Chapter 2 QA
Chapter 2 QA
Chapter 2 QA
It is a hardware device and is used to key in the It is a hardware component, and it uses the data that is
data, instructions or commands, into the computer has received from the computer to carry out a task
It can transfer data to another device, but cannot Can obtain data from another device and can also
receive any from it produce output from it. However, cannot transfer data to
another device
Necessary for the computer to receive user Required if a computer has to share its results. They also
Complex coding is used Users need to only see the results and so are not required
to learn the process
Examples: Keyboard, webcam, microphone, Examples: LCD Projection panels, printer, monitor,
joystick and so on speaker and more
It is a temporary type of computer memory that stores It is a permanent type of computer memory that
data and information only until it gets a continuous stores and retains the data even after a user turns the
power supply. system off.
It can only retain data until there is a continuous power It retains data and info even after one turns the
supply. power supply off.
Transferring data from a volatile memory is very easy. Transferring data from a non-volatile memory is
very difficult.
The information and data in volatile memory are not The information and data in non-volatile memory
permanent. are permanent unless deleted.
A volatile memory has a very low capacity. A non-volatile memory, like an HDD, has a very
high capacity.
A few common examples include the cache, RAM of A few common examples are optical storage discs,
the computer, etc. hard discs, secondary storage like ROM, flash
memory, etc.
Static random-access memory is a specific type of memory Dynamic random-access memory is a type of RAM that
of a semiconductor. It makes use of bistable latching serves as storage for every data bit within another
circuitry to store every bit of data. SRAM is static. A user capacitor in any given IC (integrated circuit).
does not have to refresh it periodically for it to perform.
The general application areas of an SRAM are the L3 and The DRAM works as the main memory in the computers
L2 cache units in the CPU. (for example, DDR3).
SRAM typically has a storage capacity of 1 MB- 16 MB. DRAM has a usual capacity of 1 GB0 2GB, commonly
found in tablets and smartphones. In most laptops, its
storage capacity can be up to 4 GB- 16GB.
SRAM usually has a smaller size of storage. The storage capacity of DRAM is comparatively larger.
SRAM stays in the form of on-chip memory. The access DRAM possesses the characteristics of off-chip memory.
time is lesser than DRAM. Thus, it is comparatively faster. The substantial access time is more than SRAM, and thus,
it is slower.
SRAM is less cost-effective and more expensive than DRAM is available at a reasonable price. It is more cost-
Since SRAM has a single block of memory, including six A single transistor can form a memory block with only a
transistors becomes necessary. single transistor.
One can easily touch a hard copy because it is a One cannot touch a soft copy because it
physical document- received on any tangible medium is a virtual document- intangible but easy
like paper or flex. to look at on a computer screen.
Hard copies are physically written or printed copies on Soft copies constitute the electronically
paper. saved documents.
A hard copy stores data and information in the form of A soft copy has data and information in
physical files- it may be images, texts, photographs, and the form of virtual files saved on a
more. computer or a drive.
Hard copy mostly stores official information. Soft copy mostly stores private
A few examples of hard copies include various A few examples of soft copies include
documents like official letters, job advertisements, XLX files, PDF files, Word documents,
attested degrees, business contracts, property papers, Presentation files, Scanned copies of a
paperback editions of magazines, books, etc. hard copy document.
RAM allows the computer to read data ROM stores the program required to
quickly to run applications. It allows initially boot the computer. It only
reading and writing. allows reading.
RAM is volatile i.e. its contents are It is non-volatile i.e. its contents are
lost when the device is powered off. retained even when the device is
powered off.
The two main types of RAM are static The types of ROM include PROM,
RAM and dynamic RAM. EPROM and EEPROM
21. Give the applications of OCR, OMR, and MICR.
1. OCR : It is used to read the cheque numbers in the banks arid millions of magazines and
letters are sorted every day by OCR machines.
2. MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Reader enables special characters printed in magnetic ink to
be read and input rapidly to a computer.
3-OMR - A common OMR application is the use of “oval sheets” for multiple-choice tests
used by schools and colleges
22. Explain impact and non-impact printers in detail.
Impact Printer Non-Impact Printer
Impact printers create pictures and figures by hitting a Non-impact printers create figures and pictures without
device such as a wheel or a print hammer against an any connection between the printing device and the
inked ribbon. paper.
Impact printers are low in terms of speed. Non-impact printers are comparatively fast in speed.
They can print several pages in one minute.
They produce high-level noise as they have many They have a low level of noise.
moving parts.
Impact printers generally utilize hammers, pins, or Non-impact printers use a spray of ink, laser, or heat
wheels to hit against an inked ribbon to print on paper. and pressure to execute their printing operation.
The print quality of impact printers is lower. The print quality of non-impact printers is higher.
When print head strikes, then they prefer special inked They prefer cartridges or toner for printing on paper.
ribbons to produce print on paper.
They utilize traditional printing technologies. They utilize contemporary printing technologies.
They are pretty affordable. They are quite expensive as compared to impact
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