Web Methods Interview Questions
Web Methods Interview Questions
Web Methods Interview Questions
If the Default package is deleted or disabled the only impact on IS should be for
http://hostname:5555 to not be found. You can still access the Administration pages via
the url http://hostname:5555/WmRoot. This redirection is there in order to allow for
customization of the IS UI.
There are a number of Administration and Development wizards that will use Default as
the default package name, so if you have added extra services or port defintions to your
Default package, then those will go away when the Default package is deleted or
Read this. this serves as a imp difference between versions. There are 3 basic
environments offerred by
webMethods: Enterprise, B2B (recently renamed Integration Server, IS for short) and the
Mainframe Integration Server. IS is able to deal with XML directly. No adapter
Enterprise has an XML adapter. The native communication vehicle in Enterprise is an
event. It's a proprietary format that the broker exchanges with broker clients and
adapters. For an XML document to be processed by Enterprise, it must converted to an
The XML adapter is what performs this conversion using configuration information you
Once the doc is in event form, it can be routed to any other broker client or adapter,
such as a database adapter that will take the contents of the event and write it to tables.
8. What is an xml schema and why it is used? What is the difference between a
DTD and Schema?
Ans: For validating XML file. DTD has single data type called CTYPE. Schema has
different data types.
16. What is processing rule? How do we create and use Processing Rules in
Trading Networks?
Ans: Processing rules specify how you want webMethods Trading Networks to
process documents. Click on processing rule in trading network console. Now click
on criteria tab, select the sender, receiver and document type. After that go to action
tab, select the delivery method to process the document.
30. Will there be any change if you write a service before getLastError?
Ans: It will display the errors of that particular flow service, but it will not display the
errors that occurred in the try block.
31. What is unit testing and how do you do unit testing
32. If any errors are there in your flow service where do you write these errors?
Ans: In the Error Log
33. What is an Inbound and outbound document and how do you validate them.
Ans: The document, which is coming from trading partner to the webMethods
system, is called Inbound Document. The document, which is going to the other
system from webMethods system, is called outbound Document. By using “Extract
Attributes” it validates the documents. These attributes may be the any value that
you have selected from the document.
38. If you specify for a loop to execute 10 times. How many times does the loop
Ans: No. You can repeat the loop since it will according the values of the input array
43. If two documents match in trigger then how do you process them?
Ans: According to the Join type you will process the Documents. Three Join Types
are there:
All (AND), Any (OR) and Only one (XOR)
All (AND): all document types should match with trigger condition in the trigger
Any (OR): if any document type matches in the trigger with trigger condition.
Only one (XOR): only one document should match with the trigger condition in the
The join type that you specify for a join condition determines whether the Integration
Server needs to receive all, any, or only one of the documents to execute the trigger
All (AND) The Integration Server invokes the associated trigger service when the
server receives an instance of each specified publishable document
type within the join time-out period. The instance documents must
have the same activation ID. This is the default join type.
For example, suppose that a join condition specifies document types
documentA and documentB and documentC. Instances of all the document
types must be received to satisfy the join condition. Additionally, all
documents must have the same activation ID and must be received
before the specified join time-out elapses.
Any (OR) The Integration Server invokes the associated trigger service when it
receives an instance of any one of the specified publishable document
For example, suppose that the join condition specifies document types
documentA or documentB or documentC. Only one of these documents is
required to satisfy the join condition. The Integration Server invokes
the associated trigger service every time it receives a document of
type documentA, documentB, or documentC. The activation ID does not
matter. No time-out is necessary.
Only one (XOR) The Integration Server invokes the associated trigger service when it
receives an instance of any of the specified document types. For the
duration of the join time-out period, the Integration Server discards
(blocks) any instances of the specified publishable document types
with the same activation ID.
For example, suppose that the join condition specifies document types
documentA or documentB or documentC. Only one of these documents is
required to satisfy the join condition. It does not matter which one.
The Integration Server invokes the associated trigger service after it
receives an instance of one of the specified document types. The
Integration Server continues to discard instances of any qualified
document types with the same activation ID until the specified join
time-out elapses
44. Do you require a broker if you are sending the document locally. If not what
type of delivery should you mention
Ans: No. Local Publishing
Note: Guaranteed document delivery and guaranteed document processing are not the
same thing. Guaranteed document delivery ensures that a document, once
published, is delivered at least once to the subscribing triggers. Guaranteed
document processing ensures that a trigger makes one or more attempts to process
the document.
48. Can u see the document in Broker? Default port for the Broker.
Ans: Yes. In broker Admin page under broker, which you have created you will find
“Document Types” click on that. Now click on wm folder again, you will find some
folders list now click on wm::is folder in this you find all the documents.
The default port for the broker is 6849
51. What type of errors can be occurred while getting a document from FTP?
53. Types of Adapters you are familiar & JDBC Adapter configurations.
Ans: JDBC adapter, MQ adapter, SAP adapter, JMS Adapter.
Configuration of Jdbc Adapter:
Configuration Connection Types: Package, FolderName, connectionNmae
Connection Properties: Transaction Type: Local/No/AX
Datasource class, ServerName, user, password,
databaseName, portNumber networkProtocol, Other
Connection Management Properties: Enable Connection Pooling, Minimum
Pool Size, Maximum Pool Size, Pool Increment Size, Block Timeout (msec),
Expire Timeout (msec), Startup Retry Count, Startup Backoff Timeout (sec)
62. How do you export package from one version to another version?
Ans: Through Deployer
C:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer\replicate\inbounds. Now go to Management
under Packages, click on Install Inbound Releases and select the particular
Publish and subscriber
65. How do create a JAVA service? What is IData Object? In java service?
Ans: The IData object is the universal container that services use to receive input
from and deliver output to other programs.
66. What is the difference between Java Service and Flow Service?
Ans: Java service is service, which is written in java language. Flow service is a
service, which is written webMethods flow language.
67. How do we invoke another service in a Java service and in which package
does this method reside?
71. What is node? How will you get a value from an xml (which service)?
Ans: wMPubli:xml: queryXMLNode.
According to the DOM, everything in an XML document is a node. The DOM says
The entire document is a document node
Every XML tag is an element node
The texts contained in the XML elements are text nodes
Every XML attribute is an attribute node
Comments are comment nodes
75. What is TPA, difference between default TPA and partner specific TPA and
where we will use those TPA’s.
85. If a service is suddenly hangs, how would you know this. Can be seen in
Ans: No
86. What is the basic difference between RosettaNet and ebXML standards?
A "target" ATC will accept a canonical event from some source ATC (or any other
publisher), possibly retrieve data from the target system if needed, and publish an
application-specific message, such as an insert or update request.
The ATCs track their actions in a database. With this database, a process flow can be
restarted at a given point.
The ATC database can be Oracle, SQL Server or Informix (they may now support
90. Do you know the concept of binding? If so, what is the difference between
early and late binding?
91. In connection pooling min is and max is 10. If I give 11th service, what will
Ans: When you have connection pooling enabled, the ART maintains a pool of
connections to the given resources. At any time if all 10 threads are having a
connection in use to the resource, the 11th thread waits till a connection is available
for it to use. As soon as any of the other threads closes the connection, the connection
is returned to the pool and is available for other threads that are waiting to use it.
92. What is the difference between the Enterprise server and B2B server?
Ans: Enterprise server is server, which is using for an individual organization.
B2B server is a server, which is used for more than one enterpriser to integrate
Enterprise servers.
93. If I publish a documen t to the broker, where I can see in Integration Server?
Ans: Broker Docs: You can use the Broker Admin page to take a look at the number
of docs that are processed by each client. But, you cannot automatically see the
documents flowing in the broker anywhere. There are a couple of ways to get around
this... 1) you can use document tracker. It is a java client, which gives visibility into
the documents that are flowing through broker. 2) You can enable document logging
which uses the logutil package to look at the documents in Monitor.
94. What is the Difference between Basic Notification and Insert Notification?
Ans: Actually there are two type of Notifications Basic and Intelligent (Insert, Delete,
Update etc.).In basic Notification you need to create the Notification Components
like Trigger and Buffer Table in Database but in case of Intelligent (Automatic
Notification) they automatically get created in Database as you enable the
Notification and gets deleted when u disable the Notification.
98. What are the different elements under the navigation panel?
Ans: Elements include folders, services, specifications, IS document types, triggers,
and IS schemas.
107. How can you implement Switch case using flow steps?
Ans: Using Branch on Switch Value
108. How u can implement if-else case using flow steps?
Ans: Using branch on expression
The transactional RFC (tRFC) protocol ensures that an RFC is successfully executed
and that it is executed exactly once.
An SAP system uses to asynchronously invoke a function on a remote system.
A remote system uses to asynchronously invoke a function on the SAP system.
114. Which control statement in Java is related to the flow steps, which
are in webMethods?
Ans: repeat
116. By using which services you will send the document from B2B server
to SAP system?
Ans: Then all rows will retrieve from the database table
122. Can you change the path of JVM an which version you are using?
Ans: yes. JVM version is 3.1
128. What is the difference between input array and output array?
Ans: The name of the array variable on which the LOOP will operate. This variable
must be one of the following types: String list, String table, Document list, and Object
The name of the element that you want the server to collect each time the LOOP
executes. You do not need to specify this property if the loop does not produce output
values or if you are collecting the elements of Input array.
To collect output from each pass of the loop, specify the name of the output variable
that you want the server to collect for each iteration.
132. What are the different types of status in TPA? What is the difference
of Set Proposed and Set Agreed?
Ans: Set Disable, Set Proposed, Set Agreed.
The TPA is in draft status. When the TPA is in the Proposed status, you can delete it.
What you can change:
The TPA fields, with the exception of the Sender, Receiver, or Agreement ID fields.
All inputs to TPA data variables in the IS document type.
The TPA is in final status. When the TPA is in the Agreed status, you cannot delete
it. To delete a TPA, you must change the agreement status to Proposed or Disabled.
139. What is TPA? Does TN use TPA every time when a document coming
in to the TN?
Ans: yes
In this example we are assuming there are 3 users, user1, user2 and user3 who need
privileges to execute a service. These users are external partners and should not have
any other privileges on the system.
Next, you will want to give permissions for these users to execute services as well as
retaining permission for the default groups such as Developers and Administrators.
The RPC/Literal mode of messaging specifies how methods and their arguments
(parameters and return values) are represented within the Body element of a SOAP
1st Round:
what is integration?
what is EAI?
what is Modeler?
What is Primary key and unique key? Does this accept null values?
What is differnece between application trigger and database trigger? Can u give an
what is a function?
2nd Round:
what is PL/SQL?
which tool you used to place issues?Have you been ever worked on that? (Issue Tracking
4. Which service can be used to get value for a particular element in an XML
5. How do we invoke another service in a Java service and in which package does
this method reside?
If a document matches more than one processing rule, Trading Networks uses the
Processing rule it encounters. As a result, the order in which you maintain your
Rules is important because Trading Networks checks for a matching processing rule
That order. Keep rules with specific criteria before rules with general criteria. You
Also set up a default processing rule that you want Trading Networks to use when a
Document does not match any of the other processing rules. Place the default-
processing rule last in the list.
web Methods Monitor is an administrative tool that you use to examine instances of
Business processes, services, integrations, and documents that the integration
platform is
Processing or has finished processing. Besides viewing status information about your
Processes, services, integrations, and documents, you can also use Monitor to perform
Control tasks such as suspending or resuming processes or editing and resubmitting
Documents, services, or the step pipeline.
webMethods Monitor retrieves information about processes, services, integrations,
documents by querying the audit logs and the Trading Networks database.
The Monitor is hosted by an integration server. You access webMethods Monitor
a web browser.
15. Can we use wm.tn:receive service for sending documents to Trading Networks?
2. Explain the entire scenario of handling when an EDI 850 comes into your TN?
3. How will you create profiles, document types, processing rules and TPA in TN?
5. Which service can be used to get value for a particular element in an XML
7. If you want to split the one-xml file into two xml files, then how will you handle
that scenario?
Ans .QueryXMLnode
8.There are two TPAs defined in your Trading Networks. If the partner specific
TPA is missing one of the essential field then what happens?
9.What is an XA transaction?
10. How your are going to identify an 850 document by seeing only the content?
Ans) . Trascation Set Code 01
12. Explain the sentence excellent ability to plan, organize and prioritize my work to
meet on time the deadlines of my client in your resume.
20. What are the various services for processing an EDI file?
Ans). convertToValues, util.getEDIString.
21. Explain the sentence Motivated team player with strong communication skills,
having aptitude for technical documentation in your resume.
Connection Pool: When you have connection pooling enabled, the ART maintains a pool
of connections to the given resources. At any time if all 10 threads are having a
connection in use to the resource, the 11th thread waits till a connection is available for it
to use. As soon as any of the other threads closes the connection, the connection is
returned to the pool and is available for other threads that are waiting to use it.
Broker Docs: You can use the Broker Admin page to take a look at the number of docs
that are processed by each client. But, you cannot automatically see the documents
flowing in the broker anywhere. There are a couple of ways to get around this... 1) you
can use document tracker. It is a java client which gives visibility into the documents that
are flowing through broker. 2) you can enable document logging which uses the logutil
package to look at the documents in Monitor
can anybody let me know the difference between BasicNotification and Insert
you can write a Custoem sql with : select sysdate from dual which will give you the
complete timestamp of your database.
That is total different concept, the digital certificates are used when you are getting
connected to any Trading partners.
wht is the use of extended fields in Trading Networks.(while creating trading partner
AFAIK...extended fields are used to store the info that you want to store for a partner but
there is no default field defined for it by TN. As to how you use it later is up to you. But
not much use other than that.
Say, for example, I am transfering customer orders in the scenario listed above, I want to
monitor stats like how many orders/docs a particular customer has, what is his total
revenue etc.
Now, since we don't use modeler, I think I need to configure WS DCA and push the data
to optimize. I have installed manager/optimize, configured WS DCA and all is fine till
that point. From the docs seems like I need to use the sendEventData and
sendDimensionData methods to post the data to optimize. But I am not sure of the steps I
need to follow. How can I manage the monitors in the scenario listed above? can
someone give me high level steps I need to follow in this kind of situation?
U can implement TN if at all u r not interested in using monitor and modeler.It will help
u not only in monitoring but also in partner verification and document validations.
Yes...I agree but we are trying to implement monitoring with minimum disruption to the
development teams. Implementing TN would require refactoring of all the packages.
This should do for you to keep track of the count. Hope it helped.
When and why should we use transformers and flow services? How are
they different from each other?
Answer When we are performing only one data operation we
#2 can go
ahead with directly invoking the corresponding flow
service. If we want to perform the multiple
operations in a
single step, it is good to go with transformers in a
step. This increases the memory usage and
What is Modeler
Answer webMethods Modeler is a graphical tool for building
#1 a
business process model and
executing the model. After you create the business
model, you can elect to
generate the run‐time components needed to
execute the
model in the underlying
webMethods integration platform.
You can build process models that bring together
data from
diverse sources in your
Enterprise such as:
�� Internal systems and
�� Databases and data warehouses
�� Trading Partners
�� Web services
�� Mainframes
�� Workflows (human
How to create a link between variables?
Answer You have to map the Input Pipeline
#1 variable A to Output
Pipeline variable B.
1. Create any new Flow service
2. Add some Input and Output
variable as required
3. Insert any previously created
service or insert any Map
4. Click at Pipeline In area then click
on the variable A,
5. Click at PipelineOut area then click
on the variable B,
6. Now Click over link button.
locks can be removed by making the server
lement as redable.right Click on the elemet in
per which is system locked.and choose the
display the server side files for the element.
he files as readable and click the referesh
Re: What is a flat file schema and what are its uses?
Answer Flat file schema is a blueprint which have rules for the
#2 flat file. IS will validate the flat file against this Flat
file schema.
To Delete an Element
Re: Can you spell SAP, ERP, CRM, XML and EDI properly?
Answer Systems appications & Products
# 1 Enterprise Resource Planning
Customer Relationship Management
Extended Markup language
Electronic Data Processing
What Are Transformers?
Answer Transformers are the services you use
#1 to accomplish value
transformations on the Pipeline
You can only insert a transformer into
a MAP step.
You can use any service as a
This includes any Java, C or flow
service that you create
and any built-in
services in WmPublic, such as the
pub.date.getCurrentDateString and the
services. By using transformers, you
can invoke multiple
services (and perform multiple
value transformations) in a single flow
When and why should we use transformers and flow services? How are they different from each other?
Answer Mapping is the process of performing
#1 transformations to
resolve data representation differences
between services or
document formats. By linking variables
to each other on the
Pipeline tab, you can accomplish name
transformations and
structural transformations. However, to
perform value
transformations you must execute some
code or logic.
Developer provides two ways for you
to invoke services: You
can insert INVOKE steps or you can
insert transformers onto
the Pipeline tab. Transformers are the
services you use to
accomplish value transformations on
the Pipeline tab
What is the difference between a system locked element and a read-only element?
Answer none,system lock is a term used in
#1 webmethods platform to
denote an element that has read-only
files on the webmethods
integration server.
1.What is EAI ?
5.What are the main companies which provide EAI tools / software?
MQSeries (IBM)
BizTalk (Microsoft)
WebLogic (BEA)
6.What is webMethods?
A company that provides integration tools. The key products include Integration
Server, Enterprise Server, Business Integrator, Workflow and Mainframe Integration
Server. webMethods is a company, not a product.
9.What Is Developer?
webMethods Developer is a graphical development tool that you use to build, edit, and
test integration logic. It provides an integrated development environment in which to
develop the logic and supporting objects that carry out the work of an integration
solution. It also provides tools for testing and debugging the solutions you create.
10.What Is an Element?
A startup service is one that Integration Server automatically executes when it loads a
package into memory.
A flow service is a service that is written in the webMethods flow language. This simple
yet powerful language lets you encapsulate a sequence of services within a single service
and manage the flow of data among them.
The pipeline is the general term used to refer to the data structure in which input and
output values are maintained for a flow service. It allows services in the flow to share
data. The pipeline starts with the input to the flow service and collects inputs and outputs
from subsequent services in the flow. When a service in the flow executes, it has access
to all data in the pipeline at that point.
15.How to invoke a service from a browser ?
The Integration Server logs the name-value pairs in the pipeline at that time
17.When creating a BRANCH flow element, what is the purpose of the "scope" field on
the properties tab?
Save the current pipeline to a named memory location on the Integration Server
19.When you create and save the FLOW "my.pack:myFlow" in the "MyPack" package,
where will you find the code?
21.What is the default behavior, if a Flow EXIT does not specify a "from"?
22.An Integration Server package may have one or more startup services. When does a
startup service execute?
23.By default, the webMethods Integration Server has an HTTP listener assigned to
which port?
24.How can the webMethods Integration Server logging date format be changed?
25.When coding IS Services, how can a variable of type Document Type be represented
in Java?
26.For a REPEAT operation to execute as long as the specified repeat condition remains
true, the count parameter needs to be set to:
The purpose of Sequence operation is to group a subset of Flow operations so that they
are treated as a unit.
28.If the webMethods Integration Server is started with from the server root directory
with this command, "bin\server.bat -debug 9 -log none", what does this tell the server to
Start in level 9 debug mode and write all server log information to the screen.
29.The Integration Server requires access to the Java classes for each JDBC driver that it
will use. Typically, where must such Java classes be placed?
30.The Flow Services are physically stored on the webMethods Integration Server in the
form of:
Flow Services are physically stored on the webMethods Integration Server as "XML"
31.What is the default behavior if a Flow EXIT does not specify a "from"?
32.After a default installation, in order to use the pub.file:getFile service, what needs to
be done?
Set evaluate label property of branch step to true. Then set the label property of sequence
with the value on which it needs to be processed.
Developer gets disconnected from the server if the server goes down or if there is a
problem in the network. Do not close the developer. If you close the developer you wont
be able to save the changes. Once the server come up or the network problem is resolved.
you will be automatically connected to the server and then you can retsore your session.
Select "session" from the menu in toolbar and click open key in the server IP and port on
which you have to open the connection. The user name and password on that server.
ACLS are used to give the authorization to the particular user groups. If u give ACL to
administrator then the admin group users who are there in that group they can have the
access to that particular service. Otherwise we can not use it. This is called ACL locking.
We can change the Order of steps in a Flow Service of Various other services which are
called in sequence within Flow service using "Shift Up and Shift Down" buttons exists at
top of Editor Panel.
As well we can move any service or Map inside a SEQUENCE or BRANCH using "Shift
Left and Shift Right" buttons
38.When and why should we use transformers and flow services? How are they different
from each other?
Splitting one field into several or merging fields, reordering portions of a message or
renaming fields are know as structural transformations.
Open the webMethods developer in EditPrespective. Select the flow step u wanna move
just drag it to the place u want to move. Otherwise use the arrow buttons on the editor
pannel to move the selected flow steps.
System locks can be removed by making the server side files of the element as readable.
Right Click on the elemet in developer which is system locked and choose the lock
properties. It will display the server side files for the element. Make the files as readable
and click the referesh button in the developer.You will find that the element is no more
Just right click on the element which u want to see then u click Locate in navigation
option then u can see that element in the navigation panel
Right click on the element for which you have to find the dependents in the navigational
pannel.and click on the option find dependents.
To change to the JDK used by webMethods you will need to edit the IntegrationServer\
bin\server.bat or IntegrationServer/bin/server.sh file used to start up Integration Server.
Edit the file and change the following line to point to the JDK path
SET JAVA_DIR=C:\opt\j2sdk1.4.2
45.How do I debug the Developer IDE itself ?
cd pathToWMInstall/Developer/bin
developer.bat -debug 10
46.What is the difference between drop and delete pipeline variable?
Drop pipeline is an explicit cleanup. It is a request for the pipeline to remove a variable
from the available list of variables and make the object it refers to available for garbage
collection by the Java Virtual Machine.
Delete is purely a design time operation to remove the variable from the current view. It
is only of use if you have created a variable that you didn't mean to create. If you delete a
variable that was there because it was previously in the pipeline when you change the
view in developer you will see the variable appear again.
Flow is not turned into java code. It resides on disk as XML representing the flow
operations which is then parsed and turned into an in-memory java tree of the operations.
Although the underlying code that implements the flow operations is java, it is stored on
disk as XML.
Set a flag in your catch block or leave a variable holding the error message in the
Outside the catch block put a branch on that variable or flag and if it is non-null then exit
with failure or call the service that generates the exception.
There is a special variable on the pipeline called $iteration which will be incremented as
the loop operator works up through the list.
Although there is no tab to specify "order by" the same functionality is able to be
specified in the "SELECT" tab. One of the columns in the is labelled "Sort Order" which
will allow you to specify the column(s) you wish to sort by. To alter the order: simply
alter the order of the columns selected.
If you have adapter notifications and adapter services then you will need to have two
separate connections. Otherwise you may get strange errors about transactions and the
like. You should also avoid having connection pools shared across different functional
areas, even if they are pointing to the same database. The reason for this is that tuning the
size of the pool becomes quite difficult if you have multiple types of usage of a pool. You
are also unable to easily change the database settings for one without impacting on the
other. One approach that seems to work quite well is to have separate pools for each
package (generally.. not a hard and fast rule though), as your packages should generally
be divided up according to functional area too.
Save the current pipeline to a named memory location on the Integration Server.
54.What is the default behavior if a Flow EXIT does not specify a "from"?
55.An Integration Server package may have one or more startup services. When does a
startup service execute?
The purpose of Web Service Connector is to invoke a Web Service on a different web
server Startup service will execute whenever the package is loaded or re-loaded
57.The Developer was used to create a Java Service named myService in a folder named
myFolder in the Default package. What is the best way to hide the source code of the
Java service?
Configure an Access Control List which only allows members of authorized groups and
assign it as the Read ACL for the service
58.When using the SEQUENCE Flow operation, if exit-on is set to SUCCESS, what
condition will cause the entire SEQUENCE to fail?
59.The Integration Server requires access to the Java classes for each JDBC driver that it
will use. Typically, where must such Java classes be placed?
Ensure that specific webMethods IS packages are loaded before the depending package
2. In what folder is the webMethods documentation for the Broker Admin package
3.How many minutes have you spent in your lifetime reading documentation or actually
(gasp) working with any webMethods product on a real project?
ANS:30 mins