Unit 5 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
Unit 5 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
Unit 5 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
EEEG 320
Digital Circuit and System Design
Unsuitable Situations:
• Inputs change at any time and cannot be synchronized with a clock
• Circuit is large, Clock skew can not be avoided
• High performance design
Analysis Procedure
The analysis consists of obtaining a table or a diagram that describes the sequence of internal states and
outputs as a function of changes in the input variables.
EEEG 320 Digital Circuit and System Design 17
Flow Table
• Transition table whose states are
named by letter symbol instead Flow Table
of binary values.
• During the design of
asynchronous sequential circuits,
it is more convenient to name the
states by letter symbols without
making specific reference to
their binary values.
• Such table is called a flow table.