Books Crist
Chaucer (1340?-1400)
Shakespeare (1500-1600)
Dramatists Lyly(1554-106) George Peele (1558-97?) Thomas Kyd(1558-95) Robert Greene(1560-1592) Christopher Marlowe (15641593) Books Euphues, Compaspe(1581), Sapho and Phao(1584), Endymion (1591), Midas(1592) The Arraignment of Paris(1582) , David and Bathsheba(1599) The Spanish Tragedy Oriando Furioso, Friar bacon and Friar Bungay, Alphonsus King of Aragon and George a Greene Tamburlaine, Dr Faustus, the Hew of Malta, Edward 2 Experimental stage(1577-93) Henry VI , Titus Andronicus, Loves of labors lost, The comedy of Errors , Midsummer Nights Dream, Richard Iii , Romeo and Juliet Comedies and chronicle(1594-1600) Richard 2, King John, The Taming of the Shrew , The Merry Wives Of Windsor, Much do about Nothing , As you Like It and Twelfth night Tragedies and Somber or bitter comedies(1601-1608) Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Alls Well that Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida , Othello, King Lear, Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra , Coriolanus , Timon of Athens Comedies or dramatic romances (16081612) Cymbeline, The Tempest , The Winters Tale Comedies Volpones, The silent woman, The alchemist, Bartholomew, Every man in his humor, Every man out of his Humour Tragic plays Sejanus, Cataline
4. Puritan Age or Age of Milton (1600-1660) The School of Spencer Poets Books Phineas Fletcher(1582-1648) The Purple Island Christs Victorie and triumph in Heaven Giles Fletcher(1583-1623) and Earth over and after Death(1610) William Browne(1590-1645) Britannias Pastorals The shepherds hunting, Fidella , fair George Wither(1588-1667) Virtue, Mistress of Philarete Tears on the death of Maliades (an William Drummond(1585-1649) elegy), Sonnets, Flowers of sion , Pastorals The Poets of the Metaphysical school The Progress of the Soul, An Anatomy John Donne(1537-1631) of the World, Epithalamium Robert Herrick(1591-1674) Thomas Carew(1598-1639) Persuasions of Love Richard Crashaw (1613?-1649) The Flaming Heart Henry Vaughan(1622-1695) George Herbert(1593-1633) Lord Herbert of Cherbury In Memoriam Abraham Cowley(1618-1667) Andre Marvel(1621-1672) Edmund Waller(1606-1687) The Cavalier Poets Herrick, Lovelace(1618-1658), Suckling , Carew, sir John Suckling (1609-1642) The hymn on the nativity(1629),LAllegro, il Penseroso John Milton(1608-1674) (1632), Lycidas (1637), Comus (1934), Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
Jacobean and Caroline Drama Dramatists Books John Marston(1575-1634) Antonia and Mellida, Antonia Revege, The Malcontent, The Dutch Courtezan, Parasitaster, Fawne, Eastward Hoe Thomas Dekker(1570The Shoemakers Holiday, Old Fortunates, The 1632) Honest whore Thomas Heywood(1575The Foure Prentices ofLondon, With the conquest 1650) of Jerusalem, Edward 6, the Troubles of Queene Elizabeth, A Woman Kilde with Kindness, The English traveller Thomas Middleton (1580Michaelmas Terms, A trick to Catch the Old One, 1627) A Mad world, My Masters, Your Five Gallants, a Chaste Mayd in Cheapside, Women Beware Women,A Faire Quarrel, The Chageling, The Spanish Gipsie Cyril Tourneur (1575-1626) The Revenge Tragedies, The Atheists Tragedie John Webster (1575-1625?) The White Devil or Vittoriaa Corombona, Duchessof Malfi John Fletcher(1579-1625) The Scornful Ladie, The Knight of the Burning Fancis Beaumont (1584Pestle, Philaster, The Maides Tragedy, a King and 1616) no King, TheKinght of the Burning Pestle Philip Massinger(1583Collaboration with Fletcher 1640) Thierry, Theodoret, the False One, The little French Lawyer, The Spanish Curte, The Beggers Bush, A New way to Pay Old Debts, the City Madam, The Guardian, The Unnatural Combat, the Main Of Honour, the Bondman John Ford(1586-1639) Perkin Warbeck, The Lovers Melancholy, tis Pity Sees a whore, The Broken Heart, Loves Sacifice James Shirley (1596-1666) The traytor, The Cardinall, The Wedding, Changes, Hyde Park, The Gamester , The Lady of pleasure , Young Admirall, The Opportunitie, The Imposture -
Jacobean And Caroline Prose Prose Writers Books Francis Bacon(1561-1628) Essays, Henry VII, Advancement of learning Robert Burton(1577-1640) The Anatomy of Melancholy Sir Thomas Browne(1605-1682) Religio Medici, Hydriotaphiaor The Urn Burial
On the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce History of the Rebellion and Civil wars in England Holy Living and Holy dying
6. Eighteenth Century Literature or Classical Age or Augustan Age or Age of Good Sense or Age of Reason The Age Of Pope(1700-1744) Poets Books Alexander Pope (1688Essay on Criticism(1711), The Rape of the Lock, 1744) The Essay On Man(1732-34), imitations of Horace, Epistle Matthew Prior(1664-1721) Solomon the Vanity of the World, Alma or The Progress of the Mind John Gay(1685-1732) Rural sports, Trivia, the Art of Walking the Streets of London , Black-eyed Susan ,Fables Edward Young (1683-1765) Universal Passions, The Night Thoughts Thomas Parnell (1679The Night-Piece on Death , Hymn To 1718) Contentment Lady Winchelsea (1660Nocturnal Reverie 1725) James Thomas The Seasons(1726-30) Prose Of The Age of Pope Prose Writer Daniel Defoe (1661-1731) Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Joseph Addison (1672-1719) & Sir Richard Steele (16721729) Books Robinson Cruso, Memoirs of a Cavalier, Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, Roxana , journal of the plague year Gullivers Travels. The Tale of a Tub, Journal to Stella Periodical Essay, The Tatler, The Spectator Addison wrote 274 n Steele wrote 240; the remaining 121 were contributed by various Friends
The Age Of Johnson (1744-1784) Books London, The Vanity of Human Wishes The Traveller, The Deserted Village
James Thomson (17001748) Thomas Gray (17161771) William Collins (17211759) James Macpherson (1736-1796) William Blake (17571827)
The Seasons, The Castle of Indolence Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, The Progress of Poesy, The bard Oriental Eclogues, Odes- To Simplicity, To Fear, To the Passions, To Evening Small Lyric- How Sleep The Brave Works of Ossian
Songs of Innocence, songs of Experience, Little Lamb who made thee? , Tiger, Tiger burning Bright, The book of thel, Marriage of Heaven and Hell Robert Burns(1759 -96) The Cotters Saturday Night, To a Mouse, To a Mountain Daisy, Man was Made to Mourne William Cowper(1731The Task, On the Receipt of My Mothers Picture, 1800) Alexander Selkirk George Crabbe (1754The Village, The Parish register, The Borough, 1832) Tales inverse, Tales of the Hall Thomas The Rowley Poems, Bishop Percys Reliques of Chatterton(1752-70) Ancient Poetry `Prose of the Age of Johnson Prose Writer Books Samuel Johnson (1709Dictionary, Lives of Poets, The Rambler, The Idler, 1784) Rasselas Edmund Burke (1729Thoughts on the Present Discontent(1770), on 1797) American Taxation, Conciliation With America, The Reflection on the French Revolution(1790) Edward Gibbon (1737The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 17940 Eighteenth Century Novel Novelists Books Daniel Defoe (1661Robinson Cruso, Captain Singleton , Moll Flanders , 1731) Roxana Samuel Richardson Pamela , Virtue Rewarded, Clarissa, The History (1689-1761) Young Lady Henry Fielding (1707Joseph Andrews, Jonathan Wild, The History of Tom 1754) Jones, A Foundling, Amelia (1751) Toblas Smollett 91721Roderick Random(1748), Peregrine Pickle (1751), 1771) Humphrey Clinker (1771) Lawrence Sterne (1713Tristram Shandy, A Sentimental Journey through 1768) France and Italy, Eighteenth Century Drama Dramatists Books Olivia Goldsmith (1730-74) Good-Nztured Man, she Stoops to conquer Richard Brinsely Sheridan (1751The School for Scandal 1861)
Queen Mab, The Revolt of Islam. Prometheus, Alastor, Ode to the West Wind Endymion, Isabella, The eve of St.Agnes, Lamia, Hperion, La Belle Dame Sans Marci, Odes To a Nightingale, on a Grecian Urn, to Autumn
Prose Writer of the Romantic Age Prose Writers Books Charles Lamb (1775-1834) Essays of Elia, Last Essays William Hazlitt (1778-1830) The Spirit of the Age Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859) Confessions of an English Opium, on the Knocking at the gate in Macbeth, The Caerars, Joan Of Arc Novelists of the Romantic Age The Gotbic Novel Mrs. Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823) The Mysteries of Udolpho, Italian Mathew Gregory(MONK) Lewis (1775The Monk, Tales of Terror, Tales of Wonder 1818) Charles Robert Maturin Melmoth The Wanderer Mary Shelley Frankenstein Jane Austen (1775-1817) Pride and Prejudice Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Ivanhoe, Quentin Durward, the Monastery, St. Ronans Well