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Unit1 Basic Concepts

 Absolute advantage: with same resource, one can produce more output; Someone can produce one output using
fewer hours

 Comparative advantage: someone can produce with few opportunity costs
 OOO-Output varies Opportunity cost goes Over
 IOU-Input varies Opportunity cost goes Under

 Points on the curve represents efficiency
 Concave curve implies the law of increasing opportunity

 A straight PPC curve implies constant opportunity cost.
The resources are perfectly adaptable to alternative use.

Economic growth occurs because of discovering new
resource, improving resource quality, and inventing new

Unit2 Demand and supply

 The law of demand:

 Demand is downward sloping?Substitution effect; diminishing marginal utility, income effect

 A change in price will cause change in quantity demanded. Move along the curve

 Change in demand: a shift in the demand curve caused by a non-price determinant

 Demand curve=MB curve

 T-consumer’s tastes and preference about the product. Like-Right, Dislike-Left

 R-related goods prices. Substitutes: Coke and Pepsi. Complementary: Bicycle and helmet.

 Income. Normal goods: Income↑Demand-Right. Inferior goods: Income↑, Demand-Left

 B-number of buyers

 E-expectation for future price

Utility maximization rule: MUa/Pa=MUb/Pb (记得看表格给的是 TU 还是 MU,TU 的话要求 MU,Pa 和 Pb 通常会给你,

 If Mua/Pa>Mub/Pb, buy more product A, fewer product B;

 If Mua/Pa<Mub/Pb, buy fewer product A, more product B;

The law of supply:
As the price goes down, quantity supplied offered decreases. A change in price will cause change in quantity

supplied. Move along the curve Supply curve=marginal cost curve
 Change in supply: a shift in the supply curve caused by a non-price determinant

 R: resource price, typical example, raw material price, labor wages

O:the price of other goods (competitive supply: grow corn or beans; joint supply: pigs↑- pork and leather products ↑

 T: taxes or subsidies. Taxes shift the curve to the left, subsidies shift the curve to the right.
 T: technology

 E:expectation for future prices

 N:number of suppliers
 S:sudden event, like natural disaster or harvest
Equilibrium: Allocative efficiency: MB=MC
Double shift: Demand 和 Supply 同时发生变化,新的均衡点只有一个因素可以确定

Change in Demand Change in Supply Effect on Pe Effect on Qe
Increase Increase ? Increase

Increase Decrease Increase ?
Decrease Increase Decrease ?
Decrease Decrease ? Decrease

Consumer surplus, producer surplus, deadweight loss

CS=WTP-Actual paid
WTP 的每一个点都是 demand 线上的点

PS=Actual received-WTS
WTS 的每一个点都是 supply 线上的点

 CS=demand 线,和成交的价格和成交的数量围成的面积 PS=supply 线,和成交的价格和成交的数量围城的面积
 当 MB=MC 的时候,allocative efficiency 的时候,无 DWL

 DWL 的形状是三角形


Price ceiling: maximum price that a seller can charge to consumer

Price floor: minmium price that a seller can sell

price ceiling 想要起作用,一定要在均衡点下方;price floor 想起作用,一定要在均衡点的上方。否则,不起作用。

Unit3 Elasticity

elasticity=responsiveness 影响 PED 的因素:

PED=%ΔQd/%ΔP luxury or necessity

%ΔQd=Q2/Q1-1 number of subsitutes

%ΔP=P2/P1-1 large or small percentage of your income

PED 计算要带绝对值 wait long time (elastic) or short time (inelastic)


Total Revenue and elasticity

PED>1, P↓TR↑;P↑TR↓

PED<1, P↑TR↑;P↓TR↓
PED=1, TR 不变

PES 计算要带绝对值

影响 PES 的因素:time period
Long run-PES>1, short run-PES<1
XED Cross Price Elasticity YED income elasticity of demand

 XED=%ΔQa/%ΔPb  YED=%ΔQ/%Δincome
 XED 计算要分正负号  YED 计算要分正负号

 XED>0, a and b are substitutes  YED>0, product is normal good
 XED<0, a and b are complements  YED<0, product is inferior good
 XED=0, a and b are not related

 Tax incidence:弹性大的,对价格变化更敏感,承担的 incidence 就少

 PED>PES, sellers take more burden;

 PED<PES, buyers take more burden;

 PED=+正无穷, sellers take 100% burden;

 PED=0, buyers take 100% burden

Unit4 Production
 Total revenue-explicit cost=Accounting profit

Accounting profit-implicit cost(opportunity cost)=economic profit

 Economic profit=0 then accounting profit must be positive

 Short run: at least one factor is fixed Long run: all factors are variable

 MP=ΔTP/ΔQuantity of labors
 Law of diminishing returns: As successive units of a variable resource are added to a fixed resource, over some

point, MP will decrease

 MC=ΔTC/ΔQuantity of output=ΔTC/MP MP and MC are mirror images of each other

 FC 不影响 MC, VC 影响 MC。VC↑,MC↑;VC↓,MC↓

 When MC<ATC, ATC is falling; MC>ATC, ATC is rising. MC intersects with AVC and ATC at minimum points
 Constant/increasing/decreasing return to scale: If you double input, output will double/more than double/less than


Perfect Competitive Market
 A firm is price taker/a firm's demand curve is perfect elastic P=MR=AR
 Profit maximization point: MR=MC

 Revenue maximization point: MR=0
 Shutdown point: P=AVC
 P<AVC, shut down; AVC<P<ATC, operating at a loss but do not shut down

 P=ATC, break even, P>ATC, making a profit in the short run
 A firm's SR supply curve: portion of the firm's MC curve which lies above the AVC curve

 Allocative efficiency: D=MC 的交点
 Productive efficiency: ATC 的最低点对应的 Q
 Short run: pc firm has allocative efficiency, but not productive efficiency

Long run: pc firm has both allocative and productive efficiency
Increasing cost industry: firms enter/exit the industry will bid up the vc, so MC and ATC go up

 Constant cost industry:firms enter/exit the industry will have no effect on LRS
 Decreasing cost industry: firms enter/exit the industry will lower the vc, so MC and ATC decrease

Short run

Long run


Profit max: MC=MR

Revenue max: MR=0
Allocative efficient: D 和 MC 交点
Productive efficient: ATC 最低点对应的 Q

Break-even or fair return: P=ATC
Not efficient because it is under produced

Natural monopoly: demand 和 ATC 下降部分相交

Price discriminate

Perfect price discrimination, NO CS, NO DWL Demand 和 MR 重合

Monopolistic competition

Long run

Long run no efficiency
Game theory:

 Dominant strategy: 不管你的对手选哪个策略,如果你都可以选一个
 策略(它会使得你更好),你就有 dominant strategy。如果你的对手策略变化,

 你的策略也要跟着变化,你就没有 dominant strategy。

 Know all the information but do not cooperate: Nash equilibrium. (怎么找?有
 dominant strategy 的选 dominant strategy, 然后另一方跟进)

 Know all the information and cooperate: 选一组最大(针对两个企业都是最大的)的

 Redraw the matrix (在满足条件的方框里加上 subsidy 或减去 profit)即可

Factor Markets:

MP: education, training, experience, techonology

P:demand for the product

Note: wage does not affect MP!!!!!

Least cost rule : MPlabor/Plabor=MPcapital/Pcapital

Profit-maximizing combination of Labor and Capital: MRPlabor/Plabor=MRPcapital/Pcapital


Unit 5 Market Failure and the Role of Government

 Market failure is a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently.
Positive Externalities

 Positive externality exists when the production of a good creates utility (the spillover benefits or external benefit)
for third parties not directly involved in the consumption or production of the good.
 In the presence of a positive externality, the social value of the good exceeds the private value. The optimal

quantity, QOPTIMUM, is therefore larger than the equilibrium quantity, QMARKET.

Negative Externalities

 Negative externality exists when the production of a good imposes disutility (the spillover costs) upon third parties

not directly involved in the consumption or production of the good.

 In the presence of a negative externality, such as pollution, the social cost of the good exceeds the private cost.
The optimal quantity, QOPTIMUM, is therefore smaller than the equilibrium quantity, QMARKET.

Public Goods and Private Goods


 Lorenz Curve: A graphical device that shows how a nation’s income is distributed across the nation’s households.

 Gini Ratio:
Gini ratio = Area A/(Area A + Area B)
 Marginal Tax rate: the rate paid on the last dollar earned. This is found by taking the ratio of the change in taxes
divided by the change in income.
 Average tax rate: the proportion of total income paid to taxes. It is calculated by dividing. the total taxes owed by

the total taxable income.
 Progressive tax: the proportion of income paid in taxes rises as income rises. An example is the personal income

 Regressive tax: the proportion of income paid in taxes decreases as income rises. An example is a sales tax.
 Proportional tax: a constant proportion of income is paid in taxes no matter the level of income. An example is a

“flat tax” or the corporate income tax.

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