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Untitled Document-1.pdf - 20240419 - 194851 - 0000
Types of Evidence
Documentary Evidence
Doctors should exercise due care while insuing such certi cates
Issuing a false certi cate is an o ense.Medicolegal reports are the
documents prepared and issued by doctors on the request of the
investigating o cer (Police of Magistrate),usually in criminal
causes such as assault, rape, munder exc,
Examples of such reports are.
1. Injury certi cate
2. Age Report
3. Postmortem report
4. Reports regarding examination of exhibits such as weapons,
clothes etc.
Dying Declaration
De nition:
A thing declaranion is a statement, verbal or written, mao sperson
ass as so the cause cause of of his death, or as to any of the
circumstances of the tramaction which resulted in his death
(Section 32 IEALWhenever such patients are admitted and who
are going to din, the doctor should call the Magistrate to record
dying declarationBefore recording the statement, doctor should
certify that the person is conscious and have sound mind (compos
mentis). If the dring person is serious and there is no time to call
the Magistrate, then doeror should record the dying declaration.
When doctor or Magistrate is not available, dring declaration
recorded by investigating o cer is also admissible under section
32 of IEA No oath is administered while recording & dying
declaration siner it is believed that the dying permon sells the
on oath.The Magistrate in the presence of accused or his lawyer
records it.
Dying Deposition
2 MANU/SC/0150/1983
●In the case of Brij Bhusan v. State of UP3 the Court held
that in case of con ict between the nature of injuries and
other relevant evidence, the Court shall derive its own
conclusion if the medical evidence would not be su cient.
In further years, the court has also emphasized on the view
that if there is a con ict between two medical witnesses, the
one that goes with the direct evidence shall be taken into
4 MANU/SC/0362/1999
●Forensic Evidence ( Law & Practice) :- S. P. Tyagi
●Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology:- DR PC Dikshit
5 2010 cri LJ (NOC) 1171 (H.P.) (DB)