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Integration: Cauchy's integral formula, singularities, calculus of residues.

Other Topics: The Gamma

function, Riemann zeta function, Weierstrass products, Riemann mapping theorem, analytic
continuation, Fourier transforms, Mellin transforms.
Recommended Readings:
1. Function Theory of One Complex Cariable: R.E. Greene and S.G. Krantz (2006)AMS
2. Theory of Complex Functions: R. Remmert (1991)Springer
3. Problems and Solutions for Complex Analysis: R. Shakarchi (1999)Springer
4. Complex Analysis: J. Bak and D.J. Newman (1997) UTMSpringer
5. Complex Analysis: L. Alhfors (1979) 3rd edition, McGrawHill
6. Functions of One Complex Variable I: J.B. Conway (1978) GTMSpringer
7. Complex Variables and Applications: J. Brown and R. Churchill (2008) 8thedition, McGraw
8. Complex Analysis: S. Lang (1999) 3rd edition, Springer

IBS-815: Topics in Geometry & Topology

Elementary homotopy theory, homotopy equivalence, fundamental group, covering spaces. Tensors and tensor
bundles, differential forms and Stokes theorem, elementary de Rham cohomology theory.

Recommended Readings:
1. J.R. Munkres,Topology
2. T.W. Gamelin and R.E. Greene, Introduction toTopology
3. M.A. Armstrong, BasicTopology
4. J.M. Lee, Introduction to TopologicalManifolds
5. Th. Br¨ocker and K. J¨anich, Introduction to DifferentialTopology

IBS-816: Topics in Discrete Mathematics

Combinatorics-Pigeonhole principle, Fundamental Theorem of Counting , Permutations,

Combinations ,Binomial Theorem, History - Pascal's Triangle, Towers of Hanoi, Euclid's geometric
progression. Graph Theory - Euler and Hamiltonian networks, Graph coloring, Directed and
undirected, Isomorphisms, Spanning (optional) ,Traveling Salesperson problems,· PERT(Program
Evaluation and Resource Technique), CPM(Critical Path Method) , Expression trees (order of
operations), History - Euler, Hamilton, Bridges of Konigsberg Induction - History - Gauss formulas,
classic plane geometry problems, Recursion - History - Nim, Fibonacci, Pascal Algorithms - Voting
methods, Apportionment, Search algorithms, Optimizationalgorithms

IBS-817: Topics in Algebra

Integral extensions, Going-up and Going-down theorems, Extension and contraction of prime ideals,
Noether's Normalization Lemma, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Localization of rings and modules. Primary
decompositions of modules.

Recommended Readings:
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