m8 - 29 Apr - Isnin - Loga
m8 - 29 Apr - Isnin - Loga
m8 - 29 Apr - Isnin - Loga
DAY Monday (Lesson 6) YEAR 4 Yakin
4 Gigih
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Listening
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 29/4/2024
TOPIC Module 1: Where are you from? TIME 8.30-9.30am (4 Yakin)
9.50-10.50am (4 Gigih)
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are do a recap on cursive writing.
Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information Pupils can use cursive writing worksheets for revision.
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and
digital media Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to the Grammar Box at the top of
Complementary: 4.1 Form letters and words in textbook page 9. Pupils are explained about the
neat legible print using cursive writing adverbs.
2. Pupils copy the exercise in Activity 3 page 9 into their
exercise books in cursive writing (M). Pupils are guided
Learning Standard:
by teacher to complete the cursive writing.
Main: 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday routines
3. Pupils refer to Activity 4. Pupils are given a worksheet
to guide with the cursive writing and tick according to
Complementary: 4.1.2 Use cursive writing in
how often they do each other.
written work *all children*
Post-lesson: Pupils’ cursive writing work..
32/37(4 Yakin)
33/36 (4 Gigih)
4 Yakin
32/32 pupils were able to listen and tick at least 2 correct pictures.
5 absent pupils will be given a personal coach.
4 Gigih
33/33 pupils were able to listen and tick at least 2 correct pictures.
3 absent pupils will be given a personal coach
Attendance: 37/40