Resin Modified
Resin Modified
Resin Modified
The term 'resin' is applied to more or less solid, amorphous products of complex
chemical nature. These are amorphous
Resins and related resinous products are produced in plants during normal
growth or secreted as a result of injury to the plants
General properties
Physical characters -
All resins are heavier than water, they are usually amorphous,hard, and brittle
They are insoluble in water and usually insoluble in petroleum ether but dissolve
more or less completely in alcohol, chloroform and ether
By the action of heat they soften yielding clear, adhesive fluids, Resins burn with a
characteristic, smoky flame.
Resins are often associated with volatile oils (oleoresins), with gums (gum-resins)
or with oil and gum (oleo-gum-resins).
Chemical nature:
Chemically resins are not pure substances but complex mixtures of several
resinous substances as resin acids, resin alcohols, resin esters, and neutral resins.
Classification of resins
Classification of resins
1. Acid resins -
acids. Examples
2. Ester resins -
examples -
Glycoresins: jalap
Balsams are resinous mixtures that contain large proportions of cinnamic acid,
benzoic acid or
Example by artificial punctures e.g. mastic; or deep cuts in the wood of the
2. Prepared resins; are obtained by different methods. The drug containing resins
is powdered and extracted with alcohol till
In the preparation of oleoresins; ether or acetone having lower boiling point are
When the resin occurs associated with gum (gum-resins), the resin is extracted
with alcohol leaving the gum insoluble.
Crude drugs containing resins And resin combinations
Synonyms -
(Sumatra benzoin)
Biological source- Benzoin is the balsamic resin obtained from the incised stem of
Styrax benzoin, Styrax paralleloneurus
Family - Styraceae
Chemical constituents -
It also contains vanillin, sterol, phenyl propyl cinnamate responsible for the
aromatic smell
Chemical tests
1. Heat small amount of benzoin slowly in a dry test tube melts and evolves white
fumes is produced. Which on condensation crystalline sublimate form
*4. Digest benzoin with few drops of petroleum ether for 5 minutes. Pour 1ml of
the etherial solution in a porcelain dish containing 2-3 drops of con. Sulphuric acid
and rotate the dish --- reddish brown colour is produced (Benzoin confirmed)
Uses -
Used as an antiseptic
Used as an expectorant
Used as a stimulant
It is used in the preparation of Compound benzoin tincture
Siam benzoin
Chemical constituents
coniferyl benzoate, 10% free benzoic acid, 6% siaresinolic acid, vanillin, cinnamyl
benzoate (Absence of cinnamic acid)
6. Asafoetida
Synonyms -
Family - Umbelliferae
Chemical constituents -
Chemical tests -
Drug is boiled with hydrochloric acid for 5minutes .It is filtered and ammonia is
added to the filtrate - A blue fluorescence is produced
3. Drug is treated with few drops of 50% nitric acid - green colour is produced
acid red colour is produced which changes to violet on washing with water.
Uses -
Synonym - Chillies
Biological source -
Family - Solanaceae
Diagnostic characters -
1. Oil globules -
2. Sclerides -
surface view)
Chemical constituents -
It contains an extremely pungent principle Capsaicin, red colouring matter
Uses -
1. Used as a spice
2. Used as carminative
5. Used as an appetizer
6. Used as a stomachic
Biological source -
Colophony is the solid residue obtained after distilling the oleo-resin from various
species of pinus- pinus longifolia, pinus palustris, pinus maritima
Family - Pinaceae
2. An alcoholic solution of colophony is acidic
to litmus
3.Colophony is dissolved in light petroleum and filtered. To the filtrate 2-3 times
its volume dilute copper acetate solution is added emerald green colour is seen in
the petroleum layer (upper layer)
☐ Uses -
2. Podophyllum
Biological source -
Family - Berberidaceae
Diagnostic characters -
1. Sclereids -
3.Starch grains -
4. Parenchyma -
Chemical constituents -
It contains 7-15% of resin known as podophyllin. Roots contain more resin than
the rhizomes.
Uses -
Used in the treatment of cancer
Used as purgative
Used as bitter tonic