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Selfi Nur Malinda NEG

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Selfi Nur Malinda1, Rini Safitri2

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang,
[email protected]
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang,
[email protected]

Info Artikel Abstract

Sejarah artikel: The purpose of this research is to determine how
Diterima 19 Januari 2023 organizational citizenship behavior mediated by work
Disetujui 30 Januari 2023 engagement is influenced by perceptions of
Diterbitkan 30 Maret 2023 organizational support. This research uses quantitative
methodology. The General Staff of Malang City Hall
was the subject of the research. Using SmartPLS
software, data was collected through questionnaires
and analyzed using PLS techniques. Factors to
examine include organizational citizenship, perceived
Perceivedi Organizational organizational support, and work engagement. Based
Support, Organizational on the findings of this research, POS has no significant
Citizenship Behavior, Work effect on OCB. On the other hand, POS influences
work engagement, and can indirectly and significantly
Resource, Company
mediate the relationship between POS factors and

©2022 Penulis. Diterbitkan oleh Universitas Islam Lamongan.

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At present, business competition between companies is increasingly selective,
requiring all companies to immediately improve the quality of their resources, including
their human resources. The challenges to achieving company goals and success are not
only related to raw materials, work equipment, production machines and workplaces,
but also the resources that manage other production factors. Kusuma et al. (2021) said
the success of the organization is not only determined by the profits earned, the
participation of employees in the company plays an important role in managing the
company's activities. A workforce with talent is known as human resources and is
considered a company asset. Personnel and employees are important assets that support

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 183

the success of a company. One of the company's most important assets is its human
resources. Improving the quality of human resources will help with what is done to
provide these resources (Safitri & Afifa, 2021). Therefore, HR management will
become even more important because these resources are the most important assets and
tools for achieving competitive advantage (Kaswan, 2012).
Grasiaswaty et al. (2016) states that all organizational/company goals must have
employees who are agile, energetic, confident, enthusiastic and passionate about their
work. Currently, smart human resources alone are not enough to face business
competition. Requires people who are competent at work in order to achieve full
potential in each job, also requires workers who are skilled and volunteer to work
outside the job description and responsibilities. Employees are expected to work at the
highest level. Because of this it is important to implement OCB behavior.
According to Perdana (2014) OCB is the act of organizational members who are
willing to perform tasks beyond those required by their job. Someone who behaves
OCB can work more than the assigned task or more than the standard of the leader. In
addition, OCB behavior can benefit the value within the company and be profitable for
a company if it is done properly and correctly. When employee OCB behavior
increases, it is not impossible if all the company's goals can be achieved and can
compete with other companies.
Kusuma et al. (2021) stated that to increase OCB behavior in employees it
depends on support factors in the organization itself or it is called perceived
organizational support (POS). POS measures how much employees think their boss
values their efforts and cares about their well-being. The emergence of employees' trust
in the organization's willingness to make accommodations for them if they have
difficulty caring for children or to truly forgive their mistakes (Fauzy & Luterlean,
According to Sari (2022) Perceived organizational support is increased
psychological security that will result from the capacity to show that entrepreneurship
can be carried out without unfavorable effects, when there are supportive interpersonal
relationships, mutual trust, and supportive management. Employees will feel safe in a
workplace that values transparency and organizational support. because the form of
organizational support greatly affects the behavior of workers and the quality of
employees at work. Another factor, besides the POS component that can affect
employee OCB behavior, is work engagement (Fairnandha, 2021).
Wahyuni (2020) state that work engagement is felt to increase OCB behavior.
Considering that HR is used as a factor so that business can progress, it is very
important for employees to have a connection to their work (work engagement). A
company also needs employees who have engagement with the company. What is
meant by engagement is the extent to which a worker feels a relationship with the
workplace or his employer.
Work engagement is the behavior of employees in the workplace by fully
expressing themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and affectively. Employees
want to achieve overall organizational goals, find goals in their work, and are proud to
be members of their company according to Perdana (2014), work engagement can also
increase OCB behavior if employees succeed in expressing their soul into their work.
Having a sense of pride and belief in their work is not impossible if workers can work

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 184

more than their responsibilities.
Based on the explanation and definition of work engagement, it is implied that
work engagement can affect employee behavior in carrying out tasks outside the job
desk or OCB behavior. Several previous studies have found inconsistencies, work
engagement has a significant positive effect on OCB according to Wahyuni (2020);
Malinda (2022); Rahmayani & Wikaningrum (2022); Zhang et al. (2017); and Shams et
al. (2020) . However, Kusuma et al. (2021) stated that work engagement has no
significant effect on OCB.
The object of this research is in the Malang City Public Section Office which is
owned by a government organization located at the City Hall Office, Malang City.
Based on the results of field observations, the OCB behavior of general employees
needs to be improved. This can be seen from the phenomenon that occurs, namely that
there are some employees who tend not to pay much attention to their co-workers. This
phenomenon includes OCB altruism indicators, office employees carry out their
responsibilities only to the extent of the responsibilities given organization to him,
employees are less enthusiastic about participating in activities outside their job desk.
Therefore, based on the explanation above, it is considered very important and
requires research, in this case how to increase employee OCB through POS and
externally using work engagement as a mediating variable for employees of the general
government department of Malang city.

This research was conducted using quantitative methods to test the theory
generated by processed data. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires to
employees of the general office of Malang City. The total population is 54 employees,
this study complements the research results by using the explanatory research method.
Testing the hypothesized relationships between variables is the goal of explanatory
research (Supriyanto & Maharani, 2013). The method used is saturated samples.
analysis of research data using SEM-Partial Least Square (PLS). Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) is a widely used statistical technique employed in the field of social
sciences for conducting multivariate analysis (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2021).


1. .Validity Testi.
The validity test is measured based on the outer loading value of each indicator.
Convergence validation is considered valid if the outer loading value for all indicators
of each variable in the study is greater than 0.7. From the results of the outer loading
calculation, each indicator for each variable produces an outer loading value of 0> 0.7.
The results from the outer loading table 2 are obtained after deleting several indicators
whose value was <0.7, the indicators were deleted, namely on the variable perceived
organizational support, there were 2 indicators removed, namely: X1.3 with a value of
0.441 and X1.4 with a value of 0.412. For the work engagement variable, remove the
Z1.8 indicator with a value of 0.261. As well as on organizational citizenship behavior
variables there are 4 indicators that must be eliminated namely Y1.1 with a value of
0.387, Y1.2 with a value of 0.055, Y1.3 with a value of 0.491, Y1.4 with a value of

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 185

0.509. Removing the <0.7 indicator is useful for increasing the outer loading results to
After the outer loading data meets the criteria, the next step is to measure
convergent validity by looking at the results of the AVE calculation, the AVE used must
meet the criteria, namely the AVE result > 0.50 to evaluate convergent validity.

Tabel 1. AVE0
0Variabel0 0Average0Variance0Extracted0(AVE)0 0Keterangan0
POS (.X.) 0.608 0Valid0
Work Engagement (.Z.) 0.703 0Valid0
OCB (.Y.) 0.593 0Valid0
00 Source: Data Processing Results 202200

According to the results of the AVE table, the three constructs can be said to meet
convergent validity. POS has an average value of 0.608, Work Engagement has a value
of 0.703, and OCB has a value of 0.593, of which the three constructs have a value of
more than 0.50, so all variables meet the convergent validity criteria.
For the results of discriminant validity seen from the cross loading value of each
indicator, in this study the cross loading value of each indicator on each research
variable showed that the variable was the largest. Each variable indicator used in this
study has been considered practical or valid.
2. Reliability Test
The next test, namely the reliability test, is measured using two criteria, namely
composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha. Research variables can be said to be reliable
based on composite reliability if each variable has a value > 0.60. Variables are
considered trustworthy according to Cronbach's alpha if each variable has a value >
0.60. The research is shown in table 4 below:

iTabel 2.iCompositeireliabiliti&icronbach’sialphai
compositei icronbach’si
Variabel reliability ialpha keterangan
POS (iXi) 0.904 0.863 iValidi
OCB (iYi) 0.944 0.935 iValidi
Work Engagement (iZi) 0.941 0.931 iValidi
Source: Data Processing Results 2022
According to the results of table 4 above, it can be seen that all composite reliability
values for each variable have a value of > 0.60, for the POS variable the composite
reliability value is 0.904, for the OCB variable it has a value of 0.944, and for the Work
Engagement variable it has a value of 0.941. for the results of the Cronbach's alpha
calculation, each variable has a value of > 0.60, POS has a value of 0.863, OCB has a
value of 0.935, Work Engagement is 0.931. from the results of table 4 it can be
concluded that each research variable is declared reliable.

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 186

3. Model Struktural (.Inner0Model.)
a. .Uji0Path0Coefficient.
The path coefficient test is very helpful in showing the effect of the independent
variables on the dependent variable.

Figure 1. Inner weight

As observed in the inner model of Figure 4.2, the work engagement variable on
OCB has a route coefficient value of 9.943 which is the highest value. Furthermore, the
second biggest effect is the effect of POS on work engagement of 5,184, while the
effect of POS on OCB is 0,605. The results of the path coefficient test yield a positive
number, and it can be concluded that the greater the path coefficient value, the greater
the influence of the independent factors on the dependent variable.
b. Uji0Kebaikan 0(.Goodnesiof fit.)
The goodness of fit test uses the values of Q2 and R2. The coefficient of
determination for all dependent variables forms the basis of Q2. Based on the range of
Q2 values, namely 0<Q2<1, it means that the model is better if it is close to 1, the
results are shown in table 5
0Tabel 3.0R square0
0Model Struktural0 0Variabel0 0R square0
1 OCB (Y) 0.545
2 Work Engagement (Z) 0.233
. Source: data processed 2022.

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 187

The value of R2 for each variable is:
.Q2i = 1 – (1-R12) (1-R22)
.Q2i = 1 – (1-0.545) (1-0.233)
.Q2i= 1 – (0.455) (0.767)
.Q2i= 0.616/61.6%
The Q2 value is 0.616 or 61.6%, the portion of the data that can be explained by the
model is 61.6%
c. 0Hipotesis Test0
Data were analyzed using the PLS technique which was supported by SmartPLS
3.0 software proving that this study was classified as a valid, reliable and very good
model. To prove the hypothesis proposed by the researcher. This study proposes
four hypotheses. To test the hypothesis of this study, by testing the original sample
values, T-statistics, and P-values, if the value of the t statistic is> 1.96 and P Values
<0.05, the hypothesis can be said to have a significant effect. This study examines
the direct and indirect effects of the hypothesis. The direct effect test is used to test
the effect of POS on OCB, POS on work engagement, work engagement on OCB.
While the indirect effect test is used to test work engagement can mediate POS on
OCB. The following are the original sample values, t-statistics and P-values for the
direct effect test presented in table 6

Tabel 4. Sampel Asli, T-statistik dan P Values

Hipotesis 0Sampel0Asli0 T0Statistik 0P-Values0
POS → OCB -0.119 0.874 0.838
POS → WE 0.482 5.520 0.000
WE → OCB 0.788 9.762 0.000
Source: data processed 2022

The following is an explanation of the results of table 6 above:

The first hypothesis tests whether there is a significant positive effect of the POS
variable on OCB. From table 6 it is known that the t-statistic value of the perceived
organizational support (POS) variable on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
produces a value of 0.874 and an effect of -0.119 and P Values 0.838. It can be
concluded that the effect of the perceived organizational support (POS) variable on
organizational Citizenship behavior (OCB) is negative and not significant, this is
because the value of the t statistic is <1.96 and the value of the P values is >0.05. So,
H1: the variable Perceived Organizational Support (POS) has an effect on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is rejected, Ho: the variable perceived
organizational support (POS) has no effect on accepted organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB).
The second hypothesis tests whether there is a significant positive effect of the
variable perceived organizational support (POS) on work engagement (WE). Based on
table 4.14, it can be seen if the t-statistic value of the variable perceived organizational
support (POS) on work engagement (WE) shows a value of 5.520 with an effect of
0.482 and P Values <0.05, namely 0.000, so it can be concluded that the variable

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 188

perceived organizational support (POS) on work engagement (WE) is positive and
significant. Then Ho is rejected, H2: the variable Perceived Organizational Support
(POS) has an effect on Work Engagement (WE) is accepted
The third hypothesis tests whether there is an effect of the Work Engagement
(WE) variable on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). According to table 4.14, it
is known that the t-statistic value of the work engagement (WE) variable on
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) produces a value of 9,762 with an effect of
0.788 and P values <0.05 which is 0.000, so it can be concluded that the Work
Engagement (WE) variable on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is positive
and significant. Then Ho is rejected, H3: the variable Work Engagement (WE)
influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is accepted.
After testing the direct effect hypothesis, the next is the indirect effect
hypothesis test. The following are the original sample values and P values for the
indirect effect test shown in table 7.

0Tabel 7.0Nilai0original0sample0dan0p0value indirect influence

.Variabel0 Variabel Original
Variabel Mediasi P-Value
Prediktor Respon Sampel
POS OCB 0.380 0.000
Source: data processed 2022

The fourth hypothesis tests whether work engagement can mediate between POS
and OCB. It can be seen from the results of table 7 that it is known that the indirect
effect test between POS on OCB through work engagement produces an effect value of
0.380 with P Values of 0.000. While the direct effect between POS on OCB resulted in
an influence value of -0.119 and P Values 0.838. To further analyze the results, the
difference in the value of the direct effect is calculated using the Variance Accounted
For (VAF) method with the following formula:
Source: Solihin dan Ratmono (2013)
The Variance Accounted For (VAF) criteria according to Solihin and Ratmono
(2013) namely: if VAF <20% then the mediating variable is said to have no mediating
effect, if 20% ≤ VAF ≤ 80% then the mediating variable is said to be partial mediation,
if VA a> 80%, the mediating variable is said to be full mediation. Calculations in the
table using the Variance Accounted For (VAF) method are presented in table 8:

Tabel 8. VAF method calculation

Influence Description Result
Indirect Effect
POS → OCB → Work Engagement 0.380
Direct Effect
POS → OCB -0.119

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 189

Influence Description Result
POS → Work Engagement 0.482
Work Engagement → OCB 0.788
Total Direct
POS, OCB, Work Engagement (0.380 + (-0.119)) 0.261
.VAFi= .Indirect Effect/Total Effecti
.VAF = 0.380/0.261. 1.456 or 145.6%
Source: data processed 2022.

According to the results of calculating the VAF table to test the effect of the
work engagement variable as a mediating variable between POS on OCB it produces a
value of 1,456 or 145.6%, it can be concluded that the work engagement variable has a
full mediation effect with a VAF value > 80%, this criterion is included on full
mediation criteria (Sholihin & Ratmono, 2021). Then H4: Work Engagement can
mediate the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Is Accepted.


The following conclusions can be drawn from the research findings and
discussions with respect to how the problem was formulated:
Significantly POS did not affect OCB at the Malang City Hall General Section
Office because the small organizational rewards and job condition indicators caused
POS had no effect on OCB. On the other hand, POS has a significant influence of
variables on work engagement in the Public Section Office of Malang City Hall. The
presence of organizational support (or perceived organizational support) will encourage
employees to feel a stronger relationship with the company. In the work engagement
variable, work engagement has a significant effect on OCB at the Malang City Hall
General Section Office. This shows that employees who show high work engagement
will show high behavior to work outside of the employee's job description. As well as
indirectly and significantly work engagement can mediate the relationship of the POS
variable to OCB at the Malang City Hall General Section Office.
According to the results of the analysis and conclusions of research data, the
authors provide advice to corporate agencies and further researchers. Here are some
suggestions to consider. For companies, it is hoped that this study can provide
information that can be considered regarding POS to OCB with work engagement as a
mediating variable. Researchers also provide advice to companies to further improve
employee welfare so that employees have positive thoughts, are enthusiastic about
doing their jobs so that employees can carry out OCB behavior in the company.
For future researchers, it is hoped that future researchers will choose a different
research object or company sector, expand the object and scope, as well as more

Volume 23 No 1 (2023) 190

workers. The author also suggests for future research to choose/use different variables
to improve OCB behavior and use better data analysis and methods.

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