Thus, they occupy aquatic habitats.
They breathe by means of gills through the body membrane.
2. Class: chilopoda
Chilopoda is made up of centipedes. The centipedes are mainly found on land.
Distinguishing characteristics
Centipedes have a clearly defined head while the rest of the segments are similar.
They have a pair of antenna
They have one pair of mouthparts known as mandibles.
They have simple and compound eyes, although some lack compound eyes.
They have one pair of legs in each body segment.
They carry out gaseous exchange by means of a trachea
They feed on insects and worms.
They occupy terrestrial habitats.
Their body is flattened dorso-ventrally.
They have one pair of poison claws.
3. Class: Diplopoda
Class Diplopoda is made up of millipedes. Millipedes are common on damp places.
Distinguishing characteristics
Note: class Chilopoda and Diplopoda used to be classified as class Myriapoda but now are
classified into different classes.
4. Class: Arachnida
Arachnida are terrestrial arthropods. Members of this class all have 8 legs. Examples of arachnids
include spiders, ticks, scorpions and mites
Distinguishing characteristics
Arachnids have two body parts. The head and thorax are fused to form the cephalothorax or
prosoma (cephalothorax). The abdomen is referred to as opisthosoma.
They do not have antenna but have a pair of pedipalp which they use for sensory and defense
They do not have mouthparts. However, they have one pair of appendages for sensing prey. This
pair of appendages is known as chelicerae. Thus, they have a carnivorous mode of feeding.
They have simple eyes.
They have four pairs of walking legs.
They carry out gaseous exchange by the lung book or trachea. A lung book consists of folds of
ectoderm with slit-like openings on the surface of the abdomen
Arachnids do not have wings.
They inhabit terrestrial habitats.
5. Class: Insecta
Insects are the most successful animals on earth since they possess an exoskeleton which reduces
water loss from the body.
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Insects are the largest group of arthropods.
They occupy every habitat on earth in such places as air, soil and water. However, they mainly
inhabit terrestrial habitats. Examples of insects include grasshoppers, houseflies, butterflies, bees, and
They exhibit the longest level of organization in animals, i.e. social organization especially in bees,
wasps and ants. They are the only invertebrates which can fly.
Some insects are directly beneficial to man these include pollinators like butterfly, moth and bees
others are beneficial indirectly such as parasitic pest species.
Harmful insects include those that directly live on man as parasite like lice, flies, mosquitoes, tsetse
Some common orders of insects
Order Characteristic feather of the order Examples
Diptera Have two pairs of wings. The second pair is Mosquitoes, houseflies
reduced into halteres for balancing.
Orthoptera Has long straight wings Grasshopper, locusts, Preying
Metamorphosis is the gradual developmental change from the eggs to the adult stage.
It occurs in insects and amphibians. Insect metamorphosis is divided into two types.
Insects, which undergo complete metamorphosis, include butterflies, mosquitoes, houseflies, tsetse
flies, bees, wasps, and beetles.
(Papilio demodocus)
The citrus butterfly is also referred to as lime butterfly because it feeds on lime and citrus.
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Lepidoptera
Family : Papilionidae
Genus : Papilio
Species : demodocus.
Butterflies live in gardens and forests and where they can feed on nectar from flowers. They are
active during day.
External features
The butterfly has three body divisions the head, thorax, and abdomen.
The head
The head bears two large, bulging brown compound eyes.
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There are two simple eyes (ocelli) behind the compound eyes.
Above eyes is pair of antenna. These are long jointed and lobbed at the ends. They are sense
organs for touch and smell.
The head also bears the mouth part specially adapted for sucking nectar. The sucking part is long,
hollow and flexible tube called proboscis. This has a modified pair of maxillae which coils up
when not in use.
The mandibles, the labium and labrum are poorly developed and hardly used.
The thorax
The thorax consists of prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax. These segments are covered by hairs
and divisions are not clearly seen.
Each thoracic segment bears a pair of jointed walking legs.
The mesothorax and Metathorax in addition bear a pair of wings each which are large and
They are veined and covered by colored scales.
When the butterfly is flying, the wings are spread out but when at rest, the wings are raised and held
vertically above the body.
The abdomen
The abdomen has ten segments and each bears a pair of spiracles.
It is hairy and obscures the segmentation.
It is diurnal i.e. active during day time Nocturnal i.e. active during night
Wings are held upright at rest. Wings are held horizontally at rest.
Small body Fatter body
Body brightly colored The body is dull
Antennae are clubbed or knobbed at the tip Antennae are pointed at the tip and feathery
Pupate above the ground Pupate in cocoons or in the soil
(Periplaneta americana)
The common species of cockroach in the tropics is Periplaneta americana. This is most active at
night, during day it hides in dark places and crevices of walls.
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Dictyoptera
Family : Blattidae
Genus : Periplaneta
Species : americana
Cockroaches live in dark, dirty and dump warm places e.g. pipes that carry sewage. During day they
live in crevices of walls, cupboards, underneath drawers and in boxes.
They are active at night thus referred to as nocturnal.
External features:
The adult cockroach is about 4cm long.
It is dorsal- ventrally flattened body with brown colour.
It has a hard thick exoskeleton made of chitin.
The body is made up of three main divisions, each segment of thorax and abdomen consists of dorsal
plate tegmen (plu:-terga) a ventral plate, sternum (plu-sterna) and two internal plates, pleura.
Dorsal view
The head
The head is small and pear-shaped.
It bears a large kidney- shaped pair of compound eyes.
In front of each compound eye lies a long thread- like segmented antennae (feelers). These are
sensitive to touch, smell and vibrations.
The head has biting and chewing mouth parts – mandibles for cutting and crushing food,
maxillary palps for holding food, a labrum (upper lip) and labium (lower lip).
The head is connected to the thorax by short neck.
The thorax
The thorax consists of three segments: the prothorax, the mesothorax and the metathorax.
Each of the segments bears a pair of jointed legs on its ventral surface. They end in a pair of sharp
claws with a soft hairy pad, the arolium (plural: arolia) between them
The prothorax is the largest of the thoracic segment
The paired wings are attached to dorsal surface of mesothorax and metathorax.
The anterior (fore) wings are narrow, brown leathery and still and are called elytra or tegmina.
They are not used for flight but for covering and protection of broad, membranous posterior
(hind) wings when at rest.
The abdomen
This is made up of 10 segments. Only seven are easily seen because tergum of seventh segment
lovers 8th and 9th segment
The flat, broad tergum of the 10th segment bears a pair of jointed sensory structures, the cerci in
males, another additional pair of short structures styles.
There are 10 pairs of oval openings called spiracles at the side of the body, 2 on thorax and 8 in
abdominal segment
Control of cockroaches
i) Improve personal and public hygiene.
ii) Use of environmentally friendly insecticides like doom, etc.
iii) Use of biological control methods.
iv) Polish the walls of the house to close the small crevices.
Kingdom; Animalia
Phylum; Arthropoda
Class; Insecta
Order; Orthoptera
1. They have well developed mandibles for feeding on solid food.
2. They have a pair of long antennae.
3. They have two pairs of straight wings.
4. They have a pair of compound eyes.
5. Females have an ovipositor for depositing eggs in the soil.
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Diptera
Family : Muscidae
Genus : Musca
Species : domestica
Scientific name is Musca domestica.
House flies live in filthy or dirty places such as toilets, dust bins, manure heaps, e.t.c.
External features
The body of the housefly is divided into three main parts, head, thorax and abdomen.
General structure
The head
The head bears three simple eyes (ocelli) arranged in triangle and on each side is a large or
prominent compound eye.
The antennae are short with three joints with last having spine hair.
The labium (upper lip) is modified into proboscis for sucking, which is expanded at the distal end
to form a funnel shape.
The mosquitoes are majorly found in the tropics and are best known for carrying disease germs
They belong to the order Diptera and the important three genera are:
1. Anopheles that are vectors of malaria
2. Culex which are vectors of dengue fever and
3. Aedes, the vector of elephantiasis and yellow fever.
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Diptera
Family : Culicidae
Genus : Anopheles
Species : Anopheles, Aedes and Culex
Structure of mosquito
Mosquitoes are slender, long-legged insects and like all other Dipterans, they have proboscis, a pair
of wings and a pair of halteres.
Male mouth parts are for sucking but the female mouth parts are for piercing and sucking.
When the female mosquito bites someone, she pierces the skin with the stylets and inserts the sucking
and salivary tubes. Saliva is secreted into the wound and prevents the blood from clotting and
blocking the tubes mean while the labium bends back.
Mosquitoes eggs are laid in still water (swampy pools, water collected in old pots/ tins, in axils of
leaves, blocked drains or gutters), and the earliest stages of life take place in water.
The eggs are boat shaped and those of Culex species stick together to form raft. Those of anopheles
are laid singly each with air float.
The larva consists of a head, thorax and abdomen. It swims through water, tail first by wriggling its
abdomen. Culex larva uses Siphons for obtaining oxygen whereas an anopheles uses spiracles,
located on the eighth abdominal segment on both types of lava.
The pupa differs from the larva in being fairly active. It is comma-shaped with two tail fins at the end
of the abdomen. It breathes atmospheric oxygen through a pair of trumpets on the thorax.
After few days the pupa skin splits and adult emerges. It rests on pupa case while the wings unfold
and harden and then flies a way.
Symptoms of malaria
A Person with malaria has very high fever.
Sometimes vomiting.
Pain in the joints and sometimes the general body.
There is alternate cold and shivering spells as well as hot sweating.
Loss of appetite.
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Enlarged liver and spleen.
Malaria may cause convulsions and sometimes death in children and abortions in pregnant women
due to destruction of red blood cells by the parasites.
Aedes species carry a virus which causes Dengue. It also carries germs which cause yellow fever.
The Culex species carry filarial worms which cause elephantiasis. It is not a killing disease but
causes discomfort due to large swelling of the legs and/ arm.
Differences between
Anopheles Culex
i) Eggs are laid singly Eggs are in rafts
ii) Eggs have air floats to keep buoyant Eggs have air float
iii) Eggs are boat shaped Eggs are cigar shapes
iv) Larva lies parallel to the water surface Lies at an angle to the water surface
v) Larva has a pair of spiracles for breathing Larva has siphon for breathing
vi) Adult at rest lies at an angle to the object At rest lies parallel to the object
Generally, bees are social insects and live in colonies (large numbers) in bee hives. They show
division of labor among the castes for instance;
The queen produces other bees.
The drone fertilizes the queen.
The workers have a number of duties among which include collecting food and cleaning the
The features on the thorax include pairs of legs which differ in various aspects as shown below.
Hind leg
The leg is hairy with pollen baskets, which are responsible for carrying pollen grains.
These have pollen baskets on their tibia which are used for carrying the collected pollen grain to the
hive. They also possess tufts of hairs on the tarsus called pollen brush which are used for cleaning
pollen off the body into the basket on the other leg.
There are two pairs of membranous and transparent wings. The hind wings are smaller than the fore
wings and are interlocked with the latter by means of hooks.
Features on the abdomen include the first abdominal segment usually being fused with the
metathoracic segments. The last segment of abdomen has the stinging device. They have flexible
segments which allow the bee to bend, stretch, and expand during breathing and stinging.
The abdomen has six segments four of which contain wax glands.
Here the larva is fed on royal jelly for 3 days and after on a mixture of pollen grain.
Generally the queen bee is the only female in the bee hive and therefore the only capable one to lay
Also it is the largest caste, each bee hive has only one queen. She mates only once in her life time
with only one drone. The eggs produced are of two types, both fertilized and unfertilized.
The fertilized one develops into queens and workers while unfertilized ones develop into drones.
Note that in fertilized eggs, the type of food fed to the larva determines whether the caste will be
queen or worker.
The queen does not do any work in the bee hive. It is fed and nursed by the workers. It has a sting
she uses to kill other developing queens so as to remain the only queen in the hive.
The old queen leaves the hive just before the new queen hatches from the pupa and goes away from
the hive with a few drones in a swarm.
The drones are the only male bees in a hive. They result from unfertilized eggs of the queen. Only
one of the drones and queen go out on a nuptial flight, like the queen, the drone does not do any work
in the hive. They are fed by the workers. But in case of food shortage, some of them are killed by
workers i.e. stung to death.
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The workers on their side do not lay eggs because they are infertile females. They are the smallest in
size among the bees but are the most humorous in the hive. They perform the following duties among
i) Cleaning the bee hive by eating away dirt and rubbish.
ii) Feeding the old grubs (larva) on honey and pollen.
iii) Packing and storing honey and pollen in the cells of the honey comb.
iv) Feeding the young grubs on their milk produced by their own salivary glands.
v) Producing wax from their wax glands.
vi) Field work to collect food and pollen.
vii) Guarding the bee hive against any enemies.
The wax produced is used for building the honey combs in which the honey is stored and eggs are
The wax is usually formed of sweat after they have eaten too much honey.
Chordate refers to animals which possess a notochord.
Main characteristics
The presence of a notochord during the early stages of development.
They have bilateral symmetry.
The body is composed of head, trunk and usually a tail at some stage of development.
Possess a hollow dorsal nerve cord.
They have pharyngeal clefts.
They limbs originate from different body segments.
This phylum mainly consists of the vertebrates and they are divided into 5 classes. The 5 classes
include the following;
1. Pisces (fishes) e.g. tilapia and the Nile perch,
2. Amphibia, e.g. frogs and toads
3. Reptilia e.g. snakes, lizards, crocodiles
4. Aves - birds
5. Mammalia e.g. man and whale
This class contains fish.
Subclass: Osteichthyes
Osteichthyes are also known as teleosts. Teleosts are bony fish.
Examples of bony fishes include tilapia and herring.
The figure below shows a tilapia fish
This class includes the newt, salamander, toad and frog. The word amphibian comes from two greek
words: amphi- (both) and bios (life). This means that amphibians spend part of their life (as larvae or
tadpoles) in water, and part of their life as adults on land. Amphibians live on land but require water
for breeding.
Distinguishing characteristics
Amphibians have a soft moist skin without scales.
They have a bony skeleton.
They have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs. A pentadactyl is one which has five digits
They have visceral clefts at the larval stages which are used as gills for gaseous exchange. Adult
amphibians use lungs for gaseous exchange.
Amphibians have middle and an inner ear but no external ear. However, they have a tympanic
membrane also called the ear drum
The egg of amphibians are laid in water and fertilized externally.
An amphibian has a three-chambered heart with two auricles and a ventricle.
They are poikilothermic / ectothermic.
Reptiles are mainly terrestrial with the exception of the turtle which lives in water.
Examples of reptiles include the lizard, snake, crocodile, tortoise and turtle.
Distinguishing characteristics
Reptiles have dry skin with horny scales
Their skeleton is made up of bones
Most reptiles have pentadactyl limbs
Some reptiles have a middle and inner ear. Snakes have no middle ear.
Reptiles do not have an external ear.
They use lungs for carrying out gaseous exchange
Their eggs are fertilized internally and laid on land. Some snakes give birth to live young ones
Some reptiles have a three-chambered heart; two auricles and one ventricle. Others have four
chambered heart for example crocodile.
Reptiles are poikilothermic.
Aves refer to birds. There exists a wide variety of birds. Examples of birds include eagle, ducks,
flamingo, heron, dove etc.
Distinguishing characteristics
The skin of birds is covered by feathers, except the legs which are covered by horny scales. The
feathers keep the bird warm and also used for flight.
They have skeleton is made of hollow bones. The hollow and light bones reduce weight and
enable flight.
They have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs. The fore limbs modified into wings for flight while the
hind are feet for walking or swimming.
They have middle and inner ear but no external one. However, the have tympanic membrane.
They use lungs for gaseous exchange.
They have beak for feeding.
They have internal fertilization. They lay eggs in calcareous shells.
Their hearts have four chambers.
They are ectothermic.
They show parental care.
Mammals comprise a wide variety of animals. They mostly occupy terrestrial habitats except few
which occupy aquatic habitats. Examples of terrestrial mammals are cows pigs, goats, monkeys, rats,
lions etc. and the aquatic mammals are seals, dolphins and whales.
Distinguishing characteristics
The skins of mammals are covered by hairs or fur.
The skin has sweat glands called sebaceous glands.
They have an endoskeleton made up of bones.
They use lungs for breathing or gaseous exchange.
The kingdom Plantae comprises a variety of plants.
General characteristics
They are mostly green in colour thus carry out photosynthesis
They are multicellular.
They exhibit; limited movements such as opening and closing of petals etc.
Their cells are surrounded by cellulose cell wall.
They respond slowly to external stimuli and do not move from one place to another.
The kingdom is sub divided into three divisions, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, spermatophyta and the
The division is comprised of liverworts and moss plants.
Main characteristics
They have simple leaves and rhizoids that are root-like structures. They are used mainly for
Plants lack vascular bundles thus depend on diffusion for movement of materials.
Complied by Mwebesa Derrick 0773 267 253 47
For K.H.S
They are photosynthetic.
They are found in sheltered and wet areas.
Their life cycle consists of the two generations which alternate a gametophyte and sporophyte
Examples are mosses and liverworts which belong to 2 classes; musci and hepatica respectively.
These show alternation of generations. The sporophytes differentiate into roots, stems and leaves with
lignified vascular tissues that are used for conducting water and food.
This division is divided into 2 sub-phyla:
1. Pteridophyta
2. Spermatophyta
This is made up of ferns. Ferns are commonly found in shaded places which are damp with cool
temperature. Some ferns grow on trees as epiphytes.
The body of a sporophyte fern is divided into leaves, stems and roots. The leaves are called fronds
while the stems are rhizomes. The spore forming structures are called sporophyta which occur on the
underneath (side) of a frond in clusters called sori.
Main characteristics
The sporophyte is the dominant generation while gametophyte generation is short lived.
The rhizomes grow horizontally below the soil surface.
Ferns have well-delivered conducting tissues i.e. vascular bundles. The xylem also supports the
They have the adventitious roots which anchor the plants into the soil and absorb materials.
The spermatophyta comprises of well-developed plants which are adapted to a variety of habitats.
The habitats include terrestrial and aquatic. The seed are either contained inside the ovary wall or
General characteristics
The body is divided into leaves, stem and root system
Plants have complex and well developed vascular tissues.
The supporting tissues like xylem, sclerenchyma and collenchyma, are found in leaves, stem and
roots. Turgid parenchyma cells also provide support.
Reproduce sexually.
Sporophyte generation is greatly reduced and short-lived( flower)
Main characteristics
They are non-flowering plants.
Their seeds are found in the cone scale.
Have needle like leaves which reduce the rate of transpiration.
Found in high altitudes and can carry out photosynthesis at low temperatures.
General characteristics
They are flowering plants
Their seeds are enclosed in the ovary from where the fruits develop
The reproductive organs are found within the flower
These are sub divided into two classes. Monocotyledonae and dicotyledonae.
These are mainly grass family. Examples include wheat, rice, barley, star grass, sorghum, maize,
millet sugarcane etc.
Distinguishing characteristics
Seeds have one cotyledon
Have fibrous root system
Have parallel veins in their leaves
Leaves are generally narrow and long.
Vascular bundles are scattered in the stem cross section
Lack vascular cambium, i.e. no secondary thickening of the stem.
Flowers are held on an inflorescence.
The floral parts are in threes or multiples of threes.
These include herbs, shrubs and trees. Herbs are non woody plants so turgidity of cells supports them.
Shrubs and trees have stems with supporting tissues such as xylem.
Examples include beans, jacaranda, hibiscus, etc.
Distinguishing characteristics
Have seeds with two cotyledons
They have tap root system.
Complied by Mwebesa Derrick 0773 267 253 49
For K.H.S
Have network (reticulate) venation.
Leaves are generally broad and short.
Vascular bundles are radially arranged in the stem cross section.
Have vascular cambium for secondary thickening.
The floral parts are in fours or fives or in their multiples.
State the differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants.