Exp 5 Lechatprinciple
Exp 5 Lechatprinciple
Exp 5 Lechatprinciple
Le Châtelier’s Principle
Pre-lab Assignment
In this experiment you will observe shifts in four equilibrium systems, and learn to explain the
observed changes in terms of molecular/ionic interactions and Le Châtlier’s Principle.
Chemical Equilibrium
All chemical reactions eventually reach a state in which the rate of the reaction in the forward
direction is equal to the rate of the reaction in the reverse direction. When a reaction reaches this
state, it is said to be at chemical equilibrium. The concentrations of reactants and products will
remain constant. For the generic reaction equation below
aA(aq) + bB(s) cC(aq )+ dD(l) Equation (1)
where the values of [A] and [C] are the concentration of A and C at equilibrium in molarity and a
and c are their respective stoichiometric coefficients. What about B and D in the reaction? Only
aqueous species and gases appear in the equilibrium expressions. Pure liquids and solids do not
appear in the equilibrium-constant expression; therefore B and D do not appear in the equilibrium
constant expression in this example.
Le Châtelier’s Principle 65
Figure 1
Note that at equilibrium,
the concentrations of
reactants and are products
are not equal; however
they are not changing
although the reaction is
continuing in both the
forward and reverse
Le Châtelier’s Principle
It has been observed that when a reaction at equilibrium is disturbed by changing either
the concentration of one of the chemical components, the total pressure, or the temperature, the
reaction will respond by shifting its equilibrium position so as to counteract the effect of the
disturbance. This idea was first proposed by Henri-Louis Le Châtelier and has since been
referred to as, “Le Châtelier’s principle”.
A+ B C+ D
This results in the equilibrium shifting towards product formation (right) and ― relief of the stress.
How can we remove the products from the reaction system? There are several possibilities. If one
of the products were a gas, simply letting the gas escape will remove the product and shift the
equilibrium to the right. This is what happens when you leave a soda bottle open. The CO2 can
escape, shifting the equilibrium, below, to the right, and the soda goes flat:
Changing the temperature will have the opposite effect on exothermic and endothermic reactions.
In the case of an endothermic reaction, heating the system can be thought of as adding additional
reactant (heat). The system reacts by shifting to the right, using up the heat. Conversely, cooling
the system effectively removes reactant (heat), and the system reacts by shifting to the left.
For exothermic reactions the reverse is true. Adding heat puts a stress on the product side of the
equilibrium and the system relieves the stress by shifting to the left. On the other hand, cooling
causes a shift to the right.
SAFETY: Wear your SAFETY GOGGLES. If you spill any of the solutions on them, wash
your hands and clothing immediately with copious amounts of water, Be particularly
careful with the silver nitrate solution (Part A) and the concentrated hydrochloric acid
(Part B). The silver nitrate (AgNO3) produces permanent black stains on skin and
clothing; these stains appear gradually after exposure to sunlight. The concentrated
hydrochloric acid (12 M HCl) has irritating vapors and is highly corrosive. If you spill any
of this acid on the lab bench, neutralize it with sodium bicarbonate before wiping it up.
WASTE DISPOSAL. Pour the solutions from Part A and Part B into the INORGANIC WASTE
containers in the fume hood.
A note regarding your data: Throughout the procedure are several “thought” questions
which are indicated by lower case letters (a), (b) etc. These are designed to stimulate your
thinking about the equilibrium systems as you work with each. Take time to answer each
question as you proceed, being sure to write your answers in your lab notebook. This
will be your data. Letter your responses in your notebook as the questions are lettered below
and be sure not to skip any of the questions.
Le Châtelier’s Principle 67
Part A Formation of the Fe(SCN) Complex Ion
3+, –
In this part of the experiment, ferric ion, Fe reacts with thiocyanate ion, SCN , to form the deep
2+ 2+
red, complex ion, FeSCN . The intensity of the red color will tell you if [FeSCN ] changes.
• Adding solid potassium thiocyanate (KSCN). KSCN is a soluble solid which will
+ -
dissociate in water to form K ions and SCN ions
• Adding silver nitrate (AgNO3) which removes SCN ions from the equilibrium system by
forming an insoluble white precipitate.
2. Pour approximately 1/5 of the solution into each of five large test tubes. Test tube #1 will be
your control. You will not be adding anything else to it.
3a. Write the equilibrium chemical reaction you are studying in your notebook.
3b. In a moment, you will be adding KSCN to your reaction system. Adding KSCN should affect
the concentration of which species in the equilibrium reaction you are studying?
3d. According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, predict which way should the reaction shift (left or
Now to test your prediction, to test tube #2 add a few crystals of solid potassium thiocyanate
Le Châtelier’s Principle 68
3e. What do you observe happening? Record any color changes or other changes you observe.
3f. Do your observations support your prediction based on Le Chatelier’s Principle? Explain
clearly using your color observations as evidence.
4a. In a moment, you will be adding AgNO3 to your reaction system. Adding AgNO3 should
affect the concentration of which species in the equilibrium reaction you are studying?
Would it increase or decrease the concentration?
4b. According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, predict which way should the reaction shift?
Now to test your prediction, to test tube #3 add several drops of 0.1 M silver nitrate solution
4d. Do your observations support your prediction based on Le Chatelier’s Principle? Explain
clearly using your color observations as evidence.
To see the effect of temperature changes (heat), place test tube #4 in a 250 mL beaker filled with
ice and water. Place test tube #5 in a 150 mL beaker half filled with water, and then heat the
water to near boiling with a Bunsen burner while supporting the beaker on a ring stand.
5a. What do you observe happening to the solution in ice water? To the solution in hot water?
5b. Based on the color change you observe, is the equilibrium for the solution in the ice water
shifting left or right?
5c. Based on the color change you observe, is the equilibrium for the solution in the hot water
shifting left or right?
5d. Do your observations indicate that the reaction is exothermic or endothermic? That is,
based on your observations, is heat a product or a reactant?
5e. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction you are studying including heat in the equation.
6. To see if equilibrium shifts are reversible, move test tube #4 from the ice water to the hot water
and test tube #5 from the hot water to the ice water.
7. Dispose of all solutions in the proper container, not down the sink.
Note to instructors: This procedure has been modified from the Miracosta, Chem 30 lab manual,
Le Châtelier’s Principle 69
and UCSB lab manual.
Certain metallic ions, most often transition metals, exist in solution as complex ions in
combination with other ions or molecules, called ligands. Common ligands include H2O, NH3, Cl
and OH . Many of these complex ions exhibit vibrant colors in solution. For example, the
2+ 2–
Co(H2O)6 (aq) complex ion is pink and the CoCl4 (aq) complex ion is blue.
where we denote the equilibrium constant, K, with a subscript f for a complex ion formation
1a. Write the equilibrium chemical reaction you are studying in your notebook.
1b. The concentration of which species in the equilibrium reaction you are studying would be
affected by adding HCl?
1c. According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, predict which way should the reaction shift (shift left,
right or no effect)?
Le Châtelier’s Principle 70
2. To the same test tube, add deionized water drop-wise until a color change is observed.
2a. How does the equilibrium react when water is added? (shift left, right or no effect)
2b. Is the water just diluting the solution or is it reacting chemically with the solute? How do
you know? What is the evidence?
4. Half fill a new, large test tube with a new portion of the purple Co(H2O)6 solution and add 12
M HCl drop-wise until the color is between pink and blue. Gently heat the test tube by placing it in
the boiling water bath.
5. Half fill a new, large test tube with a new portion of the purple Co(H2O)6 solution and add 12
M HCl drop-wise until the color is between pink and blue. Cool the test tube by placing it a 250mL
beaker filled with ice and water.
5c. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction you are studying including heat in the
In the next several parts of the experiment you will make use of coupled equilibria to change the
equilibrium position of reactions. This is sometime known as the common ion effect.
Let’s see how such coupled equilibria work. Suppose we have the two reactions described by the
chemical equations below:
Notice that the species B(aq) is common to both reaction equations. The presence of a common
species couples these two reactions.
We can disturb the equilibrium position of the reaction described by Equation (3) by the addition
of some C(aq). The addition of C(aq) to this system will cause the equilibrium position of the
reaction described by Equation (4) to shift right, in accordance with Le Châtelier’s principle. This
right shift in the equilibrium position of Equation (4) will result a corresponding decrease in the
Le Châtelier’s Principle 71
concentration of B(aq). Because B(aq) is also present in Equation (3), the decrease in the
concentration of B(aq) will in turn result in a right shift in the equilibrium position of the reaction
described by Equation (3). Thus, the addition of C(aq) to the reaction described by Equation (4)
results in a right shift in the equilibrium position of the reaction described by Equation (3) because
these two equilibria are coupled. Many of the reactions that we observe in this experiment will
also involve the use of coupled equilibria especially involving the reaction of acids and bases to
form water. The net ionic equation for this reaction is shown below:
Equilibrium of Indicators
The indicator we use most often in lab is phenolphthalein which is a weak acid. As a weak acid, it
loses H and turns a different color in the process. It should be noted that all acid-base indicators
work on this principle. We can represent this process below where HIn is a shorthand for the
of an
indicator HIn (aq) H+(aq) + In-(aq) Equation (6)
. colorless pink
2a. The concentration of which species in Equation 5 would be affected by adding NaOH?
Would it increase or decrease in concentration?
2b. According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, predict which way should the reaction in Equation
(5) shift?
2c. The shift you predict for Equation 5 will affect the equilibrium of Equation 6. Using your
knowledge of the common ion effect, which direction will the equilibrium of Equation 6
shift as NaOH is added?
Now to test you prediction, add 6 M NaOH until there is a color change
2e. Do your observations support your prediction based on Le Chatelier’s Principle? Explain
clearly using your color observations as evidence.
2f. For phenolphthalein, what is the main species present in basic solution? HIn or In ?
Le Châtelier’s Principle 72
Part D Solubility Equilibrium
2. To each of four small test tubes, place 20 drops of 1.0 M MgCl2 and 10 drops of 0.5 M NaOH.
3a. Write the net ionic equation for the equilibrium system you prepared.
Now to test your prediction, add one drop of 2.0 M Na4EDTA solution to test tube 1. Continue to
add Na4EDTA dropwise until you see a change.
4c. Do your observations support your prediction based on Le Chatelier’s Principle? Explain
clearly using your observations as evidence
Effect of HCl
5. Add one drop of 12 M HCl to test tube 2. Continue to add HCl dropwise until you see a
5a. What change did you observe? What happens to the precipitate? What happens to the
- –
OH ions? Which OH ions are reacting in this test, the ones in the precipitate, the ones in
the solution or both?
5b. Considering first Equation 5, which direction would this equilibrium shift as HCl was
added? (left, right or no effect)?
5c. The shift you predict for Equation 5 will affect the equilibrium of Equation 7. Using your
knowledge of the common ion effect, which direction will the equilibrium of Equation 7
shift as HCl is added?
5d. Do your observations support your prediction based on Le Chatelier’s Principle? Explain
clearly using your observed solubility changes as evidence.
Le Châtelier’s Principle 73
To see the effect of temperature changes (heat), place test tube #3 in a 250 mL beaker filled with
ice and water. Place test tube #4 in a 150 mL beaker half filled with water, and then heat the
water to near boiling while supporting the beaker on a ring stand.
6a. What is the initial color and appearance of the mixtures in Test tubes 3 and 4. If a precipitate
is present, note that fact and the color of the precipitate.
6b. What color change do you observe happing to the solution in hot water?
6c. What color change do you observe happing to the solution in ice water?
6d. Based on the color change you observe, is the reaction exothermic or endothermic?
6e. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction you are studying including heat in the equation.
Le Châtelier’s Principle 74
Post-Lab Questions
1. Experience teaches us that most solids are more soluble in warm water than in cold water.
Does the solubility of Mg(OH)2 fit this pattern?
2. Considering Part B of the lab, when the test tube was placed in hot water, did the value of Kf
get bigger, smaller or remain constant?
3. Dinitrogen tetraoxide (colorless gas) is converted to nitrogen dioxide (dark reddish brown gas)
and is endothermic in the forward direction:
4. Hydrogen gas (colorless) reacts with pure iodine vapor (purple) to give hydrogen iodide gas
b. If the equilibrium mixture of these three gases is light purple in color, what change in
color would you expect to observe if more hydrogen gas were added to the system?
c. If the equilibrium mixture of these three gases is light purple in color, what change in
color would you expect to observe if some of the hydrogen iodide gas were removed
from the system?
a. If the pressure of CO2(g) is increases, in which direction will the equilibrium shift?
Le Châtelier’s Principle 75
Pre-lab Questions
Use Le Châtelier’s Principle to explain the effect each of the following changes will have upon the
system—will the equilibrium shift toward the product or reactant side? Why?
a. If more hydrogen is added to the system the equilibrium will shift to the...(pick one
and explain)
b. If ammonia is removed from the system the equilibrium will shift to the...(pick one
and explain)
c. If nitrogen is removed from the system the equilibrium will shift to the...(pick one and
d. If the temperature is raised the equilibrium will shift to the...(pick one and explain)
e. If the pressure of the system is decreased by doubling the total volume the
equilibrium will shift to the…(pick one and explain)
i. product ii. reactant iii. remains unchanged
3. What is the net ionic equation for the reaction of an acid with a base?
5. What chemical can be added to remove SCN ions from a solution? How about to remove
Mg ions?
Le Châtelier’s Principle 76