CVS Anatomy 4
CVS Anatomy 4
CVS Anatomy 4
Main arterial trunk delivering oxygenated blood from left ventricle to tissues of body
Arise from left ventricle of heart as ascending aorta.
It arches to the left as arch of aorta.
Then descends in the thorax as descending or thoracic aorta.
It passes through diaphragm to enters the abdominopelvic cavity & becomes abdominal aorta.
Ascending Aorta:
Begins at the base of left ventricle & runs upward & forward to come to lie behind the right half of
At the level of sternal angle, it becomes continuous with the arch of aorta
Has three bulges (sinuses of aorta)
Branches: Lt & Rt coronary artery
Arch of Aorta:
Beginning: continuation of ascending aorta at right 2nd sternocostal junction.
End of aortic arch: continues as descending thoracic aorta at left side of lower
border of T4.
Course & relations of arch of aorta:
o Lies behind manubrium sterni
o Arches upward, backward & to left in front of trachea
o Then, passes downward to left of trachea
1. Brachiocephalic artery:
o Arises from convex surface of aortic arch
o Passes upward & to right of trachea
o Behind right sternoclavicular joint divides into: Right subclavian artery &
Right common carotid artery
2. Left common carotid artery:
o Arises from convex surface of aortic arch on left side of brachiocephalic artery
o Runs upward & to left of trachea
o Enters neck behind left sternoclavicular Joint
Ligamentum Arteriosum:
Fibrous band that connects bifurcation of pulmonary trunk to lower concave
surface of aortic arch
Remains of ductus arteriosus, which in the fetus conducts blood from pulmonary
trunk to aorta, bypassing the lungs
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around its lower border
Following birth, the ductus closes. If it remains patent, surgical ligation of ductus is
Right CCA arises from brachiocephalic artery behind the right sternoclavicular joint.
Left CCA arises from aortic arch in superior mediastinum.
It runs upward through the neck under cover of anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle, from the
sternoclavicular joint to the upper border of thyroid cartilage.
It is embedded in a connective tissue sheath (carotid sheath)
throughout its course,
At the upper border of thyroid cartilage, it divides into:
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Carotid Sinus:
Localized dilatation at the point of CCA division (terminal part of CCA or beginning of internal
carotid artery).
Tunica media of the sinus is thinner than elsewhere, but adventitia is relatively thick & contains
numerous nerve endings derived from glossopharyngeal nerve.
It serves as a reflex pressoreceptor, mechanism: ↑BP slowing of heart rate & vasodilatation of
Carotid Body:
Small structure that lies posterior to the point of bifurcation of CCA.
It is innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve.
A chemoreceptor, sensitive to ↑carbon dioxide & ↓oxygen tension in the blood ↑BP & heart rate &
↑respiratory movements.
One of the terminal branches of common carotid artery, Supplies structures in the neck, face & scalp
Course & Relation:
Begins at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage & terminates in the substance of
parotid gland behind the neck of mandible by dividing into: Superficial temporal &
Maxillary arteries.
Close to its origin, the artery emerges from undercover of sternocleidomastoid muscle,
where its pulsations can be felt.
At first, it lies medial to the internal carotid artery, but as it ascends in the neck, it passes
backward & lateral to it.
Begins at the bifurcation of CCA at the level of upper border
of thyroid cartilage.
Supplies the brain, eye, forehead & part of nose.
It ascends in the neck embedded in the carotid sheath with
internal jugular vein & vagus nerve.
It leaves the neck by passing into cranial cavity through the
carotid canal in the petrous part of temporal bone.
It then passes upward & forward in the cavernous venous
sinus (without communicating with it).
It then leaves the sinus & passes upward
It then inclines backward, lateral to the optic chiasma &
terminates by dividing into anterior & middle cerebral arteries.
No branches in the neck & Many important branches are given off in the skull:
Ophthalmic Artery
Posterior Communicating Artery
Anterior Cerebral Artery
Middle Cerebral Artery
Right Subclavian Artery:
Arises from brachiocephalic artery, behind the right sternoclavicular joint
Arches upward & laterally over the pleura & between scalenus anterior & medius muscles.
At the outer border of 1st rib, it becomes the axillary artery.
Scalenus anterior muscle passes anterior to the artery on each side & divides it into 3 parts.
Phrenic nerve passes anterior to this muscle
II. Thyrocervical Trunk: Short trunk that gives off 3 terminal branches:
o Inferior thyroid artery: Ascends to the posterior surface of thyroid
gland, it is closely related to recurrent laryngeal nerve, supplies thyroid
& inferior parathyroid glands.
o Transverse cervical artery
o Suprascapular artery
Begins at the lateral border of 1st rib as a continuation of subclavian &
ends at the lower border of teres major muscle where it continues as
brachial artery.
Throughout its course, the artery is closely related to the cords of brachial
plexus & their branches
Enclosed with brachial plexus branches in a connective tissue sheath (axillary sheath)
The pectoralis minor muscle crosses in front of the axillary artery & divides it into 3 parts
The extreme mobility of shoulder joint may result in kinking of axillary artery & temporary
occlusion of its lumen.
An important arterial anastomosis exists between the branches of subclavian artery & axillary
Branches from Subclavian Artery:
Suprascapular artery, which is distributed to the supraspinous & infraspinous fossae of scapula.
Superficial cervical artery, which gives off a deep branch that runs down the medial border of
In front of flexor retinaculum, it lies just lateral to pisiform bone
& is covered only by skin & fascia.
The ulnar artery gives off a deep branch & then continues into the
palm as superficial palmar arch.
It is a direct continuation of ulnar artery
It is completed on the lateral side by one of the branches of radial
Four digital arteries arise from the convexity of arch & pass to the
Aorta enters the abdomen through aortic opening of diaphragm in
front of T12.
Course & Relations:
It descends behind the peritoneum on the anterior surface of bodies
of lumbar vertebrae.
At the level of 4th lumbar vertebra, it divides into 2 common iliac
On its right side lie the IVC, cisterna chyli & the beginning of azygos
On its left side lies the left sympathetic trunk
3 anterior visceral branches: celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery & inferior mesenteric artery
3 lateral visceral branches: suprarenal artery, renal artery & testicular or ovarian artery
5 lateral abdominal wall branches: 1 inferior phrenic artery & 4 lumbar arteries
3 terminal branches: right common iliac artery, left common iliac artery & median sacral artery
Right & left common iliac arteries are the terminal branches of aorta.
Arise at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra
Run downward & laterally along the medial border of psoas muscle.
Each artery ends in front of sacroiliac joint by dividing into:
External iliac artery
Internal iliac arteries
At the bifurcation, common iliac artery on each side is crossed anteriorly by the ureter
Runs along the medial border of psoas following the pelvic brim
It gives off:
Inferior epigastric artery:
o Arises just above the inguinal ligament
o Passes upward & medially
o Enters the rectus sheath behind the rectus abdominis muscle
The artery enters the thigh by passing under the inguinal ligament to become the femoral artery.
Internal iliac artery passes down into the pelvis to the upper margin of greater sciatic foramen.
It divides into anterior & posterior divisions.
Supply the pelvic viscera, perineum, pelvic walls & buttocks.
Branches of Anterior Division:
Umbilical artery:
o From the proximal patent part of umbilical artery arises the superior vesical artery:
o Superior vesical artery supplies the upper portion of bladder.
Obturator artery:
o Runs forward along the lateral wall of pelvis with the obturator nerve & leaves the pelvis
through the obturator canal.
Middle rectal artery:
o Arises with the inferior vesical artery.
o Supplies the muscle of lower rectum & anastomoses with the superior & inferior rectal
Uterine artery: anastomoses with ovarian artery. It gives off a vaginal branch
Vaginal artery: usually takes the place of inferior vesical artery present in male. It supplies
the vagina & the base of bladder.
Direct continuation of inferior mesenteric artery as it artery crosses the common iliac artery.
Supplies the mucous membrane of rectum & the upper half of anal canal.
Testicular artery enters the inguinal canal & does not enter the pelvis.
Ovarian artery arises from the abdominal part of aorta at the level of L1.
The artery is long & slender and passes downward & laterally behind the peritoneum.
It crosses the external iliac artery at the pelvic inlet & enters the suspensory ligament of ovary.
It then passes into the broad ligament & enters the ovary through mesovarium.
Enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament, as a continuation of external iliac artery.
It lies midway between anterior superior iliac spine & symphysis pubis.
It descends almost vertically & ends by entering the popliteal space as popliteal artery
Superficial circumflex iliac artery: runs up laterally to the region of ASIS.
Superficial epigastric artery: arise below the inguinal ligament & runs up to the abdominal wall
Superficial external pudendal artery & deep external pudendal artery: Both runs medially &
supplies the skin of scrotum (or labium majus).
Profunda femoris artery:
o Large & important branch that arises from femoral artery about 1.5 in. (4 cm) below the
inguinal ligament.
o It gives off: Medial femoral circumflex artery, Lateral femoral circumflex artery & Four
perforating arteries.
Deeply placed & enters the popliteal fossa as continuation of femoral artery.
Ends at the level of lower border of popliteus muscle by dividing into:
Anterior tibial artery & Posterior tibial artery
The smaller of terminal branches of popliteal artery.
Arises at the level of lower border of popliteus muscle
Passes forward into the anterior compartment of leg.
Descends on the anterior surface of interosseous membrane, accompanied by deep
peroneal nerve
In front of the ankle joint, it becomes the dorsalis pedis artery
Tendon of the extensor hallucis longus on its medial side
Deep peroneal nerve & the tendons of extensor digitorum longus on its lateral side.
It is here that its pulsations can easily be felt in the living subject
It terminates by passing downward into the sole where it joins the
lateral plantar artery & completes the plantar arch.