Judges Roles & Responsibilities (Updated)

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Bil. Pegawai Nama Pegawai

1. Juri Bantahan 1. Puan Noranne Adam Assim

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif YSIE.
2. Encik Jimali Sunang
Pengetua YSISS Kuching.
3. Cik Zuraina Mohd Jahar
Pemangku Pengetua YSISS PJ.
4. Puan Frances Tan
Timbalan Pengetua (Akademik) YSISS PJ.
5. Encik Ronny Panggau
Koordinator Akademik YSISS Kuching.
6. Puan Nor Ashikin Hedzir
Koordinator Hal Ehwal Pelajar YSISS
7. Puan Fatin Nur Fazurin
Penyelaras Kokurikulum YSISS PJ.

2. Pengadil Balapan - Geraint Jenggi (Ketua Hakim)

- Muhammad Hafizuddin Abu Bakar
- Haaziq Mohammad
- Noor Mizanee Hilzan
- Johanes Patrick
- Muhammad Shafiq Indra
- Bellona Joseph
- Vanesia Michael
- Judy Akim

3. Pengadil Padang - Christine George Peter (Ketua Hakim)

- Muhamad Nazrul Zawawi Mohamad Sarkawi
- Ferlicia Rasin
- Ennevieenatasia Sain
- Hanisah Hossain (Hakim Lompat Tinggi)
- Amirul Abrar Haji Bokhairi (Hakim Lompat
- Nurul Hidayah Hipni
- Alexander Ngindang
- Willis Worrison William

4. Pengurus Acara - Noor Khairunnisa Mohd Daniel

- Fatin Nur Fazurin Sai’den

5. Pengurus Hadiah - Haifa Syatirah Jamil (Leader)

- Frida May Tunga Christopher Chiri
- Nurul Rabiatul Khairunnisa Rashid
- Ayuni Jahidin
- Khairatunhisan Muhamad
6. Pengurus Perbarisan - Siti Farida Salleh (TT Kuch)
- Bryan Lee Yong Huan (EE Kuch)
- Esmiesha Henry (SS Kuch)
- Anastasia Aivie Gani (RR Kuch)
- Natasha Suzieana Petros (EE PJ)
- Pui Wei Wei (SS PJ)
- Daphne Dihem (TT PJ)
- Emelda Jacinta Jagai (RR PJ)

7. Pengurus Persembahan - Mohamad Said Morzuki (PA)

- Siti Azza Azreen Khamri (Leader)
- Nur Sabrina Nazira Jaman
- Maizura Nadzrah Nasir
- Nur Fitriyana Melanos Sri Ramadan Kintan
Melanos (Aerobic)
- Aida Zulaikha Fityati Sulaiman (Aerobic)

8. Pengurus Publisiti/Jurugambar - Mohammad Nazrin Mohamad Junaidi

- Muhammad Afiq Asri Seroji

9. Pengurus Peralatan - Mohd. Fazrul Adris (Leader)

- Gabriel Gima Anak Meliyu

10. Juruhebah - Norafini Dato’ Madehi

- Emily Merrily Petrus

11. Pengurus - Nur Qistina Balqis @ Satffy Atom (Leader)

Kecemasan/Keselamatan - Mohd Farhan Mohd Yazid

12. Pengurus Jamuan - Cherrie Valerie Chong

- Hurilain Hasya Naser

13. Pengurus Kebersihan dan - Sanjung Etika


14. Pengurus Persiapan - Maria Ritikos (Leader)

Padang/Astaka - Aaron Chan Kwang Wai
- Nurul Rabiatul Khairunnisa Rashid
- Rachel Rani Janie
- Adrian Teng Yan Chan
Roles Responsibilities PIC (U14 & U15)

Chief Judge 1. Overall Supervision: Oversees the entire

competition, ensuring that all rules and
procedures are followed.

2. Final Decision Maker: Makes the final

1. Alexander Ngindang
decision on any disputes or irregularities that
arise during the competition.
2. Muhamad Nazrul
3. Coordination: Coordinates the activities of Zawawi Mohamad
the other judges and ensures that they perform Sarkawi (PJ)
their duties correctly.

4. Result Verification: Verifies and signs off

on the results before they are announced.

Judge 1 1. Circle Monitoring: Ensures the athlete

enters and exits the shot put circle correctly.
(Circle Judge)
2. Rule Enforcement: Monitors that the
throw is made from within the circle and follows
the proper technique.
1. Noor Mizanee (KCH)
3. Foul Determination: Identifies and signals 2. Ferlicia Rasin (PJ)
any fouls during the throw, such as stepping out
of the circle.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal throw and a red flag to indicate
a foul throw.
Roles Responsibilities PIC (U14 & U15)

Judge 2 1. Sector Monitoring: Observes the landing

of the shot to ensure it lands within the legal
(Sector Judge) sector (usually a 34.92-degree angle).

2. Foul Determination: Identifies if the shot

lands outside the sector and signals a foul if
1. Willis Worrison (KCH)
3. Marking: Places a marker at the point 2. Geraint (PJ)
where the shot first lands within the sector.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal landing within the sector and a
red flag to indicate a foul if the shot lands
outside the sector.

Judge 3 1. Measurement: Measures the distance

from the inside edge of the shot put circle to the
(Measurement closest point where the shot lands.
1. Johanes Patrick (KCH)
2. Recording: Records the distance of each
2. Christine George Peter
legal throw.
3. Result Reporting: Reports the
measurements to the chief judge for verification
and result tabulation.
Roles Responsibilities PIC

Chief Judge 1. Overall Supervision: Oversees the entire

competition, ensuring that all rules and
procedures are followed.

2. Final Decision Maker: Makes the final

decision on any disputes or irregularities that 1. Kelvin Martin (KCH -
arise during the competition. U14)

3. Coordination: Coordinates the activities of 2. SAA

the other judges and ensures that they perform
their duties correctly.

4. Result Verification: Verifies and signs off

on the results before they are announced.
Judge 1 1. Circle Monitoring: Ensures the athlete
enters and exits the discus circle correctly.
(Circle Judge)
2. Rule Enforcement: Monitors that the
throw is made from within the circle and follows
the proper technique. 1. Anastasia Jane Dennis
3. Foul Determination: Identifies and signals 2. Ennevieenatasia Sain
any fouls during the throw, such as stepping out (PJ - U14 & U15)
of the circle.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal throw and a red flag to indicate
a foul throw.

Judge 2 1. Sector Monitoring: Observes the landing

of the discus to ensure it lands within the legal
(Sector Judge) sector (usually a 34.92-degree angle).

2. Foul Determination: Identifies if the

discus lands outside the sector and signals a 1. Rachel Rani Janie
foul if necessary. (KCH)
2. Faizal Hiswan Amat @
3. Marking: Places a marker at the point Mohamed (PJ)
where the discus first lands within the sector.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal landing within the sector and a
red flag to indicate a foul if the discus lands
outside the sector.

Judge 3 1. Measurement: Measures the distance

from the inside edge of the discus circle to the
(Measurement closest point where the discus lands.
1.Bellona Joseph (Kch)
2. Recording: Records the distance of each
2. Ferlicia Rasin (PJ)
legal throw.

3. Result Reporting: Reports the

measurements to the chief judge for verification
and result tabulation.
Roles Responsibilities PIC

1. Overall Supervision: Oversees the entire

competition, ensuring that all rules and
procedures are followed.

2. Final Decision Maker: Makes the final

Noor Khairunnisa
decision on any disputes or irregularities that
Binti Mohd Daniel
arise during the competition.
Chief Judge (KCH)
3. Coordination: Coordinates the activities
of the other judges and ensures they perform
their duties correctly.

4. Result Verification: Verifies and signs off

on the results before they are announced.

1. Runway Monitoring: Ensures the athlete

uses the runway correctly and does not cross
the foul line during the throw.
Mohammad Nazrin
Judge 1
2. Foul Determination: Identifies and (KCH)
signals any fouls, such as crossing the foul line Fadlin Taban Pilu
or leaving the runway improperly. (PJ)
3. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to
indicate a legal throw and a red flag to indicate
a foul throw.
1. Sector Monitoring: Observes the landing
of the javelin to ensure it lands within the legal
sector (usually a 29-degree angle).

2. Landing Observation: Ensures the javelin

lands tip first for the throw to be considered
Emily Merrily
Judge 2
3. Foul Determination: Identifies if the Petrus (KCH)
(Sector Judge) javelin lands outside the sector or if it lands Afiza (PJ)
improperly (e.g., not tip first) and signals a foul
if necessary.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal landing within the sector and a
red flag to indicate a foul if the javelin lands
outside the sector or improperly.

1. Measurement: Measures the distance

from the foul line to the closest point where the
Johanes Patrick
javelin first lands.
Judge 3
2. Recording: Records the distance of each
(Measurement legal throw.
Ngindang (PJ)
3. Result Reporting: Reports the
measurements to the chief judge for verification
and result tabulation.

Roles Responsibilities PIC (U14 &U15)

1. Overall Supervision: Oversees the entire

competition, ensuring that all rules and
procedures are followed.

2. Final Decision Maker: Makes the final

decision on any disputes or irregularities that
arise during the competition.
Chief Judge
3. Coordination: Coordinates the activities of
the other judges and ensures they perform their
duties correctly.

4. Result Verification: Verifies and signs off

on the results before they are announced.

1. Approach Monitoring: Ensures the

athlete’s approach run is within the designated

2. Take-off Observation: Observes the

Judge 1 athlete's take-off to ensure it is within the rules
(e.g., no part of the athlete’s foot touches the
(Approach and Elizabeth Bishop
ground beyond the take-off line).
Judge) 3. Foul Determination: Identifies any fouls
related to the take-off and signals accordingly.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal take-off and a red flag to
indicate a foul take-off.
1. Bar Observation: Watches the athlete's
clearance of the bar to ensure the jump is within
the rules.

2. Foul Determination: Identifies if the

Judge 2 athlete knocks the bar off the supports during
the jump or if there are any other infractions. Natasha Bakeet
(Bar and Marthine
Clearance 3. Bar Resetting: Resets the bar on the
Judge) supports if it is dislodged.

4. Flag Signalling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a successful clearance and a red flag
to indicate a failed attempt (knocking the bar

1. Landing Observation: Observes the

athlete's landing to ensure it is within the
designated landing area.

2. Safety Monitoring: Ensures the landing

Judge 3 area (mat) is safe and properly prepared
between jumps.
Hanisah Hossain
(Landing Area
Judge) 3. Assistance: Provides additional support in
confirming the success or failure of the jump.

4. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal landing and a red flag to
indicate a foul landing if necessary.

1. Measurement: Measures the height of the

bar for each attempt.
Judge 4
2. Recording: Records the results of each
attempt, including successful clearances and Amirul Abrar
and Recording
3. Result Reporting: Reports the
measurements and results to the chief judge for
verification and result tabulation.

Roles Responsibilities PIC

Chief Judge 1. Overall Supervision: Oversees the entire

competition, ensuring that all rules and
procedures are followed.

2. Final Decision Maker: Makes the final

decision on any disputes or irregularities that
1. SAA (M)
arise during the competition.
2. Maria Ritikos (F)
3. Coordination: Coordinates the activities of
the other judges and ensures they perform their
duties correctly.

4. Result Verification: Verifies and signs off

on the results before they are announced.

Judge 1 1. Board Monitoring: Ensures the athlete

takes off from the correct position on the take-
(Take-off 1. Siti Azza Azreen
off board.
Board Judge) (M)
2. Foul Determination: Identifies and signals
2. Noor
any fouls, such as stepping beyond the take-off
Khairunnisa Binti
Mohd Daniel (F)
3. Flag Signaling: Uses a white flag to
indicate a legal jump and a red flag to indicate a
foul jump (stepping beyond the take-off line).
Judge 2 1. Landing Observation: Observes the
landing of the athlete to ensure the jump is
(Landing Area completed within the landing area.
2. Marking: Marks the closest point of
landing in the sand pit (usually where the
athlete's body or limbs first touch the sand). Mohd Azfar Farhan
Jaya (M)
3. Foul Determination: Identifies if the jump
was completed improperly and signals a foul if Bellona Joseph (F)

4. Flag Signalling: Uses a white flag to

indicate a legal jump and a red flag to indicate a
foul if the jump was not completed within the
designated area.

Judge 3 1. Measurement: Measures the distance

from the take-off line to the closest point of
(Measurement landing in the sand pit.
Judge) Aaron Chan (M)
2. Recording: Records the distance of each
Nur Fariha Morshidi
legal jump.
3. Result Reporting: Reports the
measurements to the chief judge for verification
and result tabulation.
PIC (U14 & U15)
Roles Responsibilities
100m, 200m 400m, 800m, 4 × 100m 4 × 100m, 4 × 200m

1. Overall Responsibility: Oversee all aspects of the race,

ensure rules are followed, and make final decisions on
Chief Judge
Muhamad Nazrul Zawawi Mohamad Sarkawi (U15)
2. Coordination: Liaise with other officials and judges to
ensure smooth conduct of the event.
Nur Hidayati Sofian (U14)
3. Final Decisions: Resolve any disputes or issues that
arise during the event.

1. Starting the Race: Ensure all athletes are ready and

start the race with a clear signal (e.g., a gun or whistle).
Start Judge SAA
2. False Starts: Detect and call back any false starts.
3. Positioning: Ensure athletes are in the correct lanes
and positions before the start.

1. Finishing Order: Observe and record the order in which

athletes cross the finish line.
1. Gracylla Rose Guncheng
2. Timing: Work with the timing officials to ensure accurate
Finish Judge 2. Tiffany Mith Jaban
recording of finish times.
3. Adrian Teng Yan Chan
3. Verification: Confirm the finish order and resolve any
close calls or disputes regarding finishing positions.
1. Lap Counting: Keep track of the number of laps each
athlete has completed.
1. Nur Fitriyana Melanos Sri Ramadan Kintan Melanos
Lap Judge (for
2. Monitoring: Ensure athletes stay in their designated (U15)
400m, 800m
lanes or positions.
2. Dayang Hamizah (U14)
3. Assistance: Assist the Chief Judge in ensuring all rules
are followed during the race.

1. Exchange Zone Monitoring: Ensure baton exchanges

in relay races occur within the designated exchange zones.
1. Johanes Patrick (U15)
Relay Exchange 2. Rule Enforcement: Monitor for any infractions such as
Judge dropped batons or improper exchanges.
Kelvin Martin (U14)
3. Communication: Report any rule violations to the Chief
1. SAA (2)
1. Time Recording: Accurately record the start and finish
2. Anastasia Jane Dennis
times of each athlete. 3. Maria Ritikos
2. Synchronization: Ensure all timing devices are 4. Nadzmi
Timing Judge 5. Haifa Syatirah Jamil
synchronized and functioning properly.
6. Frida May Tunga Christopher Chiri
3. Result Compilation: Compile and verify the final times 7. Johanes Patrick / Kelvin Martin
for each athlete and relay team. 8. Nurul Hidayah Hipni
9. Azza Azreen
1. Mohamad Said Morzuki (Leader)

2. Shafiq Indra (Kch)

1. Lane Monitoring: Ensure athletes stay within their
3. Noor Mizanee
designated lanes throughout the race.
Lane Judges 4. Nur Qistina Balqis Atom
2. Infraction Detection: Monitor for lane violations, such
(one for each
as stepping out of bounds.
lanes) 5. Anastasia Jane Dennis
3. Reporting: Report any lane infractions to the Chief
6. Judy Akim
7. Mohd Farhan Mohd Yazid

8. Willis Worrison

1. General Monitoring: Patrol the track to ensure fair play

and adherence to rules.
1. Haaziq Mohammad (U15)
2. Infraction Detection: Observe and report any
Track Umpires infractions, such as obstruction or unsportsmanlike 2. Zulkarnain Zainal (U14)
3. Assistance: Assist in any other duties as required by the
Chief Judge.
1. Result Recording: Record the official results and times
for each race.
Aida Zulaikha
2. Verification: Verify the accuracy of the recorded results Fityati Hurilain Hasya Naser
Recorders Rachel Rani Janie (Kch)
with other officials. Sulaiman

3. Reporting: Prepare the official results for announcement

and record-keeping.

1. Equipment Check: Ensure all starting and timing

equipment is in proper working order. Muhammad Hafizuddin Abu Bakar (Leader)

Equipment 2. Setup and Maintenance: Set up and maintain starting Fazrul (U15)
Judges blocks, timing systems, and other necessary equipment.
Gabriel (U14)
3. Assistance: Assist in any technical issues that arise
during the event.

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