Selfi Nur Malinda NEG
Selfi Nur Malinda NEG
Selfi Nur Malinda NEG
At present, business competition between companies is increasingly selective,
requiring all companies to immediately improve the quality of their resources, including
their human resources. The challenges to achieving company goals and success are not
only related to raw materials, work equipment, production machines and workplaces,
but also the resources that manage other production factors. Kusuma et al. (2021) said
the success of the organization is not only determined by the profits earned, the
participation of employees in the company plays an important role in managing the
company's activities. A workforce with talent is known as human resources and is
considered a company asset. Personnel and employees are important assets that support
This research was conducted using quantitative methods to test the theory
generated by processed data. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires to
employees of the general office of Malang City. The total population is 54 employees,
this study complements the research results by using the explanatory research method.
Testing the hypothesized relationships between variables is the goal of explanatory
research (Supriyanto & Maharani, 2013). The method used is saturated samples.
analysis of research data using SEM-Partial Least Square (PLS). Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) is a widely used statistical technique employed in the field of social
sciences for conducting multivariate analysis (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2021).
Tabel 1. AVE0
0Variabel0 0Average0Variance0Extracted0(AVE)0 0Keterangan0
POS (.X.) 0.608 0Valid0
Work Engagement (.Z.) 0.703 0Valid0
OCB (.Y.) 0.593 0Valid0
00 Source: Data Processing Results 202200
According to the results of the AVE table, the three constructs can be said to meet
convergent validity. POS has an average value of 0.608, Work Engagement has a value
of 0.703, and OCB has a value of 0.593, of which the three constructs have a value of
more than 0.50, so all variables meet the convergent validity criteria.
For the results of discriminant validity seen from the cross loading value of each
indicator, in this study the cross loading value of each indicator on each research
variable showed that the variable was the largest. Each variable indicator used in this
study has been considered practical or valid.
2. Reliability Test
The next test, namely the reliability test, is measured using two criteria, namely
composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha. Research variables can be said to be reliable
based on composite reliability if each variable has a value > 0.60. Variables are
considered trustworthy according to Cronbach's alpha if each variable has a value >
0.60. The research is shown in table 4 below:
iTabel 2.iCompositeireliabiliti&icronbach’sialphai
compositei icronbach’si
Variabel reliability ialpha keterangan
POS (iXi) 0.904 0.863 iValidi
OCB (iYi) 0.944 0.935 iValidi
Work Engagement (iZi) 0.941 0.931 iValidi
Source: Data Processing Results 2022
According to the results of table 4 above, it can be seen that all composite reliability
values for each variable have a value of > 0.60, for the POS variable the composite
reliability value is 0.904, for the OCB variable it has a value of 0.944, and for the Work
Engagement variable it has a value of 0.941. for the results of the Cronbach's alpha
calculation, each variable has a value of > 0.60, POS has a value of 0.863, OCB has a
value of 0.935, Work Engagement is 0.931. from the results of table 4 it can be
concluded that each research variable is declared reliable.
The fourth hypothesis tests whether work engagement can mediate between POS
and OCB. It can be seen from the results of table 7 that it is known that the indirect
effect test between POS on OCB through work engagement produces an effect value of
0.380 with P Values of 0.000. While the direct effect between POS on OCB resulted in
an influence value of -0.119 and P Values 0.838. To further analyze the results, the
difference in the value of the direct effect is calculated using the Variance Accounted
For (VAF) method with the following formula:
Source: Solihin dan Ratmono (2013)
The Variance Accounted For (VAF) criteria according to Solihin and Ratmono
(2013) namely: if VAF <20% then the mediating variable is said to have no mediating
effect, if 20% ≤ VAF ≤ 80% then the mediating variable is said to be partial mediation,
if VA a> 80%, the mediating variable is said to be full mediation. Calculations in the
table using the Variance Accounted For (VAF) method are presented in table 8:
According to the results of calculating the VAF table to test the effect of the
work engagement variable as a mediating variable between POS on OCB it produces a
value of 1,456 or 145.6%, it can be concluded that the work engagement variable has a
full mediation effect with a VAF value > 80%, this criterion is included on full
mediation criteria (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2021). Then H4: Work Engagement can
mediate the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and
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