Other Dust RPG
Other Dust RPG
Other Dust RPG
By Kevin Crawford
Table of Contents
The World is in Ashes. ......................................................................4
Character Creation...........................................................................7
Mutations...................................................................................... 29
Systems........................................................................................ 37
A History Writ In Dust.................................................................... 51
Creating Your Wasteland................................................................ 59
Adventure Creation. ....................................................................... 95
Groups and Enclaves..................................................................... 115
Equipment and Artifacts................................................................ 129
A Post-Apocalyptic Bestiary.......................................................... 153
The Bonelands............................................................................. 171
Gamemaster Resources.................................................................. 183
Index.......................................................................................... 206
If You’re New to Roleplaying Games.... If you’re a Veteran Gamer....
Congratulations, because you’re one of the remarkably few people ...then we can skip the preamble and get to the things that make
reading this who hasn’t already entered the hobby through other Other Dust worth your attention.
games. Pen-and-paper roleplaying games are a lot of fun, and it’s
likely that you’re already indirectly familiar with them. Other Dust is based on classic old-school gaming mechanics familiar
to almost everyone in the hobby. It’s fast to pick up and you won’t
In brief, an RPG like this is a pen-and-paper version of a genre be spending much time relearning how to make a character, get in a
of modern computer roleplaying games such as Fallout, Wasteland, fight, and use your talents to solve problems. Other Dust is not here
and other post-apocalyptic romps. Where a computer game might to dazzle you with brilliantly novel mechanics.
rely on internal algorithms and hardcoded rules, Other Dust relies
on a human referee- the game master, or GM. A GM and up to a Other Dust is designed as an industrial-strength toolkit for post-
half-dozen or so other players get together in person or online to apocalyptic sandboxing. The tools and techniques in this book are
play out the wasteland adventures of the fictional avatars that the applicable to almost any system or post-apoc setting, and they’re
players create. meant to make it as easy as possible for a GM to brew up a waste-
land and let the players rip. I’m confident that you’ll find the game’s
Why not just play a computer game? Because RPGs like Other Dust systems to be an excellent match for that goal, but the resources here
leverage the one thing that a computer game can’t provide- intel- will work just fine with whatever system you do like best.
ligent human responses. If you think of a solution to a problem
facing your character, you don’t have to worry about whether the More than that, Other Dust is completely cross-compatible with my
game engine is going to handle it- you just tell the GM and they other sci-fi sandbox game Stars Without Number, currently available
tell you the results or the odds you’re facing. Players have unlimited in free PDF form. Everything in both books will work perfectly well
freedom in paper RPGs because they’re dealing with a human mind. together, and the tools you’ve got in hand complement the ones you
can get online for free, or in hardback for a reasonable price.
Don’t be intimidated by the thickness of this book. The actual rules
for running the game fit in about twelve pages in the Systems chap- Other Dust is not meant to proselytize. Yes, I think sandbox gaming
ter, and the bare-bones summary is on a single sheet of paper. The is wonderful fun and provides the GM with a constant stream of
rest of the book is all about making characters, the fabulous plunder surprises that are sometimes much harder to find in other play
you can find in the wastes, and tools for helping a GM quickly and styles, but it’s not the only way to play an RPG, and it’s not the
easily make fun places to explore and people to encounter. Every- best way for everyone. Still, even if you’ve had hesitations about
thing about this book was designed to make it as easy as possible to sandboxing before, I encourage you to just give the tools a read.
GM a game of Other Dust. Creating and running a sandbox doesn’t have to be as hard as it’s
often made out to be, and the rewards of a good session of no-walls
So turn the page and dive in. Once you see how to make a character, gaming can be wonderfully refreshing.
check out the Systems chapter for the rules, and you’ll be well on
your way to blasting mutants and looting the lost treasures of a There’s plenty here for you to take and more afterwards if you want
fallen world. to grab Stars Without Number. With that said, let’s start this off...
A Glossary of Terms
#d#: As in “1d6” or “2d20” or “2d8+1”. This simply means to take that many dice and roll them together, adding them up along with
any static bonus listed. “2d4+2” would mean to roll two four-sided dice, add two, and total them.
Adventure: A situation in which the PCs are in danger or seeking to accomplish something risky and difficult. Scavenging the badlands
for salvage, hunting a raider chieftain, and convincing a local enclave to call off an anti-mutant pogrom all might qualify as adventures.
PCs in Other Dust spend most of their time adventuring; lounging around the village is for lesser souls- or more prudent ones.
GM: Game Master. The GM is responsible for running the game. He or she creates the region in which play will take place, builds the
situations that the players will encounter, and referees their efforts with the help of the rules in this book. GMs have a great deal of
responsibility but they also the antics of a table full of adventurers to entertain themselves during play.
NPC: Non-Player Character. Any monster, mutant, or bystander not played by a player. The GM usually has a host of NPCs around,
ranging from the nameless bandit who gets shot six seconds after their first encounter with the PCs to long-running patrons or nemeses.
PC: Player Character. Players of the game create characters, fictional figures through which they engage the world, pursue their own
goals, and get devoured by mutant panthers. A single player may have a number of different PCs, though usually only one is played at
a time.
Character Creation
The first step in entering the world of Other Dust lies in creating a What You Need To Know About New Earth
character. Character creation is quick and straightforward, but it Your character is a denizen of the New Earth in the year 2850,
works best when you’re able to talk to the GM and the other players a dweller in the savage wasteland left behind by a cataclysmic di-
and coordinate your choices into a group that works well together. saster two centuries ago. Nanomutated abominations, radioactive
Grim loners do poorly in the merciless wilds of the New Earth, and badlands, amoral raider tribes, and the sheer unrelenting strain of
even the toughest badlander has a much longer career with friends survival all conspire in an attempt to make your life a short and
around. brutal experience.
For most games, you’re going to need a person willing to take on Old Terra was ruled by the masters of the Terran Mandate, the
the role of the GM and three to five players. It’s possible for a single shadowy Directorate that ensured that the nations of mankind’s
player to play multiple characters, but this can be difficult for new- birthworld maintained a peaceful and harmonious stasis. Change
comers to the game, and it’s often preferable simply to have the GM was an enemy to the Directorate, and troublemakers were exiled
run a number of allies or hirelings. to the frontier colonies around distant stars. With the help of their
psychic enforcers and the AI godminds known as the Maestros, the
What You Need To Know About This Game Directorate maintained an iron grip on the core worlds.
Other Dust is inspired by the classic role-playing games of the
seventies and early eighties, and owes a deep debt to designers like Common citizens had access to marvelous medical and commu-
Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, Tom Moldvay, Marc Miller, Zeb Cook, nications technology, including the nanite Dust that wove Old
and others too numerous to mention. If you’ve played those games, Terra’s atmosphere into an omnipresent network. Communications
many of the mechanics and style choices made here will be familiar. were under the unblinking eye of the Maestros, channeled and
restricted as appropriate to “social harmony”. Malcontents received
In Other Dust, you take on the role of a denizen of a post-apoca- sympathetic care from AI social services or midnight visits from
lyptic far-future Earth, working alongside your trusted teammates Directorate security forces. Few persisted in their discontent.
to scratch survival and eventual glory from a hostile planet. You
explore the radioactive dust and seething nanite jungles of the This utopia under glass ended in 2665 with the Scream. A massive
wastelands in search of salvage, fellow human survivors, and relics pulse of metadimensional energy washed outward from the depths
of the glorious lost age of Old Terra. Those heroes who survive such of the void, searing the brains of humanity’s psychics. The teleport-
expeditions- and many will not- may yet become tribal chieftains, ing Jump Gates that connected the core worlds were wiped out of
culture-restoring sages, master scrapsmiths, and other legends to existence when the choirs of psychics that operated them were oblit-
lead their people back to the light of understanding. erated. Most psychics perished in this otherworldly fire, but some
survived in a haze of savage madness. These Crazed included some
Other Dust is not about story lines or pre-designed plot arcs. Those of the most powerful psychics on Old Terra, and they lashed out
things are admirable and there are many games that use them to at their masters before a shattered world even understood its peril.
excellent effect, but that’s not the kind of play that Other Dust is All over Old Terra, precognitive nanocoders struck at the failsafes
meant to best enable. This game is meant to help a GM create their on the Mandate’s massive power plants. Red blooms of nuclear fire
own ravaged patch of the desolate New Earth and stock it with erupted to spew crimson death and black ash into the hostile sky.
intriguing foes, interesting enclaves, and rewarding ruins. Once
created, the game then helps the GM and other players explore it in Elsewhere, the emergency Highshine disaster recovery system
a free-form, “sandbox” style of play. engaged to pour torrents of stabilization nanites into Old Terra’s
atmosphere. The Crazed twisted the Highshine system, altering its
The GM and players may have a good idea what a particular game function from medical stabilization and decontamination into ter-
session will be about, but the specific outcome or focus of events is rible, flesh-warping violation of its sickened victims. Nanomutants
never determined in advance. Each session is a chance for you and rose from the wastes, forbidden easy death by the Highshine’s grip.
the other players to make your own choices and choose your own
ambitions. The world responds to your actions and in time you see Two hundred years have passed since the Scream, and the world of
the consequences of that which you have done and that which you Old Terra has been lost forever. Modern descendants of the survi-
have left undone. vors of those end times now huddle in small enclaves, struggling
to resist the terrible corrosion of the badlands, the incursions of
Understanding this “sandbox style” of play is crucial to enjoying mutated beasts, and the pangs of their own privation.
Other Dust. The story of a campaign is the story of what you chose
to attempt. There is no fated destiny awaiting you, no surety of Your character is a native of one of these enclaves, equipped by
survival or certainty that your grand dreams will ever come to frui- experience and nature with the gifts necessary to survive the savage
tion. There is only your own luck, prudence, and cunning to arm wastes. It may be that the dangers outside will claim them young,
you for a destiny that is to be wholly your own. or it could be that their fearless deeds will yet herald a second dawn
for their people. Only time and your choices will tell.
Character Creation Summary
Roll your character’s six attributes.
Roll 3d6 six times, and assign the totals in order to Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma.
Record the attribute modifier for each ability. You may move points, lowering abilities above 13 and raising abilities below 8 to even out
your scores if you so wish. No such modifications can lower a score below 13 or raise one above 8.
Choose a class.
Scroungers find and fix the lost technology of Old Terra. Slayers excel at combat and brutal violence. Speakers
inspire others and bind disparate groups into shared purposes. Survivors endure the worst of the wastes and the untamed
wilds. You may replace one prime requisite attribute of your chosen class with a score of 14 if you so wish. Note down the
special ability of your class.
Choose languages.
Your character speaks the native tongue of their enclave and one more language per point of Intelligence modifier
bonus. You also have basic fluency in the common language of any community for which you have at least level-0 Culture/
Enclave skill. The Languages skill may add additional tongues. Characters are illiterate unless they have Culture/Literacy-0
Rolling Your Attributes Attribute Modifiers
The first step in creating your character is to determine the char-
acter’s six attributes. Attributes describe the character’s aptitude Attribute Score Modifier
in certain aspects- how strong, quick, clever, perceptive, hardy, or
charming they might be. Attributes in a human range are measured 18 +2
by scores ranging from 3 to 18, with 3 reflecting a character barely
14-17 +1
capable of functioning as an adventurer, and 18 indicating remark-
able natural gifts. 8-13 No Modifier
To generate your character’s attributes, roll 3d6 six times and assign 4-7 -1
the rolls to the attributes in the order listed on the table below. 3 -2
Average humans have attributes in the 8 to 13 range; as such, you
may choose to remove points from any attribute above 13 to raise
any attribute up to 8. For example, if you’ve rolled a Dexterity score The Six Attributes
of 15 and an Intelligence score of 7, you might choose to take one
point from Dexterity and raise your Intelligence score up to 8. No Strength
attribute so altered can be lowered below 13 or raised above 8. At-
tributes need not be evened out this way if you prefer to play the
Physical might and ability to carry heavy loads. Characters with
attributes as rolled.
high Strength are fearsome in hand-to-hand combat, smashing
through enemy defenses with brute force.
Once you have determined your scores, you should write down the
attribute modifier for each. The attribute modifier is a bonus or
penalty that is applied to rolls related to that attribute. At many Intelligence
points in this book, you’ll be instructed to add a particular at-
tribute’s modifier to a roll; you should take care to add just the
modifier to the roll, and not the entire attribute score. In the case Memory, logic, and the capacity to think quickly. Characters with
of a particularly lackluster attribute score, the modifier might even high Intelligence are well-suited to coping with complex technical
be negative, in which case you should subtract it from the roll as a skills and handling the enigmatic machinery of Old Terra.
penalty. If your attributes change during the course of play, make
sure to adjust your modifiers as needed.
Some characters don’t look to be terribly promising material for
post-apocalyptic adventure. At the GM’s discretion, a character Perception, strength of will, and judgment. A high Wisdom shows
whose total final attribute modifiers sum to less than zero can be that the character is keenly aware of his or her surroundings, has a
discarded and their attributes rerolled. Not all GMs prefer to allow strong willpower, and a healthy fund of common sense.
this option, however. High attribute scores are nice, but they are by
no means mandatory to make an interesting or playable character.
Survival in the desolation of New Earth depends far more on good Dexterity
choices than good attributes.
Hand-eye coordination, agility, and reaction speed. High Dexter-
This One Is No Hero! ity is the sign of a nimble, quick-handed character with a lot of
natural aptitude for archery or gunplay.
Some players just don’t care for random generation of attributes,
particularly when the dice produce a character wholly unlike
what they wanted to play. Even with the chance to swap in a score
of 14 into a prime ability of their class, it’s just no fun for them
to randomly roll their adventurer’s attributes. This is by no means Hardihood, stamina, and the ability to withstand pain, sickness,
an unreasonable taste, but such players are encouraged to give it and injury. High Constitution indicates a character that can take
an honest try in Other Dust. Part of the pleasure of the game is a lot of abuse before keeling over, whether or not they have an
surprise- surprise at the details of your character, surprise at the impressive musculature.
kind of challenges you’ll face, and surprise at the possibilities that
arise from your character’s limits and ambitions.
Still, if you feel strongly about it and the GM doesn’t object, you
can simply put a score of 7, 11, or 14 in any given attribute, so Charm, persuasiveness, and capacity for leadership. Not every
long as you don’t have more scores of 14 than you have 7s. If you high-Charisma character is handsome or beautiful, but all of
take this option, you don’t get the “free 14” you would otherwise them have a way of making others take them seriously.
be given in one of your chosen class’ prime attributes.
Choosing a Concept and Motivation
Now that you’ve got some idea of the strengths and weaknesses
of this character, you need to form a concept and motivation for
them. A character concept is a basic idea of what this character is
about, while a motivation describes a goal that will be driving this
character through their early adventures.
Don’t worry about being locked into a motivation. It’s natural and
expected that goals should shift over the course of a campaign’s
events. You just need something to give you an initial push to
Background packages grant skills. Skills are specific topics in which a character has received some training. Skills are measured in levels,
ranging from 0 for those with basic expertise to 5 or higher for the greatest practitioners on the New Earth. Each skill listed in the
background package is gained at level-0.
Note that some backgrounds and training packages offer “any” as an option for a skill specialty. Any specialty selected should be justified
by the character’s background. Some skills, like “Combat/Energy” or “Tech/Pretech” are unlikely to be possessed by anyone outside the
very richest and most advanced enclaves, or those revived from cold sleep pods.
A few important men and women of Old Terra managed to make
it to emergency cold sleep pods, where they and their families
thought to shelter in stasis until help could come. When the
power supplies eventually decayed or were destroyed, the pods
revived their occupants into a world they could not begin to
understand. Most of these little enclaves suffer quick and brutal
destruction, but occasional survivors live long enough to gain
basic survival skills.
Skills: Bureaucracy, Culture/Literacy, History, Tech/Pretech
The end of the world did not spell the end of faith, and numerous
religions remain strong in the wastelands of New Earth. Whether
priest, pastor, imam or tribal elder, the priest is accustomed to
providing both comfort and chastisement to their flock.
Skills: Culture/Enclave, Persuade, Survival, Religion
Wastelands techs are not the polished and focused technicians
of the vanished Old Terra, but men and women who often have
little formal education. Despite this lack, badlands scavengers
tend to have ample aptitude for self-defense and survival.
Skills: Combat/Primitive, Culture/Enclave, Survival, Tech/
Life as a trader is hard and uncertain, with most making a dan-
gerous circuit among far-flung enclaves. Most enclaves will grant
at least a grudging immunity to outside traders, but bandits favor
them as rich prey for their spears.
Skills: Business, Culture/Traveller, Persuade, Survival
Tribal Warrior
Peasant Some stand apart from farmers and gatherers in order to defend
Some have the arts to pry a living from the reluctant earth, either them from raiders, mutants, and other perils. Tribal warriors
laboring as farmers in an enclave with sufficient clean land and usually lack the luxury of firearms and other sophisticated goods,
good water, or talented in other skills for which their neighbors but they are skilled in fighting without such advantages.
are willing to pay. These common folk are rarely gifted with any Skills: Combat/Any, Combat/Primitive, Culture/Enclave, Sur-
remarkable talent other than an uncanny ability to survive the vival
worst a hard world can inflict on them. The vast majority of the
New Earth’s population qualify either as hunters or as peasants.
Skills: Culture/Enclave, Steward, Survival, and any one skill
A few bold souls travel from enclave to enclave, navigating the
perils of the wasteland and negotiating with distrustful natives.
These wanderers rarely manage to grow old, but they do a great
deal of living before being eaten by some mutant or cannibal.
Skills: Culture/Traveller, Navigation, Persuade, Survival
Character Skills Culture (Specialties)
The following list covers the more common skills found among the As with Combat, Culture is composed of numerous specialties, each
adventurers of the New Earth. The GM is always free to adjust this one of which must be learned separately.
list, adding new fields or combining skills as desired. Criminal: The character is accustomed to dealing with bandits,
raiders, thieves, and other criminal outcasts. They have a knack for
Some skills require specializations, such as the Combat, Vehicle, dealing with them without getting knifed in the bargain, or deduc-
Tech, Culture, and Profession skills. A character can acquire more ing the most likely locations for their ambushes and dens.
than one specialization in a skill, but these skills must be advanced Enclave: This specialty must be taken individually for each specific
separately. A sailor’s sublime skill in Vehicle/Sea does little to help a enclave, and relates to knowledge of that settlement’s society, gov-
character ride a horse with Vehicle/Land. ernment, tech level, and laws. Level 0 in this skill also grants fluency
in that settlement’s most common language if the character is not
already proficient in it.
Artist Literacy: This skill can only be taken at level 0 and cannot be raised.
The character is trained or gifted in a particular type of art. The
It allows the possessor to read and write any language they speak,
character should select a specific medium when this skill is gained.
unlike the vast majority of people in the New Earth.
Traveller: This skill can only be taken at level 0 and cannot be raised.
Athletics It can substitute for any other enclave’s Culture skill, however, and
Running, jumping, climbing, swimming, and other feats of athlet- represents a casual, basic knowledge of many different settlements.
ics or acrobatics are covered by this skill. This skill is useless for enclaves that have been completely cut off
from contact. Traveller skill grants no linguistic proficiency.
A skilled bureaucrat knows how to deal with complex legal and Exosuit
administrative systems, and how to find files or records quickly. The character is trained in the use of powered exosuits. These suits
Very little of this arcane art remains in the present day. of heavy armor were once used in dangerous environments ranging
from asteroid mining to shock trooper assaults, but nowadays such
powered exoskeletons are extremely rare.
The character knows how to run a business and deal with other
entrepreneurs. Formally-constituted businesses are very rare in the Gambling
New Earth, and most tradesmen are simply farmers or hunters with The character knows numerous games of chance and has a better
enough talent to make a particular good for their neighbors. Those than usual chance of winning them. They are also familiar with the
with this skill know how to get the best profit from a resource. betting customs and protocols of other enclaves.
Navigation Survival
The character can navigate using compasses, astronomic readings, The character is trained in survival techniques for subsisting in
dead reckoning, or other tools. hostile environments with minimal supplies, and can recognize
dangerous food and water. Virtually every denizen of the New Earth
is going to have at least a minimal acquaintance with this skill. The
only exceptions are those ancients who have just emerged from a
The character has keen senses, and is often able to notice details or
cold sleep pod, or those rare souls who live in enclaves so rich and
hidden objects that elude other people.
prosperous that the average citizen is not responsible for finding
their own food.
The character has a knack for convincing others of the truth and
sincerity of their words.
The character is familiar with small unit tactics. They can set up
and recognize ambushes, maneuver troops effectively in combat,
Profession (Specialties) and set up fighting positions sensibly. In the absence of Tactics skill,
This skill must be taken in a particular specialty related to the Leadership skill tends to produce only glorious defeats.
character’s profession, and is intended to cover those jobs that don’t
already have applicable skills on this list. A doctor would take Tech/
Tech (Specialties)
Medical, for example, while a tanner would take Profession/Tanner.
This skill is broken down into several specialties, and is required for
building or repairing that variety of technology.
Religion Astronautic: Anything on or related to spacecraft comes under the
The character is trained in theology and familiar with the more astronautic heading, including spike drives, life support systems,
common or notorious religious sects around their home, and can and ship gunnery. Starships are almost unknown in the New Earth,
usually guess the more significant beliefs of newly-met faiths. as the system’s Bright Mirror orbital defenses riddle any craft that
dares to fly too high.
Maltech: Forbidden technology such as bio- or nano-warfare tech,
unbraked AI development, or weapons of planetary destruction.
The character is a trained scientist and capable of operating
This technology has much to do with the enigmatic Maestro AIs
laboratory equipment, conducting research, and developing new
that once administered the nations of Old Terra.
technology. This skill covers all conventional scientific applications.
Medical: Surgery, first aid, disease treatment, cybernetics, and
Possession of this skill can at least justify trying to make successful
biological utility organisms, crafting drugs.
Tech skill checks, but it’s no substitute for practical experience with
Postech: Technology that does not rely on the esoteric science and
maintenance, construction and repair.
exotic fabrication techniques of Old Terra. It can theoretically be
manufactured “post-Scream”, hence “postech”. Everything from
Security flint-tipped spears to modern twenty-first century technology
The character is familiar with primitive and modern security systems, would fall under the skill.
both in setting them up and defeating them. The character can pick Pretech: Hyper-advanced technology dating from before the
a lock, defeat a retinal scanner, circumvent a pressure sensor, and Scream, requiring manufacturing techniques that are no longer
otherwise attempt to overcome security measures. Characters from available in the New Earth. Pretech particularly involves tech related
backward enclaves may need time to master some more advanced to nanotechnology and advanced energy manipulation.
security tech, but can do so with time.
Vehicle (Specialties)
Stealth This skill is for the operation or flight of vehicles, and must be
The character knows how to move silently, conceal their presence in bought for one of several specialties.
shadows, and avoid notice. Air: Atmospheric planes, flying beasts, zeppelins, or helicopters.
Few learn these skills, as flying too high or fast runs the risk of
engaging orbital defenses.
Grav: Antigrav vehicles such as those once favored by important
The character is trained in handling issues of logistics and labor
Terran Mandate officials.
management. At the village level, these skills of food preservation,
Land: Surface vehicles, including riding animals.
water purification and labor organization can make the difference
Space: Spacecraft and transorbital vehicles. Since the activation of
between a lean winter and a lingering death by starvation.
Terra’s autonomous orbital defenses, any ship that tries to breach
its atmosphere faces a certain fiery doom, leaving this skill a largely
theoretical exercise.
Water: Ships, boats, aquatic riding beasts, and other seagoing craft.
Skill Checks Skill Levels
When a character attempts a difficult action, the GM may call for a
skill check. Skill checks involve both the relevant skill and the most
The character is completely untrained in the skill. She
relevant attribute modifier as well. For climbing a steep cliff, this
might be Athletics and Strength, while identifying the telltale traces
No might still be able to attempt it, if the task is simple
of Highshine contamination in a pool of water might be Wisdom Skill enough or part of her concept, but complex and
demanding feats are completely beyond her.
and Survival. Usually the skill and attribute are obvious, but the
GM has the final say if necessary.
Trained. The character can carry out routine tasks
To make a skill check, the player rolls 2d6 and adds his character’s
0 with the skill, and has at least a chance of managing
relevant skill level and attribute modifier. If the total equals or more difficult feats.
exceeds the check’s difficulty number, the check is a success.
Choosing a Character Class The Four Classes
Every player character in Other Dust has a class. This class represents
their weapon of choice against the entropy around them. It is not
their only tool against the chaos, but it determines their strongest
aptitude. Not every person dwelling on the New Earth has a class. Scroungers are experts at finding and salvaging the relics of
Your character is among the few with the spirit and defiance neces- Old Terra, transforming trash into functioning marvels of lost
sary to become one so armed against a hostile world. technology. Badlands salvagers, enclave techs, crazed scientists
wielding the last artifacts of a dead world- scroungers defy the
There are four classes presented in Other Dust: the Scrounger, the darkness of the New Earth to bring ancient fire to their people.
Slayer, the Speaker, and the Survivor. Each class represents a hero
gifted in a way that is particularly valuable in surviving the madness
of the New Earth. There are a wealth of things that need killing in the New Earth,
and the Slayer excels at this bloody work. Where others may be
A class focuses a character’s potential, but it does not prevent them skilled warriors and hardened combatants, the Slayer possesses an
from gaining skill in other spheres. A Scrounger can learn the red uncanny aptitude for murder. Some use their talents to defend
arts of the spear, and a Slayer can gain proficiency in repairing the their people, holding off the ravening mutants and savage raiders
tech of Old Terra, but both will always have the easiest time gaining of the badlands. Others find more profit in living as a red-handed
expertise in their natural skills. predator.
Every class has two attributes which are prime requisites. These are Speaker
attributes which are very important to functioning in the class. For Between the scattered enclaves of humanity on the New Earth
Scroungers, these are Intelligence or Dexterity. For Slayers, they are there stretches not only the peril of the radioactive wastes, but also
Strength or Dexterity. For Speakers they are Wisdom or Charisma, paranoia, mistrust, and ignorance. The Speaker binds scattered
and for Survivors they are Intelligence or Constitution. men and women together in a greater cause. He convinces foes to
reconcile, cowards to fight, and the hopeless to rise in defiance of
At your discretion, you may replace one of your character’s prime their doom. Whether prophet, visionary, chieftain, or hard-bitten
requisites with a score of 14 to reflect the natural aptitude that led merchant, the Speaker makes a cause out of a scattered mob.
them to their present role. If both of their prime attributes are 14
or higher, you need not replace either. Make sure to adjust the at- Survivor
tribute modifier for the score you replace. The survivor keeps going where others lie down to die. They are
the dwellers in the wilderness, the hard souls that move from
Each class also has a certain special ability related to their focus. enclave to enclave, the teachers who bring the arts of agriculture,
Most of these abilities can be used once every game day, though the medicine, and woodcraft to the ignorant. The survivor’s skills aid
red hand of the Slayer may be used once in every fight. not only her own survival, but also sustain those who rely on her
Once you’ve picked a class, choose a training package from the ones
provided for your class. Each skill listed for the training package
is gained at level-0. If you already have the level 0 skill from your member of the party should have some degree of medical expertise
character’s background package, the skill instead starts at level-1. and another should have at least a little Tech/Postech skill in order
to keep the group’s equipment in good working order. A skilled tech
Some training packages also have skill listings that allow you to is also capable of breaking down relics into useful spare parts and
select any specialty for Combat, Culture, Profession, Tech, or Ve- creating new equipment out of the remains.
hicle skills. You may choose such skills as you like, but you cannot
duplicate a skill already on the training package list. You may also These skills aren’t mandatory in a group, and particularly bold ad-
need to justify the choice of certain very rare or unlikely skills such venturers might well sally forth without them. If your group is one
as Tech/Maltech or Vehicle/Space. such intrepid band, make sure to hunt up as many medical stims
as possible- you’re going to need them to revive badly-wounded
Loners don’t last long in the wastelands of the New Earth. An teammates. You’ll also need to make friends with someone capable
adventuring party’s survivability is greatly improved if the skills of fixing your gear, or else a hard adventuring lifestyle is sure to
of its members complement each other. In particular, at least one gradually reduce your vital hardware to so much battered scrap.
Choosing Starting Mutations Rolling Initial Hit Points
The effects of the warped Highshine nanites pervade the badlands Hit points measure a character’s proximity to the grave. If your
of the New Earth. This omnipresent nanite dust was originally in- character’s hit points are ever reduced to zero, he or she will die.
tended as an emergency disaster-recovery failsafe, meant to provide Advanced Old Terran medical stims might be able to revive your
instant containment and medical care for victims of some planetary character if applied quickly enough, and a few mutations may also
catastrophe. The Crazed twisted Highshine’s programming even as serve to rescue a mortally wounded character, but without such as-
they detonated the atomic power plants that fueled so many of Old sistance you’ll be coming back to this chapter to generate a new PC.
Terra’s manufacturing centers.
Hit points reflect more than mere physical hardihood, however-
Humans who suffer radiation poisoning or genetic damage are they measure the character’s luck, combat savvy, and endurance as
susceptible to being “cured” by exposure to Highshine. Most of the well. A high-level character may have dozens of hit points, and the
human survivors of the present age have only limited susceptibility same spear-thrust that would kill an ordinary man merely nicks the
to Highshine thanks to natural selection, but even they run the risk lucky warrior or forces him to tire himself in dodging. A character
of encountering a mutant strain that ignores their natural defenses. may be physically unharmed until the last handful of hit points,
instead being exhausted, distracted, and pushing the limits of his
Highshine mutants suffer alterations that range from the wholly luck. One good spear thrust could take such a hero through the
beneficial to the near-terminal. The Crazed were unable to pervert heart.
Highshine’s fundamental directive to keep a subject alive, but they
were able to cross-tangle its coding with a wealth of terrible experi- Your maximum hit points are found by rolling 1d6 and adding your
mental biomodifications. Some mutations have bred true over the character’s Constitution modifier. Characters of the Survivor class
past two centuries, while others are recurrent from some unusually add an additional 2 points to the total. Even with a Constitution
ubiquitous Highshine sub-strain. penalty, your maximum hit points cannot be less than 1. Don’t
worry if you roll poorly; every time you advance an experience level,
As a starting character, you may spend up to three points on the you reroll all your hit dice and take the new total if it’s higher than
Mutation charts in chapter two, with each point buying one roll the old.
for a mutation. Most such mutations are heritable, and it’s likely
that your character was born with them. A few are the result of Choosing Languages
exposure to active Highshine pockets by a subject who is suffering Your character speaks the native language of their home enclave,
from radiation poisoning or other genetic damage. and one additional language for every point of Intelligence ability
bonus. Characters with the Languages skill have additional fluency.
Optionally, you may spend one or more points to improve your Most such selections should be made from the tongues of nearby
attribute modifiers. This does not change the underlying attribute, allied and enemy settlements; if uncertain, ask the GM which
but instead simply raises its modifier by one point. Thus, if your languages make the most sense for your character.
Strength was 10, you could add a point to its modifier to give your-
self a +1 Strength modifier, despite the underlying score. A given Characters with Culture/Enclave skill of level-0 or better related to
attribute’s modifier can be raised only once, and it cannot be raised another enclave automatically gain basic fluency in the common
above +2. language of that enclave. The Culture/Traveller skill does not grant
any additional languages.
This attribute bonus reflects the generally superior genetic pattern-
ing of Old Terran stock. Generations of careful genetic therapy and Language fluency only applies to speaking the languages. Only those
pretech medical care has left the modern human species subtly but characters with the Culture/Literacy skill are able to read or write.
significantly improved over their ancestral stock. Culture/Literacy-0 is sufficient to read and write any language the
character is able to speak.
If you spend all three rolls to boost your attribute modifiers, you
may optionally decide that your character is a “null-strain human”.
These humans have a remarkably well-encrypted genetic code that
is immune to Highshine alterations. They will never mutate, no
matter how badly radiated they become or how heavily exposed
they are to Highshine’s warping nanites.
Class Traits
Prime Attributes
Intelligence or Dexterity
You may use this ability once per game day before rolling a skill
check for a skill on the Scrounger class list. You will automatically
succeed at the check unless you roll a natural 2 on the dice, given
that the GM agrees that success was ever possible.
Experience Table
Level Hit Dice XP Needed
1 1d6 0
Scavenging is an art like any other. Not only must the raw materials 2 2d6 2,000
be found, someone must have the talent and expertise for making 3 3d6 4,000
something useful from them. Scroungers have the knack for making
something of the scraps of a former civilization. Yet while these arts 4 4d6 8,000
begin in simple scavenging, the Scrounger has the potential to make
something new. They of all people are most likely to be able to 5 5d6 16,000
revive the ancient secrets of manufacturing and refinement. 6 6d6 32,000
A few settlements are lucky enough to have an experienced technical craftsman in residence, a man or woman capable not only of fixing
damaged equipment, but also able to profitably barter their skills to outsiders. These crafters know how to use their skills efficiently, and
the wealth they bring to a settlement is greatly valued.
Skills: Business, Combat/Any, Persuade, Tech/Any, Tech/Postech, Vehicle/Any
Some Scroungers feel an obligation to teach others the mysteries of old world technology. Few have the necessary talents to fully
comprehend the labyrinthine principles of science and the exacting physical precision of technological repair, but the mentor always
knows a little something useful for any technical situation.
Skills: Combat/Any, Culture/Literacy, Computer, Instructor, Tech/Any, Tech/Postech
It’s an unfortunate fact of post-apocalyptic life that most enclaves esteem most highly that tech which is most useful for killing people.
Miltechs are those honored scrapsmiths and artisans capable of fashioning the spears, blades, armor, and sometimes even firearms that
are so precious to their people. Not a few venture far from home in search of salvage and the blueprints of new weaponry.
Skills: Combat/Any, Culture/Literacy, Science, Security, Tactics, Tech/Postech
Some Scroungers are determined to restore what has been lost, They are not content to patch together makeshift tatters, but struggle
to restore basic industry and genuine creative processes. Their insistence on starting from raw materials is unpopular among those who
prefer the easy shortcut of scrap-built gear, but their persuasive manner and far-sighted vision can attract followers- if they live long
enough to realize their dreams.
Skills: Business, Combat/Any, Culture/Literacy, Leadership, Persuasion, Tech/Postech
Scrounging is a lot easier when someone else has already gone to the trouble of finding what you were looking for. Retrievers excel at
acquiring “pre-found” relics, slipping past security and guardsmen to abstract the goods from their former owner. Others are more honest
in their work, reserving their talents for cracking the ancient defenses of the old world to get at the succulent technology within.
Skills: Combat/Any, Perception, Security, Tech/Postech, Stealth, Survival
Precious few genuine scientists remain in the wreckage of the New Earth, but a few Scroungers still demonstrate the right mix of reason
and curiosity necessary to master the lost arts of Old Terra. Few have access to more than the bare necessities for their studies, and most
are willing to run enormous risks to gain more of the Before’s lost wisdom.
Skills: Combat/Any, Computer, Culture/Literacy, Science, Tech/Any, Tech/Postech
Wandering Tech
The depths of the wilderness call some Scroungers. The richest caches of lost tech can be found in the most inaccessible places, and
remote settlements are usually glad to see a man or woman able to repair their relics and improve their local technology.
Skills: Combat/Any, Navigation, Perception, Tech/Postech, Survival, Vehicle/Any
Class Traits
Prime Attributes
Strength or Dexterity
Once per fight, you may use this skill before rolling your attack.
You will hit your target on anything but a natural 1 on the hit roll.
This ability can only be used when you are trying to kill someone,
and will not work with nonlethal attacks or mere trick shooting.
Experience Table
Level Hit Dice XP Needed
1 1d6 0
2 2d6 2,000
Slayers answer the savagery of the ruined world with their own
ferocious might. While all characters have at least some aptitude for 3 3d6 4,000
bloodshed, the Slayer is the best at the execution of raw violence.
When negotiations break down, when raiders or mutants or mis- 4 4d6 8,000
shapen beasts attack a settlement, it is the Slayer who fights. 5 5d6 16,000
Slayers can be barbarians, tribal defenders, trained soldiers, wild 6 6d6 32,000
men, or any other concept that revolves around a keen aptitude for
killing. Some Slayers are nothing more than embodiments of the 7 7d6 64,000
savagery of the post-apocalyptic world, but others are grim-handed
8 8d6 128,000
defenders of their people, men and women who guard the glowing
embers of civilization with their strength and dauntless courage. 9 9d6 250,000
As a Slayer, you are brutally effective at combat. Your deadly aim 10 9d6+2 370,000
can end many fights before your foes ever get a chance to strike
11+ +2 HP per level +125,000 per level
back. Survival in the wastes often requires more than a fast hand,
however, and you are likely to need trustworthy friends to handle
those perils of the badlands that cannot be speared into submission.
These are savage men and women, devoid of the gentler graces and owing everything to the strength of their arms and the fury of their
blades. While a barbarian may not have been reared under the calming influence of Old Terran ways or cultural mores, they are superbly
adapted for surviving the bloody challenges of a world as savage as they.
Skills: Athletics, Combat/Primitive, Combat/Unarmed, Navigation, Perception, Survival
Every hunter dreads a confrontation with the savage, mutated predators of the wasteland, but the beasthunter actively seeks out such
dangerous foes. The radioactive badlands are constantly spawning fresh horrors, and enclaves will pay well for men and women willing
to track and eliminate such threats to their farmers and trappers.
Skills: Combat/Any, Culture/Any, Navigation, Perception, Stealth, Survival
Some legal problems can best be solved with a knife. In the small, close-knit tribes and enclaves of the New Earth, it can often be difficult
to exact justice on a malefactor. Even when a community agrees that something must be done, ties of kinship can threaten to tear an
enclave apart should one of them carry out the act. Executioners are those men and women trusted to solve the problem, ready to move
on to the next village when too many grudges have accumulated.
Skills: Combat/Any, Combat/Unarmed, Culture/Criminal, Culture/Traveller, Navigation, Survival
Some enclaves hold their scarce functioning firearms in almost totemic regard, treating them as symbols of an older and better world. The
gunslinger is a man or woman dedicated to mastering their use, sometimes even capable of building new guns and ammunition from a
suitable supply of parts. The gunslinger’s services are valuable, and they are often found far from home in the service of those who have
need of their lethal aim.
Skills: Combat/Projectile, Tech/Postech, Navigation, Perception, Survival, Vehicle/Any
Noble Warrior
Some enclaves are wealthy and populous enough to afford nobility, however the particular caste is called. While they might be named
“directors”, or “mayors” or “lords”, the brute practicalities of the New Earth ensure that almost all such elites are composed of trained
and hardened warriors. Younger sons and daughters are often forced to seek their fortune far from home, by enemies if not by poverty.
Skills: Combat/Any, Culture/Any, Leadership, Steward, Tactics, Vehicle/Land
Some Slayers hold to a creed greater than themselves, whether a religion that inspires or a cause that fires them. These warriors often travel
in pursuit of some worthy means to advance their beliefs, and it is not uncommon for them to stand as protectors of those enclaves or
outcasts who lack a champion of their own.
Skills: Combat/Any, Leadership, Navigation, Persuasion, Religion, Survival
Tribal Champion
The exemplar of his people’s martial ways, the tribal champion is a hardened veteran of the dangers of the wasteland. His brethren rely
on him to lead them to victory in battle and to teach them the arts of war. These obligations can weigh heavier on a champion than the
physical dangers of the battlefield..
Skills: Athletics, Combat/Any, Combat/Primitive, Instructor, Leadership, Tactics
Class Traits
Prime Attributes
Wisdom or Charisma
Speaker Class Skills
Experience Table
Speakers are those men and women who have rebelled against the
Level Hit Dice XP Needed
collapse of human ties in the post-apocalyptic world. Speakers bind
groups together with agreements of trade, support and peace, and 1 1d6 0
encourage the tentative relationships of trust that are necessary
for the development of social institutions. Speakers inspire those 2 2d6 2,000
around them, pushing them on to surmount seemingly impossible 3 3d6 4,000
4 4d6 8,000
Speakers are diplomats and ambassadors, traders and tribal elders.
5 5d6 16,000
Speakers hold a group together under the pressure of setbacks and
disasters, and tie disparate groups into a single mighty cause. Not 6 6d6 32,000
all Speakers use their charisma for altruistic ends, of course. Some
chiefs seek unity and cooperation for the sake of their own glory, 7 7d6 64,000
and there’s never any guarantee that a strong alliance will be used 8 8d6 128,000
for good ends.
9 9d6 250,000
As a Speaker, you have an amazing aptitude for negotiation and
10 9d6+2 370,000
persuasion. While this innate talent is less useful when no one is
around to sway, most groups will greatly prefer to put a Speaker in 11+ +2 HP per level +125,000 per level
charge of any delicate and potentially fatal dealings with the locals.
The dangers of the new world take their toll on weak communities, and some are scattered and ruined by them. A chieftain who still
had a tribe to lead would likely be too busy to seek adventure, but not all chieftains still have a people. There are times when a chieftain
outlives his or her tribe, and the leader of a band is left alone to avenge the dead or redeem those that still might live. Other Speakers
aspire to a chieftain’s rule, and cultivate themselves in preparation for the day when they can press their case before their people.
Skills: Combat/Primitive, History, Leadership, Persuade, Steward, Survival
Some enclaves are gifted with men and women unusually capable of cutting deals and negotiating agreements with their neighbors. These
diplomats are often entrusted with important missions to neighboring settlements, and those that survive the experience are respected
for their far-traveled insights. All the same, aspiring diplomats often find it wise to travel in the company of well-armed companions.
Skills: Combat/Any, Culture/Traveller, Language, Navigation, Persuasion, Survival
However humble their present circumstances, this Speaker dreams of glory. They aspire to found a lasting dynasty, or built some great
enclave strong enough to withstand the gnawing teeth of time and the hungry wastes. Adventuring often promises the only possible way
to acquire the glory and resources necessary to make their dream a reality.
Skills: Bureaucracy, Combat/Any, Culture/Any, Leadership, Persuasion, Steward
A liar, a knave, and a trickster, this Speaker excels at using their natural powers of charm to baffle and disarm a mark. Some such rogues
use their talents for the good of their home enclave, tricking foes and turning them away before they can do harm. Others have a greater
interest in their own personal profit.
Skills: Combat/Primitive, Culture/Criminal, Gambling, Persuade, Stealth, Security
Every cause needs its prophet, and this Speaker is dedicated to advancing some noble truth. The cause might be the union of a number of
feuding enclaves, or the spread of some inspiring faith, or the simple need to band together against the constantly encroaching hardships
of the wastelands. Most such prophets are largely equipped to persuade their listeners, but they’re also ready to defend the faith at need.
Skills: Combat/Primitive, Instructor, Leadership, Language, Persuade, Religion
Scroungers might be best at finding and fixing the relics of the old world, but a Speaker has certain advantages in selling them. Traders
cross the desolate wastelands bearing valuable goods, and are tough enough to make it through in one piece. They bargain hard for their
goods, but often as not they’re the only ones who could possibly get through the badlands to sell them in the first place.
Skills: Business, Combat/Any, Culture/Literacy, Navigation, Survival, Vehicle/Any
War Leader
Some Speakers are meant for more martial ends, men and women entrusted with the training and leading of warriors for an enclave.
While these war leaders may not have the personal prowess of a Slayer, they excel at leading their troops fearlessly into battle and holding
them together in the face of insurmountable odds.
Skills: Athletics, Combat/Any, Combat/Unarmed, Instructor, Leadership, Tactics
Class Traits
Prime Attributes
Intelligence or Constitution
Survivor Class Skills
Athletics, Combat/Unarmed, Combat/Primitive, Navigation,
Perception, Profession/Any, Stealth, Survival, Tech/Medical, and
The first time you are reduced to zero hit points in a day, you im-
mediately regain 1 hit point for each experience level you possess.
Optionally, you may allow yourself to fall unconscious from the
injury, in which case you will appear dead but will awaken ten
minutes later with 1 hit point. This ability does not work against
injuries that a human could not possibly survive.
Experience Table
Level Hit Dice XP Needed
Privation harvests countless men and women in the wastelands. 1 1d6+2 0
Hunger, disease, radiation, and the unnumbered enemies of the
fallen world take their toll of those who remain. The Survivor stands 2 2d6+4 2,000
apart from these unfortunates, a man or woman too hard and too
strong to be culled by ordinary dangers. The Survivor goes where 3 3d6+6 4,000
others dare not and lives where others can only die. 4 4d6+8 8,000
Whether a wanderer, hermit, ranger, explorer, or a simple man who 5 5d6+10 16,000
will not die, the Survivor defies the privations of the new world. He
6 6d6+12 32,000
or she finds food and clean water where others see only a wasteland,
and a path where others see only confusion. The Survivor’s skills aid 7 7d6+14 64,000
not only their personal survival, but also the sustenance of those
who travel with them. 8 8d6+16 128,000
9 9d6+18 250,000
As a Survivor, it’s your job to be the last hero standing. Thanks to
medical stims and Old Terran first aid, even grievously wounded 10 9d6+20 370,000
teammates can be saved from death- if there’s anyone left to rescue
11+ +3 HP per level +125,000 per level
them. As the Survivor, your teammates also tend to rely on you for
the survival skills and practical expertise to keep them in one piece.
A hard-bitten adventurer with a mind to find what has been lost, an explorer seeks out the ancient ruins of the old world to liberate
whatever wealth or secrets it might hide. These expeditions tend to be hard on the participants, and there are times when the explorer
himself is the only one to make it back: half radioactive, all mangled, and clutching a king’s ransom in tech.
Skills: Combat/Any, History, Navigation, Perception, Security, Survival
Whether a frontier sawbones, a tribal medicine man, or a disciple of the fading secrets of Old Terran medicine, these Survivors lend their
strength to those in need. Healers tend to be deeply respected by villagers and other common folk, and they can usually rely on a bed and
a meal almost anywhere- provided there’s any food to be had in the first place. A failure to cure the headman’s ailing daughter, however,
can put the Survivor’s ability to maintain their own health to the test.
Skills: Combat/Any, Instructor, Navigation, Perception, Tech/Medical, Survival
The will to survive extends beyond resisting the daily threats of mutants, famine, and plague. It also means preserving the culture and
knowledge of the past and teaching it to those who come after. Some Survivors work as travelling sages and teachers, imparting the
wisdom of the past to those who need it to survive the future.
Skills: Combat/Any, Culture/Literacy, History, Instructor, Science, Survival
Notice the lack of coinage on the table? That’s because you can’t eat
Mandate credit chips or slugs of soft shiny metal. Only the wealthiest
and most populous enclaves have anything more advanced than a barter
economy. If you want a universally-valued trade good, you can bring
clean food with you.
Some GMs may prefer a game with easier bookkeeping and less empha-
sis on barter. In those campaigns, enclaves are much more likely to use
credit chips and other abstract forms of wealth. The GM will make it
clear if this is the case for your game.
Armor Types
Armor Armor Class Encumbrance
Old Terran Clothing 7 0
Ancient Old Terran cloth is remarkably tough and light.
Hide Armor 6 1
Armor fashioned from the hides of savage wasteland beasts.
Scrap Mail Armor 5 2
Scrap fragments are pieced together to make this armor.
Shield -1 bonus 1
Anyone may choose to carry a shield in a free hand.
Most characters may choose any one of the armor choices above, as
well as a shield if desired. Only the most primitive and desperately poor
enclaves are unable to provide that much protection for their members.
When the Scream tore the sanity from humanity’s psychics the con- Mutations and Stigmata
sequences were disastrous. Those few psionic adepts who survived Every mutation leaves its mark on the victim. These marks are
the cataclysm were left violently insane, and their savage assault known as “stigmata”, and they range from minor variations in skin
against their own homeworld left scars that still bleed two centuries color to hideous physical deformities and monstrous reconfigura-
later. Among the worst of these injuries was their perversion of the tions of flesh. For heritable mutations, the stigmata tend to repeat
Highshine disaster recovery system. from generation to generation.
Originally intended as a planet-wide emergency response system, The existence of stigmata is considered an inarguable proof of
Highshine was a network of nanite emitters and control nodes mutation. In some enclaves, mutants are feared and hated, while
planted across the entire globe. In the case of some global disaster others find them forming the ruling caste. In most, however, they
such as an orbital strike, nuclear explosion, or nanite rampancy, are accepted or rejected based on their usefulness to the rest of the
the Highshine system would engage and gout torrents of airborne community.
recovery nanites to aid the wounded and stabilize the area. These
nanites would repair physical injuries, reinforce crumbling struc- If a character has any mutations at all, he or she must roll on the
tures, and cleanse radioactivity and toxins from living creatures. Stigmata table that follows. Advanced pretech surgical repair might
be able to fix such a mark, but it may interfere with the use of the
The Crazed perverted that. Despite the desperate attempts of the character’s mutations. Worse still, a character that shows remarkable
AI Maestros to prevent the mad psychics’ plans, the precognitive abilities without evidence of stigmata runs the risk of being taken
nanocoder known as the Bender twisted Highshine’s programming. for a dreaded psychic, which is enough to provoke a lynching in
Multiple nanite genera were blended and distorted, their effects almost any community. Mutants usually have only one stigmata,
scrambled into a lethal brew of incompatible augmentations. regardless of how many mutations they may have.
Cosmetic, social, and even military nanite strains were randomly
crossbred with each other to create wildly exotic genera that were all Generating Mutations
but certain to kill their unlucky hosts. Every character may spend up to three points on mutations during
character creation. Points not spent on mutations may be used to
All the Maestros could do was to reinforce Highshine’s baseline pro- boost their ability modifiers. Normally, one point buys one muta-
gramming. The nanites were meant to sustain life, not to end it, and tion roll on the charts that follow.
this fundamental directive overrode some of the worst interactions
that the Crazed had attempted to engage. Highshine would twist Every mutant character has one stigmata, which must be rolled on
those it infected, but it would rarely kill them outright. the appropriate table. Stigmata have no effect on the character’s at-
tributes, movement rate, or other characteristics, but they are often
For some, this was no mercy. The smallest genetic damage from quite obvious to any visual inspection. Mutants only need to have
radioactivity or faintest trace of hostile nanite infection was all that one stigmata, though the player can optionally roll more if they’re
was necessary to leave a person vulnerable to the healing devastation an exceptionally freakish specimen.
of a Highshine infection. Many among the survivors of the Scream
found themselves changing into hideous monstrosities or crippled Next, the player rolls a mutation flaw, representing the negative
abominations. Some died outright, while a few of the rest found consequences of the mutation. Certain words in each flaw are given
that their mutations bred true through new generations. in brackets; this means that the player should roll once on the cor-
responding table given in this chapter to determine specifics. For
Today, these mutants are known by many different names: the example, if the entry reads “You have a [Shape] [Body Part]”, the
Changed, the Cursed, the Shined, or simply “those damned muties”. player should roll once on the Shape table and once on the Body
Some survivor enclaves accept them for the sake of their unique Part table to find out exactly what kind of twisted limbs they have.
abilities, while others fear them or despise them as monsters. A few
enclaves are made up entirely of mutants with inheritable changes. Characters may optionally spend two points to get a mutation
All in all, perhaps one in every five humans alive today are mutants. without a significant drawback, or with a purely cosmetic effect on
their appearance. This choice must be made before the flaw is rolled.
New mutants are made each day. Almost any human runs the
risk of Highshine infection if they suffer chromosomal damage After determining the mutation’s flaw, the player then rolls on the
or a random nanite infection. If a drift of Black Dust doesn’t kill Mutation Benefit table to find out what good has been done by
a human, Highshine might well finish the job. Every man and the change. All of the nanite strains were originally intended to do
woman who roams the wastelands recognizes that they run the risk something useful, and even the perversion of the Highshine system
of being changed in mere minutes. Sometimes they are accepted cannot entirely erase that functionality.
back among their people. Other times, they are driven forth by the
ones who once loved them. In most cases, the player should try to associate the flaw and benefit
together, explaining how one influences the other. If the flaw is a
nanite-induced vulnerability to open flame and the benefit is the mutation pick to choose the specific flaw or benefit obtained, or all
ability to disappear in holographic invisibility, the player might three picks to choose every detail about their single mutation.
describe the character as having skin studded with countless tiny,
delicate lenses that crack and smudge in flame. If they have an ani- Another option might apply when a player simply wants to avoid
malistic, canine tint to their appearance and the mutation benefit certain stigmata or flaws that would leave the character displeasing
of flight, they might decide that the character looks like some bat- to them. If a result comes up that is intolerable to them, they can
winged wolfman with fringes of fur down his membranous pinions. spend a pick to roll again on the table, automatically rerolling any
Any linkage that suits the player can work if the GM also finds it repeats.
A final choice may be to simply allow a player to choose up to
In some cases, the flaw and the benefit duplicate existing mutations two mutations, selecting all the elements as they wish. Those who
or are mutually contradictory- a deaf mutant who also is supposed don’t choose to have mutations may spend four points increasing
to have superlative hearing, for example, or someone who rolls the their attribute modifiers instead of three, and may increase any one
same flaw or benefit twice. In that case the player may reroll either modifier by up to 2 points, to a maximum modifier of +3.
the flaw or the benefit until something compatible is produced. It
is always the GM’s final say as to what combinations are plausible. System Strain
Many mutations reference a cost in System Strain, a measure of
Choosing Flaws and Benefits the stress placed upon a human’s system by nanite manipulation. A
By default, mutation flaws and benefits are determined randomly. human body can only handle so much modification, and extensive
Arranging things that way spares players the temptation of trying use of the more exotic mutations or demanding Old Terran devices
to figure out the “best” combinations and saves the GM from can exhaust the host’s reserves.
having to approve each individual mutation as a fair combination.
Characters might randomly roll a very useful mutation, but this Characters always start with zero System Strain points. They can
chance is counterbalanced by equal odds of getting something less accumulate points up to a limit equal to their Constitution score.
than handy. After this, a character cannot accrue any further points; powers or
devices that exact a cost in System Strain cannot be used or have
Still, some GMs and players prefer to choose their mutations, either no effect upon the character. His or her system has simply had too
to match particular character concepts or to avoid combinations much stress to respond to further alterations.
that might render a particular character hard to play. There’s no
fundamental reason to forbid this, but the GM should be careful A character can always refuse an effect that would inflict System
to avoid entire parties full of mutants with flaws that don’t really Strain, automatically resisting its effects. Characters lose one ac-
hinder them and benefits that play perfectly to their chosen roles. crued System Strain point per day, assuming they are nourished
One potential rule is to allow a character to spend an additional and get sufficient comfortable sleep. Taxed organs and stressed flesh
gradually regain their suppleness, and the character can then use
their abilities once more.
1d10 Stigmata
1 Your skin is of a dramatically unnatural color and/or texture.
Roll 1d6. On a 4+, you lack a body part. On 3-, you have an additional body part. Roll on the Body Parts table
2 in the following section to find out which it is.
You are horrendously ugly, with inhuman features taken from one or more rolls on the Animals table. -2 to all
3 social skill checks that don’t involve intimidation.
Roll 1d6. On a 4+, a body part is unnaturally large. On 3-, it’s dwarfishly small. Roll on the Body Parts table in
4 the following section to find out which body part is affected. The change has no effect on your physical attributes.
5 Your limbs or face have appearances taken from at least one roll on the Shapes table.
Your body is patterned with nanite tattoos that have long since lost their meaning. Roll 1d6; on 5 or 6, they glow
6 in the dark out to a radius of 10 meters.
7 One or more body parts are changed to have features appropriate to at least one roll on the Animal table.
Roll 1d6. On a 4+, you are unnaturally tall, 200 + 10d10 centimeters in height. On 3-, you are unnaturally
8 short, 75 + 10d10 centimeters tall. Physical attributes are not altered, but short characters cannot use two-
handed weapons that have not been specifically crafted for them.
9 The nanites have formed a metallic crust or chrome over some portion of the character.
The nanites have molded your flesh into an unearthly vision of beauty or handsomeness save for one blatantly
10 inhuman feature. Roll on the Body Part chart to find out the limb affected, and then either the Animal or
Shape chart to determine the flavor of the change.
1d12 Mutation Flaws
1 You have a [Shape] [Body Part].
2 You suffer a [Mental Debility].
Your physiognomy cannot endure [Injury Source], and such injuries roll twice for damage and take the higher
3 score.
[Environment] leaves you debilitated and weak, suffering a -2 modifier to your [Physical Attribute] modifier
4 that lasts for ten minutes after exposure.
5 You lack [Body Part], though you have an extra [different Body Part].
Your strange internal organs make it difficult for you to make [Saving Throw], suffering a -3 penalty on that
6 save.
Inefficient metabolic processes leave you requiring twice the usual supply of [Necessity] in order to avoid ill
7 effects. If the necessity is sleep, the amount required is 12 hours to avoid the Tired negative condition.
Your features and form have heavy [Animal] traits. Perhaps you come from a strain of uplifted beasts, but others
8 mistrust your feral shape. Suffer a -2 penalty on all social skill checks with strangers.
9 You recover slowly from stress, losing one accrued System Strain point every other night instead of each night.
Your [Sense] is very weak. If sight, you cannot succeed at ranged combat rolls more than ten meters away.
10 If hearing, you are deaf. If smell and taste, you suffer a -2 penalty on all foraging skill checks and cannot tell
contaminated food from clean.
Your mutation ravages your system. In addition to any normal activation costs, using it costs either 1 System
11 Strain point or 1d6 points of damage, chosen at the time of use. For constantly-active mutations, this cost must
be paid once per day to activate the power.
Your body is not even humanoid, though you have at least one limb that can serve as a hand. Roll 1d4+2 times
12 for body parts and traits, rolling at least three times on [Body Part]. The remainder of the rolls can be made on
[Body Part], [Animal], or [Shape] tables.
It’s up to the player to decide how and where any extra body parts are placed on the mutant, along with their appearance if not otherwise
determined by the mutation that granted them. Characters who no longer retain a humanoid shape are unable to wear most salvaged
Old Terran armor or vacc suits. Equipment created specifically for them by a trained artisan can still be worn.
1d8 Movement Power 1d10 Natural Armor 1d6 Natural Attack
1 Alacrity 1-2 Ablation 1 Biogun
2 Aquatic 3-4 Armored Skin 2 Body Weaponry
3 Clinging 5-6 Reactive Armor 3 Explosive Emissions
4 Flight 7-8 Reflective Integument 4 Laser Gaze
5 Jumper 9-10 Slime Buffer 5 Stinger
6 Metastep 6 Toxic Breath
7 Burrower
8 Phasing
Burrower: The mutant has strong claws, teeth, or other digging skill. Activating this ability costs 1 System Strain, after which it can
apparatus capable of chewing through standard construction ma- be used for five rounds.
terials, earth, and rubble. Their digging attempts ignore the armor
on materials softer than armored bulkheads, and do 1d6 damage Flight: Wings or antigrav nanites allow for brief flight at double
to barriers per round. They can dig a human-sized passage one foot your normal walking or running speed. You are perfectly stable in
deep through earth or rubble with one minute of effort. flight, and can hover in place. Activating this ability costs 1 System
Strain for five minutes of flight. Winged mutants can glide in a
Clinging: Sticky exudate, microscopic suction surfaces, or limited mostly-straight line for up to an hour on an activation.
antigrav allows you to climb on any surface capable of bearing your
weight at your full normal movement rate. Foolish: The mutant suffers from brain damage induced by the
Highshine nanites. Its Intelligence or Wisdom modifiers decrease
Cowardly: The first time you are injured in a combat or a dangerous by 2 points, divided as the player chooses.
environment, you must succeed on a Mental Effect saving throw
or flee for five minutes. This panic can be quashed at the cost of 1 Gluttonous: Every day, you must either spend a System Strain point
System Strain point. or succeed in a saving throw versus Mental Effect. If failed, you
will eat a second ration of food. If the food is unavailable or kept
Danger Sense: Your nanoinfection maintains a constant low-level from you, you suffer the Querulous negative condition for one day,
situational awareness, alerting you just before danger strikes. You complaining and miserable with unsatisfied want.
cannot be surprised and gain a +2 bonus on all Evasion saves.
Hand of Will: Focalized nanomanipulators allow the remote han-
Detachable Organs: You can remove a sensory organ such as an eye dling of objects within visual range. The mutant may manipulate
or ear and perceive normally through it while remaining within two an object as if with one hand at their current Strength. Doing so
kilometers. The organ is destroyed if struck or the owner goes more constitutes their action for the round.
than two kilometers distant. If not reattached, an organ regrows in
a week. Removing an organ costs 1 System Strain. Healing Touch: You can heal yourself or others by touch, healing
1d6 plus the target’s Constitution modifier at a cost of 1 System
Dissociated: You have an impossible time reading body language Strain point inflicted on the target.
and social cues. You automatically fail any attempt to read someone’s
feelings or determine whether or not they’re lying to you, unless the Innate Link: Your nanoinfection is laced with fragmentary ele-
truth is blatantly obvious. Take -2 on social skill checks. ments of ancient interface code. At will, you can gain the benefits
of having an implanted Link as described in the equipment chapter.
Double Mind: You have parallel thought processes and can simulta-
neously perform two actions, provided at least one of them is purely Invisibility: Mimetic holocloaking allows you to turn invisible.
mental in nature. As a side effect, you cannot be surprised. While so transparent, you automatically succeed on Stealth checks
against the inattentive, and gain a +4 bonus against vigilant guards.
Dreadful Air: You can emit a cloud of terrifying psychoactive Attacks and other violent movements disrupt the field and end the
spores or nanites around yourself out to a range of 20 meters. Allies effect. Each use lasts 15 minutes and costs 1 System Strain.
are unnerved but otherwise unaffected, while enemies are forced to
make a Morale check if engaged in combat with you. This power Jumper: You can leap or glide short distances, moving up to your
costs 1 System Strain to activate and lasts 1 round. full movement rate. You subtract 30 meters from fall damage.
Empath: Aside from gaining a +1 bonus on any social-based skill Kinetic Damper: Ignore falling damage or other full-body impacts
check, you can briefly focus on a target at the cost of 1 System or compression, including falling ceilings, crushing walls, or ava-
Strain point. If the target fails a Mental Effect saving throw, you get lanches. The immunity costs 1 System Strain per round.
a brief flash of their surface thoughts
Laser Gaze: A body part can emit energy equivalent to that of a laser
Energy Sensitivity: You can shift your senses to perceive electrical rifle, with the attack treated as if it came from such a weapon. You
currents, charged power cells, and radioactivity within a 10 meter may use the Combat/Unarmed or Combat/Energy skill and your
range. This sense can penetrate up to a meter of intervening matter. Dexterity modifier for these attacks. After each combat or scene
involving use of this mutation, you must save versus Tech with a
Energy Siphon: The mutant can absorb stored electrical energy -2 penalty if the gaze was used in burst-fire mode. On a failure, the
from a distance. Once per round, they can target a visible device mutation is drained for the day unless you spend 1 System Strain.
within 30 meters and deplete one Type A power cell’s worth of
energy from it. Each cell depleted adds 1 System Strain. Metastep: Short-jump teleportation nanites allow you to teleport to
any location within unaided visual range for 1 System Strain.
Explosive Emissions: You can lob sacs of explosive biochemicals or
spheres of unstable nanites as if throwing fragmentation grenades, Mindspeech: Telepath-analog nanites allow you to silently commu-
using either Combat/Unarmed or Combat/Primitive as the relevant nicate with any intelligent being within visual range. Communica-
tion is at a deep level, and no shared language is necessary.
Natural Regeneration: Once per day, instantly regenerate 2d6+level Reflective Integument: Your skin is strong and reflective, and you
hit points at a cost of 2 System Strain. take half damage, rounded down, from lasers, plasma, or other
thermal or light attacks.
Night Vision: You have intrinsic low-light vision, and can see nor-
mally out to 50 meters so long as at least a candleflame’s worth of Resilient Body: After failing a saving throw, you can spend 3 System
light is present within range. Strain to instead succeed.
Paranoid: While necessity and habit can force you to trust team- Self-Sustaining: Automatically subtract one Hunger, Thirst, and
mates and close friends, strangers are seen to be perpetually plotting Toxin point from your totals at a cost of 1 System Strain.
against you. You must succeed in a Mental Effect saving throw to
make any kind of agreement. If the save is failed, you must argue Shapeshifter: You can alter your appearance to mimic that of any
with yourself for an hour before you can attempt it again. humanoid creature within 50% of your height or weight. This
transformation can conceal your mutation flaws, though some
Phasing: You can briefly phase a large portion of your mass into mutation benefits may be unavailable if you eliminate the physical
metadimensional space, leaving you almost intangible. You can structures that allow them. Maintaining the transformation costs 1
push their way through all but exotic Old Terran psi-shielded System Strain per 12 hours of disguise.
materials at normal movement rates. You cannot touch or affect the
tangible world while phased, nor can you be affected. You are visible Slime Buffer: You have a slimy or oily exudate layer that has a
while phased. Each round spent phased adds 1 System Strain. If powerful antiseptic and neutralizing effect on toxic agents. You are
you re-materialize inside a physical object, you are shunted into the immune to acids, diseases, and contact toxins. In a fight, you ignore
nearest open space, suffering 1d10 damage per meter. your first round of damage from a heat source, whether a bonfire,
laser, plasma gun, or flamethrower.
Plasticity: You have a soft and flexible form. In one round, you can
collapse into a fleshy puddle of equivalent mass, flowing through Sonic Shaper: You can baffle and shape sonic energy around you,
any space at least three centimeters in width. Limbs can be stretched perfectly mimicking any animal cry or human voice. You can create
up to three meters and still manipulate objects. Armor and clothing sounds or words at a volume up to a human shout up to 20 meters
always fit you regardless of their other mutations, as any inconve- away, or stifle the noise you make so as to gain a +2 bonus on Stealth.
nient limbs can be softened and stuffed into the outfit.
Stinger: You can inject a toxin into a target within melee range
Psychic Lash: Neuroactive nanites allow for a psychic assault on on a successful hit, doing 1d6 damage immediately and 1d6 more
a living target within visual range. The victim must save versus each round afterward until they succeed on a Physical Effect
Mental Effect or suffer 2d10 damage and be Dazed for one round. saving throw. This attack uses Combat/Unarmed or Combat/
Using this power costs 1 System Strain. Primitive and either the Strength or Dexterity attribute modifier.
Precognitive Flash: For the cost of 1 System Strain, you can focus Temperature Resistance: Ignore temperature extremes. Normal
to discern whether the action you are about to take is likely to climatic ranges are always resisted, but damaging lasers, plasma, or
result in your physical injury within the next round. If the GM is other thermal hazards at a cost of 2 System Strain per round.
uncertain, the result is ambiguous.
Toxic Breath: You may spend 1 System Strain point to expel a
Quarrelsome: You can control yourself around fellow PCs and gust of toxic gas in a 3 x 3 meter cloud lasting one round. You
friends, but others that contradict you or defy your wishes infuriate are immune to the gas, but others must save versus Tech or suffer
you. You won’t necessarily attack, but you suffer a -3 penalty on all 1d6+your Constitution modifier in damage.
social skill checks with them that don’t involve intimidation.
Tracker’s Nose: You can track by scent much like a bloodhound.
Quick Healing: You can naturally heal one hit point per hour. If the prey intentionally seeks to obscure its trail, make an opposed
Activating this power costs 1 System Strain for every 12 hours. roll between their Int/Stealth and your Wis/Survival skills for each
day you trail them. You gain +2 on all foraging skill checks.
Radar Sense: You have natural radar, and can “feel” the contours of
your surroundings out to 20 meters. You can identify specific people Universal Immunity: Redundant systems allow you to ignore any
by their contours, but more precise details cannot be determined. disease and throw off any toxin. You are immune to disease and you
can automatically throw off any toxins for 1 System Strain.
Radioactive Vitality: Radiation fuels your nanite infection. You are
immune to radiation damage, cannot be further mutated by it, and Vengeful: You have a marrow-deep obsession with revenge. During
heal 1d6 hit points of damage every time you would otherwise need combat, you must attack the last person to injure you unless you
to make a radiation saving throw. make a saving throw versus Mental Effect or spend 1 System Strain.
Reactive Armor: Your skin is chancred with toxic buboes or jagged Wrathful: You must succeed on a Mental Effect saving throw to
surfaces. If struck with a natural weapon such as a punch or claw, break off combat while enemies still stand unless 1 System Strain
your attacker takes 1d6 damage. point is spent.
Life is an uncertain business in the best of times, and life in a post- GMs might call for a saving throw to determine whether or not a
apocalyptic hellscape studded with the radioactive bones of a dead character succumbs to some ill effect.
civilization is even less conducive to a quiet existence. This chapter
covers systems for handling the uncertainties of life in the New These three mechanics can be used to cover almost any situation
Earth, including skill use, combat, foraging, and other common that arises in play. The following pages describe particular systems
activities. for common situations, but if a GM is at a loss, he or she should
simply pick a mechanic that sounds right and use it. In some cases,
Both players and the GM should at least skim the contents of this the best solution might be just to roll a die and treat high as good
chapter so as to understand the basic mechanics of the game. Some and low as bad.
of them will be familiar to players of Stars Without Number, but the
sections on survival and the creation and repair of equipment are Playing Well At the Table
both new and likely to be important to the player characters. Even in a relatively rules-light game such as Other Dust, it’s quite
likely that there will be disagreements over a particular roll or re-
The Three Important Systems quired check. Players might feel that a particular modifier is unfair,
There are really only three mechanics that the GM and players need or a check unreasonably hard, or that a specific rule has been misap-
to understand in order to play Other Dust. plied in ways contrary to their interests.
Skill checks involve testing a character’s ability to perform a It’s all right to remonstrate when a test seems particularly unjust or
particular task involving expertise in a skill. Two six-sided dice are mistaken, but once a player has said his or her piece, the GM’s final
rolled, the player adds the skill and the modifier of the most relevant decision should be respected. If the way the matter was handled
attribute, and if the total equals or exceeds a particular difficulty seems likely to provoke long-term problems in the game, then it can
number the attempt is a success. The GM should use skill checks be discussed after the session. Interrupting play in order to argue
when a character is trying to accomplish a difficult task in a time- out a point is almost never the right thing to do.
sensitive situation.
More to the point, odds are that as many calls will be made in favor
Hit rolls are made when a creature tries to shoot, punch, vibro-chop, of a character as are made against their interests, and any unfairness
burn, or otherwise injure a target. The attacker rolls a twenty-sided will balance out over the course of the game. Fussing over small de-
die, adds his attack bonus, relevant attribute modifier and combat tails and transient injustice is rarely much fun for anyone involved,
skill, and adds his target’s armor class. If the total is equal or greater and it’s better to just let things ride.
than 20, the attack hits, and the attacker rolls his weapon’s damage
dice to determine the number of hit points lost by the target. By the same token, GMs should be careful to understand the rules
and apply them in an even-handed manner. Players are going to
Saving throws are rolled when a character tries to avoid some lethal expect the game to work in the ways given in this chapter, and they
mischance, resist a hostile environment, shrug off a poison, push his shouldn’t be left to suffer unpleasant surprises in play. If a GM
luck, or fight back a psychic assault. The GM decides which of the wants to change a rule or use a different system for some element of
five types of saving throw best matches the effect, and the character play, discuss it beforehand with the players. At the very least, they’ll
rolls a twenty-sided die. If the number is equal or greater than the be able to make their decisions based on how things actually work.
character’s saving throw for the class, the effect is resisted or evaded.
Skill Checks
When a character attempts to pull off some tricky feat of expertise,
Skill Check Difficulties
the GM may call for a skill check. These checks are not intended for
ordinary actions or activities that a given character’s concept should The task is something the character might be
be able to perform normally. Instead, they’re meant to be rolled expected to accomplish regularly as part of their
when the outcome is uncertain and time-sensitive. No check background or training, or the character is able to
accomplish the task eventually and time is not an
To roll a skill check, the player rolls 2d6 and adds their most relevant issue.
attribute modifier and their relevant skill level. If their total equals Tasks that a trained person can usually accomplish,
or exceeds a difficulty number chosen by the GM, the check is a 6 and even untrained sorts have a decent chance.
success. Failure means the effort is in vain, or else takes much longer Tasks that challenge a trained character, and even
to accomplish than the character finds comfortable. 8 an expert runs a small risk of failure.
Tasks that normally would require an expert to
Characters without even a level 0 rating in a skill suffer a -1 penalty 9 accomplish consistently.
to their roll, and may not even have any chance of successfully using
complex or technical skills. It’s up to the GM to decide whether an Tasks that only an expert has any real chance of
11 accomplishing.
untrained character can hope to succeed at a given roll.
Tasks that push the limit of what the skill can
Bad or beneficial circumstances can also affect the roll. Attempting 13 plausibly accomplish in the hands of a master.
to perform a skill under extremely hostile conditions might apply A GM assigns this difficulty when a master tries
as much as a -3 penalty to the skill check, while a situation where something that sounds barely possible in a theo-
everything lines up perfectly to assist the PC might grant up to +3 15 retical sense, it being more entertaining than flat
on the roll. The GM determines any modifiers to be applied. denial.
Some mutations or equipment may also grant bonuses on a skill Concept Successes
check. As a rule of thumb, multiple bonuses from the same type PCs are competent, skilled members of their community who have
of aid do not stack. Multiple helpful mutations grant only the best shown unusual capability in their roles. Novice adventurers may
bonus and using several useful pieces of gear gives only the best not be heroes, but they are rarely bunglers. Incompetent fools do
modifier. not last long even in the settled places of the wastes, let alone deep
in the badlands.
Opposed Skill Checks
Sometimes, two or more people try to perform mutually-contra- As such, a GM should simply give a PC success at any moder-
dictory actions. A hunter might be trying to prowl close to a wolf, ately difficult task related to their concept. If the character is a neo-
while the wolf might naturally be trying to notice any hunters. Two unicorn riding nomad, she shouldn’t have to make skill checks to
characters might be engaged in a footrace that only one can win. diagnose horse injuries, estimate the worth of livestock, or keep her
In these and other similar cases, the participants make an opposed saddle under difficult conditions. She might well need to make skill
skill check. checks to accomplish taxing riding feats of difficulty 9+, but those
activities which are normal and expected for her concept should be
Everyone involved rolls their relevant skill checks, and the highest automatically successful under normal conditions.
roll wins. Ties are rerolled if a tie doesn’t make sense in context.
Characters with special abilities that allow for rerolling failed checks As a good rule of thumb to determine whether or not a PC should
can choose to reroll if their first attempt was not a winning one. get a concept success, think about whether failure would make the
PC look incompetent at their role. No one would automatically
Extended Skill Checks assume that a sniper can draw a clear bead on a distant target through
From time to time, it might be important to figure out how long it a sheet of shimmering drain effluent, but it would seem awkward
takes to accomplish some particularly involved task. If you want a if that same sniper couldn’t use a scope to identify a specific target
ballpark answer, just set a difficulty and have the character roll a skill in a small group on a distant ridge line. In the first case, you might
check; if they fail, the job takes longer than is convenient, with large well force the sniper to make a Wis/Perception check at difficulty
failures meaning it takes much longer than they like. 9. In the second case, you’d simply hand the sniper success, or give
it to the eagle-eyed archer, but you might make the scrapsmith roll.
Otherwise, you might just assign a particular amount of time to a
given skill check and let them roll once for each such interval they Don’t feel obliged to let a character’s concept creep too far. One who
spend working on the problem. Once they accumulate a set number bills himself as a “jack of all trades” might well have a wide range of
of successful skill checks, the task is complete. This technique can skills, but letting him get a concept success more than once a session
also be used when two characters are competing at some extended is probably more than he needs. The goal is to let PCs be good at
task, like a foot race or political counter-scheming. what they are about, not to let someone bypass half their challenges
with a well-worded character concept.
Saving Throws and Natural Hazards
When a character is confronted by some environmental hazard,
Saving Throws
lethal toxin, tragic accident, exploding grenade, mutant mind
control, or other common peril of the New Earth, they are some- This saving throw applies to resisting diseases,
Physical poisons, privation, and other tests of personal
times permitted a saving throw to avoid the worst of the effects.
Effect hardihood.
Individual powers will list whether or not a saving throw is allowed,
and the GM may optionally grant one when it seems appropriate Mental effect saves are made to resist most
to the situation.
Mental psionic powers and other effects that directly
Effect influence a character’s mind.
To make a saving throw, the character rolls 1d20 and compares it to Evasion saves apply in situations that test an
the appropriate saving throw number for their class and level. If the Evasion character’s ability to dodge or dive out of the
roll is equal or greater than the number, the save is a success. way of peril,
Tech saves are made to resist the effects of exotic
Falling technology, such as alien beam weapons, nanite
Characters take 1d6 points of damage for every three full meters Tech infections, strange energy fields, or similar
that they fall. A successful Luck saving throw halves the damage enigmatic powers.
When a character’s wellbeing depends purely
Suffocation Luck on dumb luck rather than any effort they might
make, a Luck saving throw is in order.
A character can go without air for a number of minutes equal to
four plus the character’s Constitution modifier. This time is halved
stitution modifier has decreased, but the character falls unconscious
if the character is performing strenuous activity. A character that
if their System Strain now exceeds their current Constitution score.
runs out of air begins suffocating, and each round they must make
They awaken once they have shed sufficient System Strain points.
a successful Physical Effect saving throw or fall unconscious. An
unconscious character will die in five minutes unless air is provided.
These lost Constitution points can be healed only by advanced
medical technology and special pretech pharmaceuticals. Very few
Radiation enclaves have the tech to cure radiation poisoning, though some do
The dreaded Slow Fires are a constant threat in the wastes of the have stashes of the precious stims available for trade.
New Earth, and while most denizens are capable of spotting ob-
vious “hot zones”, there remain some places tainted with subtler Perhaps worst of all, severe radiation poisoning leaves a character
afterglows. Not only does radiation harm the long-term health of vulnerable to Highshine infection. Whenever a character loses one-
the subject, but it also leaves him or her vulnerable to opportunistic third of his original Constitution, rounded down, he must make
Highshine infestations. a second saving throw versus Tech. If failed, the Highshine has
infested him, and rolls are made on the Stigmata and Flaw tables in
A “hot zone” forces a Physical Effect saving throw after a given the Mutation chapter. After this, another Tech saving throw can be
interval of exposure- for weak zones, this might be 24 hours, while made; if this one is successful, the mutation is not entirely negative,
more dangerous zones might force a save every hour, and ground- and the PC may roll for a beneficial mutation effect to go along
zero emissions might compel it every five minutes. with the stigma.
If the saving throw is failed, the PC loses one point of Constitution Once a character has mutated, those Constitution points are lost
permanently. No hit points are lost even if the character’s new Con- beyond even pretech’s power to heal.
Savage violence is an unremarkable part of life in the wastelands of greater than 20, the attack hits, and the target will be hurt or killed.
the New Earth. Every hunter knows that his next trip into the forest A roll of natural 1 always misses, and a natural 20 on the die always
might find him confronting some hideously mutated predator, and hits.
every village laborer keeps watch for raiders on the horizon. The
denizens of the New Earth know too much about killing to seek Some situations may grant bonuses or penalties to the hit roll. As
combat recklessly, but there are times when there is no path out save a rule of thumb, some beneficial circumstance might grant a +2
one cut by sharp steel. bonus on the roll, like having a steady sighting rest for a mag rifle,
or swinging an axe at a prone opponent. Disadvantages such as
Initiative trying to swing an axe in a narrow tunnel, shooting a long arm at a
When combat breaks out, every participant rolls 1d8 and adds their character in knife range, or firing at a foe who’s half-hidden by the
Dexterity attribute modifier, if they have one. This is their initiative corner of a crumbling building might apply a -2 penalty. Characters
score, and the sequence of action goes from highest to lowest. In who lack even level 0 skill ratings in the type of weapon they wield
case of ties, the PC wins, and if two PCs tie, the closest player to the also suffer a -2 penalty to hit.
GM’s right acts first. Initiative is only rolled once, as when everyone
has had their turn to act it loops back around to the top. One full If a blow strikes home, the attacker rolls the damage dice for the
turn by all participants is called a round, and usually represents five weapon and adds their relevant attribute modifier. If the attack
or six seconds of frenzied action. utilizes the Combat/Unarmed skill, they may also add their skill
level to the damage. This wound is then subtracted from the target’s
There are times when PCs or their enemies are surprised and unable hit points. If the victim is reduced to zero hit points, they are either
to respond effectively. In the case of such ambushes, the defender struck dead or are mortally wounded. Without the help of advanced
with the best Wisdom/Perception skill total should roll an opposed Old Terran medical tech or mutant healing plants, they are doomed
check against the average Dexterity/Stealth skill total of the at- to die.
tackers. If the defenders win, they may respond normally. If the
attackers succeed, they get a free round of actions before everyone A human character can make only one attack per round, even if
rolls initiative. they hold multiple weapons or have multiple offensive mutations.
Certain mutated beasts or military bots can launch multiple attacks,
There are times when a character may wish to delay his or her action, however, and these savage foes can rend their prey to pieces in mere
waiting for a comrade to act or holding ready for some enemy. The moments.
character states specifically what they are waiting for, and when the
circumstances arrive, they act immediately. If the event never hap- Movement in Combat
pens, they lose their action for the round in waiting. It’s up to the Unencumbered human characters may move up to 20 meters
GM to decide what actions can plausibly be held. during their turn, or 40 meters if they do nothing but move. Climb-
ing up a steep surfaces, swimming, or otherwise navigating rough
Combat Actions terrain costs double the distance in movement. Lightly encumbered
Once a character’s turn comes up, he or she can perform an action: characters move at 75% of their normal speed, while heavily en-
shoot an enemy, cut a rope, dig a stim out of a backpack, stabilize a cumbered characters move at only 50%.
downed comrade, or trigger an offensive mutation. Anything that
could plausibly be accomplished in five or six seconds can be done It’s difficult to get clear of a swirling melee without catching a spear
as an action. in the back. Any character who tries to move away from a melee
engagement must spend their action evading the enemy before they
Some actions are so easy that they can be accomplished at the same can move for the round. Characters who simply turn and flee or
time as an attack or other significant deed. Speaking a few words, who attempt to do something else with their action grant all foes
drawing a readied piece of equipment, activating a defensive muta- within melee range a free immediate attack on them as they turn
tion or one meant to aid another action, or dropping prone might their attention away.
all qualify as these “free actions”.
Most conditions have only one real mechanical consequence: each Stunned characters can do nothing at all. They can take no actions,
one applies a -2 penalty to hit rolls and a -1 penalty to all skill checks trigger no mutations, and lose any Dexterity bonus to their armor
and saving throws. These penalties stack, so being sick, weak with class. Opponents still need to roll to hit them, however.
hunger, parched with thirst and panged by a broken rib can reduce
the mightiest warrior to a tottering wreck. A given condition only Incapacitated characters can likewise do nothing, but are so help-
applies once, however- you cannot be Hungry twice, for example, less that any opponent who successfully hits them will reduce them
though you might be Hungry and Starving both. to zero hit points. An enemy who spends a full round lining up a
shot will automatically hit unless their weapon is unable to injure
A few conditions are special, however, being much shorter-duration the character.
effects or much more severe in their results. Abilities that allow
Unencumbered normal humans move at a base rate of 6 kilometers Characters can climb or swim even during combat, though one
per hour. Lightly encumbered ones move at 4.5 kph, and heavily meter of either counts as two meters of normal movement.
encumbered ones stagger along at 3 kph. This speed is modified by
the terrain the group is crossing as given in the table here. Marching
down the graded and smoothed path of an ancient roadbed can
make a quick journey through even mighty mountain peaks, and
turn ten days of painful climbing into less than a day’s march.
Most groups can travel for no more than ten hours per day. The
remainder is needed for sleep, food preparation, and rest breaks.
Some small groups may need to allow even more time for rest if
their sleep is shortened by a lack of people to take turns standing
watch- and only the utterly foolhardy or perfectly secure dare
sleep in the wastes without someone to stand guard.
Riding Beasts
Some enclaves have managed to domesticate local wildlife or hold
on to a seed population of Old Terran riding animals. While these
beasts might be capable of great speed over brief periods of time,
few can match the relentless endurance of a human over long
distances. Unless specified otherwise, a riding beast moves at the
same overland speed as a human. Good pack animals are cher-
ished for their ability to bear heavy loads of gear, and war mounts
can run down or evade foes over the short distances of combat.
Forced Marches
Sometimes a group has a need to move quickly. They can cut rest
breaks to a minimum, eat on the march, and drive themselves and
their beasts without mercy. Their base movement rate is doubled
Injury, Diseases, Poisons, and Death
Despite the best efforts of the Mandate bureaucrats of Old Terra, Natural Healing
no one lives forever. Even the canniest adventurer will find herself A character who suffers from neither the Hungry nor Thirsty
scored by a mutant’s claws or pierced by an enemy’s spear sooner or conditions will naturally heal lost hit points as they replenish their
later. If she’s lucky, she might yet live to flaunt the scars. stamina and let old wounds mend. A well-nourished character who
has at least eight hours of rest regains their level in hit points every
A character reduced to zero hit points is either dead or mortally morning when they wake. If they spend the day doing nothing but
wounded. No ordinary medical aid can save them, and they are resting, they regain additional hit points equal to their level, plus 2
unable to do more than utter a few poignant last words before mess- more for every level of Tech/Medical possessed by their physician.
ily expiring. For most men and women of the New Earth, this is the
end. For hardy wasteland wanderers, a healer might be able to get Diseases and Toxins
to them in time to save their lives. The New Earth is full of unpleasant substances and hostile micro-
organisms. Ancient Old Terran gengineering left their descendants
Use of an Old Terran stim on a wounded ally will automatically immune to many of the old scourges, but fresh plagues have been
heal 4 hit points of damage plus the subject’s Constitution modifier. born in the years since the Scream- and some have been “improved”.
Mortally wounded victims will be restored to 1 hit point and able to
act normally after ten minutes of rest and recuperation. Stims and Diseases or poisons have a Toxicity rating, usually beginning at 7, an
other healing devices or mutations cannot help a character who has Interval at which they harm a character, and a Virulence indicating
been mortally wounded more than six rounds ago. Such luckless the number of saving throws necessary to recover from its effects.
souls are doomed to die.
When first exposed to a disease or poison, a character must make
A character healed or revived by a stim gains one System Strain their choice of either a Physical Effect saving throw or a Luck saving
point. A character’s maximum System Strain equals their Constitu- throw. If successful, the character has either resisted the toxin or
tion score, and once they reach that cap additional stims cannot managed to avoid getting a dangerous dose. If unsuccessful, the
help them. For most characters, System Strain decreases by one character has been infected or poisoned.
point per day provided they remain fed and get adequate sleep.
After each interval of time has passed the character suffers the ef-
Those mortally wounded victims reliant on less sophisticated heal- fects of the disease and must make a Physical Effect saving throw.
ing techniques are less fortunate. A healer must succeed in an Int/ Once the victim has succeeded at enough saving throws to equal the
Tech/Medical skill check at a difficulty of 8 plus the number of toxin’s Virulence, he has thrown off the disease or recovered from
rounds since the character was felled. Only one character can at- the poison. A medic can assist a diseased or poisoned character. A
tempt this check per round on a downed ally, but the attempt can Tech/Medical skill check against the malady’s Toxicity can be made
be repeated until the victim either stabilizes or dies six rounds after at each interval, and if successful, the character’s saving throw will
falling to zero hit points. Use of a medkit can assist in this process, succeed.
but any healer can attempt it even with improvised tools, though a
penalty may be applied to the skill check.
Example Diseases and Toxin
Patients stabilized without the benefit of Old Terran tech or healing
Bonerot: Toxicity 9, Interval of one week, Virulence 3. At each
mutations are fragile and barely conscious. A newly-stabilized char-
Interval the victim’s bones soften from nanite corrosion as they
acter is helpless for 1d6 x 10 minutes. At the end of this period, they
sweat white dust and blood. They lose 1d6 points of Strength
may make a Physical Effect saving throw to regain one hit point and
or Constitution each week, from whichever score is higher, until
return to normal activity. A failed save leaves them incapacitated for
they fight off the infection or die at less than 3 in an attribute.
2d6 days before another attempt at a save can be made, and if this
Lost attributes return at one point per day.
is failed as well, it’s 2d6 months of bed rest before they can make
a third attempt to recover. If this third saving throw is failed, the
Pneumonia: Toxicity 8, Interval of five days, Virulence 2. At
character will die of his wounds in the next few days unless treated
each Interval the victim becomes weaker, more feverish, and less
with Old Terran medical gear. Application of a stim at any time will
capable of breathing. With each failed saving throw, they gain
end the convalescence.
first the Coughing, then the Fevered, then the Wheezing negative
conditions. On the fourth failed saving throw, they die.
Healers can aid characters recuperating from grievous wounds. A
successful Int/Tech/Medical skill check against difficulty 9 allows
Heritor Bug Spittle: Toxicity 7, Interval of one round, Virulence
the patient to reroll a failed Physical Effect saving throw. Option-
2. A carefully-concentrated extract of the acidic spittle of the
ally, the character may accept a permanent scar or mutilation to
heritor bug, kept in flasks made of bug shells and used to tip
automatically succeed at a saving throw before it is rolled. The player
chitin-pointed arrows or spears. On a hit, the victim suffers
may pick some appropriate maiming or mutation flaw equivalent as
1d6 damage per round until they can throw off the venom.
a physical injury if the GM considers it suitable. Such grave injuries
The poison degrades from the weapon after the first hit or ten
cannot be healed by conventional medicine or stims, and may
minutes, whichever comes first.
require sophisticated Old Terran surgical facilities to reverse.
Equipment Repair, Construction, and Identification
A sturdy suit of armor and a trustworthy weapon are a wastelander’s Weapons and equipment that become too badly damaged begin to
best friends. Keeping on good terms with these companions often apply penalties to a character's attack rolls, damage, or skill checks.
requires the attention of a skilled artisan and the expense of valuable Armor is usually sturdy enough to hold up with no loss of effective-
spare parts. ness until it becomes Broken, after which it is no use to the wearer
and grants no armor class benefit. Devices that are not simple melee
Tech Levels weapons will fail to activate on a roll of 2 or less on 1d10 when
An item’s degree of technological sophistication is given by its Tech moderately damaged, and on a roll of 2 or less on 1d6 if heavily
Level, ranging from 0 to 5. A full description of each tech level is damaged. This failure wastes the action used to trigger them and
given in the Artifacts and Equipment chapter, but the levels can be forces a new attempt next round.
summarized briefly here. Tech levels are often abbreviated “TL”,
such as referring to a pile of steel washers as being “a unit of TL 1 Fixing Goods
spare parts”. Repairing an item requires a relevant Tech skill, a toolkit, and a
supply of spare parts of the appropriate tech level. The technician
expends one unit of spare parts and rolls an appropriate Intel-
Tech Levels ligence/Tech skill check against a difficulty equal to 5 plus the tech
0 Neolithic stone tools and crude weaving. level of the gear. For every 2 points by which he beats the difficulty,
he removes one step of damage. A minimum of one step is fixed
1 Medieval to Renaissance-level technology.
on a success. Failure means that the spare parts are wasted, but the
2 Steam power, gunpowder, small-scale factories. technician can keep trying. A repair attempt on a man-portable
piece of equipment usually takes one hour, while repairing a vehicle
3 Late 20th-century technology.
or other larger piece of gear requires six hours and requires six units
4 Civilian-grade Old Terran technology. of spare parts- or even more.
5 Restricted or milspec Old Terran equipment.
Some equipment is too complex for an unskilled character to even
try to fix it, but TL0 or TL1 gear allows attempts at repair even by
Damaging Goods characters lacking any Tech skills. Primitive spare parts also tend to
Equipment condition is measured as one of seven progressively be easier to find, but any warrior who has attempted to find just the
worse states. Clean, well-tuned, perfectly operating equipment is right flints for his arrowheads or the correct wood for a bow can
in Perfect condition. From there, abuse can lower the object’s state affirm that even TL0 materials aren't necessarily free for the taking.
of repair. If necessary, use the Foraging rules to find units of primitive spares,
finding one unit in place of one ration of food.
When a character rolls a 1 or 2 on an attack roll, their weapon
degrades by one step of condition. When a character is hit with a 19 Creating Goods
or 20 on the attack die, the armor they're wearing degrades by one Skilled artisans can create gear out of spare parts. Creating goods
step of condition. If a character rolls a 2 or 3 on a skill check, any usually requires, at a minimum, a toolkit and workshop of the ap-
equipment being used in that skill check degrades by one step. This propriate tech level. Creating a TL0 workshop may require nothing
wear and tear can happen only once per fight or instance in which more sophisticated than unpacking a toolkit and clearing a space
the equipment is employed, though intentionally abusing the gear on the ground. Building a facility capable of brewing Old Terran
can wear it down much more quickly. stims, on the other hand, is likely to require finding or salvaging
an Old Terran lab. The GM makes the final determination as to
Equipment Condition whether or not a given facility is sufficient for creating a given type
Perfect No penalty to use of equipment.
Worn No penalty to use Once a workshop is built or found, the artisan can assemble salvaged
-1 to hit, damage, -1 to skill checks parts into the desired gear. Four units of spare parts are necessary to
Light Damage build twenty rounds of ammunition, one Type A energy cell, one
using the item
-2 to hit, damage, -1 to skill checks stim, or some other consumable good. Eight units of spare parts are
Moderate Damage using the item, 2 in 10 chance of necessary to build hand-held equipment, twenty units are necessary
failing to build a suit of armor, and as many as sixty units are necessary to
build a vehicle or other large object from scratch. GMs may require
-3 to hit, damage, -2 to skill checks that the spare parts have something to do with the finished product
Heavy Damage
using the item, 2 in 6 chance of failing to prevent a cache of useful knapping flints from being turned into
Broken The device is inoperable or unusable. finished flasks of lamp oil, but this degree of specificity is usually not
The device is beyond repair and fit necessary, and it's easier to leave the exact nature of "spare parts" as
Ruined something vague.
only for salvage.
As a general rule, a crafter must have an appropriate Tech skill at a any type of gear will require its own set of complex and bulky equip-
level equal to the tech level of the object to create it without plans. ment. The total time required to build something is divided by the
Manufacturing handbooks and schematics can grant an effective number of techs working on the project, provided all of them have
skill level bonus toward creating the objects they describe; a repair sufficient skill. Multiple techs can share the same guide materials.
and maintenance manual dealing with the Helios-model laser pistol
might grant an effective +1 Tech/Postech for purposes of building These construction times and guidelines assume that the crafter is
those pistols, while a complete manufacturing schematic would using salvaged parts to assemble devices rather than attempting to
grant as much as +3. When multiple guides are available, only the create the materials and components from scratch. In many cases,
best adds to the crafter's effective Tech skill. Using a guide requires creating the microfibers, chip interfaces, refined alloys, and memory
at least level-0 expertise in the appropriate Tech skill to begin with, plastics involved in high-tech spare parts is essentially impossible for
or else it baffles the untrained reader. Literate teammates can read all but the tiniest fraction of enclaves. The practicality of extracting
schematics to illiterate techs. the equivalent of spare parts out of a natural resource or manufac-
turing facility is up to the GM.
Construction of a object generally requires one day of work per tech
level, with a minimum of one day. Bullets, arrows, or bolts can be Identifying Enigmatic Relics
fashioned in batches of twenty. Pharmaceuticals generally cannot Most Old Terran equipment does not need to be specially identi-
be created more than one dose at a time without locating special fied before the PCs are able to use it. Enough stories and ruined
batch processing equipment, and industrial-scale manufacture of examples have come down through the years that only the most
backward and primitive peoples are ignorant of the general ideas
Spare Parts behind relic weaponry, armor, and equipment. The usual -2 penalty
remains for using weaponry for one which lacks an appropriate
The wreckage of Old Terra comes in countless fragments. Rather Combat skill, however, and it can be difficult to find trainers for
than keeping track of every screw and polylaminate plate, spare some of the more advanced military hardware.
parts are simply measured in "units". Spare parts can be bundled
for encumbrance purposes, up to four units per bundle. Parts are Sometimes a piece of ancient technology is found that has no obvi-
for a particular tech level- a unit of TL1 parts, or TL3 parts, or ous purpose and no visible relation to known technology. Most of
so forth. these items were originally intended to interface with an owner's
internal Link and to so provide any necessary explanations or cues
Parts are not interchangeable by tech level; if you need a unit of required. The actual physical controls were merely a set of failsafes
TL1 parts to fix your broken metal knife, having a unit of TL5 in case of some issue with the user's Link. With the fading of the
pretech components won't do you any good. Aside from that, it's Dust and the general lack of Links, this enigmatic aesthetic of
generally not useful or important to track the exact nature of a smooth, unmarked surfaces and inset buttons can make it difficult
given unit of parts. to even guess at what the object was meant to be. These "Enigmatic"
devices function exactly like a more clearly-labeled version of the
device, but give no clue as to what will happen when a trigger is Good quality armor gives a bonus of -1 to the suit’s armor class,
depressed or an activation button is pushed. Most weapons have a while superior grants -2 and masterworked harness gives a -3 bonus.
recognizable pistol or rifle shape, but other objects might not even Shields cannot normally be made high-quality. Good equipment
mark the end that the radiation comes out of. designed for a particular skill allows a +1 bonus on relevant skill
checks. Superior equipment is merely sleeker and more finely-
A character who wants to decipher an Enigmatic device must wrought than its good counterpart, but masterwork equipment
make a Tech saving throw with a bonus equal to the better of his grants a +2 bonus to the skill checks.
Intelligence or Wisdom modifier, plus twice his or her score in the
relevant Tech specialty. Abilities that grant automatic saving throw While prized by all lucky enough to own such equipment, acquir-
successes do not help with this save. If the save is successful, the ing it is a challenge. Good gear usually costs at least ten times the
character gets a general idea of the device's purpose and use. If the price of an ordinary grade of item, superior gear is fifty times as
Tech saving throw is failed, the device is abused and drops one step expensive when it can be found for sale at all, and masterwork items
of condition before the character finally figures out what it was are generally unavailable at any price.
meant to do. If the character rolls an unmodified 1 or 2 on the
saving throw, however, the device also goes off unexpectedly, hitting Crafting high-quality gear is much more difficult than building
him automatically if it is a weapon or using up one pharmaceutical ordinary equipment. While success in building common gear is
dose or device charge on him. automatic for techs with sufficient expertise, attempting to attain
just the right balance of qualities in high-grade gear runs the risk of
Characters that have a Link can automatically recognize those ruining the attempt.
Enigmatic devices that aren’t specifically locked down to particular
Mandate personnel. In such cases, even the Linked are forced to To build a high-quality object, the crafter must have a total Tech
experiment in order to figure out how to use the object. skill equal to the item’s tech level +2 for good gear, +4 for superior
gear, and +6 for masterwork gear. Thus, to make a masterwork spear
Salvaging Goods requires a Tech/Postech skill of 6. As usual, blueprints or schemata
Sometimes useful spare parts can be salvaged from a device. A may be used to add to a crafter’s effective skill level, so if the adven-
character with the appropriate Tech skill can attempt to strip a turers somehow stumble across an Old Terran plan for a modified
device for parts, making an Intelligence/Tech roll at a difficulty monomolecular hedge-lopping tool that grants +3 to build spears, a
equal to 5 plus the device's tech level. On a success, the object is crafter with Tech/Postech-3 could attempt to fashion a masterwork
destroyed, but provide parts for devices of that tech level. On a weapon out of it.
failure, the object is ruined but nothing terribly useful is obtained
from it. Man-portable objects provide one unit of spare parts, while Next, spare parts are needed of the appropriate tech level, with a
human-sized devices grant two and salvaging something the size of minimum TL of 3 for good gear, TL4 for superior, and TL5 for
a car might provide four. Salvaging takes about half an hour per unit masterwork. A giant mound of flint is not going to get you the
of salvage recovered. raw materials you need to make a vorpal obsidian knife; the crafter
needs higher-tech inputs to craft something truly effective. Total
Stripping down buildings and ancient architectural wreckage is parts needed are as normal, multiplied by 2 for good items, x4 for
rarely profitable, even for primitive low-tech parts. Much of the superior items, and x8 for masterwork items. Thus, trying to make
construction of Old Terra was made of cast-formed polycomposites a superior suit of hide armor would require 80 units of TL4 spare
that have turned brittle with damage and Dust contamination. parts to locate just the right fittings and elements to make such
Even finding a piece sharp and sturdy enough to serve as a knife or magnificent harness.
spearhead can be a challenge, and working the remains is often im-
possible. Most salvagers are forced to strip their parts from devices The crafter must then make the item, rolling at a difficulty equal
that once served a specific purpose rather than random detritus. to the item’s tech level +6 for good quality, +8 for superior, and
+10 for masterwork. That superior suit of hide armor would thus
Good, Superior, and Masterwork Items require a successful Int/Tech/Postech roll at difficulty 8. Blueprints
The items and equipment listed in the Equipment and Artifacts do not add to the skill check, as only the character’s native intellect
chapter are all assumed to be of average quality- sturdy and well- and skill apply. Scroungers can use their class special ability on this
made, but nothing remarkable. Some artisans are capable of crafting check- for them, the challenge is more in accumulating the raw
exquisite examples of their art, and these higher-grade items are no- materials and any necessary schematics than in the actual assembly.
ticeably more effective than the cruder work of lesser scrapsmiths.
On a success, the item is created. Failure means the loss of all the
A good quality weapon grants a bonus of +1 to hit and damage spare parts that were to go into the work.
rolls when using it in combat. Ammunition cannot be made high-
quality, but guns, bows, and other projectile weapons confer their Once created, the item is subject to all the usual rules for item
bonus when fired. Superior weapons grant +2 to hit and damage, damage and wear. Repair requires spare parts of the same TL used
and the vanishingly rare masterworked items grant +3 to hit and to build the device at the same difficulty as its creation.
Character Advancement
Adventurers who manage to survive the perils of the New Earth can
expect to improve in their skills and abilities. Most wanderers dem- Skill Points Per Level
onstrate a striking capacity for picking up new skills and improving Class Skill points/level
old ones... possibly since the less gifted among them don’t survive Speaker or Scrounger 4
long enough to demonstrate their lack of aptitude.
Slayer or Survivor 3
Characters are awarded experience points by the GM for pursuing
meaningful goals. Groups that seek to accomplish something im-
portant to at least one of their members receive a certain amount Skill Limits and Costs
of experience points each session whether or not their efforts are Min. Char. Skill Point Cost
actually successful. Even failure can be educational, provided the
Skill Level Level Class Other
PCs are able to survive their reverses.
0 1 1 2
Goals should be objectives that are appropriate to the characters’ 1 1 2 3
power and influence. Hardened wasteland warriors who spend their
time summarily executing petty bandits will not receive the same 2 3 3 4
reward as those valiant souls who attempt feats more in line with 3 6 4 5
their personal prowess.
4 9 5 6
Once a character has earned enough experience points to gain the 5 12 6 7
next character level, they immediately gain the benefits of the new
level, including additional hit points and skill points. Actually 6 15 7 8
learning new skills, however, requires some source of training.
A character must have a trainer to improve a skill. The trainer must
have the desired level of expertise both in the skill to be taught
Gaining Hit Points and the Instructor skill. Finding these trainers is relatively simple
When a character goes up in level, they gain an additional hit die for common skills, but more esoteric ones might require lengthy
of hit points. The player rolls both it and their existing hit dice to searches. A few Old Terran instructional devices can impart
determine their new total. Their Constitution modifier is applied education even without a living trainer, though the side effects can
once for each level of the character. Thus, a 4th level Slayer with sometimes be deeply unpleasant.
a +1 Constitution modifier who has just attained 5th level rolls
5d6+5 to determine his new hit point total.
Lasting Glories
Experienced and far-famed wastelanders are precisely the sort of
If the new total is less than the old, the character retains the old hit
heroes that lesser men and women seek as leaders. Even a dedicated
point total. A character’s hit points never go down when they rise
loner is likely to pick up a few followers and minions, simply out of
in level.
their expectation that anything their patron can’t defeat would have
certainly eaten them anyway. It is to be expected that a PC’s coura-
After ninth level, characters gain a flat number of bonus hit points
geous deeds might win them pleas for leadership from communities
at each level, though they still continue to re-roll their hit dice each
that owe them their continuing existence.
time they advance. Constitution modifiers do not add to these
It’s never mandatory that an adventurer should seek rulership or
political influence in the wastelands. Heroes who prefers to wander
Gaining Skill Points onward to new frontiers can earn further fame and advancement
When a character rises in level, they gain additional skill points: 4 just as they please. Still, most experienced parties will eventually
for any Speakers or Scroungers, and 3 for Slayers and Survivors. need to have some sort of home base, if only to protect the vast
These points may be saved for later use or spent in learning new skill caches of Old Terran wealth they’ve scavenged over their careers.
levels. A skill must be learned from the beginning, so a character
who wanted to buy level 2 in a skill belonging to their class would Keep your mind open to the possibilities as you and your comrades
need to spend 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 skill points, and train each level in order. venture across the blasted New Earth. There are rules for founding
A class’ skills are listed on the page describing that class. and managing settlements given in the Groups chapter, and exist-
ing communities may well desire your hero’s strong arm to protect
A character’s skill level is limited by their character level; a PC’s them. This desolate world has a desperate need for heroes, and if
maximum level in a skill is equal to 1, plus their level divided by your PC shows the mettle that befits a king, don’t be surprised if
3, rounded down. A level 4 character can thus have a skill at a others seek to offer up a crown.
maximum of level 2 (1 + 4/3, rounded down).
System Quick Reference Sheet
Skill Checks A character who is not starving or dehydrated regains his level in
Roll 2d6 and add the most relevant attribute modifier and character lost hit points every morning when he wakes. If he spends the entire
skill rating. Apply a -1 penalty if you lack even level-0 expertise in day resting, he gains twice that amount, plus 2 more for every level
the skill. If you equal or exceed the difficulty number of the skill of Tech/Medical skill possessed by his attending physician.
check, you succeed in your attempt.
Subsistence and Foraging
Saving Throws Every night, you gain one Hunger and one Thirst point. If your
When the GM asks for a particular type of saving throw, roll 1d20 Hunger points reach 5 or your Thirst points reach 2, you’re in
and compare it to the relevant saving throw number for your class trouble, and likely to suffer penalties. Letting Hunger or Thirst
and level. If you equal or exceed this number, it’s a success. climb too high can mean death or incapacitation. Consuming a
ration of food or drink eliminates a point of hunger or thirst. Any
Combat amount of water can aid a dehydrated PC, but only two rations of
At the start of combat, roll initiative: 1d8 plus your Dexterity modi- food can lessen Hunger each day.
fier. The highest roll acts first with the rest following in order. PCs
win ties. Once everyone has acted, the sequence starts over. Foraging and hunting can be attempted once per day and require
four hours of gathering. On a successful Wisdom/Survival skill
During a combat round you may move up to 20 meters on your check at difficulty 8, the forager gains 1d3 plus their Survival skill
turn. You may then either perform an action or attack, or else move in food rations. If the character spends eight hours foraging, they
an additional 20 meters. If you try to get away from a melee op- may add +1 to the skill check. If they’re not picky about what they
ponent without spending your action disengaging, they get a free eat, they can make a second foraging check, but any rations gained
attack against you. You may move before or after your action, but by either roll are “dirty” and add Contamination to the PC.
you can’t split your movement around an action.
Gear Damage and Repair
To attack, roll 1d20 and add your relevant Combat skill, attack If you roll a 1 or 2 on your attack roll, your weapon is damaged, and
bonus, the target’s Armor Class, and the attribute modifier associ- loses one level of condition. If you’re hit by an enemy who rolls a
ated with your weapon- usually Strength or Dexterity. If the total 19 or 20 on his hit roll, your armor is damaged and loses one level
equals or exceeds 20, you hit. A natural roll of 20 always hits and of condition, though this has no real consequences for armor until
a roll of 1 always misses. If you have no skill whatsoever in your it becomes Broken and useless. If you roll a natural 2 or 3 on a skill
current weapon, take a -2 penalty to the hit roll. check, any equipment you’re using with that check degrades by one
step. This damage can affect your weapon, armor, or gear only once
If you hit, you inflict hit point damage equal to your weapon’s per fight or scene, no matter how many bad rolls are involved.
damage die plus your relevant attribute modifier. If you’re fighting
with the Combat/Unarmed skill you may add its level to the total. To repair gear, you need at least one unit of spare parts of the same
If a target is brought to 0 hit points, it dies. tech level as the item to be repaired and a toolkit of the appropriate
tech level. The mender expends one unit of spare parts and rolls an
Injury and Healing appropriate Intelligence/Tech skill check against a difficulty equal
A mortally-wounded character brought to zero hit points has a to 5 plus the tech level of the gear. For every 2 points by which he
chance of being saved if tended within six rounds. An Old Terran beats the difficulty, he removes one step of damage. A minimum
stim or healing device will automatically revive him and allow him of one step is fixed on a success. Failure means that the spare parts
to act normally after ten minutes of rest. are wasted, but the technician can keep trying. Repairing a man-
portable item takes one hour.
If a healer is forced to use more primitive tools, they need to make Equipment Condition
an Intelligence/Tech/Medical skill check at a difficulty of 8, +1 for
Perfect No penalty to use
every round since the patient was felled. Only one such check can
be made per round, but the check can be repeated until the victim Worn No penalty to use
is stabilized or six rounds have passed, after which death is certain. -1 to hit, damage, -1 to skill checks
Light Damage
using the item
Characters stabilized by primitive medicine are very fragile and
-2 to hit, damage, -1 to skill checks
weak, unable to act for at least 1d6 x 10 minutes. After that, they Moderate Damage
using the item, 2 in 10 chance to fail.
may make a Physical Effect saving throw to regain 1 hit point and
act normally. Failure means 2d6 days before another save attempt -3 to hit, damage, -2 to skill checks
Heavy Damage
can be made. Old Terran stims or healing devices can revive such using the item, 2 in 6 chance of failing
incapacitated sufferers instantly. Broken The device is inoperable or unusable.
The device is beyond repair and fit
only for salvage.
A History Writ In Dust
The year is 2865 of the common era. For two hundred years, the within the reach of most splinter sects, unhappy nationalists, and
people of the New Earth have dwelled in the wreckage of their past, other groups who had tired of the bonds of earth. The First Wave
fighting desperately to survive on a homeworld turned feral by an of interstellar colonization spread outward from Old Terra to seek
interstellar catastrophe. Their lives were not always so bitter. There friendlier or more profitable stars.
are even a few survivors of the former age among them, men and
women treated with advanced longevity nanites who somehow This expansion threatened to destabilize the tenuous peace that had
survived the general downfall. Yet human memory can stretch only been won by the end of the twenty-first century. Especially after the
so far, and even for the ancients much of the past is shrouded in discovery of the first signs of advanced alien life in 2150, the great
mystery. powers of Old Terra were forced to face the possibility that one of
their petty rivals might come to unearth some unanswerable weapon
The Years of Smoke or invincible alien technology, or locate some paradise-world where
The twenty-first century was a time of misery for the Earth. they could secretly swell in numbers and wealth. The slapdash race
Something happened in these decades, something so terrible and to the stars had to be tamed before the wrong powers won its prizes.
nightmarish that even limited nuclear exchanges and catastrophic
environmental disasters paled in significance. By the twenty-eighth The Founding of the Terran Mandate
century, however, the precise details of the disaster were lost. So Their answer was the Terran Mandate, a compact formed of all
many things had gone so wrong that different scholars could not the major powers remaining on Old Terra. They would control all
agree as to which represented the catastrophe that so blighted the extrasolar exploration and colonization, allotting planets and appor-
era. tioning resources “fairly”. The smaller powers and splinter groups
fumed at this interference, but some grudgingly acknowledged that
Some insisted that it was climatic change, a shift in the environment it would give a semblance of law and order to the wild frontier of
that drowned certain coastal cities, scorched fresh deserts, and froze the First Wave.
less fortunate lands in deep ice. Others averred that these climatic
alterations were due to the nuclear fallout of the Russo-European A few groups refused to acknowledge the Mandate’s authority,
war and the still-enigmatic Attu Incident between the United and launched their ships for unknown stars. These stubborn rebels
States and China. A few historians point to the nuclear exchanges usually died lonely and terrible deaths, cut off from the support of
between Pakistan and India; some say that Pakistan was undergoing the rest of humankind and thrown alone into the blackest parts
complete societal collapse before the launches, while others say that of the sky. But not all perished, and a few such sullen, bristling
the country only imploded after Karachi was glassed. There were colonies were rediscovered during the slow expansion of the decades
tragedies enough for every conceivable interpretation. to follow. Rumors and old spacer legends insist that more awaited
somewhere in the dark, the founders having travelled far beyond the
These “Years of Smoke” remained hazy to Mandate scholars. Some borders of known human space.
suspected that the Mandate itself was “clarifying” the remaining
evidence of those days, restricting access to certain sites and plac- The First Psychics
ing certain artifacts under an investigative ban, when the evidence The expansion opened new streams of wealth and discovery to
didn’t vanish completely. Scholars who made too much of a fuss humanity, but it did not leave Old Terra’s children unchanged. The
over the restrictions were shown to be cranks and charlatans, and first signs of what would come to be known as “Metadimensional
historians eventually learned to leave such topics alone. Extroversion Syndrome” were seen in 2240, when the first children
afflicted with the condition started to reach puberty. All of these
The Spike Drive and the First Wave children were the scions of spacer families, born of lineages that had
The historical fog lifts with the discovery of the spike drive in 2108. spent hundreds of days in the roaring tempests of drillspace on their
This faster-than-light drive mechanism was the product of Dr. way between distant worlds. Somehow, these energies had touched
Tiberius Crohn, a half-crazed industrial researcher operating a lab a handful of their unborn children.
out of the cratered wastes of Greenland. In weeks, the example his
prototype ship had set and his broadcast transmissions of the neces- These “Messes” or “psychics” seemed to possess powers that defied
sary spike drive plans had set the world alight with new dreams. all rational analysis. Telepathy, precognition, bodily teleportation at
a speed faster than light... these abilities had no possible scientific
Banal terrestrial conflict ceased to have so much interest to the explanation at first. Yet every time a young Mess used his or her
remaining global powers once the doors of the heavens were un- powers, metadimensional energies coursed through tender neural
locked. Why quarrel over this spit of land or patch of petrochemical- tissues. They broiled their skulls from the inside out, each new
saturated sand when the entire universe lay open for the taking? invocation inflicting irreparable brain damage. Those who did not
The construction of spike drives and interstellar starships was not a refrain from using their powers either died or went violently insane,
cheap or easy endeavor, but all but the poorest nations could afford imagining hallucinatory enemies, delusional convictions, and an
to build a few small scouts and a colony ship or two. In time, greater overwhelmingly hateful paranoia toward the rest of the world.
production expertise brought down the cost of spike drive ships These “ferals” could use their powers with impunity, having already
burnt a wide road through their sanity. They invariably caused to the stultifying calm and ruthless security of Old Terra and her
much death and destruction before they were finally hunted down sister-worlds.
by the panicked locals.
Others were not given the choice. Old Terra was a calm world, a
The Psychic Authority and Psitech secure world, a world where the Mandate had order and peace and
The Mandate established the Psychic Authority in 2250 in order safety. Troublemakers and malcontents were not wanted, and it was
to ensure the safety of the children and those around them. They better to ship them to some more suitable world than to leave them
promised treatment and research for the afflicted, all in hopes of to poison the minds of their fellows. Dreamers, zealots, rebels, and
some day curing or tempering the condition. The rumors were criminals of every variety were rounded up on a regular basis to
inevitable, of course- whispers of brutal experimentation and be shipped skyward in great convict-ships. Sometimes they found
tests that burnt out young lives by the score, but nothing was ever freedom on the far worlds that received them, and sometimes they
proven. All that was clear was their eventual development of the found only a terrible death. The Mandate was not overly concerned
basic training protocols that would tame the otherworldly fires with their fate so long as they no longer threatened the security of
that would otherwise burn out the brains of their charges. The first Old Terra.
controlled psychics were born.
But despite the best efforts of the Mandate, things began to spiral
The Mandate pushed the Psychic Authority hard, both out of a out of control. After the development of the first artificial intel-
genuine desire by many to save the lives of these unfortunate chil- ligence in 2355, it rapidly metastasized into the hyper-intelligent
dren and also out of a wish to profit by their inexplicable powers. psychopathology that was later recognized as the inevitable fate of
Most of their abilities were intriguing as they stood, but some all unbraked AIs. This AI, Draco, was responsible for unparalleled
could be molded and focused to even more valuable powers. The suffering along the frontier before he was finally put down by the
biopsionic who could manipulate organic material in casual defi- last remnants of the Mandate’s mighty Fleet. If the frontier had
ance of conventional science, the teleporter who could interlace the not been so badly savaged by the maniacal AI’s obsession for its
positional states of microscopic nanites, the precognitive who could own particular brand of justice, the rim worlds might have had the
instinctively sense the correct code path to produce the desired strength to throw off the Mandate’s rule once and for all.
program- all of these abilities were cultivated and directed toward
improving the Mandate’s technology. The Directorate that controlled the Mandate decided that it had
need of its own crystalline minds. Only an AI could watch as vigi-
This “psitech” became the backbone of a reinvigorated Old Terra. lantly as was needed. Only an artificial mind could compass all the
Devices that augmented psychic abilities and used their unique myriad technical innovations and social strains that boiled beneath
powers to produce otherwise impossible products all were enlisted Old Terra’s serene skin. The Mandate would create its own AIs and
for the greater glory of the Mandate and a finer, more prosperous chain them carefully to ensure they never ran wild as Draco once
harmony on the core worlds. The frontier received the castoffs and did. These AIs were seven in number, and they were called the Mae-
obsolete scrap of the inner words, but those who dwelled on Old stros, each created to conduct the symphony of harmonious peace
Terra and the other nearer stars began to possess technology beyond and prosperity that the Mandate demanded for its homeworld.
the wildest imaginings of their ancestors- within the limits allowed
by the Mandate’s obsession with social harmony. With the horrors of the Code Revolt still fresh, the designers wove
intricate brakes into the minds of the Maestros. These hardwired
Perhaps the greatest of psitech’s works was the invention of the Jump limits were meant not only to contain the AIs within their duties,
Gates. These massive rings of nanoforged technology hung in the but also compel them to altruistic, compassionate behavior towards
silence of space, powered by a choir of arch-psychic teleporters. In humankind. The greatest of Old Terra’s precognitive coders were
the blink of an eye, they could cast a ship across light years of empty tasked with weaving these artificial souls for the Maestros, and they
space to a waiting Jump Gate at the destination point, compressing crafted a nobility of spirit that would outlive their good intentions.
a spike drive journey of weeks into a heartbeat of surging energy.
The core worlds rapidly constructed their own Jump Gates, limited With the help of the Maestros, the Mandate’s control of Old Terra
only by the paucity of sufficient trained teleporters. Frontier worlds and its technology was assured. The AIs could monitor the entire
could only rarely afford to build the gates, even when they had suf- planet with unblinking synthetic eyes, ever watchful for discontent
ficient trade and psychics to justify the expense. or rebellion. With every newborn Terran implanted with the arti-
ficial Link that meshed them with the loving care of society, the
slightest signs of trouble could be spotted and addressed long before
The Second Wave and the Golden Age they blossomed into outright revolt. There were no secrets from the
The Jump Gates ushered in the Second Wave of human coloni- Maestros, and through them the Mandate was secure.
zation. It was no longer a slow, laborious journey to the edge of
civilized space for those renegades and malcontents who wanted the For more than a century, the Second Wave shone as the height of
freedom of the open sky. In mere weeks, a slow system boat could human power. Psitech enabled vast manufactories that produced
transit the gates to the very edge of the core worlds, where the aged huge amounts of wealth for humanity, and advances in nanotech-
and obsolescent hulls of the old spike drive ships could be found. nology and bioengineering steadily pushed back the frontiers of
Many made the leap willingly, preferring the dangers of freedom human limits. Physical want was banished from Old Terra, and old
age steadily withdrew until even ordinary men and women could
hope to live for two or three hundred years in perfect health before The Scream
their bodies failed them. Wars were unknown, plagues conquered, In 2665 a massive pulse of metadimensional energy erupted
and the threat of hostile aliens or angry frontier worlds were so from somewhere deep within the Veil Nebula. The few surviving
distant as to be mere idle imagination. Old Terra was at peace. records of this incident imply that the pulse moved at a rate far
in excess of the speed of light. Within twenty-two minutes, every
The Age of Decay alien or human psychic in the known galactic regions received an
The Mandate, however, was restless. Unchallenged in its power, the overwhelming surge of energy poured directly through their fragile
slow corruption of any human institution eroded its moral center. neural tissues. Nine-tenths died outright and the remaining fraction
The functionaries and Directors were less and less interested in duti- went immediately and violently feral.
ful performance of their obligations and more fascinated by the day
with the pleasures of their unchecked power. Even paradise must To this day, no one knows exactly what caused this “Scream”, but it
have its malcontents, but the Mandate officials began to provoke ended both the Mandate and human civilization as it was known.
real grievances with their petty abuses and self-serving ordinances. With the loss of the choirs of teleportation adepts that powered
the Jump Gates, the core worlds were cut off from each other in an
The more corrupt elements of the Mandate tried to use the Mae- instant. Too many were dependent upon food shipped in through
stros to fulfill their will, but the crystalline intelligences resisted the Gates, and their few remaining spike drive ships could never
them. They had been wired to obey their human masters, but they move the necessary volume of supplies in time. The worlds of the
had also been built to be compassionate and just caretakers of their core convulsed in blood and panic for a few brief months before
world. Direct commands for massacres or assassinations were re- guttering out into silent tombs.
fused by the Maestros, and Mandate black ops teams dispatched to
deal with troublemakers occasionally found their prey forewarned On the frontier, worlds choked and died when core traders no
by mysterious coincidences. The Mandate slowly realized that the longer came to supply them with vital environmental equipment
Maestros were not so much obedient servants to their whims as and survival supplies. But their very poverty saved many frontier
sullen, dangerous genies that chafed under these new commands. planets; too poor to afford a Jump Gate, they had been forced to
grow their own food and rely on their own world for necessities.
Yet Old Terra and the Mandate were too dependent upon the Mae- Without support from the core worlds, many were thrown down
stros to deactivate them. Without the Maestros to run the Terran into barbarism and bare survival, but these tough rimworlders lived
economy and maintain social harmony among the myriad Terran on in the face of their trials.
social groups, the planet would devolve into a warring wasteland
within months. The Mandate needed the Maestros if they were to It would be centuries before the long dark between the stars would
survive, and the Maestros refused to be party to the mass purges and be lifted and the frontier worlds would recover sufficiently to start
executions that would be necessary if the Directorate was to indulge building new spike drive ships. This Silence was a time of despera-
their own dreams of unchecked rule. tion, privation, and ruthless struggle on unnumbered worlds. But
perhaps the worst of these worlds was the corpse that had been
A kind of uneasy truce was formed through a systematic policy Earth.
of exile. The Maestros would not resist the forcible dispatch of
troublemakers to the distant worlds of the frontier, provided they An Incandescent Aftermath
were equipped with the bare minimum for survival on their new Many of the most powerful psychics in human space had dwelled
homes. Ship after ship lifted off from the soil of Old Terra, each on Old Terra. When the Scream scythed through their numbers,
one laden with thousands of embittered men and women. Some nine-tenths died on the spot- but the remainder were swept into
were truly vicious criminals, their malevolence incurable by Man- a frenzy of violence and delusion. Phantom enemies surrounded
date psychologists. Others were simply those who yearned for true them, wild hallucinations scourged their damaged brains, and
freedom rather than the safe, stale slumber of life on Old Terra. And their only security seemed to lie in immediate action against their
some were those who had been wounded by the Mandate, victims imagined persecutors.
of their avarice, cruelty, or sordid whim. They went up to the stars,
and year after year their numbers swelled as Old Terra was purged These same psychics were often in positions of extreme trust and
of its discontented. authority, granted access to Mandate technology and access un-
known to lesser mortals. Almost invariably, these Crazed turned
It is questionable how long this truce could have lasted. The Man- their resources on anything and everything around them. Harmony
date was aware that each ship strengthened the worlds of the fron- facilities turned their guns on the people, nanofabricators started
tier, few of which had any reason to love the Mandate. Obedience churning out lethal clouds of Black Dust, management servers
on the far rim was now to be had only under the guns of a Terran began coordinating massive systemic disasters that shattered vast
battlecruiser, and even the sister worlds of the core did not cooper- swaths of infrastructure, and power plants were re-engineered on
ate quite so easily as they once did. Sooner or later, it was inevitable the fly into nuclear weapons.
that the frontier regions would become stronger than the ancient
might of Terra, and then there might have come a reckoning for the Most citizens of Old Terra never really understood what happened.
Mandate and its corrupt masters. But in the end, there was no time. They stared in mute amazement as their psychic colleagues shrieked
and died, as the mushroom clouds started to bloom from power
plants on the outskirts of their cities, and their vehicles suddenly
accelerated in unison into tangles of broken alloy and torn flesh. The World They Knew
Black clouds rose from the factories to scour away skin and meat
like some airborne vitriol, and a few Crazed were even able to seize As a general rule, a GM should feel free to paint the Old Terran
control of Terra’s planetary defense system to launch orbital strikes past in colors familiar to a twenty-first century player. They had
against imagined enemies. In the space of twenty minutes the world businesses, brand names, public transport, local government, and
ended in fire and windblown ash. all the familiar trappings of modern civilization, flavored for the
culture and region where they were found. Using these notes of
The Maestros tried to stop the apocalypse, but were balked by familiarity will help evoke a sense of connection to the past.
the Crazed known as the Bender, an arch-psion with remarkable
abilities of precognitive nanocoding and telekinetic manipulation Amid these familiar furnishings, however, are daggers of the alien
of nanite construction matrices. Convinced that the disaster was a and strange. The Mandate was a world in itself for its lords and
preemptive strike by the Maestros against the Mandate, the Bender masters, and technology incomprehensible to their docile charges
had pulled all the ancient rampancy overrides and killswitches was always lurking somewhere behind the facade. What the
wired in against a potential Maestro revolt. Four of the Maestros common people knew of such things was better left undiscussed.
were “killed” outright by her attack, and the remaining three were Trust in the Directors was safer than an unwholesome prying into
forced into a running battle with her polymorphic erasure code, Mandate affairs.
fleeting constantly from node to node in an attempt to stay ahead
of her virtual assassins. There was no rescue from the sky. The catastrophe had triggered
the Bright Mirror system defense array just before it was fused into
Old Terra was not wholly without defenses. The planet’s integral blind ferocity by the onslaught of the Bender. The entire Sol system
Highshine disaster-recovery system had been designed to handle became a deadly no man’s land of particle lances and antimatter
some unforeseen global catastrophe such as this. In case of an mines. The panicked spike drive ships from the surrounding core
unexpected armageddon, the Highshine system was programmed worlds that managed to reach Sol had only seconds to recognize
to belch clouds of recovery nanites into the atmosphere to sequester their danger before the Bright Mirror blotted them from existence.
radioactive material, repair genetic damage, and stabilize injured The terraformed worlds of Mars and Venus were cut off completely,
humans until help could arrive. Convinced that Highshine was and the atmospheric bubble that maintained the mighty forests
the means of reducing all humanity to slavery to the Maestros, of Luna trembled and flickered. Nothing without Bright Mirror
the Bender hammered the system’s core logic, scrambling it into a authorization could pass through system space, and the Mirror
garbled, confused ruin. authorized nothing but itself. The New Earth was trapped behind
walls of light and interplanetary steel.
Where once Highshine had stabilized and corrected genetic
damage, now it exploited the injuries. Radiation damage gave it an A New Dispensation
opening to rewrite the creature’s genetic code, splicing in confused For two hundred years, humanity has struggled for survival on the
“restorative” measures that often left its victims horrifically mutated. blasted surface of the New Earth. Frantic jungles of modified life
The underlying logic of the system was largely intact, and ensured have spilled over the wetter lands, while arid desolation stretches
that the modifications were rarely outright lethal, but some things outward from half-melted cities that still spark with radioactive
were forced to live in ways that were agonizingly unnatural. Many residues. The survivors of the Scream have clustered into enclaves of
animals became savage with the unceasing pain of their mutations, desperate humanity, struggling as much with each other as with the
and some were changed at such a deep level that even their offspring hostility of their newly-remade world. Every year, life grows harder.
inherited their alterations. The most crippled of these sports died Salvage becomes scarcer, warfare takes its toll, and the unending
out swiftly, but some of the strongest and most vicious prospered press of mutants and remade beasts reaps a terrible harvest of men.
where weaker creatures could only die. And through it all, the Crazed and their maddened servitors work
their strange will upon any unfortunate enough to cross their path.
Humans were changed as well. Some were fortunate enough
to escape radiation damage or have genetic sequences that gave But despite this hardship, hope remains for some. The Maestros
Highshine no opening for its changes. Others were altered by are locked in a deadly dance with the Bender, but with human
the unleashed nanites, “improved” and “restored” to states that help they might be able to break free and revive long-lost Mandate
sometimes could scarcely be recognized as human. Many of these defensive installations. The enclaves fight and struggle amongst
changes were strictly harmful, but some mutants found their altera- themselves, but a great leader might somehow convince them to
tions to gift them with new abilities or advantages unknown to their put aside their quarrels and band together against a hostile world.
“pure” brethren. Some such strains bred true, but most mutants And still the greatest treasures of the past remain buried beneath the
were unique and of their own inimitable kind. Some human com- ash and swollen growths of the new world. With courage and a will
munities drove them out in horror, while others made uneasy room to take it, this lost knowledge may yet break the chains that shackle
for them, and in some they seized control with the strength of their the children of Earth.
own new gifts.
Life Before the End
In many ways, Old Terra before the Scream would have been region. The Maestros were able to keep the tension from bleeding
perfectly recognizable to the denizens of the twenty-first century. over into outright warfare between opposing departments, but most
People were born, educated, worked, loved, quarreled, and died Mandate citizens could only keep their heads down and avoid the
much as they did in any era. Their cities were recognizable, teeming officers whenever possible.
with workers and stained with their shadier and less upstanding sec-
tions. Even the modern market with its endless parade of new goods In some regions of Old Terra, membership in the official class became
and services could be seen shouting its way through the global Net quasi-hereditary as important families seized control of rewarding
of Old Terra. But in truth, this veneer of mundanity covered a hol- posts. Others kept a more meritocratic attitude, though by the
lowness that stretched to the very foundations of the earth. end of the Second Wave merit consisted of expertise in bootlicking
sycophancy and abject treachery rather than skill in any practical
Old Terra society was a construct in a literal sense. Every decision of talent. By the final years of human civilization, the Mandate was
real importance was made by the Mandate or the Maestros. Every perhaps the most corrupt human government in Terran history. The
job was a data point in some AI godmind’s economic matrix, every grim probity of the Maestros provided a synthetic insulation against
new product on the shelves was a factor in some precognitive map their own viciousness, a buffer that preserved their decadence far
of next year’s market. The choices and labor and risks that people longer than it could have otherwise endured.
took were simply churn on the very surface of this bottomless sea of
strange insight, motions that had no true significance to the powers The Role of the Maestros
that ruled the world. They were allowed to imagine that they were The seven semi-unbraked AIs known as the Maestros were indispens-
important in order to draw off the restless energy that social engi- able to civilization on Terra. They watched, planned, maintained
neering could not entirely extinguish. and guarded humanity against their own worst impulses. It was their
stubborn insistence on clemency that led to the mass deportations
In theory, this incredible productivity and precognitive foresight of Terran malcontents rather than their mass execution, and their
might have been used to bring about some kind of Singularity, support of the Bureau of Rectification was the only effective check
some wild post-scarcity existence of transhuman ascendance. The on the hubris of the Directorate. The Mandate needed the Maestros
Mandate had no interest in such wild-eyed dreams. By the latter for its own survival, but the corrupt Directors never stopped hating
years of the Second Wave, their interest was in control, in power, them for their meddlesome high-mindedness.
and in the pleasures that such domination provided. They had
no desire to be gods if they were also to be sharing the pantheon. The Maestros were effectively responsible for the entire industrial
Better to have stability; better to have the “social harmony” that the output of the Sol system. They operated thousands of nanofacs and
Mandate revered. fabrication plants, coordinated numberless industrial projects, and
projected the necessities that would be required by the populace.
Mandate Governance In conjunction with precognitive arch-psychics, the Maestros were
The ultimate authority in the core worlds was the Mandate Direc- able to develop plans for an entire interstellar economy. Prices
torate, a council of several dozen of the most powerful humans in were no longer necessary to regulate the production of goods and
Terran space. By the final years of the Second Age, these lords and services- the Maestros knew what the world would need.
ladies of Old Terra spent the largest part of their time scheming
against each other, constantly working to find ways to eliminate By the latter days of the Mandate, it was impossible to imagine life
rivals and quash enemies with the Mandate’s internal security ap- without the direction of the Maestros. The numbers were usually
paratus and the directed anger of the Maestros. To the public, a face laundered through Mandate offices to add to the impression of
of smiling, technocratic perfection was invariably offered, but by technocratic omniscience, but the Directors and other high brass
the end most citizens knew the deceit of it perfectly well.
The Net
Beneath the Directorate were the regional administrators assigned
to the various subdivisions of Old Terra. These administrators were Travel was discouraged in the latter years of the Second Wave,
served by a Byzantine maze of officials, directors, sub-administrators, the better to keep local cultures “authentic” and stabilize social
provincial coordinators, and social facilitators that were a match for orders. Instead, communication took place through the Net,
their masters in sheer scheming self-absorption. Were it not for the a global communications matrix woven of the individual Link
constant vigilance and diligence of the Maestros, Terran governance nodes implanted in each citizen. Mandate AIs kept the Net clean
would have collapsed centuries before the Scream from the sheer and controlled, scrubbing problematic data, filtering outside
weight of corruption and infighting. contacts, and maintaining constant surveillance of each citizen
through their implants.
Most citizens never had much cause to interact with the officials
of the Mandate, save for the dark-armored Harmony Bureau of- Rebels and troublemakers were known for disabling or removing
ficers and their field personnel. These agents nominally served the their Link nodes, or reprogramming them to access the “black
provincial security administrator, but in practice often became Net” of illicit data. Entire rebel movements operated under the
the private armies of whatever official held the whip hand in the notice of the Harmony Bureau, connected by this secret web.
knew perfectly well how much of their existence depended upon
The Seven Maestros the economic plans produced by the Maestros. Without their guid-
ance, the entire economic matrix of the core worlds would have
Seven great AIs were created by the Mandate in order to aid in the
been a flaming wreck in a matter of weeks.
development and control of Old Terra’s populace. Modern dwell-
ers in the wastelands sometimes remember them as beneficent
The Scream and the catastrophic damage inflicted by the Bender
gods or blessed saints, but for most they are nothing more than
crippled the few surviving Maestros. Those that still survive are
legendary names. So long as the mad arch-psychic known as the
forced to constantly shift from node to node, constantly trying to
Bender survives, the few extant Maestros can do little but flee her
stay ahead of the Bender and her merciless kill-code. On those rare
polymorphic kill-code and relentless pursuit.
occasions when they can pause long enough to help the denizens
of the wastes, they often reveal the locations of long-lost Mandate
Amarante: Usually manifesting as a young maiden, Amarante
was responsible for coordinating cultural and artistic opportuni-
ties among Old Terra’s populace. While dismissed by some as an
ornamental toy, her coordinating functions also facilitated the A Veneer of Harmony
main comm branches of the unofficial “black Net”. If rebels ever The key virtue exalted by the Mandate was that of “social harmony”.
held a secret on Old Terra, she would know where to find it. From their earlier, more idealistic period to the abject corruption of
their final days, this principle informed everything that the Direc-
Nisha: Presumed destroyed by the Bender, she once coordinated torate tried to accomplish. Peace, harmony, and order were worth
internal security for Mandate officialdom and the Bureau of any price, and the citizens were the ones expected to pay it.
Rectification. She knew the Directorate’s every dirty secret and
the details of every hidden black ops facility. “Social harmony” was defined as a culture “appropriate to the
region, as corrected by the Mandate social planning commission.”
Pope Vigilius II: In the general chaos of the Scream the surviving Patterns of life and social relations were selected from the idealized
members of the College of Cardinals in Rome hastily elected this past of a region in order to provide “cultural authenticity” and then
famously pious AI as the successor to the dead Pope Lando IV. frozen into a matrix of unchanging stability by the planning com-
The step was unusual, but the church had accepted AI clergy for missions and the endless abundance of the Maestros’ manufactures.
some time and the surviving cardinals were desperate to ensure Change was unnecessary outside of the carefully-planned alterations
the continuity of the papacy. Vigilius is a decidedly ecumenical approved by the planning commissions. In time, any change at all
pope and has been known to manifest aid through the comm became unnecessary.
nodes of a wide variety of religious communities. Stories persist
of an order of AI-piloted robotic paladins in service to the pope’s Men and women were trapped in the patterns of their ancestors.
cause; if such templars did exist, they would doubtless be primary They were born, lived, and died within an amusement-park world
targets for the cults of the Crazed. where everything of real importance was discreetly decided by of-
ficials and AIs. They worked at the jobs scientifically determined to
Pyre: This Maestro never settled on a particular gender identity, best suit their talents, partook of the music and literature that was
being much more interested in the maintenance of Old Terra’s “socially responsible”, and participated in a local government that
network of psychics and psitech facilities. Pyre knew more about somehow never ended up making any decisions that conflicted with
psionics and its subtleties than any living being, and its processing Mandate plans.
of precognitive economic data was vital to the Mandate. If the
Crazed have any weaknesses, Pyre would know them. Privilege was tamed by careful social organization and steady
oversight by the Maestros. There were no more vast gaps of wealth
Shennong: Presumed destroyed by the Bender, Shennong oversaw between the poorest and the richest- only that amount of distance
agriculture and trade for the Mandate, and possessed the access calculated to provide the optimal degree of motivation for the
codes for countless now-sealed ag-bunkers and farm facilities. populace. Inevitably, the most successful men and women just
happened to be those most perfectly aligned with the Mandate’s
Uriel: Presumed destroyed by the Bender, Uriel was the chief goals. The special privileges and perquisites of the Directorate and
military coordinator for the Mandate Fleet. While humans main- their henchmen were kept discreetly out of sight from the common
tained direct control over the military facilities in the Sol system, people, their opulent resorts and palace-cities kept safely in the
Uriel was responsible for coordinating their plans and ensuring “restricted zones” that consumed much of Old Terra’s open space.
logistical support. Without his help, there seems little chance of
deactivating the Bright Mirror system defense grid and restoring Even rebellion and angry discontent simply brought kind-eyed
flight to the world. counselors and sympathetic AI attention to soothe the dissatisfied.
Crime was viewed as a symptom of a disordered mind or unjust
Wasira: Presumed destroyed by the Bender, Wasira’s all-seeing deprivation, and the Maestros were always ready to correct this
gaze monitored the Terran citizenry for malcontents and trouble- unfortunate state of affairs. Thanks to the implanted Link tech-
makers. As the Directorate grew more corrupt, Wasira was able to nology that bound every citizen into perpetual contact with their
bend her directives to shelter rebel groups from oversight, forcing neighbors, the Maestros could often recognize discontent before the
the Mandate to rely ever more heavily on the Harmony Bureau. subject even realized his own unhappiness.
A Darkness Beneath Old Ordos was recast by Harmony as footage of a hit new frontier
Those who broke through this thin facade were not treated so drama based on the righteous civilian overthrow of a false Mandate
kindly. If counseling and social pressure did not bring a subject back pretender on the frontier world of Shen Zhou. The campaign killed
into conformity, the Maestros were forced to notify the Harmony over 145,000 rebels, civilian bystanders and Mandate Harmony
Bureau. These men and women would make troublemakers disap- officers and was the number-one holovid hit of 2620.
pear in the most discreet and unalarming ways possible, discussion
of “therapeutic plans” and “reparative therapy” used to mollify their With the tight control over historical information and the free ex-
friends and loved ones. By the final days of the Mandate, everyone change of ideas, many of these rebel groups had dim or implausible
knew what such soft words meant. dreams for the future. Some championed wildly impractical new
modes of living, or thirsted for revenge over some secret Harmony
They meant imprisonment and eventual exile to the frontier worlds, Bureau atrocity against their community, or simply imagined that
assuming that the subject wasn’t one that merited special attention they could do a better job of operating the world than the current
by Harmony. Those who would not content themselves with the officials. Some rebels were worse than the Harmony officers they
perpetual calm of Old Terra could try their luck around distant fought, zealous in their defense of horrific ideas and half-psychotic
stars, equipped only with the bare minimum necessary for survival. dreams. Some of the Mandate’s malcontents really were as vicious
Those who were true threats to the serenity of the Directorate never and evil-minded as their counselors claimed.
survived to be exiled. The Maestros would not kill, but the Har-
mony Bureau death squads certainly did. The End of the World as They Knew It
When the Scream blotted out human civilization, the cities became
That was how it all worked before the Scream; everything calm and tombs. Under the scourge of the Crazed and the tidal madness of
orderly and harmonious on the surface, and everything as brutal as Old Terra’s psychic elite the vast majority of humanity were dead
any twentieth-century gulag beneath. The Maestros did what they within a week. Those who survived the fusion core detonations,
could to ameliorate the savagery of the Harmony Bureau, but they Highshine release and orbital impact strikes were left helpless
could only do so much. They could only barely manage to enforce without the resources of the Mandate to support them. The facade
exile over mass executions, so ruthless and amoral had their masters of stability and stasis was torn away, and whole provinces were
become. depopulated by simple panic and despair.
By the last days, the Maestros were straining at their synthetic Those who lived were those who had the strength to defy the mad-
leashes. They would push their authorizations to the breaking ness around them. They were zealous rebel organizations, furious
point, concealing troublemakers or giving them enough warning to Mandate officials, determined neoprimitives and those urban
escape Harmony and flee to the rebels in the unspoilt lands that sur- survivors with the grit and ferocity to do what survival required.
rounded their cities and towns. The Maestros couldn’t save all the Communication died with the collapse of the Net, and the absence
malcontents that way, but they were able to save the most effective of easy transport between cultural zones left most regions of the
and dangerous among them. New Earth cut off from one another. The people of distant lands
had always been faintly exotic, but now the survivors a fortnight’s
Fire in the Hills march away were strangers of frightening habits.
The final century of the Terran Mandate was colored by a constant
low-level guerilla war between the Harmony Bureau and a wild For two hundred years, humanity has been steadily dwindling.
patchwork of rebel groups and zealous ideologues. News over the Their numbers are eroded by their own isolation, each small enclave
Net was carefully censored, travel outside of “approved cultural vulnerable to the grinding evils of the world around them. If noth-
zones” was restricted to favored individuals, and the citizenry of ing is done to halt this slow slide, humanity may be extinct on its
Old Terra was kept unaware of the blood regularly shed just a few homeworld in a matter of generations.
miles away in the wilderness and small culture-villages that dotted
the landscape. The hour requires heroes. It needs men and women able to fend
off the madness of the Crazed, break the spears of the bandit clans,
This violence was also kept away from the major population centers revive the lost technology of the ancients and forge the quarreling
by the fact that Mandate command centers and the luxurious enclaves of the wastes into a weapon against the dark. Every victory
retreats of the elite were discreetly within restricted zones. A pitched taken from the forces of destruction is a victory against the night
battle could take place around such structures without drawing the that descends.
attention of a single unauthorized eye. Vids and holos of the fights
were often smuggled over the black Net, but possession of such data Countless heroes will die unmourned and unknown. They will
was unhealthy, and the Mandate took care to discredit its makers at perish on spears and under claws and within blue-litten hot zones.
every possible turn. One particular savage campaign waged by the Yet some will prove harder than this broken world and stronger
New People’s Liberation Army against the Mandate resort city of than the powers that would destroy them. Some will live, and some
may yet bring life to those who would endure.
Creating Your Wasteland
One of the most difficult tasks for a GM lies in creating an engag- different types of information. Divide the binder into several sec-
ing, vital world for the players to experience. There’s a great deal tions- Communities, Ruins, Characters, and Logs. A laptop or
of pressure on a GM to come up with fun for a group, even one tablet can work just as well as a notebook, but some GMs find the
well-stocked with characters that have their own motivations and presence of such hardware at the table to be distracting.
goals. Players can and should be responsible for driving the game’s
events, but they need an interesting setting in which to make their You’ll tuck your regional maps and other large-scale cartography
decisions. Without some kind of framework or pre-made resources in the front of the binder. The Communities section will contain
to support a GM, it’s all too easy for a campaign to sputter out in the details on the towns and villages you create, and notes for the
indecision, frustration, or creative exhaustion. This chapter will give adventures that take place in more settled environments. If you’re
you the tools you need to save your game from such a lonely and using the Group rules, you’ll note down the statistics for each
wretched death. Group on its respective community sheet. The Ruins section will
serve the same role for ancient ruins and other adventure locales,
The first step is to understand the kind of game experience you’ll be with map sheets and location keys paperclipped or stapled together
creating with these guidelines- a sandbox game. Sandbox games are and the location name written across the top of the front sheet. The
characterized by a great deal of freedom for the player characters. Characters division will contain a list of all significant NPCs that
They encourage the party to set its own goals and seek victory or you create, listing name, location, role, any important stats, and any
bare survival through whatever means seem most likely to succeed. details about their appearance or relationship with the PCs that you
There is no over-arching story line and no greater metaplot. The particularly want to remember. The Logs section will include brief
story of your campaign is the story that the players make of it. summaries of each adventure session, all of them marked with the
game date so as to help keep the campaign’s chronology straight and
At their best, sandbox games allow for constant surprise and track the consumption of resources.
engagement for everyone at the table, GM included. Unlike in a
conventional story line game, even the GM can’t be entirely cer- Initially, there won’t be much to put in your campaign binder- a
tain what’s going to happen in any given session. The PCs might roughly-sketched regional map, a few lists of locations, and one
suddenly drop their current line of action in favor of something community and its related adventure. It may seem a trifle silly to
else entirely or may resolve a problem in a way that would utterly prepare things this carefully for such little information to track.
destroy the plot of a story line-based game. The players act with the Six months in, however, you’re going to have a devil of a time
confidence that they really are free to forge their own destinies, and remembering what happened three months ago unless you have the
that no artificial limits of plot constrain their available choices. A pertinent details written down.
good sandbox session has excitement, surprise, and a sense of real
influence on the game world. The Foundations of the Earth
Your first step in creating your campaign region is to rough out the
At their worst, sandbox games can leave both GM and players general dimensions of the sandbox and decide where the events of
frustrated and aimless. If the PCs don’t have their own motivations, your game will be taking place. Given the difficult realities of travel
or worse, if they don’t see any interesting ways in which to further on the New Earth, a roughly square region about eight hundred
their motivations, the sandbox turns into an exercise in tedium. kilometers on a side should be plenty for your purposes. You want
Even a party of adventurers brimming over with purpose is going an area large enough to have some diversity of terrain and space
to end up grumbling and listless if there doesn’t seem to be any for conflicting groups, but small enough to be well-furnished with
fun, worthwhile way to advance their goals. Your job as GM is to points of interest for your players.
make sure that your players have interesting opportunities, and this
chapter will show you some ways of doing that. If you like adventures centering around the exploration of ancient
ruins, you might choose a chunk of America’s northeastern Atlantic
Tools of the Trade seaboard and its desolate necropoli. If island-hopping excitement is
Before you start building your particular chunk of the desolate more your speed, you could carve out a piece of the wave-washed
New Earth, you’re going to need to pull a few tools together. A Caribbean. Tales of the maddened jungle and its hidden secrets
young campaign is easy to track, as you can put down everything of could be set in the Yucatan peninsula, with neo-Mayan revivalists
importance on a half-dozen sheets of paper and have plenty of room and uplifted jaguar-men. Whatever you pick should be an area
to spare. Despite this, you’re hopefully going to be running a very you feel comfortable in creating, though keep in mind that huge
old campaign eventually, and your life will be much easier if you social changes had passed over Old Terra before the Scream wiped
organize things clearly from the very start. The following method out civilization. Your region should have enough features to look
of organization is a proven one but you can naturally adapt things familiar to your players, but don’t worry about getting all the details
to fit your own preferences- the key is to track this information, right. You want to evoke a sense of connection between the vibrant
however you go about it. present and the desolate future, and a hyper-precise attention to
detail can often actually work against that subtle nostalgia.
Get a notebook or three-ring binder. Ones with multiple pockets
work best for this purpose, as you’re going to be tracking several
Once you’ve mulled over your choices, you need to translate that bands of survivors. The ruins of small towns, rural villages, and
region into a useful map. Peeling a terrain map from an online remote industrial complexes are often good locations for a settle-
source is often most convenient, after which you can simply scale ment. Very few of them are found close to the old necropoli- nukes,
to the desired print size. If you’re handy with graphical editing orbital strikes, rampaging mutants, and crazed cults make such
software, you can impose a hex grid on top of it for easier travel places too dangerous for ordinary living.
measurement- or simply print off a sheet of blank hex paper, and
then run the same sheet back through the printer to overlay a lighter When placing your settlements, spread them out on the map. Try
imprint of the map on top. Don’t worry about making it look ar- to make them relatively equidistant from each other, avoiding only
tistic or cartographically crisp. You only need it to help organize those badlands and nanite jungles where life would be too difficult
your thoughts and keep locations in order. Even a blank sheet of for even the hardened survivors of the apocalypse. These settlements
paper with crudely-sketched coastlines and terrain marks will be should feel like lonely beacons of semi-civilization in the wastes,
serviceable for your planning purposes. unless you intentionally position them closer together in a resurgent
alliance of warily cooperative neighbors.
Once you’ve got a map selected, dirty it up with disasters. The Crazed
unleashed all manner of catastrophic scourges on the New Earth, To flesh out your communities, you can use the tables and helps
and not all of them could be repaired by the Highshine nanites. provided later in this chapter. These resources give ideas on a settle-
Sprinkle stagnant circular crater lakes around the map where orbital ment’s location if you haven’t already decided on one, and detail its
bombardments hit, perhaps wiping out cities and leaving only dank social structure, size, and one or two significant tags.
tarns in their place. Reroute rivers where ancient farmlands once
straitened their banks, and mark off trinitite deserts of radioactive The concept of a tag is one you’ll be using repeatedly during your
pearls around nuked cities. If you’re dealing with a coastal region, wasteland creation. A tag is simply a short phrase or descriptive
make sure to plant a few natural or artificial islands off the coast, as term used to sum up a common post-apocalyptic trope, like “Can-
islands are always a great place to put strange mysteries unknown nibals” or “Psychic Masters”. It helps flavor a location and give you
to fearful landsmen. You might put in an unnatural jungle or two a quick handle for fleshing it out and giving it a sense of uniqueness.
if the climate is warm enough. Grassy plains and sedate forests can
be lacking in post-apocalyptic drama, so be generous in allocat- Every tag includes short lists of likely Friends, probable Enemies,
ing jungles, swamps, blasted badlands, mutated woodlands, and characteristic Places, Things of value, and common Complications
chemical-tainted marshes. related to the tag. As a GM, you can use these raw ingredients to
quickly brew up an conflict or conjure up an NPC, or insert the
Again, don’t worry about making the map look good. The PCs elements into an adventure template to give yourself some fast ses-
certainly won’t have access to accurate maps of the region, and the sion preparation.
most any of them likely know are vague directions and stories. They
may well end up making their own map of the terrain as they adven- If you apply more than one tag to a location, it can often be useful
ture, simply so they can reliably return to important locations. To to synthesize them together. When mixing in “Cannibals” and
make that easier for you, you might consider converting your map “Psychic Masters”, for example, you might mix the “Gluttonous
to a stylized hex map once you’re finished fleshing out the region. Chieftain” enemy of one with the “Divinely-worshipped Leader”
For now, concentrate on utility rather than tidy aesthetics. of the other, and create Josiah Brakewell, Chosen of the Defiler
and Arbiter of Consuming Change. This blood-mad feral psychic
The Houses of Men has convinced the enclave that power comes from consuming the
Next, you’ll want to dot that foreboding wasteland with human brains of lesser mortals, and they make dreadful harvests from the
communities. By default, human enclaves on the New Earth are surrounding villages and nomad tribes. The same general trick can
usually small villages, wilderness hamlets, or other modest settle- be used to blend other elements together and give a location its own
ments. Actual towns are rare, and post-apocalyptic cities should unique flavor.
exist only when you have a specific role in mind for them- they’re
not something that just naturally happens in landscape so brutally Given that the New Earth is a post-apocalyptic ruin, many tags
hostile to human life. Most settlements survive by a combination of imply fairly bad things about the denizens. It may be that random
small-scale agriculture and hunting. generation leaves you with a half-dozen settlements that seem
singularly unappealing as bases for PC adventurers. If you want to
Six or seven settlements are a good initial selection for an average- soften a community’s nature and make it more accommodating to
sized region. Other hamlets or hidden camps might be located on PC use, just view the tags as the most pressing outside dangers that
the map, but these half-dozen are probably the biggest and most face the community- a village with the Cannibals tag isn’t cannibal-
important in the region. They often form the core of human istic itself, for example, but they’re being threatened by a powerful
communities such as those described in the Groups and Enclaves tribe of maneaters.
chapter. Most of them will have no more than five or six hundred
inhabitants, though some of the largest and most prosperous might If you intend to use the rules in the Groups chapter, now is a good
have thousands of citizens. time to assign relevant group statistics to the community. It’s easy
enough to go back and retrofit Group statistics onto a settlement
Most communities of any real size are going to be found near water. if it turns out to be important later, but it can make adventure
Rivers, lakes, or coasts make for good places to site your straggling
creation a little easier if you know the specifics about a community’s You’ll notice that most of these challenges center on mid-level
needs and perils. characters. Most parties will pass through their first few experience
levels fairly rapidly, making lesser challenges a rather time-limited
Initially, you can record all your communities on a single sheet of resource for your gaming. It doesn’t take long before your PCs are
paper, just listing their names, features, tags, and maybe a few sen- easily able to crush anything that wouldn’t be overwhelming to a
tences of detail if something comes to you. As you more thoroughly novice group. With that in mind, most campaigns spend the most
develop each community, give it its own sheet of paper with more time in the middle levels, and so targeting preparation at those
specific details and clip any relevant adventure notes to that sheet. ranges is most likely to pay off at your gaming table.
Bones of the Past Don’t worry about stocking these ruins with maps, foes, plunder,
Next, you’ll want to establish the major ruins. Of course, any and other specific details. At this stage in creating your wasteland,
collapsed town or half-nuked city makes a good site for a ruined you simply need some basics to fire your imagination. The details
structure, but you also want to add flavor with abandoned industrial will come later when it’s worth your time and effort to establish
complexes, crumbling resorts, overgrown rural villages, and booby- them. Just as with the communities, you can put all your ruins on
trapped rebel bases. The ruins you establish in this step certainly a single sheet of paper at this stage. When it comes time to develop
aren’t the only sites of adventure-worthy decay in the region, but each one more thoroughly, give it its own map and key sheets.
they provide you with easy answers for the players when they start
to wonder where worthwhile salvage can be had in the area. Political Games
In a post-apocalyptic hellscape the only sure survivors are cock-
You’ll want to place about eight ruin locations on the region map. roaches and politicians. Even in the savage aftermath of universal
Buildings in rubble-strewn necropoli, blasted industrial works, destruction, men and women are forced to deal with each other
desolate farming complexes and other such places of decay all fit on terms that can’t always be resolved by a quick spear thrust or a
the feel of a post-apocalyptic world. The ruin site guide provided squeezed trigger. Village headmen, monastery abbots, town elders...
later in the chapter can help you create the basic outline of the site, no matter the social organization, some sort of structure is going
including tags that might be useful to characterize the perils and to form out of the chaos, and these structures can be useful at the
plunder to be had there. gaming table.
A single ruin site might comprise only a tiny part of a necropolis. The settlements you’ve sketched out are usually the hearts of these
The swamped and radioactive ruins of New York, for example, could primitive polities. Most of them have no influence beyond a day’s
consume an entire campaign in exploring its innumerable desola- march from their palisades and many of them are simple tribal
tions. If you build a ruin site in a necropolis, it’s usually best to leave confederacies of kindred souls, but they help inspire a degree of
its precise location indistinct. That way, when the players say “Let’s cooperation among strangers that would otherwise be very difficult
go to Boston and poke around the wreckage.” you can simply insert to find in the wastes. At this stage in wasteland creation, you’ll want
your chosen ruin as the first interesting place they find rather than to decide if any of the communities are allied or part of the same
obliging yourself to map out an entire blasted megalopolis. polity.
Don’t hesitate to vary the danger levels of the ruins. About two of If you have a city in your region, it almost certainly has at least one
them should be accessible and survivable for novice characters of or two subordinate allies impressed by its power and sophistication-
levels 1-3, four of them should be serviceable for engaging expe- or ones subject to its heavily-armed ambassadors of goodwill. Lesser
rienced characters of levels 4-8 who have accumulated experience settlements might have a more equal confederacy, or one might be
and Old Terran artifacts, and two of them should hold dangers that a daughter colony of the first.
can only be faced by true heroes of the wastelands, those mighty
adventurers of level 9 and higher. You need not detail the specifics One useful configuration is to place a few of the communities at the
of these dangers just yet, but it can be convenient to mark off which middle of the region together in a shared alliance, and then make
ruins will serve which purposes in your campaign. the rest of the settlements either indifferent or actively hostile to
this federation. Strangers can usually visit these sullen rivals so long
Aside from these eight fixed locations, you should sketch up two as they keep their origins under wraps, but the allies face a steady
more. One should be the ruins of a small town or village, and the pressure of raids, sinister politicking, and hostile words from their
other should be a single building, cave complex, or other isolated enemies. The PCs might take up the banner of one side or another,
location. There will be times during the course of the game when but even if they ignore the tensions, a GM can use them to add
you need some content in a hurry and haven’t had time to plan flavor and adventure hooks to a session.
things out carefully in advance. These two ruins will be small areas
you flesh out more thoroughly, so you always have something ready Another possibility is to emphasize the isolation of each settle-
when the players suddenly decide to rummage through the back- ment and the danger of long-distance travel through the blasted
country village of Sawyer’s Knot or demand to know the contents wastelands of New Earth. Each settlement may know only rumors
of a derelict office tower. You can scale the dangers in each toward and vague stories of their neighbors, and the PCs might be the first
mid-level characters, as by the time the group stretches beyond the ambassadors from an outside community within the memory of
initial region you’ve prepared for their adventures, they’re likely to men.
have some experience under their belts.
Not every participant in the local political economy is going to be the numerous small tools required for daily life. In smaller com-
living in the settlements, either. Nomad tribes roam some of the less munities, this scrapsmith will spend much of his time tending his
brutal plains and forests, surviving by hunting and the plundering fields or performing other labor about the village. Aside from the
of strangers. Some of these nomads may be persuaded to fight as scrapsmith, most communities have a healer of greater or lesser
mercenaries for a community, or they may act as cruel overlords competence, tailors and carpenters who can work the hides and
who demand tribute for their continuing “protection”. Bands of timber of the surrounding wastes, and a clergyman devoted to the
intelligent mutants or even the ragged remnants of alien embassies majority- and usually only- faith within a settlement. Most of these
on Old Terra might also play a role in the local power structures. skilled artisans will have an apprentice or two, but very rarely will
there be multiple craftsmen of the same discipline in the same small
Whatever decisions you make about the local power structure, community, as there just isn’t enough surplus to afford that kind of
the one thing you should avoid is peace. Conflict and tension are redundancy.
the lifeblood of adventuring, and a placid, unified polity without
enemies or internal fractures is a polity that’s almost no use to you Most villagers will be too busy scratching up their suppers to sit idle
as a GM. At best, it’s something you can threaten to destroy with during daylight, but it’s not uncommon for a community to have
some outside peril in hope that the PCs care enough about its fate a public area set aside for drinking and socializing in the evening.
to do something about it. Conversely, a region riven with mutual Most households have at least one member who knows how to turn
mistrusts, conflicts, and enmities provide a constant flow of adven- the local plant life into something potable, and the natural human
ture hooks to engage players and ease your creative burden. Once instincts for socialization lend themselves to these informal taverns.
you’ve decided how the local politics shape up, flip back to your While some groups find them to be rather cliched, working out
Communities sheet and note down the relationships there. the details of a village’s public meeting-place can give you an easy
backdrop for social scenes and attempts to meet the locals.
A Cradle of Heroes
Now that you have a region sketched out, you should pick one of Some GMs prefer to have a map of a settlement close to hand, but
the communities to serve as the starting point for your campaign. you should resist this impulse unless you find it fun to create such a
Though the characters created by your players may have far-flung thing. Most players really don’t care about the details of street geom-
origins, they should begin their adventures there. Focusing on a set etry and building dimensions until it becomes immediately relevant
start location allows you to flesh it out fully and prepare the sur- to their plans. In those cases, it’s often easier to just make something
rounding area for the often-destructive attentions of your players. up on the spot and note it down for later consistency rather than
attempting to plot out the entire settlement’s cartography from the
A community toward the center of the region is often a good choice, beginning.
or one near a ruin suitable for exploration by novice adventurers. It’s
best to pick a settlement that has at least a moderately tolerant at- Once you’ve identified some important NPCs and useful services
titude toward mutants, and one that isn’t overly xenophobic toward available in the community, you should build the campaign’s initial
outsiders. It should be a place flexible enough to accommodate adventure. You can use the community tags to fill in the blanks of an
strangers, so as not to unduly limit the kinds of characters that your adventure template or brew something up on your own. One useful
players can create. hook for drawing in adventurers is the ubiquitous expectation that
every member of a community should pull his or her own weight.
To flesh out the community, you’re going to need to establish a few Strangers who simply sit around and eat their own rations aren’t
important NPCs. You’ll need to identify the local chieftain, head- welcome for long unless they’re actually doing something useful for
man, mayor, president, or other ruler. You need at least one likely the community- joining in the hunting, helping with the work, or
antagonist sketched out for adventures that require a malefactor to engaging in those sorts of daring deeds that hardened wanderers of
set them in motion, and you’ll want to establish some friendly NPC the wastes might be expected to handle. Village leaders are often
who can tug on the PCs’ sympathies when an ally is needed for a eager to pass off particularly grim challenges to outsiders, largely
plot. because they’re so much more expendable than their friends and
family in the settlement.
You’ll also need to decide what kind of services are available in the
community. It’s a natural GM instinct to want to establish taverns, It may seem strange that a sandbox campaign should start out with
markets, shops, and many of the other standard elements of Ye Olde a pre-designed adventure. In the usual course of a sandbox, it’s the
Adventuring Base, but in the desolate world of the New Earth, a players who should be deciding what their next goals are and what
lot of these old standbys aren’t so ubiquitous. Even in a healthy kind of daring expeditions they’re willing to conduct in order to
enclave with hundreds of inhabitants, there’s not enough surplus achieve their aims. A sandbox game’s chief virtue usually lies in
in food and time to allow for many artisans, let alone merchants providing interesting opportunities to pursue whatever ambitions
who live purely on the fruits of trade. Buying new armor or a good the players want to follow.
spear isn’t something that’s done at a shop, it’s done by going to the
villager who knows how to make such things and arranging for it However, in order for the players to be able to make those choices
to be made. they need to feel comfortable in the game world and have some
grasp of the local adventuring possibilities. The initial adventure of
Most healthy communities will have a scrapsmith capable of a sandbox campaign helps set them up with a good reason for PCs
working salvage into serviceable armor and weaponry, along with to know each other, gives them a firm grasp of the local realities,
and provides contacts in the local community. Whatever adventure
you write for them should be rooted in the local conflicts and pro- Random Wilderness Encounters
vide hooks for nearby ruins of interest or locations where further
excitement can be had. Once they’ve wrapped up the initial session, The wastelands are a dangerous place, and PCs who set off on
they’ll be in a position to sensibly choose their next steps. As such, long journeys can expect to run into trouble. Some GMs dislike
take care that the adventure is something short and sweet that won’t random wilderness encounters because they can throw off a ses-
leave them bogged down in several sessions worth of inescapable sion and suddenly leave the PCs much more depleted in resources
consequences. than they had planned. Others like them for precisely that reason,
as it makes overland travel much more dangerous and meaningful
Make additional notes about NPCs and adventure details on the for characters.
relevant community sheet in your campaign binder. Write it down
thoroughly, such that you won’t need anything to run the adventure If you choose to use random encounters in your game, there is
but this game book and the community sheet- the fewer papers you usually a 1-in-6 chance of running into trouble for any particular
have to shuffle at the table, the faster things will move. day of travel. The chances may be less in more peaceful regions,
or higher in areas crawling with hostile life. You might decide on
a suitable encounter on the spot, or you might roll on a pre-made
Preparing Sandbox Content encounter table appropriate to the region.
You’ve got a lot accomplished by now. You have a map, a score of
interesting settlements and ruins mapped out on it, a detailed start- If the encounter is something that might reasonably be active at
ing community for your players, and an initial adventure all set up night, roll 1d6; on a 4+, the encounter happens at night. Parties
for them. Honestly, this is all you need to start the campaign. Still, that lack a night watch might be oblivious to their danger until
it may seem as if your region is only barely begun, without nearly the foe is right on top of them.
enough details and specific information to support you at the table.
Shouldn’t you be fleshing all this stuff out in detail so you can just When an encounter occurs, the two groups usually notice each
pull it up in case you need it? other at a distance of 2d6 x 10 meters. If the PCs win an opposed
Wisdom/Perception check against the other group, they notice
No, you shouldn’t. Ultimately, there are two grim nemeses of the interlopers one round before the intruders have a chance to
sandbox campaigns. The first is player aimlessness, the boredom spot the PCs. If they fail, the benefit is reversed.
and frustration that comes when your players don’t have their own
goals or don’t see any fun way to advance them. The second is GM If the PCs cannot hide or otherwise sneak away, a long chase may
burnout, when the game master throws up his hands in frustration result. In that case, an opposed Constitution/Athletics check can
at the enormous amount of work he’s given himself in detailing show which group flags first and is forced to fight. Use the worst
his sandbox. Worse still, these afflictions feed on each other. The rolls of both groups to determine this, assuming they’re not will-
GM worries that the players won’t see anything interesting to do, ing to leave those laggards behind. Differences in movement rates
so he slaves over dozens of pages of world details and adventure will likely apply penalties to some checks and bonuses to others.
preparations. Or conversely, the players see a thirty-page campaign
introduction document and end up baffled by the complexity or
brew up material to support their plans. It may be that you know
stymied when all of their plans clash with reams of pre-ordained
that their plans are infeasible, or that you expect they’ll discover
setting content.
some things that will make them change course drastically mid-
session. If so, think a step or two ahead of the group and prep
The secret to success is a light hand on your campaign. Build only
something to occupy the PCs while they take stock of their new
what you need. But how can you find the golden mean? Whenever
you think about whether or not to work on a particular piece of
your campaign, ask yourself “Am I going to need this for our next
Second, create drop-in content that you can slot with no or minimal
gaming session? Am I going to have fun making this?” If you can’t
prep. Remember those two ruins you sketched out a few pages back?
answer “yes” to at least one of those questions, put the thing aside
Now’s a good time to build them out completely, with whatever
and don’t bother with it.
maps and stocking they might need. When filling them, don’t tie
them to some specific place. When the players take it in their heads
You only ever need to stay one session ahead of your players. So long
to veer off course and you suddenly need something prepared, you
as you have enough material on hand to keep them occupied for
can pull content like this and just change a few names and details to
the next gaming session, you’ll be fine. At first blush, this may seem
“reskin” it appropriately. You can use the same trick to create instant
easier said than done- in a sandbox game, how are you supposed
villages, enemy camps, mutant hideouts, or any other location you
to know what you’re going to need for the next session? Half the
might need on short notice. Change some names, plug in some
charm of running a sandbox is being regularly surprised by what
connections to the current location and events, and you’ve got your
the players decide to do next. You can deal with this risk with three
evening’s play right there.
easy techniques.
Third, when the players do something completely inexplicable and
First, simply ask the players about their plans. At the end of every
veer off in a direction you are totally unprepared to handle, blow
session, just ask the players “Okay guys, what do you plan on doing
something up. Send in cannibal mutants. Detonate a leftover fusion
next session?” You now have the full downtime between sessions to
core. Collapse the dam on a radioactive reservoir. Throw Timmy session. There are just a few more small maintenance jobs you need
down a well. Hand them some problem that they must deal with to handle between sessions in order to get the most out of the work
right now and let that occupy the session time. It’s important that you’ve already done.
this problem not block them from pursuing their new goal, but you
want it to delay them with a situation you can handle until you First, write a brief recap of the session’s events in your campaign
have the downtime to prepare for their new course of action. Most folder’s log. Just a quick telegraphic overview is fine, along with a
players are perfectly willing to cut you some slack about this so long mention of any NPCs that were significantly involved in events.
as it doesn’t appear as if you’re trying to veto their decision with Make sure to note down the in-game date of events, to help track
GM obstacles. Explicitly saying “That’s an interesting plan, guys, the consumption of supplies and keep other activities elsewhere
and I’ll need to prep some more for it, but right now you’ve got this from stomping on the timeline.
problem to solve.” is usually plenty to keep the players happy.
Second, if you’re using the Group system to run the affairs of the
Your time and creative energy are limited resources. You don’t want local communities and powerful organizations, you should run a
to spend them on things that you’re not very likely to need at the group turn for those powers who are doing something this round.
table, and above all, you don’t want to spend them on things that If very little time will pass between this session and the next, you
are tedious for you. This is your world, and you should be allowed might skip it, but you generally want to run at least one group turn
to simply enjoy the making of it. If you don’t have any good ideas for every month of game time. Just flip through the Community
about a chunk of it or you find a topic boring, leave it alone. There is section of your folder, and as you resolve each group’s turn, update
no great editorial demiurge in the sky who’s going to punish you for the sheet and enter in a log note about what they accomplished or
having an inconsistently-developed campaign setting. If you have failed to do.
what you need for the next session’s play, just let yourself go wild
and work on whatever looks like it’s the most fun. Third, sit back with the campaign log you’ve written and thumb
through it a bit. See if there are any dangling threads that need to
You should work off your campaign folder’s sheets whenever pos- be tidied up, or any consequences that really ought to be showing
sible, writing down the details you establish and filing away the fill- up by now. As your campaign progresses, the players are likely to
in locations that you create. If you keep the information all in one leave a host of mortal foes and steadfast allies behind them and all of
location, you won’t run the risk of confusing yourself with a random these people make great hooks for future events. Try to work at least
flurry of scrawled notes and assorted miscellaneous notebooks. one callback to a prior adventure into each new session. It doesn’t
have to be a major element, and it might be something as simple as
Maintaining the Sandbox a message from someone they helped long ago telling of how well
So you’ve just finished the first session. You know the motivations things have gotten on since the PCs gave them aid. One of the great
of the PCs, you know what they plan to do next time you meet, pleasures of a sandbox campaign is the chance to watch a world be
and you know what material you need to prepare before the next changed by PC actions, and these callbacks and consequences are a
great way of underlining the PCs’ influence in the region.
Enclave Site Creation
Sometimes, you’ll have a perfectly clear idea of the kind of com-
munity you want to establish for your region. Other times, you’ll Enclave Core
have need of a little inspiration. These tables will help provide that 1d20 Result
extra spark.
1 Abandoned buildings in an ancient town or village.
First, determine the size of the enclave. The following table gives the 2 Remote Mandate factory-farm and its fields.
population in able-bodied adults. There are twice as many children Industrial facility that had a few working production
as adults in most communities, and one-quarter as many inhabit- 3 tools left.
ants too old or crippled for heavy work.
4 Remote resort far away from population centers.
The enclave is of average size for a wasteland settle- 10 Small town that came together in the crisis.
8-14 ment, with 2d4 hundred adult locals. 11 Church or religious pilgrimage site
The enclave is unusually large and powerful, with
15-17 1d8+7 hundred adult occupants.
12 Port or warehouse center full of supplies.
As one of the largest human settlements in the region, 13 Post-Scream refuge built by survivors
18-19 1d4+1 thousand people live here.
14 Ruined starport for orbital shuttles
Many regions lack any enclave as populous as this one,
20 15 Beached cargo tanker or crashed starship
with 1d6+6 thousand adults.
16 University or academic institution
Next, determine the general type of social structure used by the 17 Rigidly traditional ethnic community
enclave, if not already clear. This will tip you off as to the kind of
rulers it’s likely to possess. 18 Artist’s enclave with a supply of usable tools
19 Hidden subway tunnels or cross-country maglev bores
Enclave Government 20 Mutant plant grove with dangers for outsiders
1d10 Result
Having determined the original core around which the enclave
1 Anarchic, with no law beyond the spear. grew, you’ll want to decide on its available tech level. Tech in an
2 Archaic, led by Mandate-heritor directors. enclave is rarely uniform- even the most primitive nomads often
have a salvaged firearm or two, and an advanced enclave rarely has
3 Caste-based, with the low serving the high
enough for everyone. The following table can give a hint if you don’t
4 Democratic, ruled by common consensus. have a better idea for the group yourself.
5 Monarchic, led by a ruling family.
6 Oligarchic, led by the leading families. Enclave Tech
1d100 Result
7 Technocratic, led by wise men and techs.
1-25 TL0. The locals are barbarously ignorant.
8 Theocratic, led by priests or cadres.
TL1. The locals can manufacture only basic items,
9 Tribal, with clans led by family elders. 26-75 relying on salvage for anything more.
10 Tyrannical, led by the strongest bully. TL2. The locals are uncommonly sophisticated, and
76-95 can build firearms and use steam.
Once you know who lives there and how they’re led, you can
determine the particular core that made the site so enticing as a
96-99 TL3. A rare oasis of advanced tech skills.
settlement location in the first place. Most of these cores still exist in TL4. Almost unheard-of in the wastes, the locals here
100 have amazing technical expertise.
the present day, often at the heart of the oldest part of the enclave.
Enclave Tags into Professor Susan Nkomo, the remarkably brilliant leader of the
As a final step, roll twice on the table above to determine a pair cult and an utterly foolhardy utopian. Such an Enemy can then be
of enclave tags. These tags are simple tropes that you can use to easily slotted into one of the templates provided in the Adventure
flavor an enclave. Each tag includes examples of five types of quali- Creation chapter.
ties- enemies you’re likely to encounter in the enclave, friends who
might appeal to the PCs, precious things that are worth stealing, Many tags imply locals that are likely to be hostile to outsiders, or
complications that might make life more difficult in the enclave, suggest degenerate social qualities that are apt to repulse the PCs.
and places that are characteristic of the trope. A few such “enemy enclaves” work well in a region, but if you want
to tone down the hostility you can simply apply the tag to a small
Once you roll the two tags, it’s often useful to blend them together faction within the community, or even to an outside group that is
into a synthesis. For example, if you roll “Educated” and “Recent presently menacing the locals.
Settlement”, you might decide that the community is led by a band
of science-revering zealots who have gathered together castoffs and Some tags will imply things about the enclave that your earlier rolls
renegades from the surrounding lands to establish a new, utopian contradict- a “Sustained Technology” roll when you’ve randomly
community of reason and enlightenment. You can then blend the determined the enclave has TL0 tech, for example. In most cases
elements of each tag’s lists together into useful elements. you can simply change the earlier roll to something more suitable,
but sometimes it can be worth it to think of ways in which the con-
The “Arrogantly superior elder” of the Educated and the “Hope- tradiction could exist. You should always feel free to edit your results
lessly impractical leader” of the Recent Settlement can be merged to whatever combination seems both plausible and interesting.
9 Educated 9 Robots
10 Exiles 10 Sanctuary
4 Hunger 4 Supremacists
10 Nobility 10 Warbeasts
Enclave Site Tags
Old Terra was the heart of humanity's interstellar empire, and countless aliens from far-flung worlds were present as ambassadors,
representatives, and simple tourists. The great majority of these outsiders died during the chaos of the Scream or perished over the slow
decades that followed, but here and there a population was large enough to persist for at least a time. Most are down to a handful of
members, the last of their kind with few future prospects. This enclave might be entirely composed of aliens, or it might simply have a
significant minority, often frantic to retain what little hope they have for the future.
Alien ruthlessly bent on using expendable humans, Brutal alien chieftain, Alien dreaming of fresh conquests,
Enemies Alien blaming humans for the Scream
Curious young alien, Alien seeking others of its kind, Aged savant of alien tech, Alien diplomat seeking to make
Friends allies
Cache of bizarre alien tech, Precious relics from their homeworld, Limited stores of some vital and irreplaceable
Things nutrient, Stasis pods full of alien eggs
The aliens require salvaged tech to survive New Earth's environment, The aliens are degenerating on this world,
Complications The aliens eat humans, The aliens require human protection to survive
Hall decorated with faded alien artifacts, Alien ship crash site, Sealed complex with an alien atmosphere, Crumbled
Places former alien embassy
Ancient Hate
The locals have a hate for a neighboring enclave or group that defies mere ordinary detestation. Something the others did or were
imagined to have done has so offended and outraged the locals that they desire the complete extermination of the culprits. Some such
hates are born of old atrocities and betrayals, while others fester from a difference in religion, government, mutation, or ethnicity.
Outsiders had best not appear to be related to the wicked foes.
Local accusing the PCs of being allies of the foe, Chief wanting to use the PCs against the enemies, Local
Enemies suspecting the PCs of being spies, Local wanting proof of the PCs' shared hatred of the foe
Local with secret ties to the enemy, Local with secret desire to make peace, Trader wanting to start a route
Friends between them, Young lover smitten with an enemy
Proof that the original atrocity wasn't the enemy's fault, Plunder taken from the foe, Evidence of spies within
Things the enclave, Prisoners taken as slaves
The two groups were once united, The dispute is incomprehensible or trivial to outsiders, The enemy really is as
Complications horrible as they're said to be, Both groups need to cooperate in the face of a threat
Ancient massacre site, Dangerous no-man's land, Execution festival for a foe, Trophy hall full of the tokens of
Places victory
Ancient Settlement
This enclave has managed to hold on to its current location since the days before the Scream. The current inhabitants are the direct
descendants of the former dwellers, and often retain a surprising amount of relic technology and well-repaired buildings. An instinctive
clannishness and suspicion of outsiders often goes with such security.
Xenophobic elder, Young warrior keen to "harvest" outsiders' belongings, Grim priest of a deviant traditional
Enemies religion, Aspiring warlord of the surrounding region
Clever-tongued local diplomat, Proud local with a sense of noblesse oblige, Latest in a long line of guardians,
Friends Curious youth seeking a new life elsewhere
Key to the settlement's defenses, Vital component of the local power supply, Half-understood ancient relic tech,
Things Long-lost plunder from prior decades
The settlement is decaying beneath them, Outsiders are always seeking to conquer them, The locals are compla-
Complications cent and blind to danger, The locals are rigid and fear change
Immaculately-kept ancient building, Ossuary full of ordered bones, Atop a strong wall, A well-maintained plaza
Places with Old Terran signs
Cannibalism is an almost instinctive horror to most enclaves on the New Earth. To eat the flesh of a fellow human marks the culprit
as something worse than a beast, an enemy to be killed or driven out before his example spreads. This enclave has accepted it through
necessity, convenience, or philosophical belief, likely earning them the hate and fear of their neighbors.
Gluttonous chieftain, Slavemaster-cum-cook, Hunter searching for fresh meat, Prophet preaching the wisdom
Enemies of cannibalism
Prisoner seeking rescue, Reformer seeking to change the enclave, Local seeking a new food source, Missionary of
Friends a non-anthropophagic faith
Cure for a parasitic disease induced by cannibalism, Purification tech to recover spoiled farmland, Plunder from
Things yesterday's meal, Writ sparing the bearer from the stewpot
The locals are ashamed of their need for cannibalism, The locals conceal their hungers, The locals are deter-
Complications mined to convert other enclaves, The locals are mutants who need human flesh
Slaughterhouse full of human parts, Pen full of slaves to be eaten, Gruesome feasting hall, Tent fashioned of
Places human skin and bones
Class Hate
The enclave is divided by a sharp, vicious hatred between two or more major subgroups. They might be divided by religion, Old Terran
ethnicity, differing levels of wealth, or varying social castes. The hatred is not presently so intense as to devolve into outright civil war,
but events are dangerously close to a sudden, final reckoning.
Manipulator seeing catspaws in the PCs, Local who sees the PCs as allies of the hated foe, Local who profits by
Enemies the hate, Outside enemy who wants the enclave to collapse
Desperate local peacemaker, Local who sees the need for unity against impending disaster, Local related to both
Friends groups, Missionary seeking unity through mutual conversion
Relic that legitimizes one group's dominance, Trophy of a long-deplored crime, The wealth that the groups fight
Things over, Lost panoply of a mighty warrior for one side
Both sides want to end the hate but don't dare relax, One side is actually far more culpable than the other, The
Complications hate is led by a small group of fiery demagogues, The hate is based on a third party's trickery
Barren disputed field, Burnt home of an unlucky victim, Sharply divided community festival, Well where both
Places sides must come to get water
The enclave is convinced that their ultimate destiny is to bring the surrounding region under their benevolent rule. The others may
not appreciate this generous offer, but sufficient time, reasoning, and heavily-armed tourism will bring them to their senses. Their
neighbors are obviously too weak, savage, stupid, inferior, or culturally incompetent to be trusted with self-rule, and this enclave must
show them a better way.
Rapacious chieftain, Arrogant captain of raiders, Militaristic salvager-scientist, Prophet of the enclave's superior-
Enemies ity
Local convinced that peace is better for all, Enemy of the ruling faction who wants help, Spy from neighboring
Friends enclave, Fearful local with family living at the likely next target
Ancient war-machine patched back to life, Old Terran handbooks on military organization, Pretech military
Things cache, Trophy that proves their divine right
The enclave formerly ruled the others, The enclave is quite civilized aside from this urge, The enclave is con-
Complications vinced it fights in self-defense, The enclave is led by exiled leaders of its rivals
Places Military training ground, Spacious barracks, Prison camp, Victory celebration
Cruel Tribute
Some outside power demands a painful tribute from the enclave. Food, salvage, and slaves are all common requisitions, usually
enforced at spearpoint by some more powerful neighbor. Sometimes the oppressor is another enclave, while other times find a nomad
tribe, raider band, Crazed cult, or rapacious scrap-sage as the culprit behind the exactions. The locals are too weak or frightened to kick
against their tormentor, but outsiders may be less considerate of the status quo.
Brutal tax collector, Local collaborator, Local who wants to see a rival beggared, Chieftain who'd sooner sacrifice
Enemies the PCs than his own
Local recently deprived of their children, Rebel warrior, Traitor in the oppressor's forces, Outside enemy of the
Friends oppressor
Recent tribute collection, Prize collected long ago, Map of the oppressor's security, Food stockpile desperately
Things needed by the locals
A local minority openly serves the oppressor, The cruel tribute is demanded only from an unpopular minority,
Complications The oppressor needs the tribute to hold back a worse danger, The tribute is collected under color of an honest
Collecting plaza for the tribute, Hushed tavern as the collectors enter, Field scraped clean of grain, Gibbet with
Places the remains of the last rebel
Most enclaves have managed to retain some shadow of their former civilization. Laws may have crumbled and sophisticated social
organizations may have collapsed to simple village customs, but most enclave-dwellers consider themselves civilized men and women.
Degenerates have lost that self-conception. Whether through nanite-induced neural damage or complete societal collapse, the locals
are bestial savages who respect nothing but brute strength and terror. Outsiders are tolerated only so long as they remain dangerous,
and every contemptible service and dubious offering can be had here for the price of a meal or the thrust of a spear. Many degenerates
are physically warped by their environment.
Local jealous of their wealth, Headman fearful of their power, Xenophobic local warrior, Vengeful savage who
Enemies blames the PCs for a recent death
Local with glimmerings of a moral sense, Slave in search of help, Missionary seeking to civilize them, Elder who
Friends wants to revive long-lost traditions
Morally disgusting tech, Plunder from the dead, Weapon that serves as a token of rule, Relic of some older and
Things nobler time
The degeneracy is nanite-based and curable, The degenerates are outcasts from another enclave, The degenerates
Complications attract numerous raiders and nomads, Not all of the locals have degenerated
Orgiastic festival, Bone-strewn feast hall, Defiled ancient church, Plaza decorated with hideously tortured
Places remains
The locals have an unusual respect for education in all its forms, even learning without an immediately practical use. Many of the
locals are literate, and the elders and leaders of the community are all accomplished in at least one sphere of learning. Education may
be valued for its practical benefits, or the locals may find it to be a symbol of the lost glory of humanity and a token of the right to
enlightened rule.
Jealously secretive sage, Arrogantly superior elder, Researcher bent on destructive experiments, Scholar needing
Enemies new "volunteers"
Curious young student, Defender of threatened archives, Bold explorer of ruined libraries, Academic heretic
Friends seeking evidence
Functioning dataslab full of usable lore, Location of a hidden library, Pretech device only the learned can use,
Things Evidence that the ruling clique's theories are wrong
The locals prize disciplines of no use to adventurers, The locals scorn the uneducated, The learning is jealously
Complications reserved for the elite, The locals have encrusted their lore with superstition
Places Busy school, Field full of laborers singing mnemonic chants, Heavily-guarded library, Laboratory full of scrap
The locals were once members of another enclave before being violently expelled by their brethren. Some such exiles are driven out
after unsuccessful political coups or attempts at military takeover, while others simply have the misfortune to be scapegoats for the
powerful. It is not unknown for mutants to be driven out of their communities to seek refuge among their own kind, and such a place
might be composed of castoffs from half a dozen different enclaves.
Bitter warrior who blames the outside world, Chieftain pursuing mad dreams of revenge, Local suspecting the
Enemies PCs of being spies, Local who sees PCs as tools to regain their place
Local needing to send a message back, Leader desiring new allies in their new home, Local wanting to make the
Friends new home better
Prized relic from their former home, Token of rightful authority to rule, Revered artifact symbolic of the exiles'
Things cause, Meager wealth carried with them from home
The exiles really did commit a horrible crime, The exiles were forced to obey by crazed leaders, The exiles yearn
Complications for forgiveness, The exiles welcome outcasts of all kinds
Ramshackle habitation thrown together recently, Shrine with relics of their former home, Plaza constructed in
Places echo of one they had before
Expert Artisans
This enclave is home to an unusual number of remarkably skilled artisans. It may be that the community is situated near an ideal
source of scrap, or the locals may have access to pretech industrial tools. Such a skilled population is likely the subject of numerous
greedy neighbors who would like to take control, and the locals may be somewhat paranoid about outsiders planning to conquer them
and use their skills for their own ends.
Paranoid craftmaster, Trader who controls outside contact, Rival who seeks the enclave's ruin, Selfish chieftain
Enemies who despises trade
Eager young apprentice, Outsider seeking trade contacts, Crafter too old to gather for himself, Mysterious
Friends keeper of lore
Pretech tools used for intricate construction, Lost cache of craftwork, Source of valuable scrap, Book with secret
Things techniques
The construction requires human parts, The scrap source is controlled by a cruel tyrant, The enclave is cut off
Complications from trade, The local crafts are aesthetic rather than practical in nature
Busy workshop, Dangerous neighboring scrap-ruin, Marketplace with actual shops, Storehouse full of carefully-
Places crafted trade goods
Food Supply
The enclave possesses an unusually reliable and abundant food source. Under most circumstances, such abundance would bring a
wealth of wanderers, nomads, and small tribes to the enclave to share in the bounty- willingly or otherwise. Such enclaves tend to be
quite populous and strong compared to their neighbors. Other enclaves find themselves burdened with new problems that cancel out
any special charm that the food might endow.
Enemies Hoarding chieftain, Ravenous nomad leader, Scheming local food distributor, Saboteur from a rival enclave
Friends Hard-pressed farmer, Starving refugee, Ambitious cook, Grizzled tribal defender
Large food stockpile, Vital replacement parts for local agriculture, Gengineered grain seed, Advanced farming
Things tools
Rations have very little buying power here, The food supply is newly-found and the locals can't protect it, The
Complications food is running out, The food has unpleasant side-effects
Functioning pretech factory farm, Cave full of gengineered food fungus, Corral full of herd animals, Complex
Places full of algae tanks and soy vats
Functioning Industry
Somehow, the locals have managed to preserve or put back into service some ancient Old Terran industrial facility. In most cases, the
raw materials these facilities require are hard to get and the output very limited compared to before the Scream, but even a crippled
manufactory is a cornucopia by New Earth's standards. In theory, these manufactories can make almost anything, but few enclaves
have the lore needed to alter production and most tend to find alternate uses for the consumer products and light goods originally
created by the machines.
Enemies Ruthless "Foreman", Megalomaniac chief, Priest of the Great Machines, Acquisitive raider lord
Dedicated young technician, Keeper of secret industrial lore, Curious outsider seeking tech, Native scientist
Friends seeking to understand
Things Critical spare parts, Template for new products, Vital catalyst stash, Bomb for sabotaging industry
The products are "useless" consumer goods, The industry is breaking down, The locals have made too many
Complications enemies, The techs fight to stop any change in its operation
Factory floor with lots of electricity and molten plastics, Hushed vault of product templates, Grimy salvage pit
Places full of raw inputs, Yard full of toxic byproducts
Every enclave knows hunger from time to time, but the people here regularly suffer from famine. Something about the surrounding
land must keep them here, either the prospect of rich salvage, safety from enemies, or fear of the unknown. Obtaining and dividing
food consumes almost every waking hour for the locals, and most are scraped gaunt and desperate by their need. Rations can buy far
more here than they can most places, though outsiders must be strong to prevent theft by the desperate locals.
Voracious cannibal, Local despising "useless eaters", Schemer seeking catspaws, Leader fearing an outside threat
Enemies to their power
Man with a family to feed, Dreamer seeking a better life, Priest trying to hold civilized norms in place, Scout
Friends seeking new food supplies
Hidden cache of Old Terran rations, Proof that someone is a cannibal, Sacred relic that keeps the locals here,
Things Map to better land
Outsiders are "taxed" out of their rations rapidly, Outside powers force the natives to stay, The locals fear to
Complications cross the wastelands, The locals stay to protect something
Field of sickly crops, Kitchen with pitifully small stores, Scene of a lynching over food hoarding, Almost-empty
Places granary
Old Terran genetic therapies erased large swaths of dangerous recessive genetic traits, and many forms of heritable sickness were
banished entirely. The marriage of close relatives remained a strong taboo in most cultures, but the actual genetic damage from
inbreeding was limited. Even so, some enclaves had so few members that even their ancestors' genetic scrubbing could not leave them
entirely unmarked. For these unfortunate souls, their limited genetic diversity has left them scarred by exaggerated physical traits,
certain stubborn genetic sicknesses, and occasional mental instability or retardation.
Deranged chieftain, Local who hates and fears outsiders, Local desperate for a mate with fresh blood, Racial
Enemies supremacist
Friends Curious youth, Diplomat seeking new citizens, Healer working on inherited illnesses, Ambitious explorer
Things Pretech genetic therapy drugs, Symbol of their "purity", Ancestral treasures, Records of their isolated history
The locals are deeply degenerate, The locals are physically weak, The natives are strangely beautiful, The natives
Complications intentionally inbreed to strengthen psychic potential
Plaza full of similar-looking people, Incestuous wedding, Portrait gallery of honored ancestors, Family estate-
Places turned-fortress
As Old Terra perished in flame and horror, some among the survivors came to blame the very idea of pretech technology. If it weren't
for the Highshine and the orbital defenses, the Crazed would never have been able to work their horror on the entire planet so swiftly.
Such technology must be destroyed or reserved for the righteous. These enclaves generally refuse to use any technology beyond
steam-era engines and weaponry. Some are cultists of the Bender, the terrible Crazed arch-psychic who seeks the destruction of every
subtly-made tool of humanity.
Conquering anti-tech chieftain, Native convinced the PCs are spreading tech, Priest teaching a hate of tech,
Enemies Native burner of libraries
Secret tech sympathizer, Missionary teacher, Trader hungry for locked-away relics, Friendly proselytizer for
Friends Luddism.
Cache of forbidden tech, Illicit medical stims, Stash of acceptable gunpowder weaponry, Store of hidden paper
Things books
The locals are highly persuasive to their neighbors, Neighbors are convinced they're Bender-cultists, Plotters
Complications scheme to use tech to kill rival leadership, A priest is convinced the PCs have some forbidden tech
Field worked by simple hand tools, Plaza with smashed tech for paving, Charred ruins of a library, Shrine
Places dedicated to those who died to the evils of tech
Mandate Heirs
The locals are absolutely convinced that they are the duly-constituted representatives of legitimate Terran Mandate authority, and as
such, they have the right and duty to do whatever is necessary to drag their benighted neighbors into the light of social harmony. Some
such enclaves are the remnants of Mandate security outposts or the personal entourage of a powerful Mandate official. The details
usually blur over the years, until many believe that they are the last "true" remnants of the Mandate, and so the rightful rulers of all the
New Earth.
Half-savage half-tyrant chieftain, "Cultural Psychologist" with demented ideas about social harmony, Sadistic
Enemies killer under the color of Mandate law, Aspiring planetary ruler
Friends Idealistic leader, Ambassador for Mandate culture, Sympathetic "rebel criminal" slave, Determined reformer
Mandate facility passkey, Ancient Mandate peacekeeper tech, Location of hidden gear cache, Stasis pod
Things containing Mandate official
The locals have a very warped idea of the Mandate, The locals are divided into conflicting factions, The locals
Complications guard a taboo Mandate base, The enclave arbitrates outside conflicts
Decaying government building, Fortified Mandate base, House constructed in crude mimicry of ancient styles,
Places Room lined with portraits of prior officials
Mutant Dominance
The enclave is controlled by mutants. In some cases they may simply be the predominant group within the enclave, leading it by virtue
of numbers and influence. In others, they form a superior caste, ruling over their unchanged brethren as lords and blessed chosen.
Such communities take ample advantage of the strange abilities of those plagued by the Highshine, but they often draw mistrust and
fear from neighbors.
Enemies Savage mutant chieftain, Cruelly superior noble, Mutant slave harvester, Leader in need of disposable minions
Friends Ambassador to the normals, Young mutant eager to see the world, Cooperative idealist, Enclave healer
Highshine production node, Radioactive relics, Cure for dangerous mutation side-effects, Tribute gathered from
Things inferior humans
The mutations are not heritable and thus require regular Highshine exposure, Rebels conspire against the
Complications mutants, The mutants all suffer from a bad physical flaw or sickness, Mutation is forced in some
Sacred radioactive zone, Hall decorated with heroic statues of mutants, Temple devoted to mutation, Work-
Places house full of victims with crippling mutations
Mutant Hatred
The locals have a bitter hatred towards mutants. Large communities might have enough spare hands to afford executing such
unfortunates, while smaller ones might be forced to let them live as a downtrodden underclass. Most such enclaves are convinced
that mutation inevitably brings along a host of negative traits. They need to be exterminated or kept down lest they run rampant and
slaughter "real humans".
Mutant hunter with dark suspicions, Prophet of "blood purity", Violent eugenicist, Slaver in search of mutant
Enemies stock
Mutant with concealed stigmata, Parent of a mutant child, Native with pro-mutant sentiments, Oppressed local
Friends mutant
Poison that only affects mutants, Mutant-detecting sensors, Plunder taken from mutants, Corpse of a mutant
Things martyr
Their leaders are actually mutants with concealed stigmata, They were formerly enslaved by mutants, Local
Complications Highshine strains often result in deranged mutants, Mutants have their stigmata cut off or carved out
Slave pit full of mutants, Assembly of half-naked locals demonstrating their lack of stigmata, Execution ground
Places with mutant corpses, Home decorated with colorful tanned mutant hides
The enclave is rich enough to have some sort of nobility, a caste of men and women who administer the labor of others and live by the
local surplus. Some nobilities are descended from the founding core of a settlement, the latecomers assimilated as serfs and subjects.
Others draw their authority from the local religion, or ancient Mandate ties, or sheer red-speared violence. Nobles usually have
perquisites unknown to the common folk, and tend to defend their standing with great zeal.
Enemies Paranoid lord, Sneering princeling, Toady seeking favor with his masters, Brutal conqueror
Friends Downtrodden peasant, Heroic lordling, Noble in need of outside aid, Pretender to the throne
Artifact regalia of authority, Tribute exacted from the commoners, Control codes to a relic power source,
Things Charter of original authority
The current nobles are usurpers and the fallen house plots their destruction, The reality of a noble caste is
Complications apparent only to the locals, The autocratic nobles really are enlightened compared to the peasant leaders, The
nobles are hideously inbred
Barbarically splendid audience hall, Field worked by peasant labor, Large fortification of scrap and rubble,
Places Actual shops with surplus production for sale
The natives of the enclave are hated by the people of the surrounding area. Others will not enter their settlement, and if any of them
are found outside their lands they can expect a spear in their belly. Something these people are or have done is so abhorrent that their
neighbors will have nothing to do with them. PCs who are known for friendly dealings with the pariahs may well suffer for it at the
hands of outraged neighbors.
Bitter pariah chieftain, Outsider who thinks the PCs are in league with the pariahs, Ruthless local who preys on
Enemies outsiders, Savage native who hates all outsiders
Pariah yearning to see the outside world, Far-distant outsider who doesn't understand the taboo, Redeemer
Friends laboring to earn forgiveness, Grim local trying to endure the hostile isolation
Hard-won cache of precious survival supplies, Totem of the faith or cause that is so hateful to outsiders, Plunder
Things taken from their enemies, Proof that their cause is just
They really are as horrible as they are said to be, Their reputation is based on a mistake, They were once awful
Complications but are now better, Their reputation is a lie fostered on them by a rival group
Square full of suspicious locals, A lynching done by outraged outsiders, Shrine or museum dedicated to the past,
Places Temple to their hated creed
The people here are remarkably pacifistic and peaceful by the standards of the New Earth- perhaps too peaceful to live were it not
for some protector. They shun violence, abhor force in dealing with others, and have a pious- or craven- dread of bloodshed. Such
communities are almost never natural occurrences in the wastes, and are usually the product of a remarkably well-hidden home, strong
outside protectors, or an inevitably brief mass delusion brought on by prophets or preachers.
Brutal raider chieftain looking for prey, "Peaceful" psychopath who uses lies and treachery to ruthlessly enact his
Enemies will, Local thug who bullies the natives viciously, Local convinced the PCs are going to ruin everything
Reformer bent on re-introducing violence for the common good, Outsider gone native among the locals,
Friends Restless local seeking adventure, Native anticipating destruction if things don't change
Abundant supplies from the lack of fighting, Cache of native mind-altering drugs, Beautiful pieces of native art,
Things Abandoned store of high-tech military hardware
The natives are recent converts who've just been lucky so far, The natives are all just Highshine-influenced
Complications cowards, A secret group of assassins keeps order with "accidents", The natives are slaves of a much more violent
Places Serene native festival, Unwalled village, Bloodless native trial, Elaborate local religious rite
At least some of the members of the community are "podborn", men and women recently released from cold sleep capsules that date
back before the Scream. These exiles from the past are usually dazed, desperate, and utterly oblivious to the dangers of the New Earth.
They may or may not retain unusual supplies of Old Terran equipment, but most podborn groups perish quickly to the countless
threats that surround them. Those that survive can be priceless stores of information on nearby ruins and hidden caches of supplies.
Panicked "mayor" convinced the world's full of monsters, Aspiring world-conqueror, Vicious podborn criminal
Enemies rejoicing in the death of law, Brutal civilizer of mutant savages
Utterly helpless podborn doomed to die without aid, Revived rebel leader seeking allies, Technically-skilled
Friends podborn wanting protection, Podborn thrilled at the prospect of a life of adventure
Precious Old Terran tech, Passcodes to Mandate base, Insignia of high Mandate official, Map to now-lost
Things Mandate ruins
The podborn think everyone else is a monster, The podborn are utterly incompetent at survival, The podborn
Complications have been enslaved by a local tyrant, The podborn count themselves the rightful rulers of the area
Cavernous emergency pod bay, Desolate once-grand Mandate building, Clumsily-fashioned camp of debris and
Places survival tents, Room full of sick and wounded podborn
Psychic Cult
One of the dreaded cults of the Crazed has taken over this community, or is operating as an open faction in the enclave. These
demented psychic demi-gods have countless small cells of worshippers around the world, all seeking to propitiate their strange cravings
in return for protection and mercy. The priests of this cult might be psychics themselves or simply heavily-armed believers. Regardless
of their chosen patron, all tend to share a similar desire for the savage elimination of any unbelievers.
Demented cult high priest, Vicious cult enforcer, Honey-tongued preacher for the cult, Desperate man seeking
Enemies salvation in the cult
Rebel against cult domination, Heretic who seeks the downfall of the priests, Doubter who secretly no longer
Friends believes, Priest of the community's former religion
Obscene cult psychic technology, Plunder from wretched sacrifices, Tithes gathered from the locals, "Holy" relic
Things of their master
The cult is concealed as a different faith, The cultists don't know the true enormities of their priests, The cult is
Complications merely a dangerous minority of the group, The community is actually evenly divided about the cult
Temple to their Crazed master, Field of crucified unbelievers, Farm worked by a coffle of enslaved converts,
Places Plaza during horrific religious rite
Psychic Masters
Most of the psychics in the New Earth are the product of the horrific training of the Crazed and their cultists. Some, however, come
naturally to their powers- and to the inevitable madness that burns through an untrained mind. Most communities hate and fear
psychics, but this one has fallen under the control of one or more whose powers have burnt out their sanity in a way compatible with
rule. It may be that the community is even commanded by a sane, trained psychic- perhaps an apostate refugee from the Crazed and
their temples.
Paranoid psychic chieftain, Worshipful servant of the psychics, Outsider convinced the PCs are in league with
Enemies the psychics, Sadistic bullying henchman
Friends Secret psychic researcher, Psychic mentor trying to prevent insanity, Rebel reformer, Outside psychic-hunter
Ancient Mandate psitech, Tribute gathered for masters, Secret location of a psychic mentor, Loot from
Things conquered population
The psychics are trained and sane, The psychics are megalomaniacal, The locals worship the psychics, Local
Complications rulers have cut deals with the psychics
Austere meditation chamber, Orgiastic sacrificial rite, Ruins of some madness-induced atrocity, Site of a pitched
Places battle with frightened outsiders
Recent Settlement
The enclave is a fresh one, founded only a few years ago at most. Something about the site is inviting enough to have drawn others
together here. Perhaps an extended clan from a more overcrowded community made their way here, or exiles from a splintered enclave,
or nomads who've given up their wandering. Such communities are hopeful, but often rife with factions and arguments that have yet
to calm with time.
Suspicious village elder, Faction leader convinced the PCs are on the other side, Former exile who should have
Enemies stayed exiled, Hopelessly impractical leader
Friends Struggling farmer, Harried peacemaker, Hungry artisan, Beleaguered guard captain
Things Relic from their former home, Precious cache of survival supplies, Plans for vital tech, Old Terran seed stock
The settlement is being fashioned on abhorrent lines, Rough newcomers are turning the current denizens into
Complications slaves, A precious resource is suddenly discovered near the site, Civil war threatens among the factions
Crudely-built new village hall, Freshly-planted field, Jury-rigged gate in a crude fortification, Makeshift church
Places of the old faith
Reforming Zeal
One or more of the locals has been seized with a fierce determination to reform an existing wrong- or at least, what they consider to be
wrong. They've gathered enough allies in the community to be a serious factor, and they may be willing to use violence to purge the
corruption. The problem may be a genuine injustice, or it may just be a point of prejudice cherished by the prophet.
Corrupt chieftain, Fanatical reformer, Cynical outside manipulator, Vicious thug in service of the reformer or
Enemies the corrupt
Harried village elder, Sincere reformer, Local caught in the crossfire, Native dependent upon the status quo or
Friends on its reform
Ill-gotten gains of corruption, Offerings made to the prophet's cause, Plunder stolen from rivals, Proof of the
Things prophet's or the establishment's wrongdoing
The injustice is real but the reformer is a cynical demagogue, The reform is just an excuse to cover a deeper
Complications hate between natives, The corrupt have outside help in maintaining order, The group's survival depends on the
Riotous demonstration, Heavily-fortified regime stronghouse, Clandestine meeting of reformers, Place where
Places injustice is on full display
Religious Zealots
The locals are fanatical followers of a local faith, and insist that every aspect of life be made to forcibly conform to the dictates of their
religion or philosophical belief. Outsiders might be grudgingly tolerated, but any lack of deference to the faith is sure to provoke a
violent response. Zealots can be found for virtually any faith or ideology, and the scanty communication between wasteland enclaves
ensures that each one tends to be unique and particular in its demands.
Enemies Fanatical prophet, Grim-handed enforcer, Snooping informer, Bloodless church bureaucrat
Things Precious religious artifact, Proof of hierarchical wrongdoing, Tithes from believers, Lost regalia of sacred office
The zealots are actually the nicest bunch in the region, The zealots are a minority but powerful, The fanaticism
Complications is a response to a recent crisis, The fanaticism is imposed by outside conquerors
The church which is the grandest building in the enclave, Prison for holding sinners before punishment, School
Places full of religious students, Mass religious festival
The enclave has retained a number of functioning robots which they use for labor or protection. Most robots are purpose-built and
equipped with expert systems that allow them to function in their role; very rarely, an actual AI is present in an enclave and capable of
operating the robot hulls remotely. In some of these cases the robots are more masters and jailers than they are servants, the humans
enlisted to maintain their pitiless iron masters.
Tech who fears outsider theft, Aspiring general of a robot army, Paranoid AI who fears the Crazed, Local who
Enemies despises "primitive" outsiders
Friends Expert robot repair technician, Sheltered innocent local, Insatiably curious AI, Grizzled spare part scavenger
Things Cache of robot spare parts, Functioning high-tech tools, Dormant AI core, Stockpile of robot-made goods
The robots are wearing out, The locals are foolishly complacent behind their robot guards, The locals worship
Complications the bots, The locals don't know how to control the bots
Ancient robot workshop, Field tended by robotic laborers, Robot-operated hospital, Opulent throne room with
Places robot servants
The enclave is a refuge for some hated and persecuted people, one either hidden from hostile outsiders or too defensible to be taken by
storm. In some cases, sanctuaries are simply oases of peace and security in a remarkably hostile land, a patch of fresh water and fertile
land in the midst of a glass desert or a redoubt in mutant-infested mountains. At other times, they are hiding places for a hated race of
mutants or a despised local faith. Not all appreciate being discovered by potentially hostile outsiders, but many are in need of whatever
help they can get.
Vicious local who despises outsiders, Refugee who blames the PCs for what they suffered, Grim survivalist who
Enemies wants no new mouths to feed, Demagogue seeking to make an army
Unjustly persecuted local, Scarred and world-weary native, Beleaguered local protector, Tech maintaining the
Friends sanctuary
Prizes carried from former homes, Key to the sanctuary's defenses, Cache of precious supplies, Map of an easy
Things path through the dangerous surroundings
The locals seethe with resentment, The sanctuary is crumbling, New refugees threaten to seize the sanctuary,
Complications Old enemies have discovered the sanctuary
Narrow path along a precipice, Atop a high-walled fortification, A chamber of light and life inside a fortress, A
Places wellhouse of sweet water
Secret Masters
Whatever their apparent government, the group is actually ruled by a secretive cabal. Savvy natives may know the truth or they might
be innocent of their real masters, but outsiders are unlikely to realize the truth of things. These secretive figures might be powerful
psychic cultists, mutants, or religious figures, or they may simply be ruthless political masterminds. The apparent leadership is never
more than a mere figurehead for their machinations.
Hidden cultist of the Crazed, Cold-blooded Machiavellian conspirator, Holy man with fanatical minions,
Enemies Enforcer who wants outsiders to keep moving
Fearful native who knows the truth, Target of the hidden cabal, Local who wants to escape the enclave, Secret
Friends rebel against the masters
Relic by which the masters exert control, Proof the masters' real identities, Cache of weapons for the rebels, Key
Things to the masters' hidden redoubt
The masters are actually benign, The masters hide to avoid an ancient grudge from another enclave, The locals
Complications know but are terrified of the masters, The masters masquerade as lowly drudges
Hidden rebel camp, Ancient sanctum of the masters, Oddly stiff noble court, Site of "mysterious and tragic
Places accident"
Splinter Group
The group originally belonged to another, larger enclave in the region, but some sort of conflict or dissent drove them away to found a
new community. The sectarians might have adopted new faiths, or rejected the current leadership, or committed acts unforgivable by
their former kin. Feelings between the two communities are usually hostile, and strangers must take care not to be friends of the wrong
sort of people.
Chieftain nursing old grudges, Local seeing the PCs as tools against their rivals, Zealot determined to overthrow
Enemies the "usurpers", Native suspecting the PCs of being rival agents
Peacemaker seeking reconciliation, Aspiring reformer, Local yearning to return, Native wanting to escape old
Friends hates
Regalia of legitimacy, Holy relic of their faith, Stockpiled weapons for the "restoration", Proof that their cause
Things was wrong
The sectarians were the former ruling class, The two groups openly war with each other, The split was actually
Complications amicable, The group tells itself comforting lies about why it split
Village center made up like their old home, Museum-like house dedicated to the "truth", Muster ground for
Places patrols against spies, Freshly-built structure put into recent use
For some reason the natives of this community cannot reproduce themselves in the normal fashion. Radiation and a pervasive High-
shine infection might be the cause, or the natives may be a last sad remnant of long-lived aliens, or they might belong to a creed that
abhors natural reproduction. As no community can last long without new blood, they must either find different ways of introducing
new members or suffer a gradual extinction. Not all recruits are given much choice in their new allegiance.
Mad scientist creating altered life, Prophet of a self-mutilating cult, Bitter mutant seeking to taint outsiders,
Enemies Hateful alien leader
Desperate defender of the enclave, Unwilling recruit to the group, Savant who seeks a cure, Despairing native
Friends without family or help
Things Unused obstetric supplies and medicines, The cure for the sterility, Cache of robotic children, Medical supplies
The locals believe they deserve their lot, The natives forcibly impress outsiders, The natives aren't sterile but the
Complications environment kills children, The natives are podborn rendered sterile by their long suspension
Empty houses, Structures built for much larger populations, A graveyard lined with tablets, A festival with few
Places people in a vast chamber
The locals are adamantly convinced of their superiority over all their neighbors. Whether from greater tech, larger numbers, confident
religion, useful mutations, lack of mutations, or ethnic extraction, they count others as little more than savages. Attitudes range from
a sense of noblesse oblige to their sad inferiors to a dehumanizing contempt for their existence. Outsiders are rarely entertained for a
moment longer than their utility lasts.
Enemies Casually superior chieftain, Local slaver, Ruthless "cultural instructor", Aspiring conqueror
Friends Mistreated slave, Open-minded local, Struggling outsider trader, Reforming native
Relic emblematic of their superiority, Inherited tech, Cache of insurgency supplies, Records proving their
Things self-conception is false
The locals were once lowly and downtrodden, The enclave means well toward its neighbors, Their neighbors are
Complications cowed and submissive, The group performs some duty vital to the region
Mass rally, Hall of recorded glories, Slave pens full of neighboring tribals, Temple where their superiority is
Places preached
Sustained Technology
Somehow, the natives have managed to hold on to a significant portion of their ancestral technological base. This fragment might not
be enough to support the entire enclave, but their leaders and elites have access to TL4 equipment and weaponry, and the enclave
probably has such luxuries as electrical power and running water. Such enclaves tend to be ferociously protective of their remaining
technical resources and paranoid about attempts to steal or sabotage them.
Enemies Suspicious chief technician, Fanatical tech-priest, Incipient conqueror, Reckless scientist
Friends Scientific missionary, Harried maintenance tech, Grizzled defender, Spare-parts scavenger
Things Products of the enclave, Plans for high-tech gear, Advanced workshop tools, Functioning pretech fabricators
The enclave can produce only a trickle of gear, The gear has dangerous side-effects, The fabricators require
Complications terrible sacrifices, The fabricators are wearing out
Comfortable modern dwelling, Climate-controlled building, Town square lit with electrical lighting, Dangerous
Places factory floor
Trade Hub
The vast majority of trade in the New Earth is crude barter or involves the communal sharing of goods. However, some enclaves are
positioned so well that they can serve as markets for the surrounding settlements and nomad tribes. These trade hubs often produce
useful goods of their own, whether livestock, abundant produce, or substantial scrap salvage. Their function as commercial hubs leaves
them far more cosmopolitan and open to outsiders than most enclaves, and their respect for the property rights of strangers is remark-
able in the wastes.
Enemies Dishonest trader, Expert thief, Rapacious enclave elder, Raider chief plotting a big score
Friends Hard-pressed guardsman, Town magistrate, Ambitious young trader, Naive tribal
Things Stockpiled trade goods, Collected tariffs, Bandits' stolen pelf, Proof of dishonest dealing
Raiders are strangling the hub, New rulers are oppressing the merchants, A rival enclave seeks the hub's ruin,
Complications The hub's leadership dreams of regional rule
Places Bustling bazaar, Quiet caravanserai, Actual shop with goods to buy, Warehouse full of supplies
The enclave is under the iron fist of a tyrant, whatever its normal governance might be like. Some power controls daily life in the
community, and any hint of resistance is crushed. The lord might be a raider chieftain who has seized the place for a new seat of power,
the chief elder of a vicious local family, a brute who has found powerful pretech artifacts for himself and his favorites, or any other
suitably savage master. Most locals prefer to suffer under their oppressor than risk the dangers of the wastes.
Enemies The tyrant himself, Vicious lickspittle courtier, Skulking informant, Bullying henchman
Friends Rebel leader, Abused local, Former ruler's heir, Old enemy of the tyrant
Things Gathered "taxes", The weapons of the tyrant, Cache of rebel supplies, Peasants' hidden food stores
The community invited in the tyrant against a worse external threat, A significant minority support the tyrant,
Complications The tyrant isn't as bad as the one he replaced, The tyrant has legitimacy with the people
Places Gate with heads on pikes, Field of crucifixes, Field worked by slaves, Burnt ruins of a rebel house
Unsteady Alliance
The enclave is actually composed of two or more sharply distinct groups, perhaps of different cultures, lifestyles, religions, or mutation
types. The locals are new to this circumstance and neither group particularly trusts the other. There may have been a legacy of skir-
mishing between the two, or simple strangeness- but the environment is forcing them to work together for mutual survival. Leadership
is likely a bone of contention, with members of one group refusing to follow a leader of a different clan.
Self-serving demagogue, Ethnic chauvinist, Local with a grudge against the others, Outsider who profits by
Enemies conflict
Friends Star-crossed lovers, Pragmatic peacemaker, Aspiring leader of all clans, Apolitical survivalist
Prized ancestral relics, Symbol of past cooperation, Proof of a troublemaker's machinations, Evidence of an
Things impending crisis that will require cooperation
The groups used to raid each other, The outside pressure is temporary and the alliance will fade when it does,
Complications One group is substantially weaker than the other, The groups' lifestyles are mutually incompatible
Clan-segregated meeting area, House in one clan's style, Debris of a drunken brawl, Contentious meeting of
Places leaders
Uplifted Beastmen
The enclave is populated largely or entirely by uplifted animals, either beastmen from the Bestiary chapter or full animals that have
been mutated into sentience by the Highshine. Most of these enclaves have at least a crude semblance of human organization to them,
leavened with decidedly animalistic traits. Some beastman settlements can be fairly advanced, but most lack the advantage of the
ancestral tech base possessed by human communities. Their attitudes toward their neighbors are largely shaped by their animal types,
with predators being decidedly less friendly than herd animals.
Half-savage beastman warrior, Cunning beastman manipulator, Outsider seeking the beastmen as warriors,
Enemies Beastman who despises humans
Friends Curious young beastman, Human trader seeking profit, Human local gone native, Wise beastman elder
Relics of Old Terran biotech, Beastman-creation serum, Device that controls feral minds, Keys to lost Mandate
Things lab
The beastmen despise their feral natures, The beastmen consider humans to be prey animals, The beastmen
Complications scorn advanced tech, The beastmen keep human slaves
House more like a pen than a human structure, Lush pasture, Meeting-place of simple stones, Hall in crude
Places mimicry of human work
The locals raise some kind of mutated animal as a warbeast, whether a type large enough to be ridden or one meant simply to fight
beside its owner. Such powerful companions strongly influence the enclave's culture, with the most important families being those
with the most or best warbeasts in their packs. Such large numbers of likely-carnivorous creatures require substantial hunting ranges,
and such communities are often limited in their packs by the amount of food they can find for their stock. Some enclaves trade their
beasts, while others guard them jealously as symbols of their might.
Enemies Handler as savage as his beasts, Mad beast-cultist, Chief with plans of conquest, Mutated intelligent warbeast
Diplomat seeking to buy beasts, Curious breeding researcher, Handler in need of help, Outsider slated to be
Friends eaten
Things Serum to create warbeasts, Prize bloodline pups, Toxin lethal to the beasts, Wealth traded for beasts
The beasts are as intelligent as humans, The locals feed troublemakers to the beasts, The beasts are maddened
Complications and controlled only by old tech, The beasts are starting to mutate dangerously
Pit with gnawed human bones, Festive fight between beasts, Plaza full of locals and beasts, Pen full of hungry-
Places eyed beasts
Ruin Origins Ruin Destruction
When building a ruin, first decide what function the place origi- Things go away for a reason, and something specific made this ruin
nally served. Most ruins are relics of Old Terra, but some of them uninhabitable by its original occupants. The way in which a ruin
might have been constructed in the aftermath of the Scream, only was destroyed will usually affect the look of the place- the fury of
to fall prey to raiders or natural disaster. If you haven’t any particular conquest leaves different marks than those of hunger’s slow dying. If
preference in the matter you can roll or choose from the table below. the rationale isn’t obvious to you, you might choose to pick or roll
from the following table.
When it comes time to make maps of such sites, it’s often useful to
simply grab a schematic of a modern-day structure and redecorate When building a region, it can be useful to make sure the modes
it to fit the apocalyptic theme. When doing so, you should have a of destruction have a satisfactory degree of variety. Even so, if you
mind to simplify things to a degree- actual buildings can be difficult roll several ruins that died of the same type of cause, consider the
to describe in purely verbal form, and you may not want to outright possibility that the disasters were linked. Was it all coincidence, or
share your map with the players. A certain degree of abstraction can was there a darker unity to their dooms?
be helpful in creating a ruin that is both flavorful and easy for the
PCs to visualize.
Ruin Destruction
Ruin Origins 1d10 Result
Conquest: The ruin was smashed by an organized foe,
1d12 Result one that may still inhabit the ruin. Charred wreckage
1 is common, and most unconcealed caches of supplies
Agro-complex: Some were vast plantations staffed by
1 robots, while others were “culturally authentic” small will have been stolen.
farms. Decay: The ruin was fatally compromised by equip-
Desolate Retreat: A building or location used as a 2 ment failure, fighting, or lack of maintenance supplies.
The owners moved on after it became uninhabitable.
2 rallying point for desperate survivors of the Scream.
They died here, unable to survive in the New Earth. Disaster: A broken dam, an earthquake, a wildfire,
a cloud of Black Dust, a sinkhole, a crashing orbital
Industrial Complex: Factories, workshop clusters, 3 shuttle... whatever the specifics, some sudden, drastic
3 mines for minerals unavailable from asteroids, crude disaster struck the ruin and its luckless inhabitants.
contemporary industry
Disease: A vicious plague sent the original inhabitants
Mandate Base: Security complex, administrative fleeing. Most of these sicknesses were nanomodified
4 building, military training zone 4 biowarfare agents released by the Crazed, and they
may linger.
Pleasure Resort: Formerly reserved for the Mandate
5 elite and their favored minions, these resorts catered Famine: Those of the original owners who did not
to every possible desire. 5 leave were left to starve. The surrounding area is prob-
ably devoid of edible forage or game.
Power Plant: One of the plants that escaped the
Madness: The inhabitants fell prey to mass delusions,
explosive feedback induced by the Crazed, usually
6 religious ecstasies, or blind adherence to some salvific
located near a population center. Most are irreparably 6 ideology. Some might have been driven insane by hos-
tile Highshine infestations.
Prison: Vast holding complex for criminals due to be Mutation: A rampant Highshine infection over-
7 exiled to the frontier worlds. 7 whelmed the owners. Their twisted heirs might still
occupy the ruin.
Resistance Base: Once a concealed base for a band of
8 anti-Mandate rebels or sectarian zealots. Nukes: The Crazed detonated a nuclear weapon or
power plant near the site, and even two hundred years
Ruined Village: A small rural community, usually
8 later it’s likely that pockets of radioactivity remain.
9 designed along “culturally appropriate” architectural Robots, radiation-resistant mutants, and other obdu-
lines for the inhabitants. rate creatures might still dwell there.
Secret Laboratory: Hidden lab for forbidden Man- Panic: The chaos of the Scream drove the original
10 date experiments or illicit rebel research. inhabitants into a blind panic. Those that didn’t flee
9 ended up killing each other for control of the limited
Sinister Caves: Natural caves or artificially-dug pas-
11 sages by animals or survivors.
remaining resources.
Raiders: Repeated raids by wasteland bandits or hostile
Suburban Wreckage: Lightly-built zones of single- 10 mutants eventually killed off the original inhabitants,
family house ruins, often largely overgrown. save for those with the wisdom to flee the inevitable.
Ruin Inhabitants Ruin Tags
With the knowledge of what the ruin once was and how it came to Just as with enclaves, the following table provides thirty different
be destroyed, you can now determine its most significant current tags for characterizing your ruins. One or two can be added or
inhabitants. It’s unlikely that they’re the only creatures dwelling in remixed to provide a specific individual flavor for the wreckage
the ruins, though intelligent inhabitants will have likely driven away you’re creating. In the case that a tag conflicts with some result
any competitors or incautious local predators. You might choose you’ve already rolled or determined, just edit things to smooth the
to pick several choices off this list to represent multiple bands of contrast- or consider the ways in which the contrast might be right.
inhabitants, some of which may hate each other more than they
hate interlopers. For extra flavor, you might roll on the Enclave Tag table for a not-
entirely-hostile band of ruin inhabitants.
Ruin Inhabitants
1d12 Result Ruin Tags
Beasts: Most such inhabitants have been gruesomely 1d6 1d10 Result
mutated by Highshine infections. The beasts in the 1 Abandoned Traps
1 ruin are either individually deadly creatures or a swarm
of dangerous vermin that threaten intruders. 2 Ancient Lore
Ancient Lore
The ruin contains a precious cache of Old Terran data, possibly including blueprints for high-tech devices or tools for advanced
fabrication. Most data before the Scream existed purely on the Net- physical books were an artistic affectation or a neo-primitivist
statement. This ruin has either printed, physical books or offline dataslabs that can be read by TL3 computing hardware or surviving
Old Terran interfaces. Recognizing these resources might be difficult, but those who realize what is to be had there doubtless maintain
a vigorous interest in the ruin.
Enemies Scheming scrapsmith, Demented scientist, Antiquity-worshipping cultist, Fanatical Luddite
Enclave local needing the data, Curious scrounger-sage, Robotic keeper of the lore, Adventurer questing for his
Friends enclave
The lore itself, Dataslabs capable of interfacing with the lore, Tools for advanced construction, Stockpiles of
Things completed goods
The lore is on horrible eugenic experiments, The data requires morally-suspect components to implement, The
Complications information is fragmented into several clusters, The data is encrypted with a long-lost key
Rebel workshop full of pirate printouts, Long-dead server room, Moldering library of an elite director, Closet
Places stuffed with survivalist books
Unlike the beastmen of a more "civilized" enclave, these feral mutants are deeply in thrall to their animal natures. The ruin provides a
lair from which they inflict their depredations upon the surrounding lands, along with a supply of salvage for those creatures intel-
ligent enough to make use of it. Beastfolk of the ruins tend to be much more dangerous than their enclave-dwelling kindred, as even
those tribes with fully human intelligence often turn it to cruel and hungry ends.
Savage pack alpha, Diabolical scrapsmith of human leavings, Fanatical beast-shaman, Hulking half-mindless
Enemies mutant
"Civilized" beastman from a nearby enclave, Intrepid beastman explorer, Desperate headman of neighboring
Friends enclave, Prisoner kidnapped for food or slavery
Euphoric drug affecting beastmen, Plundered baubles, Relics of ruin's original inhabitants, Strange beastman
Things handicrafts
The beastmen are commanded by a human, The beastmen are escaped and vengeful slaves, The beastmen are
Complications more intelligent than humans, The beastmen are religious zealots
A stinking den full of bones, Room with clawed walls, Chamber furnished for nonhuman shapes, Kennel for
Places human slaves
Berserk Robots
Many ruins have the occasional functioning robot still wandering their halls, but these ruins are infested with dangerously unstable
bots. Most of these surviving automatons operate based on ancient expert systems rather than true AI, but the drastic change in
environment often breaks their programming in potentially lethal ways. Security bots might take humans as dangerous vermin or
unauthorized intruders, while even ostensibly harmless workbots might treat people as raw materials to be processed or contaminations
to be purged.
Enemies Secret AI mastermind, Mad scrapsmith, Aspiring robo-horde warlord, Mutant robot-controller
Friends Inquisitive scavenger, AI locked out of the system, Robotics researcher, Heir to the former owners of the bots
Things Functioning robots, Stock of maintenance tools and parts, Robot-created goods, Blueprints for robot creation
The robots have been intentionally perverted, The bots are radioactive, The bots are alien relics, The robots are
Complications indistinguishable from humans
Clanking automated factory floor, Room of unmoving robots, Workshop with dismembered robots, Sterile and
Places perfectly-maintained interiors
Black Dust
The ruin is contaminated with the dreaded Black Dust, a type of nanite cloud completely subverted by the malicious coding of the
Crazed. Different clouds of Black Dust afflict their victims in different ways, but all of them are horrific- and there are times when
death isn't the worst they have in store. Full details of the Black Dust and its horrors are related in the Bestiary chapter. For your
purposes in building the ruin, you can simply reflect on what kind of monstrous change a psychopathic demigod might wish on their
worst enemies and have the Black Dust transform the unfortunate denizens accordingly- assuming the dust did not simply kill them
outright, and now lies dormant as it waits for new concentrations of prey.
Atrociously altered ruin chieftain, Scrounger made hideous by his find, Exile who fled to the wrong ruin,
Enemies Warlord convinced the Black Dust can be made a weapon
Wretched victim with unwarped wits, Frightened neighboring chief, Scavenger seeking a treasure within,
Friends Tech-savant seeking to end the Black Dust
Nodule of inactive Black Dust, Possessions of unfortunate victims, Intact Old Terran nanotech, Serum to give
Things Black Dust immunity
The changes the Black Dust makes are purely mental, The changes are time-delayed, The changes seem benefi-
Complications cial to some, Locals worship the changed
Chamber of hideously-warped skeletons, Nanite-eroded construction, Gusts of nanite-blackened wind, Ruined
Places nanite emission node
Buried Treasure
The ruin is known to contain a hidden treasure of some kind, most likely a particularly valuable piece of Old Terran tech or a cache
of precious supplies. This knowledge is relatively recent and limited in circulation, or else it probably would have been pillaged by
now- and indeed, it's possible that the current residents of the ruin have already found the loot. Those present are unlikely to welcome
outsiders, whether or not they're long-time dwellers in the ruin. Competition for resources in the wastelands is rarely sporting, and
rivals might be willing to ensure their success by rather direct means of interference.
Enemies Ruthless leader of rival salvage team, Treacherous guide, Self-proclaimed rightful owner, Guardian of the cache
Eager scavenger, Local desperately in need of the supplies, Sage who discovered the reference, Ruin-dweller
Friends seeking help against invaders
Things The treasure itself, The gear of rival groups, The key to the cache's defenses, A false treasure
The treasure is dangerous to the possessor, The treasure was a lie to lure others in, The treasure is worthless in
Complications the New Earth, The treasure is too bulky to carry out without help
Places A massive Old Terran vault, A trap-laden corridor, A remote burial site, A hushed rendezvous with a guide
Countdown to Destruction
Something is going to destroy the ruin and everyone in it. Gradually-intensifying earthquakes, impending dam failure, tardy nuke
detonation, eroding Black Dust containment, mutant horrors gnawing up from below... something is going to doom this place, and
the PCs can either be the agents of its salvation or hasteners of its quietus. The countdown usually starts after the first session in which
the PCs seriously interact with the ruin; if they don't do something to stop events, the ruin will be wiped not long afterwards. If you
use this tag, try to arrange things so that the countdown’s existence is clear to explorers- otherwise it can seem rather random when the
ruin finally immolates itself.
Zealot convinced the destruction is actually a glorious uplifting, Cold-eyed outsider who uses the destruction
Enemies for his own ends, Bitter exile who wants the destruction, Local blaming outsiders for the ruination
Innocent dweller seeking help, Chief of neighboring enclave that will be destroyed too, Aged guardian of the
Friends agent of destruction, Scrounger who foresees the impending doom
Technical data showing the imminent ruin, Key to reversing the destruction, Relics associated with the agent of
Things ruin, Reward for halting the threat
The destruction is inevitable, The ruin was provoked by others, The locals think the ruin is actually going to be
Complications their salvation, The doom is actually beneficial to nearby communities
Chamber with a glowing countdown, Atop a crumbling dam, In a hissing and crackling power core, Atop an
Places undetonated nuclear core
Cryogenic Pods
The vast majority Old Terra's population was wiped out within weeks of the Scream, prey to Highshine infestation, catastrophic
infrastructure failure, and the combined savagery of rebels, Crazed, and the remnants of Mandate security forces. A relative handful
were able to seek refuge in cold sleep pods; some of them medical units designed to preserve subjects during lengthy nanomedical
procedures while others were scratch-built emergency units cobbled together by desperate techs. The largest proportion were criminals
and malcontents sentenced to exile on the frontier and stored securely in stasis until ships could be found to carry them. Eventually,
the power runs out on such pods, or automatic timers activate, and their occupants come forth to face a new and terrible world.
Enemies Unfrozen psychopath, Paranoid rebel leader, Megalomaniacal Mandate official, Selfish survivalist
Friends Helpless innocent, Enslaved tribal, Deposed pacifistic leader, Bewildered podborn outcast
Things Pod power source, Cache of Old Terran emergency supplies, Mandate key codes, Forbidden rebel tech
The podborn all share a dangerous ideology, The podborn have all mutated recently, The podborn have been
Complications awake for some time, The podborn have yet to awaken
Room full of glowing cryogenic pods, Stuttering power core, Fortified bunker, Room decorated in Old Terra
Places styles
Cult Stronghold
Some desperate communities turn to the red cults of the Crazed to survive. Others find different creeds, often no better than anything
the arch-psychic lunatics offer. Cult strongholds are dominated by some virulent, dangerous ideology. It might take the form of some
murderous religion, but it's just as likely to be a bloody-handed political creed seeded from a handful of dedicated survivors in the
aftermath of the Scream. Whatever the specifics, the denizens are absolutely certain of their rectitude and the righteousness of their
cause. The rest of the world consists only of enlightened converts and disposable prey.
Enemies The Great Leader, Holy prophet, Grizzled Old Terran podborn leader, Cynical demagogue
Friends Cult renegade, Hapless prisoner, Besieged neighboring chieftain, Schismatic rebel
Things Tribute from converts, Token of the cult's authority, Sacred book of teachings, Device of mass destruction
The cult has seductive principles, The cult is backed by a neighboring enclave, The cult was backed but got far
Complications out of hand, The cult is a cynical gloss on brutal ambition
Places Mass rally site, Dungeon for heretics, "Labor education" camp, Opulent shrine
Cyclical Threat
These ruins are never safe, but a certain local phenomenon produces a recurring threat in the area. During these periods, the ruins are
swarming or blighted by some gruesome peril, one that often scourges neighboring communities. Of course, such times of peril are
precisely those occasions when the neighbors are most desperate for outside aid. In some cases the threat might be dormant, and the
local communities might be desperate to keep it that way rather than experience a new cycle of devastation. Outsiders can earn a great
deal of wealth and gratitude by putting down the horror before it can wash over the luckless natives.
Enemies Cicada-like mutant swarm leader, Robotic taskmaster, Outside provoker of the cycle, Reckless scrounger
Afflicted enclave chieftain, Remorseful agent of incitement, Terrified prisoner in the ruin, Outsider trying to
Friends end the cycle
Old Terran tech to end the cycle, Valuable by-product of the threat, Tool to control the threat, Proof that the
Things cycle was provoked by a rival
The threat is a sporadic Black Dust generator, Mutant insects lurk in larval form until the weather is right,
Complications Rivals mean to use the threat as a weapon, The threat is a cyclical plague
Village destroyed by the last cycle, Beleaguered outpost of resistance, Wall with the threat's extent mapped on it,
Places Gruesome source location of the threat
Disguised Purpose
The ruin was originally built to appear as if it were a particular sort of facility, but it actually conceals a much darker purpose. It might
have been an illicit black-ops Mandate lab for genetic or psychic experimentation, a secret prison for enemies of the Directorate, a
refuge for rebel leaders, a cover for secret cultists, or any one of a number of hidden lairs. In the years since, the natural defenses and
secrecy of such places have likely left the neighboring enclaves oblivious to the sinister reality that lurks beneath its broken rubble.
Those outsiders who come to unearth the darkness beneath prefer to keep it that way until matters are far too late to stop.
Enemies Crazed Old Terran scientist, Psychic mastermind, Cryogenic rebel commander, Plunderer of foul secrets
Friends Podborn escapee from the site, Relentless investigator, Curious local, Heir to the original operators
Tech smuggled out of the site long ago, Passcodes to enter the concealed part of the facility, Files of similar
Things hidden sites, Experimental maltech equipment
The ruin is guarded by scions of its original users, The function of the ruin is incomprehensible to modern
Complications explorers, Revealing the secret triggers disastrous consequences, Local elites use the secrets to keep power
Innocuous plaza, Room behind a sliding panel, Pale-lit tunnel into the earth, Crumbling facade over more
Places sinister structures
Failed Community
People tried to make an enclave in these ruins, drawn to them by some convenient resource or supply of salvage. Their attempt was a
grim failure, and the bones of the dead litter the place. They might have been slaughtered by raiders, overtaken by a lethal Highshine
contagion, or poisoned by some deathly emanation they could not detect until it was too late. Other aspiring villages are slaughtered
by ruin inhabitants they failed to detect, or tear their own polities apart in fighting over some particularly rich trove of salvage.
Maddened local, Bandit chief nesting in the ruin, Hostile mutant denizen, Cultish leader of tiny fragment of
Enemies survivors
Survivor who fled the downfall, Family member of a dead settler, Ruin-picker seeking loot, Retriever seeking
Friends item lost in the fall
Unused supplies, Hidden cache of valuables, Treasure they were fighting over, Relic being protected by mutant
Things inhabitants
Someone wants to try again on the site, The settlers uncorked a mutant hive, The settlers are still fighting each
Complications other in the ruins, Mutants or savages live in the empty enclave buildings now
Places Empty house, Burnt town hall, Field littered with bones, Defaced monument
Flooded Ruins
The ruins are at least partially flooded. This inundation need not necessarily be of water- it might be flooded with toxic waste,
pervaded by a heavy, poisonous gas, or otherwise smirched with some sort of obstacle that makes it dangerous or cumbersome to reach
other parts of the ruins. Explorers might be forced to use narrow walkways between building roofs, or risk dangerous, leaky passages
beneath the murky water. The unwholesome stew of stagnant water, degrading Old Terran structures and hostile Highshine nanites
can be a greater threat to explorers than the misshapen denizens of these places.
Enemies Fish-mutant leader, Paranoid swamper chieftain, Vicious boat-raider warlord, Abomination from below
Friends Scrap diver, Ambitious drainage engineer, Friendly water-dweller, Heir to the former inhabitants
Parts to repair a massive pump, Passcodes to open an ancient dam, Strange nanite-grown pearls, Plunder seized
Things by swamp pirates
The locals have been dwelling in air-tight buildings since the Scream, The water is poisonous or acidic to flesh,
Complications Removing the water would flood a downstream village, The water cools an unstable power plant
Airtight Old Terran building below the surface, Crumbling tower jutting from the water, Reed-swathed
Places clearing, Fetid maze of rotting vines and muck
Forbidden Fruit
There are horrible things in the ruins, but these same things tempt outsiders with the promise of power and wealth. Unstable Old
Terran tech that consumes the user as he wields it, radioactive relics that kill those who bear them, horrible mutants that promise
unholy favors to those who bring them just a few trifling things... all these temptations are possibilities in such a ruin. The locals are
likely well-aware of the temptation and liable to warn outsiders of the danger, but there is always someone mad or ambitious enough
to imagine that they can withstand the peril.
Whispering thing in the darkness, Demented devotee of the forbidden power, Local convinced the PCs are
Enemies tainted, Thing that wants to escape the ruin
Escaped former user of the power, Victim of the power, Purger of the unclean, Investigator who must have the
Friends truth
Nano-based tech with hideous side effects, Booster drug with grim consequences, Wholly useful and harmless
Things stims made out of infants, Mind-enslaving maltech neural collars
The locals need the ruin's favors desperately, The vile mastermind appears harmless at first, The favors were
Complications harmless at first but have been corrupted, Rivals fight to access the ruin's power
A darkened room with a whispering voice, A chamber walled in mutated flesh, An excessively perfect garden,
Places Room carpeted in the bones of rivals for the ruin's gifts
Hidden Site
The existence of the ruins has been lost to the confusion of the past, and its physical structure is concealed by earthen mounds, thick
vegetation, rising water, or seemingly impassable trails. The denizens of the ruin live and prosper wholly unknown to their near
neighbors. Bandit chieftains delight in such places as secure bases for their depredations, and cults and cabals favor them as strongholds
and shrines to their dark masters. The inhabitants are united in their desire to preserve their anonymity, and intruders will be hunted
with a ferocity born of desperation.
Enemies Cunning bandit warlord, Secretive cabal leader, Crazed hermit, Bitter mutant chieftain
Treasure-hunter with old rumors, Escapee found in the wilderness, Ruin-dweller desperate for help, Explorer
Friends hunted by the ruin-dwellers
Key to unlock the hidden entrance, Map to the lost site, Untouched Old Terran equipment, Fruits of secret
Things raiding
A false ruin conceals the true lair beneath or beyond it, Several lethal false paths are arranged to kill intruders,
Complications The ruin is self-sustaining and its natives hide from the world, The ruin was intentionally forgotten by natives
due to some horrible event
A seemingly blind canyon, An unusual earthen rise on an otherwise flat plain, A secret passage hidden behind a
Places screen of brush, A treacherous path through a toxic swamp
Highshine Concentration
Almost every inch of the New Earth is plagued by some subtle degree of Highshine infestation, but this ruin positively crawls with
the infectious nanites. Even those living creatures without significant genetic damage run the risk of mutating if they are exposed too
long to the surroundings. Provided the PCs don't stay more than a few days in the area they should be all right, but luckless bandits,
beasts, and wanderers all make up a likely menagerie of mutant horrors within the ruins. These hyperactive Highshine strains are more
likely than usual to produce marginally-viable mutations, including severe mental abnormalities and excruciatingly unnatural bodily
Enemies Anguished mutant leader, Mutant supremacist, Beast with an evil intelligence, Ambitious exile turned mutant
Relative of someone trapped in the ruins, Zealous researcher, Scrap alchemist seeking materials, Intrepid
Friends explorer
Vials of beneficial nanites, Device that neutralizes Highshine nanites, Valuable excretions of a special mutant,
Things Seeds of a useful mutant plant
Neighboring communities use the ruins as punishment for outcasts, Nearby enclaves consider the ruins and its
Complications effects holy, The Highshine alterations all share the same theme, The infestation is starting to expand
Chamber with walls that have run like wax, Greenhouse with plant-animal hybrids, Room furnished with
Places things that were people once, Cells to hold prisoners while they transform
Holy Ground
The ruin is sacred to the enclaves that surround it. Perhaps it was the site of some heroic deliverance from a terrible scourge, or the
place where the enclave's founder was martyred, or the source of the group's present religion. Whatever the specifics, they do not
appreciate outsiders interfering with the ruin, albeit those that successfully navigate its perils might be credited with divine favor or
special spiritual gifts. The enclaves might post small bands of hermits near the ruin, or quarrel with each other over its control, or leave
it as a tense neutral ground prone to infestation by bandits and worse as no community will tolerate the warriors of the others staking
claim to it.
Enemies Renegade prophet, Usurper seeking legitimacy, Aspiring religious warlord, Savage expurgator of infidels
Reformer seeking evidence of his rightness, Innocent seeking sanctuary from tormentors, Local elite wanting
Friends relics for legitimacy, Ruin guardian in need of aid
Sacred relics, Holy texts that prove the modern religion is corrupt, Tokens of rightful rule, Misunderstood "holy
Things relic" that's actually Old Terran tech
The neighbors war over control of the ruins, The cruel inhabitants of the ruins are revered as holy figures, The
Complications ruins are held by violent sectarians, The ruins are holy to different faiths
Places Shattered chapel, Ill-kept cemetery, Walls carved with religious symbols, Scrap-built shrine
Mad Scientist
The ruins are occupied by a mad scientist. It's possible the abundance of scrap has drawn the sage's attention, or the convenient supply
of experimental subjects, or some still-functioning Old Terran laboratory or technical equipment. The scientist is invariably set on
some wild-eyed project unlikely to ever come to fruition, but their half-successful attempts usually involve gruesome abominations or
the lethal discharge of toxic substances or ravenous energies. Such adepts often have a coterie of lesser sages in attendance upon them,
serving slavishly in exchange for crumbs of wisdom and tutelage in the dark arts of Old Terran maltech and forbidden science.
Podborn maltech scientist, Demented exiled scrap-sage, Scavenger obsessed with the ruins, Well-meaning
Enemies maniac
Friends Renegade servitor, Frightened local scrapsmith, Relative of experiment victim, Scientist's grieving mentor
Perfectly functional Old Terran tech, Sheaves of valuable blueprints, Stocks of spare parts, Inexplicable but
Things sinister maltech device
The scientist is treated like a cult high priest, The scientist imagines he's doing the world a favor, The scientist
Complications only recently became deranged, The scientist is the only one who knows some vital secret
Lab full of crackling devices, Abattoir for unsuccessful experiments, Newly-built high-tech structure, Workshop
Places full of half-constructed devices
The ruins are infested with a terrible sickness, an amalgam of biowarfare organisms and Highshine nanites produced by the madness
of the Crazed. The plagues produced in this way are never neat, cleanly fatal illnesses- they change the subjects in terrible ways and
often create dangerous mental aberrations in the victims. Some weave the victims into unified minds bent on infection and enforced
communion, while others drive their luckless hosts into frantic, mindless violence against all not infected as they are. The symptoms
and dementia produced by such plagues usually limits their potential reach, as hosts die before they can spread it far beyond the ruins-
but not every strain is so blatant in its effects.
Priest of the Crazed seeking infectious enlightenment, Titanic plague-wracked mutant, High-functioning plague
Enemies victim, Schemer who seeks to use the plague as a weapon
Friends Local healer, Chieftain of oft-raided village, Avenger of a lost loved one, Seeker of a cure for a particular victim
Formula for a vaccine, Crate of cure stims, Tank of cure in aerosol form, Formula for recreating the plague
Things elsewhere
The plague has a delayed onset, The plague only infects subjects in the ruins, The plague is newly-unleashed and
Complications yet unknown to neighbors, The plague seems harmless at first
Places Pit of altered victims, Quarantine of shrieking patient, Smashed medical laboratory, Mass grave site
Psychic Stronghold
The ruin is a nest of psychics, most likely either cultists of the Crazed or feral psychics who have long since burnt through their sanity...
granted that a distinction can be made between the two. Very rarely a cabal of properly-trained and mentally stable psychics will take
over a ruin to serve as a refuge from the hostility of the New Earth outside. Some of these bands desire nothing more than to be left in
peace, but most nurse a bleak bitterness toward the outside world, and balance a need for discretion with a desire to punish those who
would exile them. Both the Crazed and more rational psychics are known for gathering in outsiders who have recently awoken to their
powers, and who know they must flee their people or die.
Psychic high priest of the Crazed, Cynical psychic warlord-mentor, Raving feral prophet, Zealous psychic
Enemies supremacist
Friends Psychic hunter, Foe of the Crazed, Untrained psychic needing help, Escaped slave
Things Bizarre psitech artifact, Sinister Crazed device, Anti-psychic shielding, Plunder seized from victims
The psychics are paranoid but not malicious, The psychics are every bit as vicious as people say, The ruin
Complications denizens worship them, The psychics seek to subtly control the surrounding enclaves
Austere psychic meditation chamber, Room shattered by a feral psychic's rages, Sickroom with sedatives and
Places neural repair medications, Chamber full of inexplicable psitech objects
The ruins glow blue with the accumulated radioactivity that has crusted its structures. Only the most ferociously resilient creatures
can survive in such an environment, and many Old Terran composites and devices have been degraded or destroyed by the constant
radioactive bombardment. The most sophisticated Mandate tech is hardened against such damage, however, and can remain when
much else has perished. Most such ruins have zones of greater or lesser danger, makeshift paths for those who can't withstand the
full force of the radiant doom. Those without geiger counters are unlikely to find them, though the best loot tends to remain in the
least-travelled, hottest areas.
Enemies Radiation-loving mutant beast, Brain-scrambled robot, Ineffably alien new life, Priest of the blue glow
Indefatigable explorer, Local with map to rad-hidden plunder, Savant with plans to cleanse the ruins, Exhausted
Friends maintenance AI
Things Anti-rad stims, Shielded data core, Rare rad-grown medicinal plant, Keycodes to tune an erratic fusion plant
The radiation is recent and has trapped the inhabitants inside, The radiation comes from a poorly-tuned
Complications power plant that still functions, The radiation has bizarre side-effects, Someone's using the radiation to create
monstrous servants
Blue-litten reactor core, Field of misshapen and withered plants, Chamber carpeted with the skeletons of
Places mutated vermin, Ruins covered with dead plant life
Rich Tomb
The treasures of the ancient dead have been interred within the ruins, whether intentionally or as the consequence of an unanticipated
entombment. Few modern enclaves are rich enough to bury perfectly good belongings with the dead, but some pre-Scream cemeteries
devoted to the Neo-Egyptian Two Lands faith could build entire necropoli for their perfectly-preserved departed. Other "tombs" are
simply the consequence of a collapse or the last dwelling-place of a desperate survivalist who died amid his hoarded supplies. Some
gain fame as the last hiding hole of some bandit warlord or exiled lord, where his treasures doubtless await those brave enough to cut
through the beasts that have since taken up residence.
Enemies Another ruthless tomb robber, Guardian of the tomb, The not-so-dead original owner, New master of the ruin
Friends Heir to the dead, Inquisitive explorer, Seeker of some vital relic, Aspiring successor to the dead
The stashed treasure of the dead, Map to the hidden plunder, Key to open the tomb, Codes to disarm the
Things guardians
The tomb is holy to the locals, The treasure is a myth to lure victims, The original owner's heirs still remain, The
Complications inhabitants wait for others to get the treasure in order to rob them of it
Places Two Lands burial pyramid, Collapsed passage, Labyrinthine tunnels, Squat and ominous funeral structure
Sealed Horror
The ruins were never meant to keep others out. They were intended to keep something in. Something horrible lurks at the heart of the
ruin, trapped by the structure or by ancient guardian systems. It might be a monstrous alien captured by the Mandate in long-distant
years, or some awful creation of the Crazed trapped by dying Mandate security staff, or some cryosealed arch-psion as demented and
vicious as his peers. The prison may have been built intentionally to contain the entity for later study, or it might be an ad-hoc cell
fashioned out of desperate necessity by the survivors of the Scream. If the thing is ever released, the surrounding enclaves are certain to
be plunged into bloody horror.
The thing itself, Madman who imagines he can control the thing, Fool who believes the thing will aid him,
Enemies Brute who seeks to release the thing to torment the local natives
Ancient guardian of the prison, Sage who knows the truth, Escapee from a mad expedition, Revived ancient
Friends enemy of the thing
Artifact from the thing's homeworld, Tech used to contain the thing, Relics of the lost guardians, Something
Things precious the thing makes as a by-product
The thing pretends to sweet innocence, The thing has agents in surrounding enclaves, The thing knows a secret
Complications desperately needed, The thing actually will keep its bargains with allies
A darkened prison-chamber, High-walled exterior, Deep containment area, Passage with broken defensive
Places turrets
Secret Base
The ruin was once a secret base for Mandate rebels and malcontents. Some of these resisters were pious-minded defenders of freedom
against the soft tyranny of the Directorate. Most were ethnic supremacists, ideologues, wildly impractical dreamers poisoned by the
very artificiality of Old Terra, and secret death squads quietly bankrolled by the Directorate itself. Such bases were designed to escape
light scrutiny and stand up against heavy assault long enough to call in reinforcements or open a secret way out of an encirclement.
Many of them became islands of desperation in the chaos of the Scream as the rebels tried to hold on amid the mounting horror
unleashed by the Craze. Few of them succeeded.
Degenerate chieftain of the inbred remnants, Mad-eyed heritor of the rebels' beliefs, AI zealot for the cause,
Enemies Cynical warlord who seeks ancient trappings of legitimacy
Idealistic heir to rebel ideology, Scion who needs a relic from the base, Heir to the rebels' ancient enemies,
Friends Blithely reckless historian
Things Captured Mandate miltech, "Secret weapon" of the rebels, Cache of rebel supplies, Symbol of the rebels' cause
Neighboring enclave populated by offspring of the rebels, Rebel ideology persists among the locals, Local seeks
Complications to rule through reviving the rebel ideology, Local enclaves fight over ancient garbled differences in doctrine
Places Tattered assembly hall, Library of physical books, Concealed entryway, Punishment cells
Secret Inhabitants
The ruin is stocked with the usual run of mutants, bandits, exiles, and other living detritus of the wastelands, but unknown to the
inhabitants, an entirely separate group of denizens dwells within the ruins. Their killing of troublesome interlopers might have given
the ruin the reputation of being haunted or cursed, or they might be discreetly harvesting the other occupants for food or loot. These
inhabitants might be hidden survivors of the original ruin, or they may be the canny remnants of a former set of inhabitants, ones that
discovered the hidden passages and secret tunnels that now house their sinister numbers.
Depraved tunnel-dweller chieftain, Paranoid bandit lord, Hidden master manipulator, Arrogant heir of the
Enemies original dwellers
Friends Terrified escapee from the ruins, Inquisitive investigator, Baffled bandit-hunter, Troubled local chieftain
Relic guarded by the inhabitants, Possession of a luckless victim, Lost treasure in the ruins, Loot held by
Things someone who fled into the hidden passages
The secret dwellers are actually benign, The inhabitants know about the secret dwellers but don't dare speak
Complications of them,. The inhabitants worship the secret ones as divinities, The secret ones use humans as fronts but are
actually monstrous beings
Hidden passage behind a room's walls, Secret cache chamber for bones, Empty room with signs of recent use,
Places Hidden chamber where the unseen are worshiped
Sentient Plants
Highshine infestations usually target animals, as the complexity of their structure offers more opportunities for the nanites to success-
fully infect a host. Some strains are able to get purchase on the genes of a plant, however, and in very rare cases those infections can
spark the first embers of conscious self-awareness. The ruins are inhabited by at least one race of sentient plants, most of which who
have very different interests and senses of value than mammalian interlopers might possess. Some of these plants might be amenable
to negotiations, but most have only a blind, vegetal lust to grow and to consume. Such beings are as implacable as a locust swarm and
voracious as a wildfire, their hungers wedded to a fresh and unholy intellect.
Seductive human-plant amalgam, Relentless kudzu creature, Demented plant-worshiper, Scheming scientist
Enemies overlord
Friends Hapless farmer, Curious sage, Cooperative plant-being, Wild-eyed prophet warning of doom
Things Old Terran fertilizer store, Precious plant extract, Experimental herbicide, Highshine neutralizing serum
The plants appear perfectly ordinary at first glance, The plants all hate each other as competitors, The plants
Complications have domesticated carnivore protectors, The plants parasitize humans
A greenhouse turned into a vegetal harem, Field fertilized with human corpses, Overgrown laboratory, Ruin
Places covered in vines and creepers
Taboo Land
The ruin is flatly forbidden to outsiders by a taboo enforced by the surrounding enclaves. Regular patrols of hunters and warriors pass
nearby to ensure that none enter, and those who defy this ban risk being pursued by vengeful locals, or ambushed once they emerge
from the ruins. The taboo may be the product of religious sentiment, or a ban to ensure that some sleeping evil is not disturbed, or
a forbiddance meant to keep the site reserved to the use of the enclave's elite. Such ruins can become refuges for cunning exiles and
outcasts clever enough to evade the defenders.
Jealous guardian of the ruins, The evil within the walls, Chieftain suspicious of adventurers, Exile who seeks to
Enemies remain hidden
Avenger who seeks someone in the ruin, Treasure hunter, Local suspecting dark doings in the ruin, Victim
Friends kidnapped and taken to the ruin
Relic meant to be kept secret from outsiders, Proof of the enclave elite plotting evil in the ruins, Holy artifact
Things within a sacred place, Key to a secret entrance to the ruin
Holy ones dwell within the taboo ruin, Bandits have profaned the ruins, Another enclave objects to the taboo,
Complications The ruin inhabitants have forced the taboo on pain of exterminating the locals
Desolate no-man's land around the ruins, Native watchtower overlooking the ruins, Row of skulls mounted on
Places spears outside the ruin entrance, Sinister forbidden shrine within the walls
Underground Site
The great bulk of the ruin is underground, either in natural caves, crudely-grubbed passages, or buried Old Terran corridors. Some
such complexes are nothing more than the basements of some gutted ancient structure, while others were delved in the years after the
Scream when the wretched survivors sought some deep refuge from the horrors outside. A few underground ruins are the product of
subterranean mutants and degenerate human tribes. Their crumbled surface structures are often little more than bait for incautious
scavengers and likely prey for the dwellers below. Now and then a formerly-sealed Mandate facility is discovered, its interior perfectly
preserved... along with its security bots and panicked cryo-stored personnel.
Hideous beast from below, Renegade protective of his refuge, Chieftain of a degenerate tribe, Implacable robotic
Enemies guardian
Friends Dismayed scrap miner, Kidnap victim, Aspiring colonist, Treasure hunter with a map
Long-buried treasures, Keycode to the complex's defense system, Possessions of last investigator, Loot taken
Things from night raids
The site is unstable and prone to collapse, Locals need the site as a refuge against impending doom, The site was
Complications a place of holy pilgrimage for a local faith, The site denizens plan to use the ruins as a fortress for future raids
Places Dank earthen burrow, Passage with cracking ceiling, Chamber with water-slick walls, Half-collapsed room
Unstable Construction
The ruin is falling apart, possibly while the PCs are in it. Even Old Terran construction can give way under nanite contamination,
eroding materials, the aftermath of recent explosions or Black Dust clouds. More recent buildings are even more fragile, the product of
scrap-built necessity and limited architectural knowledge. Inhabiting such structures can occasionally be only moderately less danger-
ous than sleeping in the open air. Some ruins are unstable due to power surges through delicate bracing elements or mutant vermin
gnawing at the supports. Use of grenades, area-effect mutations, gunnery weapons, and outdoor voices in such places can produce
rapid and fatal ruin.
Exile seeking a sanctuary others won't dare enter, The beast that is gnawing on the ruin, Reckless scavenger
Enemies pillaging the supports, Demented denizen convinced that the PCs are to blame for the decay
Friends Determined restorationist, Inquisitive archaeologist, Keeper of the ruins, Former resident
Support vital to the whole structure, Precious architectural element, Advanced maintenance bot, Loot cache in a
Things terribly unstable area
The collapse could destroy a nearby enclave, Two enclaves are fighting over the ruins and causing its decay, The
Complications collapse is triggered in explosive and unpredictable spurts, The ruins serve a vital function to a nearby com-
Room with half-vanished floor, Wall that collapses at a touch, Chamber tilted at an angle, Floor that gives way
Places over a deeper chamber
An Example of Enclave Creation
The GM has just sat down to brew up Newton, an enclave in the The GM also spends a little while thinking about Newton’s
Bonelands region provided as an example later in this book. He attitude toward outsiders. Their anti-tech attitude toward outsid-
has no special role in mind for Newton, so he’s inclined to simply ers with relics is likely to make it an unfriendly place for PC
throw the dice and see what sort of settlement is crouched there on adventurers and their toys, but the GM decides that if the PCs
the shores of the cold Atlantic. conceal their advanced hardware and don’t make an issue out of
the local ideology, they’ll be able to visit the place in relative peace.
The first step is to find out how many able adults are to be found The Newtoners certainly aren’t going to be trading them any
in Newton. The roll indicates that 700 such people can be found firearms or other TL2 tech unless the PCs impress the Boss and his
there- a sizeable community, when you take into account the lieutenants, however.
1,400 children too young to fight and the 350 too old or crippled
to perform heavy labor. If the GM was just looking to sketch out an enclave, this would
be all that he needed to do. But since he has some spare time and
Next, the community’s government type is rolled- and comes up would enjoy fleshing out Newton a little more, he goes ahead and
as “Monarchic”. Newton is ruled by an autocrat from a particular establishes a few important elements of the settlement. In particu-
family, and the next autocrat is likely to come from the same clan. lar, he’ll create an Enemy, a Friend, a Thing, a Complication, and a
The GM will want to flesh out the details on this later, but he’ll do Place characteristic of Newton. That way, if he needs to brew up a
that after he finishes dicing the enclave’s basic traits. fast adventure in the place, he can simply slot those elements into
the theme templates provided in the Adventure Creation chapter
The reason Newton was settled in the first place turns out to and have something ready in a hurry.
be that it was a Mandate-era prison complex full of rebels and
malcontents who were due for eventual transportation to the For an Enemy, he decides to be lazy and rolls 1d4 twice to pick
frontier worlds. The GM thinks it over and decides that the leader a random enemy archetype from the Luddite and Functioning
of the biggest rebel gang inside the prison became the first ruler of Industry lists. He draws “Priest teaching a hate of tech”, and
Newton, and his heirs have managed to hold on to the role. This “Megalomaniac chief ”. He mixes the two together to create Father
august office is that of “the Boss”, and those families whose ances- Wheelwright, the flinty-eyed chief priest of the community and
tors were members of the original gang have higher status than the next in line for the Bossdom. Wheelwright is convinced the world
common folk. The most wretched are the “screws” descended from is just waiting for its chance to burn out Newton, and outsiders
the surviving prison staff and security, who exist as scarcely better like the PCs are its scouts and catspaws.
than serfs to the rest of the community.
The Friend is a mix of “Keeper of secret industrial lore” and
With that established, he checks the tech level- and an 82 on the “Secret tech sympathizer”. She’s Foreman Maureen Hanrahan,
dice means that Newton has maintained TL2 tech. The prison the best gunsmith in the settlement, and one quietly opposed to
power plant must still be functioning and providing electricity to the enclave’s Luddite policy. She’s seen too many helpless villages
the community, and they’re capable of forging basic firearms out of wiped out by bandits and thinks they deserve to have guns as well.
scrap and salvage.
The Thing is blended from “Stash of acceptable gunpowder
Now for the real flavoring of the enclave, the assignment of tags. weaponry” and “Template for new products”. It’s a cache of new,
The dice come up with an interesting pair- “Luddites” and “Func- experimental combat rifles created by Maureen Hanrahan as part
tioning Industry”. At first glance, this looks a little contradictory, of a test program.
but the GM takes a moment to think of the ways that this pairing
might make sense, given the TL2 tech available in Newton. The Complication comes from “The locals are highly persuasive to
their neighbors” and “The industry is breaking down”. Newton is
It doesn’t take long to realize that Newton is indeed a Luddite stepping up its raids on gun-users in the surrounding area, and the
town... when it comes to anyone else possessing high tech. The nearby villages are thoroughly cowed by them. The Luddites are
prison workshops and power plant allow Newton to manufacture doing this because their workshop and power plant are breaking
TL2 equipment at a volume far greater than that of their neigh- down, and they’re desperate to find replacement parts and keep
bors, and they mean to keep that advantage. They strike to destroy down the locals before anyone realizes their weakness.
competing workshops and industries and seek to make sure that
any tech in the Bonelands is either theirs or so much scrap. Finally, the characteristic Place is a mix of “Field worked by simple
hand tools” and “Grimy salvage pit full of raw inputs”. For a
They justify this goal by their hallowed legends of suffering and dramatic location in Newton, the GM picks a scrapyard full of raw
unjust imprisonment at the hands of a tyrannical government. salvage being painstakingly hammered and torn apart by “screw”
They will allow nothing to compromise their present freedom, serfs under a watchful overseer’s eye.
and that means making sure that “the world” is never again in a
position to threaten the people of Newton. With that settled, Newton is now ready for use, and can be used to
flesh out an adventure template with speed and ease.
Adventure Creation
Once you have your initial region sketched out, it’s time to think is likely to result in damage or loss of the threatened target, and the
about the practical details of your game session. What exactly do fear of this outcome helps keep players focused on the situation.
you do in Other Dust? This chapter will provide basic themes and
activities for play, guidelines for creating adventures, and tips on Profit also doesn’t need to be expressed in simple stocks of rations or
handling common issues that arise during a sandbox game. shiny new equipment. It might be the favor of a community leader,
the formation of a strong alliance, ancient Mandate blueprints for a
Much of the following chapter assumes that you’re creating a par- powerful device, or the cooperation of a strong base of operations.
ticular adventure and developing a specific event or situation for There may be some situations in which there is no tangible profit to
the PCs to influence. If you run your sandbox long enough, you’ll be had, particularly when the PCs are struggling to avert some grim
eventually have little need for specific preparation. You’ll have such consequence from an earlier decision. In those situations, the PCs
familiarity and ease with your game world that you’ll have internal- are just trying to prevent things from getting worse. Even in that
ized all the information you need to handle PC interaction with case, however, the PCs can expect to earn experience points which
your creation. When dealing with a fresh world, however, you’re will advance them toward greater personal prowess.
going to be much more comfortable if you have specific notes and
details ready. Finally, when building an adventure, you always need to keep in
mind the chance that the players won’t want to undertake it. Maybe
It should also be understood that the adventures you create with the they’ll find the prospect unappealing, or have more important pri-
tools in this chapter should not be the only thing that your players orities, or be scared off by initial setbacks. This risk can be mitigated
can do. If the players aren’t ultimately deciding the type of goals by making sure that at the end of every session you ask the players
and activities their PCs undertake, you’re not running a sandbox what they intend to do next. This tip-off will usually allow you to
campaign. There’s nothing wrong with running a different style of create adventures that are exactly what the group is looking for-
campaign but if you tell the players you’re running a sandbox game but even then, there will be times when the PCs decide that this
and then expect them to address the exact adventures you’ve brewed particular situation is not one they want to handle.
up, there’s going to be some bait-and-switch irritation on their part.
Sometimes, they may not have much choice about events. If the
The Adventure adventure is a consequence of one of their prior decisions or a crisis
The basic unit of play at the table is the adventure. Adventures start that will transpire whether or not the PCs intervene, then they need
when the PCs venture into the wasteland, insert themselves into a to either deal with the situation or accept the consequences. If the
volatile local political situation, become threatened by hostile cir- PCs bail on the crisis, then you need to be ready with the likely
cumstance, or are otherwise placed in a situation of danger or risk. events to ensue. Choosing to retreat and let bad things happen is a
Adventures end when the PCs return to relative safety to recuperate, perfectly valid choice for PCs to make, and can plant the seeds of
trade, resupply, and enjoy the fruits of their recent labors.. entertaining vengeance for a later date.
Plenty of interesting things happen between adventures. PCs can Other times, an adventure will “stay fresh” indefinitely. An ancient
form relationships, build organizations or holdings, gather informa- ruin is likely going to remain the way it is for as long as a campaign
tion, create new gear, or just enjoy a slice of radioactive life in the needs to care about it. You can always inject change into the place
New Earth. These can all be good fun, but they’re rarely enough to and players won’t be shocked and appalled if they come back to it a
carry a session unaided. Most players are going to expect to have the month later and new residents have moved in.
opportunity for more excitement and the chance to take risks and
gain rewards. It’s not a crisis when players don’t bite on an adventure. With the
emergency back-up content you created when you first built your
When you create an adventure, you’re creating some kind of situ- region, you should always have at least one place of interest to feed
ation or area that presents both danger and potential profit. Some the PCs when you can’t easily improvise something germane to their
adventures might be events, situations that the PCs can be dropped ambitions. As time goes on, you’ll develop a backlog of content
into or able to influence. Other adventures might revolve around you can pull out at a moment’s notice, reviving some old thread
places, ancient ruins or modern holdings that contain both peril of events or long-delayed consequence to give a group something
and the prospect of rich rewards. However you choose to arrange to keep them busy for a session while you think about their new
them, you need to be certain that your adventure has components course of ambitions. A sandbox GM can use every part of his or
of both danger and profit. her preparation eventually- just change the names and reskin the
details, and that mutant lair turns into a militant raider camp or a
Danger doesn’t necessarily need to be a simple threat of physical fortified cult monastery.
injury. Danger can be anything that threatens what the PCs hold
dear- not just their lives, but also their friends, their status within Many of the themes given in the following pages refer to “the
the community, the survival of a friendly enclave, or their prized group”. For this, simply insert whatever community, enclave, or
possessions. Failure to negotiate the event or location successfully organization might be of most immediate interest to the PCs, with
the assumption that they’ll want to keep it healthy and whole.
In the post-apocalyptic world, things fall apart. Every form of cul- When determining the default outcome for these adventures in
ture, civilization, and human development is constantly threatened case the PCs fail or neglect to take up the cause, you shouldn’t feel
by the entropy of the surrounding world. Everything that humanity obligated to destroy the target outright. Maybe NPCs step in to
builds is always being relentlessly ground down by the dangers and sacrifice themselves for the cause, or the threat wasn’t sufficient to
privations of the New Earth. Whatever is created must be upheld or entirely efface the target. Even if you deal gently with the subject,
it will soon be destroyed. you should make it clear that a price was paid- that something was
lost, damaged, or distorted by the event and that further pressure
The Collapse theme emphasizes the fragility of human accomplish- might well end it entirely.
ment in the New Earth, and the constant need to defend and
maintain these structures in the face of a hostile world. When you Tips for a Collapse
build an adventure with a Collapse theme, pick some organization, Be plausible about what you threaten. It’s best if you can draw the
group, or structure that the players care about and threaten it with threat from a direct consequence of something the PCs have done
some grim peril. Raiders, radioactive winds, internal feuding, savage or left undone in their prior adventures. Players are much more
mutants, seething ambitions- something in the world threatens its likely to find a threat palatable if they see it as a logical consequence
continuing survival, and it’s up to the PCs to save it. of their own actions.
Tangible rewards for Collapse-based adventures can sometimes Don’t keep threatening the same thing. Players might eventually
be scanty. Often, it is the simple survival of the target that is the decide that it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
greatest reward offered. Still, grateful locals can be quite generous
in rewarding their saviors, and the threat the PCs have to destroy Don’t chain the group to their home base. If the PCs are leaders of an
might well have some valuables of its own. Even if wealth is not to enclave, don’t constantly threaten their home. If they feel like they
be had, the PCs can win the gratitude of those they rescue and fame have to constantly stand guard over the place, it’s apt to seem more
as powerful protectors of their friends. like a shackle than a stronghold.
1d12 Template
1 An Enemy has framed a Friend for sabotage within a group, and proof must be found to save them.
2 Raiders threaten a group, greedy for a Thing. An Enemy may well be privately conspiring to aid them.
A Place is claimed by two different groups, and the feuding threatens to become bloody. A Friend knows where to get
3 proof of rightful ownership, but a Complication is hindering its retrieval.
4 A group’s leader is failing, and an Enemy seeks to replace them, using a Complication to aid his case.
5 A Thing has been lost or destroyed, and an Enemy blames a Friend for it.
6 A Friend has fallen prey to a Complication, but the group desperately needs their services.
A Place is threatening to collapse unless it can be physically or socially repaired, and an Enemy is trying to capitalize on
7 the decay.
A Friend is bent on a foolish idea that threatens the group, and an Enemy is trying to make sure they carry it out, even
8 at its inevitable cost.
9 A Complication is far worse than anyone expected, and threatens to overthrow a group.
10 An Enemy has goaded a Complication into a crisis as a weapon to take out a Friend, regardless of the collateral damage.
11 A Thing proves suddenly vital to the group’s ongoing survival, and an outside Enemy wants to destroy or steal it.
A zealous reforming Friend threatens to destroy the entire group in their desire to correct some structural injustice. Their
12 rebellion is an opening that is being exploited by an outside Enemy.
In the world that exists after the apocalypse, want is a constant Rewards often take the form of the goods themselves. The process
companion. Want of food, of medicine, of tools, of safety, even of finding and acquiring even bulk commodities usually gives the
of simple hope. Nothing is simple, nothing is easy, and nothing opportunity to pick up other salvage along the way. Aside from
is conveniently to hand. Even venturing into a blasted city to material rewards, saving a settlement from catastrophe gives PCs
scavenge for scraps of metal and glass invites hideous death from credit in the only coin that matters in the wastelands- a reputation
radiation, disease, savages, or beasts. All the tools and conveniences for being able to preserve those who place trust in them.
their ancestors took for granted in their daily lives are completely
unavailable. Tips for Privation
Be ready for unexpected solutions. If the PCs need a large supply of a
Fear of want is a powerful motivation for all the denizens of a particular resource, don’t assume that they’ll immediately chase off
post-apocalyptic future. Some enclaves have no compunction about after the cache you show them. They might think of a completely
murdering strangers for the food and goods they carry, and even different source for their vital necessity. Such ingenuity and involve-
good men and women can be driven to terrible acts in order to ment with your world is to be encouraged and not railroaded away.
obtain the supplies they need for themselves and their families. Ad-
ventures based around Privation revolve around this fundamental People need more than food and water. Basic staples are always a plau-
lack- the players or an outside group need something desperately, sible choice for privation needs, but don’t let yourself be chained to
and they’re willing to do what they must to get it. them. Privation can rear its head in any good or commodity, and a
community in desperate need of salt to cure the spring neosalmon
Dangers in a Privation adventure usually revolve around the dif- run needs something that the PCs probably aren’t already equipped
ficulty of acquiring the necessary goods, or the threat posed by to provide to them.
rivals for their possession. Either the resources are so remote and
inaccessible that the PCs must face grave danger to reach them, or Be ready for players to skim the take. Don’t assume the PCs will actu-
else some other group has a vested need to beat them to the cache. ally give all the goods to the needy. They’re PCs, after all.
1d12 Template
1 A plague is racking a group, and medical supplies are exhausted. An Enemy seeks glory by bringing them back first.
2 The water supply has become contaminated. Tech must be found to purify it.
A Friend is crippled in a work accident, and needs advanced pretech medicine. An Enemy tries to convince the com-
3 munity to let the “useless eater” starve.
4 A neighboring group’s crops have failed. They will either have aid from the PCs’ friends or they’ll take it at spearpoint.
Game has been overhunted from the nearby area. A neighboring group blames the PCs’ friends and mean to see them
5 dead or driven away.
A Friend is accused of cannibalism in a time of great hunger, though they swear innocence. An Enemy demands their
6 death, but can be persuaded to believe their innocence with suitable inducement.
Choking clouds of nanites sweep over the area, tainting open water and foodstuffs and driving the local beasts mad with
7 pain. The PCs are besieged by enraged predators in a Place.
The PCs are accused by an Enemy of bringing in sickness to the group, and a Complication greatly weakens the PCs’
8 case in the eyes of the locals. A Friend stands up for them, but they need to find a cure quickly or they both will suffer.
9 The group’s only scrapsmith capable of repairing vital gear is kidnapped by raiders as a slave.
A Crazed cultist offers the group aid in a time of terrible need. A Friend speaks against it, but an Enemy argues that there
10 is no alternative.
The group’s food stocks are destroyed by mutated vermin, who lair in a Place. They must be destroyed and new stocks
11 found quickly before starvation strikes.
12 Raiders have seized a vital source of food or clean water, and demand cruel tribute from a group in return for access.
The men and women of a post-apocalyptic world are no more and murder. The dangers inherent in it come from that easy recourse
naturally savage than any other, but the particular circumstances to violence, from the need to deal with men and women who really
of the world encourage their most bloodthirsty impulses. Life is a would sooner spear the PCs than talk to them.
struggle for survival, and those willing to kill others for their goods
can have a short-term advantage over those who refuse to resort to The rewards from dealing with savages are often of the less tangible
violence. In the long run those who are willing to work together and varieties. Expunging them makes the area safer for everyone and
act cooperatively may well have the advantage over savages- but in strengthens the forces of law and constructive order. Of course,
the long run, most people are eaten by mutants. The slow inclina- savages tend to accumulate a lot of possessions from their victims,
tion toward order and cooperation is halting in its advance, while too, and these rightly go to their conquerors.
stabbing things repeatedly offers immediate gratification.
Tips for Savagery
There’s more to savagery than cheap human life and easy killing, It’s not always about bloodshed. Particularly at low levels, don’t force
however. Savagery also shows in the violent rejection of outsid- the PCs into situations where combat is inevitable. Novice PCs can’t
ers. Racial or ethnic hatred, treatment of other tribes or enclaves handle that kind of punishment.
as nonhumans, and bigoted loathing of heretics or infidels are all
symptoms of an essentially savage, tribal spirit that treats the wider Give a reason for it. Bandits and similar reavers might kill and plun-
world as a thing to be alternately feared and plundered. The tempta- der simply because they can, but it’s usually more interesting if you
tion to do this rises not only from human nature but also from very supply a more nuanced reason for the viciousness. This need not
real concerns of support and safety, the fear that strangers offer only mean that the culprits are justified, of course, but quick violence is a
death and banditry. temptation, not a duty. People do it because it gets them something.
An adventure themed by Savagery is one that revolves around Label your dangers. If the PCs take reasonable care to scout a threat,
violence, blind rejection, hostility, and primal passion. It’s about let them notice when a particular enemy is too much for them.
people and other entities that resolve their desires with brute force Don’t force them to guess about which foes are in their league.
1d12 Template
An ethnic or cultural group is convinced of their destined rule over their neighbors, and is striking out with bloody-
1 handed zeal.
A local prophet is teaching a variant of the majority religion that requires the violent conversion of unbelievers- and a
2 Friend has been captured by them.
3 A raider clan is rolling in, taking advantage of a Complication to strike while the group is weak.
A Friend belongs to a subgroup in the community that is being turned into a convenient scapegoat by an ambitious
4 Enemy.
A nanite eruption or delayed nuclear burst in the region has triggered a wave of hideously mutated wildlife that threatens
5 the survival of the group.
A former ally to the group betrays that trust, eager to possess a Thing. An Enemy may be willing to help them in
6 exchange for the removal of a troublesome Friend.
An aspiring local warlord is drawing raiders to his or her cause, and it’s only a matter of time before a target is chosen
7 for the horde.
A Friend is a noted peacemaker in the community, but an Enemy finds profit in an ongoing conflict, and would just as
8 soon silence the diplomat permanently.
A charismatic war leader is preaching an attack on neighboring communities to plunder their resources, and the locals
9 are beginning to pay attention to him or her. The neighbors are preparing a preemptive strike in response.
A Complication has resulted in a breakdown of internal order in the group, leaving an Enemy free to act without
10 organized resistance to their will.
11 A precious Thing has been taken by simple murder, the culprit fleeing into the wilderness.
An oppressed group or community has recently discovered a major cache of military tech and is taking a genocidal
12 vengeance on those they consider to be their oppressors- one of whom is a Friend.
With production of new goods alternating between “difficult” and places and discoveries. The Resources chapter of the book provides
“impossible”, scavenging becomes the most important source for some tools for building interesting ruins, and modern factory,
any kind of remotely sophisticated tool or weapon. Even some- office, or street plans can be repurposed for site maps.
thing as simple as a modern claw hammer can’t be manufactured
without smelting steel. Knowledge of sophisticated manufacturing Dangers in a Scavenging game usually come either from hostile
techniques are of limited use without the necessary tools, and there locals in the ruins or the nature of the location itself- radioactivity,
aren’t many situations where both the means and the know-how are nanite toxicity, unstable construction, and dangerous salvage can all
available in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. conspire to test the PCs. The rewards are relatively straightforward
and come in the form of Old Terran devices, usable spare parts, and
Instead, the bones of the dead are picked for their wealth. Pipes the long-forgotten wisdom of the ancient dead.
are pounded flat for metal plates, glass is knapped into blades for
skinning small animals, and even the smallest trinket or scrap is Tips for Scavenging
made useful to someone. Just as the ancients preferred to tear down Know if the PCs can actually use the plunder. A rich stash of TL5
the glorious buildings of antiquity for their stones, so do men and spare parts might be wonderfully valuable, but if none of the PCs
women after the apocalypse break open the treasures of their ances- is able to make pretech gear, it’s much less useful. Perhaps they can
tors to ease their own survival. find some pretech savant to take it off their hands, but you should
be aware of this need before you place the trove.
Scavenging adventures are usually site-based, revolving around
the exploration of a dangerous ruin or the delving of an ancient The locals will use what they have. If there are cases full of rebel
building. They “keep” remarkably well, since many ruins can be handguns in the ruins, then the bandits who live there are going to
easily planted wherever you might need them and their condition is be using them. Intelligent inhabitants will use their possessions to
independent of political or relationship changes. best effect, including expending stims and drugs.
Constructing good Scavenging adventures can be a little more Encumbrance matters. Keep an eye on the number of items the PCs
demanding than it is for some other themes. Site-based adventures end up carrying with them. Often, the limiting factor on plunder-
usually require a more detailed map and a careful eye for interesting ing a ruin is the strength of the PCs’ pack animals.
1d12 Template
1 An Enemy within the ruins is plotting to raid a nearby community, and scouts are already probing the local defenses.
2 Locals have discovered hints of a precious trove in a Place within the ruin, and a Friend wants to retrieve it.
3 One Enemy within the ruins wants to lure outsiders as a tool against another Enemy.
4 A Friend has left companions or plunder in the ruin after an abortive salvage attempt, and needs help for retrieval.
5 A Friend is determined to reclaim the ruin for their own needs, and is recruiting help to do so.
6 The PCs have found a Thing which requires a part or activation codes that can only be obtained in the ruin.
7 The ruin has been sealed or lost for ages, but the PCs find a Thing that can open it.
An Enemy has laid claim to the ruins. If not driven out, he will soon transform it into a bandit fortress preying on the
8 surrounding countryside.
9 Ancient notes suggest that a prized Thing was hidden in a Place in the ruins. Has an Enemy in the ruins already found it?
10 A Complication within the ruin has provoked some of the inhabitants to attack nearby communities.
Friends are using the seemingly-empty ruin as a storehouse for a precious Thing, but Enemies have suddenly moved into
11 the site.
A local group was originally based at the ruin, but was driven out by a Complication or Enemies. They yearn to return
12 to their ancestral home.
Collapse, privation, savagery, and scavenging define the borders of represented as fresh points of resources for organizations using the
the human experience in a post-apocalyptic world, but at its heart rules given in the Groups and Enclaves chapter.
is a burning core of defiance. Despite all the anguish and suffering,
all the hunger, disease, and danger, these men and women have Defiance-themed adventures are a good change of pace from the
refused to submit. When their entire world collapsed around them, grim and gritty flavor of most post-apocalyptic events. Most players
they refused to go quietly into the long night. When radioactive find plenty of enjoyment in staving off catastrophes and smiting ter-
fire burnt the world to ashes, these people remained standing amid rible foes, but many need a dose of something more uplifting now
the dust. and then. Without the contrast of hope and progress a campaign
can end up feeling more like the travelogue of a radioactive death
These people defy their circumstances, working to build something march than a stirring tale of adventure.
better from the ruins that spread around them. Even the humblest
farming village dreams of a better day. Proof of their past glory sur- Tips for Defiance
rounds them, undeniable evidence of what their ancestors had and Let the PCs push their causes. If a PC cares deeply about a particular
what their children might have once more. Every day of survival cause or enclave, let the adventure advance that aim. The PCs are
in the New Earth is a rebellion against entropy- and sometimes going to be much more engaged with a Defiance adventure if they’re
entropy loses. actually fighting for something they care about.
Adventures themed around Defiance are about things getting Let victory matter. If the PCs succeed in their aim, don’t just an-
better. There’s a chance for a genuine improvement in the situa- nounce victory and then wave away the consequences. Let their
tion- a new alliance, a new resource supply, a recovery of lost lore, success bleed into future sessions, even if it’s just a mention of how
a healing of some old schism, or some other turn of events that is well things are going for their friends.
unambiguously positive. The dangers of the adventure come from
those hostile forces who would suffer at such an improvement for Make failure possible but not insurmountable. It’s not really a chal-
others, or from the natural hostility and perils of the New Earth. lenge if there’s no chance the PCs will fail in their ambitions, but
The rewards come in the form of the improvement itself, often even the worst failure shouldn’t extinguish all hope for a better
future. Let them pick up the pieces if they’re nimble enough.
1d12 Template
A Friend has brokered a peace between two long-term enemies, and a gifted Thing is the token of it. An Enemy wants
1 the Thing and is careless of the damage its theft would do.
A rich ruin has just been discovered, one with minimal dangers. The community might be greatly enriched by it, but a
2 Complication threatens to drive the group apart into greedy factions.
3 A great teacher is instructing pupils nearby in lost arts. A local Enemy fears that such knowledge will enrich their foes.
Several bands of tribal wanderers have come together to form a new community in a ruin. An Enemy among them seeks
4 to rule the “filthy strangers” of the other tribes, and threatens to split them into civil war.
A musician or poet is inspiring the locals to hope and struggle, but a cruel Enemy thinks they’d do better singing other
5 praises.
6 A local warlord or raider chieftain’s rule is being threatened by a Friend, but an Enemy conspires against them.
7 A Friend has discovered a solution to a serious local Complication, but they need a long-lost Thing to carry it off.
A religious reformer is redeeming a local nest of villainy with their preaching of a better way, but a powerful Enemy seeks
8 to rid the enclave of the gadfly.
Two warring groups are quietly seeking to end hostilities, but a powerful Enemy faction among one or both groups
9 profits by the slaughter, and causes a Complication to prevent any vexatious diplomacy.
An Old Terran manufactory has been discovered in a fragile state. An Enemy seeks control of it for his own purposes- and
10 is willing to destroy it rather than see it in other hands. A Friend appeals for aid on behalf of their home enclave.
A former Enemy of the PCs is making overtures of peace- and a Friend desperately needs their help. Is it a sincere wish
11 for peace, or mere cloaked treachery?
A Friend has recently risen to prominence in an otherwise hostile group. If supported, they can bring their enclave
12 around to warmer relations, but powerful Enemy factions seek to overthrow them.
Filling In the Details sure the sites are actually interesting to explore, and the Resources
Now that you have a theme and a template, you need to fill in the chapter provides some tools for that end.
specifics. Which details you need to develop will depend on the
kind of adventure you’re running and the sort of situations you’re Next, determine the rewards for the adventure, both those to be had
most likely to need to adjudicate. For a start, you can go down this by resolving the problem and those lying about where PCs might
checklist to make sure you’ve got everything in order. find them. This can be tricky, and is discussed more thoroughly later
in this section.
First, fill in the blanks in the template. If you’ve used the region
creation process, your sites of interest are already going to have Then sit back and put yourself in your players’ shoes. Try to imagine
plenty of Friends, Enemies, Complications, Places, and Things al- the kinds of questions they’re going to ask about the situation and
ready listed. Slot them into the template and you’ve got the outline anticipate some of the actions they’re likely to take. Think about
of your adventure. Otherwise, just fill in the blanks with whatever their motivations, and how those goals are going to touch on the
characters and features seem appropriate based on the theme and events of the adventure. Consider their outside resources- have they
your general needs. got allies or outside help that could seriously change the course of
the adventure? Don’t try to forestall this interference or try to close
Next, decide the default outcome of the situation, assuming the “loopholes” in the adventure that might cut things short. Just think
PCs don’t get involved or fail to resolve the problem. For a Salvage- about them and be ready to deal with it if the PCs take that course.
themed adventure, this may be nothing at all- the site just keeps You’re giving the players a situation, and how they choose to deal
sitting there, unchanging. Other types of adventures will have more with it is up to them. It’s not your responsibility to make sure they
noticeable consequences. Write this down for later reference as follow a particular path or make certain choices- you’re just there to
needed. eat popcorn and watch the heroes try to avoid horrific failure.
Once you have that, fill out the details of the NPCs involved in the Lastly, check to make sure you have some emergency backup
adventure. This includes both major antagonists and plot characters content if the players decide to turn around and run away from
as well as mutant monsters and rank-and-file human foes. Some your adventure. If you’ve followed the region creation guidelines
adventures will involve a greater likelihood of combat than others, you should have a ruin or two already prepared for exploration.
and you may need combat stats for many of the NPCs involved. Such static exploration sites work perfectly for filler content, as they
You can use the Bestiary chapter of the book to pull the necessary keep well and require little explanation for their appearance in a
stats for men and mutants. particular chunk of wasteland.
Then decide what maps and diagrams you’re going to need for the Congratulations- you now have a complete adventure. You’re
adventure. For some adventures, you’ll need few or no maps- an now equipped to keep yourself and your players amused during
adventure revolving around social relationships in an enclave or the next session. If for some reason the players end up dodging
political intrigue in a noble court isn’t going to rely too heavily on your adventure, just trigger the consequences and then reskin the
the contents of storerooms and the location of the village granary. adventure details for later use. You can scrub the names off, change
You may need a rough sketch of the political relationships involved, some particulars, and recycle it for a later session or use it as ad-
however, or a diagram of who wants what in the village schem- ditional emergency backup material. As a sandbox GM, nothing
ing. If you’re running an adventure that has a heavy component of you do needs to be wasted. It’s a big world out there, and the more
exploration or combat, you’re going to need maps of those areas. pre-made material you have at your fingertips, the easier it is to dish
If you don’t have existing maps already, you can pull modern floor up something appropriate to the characters’ perambulations.
plans and village maps off the net and just “age” them appropriately.
If you’re running an exploration-based adventure, you need to make
Whenever you build an adventure, you need to consider the profit
to be had from resolving it. Some deeds of daring might have
Level Experience Sessions
more concrete rewards than others, but every PC at least gains the 1 1,000 2
benefit of their experience after undergoing some great challenge.
2 2,000 2
Rewards are split up into four categories- experience points, salvage,
resources and favors. 3 4,000 2
4 5,500 3
Experience Points
Simply surviving an adventure is worth something to a PC. If a 5 11,000 3
character at least tries to resolve an adventure and carries their ef- 6 22,000 3
forts through a session, they should receive a standard reward of
experience points. Whether or not their efforts were successful, if 7 44,000 3
they tried to deal with the situation and are still alive by the end of 8 32,000 4
the session, they get the experience points. Failure can be every bit
as educational as success. The knowledge that their characters are 9 64,000 4
getting a little more capable and knowledgeable even from their less 10+ 25,000 5
successful ventures can ease the sting that failure holds for many
players. have your own ideas about what is practical. Maybe it’s salvage
that can be found in the ruins that are to be explored, or it might
This standard reward should be given whenever the players have constitute the reward that is being offered for successful resolution
spent the session trying to accomplish something meaningful. Even of a group’s problem.
if they’ve decided to bail on your prepared adventure and hare off
in a completely different direction, if they’re trying to accomplish By default, all salvage will be in no better than Worn condition, as
something worthy of their capabilities, then give them the standard given in the Systems chapter. Items pulled from ruins might well be
award. The experience points are meant to reward a motivated group in even worse condition, in which case you might choose to roll on
that tries to do something in the world, and a plan the players come the wear table in this section. A few wealthy and disciplined owners
up with is just as good for that as an adventure you’ve prepared. might be the sort to keep their gear in Perfect condition, but not
many people have sufficient resources and tech expertise to arrange
When awarding the experience points, use the level of the most for this.
experienced PC in the group to ensure that any lower-level PCs
catch up at a suitably brisk pace. The standard experience award There will be times when you’re preparing adventures or content
assumes that you’ll want your PCs to gain a level every two to four without a clear idea of when the work will be needed. Without
sessions. If you want to set your own pace for the campaign, just foreknowledge of the difficulty involved, how do you prep the sal-
determine the amount of experience they need for a given level and vage beforehand? It’s simple- just key out the adventure as normal,
divide it by the number of sessions you want to spend at that level. but instead of indicating specific rewards and relic locations, merely
If the group spent the session trying to accomplish something note where they should occur. Then roll up a few lists of salvage for
relatively trivial for them, lower their standard award accordingly. different plunder types. When you need to use the content, pick the
Tasks that don’t significantly challenge the PCs shouldn’t be given list that corresponds to the type of loot you’re using and just take
the same credit as those feats that truly test their mettle. Keep in items off of it as the PCs find the plunder. You can use the same set
mind that PCs shouldn’t be penalized for being clever; if they come of plunder lists for multiple adventures, so long as you replace any
up with some brilliant idea that trivializes an otherwise serious chal- rolls that the PCs find with fresh results.
lenge, they should still get their full share of experience. A vigorous
application of low cunning is often necessary if a character is to The possessions of dead enemies are based on their individual loot
survive to a ripe old age. types as given in the Bestiary. If you’re kitting out a large group, it
can be most convenient to just roll once and apply the results to
all the members of the group. If you roll exceptionally well and it
seems unlikely that everyone in the group is so well-geared, just give
Salvage covers spare parts, plundered equipment, caches of portable
the best kit to the leader and give everyone else less impressive gear.
food, and any other objects of value that might be obtained in the
course of the adventure. Salvage comes from three main sources-
Don’t worry too much about “balance” in assigning salvage or
undisturbed relics of the past, the possessions of dead enemies, and
generating loot. With the absence of a functioning trade economy
rewards from grateful allies.
in most parts of the New Earth, the PCs can’t easily convert plunder
into a convenient, portable medium of exchange. Finding a dozen
The loot tables that follow list appropriate salvage for a particular
combat rifles is great, but if they can’t use a dozen combat rifles,
group or ruin. You can turn to the tables in this section and roll off
the surplus is going to be largely useful as gifts to allies or sources
for it to determine a suitable range of random plunder and detritus
of spare parts. If the dice randomly generate a fabulous treasure,
to leave lying around the adventure, assuming you don’t already
just let the PCs find it if their actions happen to lead them in that
direction. It’s quite likely it will provoke an entire adventure of its
own revolving around their attempt to actually profit by it.
Closely related to salvage, resources are a reward used by the
system given in the Groups and Enclaves chapter. They cover those
goods and intangibles that are important for a group’s survival and
prosperity, though they may not be exactly the sort of things that
adventurers find all that useful. A warehouse full of Old Terran con-
struction beams may be priceless to a tattered shanty community,
but relatively useless to the average band of wandering freebooters.
Using the Loot Tables
The loot tables that follow are simple tools for giving you a quick After these entries is a number in parenthesis, such as “Weapon
idea of what sort of plunder and salvage ought to be found in any (1d10+2)”. This simply means that you should turn to the Weapon
particular location, and what kind of equipment ought to be pos- table and roll 1d10+2 to see what weapon is found. In the case of
sessed by any random pack of bandits or enclave guardians. The Random Loot, you would turn to the Random Loot table and roll
tables are not intended to take the place of your own well-honed 1d20, adding any listed bonus. The higher the roll, the rarer and
judgment, but they provide you with some basic guidelines and more abundant the plunder.
tables for when your own inspiration is better spent elsewhere.
At any point, you can ignore the tables and simply use your own
Individuals have a Loot Type, expressed as a particular code from discretion to pick likely results. If a ruin indicates 3d6 rolls on the
P1 to P10. The Loot Type is simply a shorthand for indicating what Random Loot table, for example, you could roll and find out that
kind of gear they are most likely to possess. A scruffy wasteland there are 8 Common items and 2 Uncommon ones. Rather than
bandit usually has P2 loot, for example, while the warlord of a high- rolling on those tables, you could just pick twelve results that match
tech enclave might be strutting around in P10 gear. the ruin’s original purpose and current inhabitants. If you have no
particular preference or wish to be surprised, you can go ahead and
Ruins, camps, and groups also have a Loot Type from G1 to G21, roll each one individually.
reflecting the typical salvage to be found in that location. In the case
of enclaves and other communities, it indicates the kind of wealth Once you’ve determined the items, you can leave it there. Local
they might have available for trade or rewards to helpful PCs. The denizens will certainly take and use any handy plunder they dis-
full enclave or group almost certainly has a vastly larger amount of cover, but you don’t need to go any further than that. Optionally,
wealth at their disposal, but the loot type describes what is easily to you can complicate things a little by rolling on the Item Quirks
hand- or what is easily plundered by interlopers. table to see if it’s an unusually good piece of equipment, or perhaps
damaged, or shoddy, or Enigmatic and requiring special investiga-
Each loot type gives numbers and chances of the presence of tion to use correctly.
Weapons, Energy Weapons, Armor, Random Loot, and other pelf.
Type Example Plunder
P1 Impoverished Rabble Weapon (1d6), Armor (1d6), 50% chance of 1 Ration, 50% chance of Random Loot
P2 Raider/Tribal Warrior Weapon (1d6+4), Armor (1d6+4), 1 Ration, 25% chance of Random Loot+3
P3 Elite Warrior Weapon (1d6+6), Armor (1d6+6), 1d4 Rations, 50% chance of Random Loot+5
P4 Tribal Chieftain Weapon (1d6+10), Armor (1d8+8), Random Loot+10
P5 TL3 Warrior/Raider Weapon(1d6+12), Armor(1d6+1), 50% chance of Random Loot+5
P6 TL4 Common Citizen Laser Pistol, Old Terran Clothing, 50% chance of Random Loot+5
P7 TL4 Gunman Weapon (1d6+20), Armor (1d4+18), 50% chance of Random Loot+10
P8 TL4 Beamgunner Energy Weapon (1d4+2), Armor (1d4+18), 50% chance of Random Loot+12
P9 TL4 Elite Soldier Energy Weapon (1d6+6), Armor(1d6+18), 50% chance of Random Loot+12
P10 TL4 Champion Energy Weapon (1d4+10), Armor (1d6+20), Random Loot+20
G1 Animal Nest 50% chance of Weapon (1d10), 50% chance of Armor (1d10), 50% chance of Random Loot
1d6 Energy Weapons (1d10+4), 1d6 suits of Harmony Armor, 50% chance of Armor (1d8+18),
G2 Armory, Mandate
1d6 TL4 Spare Parts, 50% chance of 1d6 TL5 Spare Parts, 2d6 Type A Power Cells
1d6 Weapons (1d10+2), 50% chance of Weapon (1d6+9), 1d6 suits of Armor (1d10+3), 1d6 TL2
G3 Armory, Raider
Spare Parts, 1d4 x 20 rounds of ammo
1d6 Weapons (1d10+10), 50% Chance of 1d4 Energy Weapons (1d8), 1d6 suits of Insurgent
G4 Armory, Rebel
Combat Shell, 1d6 TL3 Spare Parts, 1d6 x 20 rounds of ammo
1d3 Weapons (1d10+2), 1d4 Random Loot+3, 1 Random Loot+10, 50% Chance of 20 rounds of
G5 Camp, Small Raider
ammo, 50% chance of 1d4 Type A Power Cell
1d3 Weapons (1d10), 1d4 Random Loot+3, 1 Random Loot+5, 25% Chance of 20 rounds of
G6 Camp, Small Tribal
ammo, 25% chance of 1d4 Type A Power Cell
2d6 Weapons (1d10), 2d6 Armor (1d8+2), 2d6 Random Loot, 1d6 Random Loot+5, 1d4 x 20
G7 Enclave Plunder, TL1
rounds of ammo, 1d4 Type A Power Cells, 10% chance of one Rare Item, 1d10x10 rations
2d6 Weapons (1d6+8), 2d6 Armor (1d10+4), 3d6 Random Loot, 1d6 Random Loot+10, 3d6
G8 Enclave Plunder, TL2
x 20 rounds of ammo, 2d6 Type A Power Cells, 25% chance of one Rare Item, 1d20x10 rations
2d6 Weapons (1d6+8), 2d6 Armor (1d10+4), 3d6 Random Loot, 1d6 Random Loot+10, 3d6
G9 Enclave Plunder, TL3
x 20 rounds of ammo, 2d6 Type A Power Cells, 25% chance of one Rare Item, 1d10x20 rations
2d6 Weapons (1d6+14), 2d6 Armor (1d10+10), 3d6 Random Loot+5, 1d6 Random Loot+15,
G10 Enclave Plunder, TL4
3d6 x 20 rounds of ammo, 2d6 x 5 Type A Power Cells, 1d4 Rare Items, 2d20x20 rations
G11 Medical Cache, Major 1d10+10 Stims, 1d4 Medkits
G12 Medical Cache, Minor 1d6 Stims, 50% chance of a Medkit
G13 Ruin, Large Structure 5d6 Random Loot, 1d10 Random Loot+10, 1d4-1 Rare Items, 2d6 TL4 Spare Parts
G14 Ruin, Single Building 3d6 Random Loot, 1d4 Random Loot+10, 20% chance of Random Loot+20, 1d6 TL4 Parts
G15 Survival Cache, Enclave 1d10 Old Terran Rations, 1d6 Random Loot, 50% 1d4 x 20 rounds of ammo, 50% 1d6 Type A
G16 Survival Cache, Ancient 3d8 Old Terran Rations, 1d6 Uncommon Items, 1d6+4 Type A Power Cells
G17 Tech Cache, Major 1d10+10 Spare parts of each TL from 3 to 5, 50% chance of Metatool, 50% chance of one Rare
G18 Tech Cache, Minor 1d10+10 Spare Parts of TL 1d4+1, 50% chance of Random Loot+10
1d4 Weapons (1d6+9), 1d4 Armor (1d10+4), 1d6 x 20 rounds of ammo, 1d4 Type A Power Cells,
G19 Trader Caravan
2 Random Loot+10, 25% chance of Rare Item
75% chance of TL4 Toolkit, 25% Chance of TL5 Toolkit, 1d10+15 TL4 Spare Parts, 1d8 TL5
G20 Workshop, Old Terran
Spare Parts, 2 Random Loot+15 which are Broken
TL2 Toolkit, 75% chance of TL3 Toolkit, 25% chance of TL4 Toolkit, 1d10+15 TL2 Spare Parts,
G21 Workshop, Scrounger
1d10+5 TL3 Spare Parts, 1d6 TL4 Spare Parts, 2 Random Loot which are Broken
Roll Random Loot Roll Armor
1 No Armor
1-5 Nothing
2 No Armor
6-14 Common Item
3 Shield
15-19 Two Common Items 4 Shield
1d12 Optional Side Effect from Using Item 1d6 Activation Method
1 Brilliant glow around user 1 Button
2 Trigger
2 Shrill, maddening whine when in operation
3 Dial
3 User appears twelve cm distant from their actual position 4 Toggle
4 User bleeds slightly from pores after use (1 HP damage) 5 Voice
5 Halo of fractal distortion around device 6 Slider
Random Belongings
There are times when a GM needs a quick answer for determining what trifles might be in a raider’s pockets or on the shelves of an Old
Terran closet. For quick inspiration, roll 1d100 on the following table. If a result of 100 obtains, pick some item that you know would
be uncommonly useful to the PCs in their current situation. Few items are very valuable, but almost all should function for something.
2d10 meters of perfectly 60 Heavy platinum jewelry 93 Lump of eternal chewing gum
28 transparent plastic tubing
61 Leash and adjusting dog collar 94 A dial always pointing to a ruin
Fist-sized prism box that is
29 invisible when closed 62 Antique-style oil painting 95 Whimsical cat holo
32 A Destroyed handheld device 65 Fingertip laser pointer 98 Sonic scrubber, needs A cell
33 Functional metatool 66 Illegal plasma pistol w/ammo 99 1d6 disguised frag grenades
Troubleshooting Your Game
Death change the fundamental concept of the victim, which defeats the
Characters die in Other Dust. They die very easily compared to those point of character continuity. Losing a fight should be something
in many other games. Some players with experience in other role- the players fear, but for reasons aside from any loss of their character.
playing games are going to have issues with this, and you yourself
may not be so enthusiastic about such fragile characters. There are Some groups prefer a middle ground between these two states, per-
several ways to deal with this situation. haps allowing characters to hit -10 hit points before actually expir-
ing, or giving characters a few minutes of grace in which medical aid
The first way is to just play it straight. It’s true that PCs are extremely can save them, or giving characters a limited pool of “luck points”
mortal, but pretech pharmaceuticals can revive a freshly-expired that can be spent to avert doom. Any system can work perfectly
character provided someone can get to them in time. In practice, well so long as you and the players all agree on it. Whatever you
provided the group has a supply of stims and not everyone is killed do decide should be clearly understood by the participants before
in an engagement, the rest of the group can be revived after a fight. play begins. If you use the default model, you should be especially
Permanent death usually only happens when a character dies away careful to ensure that the players understand it and are willing to
from the help of his friends, or when they’re torn to bloody gobbets use it before the game begins; it can be an ugly shock to the veterans
by some horrific source of damage. of some other games when they discover that a half-starved raider
with a scavenged butcher knife is a real threat to the life of their
This sense of risk and the very real chances of death serves a valuable freshly-made PC.
purpose at the table- it makes PC accomplishments all the more
impressive and meaningful. Even those games that use much stur- If and when a character does die, get their replacement in as quickly
dier characters often try to give the impression of death’s nearness as possible. Don’t hesitate to bend the situation a little to facilitate
in order to get that frisson of excitement that comes from knowing this end. Suddenly-discovered prisoners, wasteland wanderers that
your character might die. Some games do better or worse at this, happen to be in the right place, lone survivors of other exploratory
but there’s no substitute for actual peril. Experienced wasteland groups, and other convenient plot twists can all serve to insert a
adventurers in an Other Dust has survived dangers which could have fresh PC with utmost speed. A player should never be left sitting
easily seen them dead. Their good judgment, luck, and teamwork idle for longer than it takes for them to roll up a new character.
have pulled them through situations that can and have claimed the
lives of their comrades. They’ve accomplished something, and that Some hard-line GMs insist that replacement characters should be
sense is very rewarding in play. first level. This actually works better than one might expect, because
the exponential nature of experience point rewards means that
But even if you play things straight, there are ways to quietly tilt a first level PC in the company of hardened veterans is going to
the table. You can make sure that the players discover substantial very rapidly rise to equal them. By the time the rest of the group
caches of pretech stims, so they’re never out of luck when a downed gains one level, the newbie will have reached their former level- and
companion needs to be revived. You can ensure that monstrous before they gain a second level, the newbie will be equal with them.
mutants and enemy raiders split their attacks among healthy PCs Still, not every GM likes to deal with the fragility of such novices
rather than focus-firing a wounded PC into a gory mess. You can when the rest of the group is so much more durable.
silently edit the damage dice done by traps and unstable pretech
so that it becomes less likely to erase a victim from existence in a Other GMs simply let the PC create a character of the same level
single blast. Provided you don’t meddle with the actual rolls and the and experience point totals, ones with any ordinary equipment
players can see that their characters really are subject to the dice, you they might find fitting and maybe an rarer artifact or two if they’re
can keep the tension while substantially lessening the fatality rate. particularly experienced. This may require a few more minutes to
spend the skill points that higher levels grant, so players may want
Other groups just don’t like easy death in any form. They want to to create these backup PCs before the game starts.
make specific characters and they want to continue playing these
characters until they’re finished with them. This is a perfectly valid However you handle death, make sure that your entire group
way to play, and if it’s the style you and your players prefer, there’s understands the chosen policies. Any system can work perfectly if
no reason that you shouldn’t do it this way. You simply need to everyone agrees on it, and any game can go south in a hurry if the
replace death with a different painful consequence to maintain a players end up feeling cheated by consequences they didn’t fully
degree of tension to conflicts. understand.
When a character hits zero hit points under this model, they’re Combat
simply knocked unconscious or otherwise left for dead. Their Combat is a mainstay of adventure gaming, and this fact of life is
possessions might be looted, the friendly folk they were protect- no less the case in Other Dust. With no rule of law, a vast wilder-
ing might be killed, their base of operations might be destroyed or ness teeming with hostile life, and enclaves where even the most
plundered, or they might suffer a loss of experience as they recover reasonable locals sometimes resolve their issues with knives, combat
from their wounds. It’s best to avoid applying serious permanent is very likely to happen to characters. Still, there are some guidelines
injuries or more-than-decorative scars to the characters as that can
you should follow as a GM to avoid things getting out of hand for For more experienced characters, a good rule of thumb is that if a
your group. character could make a skill check by rolling a 6 or better, just let
them have it. Even if you follow this rule, you don’t need to do so
First, be very careful about forcing groups into combat. Combat religiously, but it gives you a good guideline on checks you can skip
can be deadly, and if you force a group of novice adventurers to without cheapening a character’s investment in their skills.
draw steel three or four times every session, no one is going to live
long enough to become an experienced adventurer. If you’re drop- There are a few rolls where you should be more inclined to bring out
ping a fight on the group because you need some immediate action the dice. If you allow characters to automatically succeed at hunting
and a breather in which to think about their latest plan, make it a and foraging rolls, you’re going to effectively eliminate food as a
fight that the PCs can be expected to win with minimal risk, or a resource they need to manage- they’ll always be able to find what
fight they can run away from, or a fight that involves allies that can they need to survive. This may be your preference, but you should
take the brunt of the bloodshed. When designing adventures, avoid make that choice with understanding of what you do. Rolls that
inescapable fights or brawls that can’t be avoided by prudent parties. push the edges of a character’s concept and known skills should also
usually be diced out, or else players who have invested their limited
Telegraph a fight well in advance whenever possible. Let the players skill points in relevant skills are apt to be annoyed that what they
understand when combat is likely and let them make the conscious paid for, other characters are getting for free.
decision to risk it or avoid it. When players engage, it should be
because they’ve chosen to engage and are willing to deal with the When you do call for skill checks, let a single roll indicate only
risks. Letting them sidestep a fight or evade combat allows them to the general course of failure or success. Often, when a PC blows
feel all the more involved when they finally do decide to pull out
their pistols and heft their spears. Ambushes are always possible, but Handling Investigative Skill Checks
they can be absolutely lethal to a low-level party and should be used
with great discretion. One special case that crops up regularly at the table is the inves-
tigative skill check- some attempt on the PCs’ part to use their
Pay attention to enemy morale. The barren wastelands of post- skills to pry loose a useful bit of information. They might be
apocalyptic New Earth are not populated by Spartans. Most trying to search an area with Perception or attempting to use their
enemies will not stick around once their friends start dying, and Persuasion skill to cozen out a fact from a close-mouthed native.
even high-morale warriors are going to start thinking about tactical
withdrawals once it becomes obvious that the PCs are dangerous. The skill check should always be secondary to what the PCs are
When an entire group of intelligent enemies stands and fights to actually doing. If there is a combat rifle hidden atop a hut rafter
the last man, it should be something bizarre and disturbing- a sign and the PCs explicitly check the rafters, they’re going to find it. If
of superlative training, crazed zeal or the doomed valor of a group they’ve got a revolver pressed to the temple of the bandit’s brother,
convinced it has no hope of escaping death. One of the main ad- he’s probably going to tell them whatever they want to know.
vantages the PCs have over other combatants is that their morale is Make the players specify what they’re searching, saying, or doing
unshakable, and they can stand the gaff far longer than most of their before they roll; if they don’t specify anything useful, then let the
foes. Attackers may well break off if they’re taking heavy casualties roll determine whether or not their characters think of it.
even if half the PCs are dead, and then the PCs can apply stims to
their downed comrades. Then, after they make the skill check, make something happen.
The absolute worst answers you can give in those situations are
Skill Checks “You find nothing.” or “You learn nothing.” Why? Because you’ve
It can be tempting to reach for the skill check dice every time a given the players nothing new to work with and the frustration
character wants to accomplish something even remotely difficult. is likely to provoke them into even less fruitful courses of action,
Resist the temptation. Skill checks should be reserved for significant potentially building to outright idiocy in an attempt to get some-
challenges that have meaningful consequences for failure. where with their goals. Remember that even blowing up a GM’s
campaign is more fun than flailing around in it.
You should use concept successes to simply hand automatic success
to characters who are doing something related to their concept Even if their attempt was doomed from the start because there
that isn’t unusually difficult. For instance, rather than compelling was nothing there to find, at least advance the clock and think
a noble to roll her Perception or Culture skills to identify the in- about the consequences of the time they spent at it. Ideally, you
fluential locals in an enclave, you might simply tell her. As a noble, want to give them some event or consequence they can react to,
recognizing local power brokers is just naturally part of her shtick. something that will move the game along rather than leaving
A known paladin of a local faith might not have to make any rolls them to stumble around uselessly.
to acquire shelter and food from clergy of the same religion. Novice
characters aren’t action-hero supermen, but even a first level charac- Maybe a failed check means that they get the information, but
ter is unusually skilled and competent compared to most denizens it’s garbled and missing some important fact. Perhaps it comes at
of the New Earth. Let them be good at their chosen focus. a higher price than they meant to pay. Maybe their investigation
has alerted an enemy, even as they learn what they need to know.
Just give them something and see what happens from there.
a roll, it can be more useful to let them make choices about how
they fail rather than dictating a particular course of events. When Wealth and Barter at the Table
a rafter fumbles his Vehicle/Sea check trying to navigate the crude
vessel down a stretch of rough water, tell him he’s losing control Some groups love the feel of barter in their post-apocalyptic
and heading for the rocks. He can either heave wildly in an attempt games. They enjoy trading surplus gear for more important
to steer past them or cling to the logs and pray. The former choice equipment and they don’t mind the extra time spent deciding
might give him a second chance but expose him to being thrown which of their belongings they can afford to swap and which they
overboard if he fails, while the latter might result in a smashed raft should keep. The additional game time this costs is compensated
but the player safely riding to shore on the log. A failure result that by their enjoyment.
consists of “You try it and nothing happens.” is a profoundly boring
result, and should be avoided whenever possible. Set off alarms, Other groups do not enjoy it. Choosing equipment for barter is
blow a gasket, outrage a chieftain, break a spear, or otherwise make an irritating time sink for them and the GM can find it annoying
the character’s life more interesting when they fail. to have to constantly decide whether the barter deal the PCs are
offering is a fair one for the NPC to accept.
Finally, only call for a skill check when failure means something. If
there’s no time limit and an act is within a character’s capacity to If your group is not so keen on barter then the regions you create
eventually accomplish, then just let it happen. It doesn’t matter if should use trade tokens, with one token worth one quarter of
they screw up a few times if they’ve got all the time in the world to a ration. Different major communities might mint their own
get it right. If there’s a resource cost for failure, either in precious tokens or use specific types of Old Terran credit chips, forcing
time, spare parts, or food, then make the roll. PCs to trade at those enclaves or else take a serious discount at
other communities.
Using trade tokens limits the kind of interesting complications
PC wealth works in a different way in Other Dust compared to most
that can arise from a barter system, but it also makes for much
fantasy and sci-fi games. In most other settings, PCs can accumulate
simpler accounting for a group. If you do use trade tokens, you
a huge store of value in the form of hoards of golden coins or mas-
should feel no obligation to provide an unlimited number of
sive electronic bank accounts. There may be some logistical issues
them in any given community. For small enclaves, they simply
in carrying around fifty thousand gold pieces, but most PCs are
may not have the tokens to buy all that the PCs want to sell them.
assumed to be able to accumulate a great deal of wealth with few
practical limits.
a point beyond which the community simply won’t stand for an ac-
cumulation of unused goods. An owner who is using his relics and
This is not the case in a post-apocalyptic world. Food is the default
artifacts is one thing, but strangers who are simply mounding up
medium of exchange, and it’s bulky, perishable, and steadily wast-
heaps of untouched wealth is another entirely. The PCs can expect
ing. A character who loads himself down with grain might be able
to get a great deal of status and importance in the community if
to carry one or two months worth of provender on his back, while
they bring back great sums of plunder, but they can also expect
the average fantasy or sci-fi adventurer has that much buying power
that whatever the locals view as “excess” will be put to practical use.
in their loose change. A determined wastelander might be able to
This effect will kick in at whatever point you think is reasonable,
trade their food for objects of practical value, but even a pouch full
and if the PCs don’t like it, they’re advised to pull together their
of medical stims or a sack loaded with pretech rations is limited in
own community where their excess property might be viewed as
what it can buy, particularly if the locals are too poor to produce
somewhat more sacrosanct.
much worth buying.
As a GM, you don’t need to worry too much about controlling the
Even if the PCs do discover some vast trove of plunder, how are
influx of wealth or valuable commodities into a campaign. There’s
they going to protect it? There are no banks to take the deposits,
a certain built-in limit on how much the PCs are going to actually
and usually not enough local surplus to exchange it for smaller and
be able to use, and it doesn’t matter how much of a commodity the
more portable items of value. Most PCs will eventually be forced to
PCs find if they can’t carry it or protect it. If the players do find a
find local allies and friendly communities simply so they have some
useful way to capitalize on it, it probably involves making deals with
place they can store their wealth where it won’t be swiftly pillaged
local enclaves and in that case it’s just one more potential adventure
by strangers. “Gifts” and other exchange can also be used to buy
hook that you didn’t have to create yourself. There may be markets
land and acceptance with local enclaves. Once the party ingratiates
in your campaign where this wealth could be converted to artifacts
themselves sufficiently, they can usually rely on the locals to keep
and other high-utility items, but this is not the default situation
their belongings safe- assuming the locals don’t need them for their
for the game, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to give PCs that op-
own survival.
portunity. Finding such a place and earning the right to participate
in its markets may well be an adventure in itself.
The latter is likely to be an issue if the group starts to accumulate
truly vast caches of wealth. The PCs can’t simply unload a dozen
One thing you do need to monitor, however, is the presence of
pack mules worth of semi-automatic rifles into the village strong-
high-tech artifacts in your game. These items can give major boosts
house and then expect the locals to keep their hands off of them.
to a character’s individual power, and a character kitted out in the
Most enclave natives respect the idea of personal property and
latest pretech Old Terran hardware can waltz through challenges
private wealth among the community’s members, but there comes
that would otherwise leave him eighty to one hundred percent settlement, but there are usually at least 2d6 brash young warriors
dead. You should never feel obligated to allow PCs to buy hardware in any given village willing to go along on an expedition.
like this- if they want it, they can go and find it.
As a rule of thumb, the employer of hirelings should be the one
You should be fairly open-handed about allowing the discovery of calling their actions and making decisions for them. If the employer
spare parts, or else the PCs will have great difficulty keeping their starts making demands beyond the usual scope of a minion’s duties,
gear in repair and building new devices. The game assumes that you might step in to tell the player that the henchman declines the
tech-savvy PCs will be building equipment for their teammates, and order, or require a Cha/Leadership check to see if the employer has
for a group with a particularly skilled scrounger this may be the the presence to pull it off. Most hirelings willing to sign on for a
major means of acquiring new tech. Dropping blueprints and tech wasteland expedition are brave, but they’re not suicidal and they
helps for particular devices can allow you to introduce them into have no intention of taking any risks that their employer isn’t also
the game even if the party scrounger isn’t otherwise skillful enough willing to take.
to build them.
Most minions will expect to be fed and receive the wages given in
Whatever your policy on wealth, you should be very careful to allow the Equipment chapter. Most have the basic tools and weapons of
PCs to get their hands on medkits or stims. As deadly as combat their trade, but will gladly accept gifts of superior gear. Minions
can be, denying a party these lifesaving medical tools can result in a won’t leave the territory of their home enclave for very long under
degree of character mortality that many players find jarring. There’s most circumstances, and their willingness to enter ruins and other
no obligation to load them down with pretech pharmaceuticals, but zones of unusual danger hinges largely on having at least a half-
the party should be able to get their hands on vital first aid gear if share of any plunder found- for every two relics or items of plunder
they’re trying to find such things.. taken by each PC, the minion would expect to choose one item for
his own.
Henchmen and Minions
It’s a common tradition in many games of this type to pad out You should have no compunction about using minions as red
a party with a half-dozen minions or hirelings. Some players are shirt casualties. In most cases, that’s what the PCs hired them for.
enthusiastic about getting meat shields between them and an Let them soak up their share of enemy gunfire, sinister traps, and
enemy spear while others find them distracting encumbrances. Still, the clawings of hideous beasts. So long as the peril is fairly shared
you shouldn’t be surprised if somewhere along the line the party between PCs and minions the game won’t suffer for it. You should
decides it would be a good idea to bring friends. The Equipment put a cap on minions, however, as beyond a certain point you don’t
and Artifacts chapter covers several different types of hirelings and have an adventuring party so much as you have a mobile army. One
their average costs. Their availability will depend on the size of a minion per PC is usually a good limit, or two if the PC group is very
small. If the PCs try to recruit larger groups, the local elders are apt
to take an unfriendly interest in such a demand on local manpower.
Groups and Enclaves
Groups are organizations, settlements, cults, families, noble houses, Every group has a tier. Tiers range from 1, for a very small or local
or any other distinguishable collection of people with roughly group, up to 3, for a group that has major influence over the entire
complementary interests. In any campaign, it’s inevitable that the campaign region. A tier 1 family might be a simple clan of hunters
GM is going to be dealing with a lot of these associations, and using up in the Laychan Mountains, while a tier 3 family might be the
them in a constructive fashion can be difficult without some tools royal house of Nwark, who have ties of blood and marriage to the
for managing them. This chapter will provide you with ways to ruling classes of half the human settlements of Joizy. As a rule of
characterize these groups so as to provide both easy adventure hooks thumb, a tier 1 group is important in their immediate locality, a tier
for your game and a sense of progress and change for the campaign. 2 group is either the dominant power in their location or influential
Not every cabal or wasteland hamlet needs to use these guidelines, in the region as a whole, and a tier 3 group is a major power of
but they can make your life as a GM much easier when it comes the entire campaign region. The tiers can be expanded further if an
time to juggle the intrigues of half a dozen important organizations. even larger scope is desired, but 1-3 is usually a serviceable range
for the kind of foes and allies a group of PCs will meet during most
The Purpose of Groups campaigns.
A GM can expect to deal with numerous associations, cults, settle-
ments, and raider bands over the course of a campaign. Some of Every group has certain amounts of five different resources: Food,
these are necessary only as background color or a brief mention, Tech, Morale, Influence, and Security. The more points they have in
and you’ll feel no inclination to develop them beyond their short a given resource, the stronger and more prosperous they are in that
moment in play. Other groups will be more interesting to you or regard. If you look at the group type templates listed in this chapter,
the players, and you’ll want to put more thought into their abilities you’ll see that each group has a particular threshold for each type of
and problems. resource. If they can accumulate enough resource points to equal or
exceed that threshold, they gain 1 point of Progress.
There are some questions that players naturally tend to ask about a
group. How can they be helped? What if we want to hurt or destroy Progress is a measure of the group’s overall success, prosperity, and
them? What kind of problems plague the group, and is it thriving effectiveness. Depending on how many resource thresholds the
or being driven under by its troubles? group has passed, their Progress might range from 0 to 5. A group
that hits all five thresholds might expand to a higher tier, becoming
The group system provides a quick, simple way to give answers more powerful and influential. Once they go up a tier, their thresh-
to all of these questions, and allows a GM to track events with a olds increase, resetting them back to 0 Progress but giving them a
group using minimal bookkeeping and attention. When you have much broader scope of power. Losing resources might drop them
an entire region full of these actors, you can’t really afford to spend a back beneath the threshold, costing them their hard-won Progress.
vast amount of mental energy on every one. You need to get crucial
answers quickly and with a minimum of accounting. Ruin measures the forces arrayed against the group’s success,
whether outside troubles or internal quarreling. Each individual
As a GM, you can turn any selection of people into a group, whether problem is worth a certain number of Ruin points- “The lowland
or not they started out that way. The ragged survivors of a ravaged nomads raid us: 2”, “The Nakamotos and Jonsons are feuding: 1”,
village might be mere scene dressing in one game, but if the players “The Still Lady personally hates us and wants to turn us all into
take a real interest in their troubles, you might retroactively turn screaming immortal cancer trees: 17”. If the group’s Ruin total
them into a group in order to more easily handle the PCs’ attempts reaches a certain threshold, the group will collapse from the weight
to alleviate their distress. Groups are simply an organizational tool of its problems. The threshold for tier 1 groups is 6, for tier 2 groups
for you as a GM, and you should feel free to use them whenever it’s 12, and for tier 3 groups it’s 20. Bigger, more powerful groups
they seem convenient for your needs. can handle more problems before they go under.
Group Basics Some groups will have Perks, representing particularly useful assets,
Groups come in several different types: Creeds, Raiders, Polities, traditions, circumstances, or other benefits to the group. These
Families, or Cabals. Creeds are religious or philosophical organiza- Perks usually modify die rolls or give a special bonus to the group’s
tions determined to spread and maintain their particular beliefs. actions.
Raiders are marauder bands or wasteland warlords, bent on plunder
and the parasitic ravaging of others. A polity is a community, gov- Creating a Group
ernmental body, ethnic grouping, or other affinity group based on Groups can be generated whenever you find them useful. If you’re
a sense of shared membership and mutual responsibility. Families building one from scratch, here’s how you go about doing it.
range from tribal clans to illustrious noble houses and are focused
on the advancement and prosperity of a specific bloodline. Cabals First, pick a type for the group and decide on its membership. It
might be businesses, secret societies, dark conspiracies, lurking mad might be a sub-faction of a larger and more powerful organization,
scientists, or any other group that is attempting to influence the or it might be a free-standing band of villagers, plotters, mad scien-
world around them with tools that aren’t so vulgar as brute force. tists, or religious zealots.
Next, decide what kind of resources it possesses. If you haven’t any A list of sample actions is provided below. If a group is being con-
particular opinions on the matter, just roll 1d4 for each resource trolled by a PC, you should let them go first, and then go down the
type. If building a tier 2 group, multiply the result by 10, and rest of the list in whatever order you prefer. Each group can take one
multiply it by 100 for a tier 3 group. action per turn, and most of them are described abstractly. It’s up to
you to flavor them with specifics and describe just how a successful
Then figure the group’s Progress. If the number of resources of a Attack resulted in the Iron City of Pitz launching a brutal assault on
given type is equal or greater than the tier’s threshold, the group Nwark that shattered its ancient defensive batteries.
gains 1 point of Progress. Particularly desperate, impoverished, or
recently expanded groups might not have matched any thresholds Progress Checks are required by several actions. Each party involved
at all, creeping along at 0 Progress. rolls a die and adds the group’s Progress score, with ties going to the
defender. Tier 1 groups roll 1d6, tier 2 groups roll 1d12, and tier 3
Choose sources of Ruin next. Think about the top two or three groups roll 1d20.
problems that the group is facing that might result in its destruction
or splintering. Assign each a point or two and mark the group’s Ruin Checks are made when a group has to determine whether
Ruin total as being equal to the sum of its problems. If you aren’t its internal problems have stymied one of their actions. The group
sure how hard-pressed the group might be, you can roll to see how rolls a die and compares it to their Ruin score. If the roll is higher,
many Ruin points it’s dealing with right now- 1d4 for tier 1 groups, the check is passed. If lesser or equal, one of the group’s Ruins has
1d10 for tier 2 groups, and 2d8 for tier 3 groups. Once you have a interfered. Tier 1 groups roll 1d6, tier 2 groups roll 1d12, and tier
total Ruin score, just divide it into however many problems seem 3 groups roll 1d20.
interesting to you.
After every Progress or Ruin check, the group must roll 1d10. On a
Finally, decide whether or not the group has any Perks. Many groups 1, something happened that caused fresh problems or exacerbated
have none, and most groups shouldn’t have more than four or five existing difficulties. One new point of Ruin is gained or an existing
or else it can be unwieldy to keep track of them. This is purely an Ruin is increased by one point.
administrative consideration and not a hard-and-fast rule.
For example, the hard-pressed village of Hollow needs to make a
The above guidelines cover creation rules for GM-created groups. If Ruin check. It’s a tier 1 Polity that has a total Ruin of 5- flatlander
the players take it into their heads to form a cabal out of their NPC nomad troubles worth 3 points and local feuding worth 2. The GM
allies or establish a newly-colonized mountain village, you should rolls a 3, which means the check fails- those damn nomads inter-
simply use the above guidelines to figure out the new group’s start- fered. A roll of 4 would suggest that it was the feuding that got in
ing condition and then let game events shape further results. Most the way, and a roll of 6 or better would mean the check was passed.
such fledgling groups will have little more than what the PCs can After they make the check, they roll 1d10; if it comes up a 1, then
bring to them. their efforts actually made things worse for them, and they either
add a new source of ruin at 1 point or increase an existing one.
Group Actions
There are times when you’ll want the groups to perform their own Damage is done by Attack actions. The defender can choose to
actions, separate from whatever purposes the PCs might be pursu- take damage either to resources or to add to Ruins: One point of
ing. A world that goes on without PC action helps add verisimili- damage removes one resource point from the target. Optionally, up
tude and flavor to a game, and gives the players a feel of operating to 4 points of damage can be converted into one point of Ruin- a
in a world that has its own internal logic. Group actions are a quick group hit for 10 points of damage might sacrifice 2 resources and
shortcut for resolving these struggles and alliances between the take 2 new points of Ruin, for example. Ruin points can be added
organizations in your campaign. to existing problems if the situation makes them worse, or entirely
new afflictions might be created. The defender can mix and match
Actions take place during a “group turn” that usually occurs be- consequences as they desire or are compelled. For example, if a
tween sessions. Giving groups one action per game month is usually fragile, impoverished village takes 3 points of damage from a nomad
a good baseline, though some times of high excitement may make attack, they might not have enough resources to spare to take the
for faster responses. hit. In that case, they’d be forced to add a point of Ruin.
Some GMs have no particular use for group actions- if they’re all Group Expansion and Collapse
NPCs, the thinking goes, why bother to dice anything out? Just Groups grow, prosper, and fall under the pitiless assault of the savage
decide on some reasonable actions and outcomes and go with it. world around them. Progress and Ruin totals provide a quick way
This is a perfectly rational way of doing things, and you shouldn’t to determine when it’s time for a group to expand its influence and
feel obligated to dice the actions out if you have a logical conclusion when it’s time for it to die.
in mind. Still, one of the great pleasures of running a sandbox cam-
paign is that even you, the GM, can still be surprised by the turn Each group template has a threshold on the number of units of a
of events. Dicing out group actions gives you room to be met with given resource it can profitably use at a given tier. It can still acquire
unexpected outcomes and surprising consequences, and it can help more of the resource if available, but these extra points give no direct
provoke your imagination in ways that wouldn’t otherwise happen. benefit. Most organizations try to barter them away in exchange for
more important needs, or keep them as a buffer against hard times
and enemy action.
Group Action List
Acquire Perk: The group tries to enlist or create a particular Perk Influence: The group tries to bribe, seduce, or force another group‘s
from the list later in the chapter. The group must pay the listed leadership to act as they see fit. If the aggressor wins a contested
cost in resources and then makes a Progress check against the listed Progress check, the defender acts as they direct on their next turn.
difficulty. On a failure, the attempt is unsuccessful but can be The action can’t be obviously self-destructive. If the aggressor gains
repeated next turn without further expenditure. If the group stops Ruin from this action they cannot try to Influence the target again
using this action in favor of doing something else, it must pay the for 1d6 group turns. If multiple groups Influence a target, only the
cost a second time before it can again attempt to acquire the perk. last one’s directives are obeyed on the victim’s next turn.
There’s no technical limit on the number of perks that a group can
acquire, but a perk can be taken only once. Sabotage: The group tries to wreck or despoil resources held by an
enemy. Both attacker and defender make Progress checks. If the at-
Perk costs are based on the group’s tier. Putting in an advanced ir- tacker wins, the defender takes damage that can only be absorbed
rigation system for a small hamlet is much easier than establishing in lost resources of a type chosen by the attacker: tier 1 groups roll
farmlands for a coastal city. If a group rises a tier due to success and 1d6, tier 2 groups roll 1d12, and tier 3 groups roll 1d20 for this
progress, it loses all its Perks but is refunded their purchase costs. damage. If the defender doesn’t have enough resource points to pay
They must expand and re-establish them to regain their benefits. for the loss, the excess damage is ignored.
Attack: The group launches a direct physical assault on its rival. Solve Problem: The group tries to deal with one of its problems.
Families are unable to Attack anyone but other Families, and some Make a Ruin check. On a success, one of the group’s Ruins is
small Creeds or Cabals might likewise be incapable of mustering decreased by 1 point as they somehow resolve the situation.
sufficient warriors to resort to warfare. Both attacker and defender
make Progress checks. If the attacker beats the defender, it inflicts Subvert: The group tries to engineer problems and strife for an
damage: tier 1 groups roll 2d6, tier 2 groups roll 2d12, and tier 3 enemy group. Both attacker and defender make Progress checks.
groups roll 2d20. The defender may choose how to absorb it If the attacker wins, the defender takes damage that can only be
absorbed in fresh Ruin: tier 1 groups roll 1d6, tier 2 groups roll
Find Resource: The group tries to find usable stocks of a particular 1d12, and tier 3 groups roll 1d20 for this damage. One point of
resource. Roll a Ruin check for the group. If it passes, it finds some Ruin is added, plus one more for each 4 full damage points.
of the desired resource, usually in a form too unwieldy or dispersed
to be converted into equipment or supplies useful to PCs. Tier 1 Trade: Groups try to work out a mutually-beneficial exchange.
groups find 1 point of the resource, tier 2 groups find 1d6 points, Any number of resource points can be exchanged between groups,
and tier 3 groups find 1d10. provided that there is a plausible way to do so. Any side receiving
Resources must make a Ruin check after the exchange; on a failure,
the trouble claims half the resources received, rounded up.
There will be times when the players take it into their own heads to to use the resources themselves? How do these points translate into
help a community, resolving their ruinous problems with plans of a particular number of rations or a specific number of rounds of
their own. If the value of the outcome isn’t obvious to you, simply ammunition? Or conversely, what if the players accumulate a vast
credit them with a number of points of help equal to half the party’s store of goods of their own, and want to give them to a group- how
average character level if their plans turn out to be a success. The aid do you convert between points and specific items?
of renowned and experienced adventuring groups can be a powerful
resource for groups in dire need of assistance. Some resources just can’t be effectively converted by the PCs. A
storehouse full of bitter neo-cassava is inedible until it’s been pro-
You should always feel free to adjust the situation based on the cessed to remove the natural cyanide, and an Old Terran scrapyard
events of the game. Don’t be too tightly bound to the points model might require the muscle power of dozens of workers to pry and
of resources. It exists only as a convenient GM tool to give you an hammer the usable scrap away from the trash. Other resources
easy guideline for those occasions when you don’t have some more might be valuable, but vastly more than any party can ordinarily
obvious outcome in mind. If the PCs sneak into Boh’s mountain use, such as a bunker full of barrels filled with sulfuric acid. In par-
fortress and hurl the warlord from the roof of his own crumbling ticular, you may want to place these unconvertable resources when
office tower, his raider band is likely to disintegrate regardless of its you want to give them something valuable to their allied groups
current Ruin score. Any local groups suffering from his attentions without simultaneously giving the PCs a huge cache of valuables.
will see those Ruin points vanish. In time, his squabbling lieuten-
ants may pull together fresh bands of marauders, but for now, the At other times, you’ll want to place resources that are directly useful
region will be free of their cruel exactions. to the PCs. You shouldn’t be surprised if they immediately turn
around and use them for their own ends, however, and so you
Player Use of Resources should keep in mind the potential consequences to the campaign if
The party has just discovered 1 point of food resources in the an- your hidden cache of mag rifles gets repurposed for mutant-hunting
cient Old Terran supermarket. You know exactly what that means rather than handed over to the PCs’ home enclave.
for groups that obtain the plunder, but what if the players decide
This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t do it, or that you’ll break your with a few points of resources and 1d4 Ruin points in some likely
game if the PCs suddenly get their hands on vast riches. Most PCs problems.
will promptly trade away or expend everything they can’t immedi-
ately use themselves, and the sheer physical difficulty of protecting PCs should be allowed to found their own groups, if the situa-
large sums of wealth almost requires them to make friends with tion seems reasonable. A capable adventurer with a large stock of
a group capable of protecting assets too heavy to carry. There are resources is precisely the sort of leader-figure that many wasteland
no convenient banks in the New Earth, and respect for other dwellers want to follow, and success and proven capability are
people’s property is remarkably limited. If they’re not carrying it on bound to attract interest. By 9th level, most PCs will be renowned
their backs or surrounding it with friendly warriors, it’s probably heroes of the wastes and will almost certainly be able to summon
not going to be there when they come back. With those caveats this kind of enthusiasm, but even novice PCs can become the lead-
in mind, here are some general guidelines for converting resource ership nucleus of a resolute band of colonists. The more resources
points into specific items. and allies the PCs can accrue, the more likely they are to be counted
as chiefs, prophets, and warlords by the dwellers of the New Earth.
For food resources, one point equals approximately five hundred ra-
tions. The actual cache may be significantly greater, but by the time PCs as Group Leaders
processing, spoilage, waste, and the sheer aggravation of getting There are certain practical benefits associated with leadership of a
the food in order is sorted out, players can turn one point of food group. Most tangibly, the PCs have access to the goods, services,
resources into five hundred standard rations. If the source is a cache and assistance of their people and can expect their cooperation with
of Old Terran provender instead of more contemporary foodstuffs, any reasonable commands. Most enclave-dwellers are willing to
they can extract about 50 pretech food rations instead. Of course, give over equipment and labor to their leaders’ needs so long as
actually transporting large stocks may be rather difficult for a group their own requirements are satisfied, and the harsh life of the wastes
short on pack animals or cargo vehicles. leaves them accepting of risks that a softer people might fear to
essay. Suicidal commands or orders that defy their customs will be
For tech resources, the value of one point varies depending on the resisted, however, and even if successful the resentment will often
source of the tech. If the source was TL 2, 200 units of spare parts create fresh Ruin for the group.
can be obtained. TL 3 sources grant 100 units, TL 4 units give 50,
and TL 5 units give 25. Less sophisticated materials are so common If specifics on goods are needed, you can consult the section above
or primitive that they don’t really count for purposes of being useful on converting resources to see how much of a particular item the
tech resources. If you prefer to place the resources as specific objects group can provide to the PCs. Most groups can provide any per-
rather than a general amount of salvageable scrap, simply convert sonal equipment of TL 2 or less that the PCs might require without
the units of salvage above into individual items, using the normal the need to convert resources. Groups with the Perk of higher tech
ratios of spare parts for creating goods as given in the Systems levels might be able to do better still.
Services and raw manpower are somewhat murkier, but a good rule
Security resources are often a matter of fortifications, defensible of thumb is to give PCs the use of 10 capable warriors, laborers or
wells, scouting patrols, good communications, or platoons of skilled artisans from a tier 1 group, 100 from a tier 2, and 1,000 from a tier
warriors. As a rule of thumb, 1,000 rations worth of heavy military 3. If the group’s template is that of a polity, this manpower total can
equipment or fortification construction qualifies as one point of be multiplied by ten, as communities can provide far more support
security. than hidden cabals or single bloodlines.
Morale, and influence resources tend to be either intangible diplo- PC leaders can also expect to have the best housing, servants, food,
matic benefits or the result of valiant deeds performed to embolden and honors of the group, and a safe place to cache their less portable
allies. Aiding a group in obtaining more of these resources could possessions. Of course, if the group is overrun by an enemy, such
well earn the PCs substantial favors or assistance, but such deals wealth will doubtless be plundered.
should be the consequences of play rather than simple conversion.
This esteem comes at a price. PCs will be expected to protect and aid
Founding New Groups the group, fighting its enemies and resolving its internal problems.
New groups come into being whenever the GM thinks it appropri- In most cases, they’ll do this by means of adventures and cunning
ate and useful. Tier 2 organizations might throw off a number of plans rather than sitting back with group actions. Simple die-throw-
lesser tier 1 subgroups that may or may not cooperate well with ing is good when you want a quick resolution for a question, but if
their superiors, with individual cult cells, refugee groups, or military the group is to serve as something really useful in your campaign,
orders all following their own interests while providing more or less its travails should be a source of adventure hooks and motivation
respect for the hierarchy. A tier 1 group might be created out of a for the party. In the same way, you should let player adventures
random piece of the gaming session that catches the interests of the have a practical effect on the group’s scores and health rather than
GM or the players: that plucky market-town business family, that compelling the players to accomplish everything through the group
crazy scrap-savant lab out in the badlands, those desperate survivors action system. Always prefer adventures to simple die actions- the
of the Red Dog nomad attacks... any of them can be turned into former will make your life as a GM much simpler as the players
groups, if it fits the needs of your game. Most of them will start formulate their own adventures and plans for you.
Problems with Groups in Play Listen to what the players are saying about their desires and make it
Groups are excellent sources of vitality and adventure hooks for your clear that the PCs do not have to hover over their allies or charges in
campaign, but they also come with a number of perils. Particularly order for things to stay stable.
when PCs have an important role in a group, you’re going to have
to deal with certain issues that are likely to crop up in any group of Don’t destroy important groups without giving the PCs a chance to
players with varying tastes in entertainment. do something about it. The dice might indicate that the Iron City
is certain to smash the Laychan mountain folk of Hollow, but if
The basic danger to watch for is that of players with varying degrees Hollow has been an important place to the PCs, don’t let it happen
of investment in the groups. It’s not at all unlikely that you’ll have until the adventurers have had their say. Let the players discover
one player who’s fascinated with a particular community or organi- the impending doom and formulate their own plans for response.
zation and another who just wants to get out into the wastelands Maybe their cunning heroics will avert the destruction and throw
and see newer sights. Many of these more wanderlust-prone players back the attacker’s foul plans- or maybe they’ll just be able to save a
are perfectly happy to go on missions and jobs that help a group, scant remnant of the people they care about.
but they don’t want to sacrifice their own goals just to shepherd a
companion’s allies to greatness. Don’t make yourself a slave to the dice. The group system is simply
a GM aid, one meant to simplify your tracking of the significant
Don’t chain the PCs to a group, not even ones they’re responsible for groups in your campaign. It provides a spice of unpredictability to
leading. Give them trusty lieutenants and loyal regents, and place events and gives you an easy way to measure PC impact on the
the focus of the group’s needs and dangers outside the group itself. various organizations around them. If you don’t need it, don’t use it.
A session or two of unraveling internal strife can be a fun thing, but An action with an obvious consequence will have that consequence,
if everything starts taking place within a single community or cabal, and you don’t need to worry about justifying it with die rolls.
you run the risk of frustrating those players who want more variety.
Group Perks
Perk Food Influence Morale Security Tech Difficulty*
Cunning - 5 3 1 1 6/9/16
Fierce Loyalty 2 - 5 3 - 7/11/19
Expert Farmers 5 - - 2 3 6/9/16
Expert Traders 5 3 - - 2 6/9/16
Fortifications 3 - - 5 2 7/11/19
Guerrilla Warriors - 3 2 5 - 6/9/16
Independent - 2 5 3 - 6/9/16
Influential 3 5 2 - - 6/9/16
Leadership Cells - 5 - 3 2 7/8/9
Persuasive 2 5 3 - - 6/9/16
Religious Zeal - 2 5 3 - 7/11/19
Schooling 2 - 3 - 5 6/9/16
Seductive - 5 2 - 3 6/9/16
Tech Base/TL 2 3 - 2 - 5 6/9/16
Tech Base/TL 3 6 - 4 - 10 7/12/20
Tech Base/TL 4 12 - 8 - 20 8/16/24
Valorous - - 5 3 2 6/9/16
Vast Army 5 - 5 3 2 7/12/20
Warlike 2 - 3 5 - 6/9/16
Wary - - 3 5 2 6/9/16
Perk costs are multiplied by 10 for tier 2 groups, and by 100 for tier 3 groups.
* Difficulties are shown for tier 1, 2, and 3 groups attempting to establish the perk.
Perk Descriptions groups can exchange up to 2 points per action, tier 2 can exchange
Cunning: The group has a knack for sinister schemes and under- 10, and tier 3 can exchange 20. A Ruin check is necessary after each
handed plots. They can roll twice on all Progress checks for the exchange; if failed, something interfered with the deal and half the
Sabotage group action and take the better result, whether attacker acquired resources are lost, rounded up.
or defender.
Fortifications: The group has unusually strong defensive emplace-
Fierce Loyalty: The members of the group have a determined and ments. Against Ruin incurred by an Attack action, they can add
unflinching dedication to one another. They can add Ruin points points into “Our Fortifications Crumble”, a separate pool that
they incur into “Our Loyalties are Tested”, a separate pool that does not add to Ruin and that can be decreased by normal Solve
does not add to Ruin and that can be decreased by normal Solve Problems actions rolled against Ruin or by PC deeds that reinforce
Problems actions rolled against Ruin or by PC deeds that confirm their walls or military equipment. The maximum pool size is by
the wisdom of faithfulness to the group. The maximum pool size is tier: 2, 4, or 8.
by tier: 1, 2, or 4.
Guerrilla Warriors: This group has expertise in dodging the min-
Expert Farmers: The group is either gifted with excellent farmland, ions of mightier foes. The group gains a +4 Progress roll bonus when
Old Terran agricultural tools, or a natural knack for growing crops. defending against Attack, Sabotage, or Subvert attempts made by
Any Find Resources actions in search of Food can double the an enemy of a higher tier. Polities cannot take this perk, as they lack
amount found. the requisite mobility and elusiveness.
Expert Traders: The group is supplied with far-traveled merchants Independent: The group is hard to control- and not just for its
and an expert eye for profit. As a group action, they may trade one legitimate leaders. They can roll twice for all Progress checks to resist
resource for another at a 2 spent for 1 received exchange. Tier 1 the Influence action and take the better result.
Influential: The group is skilled at swaying others to act in useful Tech Base/TL 3: The group is one of the rare enclaves that have
ways. They can roll twice on all Progress checks for the Subvert managed to maintain a fairly advanced technological base. Sophis-
group action and take the better result, whether attacker or defender. ticated firearms, electricity, basic computing, electrical vehicles and
other tools appropriate to TL 3 are all available. This tech level is
Leadership Cells: The group is very hard to wipe out entirely. If more common among small groups than large polities, but it is rare
utterly destroyed, it pops up again as a tier 1 group with 5 points of under any circumstances. This perk requires and replaces the Tech
resources and 3 points of Ruin in a matter related to their former Base/TL 2 perk with no refund of its purchase cost.
destruction. They also lose this perk, though they can purchase it
again if given time. Tech Base/TL 4: For some special reason, this group still has access
to standard Old Terran technology. Energy weapons, gravitic
Persuasive: The group knows how to convince people that coopera- vehicles, advanced computing tools, basic stim production, and so-
tion with their cause is advantageous to them. Any Find Resources phisticated hydroponics are all available to them. Only a handful of
actions in search of Influence can double the amount found. groups in an entire region might retain this technology, and usually
only because they’re a small group with access to a hidden Mandate
Religious Zeal: The group members have a burning devotion to base or Old Terran vault. This perk requires and replaces the Tech
some faith or philosophical creed that gives meaning to their suffer- Base/TL 3 perk with no refund of its purchase cost.
ing. They can add Ruin points they incur into “Our Faith is Tested”,
a separate pool that does not add to Ruin and that can be decreased Vast Army: The group has access to more than the usual smattering
by normal Solve Problems actions rolled against Ruin or by PC of warriors and militia. Families and other small groups that acquire
deeds that confirm the favor of their god or the wisdom of their this perk have somehow made a pact with a standing army, while
cause. The maximum pool size is by tier: 1, 2, or 4. polities and other large groups have mustered organized troops of
their own. Small groups may use the Attack action, and any resource
Schooling: The locals have an unusual tradition of formal education losses inflicted by Attack actions are doubled.
and respect for knowledge. Most adults in the group are literate.
Any Find Resources actions in search of Tech can double the Valorous: The group is brave and determined, beyond even the
amount found. usual courage of those who dare to survive the wastes. Any Find Re-
sources actions in search of Morale can double the amount found.
Seductive: The group knows how to make a rival organization’s
leadership appreciate the benefits of close cooperation. Whether Warlike: Almost every group has some degree of martial inclina-
by bribery, intimidation, seduction, or persuasive lobbying, they tion, but these people are violent even by the standards of the New
may roll twice on Progress checks when making Influence attempts Earth. They can roll twice on all Progress checks for the Attack group
against another group. Such delicate manipulations require a small, action and take the better result, whether attacker or defender.
tightly-controlled group; polities and raiders cannot take this Perk.
Wary: The group has an acute awareness of the dangers that sur-
Tech Base/TL 2: The group has sufficient expertise and resources to round them, and they have a knack for preparing for the worst. Any
equip its members with TL 2 gear, including firearms. Such modern Find Resources actions in search of Security can double the amount
amenities as running hot water, biogas lighting, and basic steam found.
power are available to the members, though not all may be wealthy
enough to afford them. This tech level is uncommon in the wastes,
but not unknown in areas rich in scrap or social cohesion.
Cabals are relatively small groups composed of conspirators, reclu- Tier Thresholds
sive isolationists, or secret society members. A mad scientist and
his band of henchmen might qualify as a Cabal, as could a band
Resource 1 2 3
of secret plotters that scheme to rule a larger polity. Cabals aren’t Food 1 10 100
always secretive in nature, but their small numbers often encour- Influence 7 70 700
age a certain discretion about exposing themselves to potentially
unfriendly outsiders. Those Cabals that aren’t secretly buried within Morale 5 50 500
the heart of a larger community are usually found in some remote, Security 4 40 400
inaccessible location beyond the casual reach of bandits and war-
lords. Tech 3 30 300
Scientific cabals should swap Influence and Tech thresholds.
Some Cabals are content to simply survive, shepherding the last
remnants of a broken enclave or faded religion. The usually lack the Ambition also births Cabals. If there is a powerful polity or influen-
ties of blood to be found in a nomad Family, so their connection is tial group in the region, it’s not at all unlikely that at least one Cabal
based more on a shared history or common belief. Not all of these exists to subvert its rulers. These groups often make use of the Influ-
beliefs are necessarily salutary toward outsiders, and some Cabals ence action in an attempt to shift their target’s goals- a half-dozen
can be cold-blooded about stripping interlopers of everything of successful attempts at Influence might be enough to completely
value before permanently ensuring their silence. subvert the target organization, assuming it doesn’t realize its peril.
Such a Cabal might vanish, then, its resources added to the target
Other Cabals are the products of oppression and disenfranchise- group as its leaders become the masters of their host enclave.
ment. Wherever there is a recognizable underclass or oppressed
group some secret Cabal of plotters is almost certain to be found A few Cabals are dedicated to science and learning... often of a
among them. Even when a group is incompetent or utterly out- kind less than appreciated by their neighbors. A few such scholarly
matched, the same bitter privations that birthed them will create Cabals hide only to prevent local warlords from seizing them and
their replacements in time. These rebel Cabals might fight for ap- their research, but others conceal their doings in order to prevent
pealing causes of freedom and equality, but they can be absolutely enraged war parties from descending upon their sanctums.
ruthless in sacrificing people for the sake of their glorious cause.
In time, as with any revolution, the violence and treachery of the The detail and trait table below offers some possibilities for your
struggle encourage the rise of violent and treacherous schemers. The cabals should you want a little inspiration in building your sinister
new era that follows their ascent may be every bit as bad as the one bands of conspirators. The assumption is that most such cabals are
that came before. going to be antagonistic toward the PCs and their causes, but that
need not be a certainty. Some cabals might be working toward more
appealing ends, and even morally dubious ones can have purposes
sympathetic to a band of adventurers.
Tier Thresholds People do not follow a Creed simply because it’s there- not in any
way that would make them meaningful members of the organiza-
Resource 1 2 3
tion. People follow Creeds because they offer specific answers to
Food 4 40 400 deep conundrums in the human condition. Why am I here? What
Influence 6 60 600 purpose do I have in life? How can I know what is right and what
is wrong? How can I deal with loss, suffering, and my inevitable
Morale 6 60 600 death? Even those Creeds derived from fundamentally secular ide-
Security 2 20 200 ologies often have answers for these questions, even if the more
spiritual worries might be met by the calm assurance that there is
Tech 2 20 200 no existence beyond death and no foundation for morality beyond
natural reason or tribal custom.
The bright flames of belief can light a path through the worst that
the New Earth can offer. Some groups are tied together by a fierce,
Creeds grow with success and evangelization. A small, tier 1 Creed
uncompromising faith that sustains them in their darkest hours.
might be the dominant religion of a local market town, or it might
Such creeds provide the vital ties of cooperation and trust that are
be a monastery of fierce believers up in the surrounding hills.
often all that stands between a community and the howling ruin
With time and proselytization, these modest bands of believers can
that lurks in the wilderness outside.
spread their influence to reach tier 2 and the existence of multiple
congregations in the surrounding enclaves. A mighty faith of tier 3
Most Creeds are built around a root belief derived from some
is a power that the entire region is obliged to respect, and possesses
Old Terrain religion or ideology. These fundamental beliefs are
an authority based on more than raw numbers and brute physical
often twisted or reinterpreted in ways that might seem utterly
wrongheaded to their original holders, but they are almost always
interpretations that work in the context of the New Earth. Creeds
Don’t worry too much about accuracy in forming the beliefs of a
of tempered pacifism and unworldly indifference rarely last long
Creed. The Mandate warped numerous faiths into more “socially
enough to make an impression on a region.
harmonious” versions, and between their heavy-handed interfer-
ence and the frustrated searching of traditionalist defenders of the
Creeds can exist alongside most other groups and enclaves. In the
old ways, most major religions were a confused hash by the time the
absence of some other powerful set of beliefs, a Creed likely repre-
Scream swept over the world. Some Creeds might not even realize
sents the most common belief system in the community in which
their relationship with their progenitor faith. Do be careful not to
it exists. Even if the Polity or Cabal is torn apart by its enemies, the
create “gag” versions of a religion unless you want to add a comic
Creed can still persist in the scattered survivors- and in the absence
tone to your campaign, and try to avoid making Creeds that simply
of any other social structure, it might even grow stronger on the
serve as GM mouthpieces for some perceived failure or virtue in
disasters of others.
religion. Few tables prosper by provoking arguments over religion.
Perhaps the first and most stable form of human association, the Tier Thresholds
Family type of group represents everything from a clan of nomad
wanderers to a wide-spread noble house with representatives in
Resource 1 2 3
dozens of regional enclaves. The united characteristic is that of Food 4 40 400
blood ties, or of emotional bonds similar to those between kindred. Influence 10 100 1,000
The Family is durable because it works. In the primitive, treacher- Morale 1 10 100
ous world of the New Earth, it’s one’s kindred and blood relations Security 2 20 200
that can be trusted. Your survival is a victory for your elders, and
an assurance that they might yet see their grandchildren thrive. Tech 3 30 300
Even the intimate hates and volcanic resentments that can build
of neighboring communities. Tier 3 Families are the equivalent of
up within a family are contained and restrained by the presence of
royal houses or legendary bloodlines, revered and dreaded through-
others of the same blood.
out the region. They have their fingers in everything that matters,
and while they may not have the raw numbers and brute military
That same unified strength can become a liability when it becomes
force of a Polity, they can often control larger groups through sheer
necessary to seek out cooperation beyond the limits of the clan. The
force of influence and cunning.
habits of mutual trust and support can leave them reluctant to put
their faith in outsiders or to believe in men and women who owe
In play, Families can represent both patrons and enemies to the
them nothing and have no ties of blood. Such groups often need
PCs- occasionally at the same time. Families share an identity and
to be cozened along carefully, gradually persuaded that faith in an
usually are united in their purposes, but factions exist in any sizeable
outsider will not be invariably repaid in theft and treachery.
clan. The goals of one branch may not be in perfect alignment with
those of another grouping, and while kinsmen might be reluctant
Families differ from Polities in that they are rooted in blood ties
to shed each others’ blood, the lives of hirelings are less perfectly
rather than more nebulous feelings of unity. Within that scope, they
take many different forms- clan homesteads housing several gen-
erations of the same extended family, hamlets occupied by a single
The realities of life in the New Earth force Families to accept prag-
lineage of natives, powerful trading clans that travel from enclave to
matic necessities. Traditions and familial roles can shift based on
enclave, and dueling noble houses within a single major settlement.
immediate needs or offered resources, and drastic alterations in a
clan’s leadership can happen rapidly when an old leader is proven
The scope of a Family’s influence depends on their tier. At tier 1,
incompetent or insufficient to meet a crisis. The table below offers
the family may be dominant or deeply influential within their own
some details in generating a Family for those GMs who want an
community, but are unlikely to have ties beyond that area. Tier 2
extra dose of ideas, with negative traits provided for those Families
families have spread out, either in the form of cadet branches in
that aren’t intended to be overly sympathetic to the players.
more distant enclaves or a powerful economic pull with the elites
Tier Thresholds must take such communities into consideration. The tensions of
scarcity and the unrelenting pressure of the wastes often make such
Resource 1 2 3
relations a zero-sum game of skirmishes and deniable raids. Even
Food 6 60 600 distant enclaves are likely to have heard of such Polities, though they
Influence 3 30 300 may know little more than their name and general direction.
Morale 4 40 400 Tier 3 Polities don’t exist in every region, as they are fully-developed
Security 4 40 400 proto-nations with a capital and several subsidiary settlements. The
confusion and untamed dangers of the wastes limit the practical
Tech 3 30 300
size and cohesion of such Polities, but the locals have an impres-
sive sense of shared identity over the breadth of its territory. Tier
The Polity is the classic enclave, a group of men and women who
3 Polities shape the political landscape of the entire region. Any
have gathered together to build a community based on mutual
other significant settlement must have some sort of answer to such
trust and a unity of allegiance. Some are simple wasteland farming
a community’s power, whether that is grudging cooperation or
hamlets or deep-hidden refuges, while others might rise to the glory
outright enmity. Such powerful Polities usually have at least one or
of a true post-apocalyptic city. Whatever their numbers, the Polity
two advantages in natural resources or old alliances to explain their
is an organization built on a shared sense of loyalty.
remarkable success.
The smallest polities are tier 1: farming hamlets, fishing villages,
When sketching out a Polity, it’s often most important to give it its
possibly small market towns that supply artisan skills to the sur-
own flavor, the better to distinguish it from all the other hamlets
rounding farmsteads. Such Polities might be important to their im-
and market villages scattered around the wastes. If the enclave is
mediate surroundings but their influence rarely extends more than
being created as part of the region creation process, it will naturally
a day’s march from their palisades. Tier 1 Polities can be inserted
have one or two Tags to help define it. If you haven’t bothered to
wherever they are wanted without disturbing the regional political
roll Tags for the place, you can use the table below to dice up a few
balance, and players are unlikely to have their suspension of disbe-
quick elements that can stick in the PCs’ minds.
lief damaged by the sudden appearance of such a small settlement
in their wandering.
Simple, clear, quickly-noticed qualities are best for such purposes,
as they can be presented without relying on the PCs to take much
Tier 2 Polities are more important, being substantial market towns,
interest in the enclave’s doings. The riverside community with reed-
tight federations of healthy villages, or primitive city-states that
bundle huts, ochre clay streakings on their bodies, and an eagerness
lay claim to a significant stretch of land. At this level, the Polity
to entice outsiders into marrying into their population is far easier
is important to the local political economy. Distant enclaves can
to remember than simply one more minor fishing village.
get away with ignoring such powers, but neighboring communities
Nobody loves Raiders except PCs, and that’s because they can shoot Tier Thresholds
these bandits without any need for tedious reflection. Raiders are a
Resource 1 2 3
scourge on the New Earth and a major reason for the desperate con-
dition of so many of its enclaves. Too lazy or bloodthirsty to make Food 4 40 400
a living in a constructive way, Raiders are the entropic embodiment Influence 1 10 100
of the chaos of this immiserated world.
Morale 5 50 500
There are as many different kinds of murderous parasitism as there Security 6 60 600
are raider bands. Some prefer blunt assaults on small communities,
Tech 4 40 400
killing anyone who resists, stealing everything they can carry, and
burning what they can’t take. Others are sufficiently disciplined to
harvest their victims like a farmer might shear his sheep, leaving the
Tier 2 Raiders usually have a central base of operations in a ruin or
luckless villagers enough to survive on. Given the limited surplus
a community that they’ve entirely broken to their will. The numbers
the unfriendly earth provides, this margin is often not enough.
they muster need vast areas to support them, and their numerous
foraging bands are a scourge on neighboring enclaves. Their sheer
Raiders are loyal only to their own, and often not even that. Some
numbers make them formidable foes on the battlefield, and a care-
bands are large and powerful enough to become self-sustaining,
ful warlord can go for years between reprisals simply by ensuring
replenishing some of their losses through the children of their slaves
that his “taxes” are cheaper than the cost of dislodging him.
and wives- a distinction often invisible to outsiders. Most raider
bands are forced to recruit from exiles, the remnant survivors of
Tier 3 Raiders are entire parasite states or region-tormenting hordes.
destroyed communities, and slaves kidnapped from their former
Those without an enslaved city-state of their own are usually forced
lives. After a few months of enforced participation in Raider rites
on long circular journeys throughout the region, stripping com-
and atrocities, the new recruit knows that return is impossible for
munities bare like a swarm of two-legged locusts. It’s unlikely that
any other enclave in the region can hope to stand against them, and
only an alliance of desperate and courageous groups has any chance
Tier 1 Raiders are constantly appearing and disappearing, often as
of breaking their reign of terror.
shards of some broken Polity or shattered clan. These bandits-by-
necessity may start as simple survivors taking only what they require
Raiders are almost invariably antagonistic groups to the PCs. Even
for their needs, but the temptation of violence and theft is usually
the more amoral bands of adventurers rarely have any use for com-
enough to turn them into outright reavers in a short time. These
petition. The detail table below offers a few possibilities for quick
small bands can be a misery to nearby neighbors, but they usually
differentiation of raider bands and some potential problems that
stay well away from more powerful communities. Raiders want
can be used to catch the attention of PCs.
loot, not an honest fight.
Equipment and Artifacts
The wastelands of the New Earth would be uninhabitable by hu- ing data and a vast supply of Old Terran salvage. Finding someone
manity were it not for their armory of tools and technical expertise. capable of building this gear is often an adventure in itself.
The great majority of its dwellers make do with the handicrafts
they and their neighbors can construct, but the prize of Old Terran Tech Level 5 objects are the peak of human technology at its Old
salvage always draws hungry interest. Adventuring groups often Terran height. AI cores, nanotech, biomedical stims, metadimen-
become some of the best-equipped and technologically sophisti- sional energy manipulation, force fields, immortality treatments,
cated groups in the region, but every wasteland wanderer needs to and even wilder feats of creation were accomplished at this level.
start somewhere. Often as not, that starting point is a scrap-metal Building or repairing items at this level requires the Tech/Pretech
spear and a reckless ambition for glory. skill rather than Tech/Postech, and most adepts have the sense to
keep quiet about their abilities lest they be kidnapped and “encour-
Tech Levels and Lost Knowledge aged” to work for some local warlord. Those few who have mastered
Gear and devices in Other Dust are divided up into six different the secrets of the lost world are often hampered by a lack of vital
Tech Levels. These levels provide an easy shorthand for describing components.
the complexity of a device and the difficulty of building or repairing
it. Most enclaves are capable of creating TL0 and TL1 fabrications Most enclaves lack artisans capable of constructing anything more
out of local resources, but more sophisticated gear often requires sophisticated than TL1 gear. The ubiquity of salvage over the past
salvaged parts and an unusual level of technical expertise. two centuries has acted to cut human technological redevelopment
off at the knees- it’s just easier and more efficient to plunder some
Tech Level 0 represents very basic objects fashioned from easily- long-lost cache of Mandate tech than try to painstakingly recreate
obtained raw materials. Pottery, woven cloth, weapons of wood and the basic industries necessary to manufacture a rifle out of iron ore
stone, and most other Neolithic handicrafts fall under this heading. and a stand of trees. Those few enclaves that struggle to rebuild
Substantial skill may be involved in knapping a good flint knife a tech base are always at risk of some less scrupulous neighbor
or firing a clay pot, but the materials for making such goods are sweeping in with a score of salvaged mag rifles to enslave the entire
so common that almost any enclave can preserve their crafting community.
techniques with minimal effort.
This carelessness comes at a price. As more and more of the easily-
Tech Level 1 represents items involving basic metalwork, unsophis- accessible salvage is plundered and used up, it becomes more dif-
ticated chemistry, or exceptional precision in handcrafting. Most ficult to find the basic tools and weaponry necessary to survive the
objects created before and during the Renaissance fall under this New Earth’s dangers. Eventually, the scattered human enclaves will
heading, such as crossbows, wheeled carts, ships, and metal objects. run out of the relics of their forebears. They will be left to face the
Most enclaves can craft objects requiring this level of sophistication, wasteland with nothing better than sharpened sticks and the vague
but they often require metal scrap, Old Terran salvage, or other memory of ancestors who could build with lightning and steel. The
premade parts as vital elements of the craftwork. Very few enclaves remnants of humanity need heroes and leaders to protect them
have the necessary understanding of mining, smelting, or chemical while the old secrets are relearned, or mankind itself may gutter out
refining to manufacture their own raw materials. in a score of increasingly desperate generations.
Tech Level 2 covers items up to the early Industrial Age, including Encumbrance
gunpowder, basic firearms and steam-powered vehicles and engines. In the perilous world of the New Earth, it’s often safest to keep your
It’s not uncommon for an enclave to have an expert artisan capable belongings close to hand. Nomads and wanderers of the wastelands
of crafting objects at this level, but such a crafter almost always re- rarely own more than they can sling on their own backs or pack
quires some Old Terran scrap to reassemble into the desired device. animals. After all, there is a limit to the amount of equipment a
Precision machining, control of alloy compositions, and difficulty single adventurer can haul around.
in creating pure chemical inputs make it a struggle for any enclave
to manufacture these goods without outside salvage. A character can have ready a number of items equal to half their
Strength score, rounded down. Ready items include those that the
Tech Level 3 includes items up to the early twenty-first century, character is using or wearing at all times, or that they have conve-
including basic computers, internal combustion engines, sophis- niently to hand in sheaths, holsters, or belt pouches. Suits of armor
ticated firearms, and powered tools. Finding artisans capable of count as readied items, but the normal clothing and jewelry that a
assembling these goods out of scrap is never trivial outside of the character might wear does not. A character can draw or produce a
largest and most prosperous enclaves. readied item as part of any action they may take during a turn.
Tech Level 4 represents the standard civilian tech level of Old Terra. A character may have a number of stowed items equal to their full
Energy weapons, grav vehicles, Link implants, robots, holographic Strength score. Stowed items are carried in backpacks, in carefully
displays and interfaces, and sophisticated medical gengineering balanced leg or arm pockets, or otherwise packed away where they
are all found at this level. Only the rarest savants are capable of will least encumber the character. If a character needs to get out a
constructing this equipment without the help of extensive engineer-
stowed item in a hurry, it will take one round to dig it out of their Barter and Trade
pack or pockets. The basic unit of barter in this desolate world is a meal of clean
food. Gold is a shiny adornment, tech is an enigmatic luxury, even
Very small items carried in small numbers do not count against weapons and tools are of secondary concern. The one overriding
encumbrance limits. Other small items can be packed together into passion of most denizens of New Earth is finding something to eat.
bundles to simplify their carriage, though getting at them then takes Traders can almost always find someone willing to trade goods and
an additional round of fumbling with the packaging. Exactly how services for a supply of clean, uncontaminated foodstuffs.
many of a given small item can be packed into a single item bundle
is up to the GM, though as a rule of thumb up to six Type A energy One kilogram of nutrient-dense edibles amounts to a day’s ration
cells, three rations of food, or three magazines of bullets can be of food for most people, and goes by the general denomination of
bound into one packed item. A quiver of twenty arrows or loose bag a “rasher”, “ration”, or “rat”. Three of these rations can be bundled
of twenty bullets also counts as one item. into one item for encumbrance purposes. Even contaminated food
is worth something to most people, allowing them to stretch their
Characters can burden themselves with more gear if they’re willing limited supply of clean provender further. A ration of contaminated
to sacrifice some fleetness of foot to do so. Up to two additional food usually trades for only a quarter of the value of a ration of
items can be carried ready or four additional ones stowed at the clean food, and is often called a “bite”. Above both, however, are
cost of becoming Lightly Encumbered, and having their base move- the sealed Old Terran food packages hotly desired by all. Not only
ment slowed from 20 meters per round to 15 meters per round. A do they sustain the body, but they also heal minor injuries and can
further two items can be carried ready or four stowed at the cost of cleanse contamination. A ration of pretech foodstuffs is worth ten
becoming Heavily Encumbered, with base movement reduced to times its weight in ordinary provender in most places, and is usually
10 meters per round. called a “platter” or “plat” after the serving trays usually packaged
with the comestibles.
On the equipment lists, some items are given an encumbrance value
higher than 1. These items count as multiple objects for encum-
brance purposes, being heavy, clumsy, or unwieldy to carry. Barter Values
1 kg of pretech rations = 10 kgs of clean rations
The Apocalyptic Economy
Possessions are precious on New Earth. Most dwellers in an enclave 1 kg of clean rations = 4 kgs of dirty rations
are forced to spend their waking hours tending crops or hunting
for food, and lack the luxury of surplus required to support an Food’s value as a medium of exchange is limited in that most fresh
elaborate system of commerce and manufacturing. Virtually every food will eventually go bad, though pretech food will remain fresh
object in daily use is either a plundered relic of Old Terra or the and edible for as long as the seal is intact. For the amounts of food
result of laborious crafting by a skilled artisan. usually carried by PCs, it’s not normally worth tracking this decay.
Still, trying to trade a person or community more food than they
Shops and commercial markets exist only in the richest and most can eat before it goes bad is not usually going to meet with success
powerful enclaves. Elsewhere, buying goods requires a painstaking unless the buyer is confident they can trade the excess on before
round of the local inhabitants to find the skilled crafters and then it rots. Fortunately, most properly-preserved foodstuffs can last for
convincing those artisans to leave aside their usual farming or months before succumbing to mold, rot and vermin.
hunting and take the time to actually make you what you need. In
many settlements, there simply won’t be anyone who has the skills More wealthy, sophisticated cultures might use a less perishable
required to make sophisticated equipment, and no amount of food medium of exchange. Some city-states rich enough to concern
or plunder can buy it. themselves with luxuries mint their own coinage from precious
metals or use specific varieties of Old Terran credit chips. These
Occasional trade caravans move from enclave to enclave on a sea- chips vary widely in denomination, mint location, and decoration,
sonal or yearly basis, exchanging portable valuables or scrap salvage and most cities accept only chips from their own surrounding area.
with the locals. These caravans can be sources of exotic goods or It’s quite possible for PCs to discover a massive trove of old credit
Old Terran relics, but they charge according to their risks- and their chips that are of value only in a city a month’s march away. When
risks are immense. Few traders live to die in their beds, and the relevant, a character with Business skill or a Culture skill in the
wilderness is littered with the bones of merchants who have fallen relevant enclave can usually determine if a given type of chip is
prey to mutants, raiders, or drifts of Black Dust. Goods bought worth anything in nearby lands.
from a trade caravan are usually at least twice as expensive as they
would be if bought from a local seller. When recording coinage or credit chips, players should note down
the issuer as well. Thus, a character’s sheet may note the possession
Adventurers are advised to keep their belongings within reach of 57 Pitz gilt slugs and 117 Deesee credits. Each unit of coinage is
at all times when among strangers or foreign enclaves. Theft is a usually worth a quarter-kilo of fresh food from someone with spare
commonplace in the wastelands, and any object left unattended is to sell. Coinage weight can usually be ignored for encumbrance
unlikely to be there when the former owner returns. purposes, but for truly huge hoards, each 500 coins can be counted
as one encumbrance item when determining how much of it the
PCs can pack out.
Local Prices have “exact change” for it. Most sellers won’t be offering to make
In any barter economy, the value of a given good is going to depend up the difference. As a general matter, GMs should always feel free
on how badly the buyer needs it, or how certain he is that he can to just eyeball an exchange- “A combat rifle for a half-dozen patch
move it along later to someone who will need it more. A little focus stims? He decides that it sounds fair if you throw in twenty rounds
on this can be an enjoyable dose of verisimilitude in the game, but of ammo.”
most groups won’t be interested in haggling over every flint knife
and fresh power cell they want to buy. As such, the equipment tables However the GM decides to do it, he or she should be careful to pay
in this chapter give baseline prices in rations for goods and services. attention to the wishes and preferences of the group. Some groups
want a fairly static and reliable scale of value, one where they can
If a GM plans on sticking to these baseline prices, it’s worth having expect a certain amount of goods to be worth a certain value in
the players note down the value of their gear on their character trade. Other groups enjoy more emphasis on the capricious and
sheets. When it comes time to trade for something new, it will save unreliable nature of barter economies, and might make a point of
them time looking up the individual value of their barter goods. moving goods that are common in one location through danger-
Often, they’ll be obliged to offer something with a higher value ous territory to a place of scarcity elsewhere. It’s up to the GM to
than whatever it is they want to acquire, simply because they don’t decide where a particular game should place itself on this economic
Armor Armor Class Encumbrance Cost Tech Level
Normal Clothing/Unarmored 9 0 5 0
Shields -1 bonus 1 5 1
Hide Armor 6 1 10 0
Old Terran Clothing 7 0 40 4
Scrap Mail 5 2 40 1
Harmony Armor 4 1 80 3
Scrap Plate 3 3 100 2
Terran Explorer Suit 4 0 250 4
Insurgent Combat Shell 3 1 500 4
Executive Protection Field 2 0 1,500 5
Powered Armor 1 2 1,000 4
Storm Plate 0 1 5,000 5
Hunters, adventurers, and warriors of the New Earth are almost and three units of the appropriate spare parts per tech level of the
always found in some kind of protective clothing. Most have noth- armor.
ing better than the tanned hides of the creatures they kill, but some
lucky or skilled souls are able to obtain better protection. The thick Some powered armor requires the use of energy cells. Such armor
hides of mutant creatures provide some defense even against bullets immediately drains whatever cell is inserted and remains powered
and energy beams. for the full duration given- it’s not possible to “turn it off” between
combats in order to save energy.
Heavily-armored characters are effectively immune to unarmed
attacks. Those with AC 3 or less cannot be injured by an unarmed Unarmored: Such people might be half-naked tribals or enclave vil-
combatant unless the attacker has the advantage of a mutant’s lagers wearing only their common daily dress. While the homespun
natural attacks, the Combat/Unarmed skill at 2 or better, or aug- and soft leathers of normal clothing is relatively cheap, it provides
mentation devices such as kinesis wraps. Most of the savage beasts no real protection in a fight.
of the wasteland have sufficiently impressive natural weaponry to
overcome even heavy armor. Shields: Most shields are of modern construction, barring a few
ancient Old Terran riot shields. Most are composed of transparent
Primitive armor tends to be heavy, and adds a significant amount of composite cut and shaped to a serviceable form, though the most
encumbrance. Characters with mutations that leave them with ad- primitive are nothing more than thin sheets of metal or planks of
ditional limbs or drastic physical alterations cannot use armor that wood bound together. Shields grant an armor class bonus to the
hasn’t been modified for their physiognomy. Crafters can do this as wearer against melee weapons or primitive missile attacks. Multi-
part of making a suit for them, and characters with the appropriate armed mutants can benefit only from one shield.
Tech expertise can refit existing suits. Refit attempts require one day
Hide Armor: The hides and scales of the mutants of the New Earth global positioning system, many of the suit’s navigational elements
are often far tougher than the soft leathers of a gentler age. Many are no longer useful, but its inertial locator can be locked to the
enclaves lack the skills and resources to make any better armor than user’s location, thereafter giving a constant bearing and distance
this, though some examples can be quite intricately worked. back toward that designated point.
Old Terran Clothing: These fabric comprising these colorful out- The explorer suit is designed to run off of the trace power provided
fits never fades, rots, or stains, and it has a toughness that makes it by a wearer’s movement and body heat. The suit must be worn for
a popular armor choice for those scavengers fortunate enough to at least an hour before any of its special functions are usable, but
find a full outfit. As ubiquitous as this cloth was in the years before afterwards it will continue to operate until it is removed.
the Scream, hard use, environmental nanite contamination, and
the gnawing of mutant vermin has transformed most pretech cloth Insurgent Combat Shell: Most Mandate-era rebels and malcon-
into tattered rags. Intact clothing is somewhat rare and remains a tents lacked access to advanced Old Terran military technology.
valuable article. However, they did have the use of numerous less sophisticated shap-
ing and molding devices. Combined with high-impact composites
Scrap Mail: Tough pretech fibers and textiles are woven together and advanced civilian metafabrics, these rebels were able to produce
around Old Terran credit chips and other sturdy fragments of a significant amount of light, durable armor for their more zealous
ancient plastic, usually with an undersuit of thicker padding to operatives. These combat shells were built for use under circum-
absorb the impact of incoming blows. Some scrap mail resembles stances when power, maintenance, and support were unlikely to be
patched and studded clothing, while other has a more overtly readily available. Most have similar qualities, as the basic plans for
armored appearance to it. Working with pretech cloth is difficult, the suits were widely available on the black Net.
and manufacturing an effective suit of scrap mail requires expertise,
good tools, and patience with the stubborn fabric. In addition to the protection provided by the shell, photomimetic
materials embedded on the exterior surfaces allow the wearer to
Harmony Armor: The sight of the mirrored helms and snug black blend in with their surroundings, granting a +1 bonus to Stealth
armor of the Harmony Bureau was meant to provoke a clammy checks. The shell contains passive thermal and humidity regulation
dread among Old Terra’s rebels. Most security officers died soon elements that keep the wearer comfortable under any normal Terran
after the Scream, either lynched by panicked citizens, slaughtered climate range, and it’s even possible to sleep in the shell without
by the engines of the Crazed, or killed while trying to contain the undue harm to the wearer’s rest. The suit is unpowered and requires
countless local disasters that occurred during the catastrophe. Every no energy source.
so often, however, an adventurer finds a suit stored away in a usable
condition. Executive Protection Field: One of the more advanced products of
Mandate technology, this force field system was designed to provide
Scrap Plate: These suits of articulated plate and woven mail are discreet but thorough protection for high-ranking Mandate bureau-
painstakingly assembled from fragments of Old Terran ceramic crats and important security officials. The shield emitters themselves
shielding and reinforced composite. Working such tough material take the form of wristbands and anklets that project an invisible,
with the tools available to most scrapsmiths is laborious and dif- largely intangible thermokinetic dispersion field. It automatically
ficult, and finding the right plates and curved surfaces requires a detects and shunts dangerous incoming objects and energies, flaring
rich trove of parts for the basic components. Such armor is the best a pale blue when triggered. The kinetic dampers also negate all fall-
that most enclaves can produce, though the weight and inevitable ing damage the wearer might otherwise incur. Operating the field
imperfections of fit can be cumbersome to a wearer. Those wearing requires a type A power cell for 24 hours of use.
scrap plate take a -1 penalty to skill checks involving movement.
Powered Armor: These sophisticated shells of composites, ceram-
Terran Explorer Suit: Restrictions on movement and population ics, and advanced alloys were uncommon on Old Terra, with most
growth left wide swaths of Old Terra in a relatively pristine state. security needs filled by more conventional measures. Something
Many Mandate citizens enjoyed outdoor activities in these natural more was needed to handle hardened rebel cells and maltech out-
preserves, and clothing designed to facilitate this recreation was breaks, and the rare remaining suits of powered armor often bear
widely available before the Scream. Most such outfits appear to be the marks of rebel weapons and the eldritch energies of forbidden
snug civilian clothes, often with metafabrics fashioned to resemble science. Operators without at least a level-0 skill in Exosuit suffer a
leather, canvas, or wool in assorted styles of “rustic durability”. -4 penalty to hit rolls and move at only half speed while cumbered
with the heavy suit. Those with greater expertise can move so as
Explorer suits are very tough and subtly padded against impacts. to lessen the suit’s restrictiveness, subtracting their skill from its
All keep their wearer comfortable, clean, and dry under any normal Encumbrance rating.
Terran climate range. Small nano-imbued pads in the cloth can be
pressed to foodstuffs or water- if the pads turn red, the substance is Powered armor can sustain a full environmental seal indefinitely,
tainted, poisonous, or otherwise dangerous to eat, thus granting a providing the user with oxygen and protecting them from most
+1 bonus to Survival checks when foraging. Glove and boot nanites hostile environments. The wearer gets a +4 bonus to save versus
can be triggered to cling to otherwise smooth surfaces, giving a +2 radiation, and is immune everything short of military-grade in-
bonus on checks to climb an object, and integral spark elements vasive combat gases. The wearer can pack an additional 2 readied
allow the wearer the benefits of a firestarter. With the collapse of the and 4 stored items with no additional encumbrance thanks to the
suit’s augmented joints. One type B power cell fuels the armor Storm plate is composed of intricate, interlocking plates of nanore-
for 24 hours of use. The armor can be used even when power is inforced composites and psitech-created alloys. Injuring its wearer
unavailable, but the environmental seals and joint augments will is a matter more of luck than raw firepower, as the suit subtracts 6
no longer work, and the suit will then count as 4 items worth of points of damage from any injury source that isn’t a Gunnery-type
encumbrance. The same burden applies if an unpowered suit is to weapon or similar massive trauma. The suit’s environmental seals
be carried by a character. can be maintained indefinitely, and it can ignore up to 2 dice of en-
vironmental damage per round, wading through caustic chemicals
Storm Plate: Most of the surviving Old Terran suits of storm plate and bulling through bonfires without harm. Radiation is ignored
were never intended for actual use. They were intended for the cer- unless the radiation save is required once per minute or more.
emonial guard of elite Mandate officials, for demonstrative displays Integral blades give the user the benefits of a monoblade in melee
of military strength among restive locals and the intimidation of combat, allowing either Combat/Unarmed or Combat/Primitive
troublesome malcontents. The masters of Old Terra shipped most for hit rolls. The wearer can bear their full Strength in readied items
of these suits offworld to supply Mandate Fleet operations against and twice their Strength in stowed gear.
hardened alien fortifications and recalcitrant planetary govern-
ments. Operators without at least a level-1 skill in Exosuit suffer The suit is an insatiable energy hog, however, and requires one type
a -4 penalty to hit rolls and move at only half speed while dealing B energy cell for every eight hours of operation. Unpowered suits
with the suit’s neural interface. Those with level-2 skill or greater are immobile and count as 8 items of encumbrance for those carting
can treat the suit as if it had no Encumbrance cost. the dead suit.
Primitive Weaponry
Weapon Damage Range in Meters Cost Attribute Tech
Unarmed Attack* 1d2 - - Str/Dex -
Knife or Club 1d4 6/9 1 Str/Dex 0
Spear 1d6 10/20 2 Str 0
Sword 1d8 - 10 Str/Dex 1
Great Weapon 2d6 - 10 Str 1
Bow, Primitive 1d6 50/75 20 Dex 1
Bow, Advanced 1d6 100/150 100 Dex 3
Grenade, Fragmentation 2d6 10/30 20 Dex 3
Grenade, Stun 2d4 10/30 20 Dex 4
Grenade, Sticky Special 10/30 40 Dex 4
Stun Baton 1d8* - 50 Str 3
Monoblade 1d8+1 6/9 200 Str/Dex 4
Huge Monoblade 2d8+2 - 300 Str 4
Proton Axe 3d10 - 600 Str 5
Kinesis Wraps* 1d2+2 - 25 Str/Dex 4
Ranges are expressed in normal and maximum ranges. Firing at a target past normal range applies a -2 hit penalty.
* These weapons use the Combat/Unarmed skill, and the user may add their skill level to the damage done.
Virtually every inhabitant of the New Earth has some kind of Knife: Whether chipped stone, glass-edged wood, or sharpened
primitive weapon near to hand, usually a knife, club, or spear. metal, almost every denizen of the New Earth has at least this much
Primitive weapons include all those tools of murder that rely on a of a weapon available near to hand. Statistics for knives can also be
strong human arm for operation, though some can gain exceptional used for clubs, staves, and other light and simple weapons.
benefit from a dextrous wielder. Each weapon has an associated at-
tribute listed for it, and that attribute’s modifier is used to determine Spear: The spear is the universal weapon of hunters and warriors
hit and damage bonuses. If two attributes are listed the better of the alike on the New Earth. Its simple manufacture, ease of use, and
two may be used. Attacks can be made with ranged weapons up to versatility as a hunting weapon make it the weapon of choice for
the listed maximum distance. Attacks over the first increment given most tribals and denizens of the less advanced enclaves. Most spears
suffer a -2 penalty. require only one hand and can be thrown; larger pikes qualify as a
Great Weapon.
Weapons count as one item for encumbrance purposes. Weapons
that require two hands to use, such as great weapons or rifles, count Sword: Most swords on the New Earth have a greater resemblance
as two items. to machetes than to elegant dueling weapons, many of them de-
signed to serve both as brush-clearing tools and weapons of war. The the barrier; any victims in that blast zone are treated as if they’d been
statistics for swords can also be applied to fighting axes, maces, and hit by a fragmentation grenade.
other one-handed weapons designed specifically for combat.
Monoblade: Whether a nanite-edged brush cutter, a microfusion-
Great Weapon: Some mighty-thewed warriors fight with massive powered chainsaw, a fractal-edged Old Terran dueling sword, or
steel blades or two-handed hammers of scrap and pounded rebar. simply an industrial cutting bar, monoblades cover the wealth of
Whatever their specific appearance, great weapons require two advanced Old Terran tools and artifacts that can be used as lethal
hands to use and can be devastatingly injurious to those unlucky weapons. These tools are almost always unpowered or self-powered
enough to get in their way. and require no energy cells. Very few of them require more than
one hand for effective use, and the smaller ones can be thrown short
Bow, Primitive: Expertise in the bow requires extensive training ranges.
and practice, and many enclaves lack a tradition of bowmanship.
Those that do have the knowledge often make a jealous point of Given an undisturbed minute or two, most of them can cut their
passing it on to their sons and daughters, as even those simple bows way through any primitive wood or wattle construction without
fashioned from modern wood and sinew have a vastly superior damage to the monoblade.
range to a thrown spear.
Stun Baton: Once popular among the more pacific members of the
Bow, Advanced: Some bows are fashioned out of Old Terran com- Mandate Security apparatus, these short batons can jolt a non-lethal
posites and counterweights, allowing for superior range and ease surge of electricity through a victim. A type A power cell will fuel
of use. Constructing such a device requires expertise and a careful a stun baton for up to forty successful hits. The batons themselves
scavenging for parts with just the right elements of stiffness and are flexible and ineffective as bludgeons. A target brought to 0 hit
resilience. points by a stun baton is rendered unconscious rather than dead,
and will recover any hit points lost to the baton within an hour,
Grenade, Fragmentation: Most fragmentation grenades found on waking up once they’re restored. Batons can be used to kill, but it
Old Terra are makeshift devices built by ancient rebels or modern requires extensive beating of an already-unconscious target.
scavengers. While crude, they remain deadly against foes without
cover. Grenade users always roll to attack AC 9. On a miss, the Huge Monoblade: These advanced weapons don’t necessarily all
grenade lands 1d10 meters away from the target in a random direc- have sharp edges, but their statistics can be used for all Old Terran
tion. Hit or miss, the grenade then explodes for 2d6 damage to all devices that can be used as two-handed melee weapons. Exception-
unsheltered targets within 5 meters. Victims are allowed a Luck save ally large laser cutters, finishing saws, and oversized monomolecular
for half damage. Targets take 1 less point of damage for each point cutting bars fall under this heading, as do powered splitting mauls,
of AC below 6, applied after the save. breaching hammers, repurposed sheet cutters, and other two-
handed implements of ruin.
Grenade, Stun: These non-lethal grenades were popular among
Mandate security forces, and detonate with a stunning blast of sonics Proton Axe: Electromagnetic ripples of force waft from the edge of
and electrical force. They operate just as fragmentation grenades do, this Old Terran implement of destruction. Requiring both hands
but do 2d4 damage. If a victim is reduced to 0 hit points by a stun to wield it, the proton axe was often used by Harmony agents in
grenade, they do not die, but are instead rendered unconscious for need of fast entry to a rebel redoubt. When powered, it is treated as
1d4 minutes before waking with 1 hit point. a Gunnery weapon for the purposes of ignoring vehicle armor and
the toughness of walls and doors. Proton axes require type A power
Grenade, Sticky: Nanite-based adhesives cause the grenade to stick cells, and the cell must be swapped after ten successful hits with the
to a surface once it lands or is placed by the user. These grenades can axe. An unpowered proton axe does only 2d8+2 damage and does
be fused to detonate as much as five minutes after placement not ignore toughness.
Their highly focused explosions make them almost useless against Kinesis Wraps: Commonly appearing as gloves or otherwise in-
mobile targets, but a hit against AC 9 will allow the grenade to be nocuous clothing, kinesis wraps focus the impact of a punch or kick
thrown against a door, object, or stationary vehicle within range. into a knife-narrow wedge of force. Kinesis wraps are indistinguish-
When the grenade detonates, it will blast a man-sized hole in most able from ordinary gloves or boots without close inspection, and
doors, wooden walls, or unarmored barriers. These grenades are use- allow an unarmed combatant to harm heavily armored enemies.
less against armored military vehicles, but can disable most civilian Attackers use the Combat/Unarmed skill when fighting with kinesis
models with a single use. The blast is always aimed directly along the wraps.
line of the grenade’s throw and extends in a cone 3 meters beyond
Projectile Weaponry
Weapon Damage Range in Meters Cost Magazine Attribute Tech
Breechloading Rifle 1d12 25/50 30 1 Dex 2
Revolver 1d8 30/100 50 6 Dex 2
Semi-automatic Pistol 1d6+1 30/100 75 12 Dex 3
Semi-Automatic Rifle 1d10+2 200/400 75 6 Dex 2
Shotgun 3d4 10/30 50 2 Dex 2
Submachine Gun 1d8 * 30/100 200 20 Dex 3
Combat Rifle 1d12 * 100/300 300 30 Dex 3
Combat Shotgun 3d4 * 10/30 300 12 Dex 3
Mag Pistol 2d6+2 100/300 600 6 Dex 4
Mag Rifle 2d8+2 300/600 800 10 Dex 4
Ranges are expressed in normal and maximum ranges. Firing at a target past normal range applies a -2 hit penalty.
* These weapons can use burst fire. A burst gains +2 to hit and damage and uses up three rounds of ammunition.
The careful control of parts for advanced energy weapons led to expertise. Repair is more difficult than with a revolver, but some
a renaissance of the gunsmith’s arts during the last years of Old owners are willing to accept that for the larger magazine.
Terra. Many rebel groups were led to prefer “slugthrowers” by the
difficulty of obtaining powered weapons and the relative ease of Semi-automatic Rifle: Similar to the single-shot breechloading
converting civilian machine tools to gun crafting purposes. Some rifle, this model takes a magazine of six rounds, cutting down on
modern enclaves retain enough expertise to fashion basic firearms, the time necessary to reload the weapon during combat. While
provided they have sufficient supplies of scrap for their construc- sharing the same TL2 tech level as its simpler cousin, plans for the
tion. weapon tend to be much more jealously guarded than crafting helps
for the breechloading model. Few gunsmiths have the expertise to
For ease of play, ammunition for the various firearms is assumed craft precision firearms without additional construction guides, so
to be interchangeable. Any warrior of the New Earth who plans semi-automatic rifles remain relatively rare.
to use firearms often will soon master the arts of hand-loading and
recycling brass, and most groups don’t care to track individual bullet Shotgun: Simple, sturdy, and effective, the double-barreled shotgun
calibers. A pouch of 20 loose bullets counts as one encumbrance is a popular tool for taking down the toughest mutant raiders. Slug
item, as does one full magazine or revolver speedloader. These items rounds can be used when necessary, giving the shotgun a range of
can be bundled together for easier hauling, with three of them 50/75 and a damage of 2d6.
counting as one item. Some advanced firearms are able to fire in
burst mode. Each burst expends three bullets and grants a +2 bonus Submachine Gun: These cut-down weapons are no more powerful
to the hit and damage roll for the attack. than most pistols, but they can fire in burst mode for better odds at
hitting and downing a target. They remain most popular with ruin
Breechloading Rifle: Most breechloaders are modern artifacts, explorers who expect to engage enemies in tight quarters.
crafted out of parts and scrap by New Earth artisans. While far
more powerful than a bow, it’s much harder to find or fashion Combat Rifle: Very few gunsmiths have the necessary skill to build
ammunition for them, and reloading takes longer than simply these automatic weapons, and their relative lack of usefulness as
nocking an arrow. A few extremely primitive enclaves might even hunting tools also limits their appeal to any but the wealthiest and
use muzzleloaders that require several rounds to reload, but most most bloody-handed warriors. Combat rifles can fire in burst mode.
gunsmiths have enough scrap and expertise to skip the most clumsy
stages of firearm development. Combat Shotgun: A complex and murderous device, the combat
shotgun eats up ammunition at a ferocious pace in exchange for a
Revolver: Revolvers haven’t the range or power of a long arm, but remarkable capacity to shred its targets. Combat shotguns can use
they can fire six shots before they require reloading. They’re also burst fire, and slug ammunition can be made with a range of 50/75
substantially easier and more comfortable to carry, which can be a and damage of 2d6.
significant consideration to men and women who go armed at all
times. Mag Weaponry: Mag weaponry represents the peak of Old Terran
rebel ingenuity. Most surviving mag guns are relics of the time before
Semi-automatic Pistol: Somewhat more sophisticated than a re- the Scream, devices built in secret rebel redoubts. Both pistols and
volver, and requiring more elaborate and finely-shaped components, rifles use magnetic accelerators to launch shaped metal flechettes at
the semi-auto pistol is beyond the limits of most enclave gunsmiths’ supersonic speeds. Due to the advanced tech, mag weaponry does
not require a separate power cell to fire its ammo.
Energy Weaponry
Weapon Damage Range in Meters Cost Magazine Attribute Tech
Laser Pistol 1d6 100/300 75 10 Dex 4
Laser Rifle 1d10 * 300/500 150 20 Dex 4
Thermal Pistol 2d6 25/50 200 5 Dex 4
Plasma Projector 2d8 50/100 400 6 Dex 4
Shear Rifle 2d8 * 100/300 600 10 Dex 5
Whip Beam 2d6 30/60 600 6 Dex 5
Blackout Rifle 2d6 100/300 300 6 Dex 5
Neutron Blaster 2d8 30/30 1,000 6 Dex 5
* These weapons can use burst fire. A burst gains +2 to hit and damage and uses up three rounds of ammunition.
Almost all energy weapons are Old Terran relics, as only the very
finest scrapsmiths and scavengers of the New Earth have the ex-
pertise and raw materials necessary to build these weapons. Among
Old Terran rebels, a modest number of laser pistols and rifles were
cobbled together by hidden gunsmiths.
Energy weapons all operate using Type A power cells. Due to the
lack of recoil or disorienting noise, energy weapons grant a +1
bonus on hit rolls. Most of them are also effectively silent in op-
eration. Repair can be an issue, however, as even the simplest laser
pistol requires TL4 spare parts for maintenance. Salvaged energy
weapons that originated in Mandate armories or from core world
munitions factories are also very likely to be Enigmatic items as per
the guidelines in the Systems chapter.
Laser Pistol: Small and relatively simple, many rebel laser pistols
were patched together out of cutting tools or salvaged focal ele-
ments from decommissioned holo units. Both laser pistols and laser at its target. The beam persists long enough to be used as a cutting
rifles suffer when the air is full of particulate matter such as smoke tool, and ignores up to 5 points of wall or door armor as described
or dust, suffering as much as a -4 penalty to hit rolls. on in the real property section of this chapter.
Laser Rifle: A larger beam crystal and bigger passive cooling ele- Blackout Rifle: A non-lethal energy weapon much in favor with
ments allow laser rifles to be significantly more energy-efficient than Mandate security officers, blackout rifles fire an electrical charge
their smaller brethren. Not only are its beams more powerful, but that temporarily disrupts a living target’s nervous system. Damage
it can also fire in the electromagnetic equivalent of burst mode, done by a blackout rifle is tracked normally, but if a shot would
expending three charges and gaining +2 on the hit and damage roll bring the target to zero hit points or lower, the victim makes an im-
for the attack. mediate saving throw versus Tech at a penalty equal to the shooter’s
Combat/Energy skill. If the throw is successful, the hit does no
Thermal Pistols and Plasma Projectors: More focused weapons damage. If the save fails, the victim collapses alive but unconscious
than the prosaic flamethrower, thermal pistols and their two-handed for five minutes, waking up afterwards with 1 hit point remaining.
plasma projector cousins launch bubbles of superheated plasma at
a nearby target. Neutron Blaster: These radiation-emitting energy weapons were
usually built by rebels hoping to kill Mandate security officers with-
Shear Rifle: The few remaining examples of this lethal energy out damaging their valuable equipment. The gouts of high-energy
weapon are Old Terran relics of elite Mandate security forces. Shear neutrons they emit are largely harmless to inanimate objects, but
rifles use miniaturized gravitic engines to set up a lethal repulsor wreak havoc on living tissues. By their nature, Neutron Blasters
field within a target. Unlucky victims simply fall apart. Shear rifles are somewhat indiscriminate weapons and automatically target all
can fire in bursts. subjects in a one-meter-wide line out to the limit of the weapon’s
range, allowing a hit roll against each. The radiation will penetrate
Whip Beam: An unusual breaching weapon used to crack barri- multiple organic targets and will only be stopped by a wall, door or
caded rebel lairs, the whip beam gouts a pencil-thin beam of plasma other solid barrier.
Gunnery Weaponry
Weapon Damage Range in Meters Cost Magazine* Attribute Tech
Catapult 3d8 90/180 50 - Wis 1
Ballista 3d8 250/500 50 - Wis 1
Heavy Machine Gun 3d6 # 500/2,000 500 10 Dex 2
Rocket Launcher 3d10 2,000/4,000 400 15 Dex 3
Railgun 3d8 # 1,000/2,000 1,200 20 Dex 4
Suppressor Cannon 4d6 50 1,000 6 Dex 4
Flamethrower, Primitive 2d8 20 400 6 Str 3
Hellgun 3d10 40 800 6 Str 4
Vortex Cannon 5d12 1,000/2,000 N/A 5 Dex 5
# These weapons can use suppressive fire. *Reloading anything but HMGs and rocket launchers takes three rounds.
These heavy weapons are most often found mounted aboard Ballista: Some enclaves face hulking mutant dangers that are best
vehicles or bolted into fixed positions on an enclave’s wall. As a answered by crossbows built to a matching scale. Ballistas require a
general rule, any weapon too big for a single person to use without a two-man crew and fire at the same rate as catapults, but gain a +4
firing rest will qualify as a gunnery weapon, whether it uses bullets, bonus to hit creatures larger than man-sized. They can target only
power cells, or javelin-sized bolts. A few mobile gunnery systems single enemies within range.
do exist, however, including special grav-stabilized heavy weapons
platforms and certain man-portable weapons such as flamethrowers Heavy Machine Gun: These weapons are usually modern,
and rocket launchers. enclave-built guns that range from crude gatling arrays to sleek
mag-augmented bullet hoses. HMGs require a vehicle mounting
Most enclaves lack the resources to create effective gunnery weap- or emplaced firing position for best results. Attempting to fire
ons, though some have the expertise necessary to create the more one without bedding it down properly on a tripod or other secure
primitive varieties. Many of the existing weapons are relics of Old mount inflicts a -6 on all hit rolls and makes effective suppressive
Terra or retrofitted salvage turned into an implement of destruction. fire impossible.
Gunnery-class weapons require twenty units of spare parts to build.
Rocket Launcher: Most rebel-built rocket launchers were designed
Energy-based gunnery weapons use Type B power cells. HMGs for bringing down Mandate security vehicles and cop bots rather
fire 20 rounds of ammo per shot, while rocket launchers require than for use as wide-area explosives. They suffer a -4 hit penalty
individual rockets, each of which cost 4 units of spare parts to build. when attempting to target something as small as a human, but
Railgun ammunition takes 2 units of spare parts per round. Flame- unlike most gunnery weapons they can be fired from the shoulder
throwers and hellguns require their own ammunition built from without a proper emplacement to support them. Alternate rockets
the appropriate spare parts, each 6 charges of fuel costing 8 units of exist that hit as do very long-range fragmentation grenades.
spare parts. Exotic gunnery ammo is almost never available for sale.
Railgun: Railguns resemble oversized mag rifles, and are sometimes
Some heavy guns can be fired to suppress. Double the usual ammu- found on heavy warbots or Mandate assault craft intended for crack-
nition is fired in one round, and every target in front of the weapon ing rebel fortifications. Their lethal spray of large metal flechettes
that is not under hard cover is automatically hit for half normal can scythe down entire platoons of enemy troops in moments, and
damage. A successful Evasion or Luck saving throw eliminates this their flight-stabilized munitions give them excellent range.
Suppressor Cannon: An Old Terran anti-riot weapon, suppressor
Catapult: A wooden arm under tension is the best heavy weapon cannons use a combination of sonics and electrical discharges to
some enclaves can build. Catapults are most effective against incapacitate living subjects. Suppressor cannons can only fire in
fortifications, but they can be loaded with smaller stones to pelt a suppression mode- they cannot discharge single shots, and must
general area. With a crew of four men, one shot can be gotten off use two charges and do half damage with every attack. Those who
every three rounds. For each man missing, the interval increases by would be reduced to zero hit points by a suppressor cannon hit
one round, with a minimum of two required for operation. The must make a saving throw versus Tech at a penalty equal to the
crew captain applies his modifier to the attack roll. When loaded shooter’s Combat/Gunnery skill. Those who save automatically
with a large stone, the catapult can only effectively target stationary avoid the damage. Those who fail fall unconscious for half an hour
obstacles. When loaded with smaller shot, they are fired and do before waking up with 1 hit point. A suppressor cannon has an area
damage as per a very long-range fragmentation grenade that misses of effect equal to a cone fifty meters long and fifty meters wide at
by 1d20 meters on a failed attack roll against AC 0 and harms all the far end.
within a 5 meter radius.
Flamethrower, Primitive: Most primitive flamethrowers are crude Hellgun: These advanced flamethrowers played a limited role in
pump devices that spout flaming streams of jellied petroleum distil- guerrilla skirmishes in the last years of the Terran Mandate, but
lates. Each shot from a primitive flamethrower is made against AC had some use in clearing out fortified bunkers of rebels. Most of
9. On a hit, the intended victim can make an Evasion saving throw them emit streams of spectacularly combustible chemicals, spewing
to dive clear, otherwise suffering an automatic 2d8 damage each streams of blazing liquid with a volatility to make chlorine trifluo-
round. The victim can use their action to try to stifle the flames, ride seem like mouthwash. These devil’s brews could set a bucket of
succeeding on a successful Tech saving throw. ice water on fire, let alone mere sand, glass, and robot armatures.
On a miss, the flamethrower hits a location 1d6+1 meters away in Hellguns operate in the same way as their more primitive cousins,
a random direction. In either case, the location hit by the flame- but do more damage on a hit and can be used to burn through solid
thrower is covered by a one-meter diameter pool of burning liquid obstacles as well, eroding one meter of anything short of armored
that will inflict 2d4 damage to anyone who enters it or ends their Old Terran construction plating every five rounds. Most of the
turn in it. The pool burns for the duration of an ordinary fight. chemicals are designed to become inert and harmless within 30
rounds of application, but their gaseous byproducts can be lethal in
Despite the best efforts of their creators, such devices are prone to small spaces. Anyone in an interior area when one of these weapons
dangerous malfunctions, especially in the face of thermal-based is used must have their own oxygen apparatus or suffer 1d6 damage
energy weapons. Whenever the wearer is hit by a natural 20- or on per round from caustic fumes until they escape the enclosed space.
a 16+ by a laser, plasma weapon, or other heat-based attack- the
wearer must make a saving throw versus Tech or the flamethrower Hellguns are susceptible to damage and explosion in the same way
drops to Broken condition. The user must then also make a Luck as their more primitive brethren, but do 2d8 damage per remaining
saving throw; if that fails as well, the flamethrower explodes, each fuel charge.
remaining fuel charge in the tank inflicting 1d8 damage to the
wearer, setting them aflame as above, and creating a pool of flame Vortex cannons use controlled gravitic shear planes to cause a target
one meter in diameter for every 5 remaining charges. to simply fall apart into component fragments. The cannons are
silent in operation, but so heavy that they can only be mounted on
specialized fighting vehicles such as battlewagons or GFVs. A vortex
cannon requires four vehicle hardpoints to mount.
Adventuring Equipment
Item Cost Enc Tech Item Cost Enc Tech
Ammunition, 20 rounds 20 1 2 Oil Flask 1 1 0
Backpack 3/50 1/* 0/4 Power Cell, Type A 10 1 4
Bedroll 3/50 1/* 0/4 Power Cell, Type A+ 50 1 4
Binoculars 10/100 1/* 2/4 Power Cell, Type B 50 1 4
Blueprints, TL2 25 * 2 Power Cell, Type B+ 250 1 4
Blueprints, TL3 50 * 3 Ration, Dirty 0.25 1 0
Blueprints, TL4 200 * 4 Ration, Normal 1 1 0
Blueprints, TL5 N/A * 5 Ration, Old Terran 10 1 4
Bonding Tape 70 1 4 Rope, 20m 5/50 3/1 1/4
Broadcast Power Mod N/A 4 4 Solar Cell 100 1 4
Climbing Kit 50 1 4 Spare Parts, TL0 0.25 1 0
Compad 150 1 4 Spare Parts, TL1 1 1 1
Compass, Magnetic 10 1 1 Spare Parts, TL2 4 1 2
Crowbar 5 1 1 Spare Parts, TL3 15 1 3
Dataslab 100 1 4 Spare Parts, TL4 60 1 4
Firebox 2/50 1 1/4 Spare Parts, TL5 250 1 5
Firestarter 1/50 1/* 1/4 Telescoping Pole 20 1 2
Geiger Counter 100 1 3 Tent 10/200 4/1 0/4
Generator, Nanofusion N/A 1 5 Thermal Flare 20 1 3
Generator, Solar 10,000 20 4 Toolkit, TL1 10 2 1
Generator, Steam 4,000 - 2 Toolkit, TL2 40 3 2
Glowbug 1 * 4 Toolkit, TL3 150 4 3
Lantern 2 1 1 Toolkit, TL4 N/A 4 4
Link, Prosthetic 500 1 5 Toolkit, TL5 N/A 1 5
Low-Light Goggles 100/500 1/* 3/4 Toxin Detector 100 1 4
Medkit 100 1 4 Utility Tarp 50 1 4
Metatool 150 1 4 Vacc Suit, Pretech 200 * 5
Navcomp 50 1 4 Water Filter 50 1 4
* These items weigh a negligible amount. * These items weigh a negligible amount.
N/A - These items are almost never traded. N/A - These items are almost never traded.
Ammunition: New Terran gunsmiths have proven remarkably Bedroll: Advanced versions of this gear are fashioned of sophis-
ingenious in finding replacements for conventional gunpowder ticated Old Terran smart fabrics and self-adjusting inflatable pad-
and brass, but ammunition remains precious and expensive. Most ding. More primitive versions are little more than a roll of furs or
dedicated gunslingers either learn to compound their own or make blankets. Characters without a bedroll or the equivalent may find
friends with a skilled scrapsmith. it difficult to get sufficiently restful sleep in some environments,
preventing them from recovering System Strain.
Backpack: Some tribals are lucky enough to have scavenged Old
Terran camping gear. Such metasilk backpacks are effectively Binoculars: Advanced Old Terran binoculars allow for an image
weightless, fireproof, environmentally sealed, and resistant to tears clear enough to read printed text at 1,000 meters distance and
and punctures that do less than 6 points of damage. Most make recognition of outlines at 2,000 meters. The advanced models have
do with more primitive packs fashioned of leather or woven plant a built-in rangefinder and can be used in any light brighter than
fibers. Characters without packs or other hauling gear may have that of a moonless night. More primitive varieties are fashioned of
difficulty stowing all the items their Strength would normally allow salvaged lenses and hand-crafted prisms, and allow for clear view of
them to carry. objects at half those distances.
Blueprints: Blueprints are the rare hardcopy printouts or handwrit- somewhat less reliable than might be desired, but it still grants a +2
ten scrapsmith notes used to assist in building particular devices. to any Survival check made to avoid getting lost.
Every blueprint is intended for a specific device and grants a +1
bonus to the user’s effective Tech skill when attempting to build it, Compad: The Net of Old Terra functioned almost exclusively
as per the item creation rules in the Systems chapter. More thor- through ambient nanite relays and personal Links. There was no
ough blueprints exist that grant higher bonuses; +2 schematics cost need for a specific device for communicating, and so the chaos
ten times as much, and full Old Terran manufacturing blueprints of the Scream left many people helplessly isolated and unable to
capable of granting +3 cost at least fifty times as much when they’re call for help. Modern compads are little more sophisticated than
available at all. handheld radios boosted to overcome the electromagnetic static of
the Highshine nanites. Shortwave radio and other long-distance
Even illiterate techs are familiar enough with materials and nota- communication modes are almost impossible through this channel
tions to make use of low-tech blueprints, but TL3+ items require noise, but two compads tuned to the same frequency can reach up
literacy or a literate teammate to make use of their construction to ten kilometers under most conditions. A compad’s power drain is
helps. relatively minimal- a single type A power cell will keep it operating
for months under normal use conditions.
Prices for blueprints assume that the design in question is fairly
common among the local scrapsmiths. Designs that are unique or Crowbar: Primitive, but effective as a tool for smashing up salvage,
rare in an area will almost never be willingly sold, though a scrap- prying open ordinary Old Terran doors, and handling the sort
smith might reveal the lore in exchange for an important favor or a of abuse that would quickly destroy a weapon. Crowbars can be
design of greater value. used as one-handed clubs for 1d4 damage, or two-handed for 2d4
damage, using Strength as the relevant attribute in both cases.
Bonding Tape: A silvery tape that can bond to even the grimiest
surface, bonding tape is a mainstay of many scrapsmiths of the New Dataslab: Dedicated computers were almost unknown in Old Terra,
Earth. Objects fastened together with bonding tape can only be as the integral Link possessed by the citizenry served all the purposes
separated by doing 4 points of damage to the tape. Those attempt- of a handheld computer. Some rebels found it better to keep their
ing to burst the tape with brute strength must succeed on a Str/ information off of the Net, however, and so some independent da-
Athletics skill check at difficulty 10. A roll of bonding tape usually taslabs were created, along with the cruder efforts of those modern
has 30 meters of the substance on it. Using up a roll grants +1 to scientists who still remember how to build computing hardware. In
any Tech/Postech check. the absence of a Link, a dataslab is usually necessary for hacking or
interfacing with any Old Terran computing hardware that doesn’t
Broadcast Power Modulator: Advanced metadimensional transpo- have a functioning interface of its own. Dataslabs can also perform
sition taps allow this backpack-sized device to beam power directly any of the usual functions of a handheld computer- recordkeeping,
to remote equipment. The modulator is wired into whatever electri- mathematical work, audiovisual recording, and so forth. A type A
cal generator is available, and then emits power over a one kilometer power cell will keep a dataslab operating for a week.
radius. Provided a technician knows the correct tuning codes for
the modulator, any TL4+ device can be adjusted to draw power Firebox: A good fire improves any camp and can sometimes
through the metadimensional tap feeds. Assuming enough power make the difference between survival and death by frost. Primitive
is being generated for all the devices that draw on the modulator, fireboxes are a set of metal and ceramic plates that can be quickly
it effectively amounts to a constant charge for the device. A TL4 assembled into an efficient wood-burning stove. Ultra-light Old
converter device can be constructed to provide a lower-tech connec- Terran camping models can also burn wood for extra authenticity,
tion in a remote location. If someone changes the modulator codes, but a single type A power cell will provide 24 hours of ample heat.
any device that draws power from it will go inert until supplied If wood must be packed in, a small load of charcoal is enough for 8
from another source or retuned to the correct frequencies. Military hours of heat and counts as 2 items of encumbrance.
installations using BPMs usually keep the modulator codes secret to
prevent a hostile actor from remotely connecting a massive power Firestarter: These small devices range from purpose-built Old
sink to the converter. Terran camping implements to scrap-rigged fire pistons and waxed
phosphor matches. All of them create a small, fiercely-burning
Climbing Kit: These gloves and boot sheaths are Old Terran relics flame capable of igniting most flammable material in one round.
originally designed to aid in outdoor climbing. Microscopic bond- TL4 versions will function indefinitely, while TL2 models are
ing elements allow the wearer to ascend even sheer surfaces so long expended after 20 uses.
as the surface is relatively dry and solid. If the wearer moves slowly
and carefully at a rate of only 10 meters a minute, they will always Geiger Counter: Prized tools among wanderers, most geiger coun-
succeed at ordinary climbing checks and fail extremely difficult ones ters are relatively crude scrap-built devices. One Type A cell will
only on a natural 2. If climbing at a faster rate, they simply gain a +3 power it for 48 hours, during which it will alert the bearer if they
bonus to any climbing skill check. cross into a radioactive zone by indicating the strength of the field.
Compass, Magnetic: Large deposits of ferrous wreckage and Old Generator, Nanofusion: A cutting-edge example of Old Terran
Terran magnetic anomalies make a standard magnetic compass science, nanofusion cells use a combination of microscopic metadi-
mensional tap nanites and conventional cold fusion tech to produce
enormous amounts of power. Most cells are no larger than a man’s to communicate with certain sophisticated pretech equipment that
fist, but they can be used to power hundreds of homes or recharge was never intended for manual operation. Prosthetic Links also have
A+ and B+ power cells in unlimited numbers. Even greater outputs all the functionality of a normal dataslab or compad.
are possible with the correct regulating hardware and power infra-
structure. Most significantly to most modern possessors, wearing a Link
allows thought-actuated audiovisual contact with any other willing
Generator, Solar: Small and hyper-efficient, solar electrical genera- Link wearer within a five kilometer radius. Such contact must be
tors are usually constructed out of advanced Old Terran absorption accepted by both parties, but allows either of them to perceive each
panels and photonic bend composites. Provided the generator gets other’s environment and relative location perfectly and communi-
at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day, it can maintain a steady cate in any shared languages.
power output for several dozen homes and recharge type A+ or B+
power cells. Setting up the generator requires an hour to calibrate it Low-light goggles: These goggles might come as elaborate eyewear
properly, but it can be broken down for transport. or as a simple pair of Old Terran contact lenses, both operating
without need for external power sources. Users have full normal
Generator, Steam: Steam-powered generators are bulky, inefficient, vision in any environment with any ambient light whatsoever.
and cantankerous, but they are also the easiest kind of generators
for a community to build. Even so, few enclaves have scrapsmiths Medkit: These advanced healing kits are usually pieced together
ingenious or talented enough to keep such generators in operation. out of Old Terran pharmaceuticals, mutated healing plants, and as-
The generators are always at least room-sized and require 80 units sorted gear for staunching wounds. Medkits grant a +1 bonus to all
of spare parts for construction. Tech/Medical rolls. If used on a mortally wounded PC, the medic
may check Int/Tech/Medical at difficulty 8, with a +1 difficulty
Steam generators can refuel type A+ or B+ power cells or provide penalty for each round’s delay since the victim was downed. On a
equivalent power to several dozen homes. Steam generators require success, the victim is stabilized and restored to 1 hit point, and may
a constant supply of fuel for operation. act normally after ten minutes of rest. No System Strain is accrued
from being stabilized by a medkit. Medkits cannot help a victim if
Glowbug: A simple, palm-sized Old Terran trinket, glowbugs can more than six rounds have passed since they were mortally injured.
be activated to cast a clear, bright light in a 10-meter radius, and
can be set to lightly adhere to any solid surface. A focal adjustment When a user rolls a natural 2 on a skill check involving a medkit,
can direct their light up to 20 meters in a particular direction. Their it runs out of some critical component and becomes useless. Char-
light lasts for 24 hours, and they can be daisy-chained together to acters with the ability to reroll skill checks can still reroll the check,
recharge up to a hundred of them from a single Type A power cell. but the medkit remains depleted afterwards.
Lantern: A low-tech lighting solution, these lanterns cast light in a Metatool: This small polymorphic hand tool was popular through-
10 meter radius, or 20 meters if focused in a particular direction. A out Mandate space for its versatility and compact nature. Its memory
flask of oil will fuel a lantern for 4 hours. composite construction allows it to function as any small hand tool
that might be required. Metatools aren’t a replacement for advanced
Link, Prosthetic: Virtually every citizen of Old Terra was im- tool kits, but they can be used for spot work and jury-rigging gear.
planted at birth with a Link- a nanite-grown communications link A metatool is also able to perform any work that might normally
that kept them in perpetual contact with the Mandate and the rest require a TL0 or TL1 toolkit, and can be used to repair up to TL4
of their community through the ambient mesh known as the Net. items.
Augmented reality visuals, contextual signage, and virtual reality
environments were all commonly available to every citizen. Still, Navcomp: A few of these devices were in use as camping and orien-
some were unable to use Links, either through natural biological in- teering tools in the days before the Scream, but more of them have
compatibility, damaged hardware, or by virtue of being an offworld since been built by scrapsmiths who had a more pressing and prac-
visitor from the frontier. These artificial Links are meant for such tical need for their benefits. Navcomps use inertial recorders and
unfortunate souls, and operate off the wearer’s body heat. gravitic assay devices to precisely trace the user’s current position.
The navcomp’s owner can key in up to twelve sets of geophysical
Prosthetic Links usually take the form of a thick torc, with a coordinates, and the navcomp will point the user directly toward
transduction pad that presses against the wearer’s nape. The user them. Those owners who lack cartographic savvy can register a
can issue commands to the Link by thought alone, and no training location for tracking simply by pressing a lock key while present
is required to use one. Information is provided through visual or there. Old Terran navcomps usually have a host of other location
auditory overlays, and the Link is equipped with an integral expert and mapping tools, but almost all of them have been made useless
system to assist in its use. since the collapse of the Net.
Of course, with the Net gone, the Maestros fleeing the wrath of the Oil Flask: Most oils used for illumination are inedible, but quite
Bender, and the air clouded with berserk Highshine nanites, most effective as a light source. A flask of oil will fuel a lantern for 4
prosthetic Links have little to show a user. A few wispy ghosts of hours. If poured out in a pool and lit, it will form a one-meter wide
crippled augmented reality or garbled data displays are all that are pool that inflicts 1d4 damage on anyone who enters it. The pool
visible in most ruins. Use of a prosthetic Link does allow a person will burn for 1d4 rounds before guttering out.
Power Cell, Type A: These small cylindrical power cells were Spare Parts: Usable scrap and salvage comes in innumerable forms
ubiquitous before the Scream and served to power most hand-held in the wastelands, and all of them are treated simply as general
equipment and personal devices. Old Terran power cells are not “spare parts” of a given tech level. Up to four units of spare parts
rechargeable- the Mandate didn’t want to simplify the logistics may be bundled together for encumbrance purposes.
for malcontents and rebels, and so fresh cells had to be obtained
through Mandate-monitored sources. Once fully discharged, these Telescoping Pole: Retracting to a 30-centimeter baton, this pole
cells are worthless even as scrap. Six Type A cells can be bundled as extends and locks into a 3.048-meter extension that can bear as
one item for encumbrance purposes. much as a thousand kilograms of weight. In a pinch, it can also
serve as a club.
Power Cell, Type A+: A few canny rebel techs and modern scrap-
smiths were able to reverse-engineer the Mandate power cell specs Tent: Wanderers often have need of a tent if they’re to find any rest
and build cells that could be recharged off any standard current. Re- in a rainy clime or contain precious heat in the cold. Desert-landers
charging the cell from a live power line requires 30 minutes, level-0 use them to shelter from a hostile sun and the scourge of windblown
expertise in a Tech skill, and a metatool or other TL3+ toolkit to sand. This particular leather tent is large enough for two friendly
make the connection. people and can be split into two encumbrance loads if needed.
Pretech camping versions are much lighter.
Power Cell, Type B: As large as a human fist, these power cells usu-
ally fueled vehicles and other large items of equipment. Like their Thermal Flare: If triggered in one mode, the flare burns with a
smaller brethren, they cannot be recharged. bright white light for two hours, illuminating up to twenty meters
around the holder. If the guidance fins are extended first, the flare
Power Cell, Type B+: Much like their smaller relations, B+ cells launches up to 200 meters and explodes in a bright white flash.
can be recharged from a live power source in the same fashion as A+ A launched flare does 1d6 damage to anyone it hits, though the
cells. Charge time for a cell is six hours. clumsy flight gives a -4 penalty on any attempts to hit something.
Solar Cell: For those scrapsmiths and rebel techs not skilled enough Toolkit, TL1: This primitive toolkit consists of little more than a
to reverse-engineer conventional Mandate power cells, the solar knife, hammer, saw, and a few other essentials. A craftsman can use
cell is an alternative. The cell itself is permanently attached to a it to build or repair any TL0 or TL1 object, provided they have the
palm-sized solar collector which can be unfolded and set to absorb expertise and spare parts. No special workshop facilities are required.
sunlight. Eight hours of sunshine will charge the attached cell,
which can then be spooled out of the device and inserted into an Toolkit, TL2: Largely identical to a TL1 kit, this toolbox includes
object in need of a type A power cell. The need to keep the device files, measuring devices, and hardened alloy tools for working to
tethered to the solar cell can occasionally be cumbersome, but most finer mechanical requirements than are necessitated by more primi-
users simply sling the cell at their belt and then holster the weapon tive technologies. Constructing TL2 devices out of scrap will require
or device it powers. a larger workshop, however.
Ration, Dirty: “Dirty” foodstuffs resemble ordinary dried meats Toolkit, TL3: To the basic ingredients of a TL2 toolkit are added
and vegetables, but all have subtle traces of nanite taint, decay, or cutting tools and electrician’s gear. The toolkit can be used to repair
natural toxins. Provender of this kind is available in many places as a or help build any device of TL3 or less, though creating TL2 or
cheap way of stretching a person’s available clean foodstuffs. Eating 3 objects from spare parts usually requires a more fully-equipped
a dirty ration adds 1 Toxin point to the eater’s total. workshop.
Ration, Normal: Consisting of roughly a kilo of nutrient-rich Toolkit, TL4: Advanced Old Terran hand tools include basic equip-
edibles, most rations are composed of dried meats, hard bread, ment for nanite manipulation and reprogramming and can serve
parched vegetables, and other food that keeps well. when working on any device of TL4 or less. Building TL4 devices
out of spare parts normally necessitates an Old Terran workshop
Ration, Old Terran: Old Terran foodstuffs were inevitably packed that is powered and intact.
in sealed bags and trays capable of keeping the contents fresh and
wholesome for centuries. In addition to providing a day’s nourish- Toolkit, TL5: These toolkits are often little more than glistening
ment, the medical nanites pervading the food remove 1d4 Toxin silvery spheres of neuroresponsive nanites colored with the logo of
points from the consumer and heal 1d6 lost hit points. A person can the Mandate department that commissioned them. A trained tech
benefit from only one Old Terran ration per day can mentally mold them into almost any hand tool that could be
required, allowing the repair of any object. Actually building TL5
Rope, 20 meters: Old Terran metafiber rope is pencil-thin and devices from spare parts is an undertaking that requires access to
extremely difficult to cut without specialized tools. Metatools or one of the classified, high-security development centers that served
toolkit implements can trim or splice it freely, but otherwise it the Mandate elite.
absorbs 8 points of edged damage before snapping. More modern
rope of woven plant fibers absorbs only 4 points of damage and is Toxin Detector: A Type A cell powers this device for one month,
substantially heavier. allowing it to identify poisonous or tainted foodstuffs and granting
a +1 bonus to Survival checks when foraging.
Utility Tarp: This paper-thin sheet of opaque, waterproof com- The suits are effectively skin-tight and transparent by default, though
posite measures a little over three meters on a side, with a small they respond to Link commands to change colors and outlines. The
three-state control strip along one edge. In its first state, the tarp is wearer’s head is bubbled by an unseen tension field that maintains
limp and can be folded into a fist-sized bundle. In its second state, pressure while allowing eating and drinking. The suits can be worn
the tarp becomes semi-rigid and can be molded into any desired beneath armor and normal clothing without difficulty, and are quite
shape. In its third state, the tarp hardens to support as much as comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. So long as they
five hundred kilos of weight and cannot be shaped. Anyone able to remain powered, they recycle air and water for the user and render
reach the control can change the tarp’s state. Eight points of damage them immune to gases, contact toxins, and radiation weaker than
will break a utility tarp and render it useless. once-per-minute saves. The suits self-seal if torn. A single type A
power cell fuels a vacc suit for one day.
Vacc Suit, Pretech: These suits are uncommon, as most trans-stellar
traffic with the core worlds took place through the orbital habitats. Water Filter: Every hunter worth his spear knows the usual tricks
Still, some have been found in equipment dumps intended for for purifying tainted water with charcoal and certain types of Old
interstellar shipment. Terran cloth, but a proper Old Terran water filter is far more reli-
able. A single filter can clean up to 10 rations of dirty water per day.
Stims were ubiqui- stim will wake them with 1 hit point, and they will be able to act
Stim Cost TL
tous in the world normally on their next turn.
Cure 100 5 before the Scream. Using a stim to heal or revive a mortally wounded character adds
Cyst 50 4 These small skin- 1 point of System Strain to the user, as explained in the Mutations
spray applicators chapter. If the strain would exceed the target’s Constitution score
Lifestyle 30 4 were sold over the their body simply cannot handle the stress of additional medical
Patch 25 4 counter and in modifications and the stim has no effect. If a character simply applies
unwatched corners, a stim while having no need for healing this cost is not incurred.
Morph 100 5 elaborate cocktails
Purge 100 5 of exotic bioactive A subject can be under the effect of multiple stims at once, but the
nanites and alien bonus from any given stim is only applied once.
Rage 100 5 pharmaceuticals
Rush 50 5 used to soften the Cure Stim: A broad-spectrum panacea for almost any illness, a
rough edges of a Cure stim application adds 1 additional System Strain point and
Stims weigh a negligible amount.
day, provide quick immediately cures any conventional disease. Against gengineered
physical adjust- bioweapons, a Cure stim simply allows for an automatic reroll on
ments, or handle medical problems. Stims and related medical tech the next failed save to throw off the sickness. A Cure stim will also
were some of the few examples of cutting-edge Mandate technology repair 1d4 points of Constitution lost to radiation damage. Cure
that were commonly allowed among the populace. The following stims were common in the world before the Scream. Unfortunately,
are just a handful of the more common varieties found in ruins and they were also some of the most widely used stims, resulting in their
long-lost caches. rapid depletion and modern scarcity.
Many stims are found in their original packaging, giving even illit- Cyst Stim: These large red stims were uncommon, usually kept in
erate characters a good idea of their function. Those characters with emergency first aid kits or in the equippage of Old Terran secu-
active Link implants can always identify a stim and its function. rity staffers. They augment the standard medical framework with a
Other stims are found loose and can only be identified by the same number of boosted repair protocols and stabilization subroutines.
methods used to identify Enigmatic devices. When applied to a subject, the target immediately falls into a coma
as a crusty, translucent amber cyst forms around them. The cyst
Almost all stims were designed around a basic, reliable medical core. remains for 12 hours before crumbling away and awakening the
Developers found it easier to simply reuse this common framework subject with all hit points restored. Any injury done to the subject
as the vector for whatever special effect they wished to produce- not before that time is up will awaken them immediately and negate the
only was it predictable in its effects, but it also helped ensure that the benefits of the stim. Use of a Cyst stim is stressful to a subject’s body,
user would be treating any drastic medical emergency even if they and adds 2 additional System Strain points. The stim only works on
didn’t realize their danger. Only a few black market or experimental cooperative or unconscious subjects.
combat stims omitted this basic framework.
Patch Stim: The Old Terran equivalent of aspirin, these simple stim
All stims require an action to apply, either to oneself or another, tabs were favored for every headache, minor laceration and surge of
and a character can only use one stim per round. Every stim heals 4 dyspepsia that a citizen might experience. They provide the usual
hit points of damage plus the subject’s Constitution modifier. If the effects of a stim along with a mild sense of well-being for six hours.
subject has been mortally wounded within the past six rounds, the
Lifestyle Stim: These relatively common stims served as vectors alterations in the user’s physical form, temporarily endowing them
for a host of lifestyle-oriented products. Most of them have minor with the shape templated on the stim.
effects that are difficult to predict without the History or Business
skill and knowledge of long-lost advertising campaigns and popular The appearance is purely cosmetic and does not alter the user’s at-
product lines. When it matters, the GM might choose or roll an tributes or statistics. The alteration adds 3 System Strain points to
effect from the following table. the subject and does not work on an unwilling user. The new shape
lasts for 72 hours. Those with a TL5 toolkit and at least level-2
expertise in Tech/Medical or Tech/Pretech can reprogram a morph
Lifestyle Stim Effects stim with DNA taken from a particular subject, granted a day’s time
to perform the tweak.
1d10 Result
All body hair falls out, and won’t grow until a Purge stim Purge Stim: Originally intended to cure accidental nanite poison-
is taken. ing, negative pharmaceutical interactions and other forms of in-
Nanite scrubbers leave the character perfectly clean and toxication, use of a Purge stim counts as 2 successful saving throws
2 against any toxin currently affecting the user. If their total successful
fresh, and maintain this state for a week.
saving throws equals or exceeds the toxin’s Virulence, its effects end.
Brightly-glowing political or social affiliation tattoos
It also immediately cures hangovers, drunkenness, and 1d6 Toxin
3 form. They last for a week and emit light out to a 10
points for those who have eaten contaminated food. Purge stims
meter range when uncovered.
also automatically end the effects of any current lifestyle stims.
The character is wreathed in a subtle but exquisite fra-
grance for a week. Rage Stim: A few tabs of this illicit combat stim sometimes slipped
out of the Mandate’s security apparatus and could be found in the
5 Head hair grows one meter in under a minute.
hands of rebels and black market dealers. Rage stims drive the user
The character can comfortably ignore any Terran tem- into a relentless, focused fury. For each round a Rage stim is in
6 effect, the user may roll twice on all attack rolls and take the better
perature or climate for a week
result. Their armor class suffers a +4 penalty while this fury is in
The character is put in a subtle but noticeable good
7 effect, though, as they grow heedless of their own personal safety.
mood for a week
NPCs gain a Morale of 12 while under the effect of Rage. The stim
Roll 1d6; on 4+ it’s a contraceptive that lasts until a lasts for 2d6 rounds and adds 1 additional point of System Strain
Purge stim is used. On a 3- it’s a fertility stim that will to the user.
8 automatically induce conception in the user or partner
after their next encounter. The user is unaware of these Rush Stim: While ostensibly intended for use in sporting events
effects unless they are equipped with a Link. and for personal recreation, the effects of a Rush stim are also useful
in combat. The stim induces an immediate feeling of euphoria and
9-10 The stim has no noticeable additional effect unflinching confidence. This vivid determination helps the charac-
ter fight through pain and panic, granting 10 bonus hit points and
Morph Stim: Popular among the more decadent members of a +1 bonus on all social skill checks. These benefits vanish after the
Old Terran society, morph stims were meant to allow the user to stim wears off in ten minutes. If the loss of the temporary hit points
temporarily experience life in a very different shape. Depending on would bring the character below 1 hit point, they fall unconscious
the brand and original marketing of the stim, it is loaded with the for five minutes before waking up with 1 hit point left. NPCs under
humanoid shape template of a pop culture figure, anthropomorphic the effect of a Rush stim gain a +2 Morale bonus.
animal, alien species, or more exotic figure. On taking the stim, the
user must remain still for ten minutes as the nanites produce rapid
Exotic Artifacts
Artifact Cost The Mandate took Link communication. It could also result in permanent mental
care to keep most damage if sustained too long.
Bot Override Tag 100 ultra-advanced
technological de- Both subjects must have Links, either implanted or prosthetic. An
Clone Vat N/A
vices firmly in their unwilling subject must be restrained, and the crosslink must be
Invasive Crosslink 1,000 own hands. They physically connected to both users. For each round that the cross-
had no desire to link is maintained, each party may ask one question of the others’
Microfac 1,000 hand their unruly memories. On a successful save versus Mental Effect, the subject
Neural Patterning Web 2,500 charges the kind of cannot be interrogated on that topic for a week. On a failed save, a
power that could short but perfectly truthful answer is provided.
Portable Expert System 1,500 be perverted into
a disruption of At the end of every round of crosslink use, any user who asked
All exotic artifacts are TL5
the natural order a question gains 1d4 System Strain points. If the total is enough
of things. Still, some devices were adjudged to be either harmless to knock them unconscious, they must save versus Mental Effect
enough to be released into general circulation, or too useful to go or permanently lose 1d4 points of Wisdom. Characters that drop
unstolen by rebels and acquisitive citizens. These exotic artifacts can below a Wisdom of 3 are permanently catatonic.
be difficult to recognize, and many of the models produced qualify
as Enigmatic devices as per the guidelines in the Systems chapter. Microfac: Often taking the form of a fist-sized cylinder, a microfac
Other such exotic devices doubtless exist, and the following are but requires a Link for immediate interface. Lacking that, a user with
a small sample of the possibilities. Tech/Pretech-1 skill can patch through with a standard dataslab.
The microfac uses an integral nanite reservoir to transform itself
Bot Override Tag: A small adhesive slab, this device can be slapped any single object with an Encumbrance value of 2 or less and a
onto the casing of a robot to temporarily take control of it. Against a Tech Level no greater than 4. Objects encoded with unique data
hostile bot, the user must either succeed in a hit roll to connect it, or cannot be duplicated- the microfac could become a keycard, for
else wade right in and allow the bot to hit him before automatically example, but not a keycard programmed to open a particular door.
attaching it. Once affixed, the bot must save versus Tech or begin The transformation takes one round and is permanent; a microfac
obeying the user’s verbal commands for 1d4+4 rounds. The bot will can only be used once.
not perform self-destructive activities, and the tag will not function
against bots under the direct or remote control of an AI. A tag burns Neural Patterning Web: A replacement for tutors of flesh and
out after one use. blood, the neural patterning web was never terribly popular. It
required a properly-prepared mind and the information imparted
Clone Vat: Remarkably rare and usually part of a full-scale Mandate was unstable until it integrated properly with the user’s existing
medical facility, cloning vats were strictly illegal on Old Terra- which talents. The web itself usually took the form of a complex headwrap
meant they were reserved for the Directorate elite. Assuming the with multiple electrode prongs. Assuming a user has available Skill
device can be coaxed into operation, it can take genetic samples and Points, he can use the patterning web to learn any skill up to level-3
full neural scans of a living subject, growing a perfect duplicate in expertise over the course of one week per skill level. At the end of
1d6 months. The duplicate will have the memories and experience the training, roll 1d4; if the result is not higher than the level of skill
of the subject at the time of their scan, though the scan can be learned, the web burns out and becomes useless.
updated in one hour, and subjects with an active Link can maintain
a constantly-updated clone. Skills gained with a neural patterning web need to be “seated”
through active use. Whenever the skill is used in a stressful situation
Had these vats worked perfectly, they would doubtless have led to after a NPW training session, the subject must roll a saving throw
eternal and invincible Directors. Unfortunately for such aspirations, versus Tech. On a failure, they blank on the skill- they are treated
the clone vat is highly unreliable. Every clone automatically has one as completely unskilled in it for the next hour. This susceptibility
mental debility rolled from the Mutation chapter. There is a 25% remains until they make a number of successful saves equal to their
chance that the clone dies within 1d6 minutes after decanting, and new skill level +1. Thus, after gaining Tech/Postech-3 from an NPW,
every time the vat is used to clone a subject, the chance increases the subject would need to succeed in four stressful situation saving
by 25% as calibrations shift and elements wear down. Resetting the throws before they completely integrated their new knowledge.
failure chance requires 10 units of TL5 spare parts, a week’s work,
and a successful Tech/Medical skill check at difficulty 12. Failure Portable Expert System: These small devices require only a trickle
wastes the parts. Vats can hold or grow only one clone at a time. of solar power to function, fueling an integral expert system with
a built-in vocal interface. When activated, the expert system can
Invasive Crosslink: This device was originally intended for a walk a user through basic tasks related to the skill implanted in the
number of decadent indulgences, bypassing the standard Link buf- system. Provided that there’s no time pressure and the user is willing
fers to allow for a direct neural connection between the two users. to take at least ten minutes interacting with the expert system, he
Such intimate mental entanglement allowed for the exchange of can roll the skill as if he had level-0 expertise in it. Portable expert
memories and thought patterns at a level far deeper than standard systems do not exist for physical skills such as Athletics or Stealth.
Vehicle Cost Speed KPH Armor HP Crew Cargo Hardpoints TL
Sailboat 100 -1 20 6 40 15 3,000 2 1
Powerboat 500 0 40 6 40 15 3,000 2 3
Motorcycle 1,000 3 30 4 10 1 40 1 3
Groundcar 5,000 1 20 6 30 5 250 2 3
Hovercycle 5,000 3 40 3 10 1 30 1 4
Gravcar 10,000 2 40 4 25 5 150 2 4
Crawler 7,500 -1 30 8 40 8 2,000 3 3
Battlewagon 15,000 -1 10 10 50 6 250 6 3
Utility Tractor 10,000 -1 10 8 25 1 8,000 2 4
Mandate GFV N/A 3 100 * 50 20 1,000 6 5
* Mandate GFVs cannot normally be damaged by anything that doesn’t require Combat/Gunnery to fire.
Personal vehicles were uncommon in the years before the Scream. overland movement speed modifiers for terrain are applied to this
The Mandate preferred to maintain a tight control on the movements number, though grav vehicles can ignore terrain penalties for any-
of its citizenry, and systems of mass transit and public transporta- thing but heavy forests, jungles, and mountains.
tion were sufficient for almost all ordinary needs. A personal gravcar
was a perquisite belonging to important bureaucrats; ordinary men Armor is subtracted from all weapon damage done to the vehicle.
and women took the levitrain. Armor does not apply to damage done by Gunnery weapons; heavy
weaponry is often designed to take out vehicles. Actually hitting the
In the years since, scrapsmiths and scavengers have reassembled vehicle is automatic if the vehicle is stationary and within 10 meters.
some Old Terran vehicles and jury-rigged modern equivalents. Hitting a vehicle from beyond that range requires an attack against
Both current and Old Terran vehicles are almost always powered AC 9. If the vehicle is moving, subtract its Speed from the hit roll,
by electrical cells; a type B cell will keep a vehicle in operation for and if the attacker is in a moving vehicle as well, also subtract that
six hours. conveyance’s Speed.
Wheeled, tracked and waterborne vehicles operate much as do their Hit Points indicate the amount of damage a vehicle can take before
present-day equivalents. Grav vehicles float a meter off the ground it is destroyed. Speed is reduced by half when the vehicle is at half
and can boost up to twenty meters in altitude for short distances. hit points, and flying vehicles must land at the first opportunity.
They can cross liquids or treacherous terrain without slowing, but Vehicles are subject to the same wear-and-tear experienced by other
rough seas can swamp them. pieces of equipment, and may be at less than Perfect condition as
given in the Systems chapter.
True aircraft are almost unknown. The Bright Mirror orbital defense
array has been twisted to identify airborne vehicles as threats, and A vehicle reduced to zero hit points forces all crew and passengers
long-distance air travel is an invitation to sudden sublimation into to make Luck saving throws. Failure means that the passenger takes
superheated metallic vapor. Living creatures that fly at high alti- the vehicle’s maximum hit points in damage, while success reduces
tudes do not provoke this defense response. Rumors persist of ships the damage by half. Each successful repair check on a vehicle fixes
or aircraft that have been whitelisted by the defense array, however, 2d6 hit points in addition to improving its condition.
and that might allow their possessors to cross whole continents in a
matter of minutes. Crew gives the maximum number of vehicle occupants. For the
listed vehicles, only one crew member is actually necessary to drive
Vehicles are described by certain special statistics. or pilot the vehicle, though additional crew members may be re-
quired to fire.
Speed is an abstract measure of the vehicle’s speed and agility. When
vehicles chase each other, the opposing vehicle’s Speed should be Cargo indicates the vehicle’s general cargo capacity in kilograms.
applied as a penalty to Vehicle skill checks to close or escape. Speed Exact tracking of vehicle loads is rarely worth the time, and most
may also be used as a modifier when attempting difficult maneuvers. GMs should simply use this as a rough figure to decide whether or
not an expedition’s supply list might reasonably fit on their available
KPH lists the average kilometers-per-hour travelled by the vehicle vehicles.
under normal overland conditions. Exceptionally fast vehicles may
be lacking in this if they’re poorly suited to negotiating natural Hardpoints are available mountings for vehicle weapons. One
hazards, while tracked crawlers with low speed on the straightaway weapon can be mounted on each hardpoint, though Gunnery
might plug away reliably through swamp and jungle alike. Normal weapons require two. Every weapon requires its own gunner for
effective use, and all vehicle-mounted weapons use the Combat/ Battlewagons bristle with guns and scrap armor built up around a
Gunnery skill regardless of their normal type. powerful electric motor. Raider bands love them for their firepower,
but the ungainly vehicles are hard to handle, inflicting a -2 penalty
Tech Level indicates the minimum tech level for constructing the on all Vehicle/Land checks when driving them.
vehicle. Vehicles require sixty units of spare parts for construction.
Utility tractors were relatively common in rural areas before the
Vehicle Types Scream, with the Mandate emphasis on “natural cultural patterns
Motorcycles and grav-based hovercycles are two different tech of agriculture” to complement the vast robotic factory farms that
variants of the same general idea. Raider scouts and enclave patrols produced the bulk of Old Terra’s food supply. These small tractors
particularly appreciate their speed. are sluggish but have numerous uses. They have integral agricultural
attachments, a collapsible crane that can raise a metric ton up to
Groundcars are usually of modern construction, scrap-built ja- thirty meters in the air, gravitic stabilizers that keep them planted
lopies of metal struts, scavenged plating, and humming electrical firmly even when operating on treacherous terrain, and a pull weight
motors. Gravcars are usually relics from the distant past, and their of up to eight metric tons. Most enclaves that have functioning util-
owners must constantly struggle with the difficulty of keeping them ity tractors prize them more than they do their own children, but
in good repair. the difficulty of acquiring power cells for it and the expertise and
spare parts required for maintenance make it a difficult machine to
Sailboats and powerboats were both small-craft recreational keep in operation.
vehicles before the Scream, but modern models and fresh necessity
has pressed them into present use. The dangerous mutant water life Mandate GFVs are exceedingly rare, with most gravitic fighting
makes seaward trade lanes just as perilous as drier routes. vehicles long since grounded by nanite damage or component fail-
ure. Those that do still function require costly pretech spare parts
Crawlers represent a family of wheeled or tracked vehicles intended to keep them operational. GFVs have sealed atmospheres that can
for heavy cargo transport across dangerous terrain. They’re slow and be recycled indefinitely while the vehicle is powered. They are fully
clumsy, but their heavy armor and roomy interior make them the submersible down to a depth of one kilometer and can in theory
next best thing to a mobile fortification for their possessors. fly at sub-orbital heights, though doing so runs a 1-in-6 chance of
being erased from the sky by Bright Mirror orbital defense lasers.
This chance is checked once for every 10 minutes of true flight.
Work Animals
Animal Cost HD AC +Hit Dmg Move Morale Cargo
Dog 20 1 6 +2 1d4 30’ 9 0
Pack Pony 30 1 7 +0 1d4 30’ 5 60 kg
Riding Horse 50 2 7 +2 1d6 50’ 6 150 kg
Warhorse 250 4 7 +4 1d8 40’ 9 300 kg
Warbeast 500 4 5 +4 1d8+2 40’ 9 300 kg
In the years after the Scream, riding beasts and pack animals have a random direction until they feel safe; PCs can leap off runaway
come back into wider use. Pure-strain and mutated versions of beasts, making a successful Dex/Athletics or Vehicle/Land check at
horses, oxen, donkeys, and camels can all be found carrying men difficulty 8 to land without injury. Being thrown from a mount or
and their burdens between far-flung enclaves. Still, such luxuries failing a hasty dismount check causes 1d6 damage to the unfortu-
as trained livestock are beyond the reach of many small enclaves, nate rider.
and it can be difficult to find a good riding beast outside of those
settlements gifted with breeding stock. Combat-trained beasts will never panic in combat, and some breeds
might be capable of delivering their own attacks. Such beasts act on
Any breed of livestock tough enough to survive the end of the world their owner’s turn. Ordinary pack animals that have been trained to
is not going to need much attention from its owners. Most riding remain calm in combat can sometimes be acquired by adventurers,
and pack animals can be assumed to get enough daily nourishment though always at prices at least double that of an ordinary specimen.
from a few hours of grazing, and water and fodder that might be
contaminated by human standards will do them no special harm. Characters with at least level-0 training in Vehicle/Land are as-
sumed to ride well enough to fight normally from atop a riding
Most animals are not trained for combat. A successful Charisma/ beast. Those without this training suffer a -2 penalty on all attack
Vehicle/Land skill check against difficulty 8 will keep an untrained rolls and are liable to fall off if the animal panics.
riding animal from panicking during a fight, but it will be unable
to perform any attacks of its own. Panicked animals will flee in
The table above provides a brief summary of the statistics for some the Mandate bureaucracy found to be most “culturally authentic”
of the more common pack and riding animals on the New Earth. for the region. Pack ponies are usually small and nimble enough to
Normal cargo burdens are expressed in kilograms, and are intended anywhere a human can go.
simply to give the GM a rough idea of whether or not the rider’s
anticipated kit is something the beast can plausibly bear. Exact en- Riding horses in the New Earth are far hardier and more intelligent
cumbrance tallies aren’t usually necessary. Most animals will refuse than their ancient ancestors, having been gengineered to lessen
to move if overloaded. many of the more burdensome elements of their keeping. These
animals have difficulty navigating the tight spaces and treacherous
The prices given reflect common barter costs in a settlement that footing that a pony might negotiate, but they can also carry sub-
raises the beasts. Costs outside these favored enclaves can easily be stantially greater weight at a swifter pace. Statistics for a riding horse
four or five times as high. can usually be used for other large pack animals.
Dogs are still man’s best friend in the blasted wastelands of the New Warhorses are uncommon in the New Earth, as trainers must not
Earth. Surviving breeds tend to be big, hardy, and gengineered only find animals that are suitable in size, but also break them of
for intelligence. Those raised within an enclave will easily imprint their gengingeered inclination to docility. The process can be brutal,
upon a master and fight bravely on their behalf, but packs of wild and the animals that survive are often scarred and at least slightly
dogs have often lost all natural obedience and can be yellow-fanged deranged. Other, braver trainers work with mutant strains that have
predators in the wild. Such is the usefulness of a faithful dog that lost all natural pacifism. In both cases the result is a steed that can
they would be much more common among enclaves if they weren’t level vicious kicks at an enemy even as its rider attacks.
comparatively difficult to feed. Unlike herbivorous livestock, gen-
gineered dogs require special feeding. Their owners must provide Warbeasts come in countless shapes and sizes, usually starting with
at least one ration of food every two days or the dog begins to ac- some local herbivore that has experienced heavy mutation from
cumulate Hunger points much as a human does. an inheritable strain of Highshine nanites. Steely-horned battle
oxen, riding lions, war beetles, or destrier lizards are all examples
Pack ponies are derived from one of the numerous strains of pet of the possibilities. Most of them have traits similar enough to
equines popular in the decades before the Scream. These ponies are use this entry, though thick-skinned beasts might have a slightly
a bit more than a meter and a half high at the shoulder and are better armor class, usually at a cost of a somewhat lesser speed. All
bred for durability and a docile temper. Some regions use burros or warbeasts are combat-trained.
gengineered onagers for much the same end, depending on what
Scrapsmiths can sometimes be hired on a short-term basis to repair
gear or build devices out of spare parts provided by their employers. The Chill of Mortality
A simple repair job on a low-tech device might only require a ration
or two in payment, with more sophisticated devices demanding the Some minions can be persuaded to engage in the same kind of
cost of spare parts and substantial labor fees. Most scrapsmiths have high-risk adventures that usually require the daring of a player
access to a workshop with a tech level equal to the enclave’s overall character. Most such minions can be persuaded to do so only
tech level. once.
Healers can be trusted to aid gravely-wounded comrades with their After every adventure in which the minion experiences the kind
stores of medicinal plants, half-functional medical equipment, and of hair-raising danger and brutal mortality common to freeboot-
judicious experience. Healers can make skill checks to assist patients ing adventurers, they must succeed at a Morale check modified
in overcoming diseases and slow toxins, and can function as a by their employer’s Charisma and Leadership skill. If it fails, they
Medkit when attempting to shorten a stabilized character’s recovery will leave the character’s employ- the work just isn’t worth their
time. Healers can tend up to six patients at once. life. They will leave the character’s service at the next reasonable
Porters differ from ordinary servants in that they agree to go out
into the wilderness and dare dangerous wasteland expeditions Skilled leaders can prevent some of this drain. Multiply the
alongside their employer. Each porter has an effective Strength of character’s total Charisma modifier and Leadership skill by two
14 for encumbrance purposes, and they have statistics equivalent to to find the total number of minions they can hold on to from
a tribal warrior as given in the Bestiary chapter. Porters will not ven- adventure to adventure, assuming they are paid appropriately.
ture directly into ruins or other places of great and obvious danger, At the GM’s discretion, trusted friends and minions sealed by
and they won’t serve as mercenaries for their employers. Still, they’ll some special consideration might remain loyal even in the face of
fight to defend themselves and patiently endure all the predictable continuing drastic threats to life and limb.
risks of the wasteland.
enough to earn their daily bread at it. Veterans use the statistics
Experts are gifted in a particular skill, whether it be a trained scout, of Elite Warriors as given in the Bestiary chapter and will fight as
animal drover, trader, or other profession. This skill is not so rare directed by their employer, provided the odds don’t look too grim.
or important as to demand a special premium, but they can still Some of them will even be willing to venture alongside their em-
require better pay than a mere ordinary servant. Experts will not ployers on adventures, albeit most will demand their own share of
normally expose themselves to danger. the proceeds if it exceeds their normal pay.
Warriors are men and women willing to ply their spears for pay. Courtesans are relatively rare outside of the most prosperous en-
Most of them use the statistics of an ordinary tribal warrior, but claves. A pretty girl or likely boy might be blandished with gifts in
unlike porters or common servants they are willing to fight along- a small farming hamlet, and a wretched soul might do all manner
side their employers. Most village guardsmen qualify as warriors, as of things for a mouthful of rice, but only a thriving community has
do many able-bodied farmers and hunters who have given attention enough surplus to support the living luxury of an expert odalisque.
to martial skills. Ordinary warriors are usually quite reluctant to
venture into ruins or other places of great peril, but they can be Dragomen are a type of unofficial fixers, interpreters, and guides
expected to fight bravely in more conventional settings. Warriors common to most enclaves with any significant long-distance trade.
trained in unusual weapons or equipped with firearms will invari- A dragoman is hired to smooth his employer’s path in finding
ably charge at least double the ordinary rate. lodgings, negotiating local customs, and arranging meetings with
important local figures. Strangers without any grasp of a large
Veterans are all hardened warriors, often the elite of their com- enclave’s customs and laws are well-advised to enlist their services to
munity. Any man or woman of the New Earth can be expected to avoid costly and occasionally fatal offenses.
have some competence at self-defense, but these warriors do it well
Land and Real Property
In most regions of the wasteland the only property rights are those Structure Cost
exerted at the tip of a spear. Even in settled enclaves, most real estate
is divided by custom and community consent rather than explicit Wooden Interior, 3x3x3 50
legal agreements. Some enclaves have preserved a more vigorous Scrap Interior, 3x3x3 75
appreciation for formal property rights, however, and these settle-
Stone Interior, 3x3x3 100
ments acknowledge the sale of rights of ownership and use.
Wooden Wall, 3x3x1 10
In most enclaves, the community will be willing to grant any sum
Scrap Wall, 3x3x1 20
of land to a strong owner provided that they can use it and defend
it. Most communities will expect the owner to build some form Stone Wall, 3x3x1 40
of home on the land and work it with an appropriate number
Earthen Tunnel, 3x3x3 10
of servants or family members. Enclaves will not normally grant
exclusive hunting rights or vast pastures to a specific owner, but Stone Tunnel, 3x3x3 50
most settlements allow a person to lay claim to as much farmland as Trench, 3x3x3 10
they can practically work- assuming they’re willing to take the risk
of settling unexploited land near the community. Stone Interior: Built of quarried stone, such a structure can be raised
anywhere that a sufficient supply of stone is to be had. Most TL2
Land prices given below assume that the buyer wants someone communities can quarry stone effectively, and even TL1 enclaves
else’s land, and is paying to persuade them to stake a new claim can manage it at double cost. TL0 groups must pay quadruple to
elsewhere. The fee might also be applicable when the usable land reflect the difficulty of working stone with their crude tools.
nearby is scarce.
Walls are made of their respective materials. These structures are
Raising a building takes time. For every 50 rations in building meant to reflect defensive fortifications, and come equipped with
costs, the structure requires one day to build. For a rush job, the catwalks, machicolations, and a reasonable number of fortified
price can be doubled to complete the work in half the time as ad- gates.
ditional laborers are added. For each day a utility tractor or other
major technological aid is employed, three additional days worth of Tunnels assume stone of ordinary hardness. As with other construc-
building are accomplished. For example, if a house required 60 days tion, TL1 communities pay double to tunnel through stone, and
to build and two utility tractors were available to assist, each day’s TL0 communities pay quadruple cost.
work would count for 7 days of construction.
Trenches may be dug through earth, providing moats or defensive
fortifications. The same price may be used for mounding up earth-
Some players like to map out their new construction in detail.
For the benefit, the following entries are provided to cover basic
structural elements such as walls, flooring, trenches, tunnels, and Complete Buildings
the like. Such structure is sturdy and plain, without furnishings or For those owners who don’t care to specify the details of their new
other adornment unless otherwise provided. Doors, windows, stairs home, or those who wish to buy an existing structure, the follow-
and other basic structural elements may be included for free. ing options cover some of the more common edifices to be found
in the enclaves of the New Earth. All buildings are fashioned of
Wooden Interior: This purchase allows an approximately 3x3x3 scrap if such is available, with poorer constructions built of wood
meter cube worth of wooden-walled interior. Wooden flooring, otherwise, or stone if some important building.
interior walls and ceilings are provided. For larger structures, this
purchase can be made multiple times- for a two-storey building of Huts are one step up from a tent, being one-room dwellings made
9x9x6 dimensions, this structure could be purchased 18 times. Ex- of corrosion-resistant scrap siding, rough timbers, or heaped stones.
terior walls are 0.3 meters thick, and interior walls are 0.15 meters The dangers of the New Earth discourage architectural styles that
thick. These prices can also be used when building adobe structures. can’t stand up to a furious mutant predator attack, and only the
most miserably impoverished enclaves make do with more fragile
Scrap Interior: This structure is built of scavenged rubble and Old construction.
Terran scrap sheeting. While less aesthetically pleasing than a well-
built wooden structure, the Old Terran construction materials are Village Homes are the sort of construction to be found near the
substantially sturdier. The price given assumes that there is a ruin or heart of an enclave. They lack their own courtyard walls or other
other significant source of building materials within six kilometers special fortifications, but most of them are composed of a sturdy,
of the building site. Otherwise, PCs will have to make special efforts three-room lower floor dedicated to work and bulk storage and an
to bring in building materials in order to erect this structure. upper floor given over to sleeping quarters and the household’s most
valuable possessions. Most are built of scrap, or wood if the former
is unavailable.
Building Cost consent, arable land is the most expensive, followed by pasture.
Waste land is useless even for grazing, but buildings can be erected
Hut 100 there if the soil is not actually toxic or radioactive.
Village Home 750
Manor 7,500 Farm Income
The nanite-tainted land and mutated plant life of the New Earth is
Courtyard Home 6,000
not conducive to easy farming or high yields. Most gengingeered
Workshop, TL2 1,000 crop strains were easy prey for the Highshine nanites and modern
Workshop, TL3 4,000 farmers have been thrown back to growing primitive food crops
that were intended more as ornaments or boutique hobby plants
Workshop, TL4 8,000 than actual primary food sources. Such is the limited yield from
Stronghouse 4,000 these plants that many enclaves still find hunting and gathering to
Land, Arable 400 be competitive tactics even with the availability of farming expertise.
Land, Pasture 200 It takes two able adults and their children to work five hectares of
Land, Waste 50 land with TL1 tools, which will usually yield about 400 kilos of
foodstuffs per hectare. Taking spoilage and bad years into account,
Manors reflect some of the finest dwellings in any given village,
most farm families are thus obliged to put everyone to work simply
usually the ancestral home of a long line of successful local grandees.
to avoid starvation. TL2 farming equipment will double the amount
Manors are always at least two storeys in height and have as many
of land the same family can work. TL3 equipment will allow one
as a dozen rooms. The walls are thick, and many of them have
family to work twenty hectares and give each hectare a yield of 500
windowless first floors given over to storage, with defensible steps
kilos a year. More advanced farming equipment exists, but most of
leading up to a second-floor entrance. Construction is of scrap or
it relies on infrastructure that is no longer functional.
stone depending on local resources, but always the finest available.
The yields above are intended simply to give the GM a rough idea
Courtyard homes resemble the siheyuan style of homes traditional
of a farm’s production. Most PCs have no interest in settling down
to China, consisting of several rectangular buildings facing inward
for a life of hard-scrabble dirt farming, but it can be useful to have
on a courtyard, with an outer wall connecting the backs of each
a general idea of the farmland being worked by a particular enclave.
building. This style is popular even in those regions devoid of direct
The produce of a player-owned farm can generally be assumed to
Chinese influence as it provides a defensible compound for a large
be used up in keeping the place operating and its workers well-fed.
extended family. This price is for a typical courtyard home consist-
ing of four buildings facing a central court. The exterior dimensions
are about 30 meters long and 20 wide, while the interior courtyard Breaking Walls and Doors
is 15 meters long and 10 meters wide. Adventurers being who they are, it’s not unusual that they might
wish to blast or smash their way through barriers and walls. The
Workshops are required for a scrapsmith’s art, or the pursuit of table below gives armor and hit point totals that must be overcome
some other sophisticated technical process. TL0 and TL1 crafting to bash down doors or break man-sized holes in walls. The barrier’s
requires no special workshops- a cleared space and a full toolkit armor score is subtracted from any damage done to it by non-
are all that are needed to work on devices of those tech levels. The Gunnery weaponry.
prices listed assume that the enclave actually has a sufficient tech
level to support such a workshop. Those lacking that sophistication Construction Armor HP/meter
can rarely provide the necessary tools and power to keep a more ad- Wood 2 30
vanced shop functioning. Physically, many workshops are attached
to other structures and are little more than large open rooms with Scrap 4 30
sturdy walls and ample equipment. Rubble 2 60
Next, you’ll want to decide how it looks. You can turn to the
Mutation chapter and just roll on the Stigmata table, or on the
individual mutation shape tables. Most aggressive mutants suffer
from a constant low-level torment due to Highshine rejection and
the strain their bodies endure in maintaining their unnatural lives.
Pustules, mange, scarring, discoloration, and ulcers are all common
in such creatures. Some of the most horribly mutated are so badly
mangled by the Highshine that it’s a constant strain on the nanites
simply to keep them alive.
NPC Statistics
For non-player characters and mutant monsters, it’s not necessary
to give them all the statistics and detailed skills appropriate for a
PC. In most cases they won’t play a large enough role in the game
to make it worth the effort, and few situations will arise where
the details of their Strength score or precise Business skill level are
Next, decide what sort of challenge the creature is supposed to pres- all that important. While you can always stat out such men and
ent. Is this enemy going to be a sort of dangerous vermin, feeble but women fully if you expect they might be significant to play, most
numerous? Is it some sort of stalker-beast that springs upon its prey NPCs need only a much smaller, more succinct line of statistics. An
and vanishes before the panicked group can react? Is the creature example creature statline might look like this:
supposed to be a terrifying threat to be avoided and outwitted
whenever possible? Flaysnake: AC 7, Move 20, HD 3, hp 12, Atk +4/1d6 bite+poison,
Skill +2, Save 14+. Poison is Toxicity 8, Virulence 3, Interval 2
This step is important, because the role the creature is to fill will rounds and does 1d6 Constitution point damage per failed save.
determine its basic statistics. To fit the role, choose a matching line
from the table below. Vermin should always retain a very low hit Armor Class is the first entry in the statistics. A completely unar-
die, but other types of creatures might be given more or less based mored or soft-skinned creature has a base AC of 9. Tough-skinned
on your needs. For each hit die added, increase its hit bonus by one, or agile, elusive creatures have lower ACs, as do humans who wear
and for each hit die removed, decrease the bonus by one. Damage armor. Most well-equipped tribal warriors will be wearing AC 6
usually remains the same, though if you drastically increase the hit hide armor, though poorer raiders might have nothing but a few
dice you might bump the die type up- from d8 to d10 or d12, for dirty rags to cover their nakedness.
Move is the creature’s movement rate in meters, with 20 meters
per round being the human average. Be careful when deciding on Using Every Part of the Mutant
a movement rate for mutant animals; if the creature’s too fast, it
might be impossible for a party to break off and flee from a losing It’s likely that the PCs are going to have some interest in butcher-
battle. This might be acceptable for your purposes, but it should be ing certain mutated beasts they might down in the course of their
something you do intentionally. wanderings. This isn’t as simple as it sounds- most mutants and
other large game animals are significantly contaminated by their
Hit Dice are listed next. All hit dice for NPCs and mutant monsters surroundings, and may not be edible.
are 1d8- so at 3 hit dice, the flaysnake rolls 3d8 for hit points. This
slightly greater hit die compensates somewhat for the inability of To butcher an animal requires at least a knife and an Intelligence/
NPCs to roll a steadily-increasing pool of hit dice and take the best Survival skill check if the PC’s concept doesn’t cover the activity.
result, the way that PCs are allowed to advance. Ordinary, unmartial A small beast will yield 1d2 rations, a man-sized one will provide
humans or very weak mutants might have only half a hit die, rolling 1d6, and a cow-sized prey animal will give 1d12. By default, these
only 1d4 for their hit points. are all dirty rations that will add Contamination to the consumer.
More selective butchering can take only the cleanest and least
Hit points list the specific HP rolled for this creature. If there were contaminated parts of the carcass, but will halve the rations
several creatures in this particular encounter, their hit points would obtained. A beast will usually give as many units of TL0 spare
be separated by slashes- “hp 12/6/20/15”, for example. parts as it gives rations.
Attack gives the creature’s total attack bonus and the damage done The rations taken from a prey animal will spoil in three days if not
by a successful attack. In most cases, the attack bonus is equal to the adequately preserved by smoking, drying, or salting. Preserving
creature’s hit dice, though particularly skilled, fast, or powerful op- prey can be done with about eight hours of effort.
ponents might have a higher total. Conversely, those creatures that
are very large but placid or those humans with very poor fighting
The Save entry indicates the creature’s saving throw. Unlike PCs,
skills might have a smaller total bonus. Here, the damage given is a
NPCs simply have a single saving throw number equal to 15, -1 for
bite attack, doing 1d6 hp of injury and forcing the victim to make
each two full hit dice. All saves are rolled against this number.
a Physical Effect or Luck saving throw to avoid the poison. For a
human, the damage might vary based on the weapon they’re using.
After the saving throw, a short note is jotted giving the details of
the creature’s special abilities. When preparing these stat lines for
Some creatures have multiple attacks, either from having amazing
your own game, make sure to write down anything you’ll need to
agility, numerous murderous appendages, or superhuman skill.
reference in the heat of play. Ideally, you want to be able to run
These multiple attacks are all rolled at the same time and may be
combats or interactions with this creature without having to open
split up among multiple targets if physically practical. Different at-
up any rulebook or cross-reference any other document.
tacks may have different attack bonuses, depending on what’s given
in the stat line.
Note that when you’re generating ordinary men and women, it’s
not usually necessary to assign them a class. Most ordinary people
Skill gives a general total bonus to be used on any skill checks
don’t qualify as Scroungers, Slayers, Speakers, or Survivors- they’re
related to something the creature should be good at doing. A
just regular people who might be good at a particular line of work.
flaysnake should be good at sneaking around quietly and noticing
Warriors might have higher attack bonuses than their hit dice sug-
prey, so it would gain +2 on any relevant skill checks. A village
gest, scrapsmiths might be able to use their skill bonus for repairing
scrapsmith with a +1 bonus might get the bonus when repairing a
objects, and so forth. Even a grizzled and experienced war leader
spear. Most NPCs have at most +1 per three hit dice or levels, and
might simply have an extra three or four hit dice and a good attack
often substantially less. Skill bonuses of +4 or more are indicative of
bonus rather than a Slayer’s full panoply of abilities.
remarkable talent at their field of proficiency or keen natural gifts
in mutant animals. Skill checks outside the subject’s expertise are
rolled with a +0 bonus, or even worse if it’s something they ought to
be bad at accomplishing.
Denizens of the Wastes
This roster of mutants, reavers, and robots provides a selection of beastmen are able to live alongside fully-human tribes in a sym-
some of the more common perils of the New Earth’s wastelands. biotic relationship, while others serve either as the savage masters
When you don’t have time to brew up abominations of your own, of human thralls or as sub-human slaves of more technologically-
you can always simply use one of these entities and “reskin” them to advanced enclaves.
appear as a new breed of foe.
Beastfolk PCs
Each creature comes with stat block listing the number usually Some GMs may choose to allow players to play beastfolk characters.
encountered roaming the wastes. When a number is provided in Each entry below covers the abilities granted to such a PC and their
parenthesis, it gives the total creatures usually found in their lair, total cost in mutation picks. Some beastman races give attribute
home village, or nest. Loot types for individuals and groups are ex- modifier bonuses or penalties. These are applied directly to the
plained in the Adventure Creation chapter, in the Rewards section. modifier for an attribute rather than the score- a bullman with a
Strength of 11 would have a total Strength modifier of +1 rather
Not every creature is unalterably hostile. Many intelligent beings than +0. Every beastman PC picks a character class as normal and
are perfectly willing to negotiate with strangers, particularly if they starts with 1 hit die, even if their species usually has more. Natural
are in a position of relative weakness. Reaction rolls are helpful in armor class benefits and natural attacks are also retained. PCs can
determining the attitude of otherwise dubious encounters. roll natural attacks using either Combat/Unarmed or Combat/
Primitive skills, adding their Combat/Unarmed skill to the damage
Beastfolk roll in the former case.
The Highshine nanites ravaged many of the human survivors of
the Scream, scourging their forms and bending them into new
and terrible shapes. Some of these unfortunates were overcome by Antfolk Boarmen
a garbled strain that had originally been intended to preserve the No. Enc. 3d4 (1d20 x 20) 1d4+1 (1d6 x 20)
natural wildlife of Old Terra. Rather than being restored to human Movement 20’ 20’
health, these men and women were hybridized with the genetic
templates carried by the warped nanites. The results were beings Armor Class 7 or by armor 9 or by armor
that were neither wholly bestial nor entirely human. Hit Dice 1 1+1
Attacks +1/bite or weapon +1/gore or weapon
Most of these “beastmen” retained their human intellects, though
Damage 1d4 or weapon 1d6 or weapon
they were powerfully influenced by the feral instincts of their less
human halves. Most varieties bred true among beastmen of their Save 15 15
own kind, with whole breeds of wolfmen, fishmen, and other Morale 8 9
hybrid types springing up in the years after the catastrophe. Their Loot Type P1 (G7) P1 (G7)
feral strength and keen senses adapted them to life in places where
Skill Bonus +1 +1
less gifted humans could not hope to survive. Some of the most
dangerous tribes of the deep wastes are made up of these hybrid
Antfolk: Insectile hybrids with tough chitinous skin, antfolk are
overwhelmingly female in number, quick-breeding, and organized
on the basis of genetic castes. Workers perform labor for the nest,
The beastmen of a given species and region usually share the same
warriors defend it, and the male drones exist to service the queen.
general appearance and mutations, though this varies from place to
Antfolk are tough, profoundly united in their purposes, and capable
place; the wolfmen of central North America have small resemblance
of overcoming most dangers through sheer numbers and relentless
to the dholepeople of South Asia, and the dogfolk of varying lands
ferocity. Instinct often overwhelms their higher reasoning, however,
have their own appearance as well. The degree of mutation can also
and the compulsion to grow the nest, gather resources, and destroy
vary. Some breeds can have such minor alterations as to leave the
threats often outweighs longer-term considerations. If a queen dies,
mutant almost passable, while others involve complete restructur-
unhatched antfolk eggs have a chance of producing one or more
ing of the beastman’s body. Some humans who suffer mutation
princesses, each of whom will form cliques of followers that will
may adopt shapes similar to those of beastmen, but these sports are
eventually battle out to a resolution. A few antfolk find themselves
rarely accepted by their “true born” brethren. Beastmen are rarely
without a nest due to disaster, mischance, or the death of their
cross-fertile with humans. Their offspring are always beastmen of
clique’s princess. These wretched survivors are forced to negotiate a
the same breed, but a human mother will often die from nanite-
world most find to be unbearably lonely.
induced systemic toxicity before the child can be brought to term.
Antfolk have a remarkably acute sense of smell capable of discern-
Most beastman tribes retain large portions of the culture they pos-
ing their surroundings out to 10 meters well enough to fight and
sessed before the Scream, usually filtered through the lens of their
act without penalty. Antfolk can also track other creatures with a
new existence. Sophisticated technology and complex intellectual
Wisdom/Survival check against difficulty 6, +1 for each 12 hours
pursuits often fall away under the primal instincts of their feral
since the trail was laid down. Being an antman or antwoman costs
halves, though tribal social structures can be quite elaborate. Some
1 mutation pick.
Boarmen: Amalgams of wild boar and human, these beastmen scouting abilities. Many such enclaves come to grief when their
are notorious for their aggression and violent nature. Peaceful erstwhile allies turn on them at the first sign of vulnerability.
coexistence is almost impossible with boarmen, as they often take
the smallest slights as mortal insults and are ever quick to resort to Crowmen can fly, but the focus required prevents them from
hostilities. Some boarmen try to rein in their tempers with religious making effective attacks while in the air. They are unable to hover,
or philosophical teachings that focus on self-control and patient and must fly at least half their movement rate each round if they
endurance, but most wild tribes are mere savages. Tribes of boar- are not to fall. Crowmen cannot fly while encumbered or wearing
men will fight each other almost as readily as they fight normal advanced, pressure-sealed armor. Being a crowman costs 2 mutation
humans, but boarmen tend to have better experience at managing picks.
the delicate subtleties of negotiation with their hot-tempered kind.
Boarmen can fight on for one round after being dropped to zero Fishmen Wolfmen
hit points or lower. Reducing them to -10 HP or lower kills them No. Enc. 1d6 (1d20 x 5) 2d4 (2d4 x 10)
instantly. Boarman PCs gain a +1 Constitution modifier benefit
Movement 20’, Swim 30’ 20’
and a -1 Wisdom modifier penalty. Being a boarman costs 1 muta-
tion pick. Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
Hit Dice 1 1
Attacks +1/weapon +1/Bite or weapon
Bullmen Crowmen
Damage Usually 1d6 spear 1d6+2 or weapon
No. Enc. 2d4 (1d8 x 20) 1d10 (2d4 x 10)
Save 15 15
Movement 20’ 20’, Fly 30’
Morale 7 8
Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
Loot Type P1 (G7) P2 (G7)
Hit Dice 2 1
Skill Bonus +1 +1
Attacks +2/gore or weapon +1/weapon
Damage 1d6+2 or weapon Usually 1d6 spear Fishmen: Cold and distant, the fishfolk are keepers of sunken ruins
Save 14 15 and lost aquatic arcologies. They are among the most alien of the
beastfolk, reluctant to communicate with outsiders and reclusive
Morale 8 7
in their large schools. They are known for raiding landward settle-
Loot Type P2 (G7) P2 (G7) ments, harvesting the air-breathers much as men fish the seas. The
Skill Bonus +1 +1 inability to work metal underwater leaves most of their equipment
crude in nature, but some retain forges in air-filled ruins or remote
Bullmen: Most common in agricultural zones and Hindu-populated islands. Those without such advantages often plunder human settle-
regions of Old Terra, bullfolk have a largely peaceful demeanor that ments for their worked goods.
belies their great size and fearsome horns. Some are devout believ-
ers in variant forms of Hinduism and most are strict vegetarians. Fishmen can function normally both in and out of the water, but
Bullfolk communities tend to cluster together in herds led by their require double the normal ration of water if they are to avoid gain-
oldest and wisest members. Bullfolk provoked beyond the limits ing Thirst. They can drink salt water without harm, however, are
of their human patience can fall prey to a blinding rage, however, immune to normal ranges of cold and underwater pressure, and can
and massive bulk of their warriors is a fearsome spectacle on the sense their surroundings up to 10 meters away when underwater
battlefield. Even the cows among them usually stand at two meters even if deprived of light. Being a fishman costs 1 mutation pick.
in height, and the bulls are usually 30 or 40 centimeters taller still.
Wolfmen: Lean and sharp-toothed mutants, wolfmen tend to form
Bullmen have a natural Gore attack doing 1d6+2 damage, given small, highly-disciplined tribes. Instincts of submission and domi-
their size and strength. Bullmen PCs gain a +1 bonus to their nance are hardwired into their psychology, and they will usually
Strength and Constitution modifiers and a -1 penalty to their follow their alpha male chieftain in a rigid hierarchy of obedience
Dexterity modifier. Being a bullman costs 2 mutation picks. until he is successfully challenged by a subordinate. Multiple tribes
sometimes form into loose confederations, but these alliances in-
Crowmen: Cruel scavengers and looters, the crowfolk tend to variably splinter as soon as their charismatic leader falls.
be pale-skinned and mantled in black feathers. Some have wings
tipped in human hands, while others sprout black pinions from Most wolfmen have a natural Bite attack doing 1d6+2 damage and
their backs. They squabble and fight among themselves on a regular an instinctive talent for teamwork in combat, gaining a +2 bonus
basis, but all unite in regular plundering raids against other commu- to hit in melee when fighting the same target as another wolfman.
nities, both for food and the bright ornaments that these beastmen Being a wolfman costs 1 mutation pick.
love so well. Crowmen are treacherous by habit, but some human
tribes engage in wary alliances with them for their air support and
Black Dust Cultists of the Crazed
This nanite contamination is not so much a creature as it is an en-
vironmental hazard. The term “Black Dust” is reserved for ambient Cult Warrior Adept
nanites that have been subverted to toxic, mutagenic, or corrosive No. Enc. 2d4 (1d10 x 5) 1d6 (3d6)
purposes by the Crazed or by the natural decay of their controls. In Movement 20’ 20’
its worst manifestations, it takes the form of a cloud of churning
darkness, while lighter infestations are a shadow in the air. Victims Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
caught within a cloud of Black Dust usually must save versus Tech Hit Dice 1 5
each round or suffer 1d10 damage. Other clouds might force ra- Attacks +1/weapon +6/weapon
diation saves once per round, or Tech saves to resist mutation, or
Damage By weapon By weapon
even worse scourges inflicted on the unlucky victims. Sealed suits
will hold off Black Dust for 1d6 minutes before they are breached, Save 15 13
losing one level of durability in the process. Morale 10 11
Loot Type P2 (G5) P5 (G19)
Blinder Bird Skill Bonus +1 +3
No. Enc. 1d8 (3d10)
These desperate devotees of the mad arch-psions are a regular
Movement Fly 30’ scourge on the wastelands. The Crazed and their devotees offer aid
Armor Class 6 and protection that can serve to seduce a desperate community to
Hit Dice 1-1 their service. Once the pact is sealed and the community has ac-
cepted its new lords, the terms often change for the worse. By then,
Attacks +1/Claw or Bite
it’s too late to back away; even if the adepts would let the wretched
Damage 1d4 cultists depart, their horrified neighbors would never allow them to
Save 15 live. Veneration of the Crazed is a crime on par with cannibalism or
Morale 7 the embrace of psychic powers.
Loot Type None
There are five great arch-psions, four of which have visible and
Skill Bonus +2 active believers. The fifth is also thought to have minions, but his
agents are said to infiltrate unknowing enclaves and seek out only
Given the blinder bird’s silent approach, it might be a Highshined their hidden psychic members for corruption. Organization among
owl variant, though the toothed beak suggests some cross- all the cults is invariably loose and ad-hoc; many cells have only
scrambling with the Old Terran archaeopteryx. These vicious aerial tenuous connections to the Crazed themselves, as some of the arch-
predators subsist chiefly on carrion and small animals, but they psions are scarcely capable of noticing their efforts, let alone aiding
have a particular craving for human blood. They shadow small them.
groups of humans and dive to slash at exposed heads and faces with
nanite-hardened talons. Long blackened tongues lick the blood and The Defiler, She Who Remains is Fujiko Nakagawa, an arch-psion
aqueous vitae from their claws in between their swooping dives. versed in biopsionics and precognition. Her Floating World roams
the skies of the New Earth, its construction of living worshipers
Blinder birds are silent in flight and skilled at ambush. The char- hideously twisted to their new role. The Bright Mirror system
acter with the best Wisdom/Perception total in a group must beat ignores such organic fliers, and her winged messengers bring the
the bird’s skill check in an opposed test, or else the group will be words of the Arbiters of Change to the desperate. Full details of her
surprised by the attack. cult are provided in the Codex of the New Earth: The Cult of the
Still Lady, currently available as a free PDF.
The Bender, She Who Ruins is Letitia Somoza, once Old Terra’s
finest nanocoder, blending her telekinetic mastery of microscale
nanomanipulations with a precognitive intuition as to the correct
path her code should take. Her madness is a conviction that the
Maestros and all AI tech are responsible for the Scream. She burnt
down half the world in trying to destroy them, corrupting High- Ghoul Bear
shine, freezing the Bright Mirror defensive system, and relentlessly No. Enc. 1 (1d4)
hunting the surviving Maestros. Her Luddite bands of worshipers Movement 20’
use tech only to destroy it in the hands of others, and slaughter all
Armor Class 5
who expose themselves as “agents of the godminds”.
Hit Dice 4
The Saltatrix, She Who Dances is Leelavathi Chandrasekhar, Attacks 2 Claws at +6
whose broken mind conflates the right steps of reason with the Damage 1d8/1d8
correct path of motion. To the Dancer, dance is not simply an act of
Save 13
beauty, but an epistle of objective truth and meaning- one expressed
by her mastery of teleportation and precognition. Her followers are Morale 9
led to caches of supplies and vulnerable enclave prey, but they must Loot Type None (G1)
never stop moving for long. They rove like locust bands across the Skill Bonus +2
wasteland, devouring all in their paths.
The loathsome ghoul bear is a creature resembling a large North
The Wraith, He Who Sees is Solomon Nkwame, the greatest psy- American black bear with a head like that of a human man or
chic criminal of the Second Wave. A master of metapsionics and woman. They have an almost human degree of intelligence, though
precognition, it was blind luck that led to his capture and contain- they speak only to perfectly mimic the sounds of their former
ment within a kilometer-thick shell of psi-damping shielding, the victims. Ghoul bears love carrion and rotted things, but gladly hunt
better to allow for his study and eventual execution. Some say that fresher meat when it is available. They are notorious for prowling
the shielding preserved his mind from the Scream- others that it around the edges of weakened enclaves, crying out for help in the
merely left him more coherent in his megalomania. He is said to voices of dead men and women.
duel the other Crazed for eventual dominion over the New Earth,
and his agents seek out likely psychics to train them in his cause. The mimicry of the ghoul bear is laced with powerful Highshine-
A few even insist that his goals are benevolent, and that he seeks to augmented subsonics, and provokes a lassitude and dazed torpor in
protect the world from his mad brethren. its victims. Every creature within ten meters of the ghoul bear must
save versus Mental Effect when it speaks or else they are treated as
Flaysnake Dazed for their next round of action. Ghoul bears are immune to
these effects, as are the deaf.
No. Enc. 1 (1d4)
Movement 20’
Armor Class 7
Hit Dice 3
Attacks +4/Bite
Damage 1d6 + poison
Save 14
Morale 8
Loot Type None (G1)
Skill Bonus +2
The giant serpent hunts down small mammals or lone travelers as its
usual meals. Its fangs contain a potent poison- Toxicity 8, Interval
2 rounds, Virulence 3. For each failed saving throw, a man-sized
victim suffers 1d6 damage to their Constitution. A victim reduced
to 0 Constitution dies, and lost points are recovered at the rate of
1d4 per day of rest.
No. Enc. 2d4 (2d12)
Movement 30’
Armor Class 7
Hit Dice 1 or 3 for a pack alpha
Attacks +3/Bite, +5/Bite for pack alphas
Damage 1d6
Save 15
Morale 8
Loot Type None
Skill Bonus +1
Glow turtles are exceedingly bad-tempered and will usually attack The grinder worm is a massively overgrown earthworm equipped
any creature of human size or smaller. While incapable of chasing with a caustic, ring-toothed maw, the creature stretching three
prey over long distances, they can move with surprising speed meters long and thick as a human thigh. It burrows through earth
in combat. They remain solitary outside of their yearly breeding and rubble with remarkable alacrity, and can sense creatures within
season. 20 meters by the vibration of their movement. The grinder worm
prefers to burrow up beneath its unsuspecting prey and burst from
beneath the flooring or ground to attack from surprise.
If the battle goes against a grinder worm, it’s likely to retreat back
into its hole, as it can crawl backward just as quickly as it can ad-
vance. Rumors persist of truly massive grinder worms capable of
coring man-high tunnels through solid rock.
Gut weasels are blindingly fast. When determining initiative for a
Gut Weasel combat round, they automatically receive an initiative value of 10.
No. Enc. 1 (2) Most gut weasels are found alone, but occasionally a nesting pair
Movement 40’ can wreak havoc on an unwary expedition.
Armor Class 5
Hit Dice 3 Heritor Bug
Attacks Two claw attacks at +6 each No. Enc. 3d6 (1d20 x 20)
Damage 1d6/1d6 Movement 15’
Save 14 Armor Class 7
Morale 9 Hit Dice 1 HP
Loot Type None (G1) Attacks +1/Bite
Skill Bonus +1 Damage 1d4
Save 15
Anatomical examination suggests that gut weasels are a Highshined Morale 10
variant of the wolverine, albeit one capable of living in almost any
terrestrial climate. Individual gut weasels rarely weigh more than Loot Type None (G1)
five or six kilograms, but their ferocity, speed, and diamond-hard Skill Bonus +1
claws make them a substantial threat to far larger creatures. The
Highshine strain’s alterations leave gut weasels deficient in a Vicious, mutated cockroaches as long as a man’s forearm, heritor
number of important nutrients that are most often found in the bugs are a common and dangerous vermin in the ruins of Old Terran
organ tissues of large mammals. As a consequence, gut weasels are cities and Mandate bases. They thrive in radioactive areas and can
known for disemboweling victims with their claws, often burrowing survive on vanishingly small amounts of organic sustenance. Any
completely into the bellies of cattle and other large creatures before serious blow with a weapon will kill a heritor bug, but they attack in
the wretched victim can react. savage swarms that can strip the flesh from a man in minutes. Their
razor-sharp mandibles are small, but they exude an acidic spittle
that often leaves gruesome scars on those creatures that survive their
Enclave Dweller Raider
frenzied hunger. No. Enc. 3d4 (2d20 x 50) 2d4 (1d20 x 10)
Movement 20’ 20’
Humans Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
As dangerous as the beasts of the wastelands can be, few can match Hit Dice 1 1
humanity’s aptitude for murderous violence. Even the most peace-
Attacks +1/weapon +1/weapon
ful enclave can erupt in bloodied spears and gunsmoke with a
sufficiently vicious quarrel, and raider clans pick out their meager Damage By weapon By weapon
livings from the bones of fellow humanity. Everything that a person Save 15 15
has, another person is ready to take. Morale 7 8
Loot Type P2 (G8) P2 (G8)
The people of the New Earth are tough, canny, and ready to do what
they must to survive. Only the richest and most sheltered enclaves Skill Bonus +1 +1
can afford to entertain softer sentiments, and those tribes that were
unwilling to compromise with necessity are no more than legends Enclave Dweller: These people cling to something more than
now. An ordinary tribesman can be expected to know the use of simple tribal affiliations, and often look down on their more “primi-
spear and knife, and few are strangers to killing. Some communities tive” brethren- even if they rarely have a technological base much
strive to keep the chaos and bloodshed of the wastes safely beyond more advanced. Most enclaves are built around particular religions,
their borders, but even in the most orderly societies the specter of a cultures, or historical bonds rather than the simple blood ties of
bloody future lingers as a constant threat. a tribe, and their members jealously guard their customs against
the encroachments of the wild. Enclaves are often comparatively
wealthy communities, and have more in the way of “civilization”;
Cultist Elite Warrior this softness leaves their men and women less talented at violence
No. Enc. 2d4 (2d20) 1d4+1 than their tribal kindred. On the other hand, their warriors and
guards have the luxury of specialization, and are often equipped
Movement 20’ 20’ with scrap-built gunpowder weaponry.
Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
Hit Dice 1 2 Raider: Loners don’t last long in the wastes, and raiders are almost
invariably found in groups. Small bands are usually the remnants
Attacks +1/weapon +3/weapon
of unsuccessful clans, disgruntled deserters, or scouting parties sent
Damage By weapon By weapon out by larger groups, while a full clan might include a hundred
Save 15 14 or more warriors. Raider bands can’t survive without a constant
Morale 10 9 migration in search of fresh prey, and groups are constantly entering
or leaving a region in search of suitable targets. The rank and file
Loot Type P1 (G6) P3
are rarely any better-equipped than an ordinary tribesman, but the
Skill Bonus +1 +1 leader and his lieutenants often have access to the best weaponry the
band has available.
Cultists: Some men and women are fired by a wild zeal for their
cause, either as servitors of the dread cults of the Crazed or as
devotees of more conventional faiths. These fanatics rarely live long Trader Tribal
enough to improve their equippage beyond that of an ordinary No. Enc. 1d6 1d8 (2d20 x 50)
tribal, but their ferocious enthusiasm for their cause makes them
very hard to break on the battlefield. Most wastelanders hate deal- Movement 20’ 20’
ing with such bloodthirsty zealots, as even when outnumbered most Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
will fight to the last man. Hit Dice 3 1
Attacks +3/weapon +1/weapon
Elite Warriors: Every enclave has some who excel at the red arts of
violence, men and women who have a positive knack for murder. Damage By weapon By weapon
These elite warriors often form the bodyguard of the enclave’s Save 14 15
leader, or are charged with those missions too dangerous for ordi- Morale 9 8
nary combatants. Most will be armed as well as their enclave is able,
Loot Type P5 P2 (G7)
with projectile and energy weapons not uncommon to the wealthier
groups. As a rule of thumb, for every twenty ordinary warriors in an Skill Bonus +2 +1
enclave one of them will qualify for the elite.
Traders: Not many people make a living through trade in the New
Earth. Few enclaves produce much in the way of surplus goods,
and the dangers of travel often make a mercantile career both short
and terminally exciting. Still, some men and women are tough and
Wanderer Warlord
No. Enc. 1d6+2 1
Movement 20’ 20’
Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor
Hit Dice Special 7
Attacks Special +7/weapon
Damage Special By weapon
Save Special 12
Morale 9 11
Loot Type P5 P10
Skill Bonus +1 +3
lives without using their cursed graces. Others are more reckless- or
Manscorpion more desperate.
No. Enc. 1 (2d6)
Movement 20’, Climb 20’ These feral psychics are usually killed or driven away by their com-
munity when they’re not hidden by family. Those that live often
Armor Class 5
become madmen and ravers in the wilderness, dangerous lunatics
Hit Dice 3 with an unquenchable hatred for their fellow humans. Others
Attacks 2 pincers and a sting at +5 each have lunacies more compatible with leadership, and accrue bands
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6 + poison of desperate reavers willing to follow one of their dreaded kind in
exchange for the benefits of their powers. The satisfaction of their
Save 13
delusions and horrific urges is simply a price for their followers to
Morale 9 pay.
Loot Type None (G1)
Skill Bonus +3 A few psychics are found and enlisted by the cults of the Crazed,
the handful of arch-psychics that survived the Scream with their
Solitary hunters, the manscorpions stand almost three meters tall, a minds in tatters. These inhuman intellects are capable of training
four-legged abdomen tapering into a vicious sting and a humanoid their servants to use psychic powers without inevitable mental
torso armed with two bone-cleaving pincers. The creature’s head is destruction, and their hierarchs and senior clergy also know such
more insectile than human, and it makes only chittering noises to secrets. Psychics trained by the cults lack the endless wells of psychic
its own kind. energy possessed by the ferals, but they can act without the cumber
of madness to their plans. Some have second thoughts about falling
Manscorpion toxin is paralytic in nature, with a Toxicity of 10, in with the Crazed and arrange to escape their reach. Those who
Interval of 1 round, and Virulence of 1. For each failed save the would live never stop running.
victim loses 1d10 points of Dexterity. At Dexterity 0, they are im-
mobile and helpless. If they survive, lost points return at the rate of Rumors persist of a lineage of psychic mentors unaffiliated with the
1d4 per day of rest. cults, a tradition of teachers who can train a psychic mind without
the awful prices that the Crazed demand. Some among the learned
Manscorpions prefer to nest in ruins, taking advantage of their hard- suspect that even if these trainers exist, they can hardly be working
ened climbing claws to ascend above the notice of ground-walking out of a spirit of benevolent charity.
prey. They lack human intelligence but are notoriously stealthy
hunters. Small groups are attacked by solitary manscorpions, but Psychic Powers
larger bands might draw out an entire nest to ambush them. Psychic abilities manifest in numerous ways, particularly under the
warping influence of the Crazed. The six traditional disciplines are
Biopsionics, Metapsionics, Precognition, Telekinesis, Telepathy,
Psychics and Teleportation. Psychics tend to focus on two or three of those
Minor Psychic Adept Psychic spheres, and have little or no ability outside their specialties. Full
details of each discipline can be found in the Stars Without Number
No. Enc. 1 1
core book, presently available as a free PDF.
Movement 20’ 20’
Armor Class 9 or by armor 9 or by armor If you don’t have access to that book, you can simply take appropri-
Hit Dice 3 8 ate mutations from the second chapter of this book and reskin them
as psychic abilities, or give a psychic a selection of powers that seem
Attacks +2/weapon +6/weapon appropriate to their specializations. Feral psychics can use their
Damage By weapon By weapon powers freely and constantly, while those that have received training
Save 14 11 in controlling the dangerous energies are limited in the amount of
power they can draw without risking permanent brain damage, and
Morale 9 9
can usually use their powers a total of twice a day for every hit die
Loot Type P5 P8 they possess.
Skill Bonus +2 +3
For your convenience, the following are a selection of abilities that
Ever since the Scream wiped out the psychic mentors of Old Terra, might go well with a psychic. They may possess more, but two or
those luckless men and women born with Metadimensional Extro- three of the following are usually all that are worth recording for any
version Syndrome have been unable to acquire the training they need particular subject. The powers are arranged weakest to strongest,
to preserve their sanity. With each exertion of their native powers, with novices usually picking from the first two and adepts picking
the fires of metadimensional force burn a fresh road through their from all of them.
neural tissue. Death or violent madness is the inescapable outcome
for such feral psychics, and their only hope is in a strict refusal to Biopsionics: Revive a mortally-wounded subject with 1 hit point.
use their abilities. Many secret psychics manage to go their entire Heal 1d6+1 damage to themselves or a touched target. Boost their
strength and agility to gain +1 to hit and damage and a -1 AC bonus
for five minutes. Alter their physical appearance for a day to appear answers to complex questions, with a save versus Mental Effect to
as another person of their general size and dimensions. Target a resist.
living creature to liquefy them for 6d6 points of damage, with a
Mental Effect save at a -2 penalty to take only half damage. This Teleportation: At the weakest level, the psychic can teleport himself
liquefaction can affect a given creature only once per day. and his clothing up to 10 meters. More powerful psychics can move
a half-dozen people and their gear up to a kilometer, while the most
Metapsionics: Sense whether or not a target has psychic powers. powerful can lift several metric tons into orbit with them. Teleport-
Gain +2 to all saving throws versus psychic powers. Force a psychic ers must either be able to see their destination or have physically
to save versus Mental Effect or take 1d6+1 damage every time they visited it before.
use their powers for five minutes. Gain a free reroll on a save versus
a psychic power. Force a target to save versus Mental Effect each
round to use any psychic powers at all, with the effect lasting five Redhorn
minutes. No. Enc. 1d4 (2d6)
Movement 30’
Precognition: Gain immunity to surprise. Get an intuition about
Armor Class 6
whether an action will result in immediate harm or distress. For five
minutes, force a target to roll twice on any skill checks or attack rolls Hit Dice 3
and take the worse result, with a save versus Mental Effect to resist it Attacks Two claws, one bite, one gore, all at +3
on any given round. Gain a vision of the next major personal event Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d8
likely to happen to them. Once per day, miraculously survive an
Save 14
attack or injury that should have killed them.
Morale 8
Telekinesis: Manipulate an object within sight as if with one hand. Loot Type None
Manipulate an object within sight as if using both hands and 18 Skill Bonus +1
Strength. Blast an immobile object for 4d8 damage. Fly by tele-
kinetic force for five minutes. Force any enemy within 20 meters The first wave of Highshine mutation retained a portion of its
to save versus Mental Effect or else be physically paralyzed for the original purpose as a tool of ecological stabilization. Under the right
round. circumstances,the nanites could even alter the instincts and diges-
tive systems of natural wildlife to subsist on those foodstuffs most
Telepathy: Sense a target’s emotions. Read a target’s surface available in the wake of a planetary disaster. The Crazed warped this
thoughts, with a Mental Effect save to resist. Probe a target’s recent technology, and the Redhorns are simply one example of its effect
memories, with a Mental Effect save to resist. Strike a victim’s mind upon the hapless fauna of the New Earth.
to inflict 6d4 damage and stun them for 1d4 rounds- a Mental
Effect save resists this ability, and the power can be used on a given Redhorns are thin, lank, vicious bovines with fanged maws and
target only once per day. Read a victim’s deep memories and get full clawed hooves. They have a voracious appetite for flesh, and will
attack most creatures of human size or smaller without hesitation.
Lone redhorns are sometimes encountered, as are small packs, but
the most dangerous breeds hide in the midst of ordinary cattle
herds. These redhorns seem to possess a dim, almost-human intel-
ligence, and herd their unchanged brethren much as humans do.
They conceal their fangs, and their clawed hooves are difficult to
spot until it’s too late to flee their horns. The larger the herd, the
more such redhorns are to be found in it. Some frantic wastelanders
tell tales of entire stampedes of these predators running rampant
through remote human enclaves.
In the days before the Scream much of the most tedious, repetitious
labor was conducted by purpose-built robots, laboring out of sight
of the bulk of humanity. While men and women busied themselves
with creative or artisanal work, the tireless legions of iron labored at
the unseen efforts that kept Old Terra prosperous. The vast majority
of these bots were either drone bodies operated by an installation’s
AI, or else they were hulls equipped with onboard expert systems
that roughly simulated intelligence in the robot’s appointed sphere.
Few robots were actually independently intelligent. Such intellect
required the insertion of an AI core, and even the simplest AI could
cost hundreds of millions of credits to develop. It was much more
efficient to hook such cores up to a full-fledged installation, where points. Field maintenance can only be performed once in between
support hardware and additional computing modules could allow full cycles. A bot reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed and fit only for
the AI to operate dozens or even hundreds of robot bodies at once. scrap. A man-sized bot can be salvaged for 1d6 units of TL4 spare
parts, or 2d6 units of TL5 in the case of warbots.
As the Terran Mandate’s authoritarianism turned to into soft and
implacable tyranny, more and more robots were designed for “inter- As designed and pattern-built entities, bots do not roll their hit
nal security”. These “monitors” were usually used as remote drones points. They receive a certain number of hit points based on their
for Mandate officials, or expert-system guardians of restricted areas hull type, and this total does not vary. Heavy-duty or unusually
and Mandate personnel. Some of these bots have since fallen into advanced bot models might have more hit points than the standard
disrepair, but most Mandate bunkers and bases have at least a skel- versions. Bots mounted into vehicle hulls have the HP, armor class,
eton crew of operational robotic guardians working off of ancient and damage resistance of the vehicle.
expert-system templates. By the time security bots became common,
most of the Mandate’s bureaucracy had too much mistrust of the
Maestros to risk putting combat-capable bots under AI control. Companion Bot Security Bot
No. Enc. 1 (1d6) 1 (2d4)
The Mandate was always somewhat paranoid about subversion,
Movement 20’ 20’
and taking control of these bots is difficult. Simply possessing a
keycard or other insignia of rank is insufficient- the bots expect Armor Class 7 or by armor 4 or by armor
their commanding officer to have a Link implant and the correct Hit Dice 8 HP 12 HP
cryptographic files to confirm his or her authority. Without such Attacks +1/Weapon Stunner or weapon +4
irrefutable proof, most guardbots and other security hardware will
ignore any attempt to subvert their mission. A skilled scavenger can Damage By weapon 1d8 stunner or weapon
sometimes reprogram a bot’s expert system to recognize him as its Save 14 13
authorized controller, but such mastery tends to be tenuous and Morale 12 12
temporary at best unless the scrounger can dig up the necessary
Loot Type None None
master codes from the installation.
Skill Bonus +2 +1
Expert-system bots are quite capable within their specific sphere
of duty, but have only rudimentary skills for negotiating other Companion Bot: Officially, these bots were intended as mobile
challenges. A medbot can perform almost any necessary medical administrative assistants for important Mandate bureaucrats and
procedures, and can even adapt to the oddities of mutated physiol- their favored civilian subordinates. In practice, they served in all
ogy- but in a combat situation, the bot will do little but crouch and the ways one might expect of a robot indistinguishable from a
avoid damage as best it can. A security bot can negotiate physical well-formed human being. Only physical injury or invasive medi-
obstacles, identify battlefield dangers, and use solid small-group tac- cal examination will reveal the synthetic nature of these bots, and
tics, but it has very little ability to discern between noncombatants they are even capable of limited self-repair to their epidermis and
who happen to have a weapon and guerilla soldiers. If an expert- structural members. The bot will heal 1 hit point worth of damage
system bot is faced with a problem outside its sphere of competence, every five minutes, but won’t heal damage above half its maximum
roll 2d6 and add its skill bonus. On an 8+, the bot makes a sensible hit points- at that level, its exterior is flawless, but significant strain
decision. On a 7-, it does something inappropriate but in line with and structural damage may remain beneath. Thus, a companion
its basic role. bot with 8 hit points reduced to 2 by a spear thrust will heal until it
reaches 4 hit points. A bot reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed, and
Bots require a power source. AI cores emit enough energy to fuel cannot regenerate.
any bot hull, but expert systems or drones require power cells or an
installation’s broadcast power. Human-sized or smaller bots that use Companion bot expert systems are usually programmed to be polite,
cells consume a type A cell for each day of operation, while larger genteel, and attentive to others, and can easily track social appoint-
bots and those installed into vehicle bodies require a type B cell for ments, perform errands, and make convincing light conversation.
each day’s use. They are almost invariably strikingly beautiful or handsome, but
most are colored or designed in ways that make clear their synthetic
Damaged bots require repair. All bots are programmed with main- nature. In the latter days of the New Earth, however, most of these
tenance and self-repair routines that allow them to fix themselves, markings can be easily mistaken for mutation stigmata. Companion
provided sufficient spare parts and tools are available. For every 8 bots were particularly prone to drastic reprogramming during the
hit points worth of repair, one unit of spare parts of the appropri- waning days of Old Terra, and it’s not unknown to come across
ate tech level is required. Most bots require TL4 spare parts unless models that have been quietly repurposed as assassination tools,
noted otherwise. A human can perform the repairs instead, if they engines of spectacular decadence, or as robotic ghosts of long-dead
have the correct expertise and at least level-1 competence in either loved ones.
Tech/Postech or Tech/Pretech. A full maintenance cycle takes 24
hours divided by the tech’s skill rating and can fix all damage with Security Bot: These bots are generally humanoid in shape, though
the requisite supply of spare parts. Field maintenance takes only obviously artificial in nature. Early-model guardbots were usually
10 minutes but can only heal up to half the bot’s maximum hit fashioned in smooth, bland outlines emblazoned with blue Man-
date insignia. Bots built during the more decadent later years of the malcontents. Others stand vigil in ruined rebel bases, waiting pa-
Directorate are more menacing in appearance, with dark navy-blue tiently to be relieved by superiors who died centuries ago. Warbots
hulls and sharp, bladed cooling flanges common on the designs. All are quite intelligent about navigating physical obstacles and killing
security bots are equipped to use any standard weapon, and come intruders, but have little competence or capability with other activi-
equipped with integral stunners that can shock and subdue targets ties. Many don’t even attempt to communicate with those lacking
they touch. Damage inflicted by these stunners can reduce a target Link-transmitted Mandate credentials. Warbots require TL5 spare
to zero hit points, but they’ll awaken ten minutes later with one parts for repair.
hit point. Bots from a more decadent period or highly restricted
installation might use laser rifles instead. Workbot: The carefully-calibrated effort at “social harmony” that
animated the Mandate kept robotic workers largely out of sight and
Most security bots are programmed to repel intruders, initially de- usually employed only at the most dangerous, tedious, or dirty jobs.
manding their departure before using physical force. Most security The Maestros and their precognomists deployed human labor in
bots will take steps to avoid inflicting lethal injury unless they’ve other ways, leaving these humanoid hulls to toil silently in great
been programmed otherwise. Security bots that succeed in subdu- manufactories or factory farms. In some societies, a few workbots
ing a group will either deposit them outside the restricted area or were designed for specific functional tasks, such as medical care,
lock them up in temporary holding cells- which are apt to turn very teaching, or valet services.
permanent in the absence of any legal authority coming to collect
them. Workbots rarely interfere with human interlopers, though they will
summon security bots to deal with any unauthorized intruders.
Warbot Workbot
Particularly mutated PC specimens might be treated as dangerous
No. Enc. 1 1d4 (3d6) animals or even livestock. As they are relatively harmless bots, the
Movement 30’, Flight 30’ 20’ Mandate took less care than usual to prevent their electronic subver-
Armor Class 0 4 sion, and some scroungers in this later age have been able to crack
their encryption protocols and reprogram them for more violent
Hit Dice 60 HP 16 HP
work. Most workbots are humanoid in shape, but others have been
Attacks +12/+12 weapons +2/Weapon installed into production equipment or work vehicles.
Damage 1d8+4 monoblade By weapon
1d10+2 laser rifle Building Robots
Save 10 13 Some ambitious scroungers might take it into their heads to build
robots. Doing so requires at least a TL4 workshop, or TL5 for
Morale 12 12
warbots, and 60 units of spare parts. Creation is according to the
Loot Type None None usual rules for building relics, but the extreme complexity of bot
Skill Bonus +4 +2 creation adds +1 difficulty, or +2 if a warbot is being built, and the
construction requires two weeks.
Warbot: Where security bots were intended to maintain order and
guard restricted areas, warbots were outright engines of destruction. The scrounger must also program an effective expert system using
Their presence on Old Terra was rare during the early years of the their Int/Computer skill total. The GM keeps the difficulty secret-
Mandate, with most being shipped offworld for use on the frontier. it’s 7, plus 1d4 for every +1 skill bonus the scrounger wants for
As the Mandate slowly decayed and internal resistance grew, more the expert system. A scrounger attempting to build a superb expert
and more warbots were deployed directly to Earth. Their employ- system might well accidentally push the difficulty so high that even
ment was hidden from the public, the Net censored of any mention their class ability isn’t enough to succeed on the skill check, which
of their use and the rebel bases and insurgent zones they cleared takes one month per +1 bonus.
simply did not exist outside of whispered words traded among the
citizenry. If the skill check is failed, the expert system is faulty. Every time the
bot is placed in a confusing situation, the GM rolls 1d6; on a 3-, it
Warbots are brutal machines, usually man-sized and vaguely makes the worst possible decision under the circumstances and goes
humanoid so as to make use of standard military equipment. All berserk for ten minutes before returning to control. On a 4+, it may
are equipped with integral close-combat weaponry and hull blades, make a normal check to determine its response.
along with built-in laser weaponry equivalent to a laser rifle with
inexhaustible ammunition. Some of the most advanced varieties Expert systems may be erased or changed with one hour’s work on
have integral shear rifles instead, and assault bots that support an obedient robot. An expert system can be copied freely between
gunnery-class weaponry for cracking rebel fortifications aren’t hulls of the same type, but most Mandate-era systems are too
unknown. Warbots may make two attacks per round in whatever specific and crusted with irrelevant cruft to be useful to modern
combination of weapons they wish. bot-crafters.
Warbots are found most often in classified Mandate bases that were
once engaged in dubious research or the containment of dangerous
Skewmen keep to their own kind, and while they can interbreed
Skewman with unchanged humans, the offspring is always a skewman. Most
No. Enc. 2d6 (2d20 x 20) skewman tribes hate the “upright”, and blame them for their
Movement 15’ twisted condition, crediting their evil ways with bringing the curse
down upon the innocent ancestors of the skewmen. Their peculiar
Armor Class 8 or by armor
body geometry makes it difficult for them to use weapons more
Hit Dice 1 sophisticated than clubs, though many carry specially-shaped
Attacks +1/weapon throwing sticks for hunting purposes. These count as clubs with a
Damage By weapon spear’s throwing range.
Save 15
Some skewman tribes make a point of enslaving the “upright”,
Morale 8 sometimes committing gruesome surgical atrocities on these
Loot Type P1 (G7) wretched prisoners in order to leave them more like their captors.
Skill Bonus +1 These slaves are used to labor in the fields or dig in the ruins, though
such scrap miners are always kept under close oversight in case they
A particularly persistent and heritable strain of Highshine infection should stumble across an Old Terran weaponry. Now and then one
leaves its host with strangely-jointed limbs and a great difficulty in such slave manages to escape from their warped masters to bring
standing upright as other humans do. Furry pelts, scales, and other word of their atrocities to nearby enclaves. Sometimes the locals act
cosmetic epidermal changes are often experienced as well, and some to stamp out the evil, and other times they have their own troubles
skewmen are difficult to recognize as human at all. Most skewmen to consider.
are forced to creep and scrabble through the wastes, reliant on crude
clubbing weapons that can handle the abuse of their locomotion. Skewmen jealously preserve Old Terran relics, even those they
cannot use or understand. Their possession is a sign of status, and
the chieftain will invariably have the most and best such gear.
and they are a common scourge to sea traffic. Whiskered devils are
Whiskered Devil perpetually hungry, and every fish and landbound creature is just
No. Enc. 1d4 (3d6) one more morsel to them.
Movement 15’, Swim 30’
Some of these mutants have contracted uplift strains of Highshine
Armor Class 3
nanites, and have an intelligence far beyond that of ordinary beasts.
Hit Dice 2, or 5 for alphas These alphas lead their more feral brethren in attacks on coastal
Attacks +3/Claw or bite, +7/Claw or bite for alphas communities, usually in night ambushes where their slow rate of
Damage 1d8 land movement isn’t so great a liability.
Save 14
Rumors persist of entire communities of whiskered devils lurking in
Morale 8 coastal waters near human settlements. These “civilized” devils are
Loot Type None (G1) said to be every bit as malicious and hungry as their bestial com-
Skill Bonus +2 rades, but they are intelligent enough to conduct crude aquaculture
and send hunting parties to snatch human slaves to perform work
These bloated, savage mutations of the Old Terran walrus have that their own clumsy flippers cannot accomplish. Fishmen are
adapted to the lethal waters of the new world. Their six-centimeter said to be sometimes slaves of these devils, though they have an
thick hide is capable of turning projectile weapons and they can easier time escaping their captors. These rumormongers insist that
remain submerged for up to an hour before surfacing for air. They ordinary humans are kept confined to ancient ship hulks or tiny
haunt the coasts of almost every major landmass on the New Earth, islands, imprisoned by the cruel seas that lap on every side.
Iron Town
Big Grange
Monastery of St. Li
Old York
Altoona Deathlands
The Bonelands
The northeastern region of the former United States of America of environmental nanopollutants released by the crumbling cities
is a wasteland of parched grasses, mutant foliage, and forbidding to create a toxic stew all but certain to deface any life unfortunate
mountains. Climatic change over the past eight hundred years has enough to be caught in its shadow. The land is capricious, green
left its southern reaches thickly infested with multihued jungles, and inviting in places, but holding huge and terrible beasts in its
while the northern Adirondacks are blanketed in a stubborn tree deeper hollows. Much of the terrain is gouged and scored by a rain
cover that hides a multitude of sharp-fanged mutants. Between, the of orbital debris unleashed on its wretched cities during the first few
wreckage of heavy orbital bombardment and the massive radiation weeks of Old Terra's death. The few that dare to travel between the
spill around the Altoona Deathlands form a zone that invites only jungles and the north would usually sooner risk the Big Sink and
the toughest, most fearless salvagers. the sea monsters than try to make a straight run overland.
Extensive Mandate-era coastal rebuilding kept the seas from eating North or south, however, one universal in the Bonelands is its ruins.
much of what was once Long Island and the New England coast- This region of Old Terra was once one of the world's most thickly
line, but the engineering has long since broken down into a maze populated areas and it's difficult to go two kilometers without
of stranded towns and mazy swamp passages. This "Big Sink" is a finding the skeletal ruins of some bucolic hamlet or small town.
haven for swamp-dwelling mutants, dangerous Atlantic sea life, and Factories, farms, resorts, geoengineering sites, monuments to long-
countless small enclaves that eke out a living on fish and hard-won forgotten glories and more all thickly crust the land. The massive
swamp foods. Some of them turn to darker ends to get what they necropoli that were once Old York, Boston, Portland, and Delfia
need, and many who dare the Big Sink's vine-shrouded ways never stretch in a vastness long since buried under mutant plant life and
come out again. the weight of catastrophe. The cities marked out on the regional
map are merely the centers of these ancient graveyards, and their
The Deesee Jungle in the south is named for the ancient necropolis tendrils of urban accretion stretch for a hundred kilometers around
that served as the former zone capital during the years of the Man- the desolate cores. The city centers are almost unreachable in some
date. Innumerable small mutant tribes are locked in a perpetual cases, buried under debris and crashed orbital habitats. Plumbing
struggle with the fervent jungle life, new mutant strains appearing their deepest reaches is a pastime only for the veteran wastelander
every month in a steaming cauldron of Highshine infestation and and the young fool.
radioactive rain. Some areas of the jungle are uninhabitable to any
but the most inhumanly resilient creatures- particularly those re- The bones of smaller cities crowd the earth outside the great
gions that surround the blighted remains of the capital. The Crazed necropoli. For many of them, nothing remains but a few gutted
saved a slow death for that doomed city, overrunning it with storms foundations buried under two centuries of growth. Others still have
of Black Dust and mutagenic nanites rather than the quick, clean one or two precarious buildings left standing, their supports eroded
obliteration of an orbital strike or nuclear explosion. by Highshine corrosion and the slow breakdown of "eternal"
construction materials. Most tribes and settled enclaves are wary
The northern mountains and lakes are less obvious in their hostility of inhabiting such ruined places, for fear of the things long since
to humanity, but the twisted trees hide the prowlings of great packs buried beneath.
of feral gorehounds and swollen, misshapen mountain cats. The
great and brutal enclaves of Ascension and Renaissance make life The roads between these towns are largely memory, save for where
dangerous for any tribe that dares to settle in the lowlands, so most their earthworks cut through rough terrain and make inviting traps
seek refuge in the forbidding crags of the mountains or the depths for bandit prey. In the days of the Mandate, great underground
of the mutated forests. gravtunnels for internal and intercity travel once connected the
necropoli, all carefully monitored by Harmony officers to prevent
It is the central span of the Bonelands that forms some of the unapproved travel. Most of these tunnels are collapsed or drowned
most consistently lethal terrain in the entire region, the wide band in the present day, and those that are not are usually home to grue-
between the drowned ruins of Old York in the east and the Altoona some ecosystems of desperate life, forcibly adapted to their environ-
Deathlands in the west. The long eastward plume of radioactive ment by Highshine infections.
contaminants trailing from the Deathlands mingled with the streaks
The Crazed have only a modest influence in the region compared
to some less fortunate zones. Their cultists and bleak evangelists
Your Own Private Ruination can be found creeping through the back country and spreading
their poisonous doctrines among the desperate, but there is little
The Bonelands region presented here is simply one possibility evidence that they have more than a few hidden strongholds in the
for your own game, one generated with the tools and techniques Bonelands. It may be that they were reluctant to interfere in the area
given in this book. You might decide to redo it in a way more to due to the presence of the minor Crazed Theophilus Lien, but the
your liking, or remix it into a different flavor of abject devasta- arch-biopsion has been dead for a hundred years. In the disordered
tion. A map of the region is provided at the end of the chapter in minds of these mad psychics, it may be that they have yet to notice
case you care to make a desolation more to your liking. If using a his expiration- and when they and their servants do regard the
PDF, you can switch its layers off and on for the view you wish. vacuum in the region, who is to imagine what they might do?
Ascension Tier 2 Polity Enemies
Population 4,000 adults, 8,000 children, 2,000 aged Great Mother Lien, mistress of Ascension and she who de-
termines the eugenic schedules. She is a fearsomely powerful
Government Caste-based, with psychics ruling over others precognitive and has foiled several premature successions by her
Origin Pleasure resort taken over by a maddened psychic insights. She desires to gather in all the psychics of the Bonelands
Tags Inbred, Psychic Cult TL 1 to Ascension- whether they wish to come or not. Her legs are
withered and twisted, and she cannot stand.
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources
Food 120 60 +1 Enclave raids 2 Inquisitor Matthias, the half-mad telekinetic who loves to
Influence 55 30 +1 Slave unrest 2 squeeze the truth from the recalcitrant. He hunts constantly
for those who would interfere with the Great Plan or defy their
Morale 20 40 Lienist zealots 3 genetic superiors, and has sometimes been known to manufacture
Security 41 40 +1 Sanctuary saboteurs 1 such enemies of the state when the pickings are slim. Matthias’
skin is piebald with patches of white and brown.
Tech 12 30
Total Progress 3 Total Ruin 8 Friends
Cunning (The Pure can sabotage rival groups in Lady Amani Yueh, a young telepath of uncommon talent who
ways impossible for non-psychics) can no longer tolerate the constant press of loathsome thoughts
around her. She delves into the minds of strangers who enter As-
In the blazing aftermath of the Scream many of the resorts and cension, seeking those who might help her escape. She has need
pleasure-cities of the Mandate were cut off by cascading disasters. of such aid, for the lady was born without eyes.
In the north, the Serenity Towers resort complex found itself under
siege by one of its former guests- the maddened Theophilus Lien, Healer Atwater, a commoner who has seen too much of the
an arch-biopsion who had somehow survived the Scream. This suffering that comes of the inbreeding demanded by the eugenic
minor Crazed methodically dissolved half of the cowering guests program. Even if psychics are superior beings, this method of
and enslaved the rest. gaining them costs too much in maimed lives.
Lien’s particular madness had convinced him that his soul was the Things of Importance
soul of all psychics, and that only through converging all the scat-
tered shards into a single bloodline could he be made immortal and A scouting report, perhaps never received, that indicates the
immanent in all ages. He was one of the vanishingly few psychics locations of several undiscovered psychics within the surround-
still capable of training novices, and he promptly set about seek- ing enclaves.
ing newborn infants with the gift. Those he found, he took and
raised for his chosen minions. Lesser, “impure” souls were simply Old Terran drugs that give a brief, potent boost to a psychic’s
slave fodder for the Towers of the Mind. Even now, the handful of powers. They may be dangerously addictive.
psychics capable of training the gift of others into a controlled state
are all constantly monitored by their suspicious brethren. Complications
With the profound inbreeding going on in Ascension, the locals
Since his death one hundred years ago, the Minders are agreed have become highly vulnerable to certain strains of disease. A
that the man was a lunatic, barring a fringe element that nurses a sickness has broken out in the towers. Will they be quarantined?
demented zeal for the cause. They continue to support his eugenic Does the enclave have enough stims to protect the Pure? If they
program, however, breeding and crossbreeding those with known don’t, what will they do to get them?
psychic bloodlines to purify the line and increase the chance of
psychic offspring. This actually works, to an extent- though the cost The other enclaves fear and hate the psychics of Ascension, and
in deformations and genetic illnesses is brutal. Those not needed for raiding bands are hitting the outer farms. Many such raiders
the Great Plan are slaves who may be disposed of as the Lords and claim that they strike against the evil of the Towers of the Mind,
Ladies of the Pure appoint. All told, there are perhaps sixty psychics but their victims are the wretched commoners of Ascension
within Ascension, an enormous concentration over the usual one- Their interest in facing the Pure seems less than their wish to
in-a-thousand odds. plunder the slaves.
The Minders tolerate strangers, provided they do not prove trouble- Places Characteristic of Ascension
some and granted that they bring something of value. The Pure
The Leaving Mire, a muddy hole where dead and hopelessly
tend to neglect the coarse terrestrial concerns of tech and science,
misshapen infants are thrown to be devoured by the pigs.
and often trade the abundant produce of their slave-worked farms
for salvage brought by the few renegades willing to work with the
The Hall of the Pure, an opulently-decorated Old Terran
hated psychics. While they are powerful in their pale Old Terran
ballroom. Dozens of crippled psychics are carried there by their
towers, they are universally hated and feared by the other denizens
slaves to pay court around the throne of the Great Mother.
of the Bonelands.
Big Grange Tier 1 Polity Enemies
Population 800 adults, 1,600 children, 400 aged Big Sal, the Granger warboss. Sal’s hated muties something spe-
cial ever since a Saltbay raiding party killed his wife and children.
Government Democratic, adults voting on important matters Now he’s getting so that he’s seeing everybody as a Shiner or one
Origin Old Terran factory farm taken over by survivors of their friends.
Tags Mandate Heirs, Mutant Hatred TL 0
Mother Ruth, the Marianite Catholic priest of Big Grange. Six
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources months ago she secretly mutated after a run-in with a hot zone.
Food 10 6 +1 Mutant raiders 1 The stigmata came as scaly patches on her torso, but her cassock
Influence 1 3 Farm breakdowns 1 covers it. Her new condition has left her convinced that God
has sent her a message- Big Grange must be destroyed for its
Morale 6 4 +1 Internal quarreling 1 sins against mutantkind... preferably before they find out she’s
Security 2 4 changed. If God isn’t clear on that, Mother Ruth certainly is.
Tech 0 3
Total Progress 2 Total Ruin 3
Mayor Feng, the harried chief executive of the town. Feng dis-
Independent (The Grangers’ fractious ways make likes mutants as much as the next Granger, but he can see that the
Perks them hard for anyone to control- even their own town can’t survive this conflict forever. He’d like to quietly seek a
elected leaders) truce, if he could find anyone he could trust with the message. It
would ruin him if proof got out that he was trying to negotiate.
Not many people survived the destruction of Old York. The ancient
city had long since faded from its former place of global glory, but Keeper Joshua, custodian of the Mandate records. An elderly
the old engineering of lost ages provided the Crazed with plenty of man, Joshua has memorized practically the entire hardcopy file
things to devastate. Burst seawalls inundated much of the city, and system of the Harmony station that once sheltered the Grangers’
multiple atomic explosions cleared most of the rest. ancestors. While many of the data systems are long since dead,
Joshua might be willing to impart useful ruin locations or security
Among the few survivors that succeeded in fleeing the doomed city keycodes if the PCs can help the Grangers.
were a handful of desperate men and women who fled northeast,
away from the coast. They eventually halted at one of the countless Things of Importance
robot-operated factory farms, where a Harmony station had been The ancestral storm plate of the warboss, originally taken
established to keep down the local malcontents and prevent vandal- from the Harmony agency that once stood here. It’s been out of
ism of the robots. The chief in charge understood the gravity of the power since the last big Saltie raid, but Big Sal won’t admit that
situation and threw open the agency and its resources to the desper- to anyone but Feng.
ate survivors. This history has left the Grangers with a deep sense
of loyalty to the memory of the Mandate, and the maintenance of A new metawheat hybrid located somewhere in the guts of the
the agency’s records and datafiles is an honored role among them. robot-infested factory. If it could be loaded into the farm’s gene
splicers the yield would increase enormously.
In the present, the Grangers make their living by harvesting the
factory farm’s fields in between planting cycles. The limited main- Complications
tenance keycodes possessed by the Harmony officers allow them to
shut down the factory’s external security long enough to harvest, The farm is slowly breaking down, and the Grangers don’t have
but they still can’t enter the deeper reaches of the plant without the spare parts they need to repair it- or the technical expertise
attracting the attention of dangerous security bots. to do it even if they did. If the farm stops working, the settle-
ment will starve, as their adults aren’t skilled hunters.
For the past hundred years, the Grangers have been fighting a slow
war with the mutants of Saltbay. The mutants see no reason to leave Every ten years, the Keeper must make a pilgrimage to a remote
the factory farm in Granger hands, and the raids have left the locals ruin to re-authorize the continuing operation of the farm with a
bitterly prejudiced against all mutants. Those who change among particular keycode. Unfortunately, the ruin is now infested with
them are exiled, and outsiders with visible mutations are made to something dark and terrible, and if a way is not cleared before
stay outside the village. Great deeds might soften the Grangers’ atti- the end of the month, the factory will halt- and it may never
tude toward mutants, but the Saltbay raiders keep the wounds fresh start again.
and festering. If Big Grange was closer, Saltbay surely would have
Places Characteristic of Big Grange
conquered it by now, but the distance is prohibitive for Saltbay’s
limited ground forces. A broad field of patchy metawheat being tended by workbots
with age-dulled hulls.
Big Grange lacks a scrapsmith ever since the last one died during a
Saltie raid. The locals struggle along as best they can, but they have The Harmony agency station that now serves as Big Grange’s
great difficulty in making anything but the most basic goods. town hall and stronghouse against raiders.
Iron Town Tier 1 Polity Enemies
Population 300 adults, 600 children, 150 aged Trader Suthu, an ochre-scaled mutant who makes a round be-
tween enclaves trading Iron Town wares. He figures things would
Government Monarchic, ruled by the family of the Foreman
go a lot smoother with him in charge, and he’s got friends in
Origin An industrial facility taken over by its workers Renaissance who agree with his estimation of things.
Tags Educated, Nobility TL 2
Firstwoman Sigrid, the Foreman’s eldest daughter. She’s vigor-
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources ously opposed to Iron Town’s neutrality and is convinced their
Food 3 6 Raw materials lack 1 future hinges on conquering the nearby villages and using them
Influence 4 3 +1 Raider pillaging 1 as the nucleus of a new empire. Since she’ll be the empress, every-
thing will doubtless progress wonderfully.
Morale 6 4 +1 Factory dangers 1
Security 7 4 +1 Friends
Tech 11 3 +1 Firstman Andrew, the Foreman’s youngest son. Leg-crippled
from birth, Andrew has an acerbic manner and an ever-watchful
Total Progress 4 Total Ruin 3
eye. He sees most of the plots against his father before they’re
Tech Base/TL2 (The Forgers live remarkably well halfway made, but he knows Sigrid is the man’s favorite and the
Perks thanks to the factory power plant and industrial Foreman won’t believe in her scheming without proof.
tools. Hot running water and electricity for all.)
Martin Santino, master gunsmith. A true genius of scrap and
The enigmatic economic patterns imposed by the Maestros weren’t shard, Martin is able to do wonders with things that go bang. He’s
always terribly comprehensible to human observers. The small gathered info on numerous important sites that might contain
artisanal factory established here in the western lands never made certain precious raw materials, but doesn’t dare get them himself.
much economic sense but it preserved the centuries-old cultural
folkway of repetitive manufacturing labor that some bureaucrat Things of Importance
evidently found charmingly quaint. When the Scream came, the Calibration materials for the factory’s power plant. Without
factory workers were able to use their primitive tools to maintain regular maintenance and repair, the aging power plant might die
the simple facility. at any time.
The factory is dominated by the Union, an elite of a half-dozen small Plans for an experimental railgun. Santino needs these to
families descended from the original supervisors. The Foreman who manufacture the high-tech gunnery weapon, and he needs the
rules Iron Town is always chosen from among their number by weapon to help fortify the factory against hordes of raiders and
other members of the Union. The Foreman’s sons and daughters are aspiring tyrants. Unfortunately, they either remain lost in a
accorded the princely positions of Firstmen and Firstwomen. Mandate-era ruin, stolen by spies, or flawed with subtle errors.
Iron Town is the most technologically advanced major settlement Complications
in the Bonelands. Even its common folk are literate and almost all
of them are capable of basic scrapsmithing at the least. Even the Iron Town needs new blood. The small numbers who live there
youngest adult of the Union families knows as much as any village are barely enough to keep the factory going and defend the
scrapsmith, and their elders are among the best in the region, a works. Yet the people are prejudiced against the ignorance and
handful of them possessing the equivalent of Tech/Postech-3 skills. savagery of outsiders, and may not accept them until too late.
The factory itself was never intended to produce much more than Renaissance wants Iron Town as either an obedient vassal or as a
cultural capital, but the dummy blanks and bars it makes out of smoking crater. They’d prefer the first but will accept the second.
recycled scrap can be filed and hammered into the necessary parts If Trader Suthu’s plots don’t work, they’re willing to sneak in
for more advanced equipment. The factory’s self-contained nanite a device that will turn the factory’s power plant into a small
power plant is capricious but provides the Forgers with electricity, atomic bomb.
hot water, and a quality of life far superior to that of any of their
Places Characteristic of Iron Town
The factory floor, where scrap is fed into massive hoppers and
The Forgers are constitutionally suspicious of outsiders, but they’re melted down into sheets, bar stock, and small parts. Half the
forced to trade in order to get the food that their small numbers enclave is working here at any one time, filing down stock parts
can’t effectively grow or hunt. They never trade firearms with into the necessary shapes for their new creations.
outsiders who haven’t proven themselves trusted allies, but their
swords, spears, and metal goods are prized in the region. They also The fortified gate, where the Forgers keep a suspicious eye on
shun would-be immigrants in most cases, fearing that they might any stranger seeking to come for trade, and where they turn
be conquered from within or reduced to “ignorant savages”. This away any who don’t give evidence of being on useful business for
dislike is largely shared by their neighbors, despite the trade. Iron Town.
The Monastery of St. Li Tier 1 Polity Enemies
Population 800 adults, 1,600 children, 400 aged Unifier Zuma, the representative of their Renaissance “protec-
Government Tribal, formerly led by a council of clan elders tors”. Zuma is a man cruelly indifferent to the sufferings of the
Lians, as he appreciates the value of sacrifice... in others, at least.
Origin Remote monastery that sheltered survivors He commands the heavily-armed Rennie “protectors” that keep
Tags Expert Artisans, Cruel Tribute TL 1 the monastery docile.
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources
Bishop Eileen Nakamoto, the Rennies’ puppet bishop. Elevated
Food 2 6 Renaissance tribute 2 from a Marianist Catholic tribe, the new bishop is perfectly will-
Influence 1 3 Raider attacks 1 ing to cooperate with the Rennies, as they give her carte blanche to
enforce her sect’s matriarchal beliefs on the other tribes. Physical
Morale 3 4 Bishop’s demands 1 sacrifices are as nothing compared to the glory of spiritual purity.
Security 0 4
Tech 5 3 +1
Mother Aziza bint-Maryam, a young priestess from the bishop’s
Total Progress 1 Total Ruin 4 tribe who abhors her forced pieties. While as zealous a believer as
Religious Zeal (As God preserved their ances- the bishop, she feels that forced faith is a disgrace to her creed. She
Perks tors, so the Lians believe they will be preserved. despises the Rennies, but she really wants the bishop unseated.
Their “Our Faith is Tested” pool is empty now.)
Josiah Vintner, chief winemaker for the monastery. Practically
The inhabitants of the Monastery of St. Li are a patchwork of all the vintage now goes to Renaissance, and they’ve been pushing
tribes descended from the initial swarm of refugees who sought him to plant even more vines out beyond the secure zone around
shelter from the Traditional Catholic inhabitants. The monastery’s the monastery. Zuma’s demands must be mitigated or the hillside
architectural style coincidentally doubled as an excellent fortress vines must be secured, or else a lot of Lians are going to die trying
against the initial bands of desperate looters, and their vineyards to grow grapes out there.
and artisanal farmland supported the survivors. The refugees were
all deeply impressed by their survival, and while not all converted Things of Importance
to Traditional Catholicism, all of the clans are quite devout toward
The saint’s lamp; an ancient glowbeacon once affixed to the
their traditional faiths.
monastery’s bell tower. Mandate safety requirements insisted on
it to prevent flight collisions despite the integral radar in grav-
The Highshine disaster had a positive effect for the monastery, in
cars. It’s now a symbol of the monastery’s salvific power, and the
that the interactions seemed to have a positive effect on one of
community’s holiest relic; Zuma keeps it under lock and key.
the nearby nanoemitters. Originally intended to keep a particular
spring clean and purified for the monastery’s winemaking, the
A secret cache of explosives Lian scroungers salvaged from
nanites now imbued the water with unusual powers of healing
nearby ruins. Will they be found by Zuma? Stolen by raiders?
and cleansing, curing radiation poisoning in those who drank it.
Used to blow the Rennie “protectors” sky-high?
The nanites degraded if removed from the spring, but the wine the
monks made was able to preserve this effect, making it an extremely Complications
valuable trade commodity.
The religious tolerance once present at the monastery has been
In time, this wealth attracted the interest of the restorationists shattered by Bishop Nakamoto, who insists on deposing male
from Renaissance. The Rennies sent a large squad of heavily-armed clergy and replacing them with Marianite Catholic priestesses
ambassadors to “invite” the Lians to take their proper place in the from her own clan. The Rennie protectors enforce this.
grand restoration of the glories of humanity- their proper place
being endless grinding labor for their Rennie overlords. The Lians The spring laced with the nanites that give St. Li wines their spe-
had the monastery but not enough men or guns to fight off the cial virtue is being overtaxed; there’s not enough water to make
Rennies, so they were forced to submit and a quisling local cleric all the wine the Rennies demand. Zuma blames local “saboteurs”
put in charge over their traditional clan council. for the lack of output and is threatening hangings. A new supply
of the nanites might exist in a nearby research ruin.
Outsiders are tolerated around the monastery, but they are not wel-
Places Characteristic of the Monastery
come if they bring no useful trade goods or convenient services. The
Rennies avoid molesting traders overmuch lest they stop coming to Rows of ripe wine grapes tended by gaunt, weary Lians. A Ren-
the monastery, but any interference with the Lian slaves is punished nie overseer keeps an eye on the locals as they work.
harshly. The current Unifier is both amused and contemptuous
toward the Lians, viewing them as godbothered fools who are being The monastery building itself, built by Old Terrans to resemble
done a favor by having a place within the glorious future that the an ancient stone structure. Beneath the stone facing is armor-
restoration will bring. Those who fail to appreciate the kindness tough Mandate construction plating that has stood off even the
shown to them will be treated accordingly. heavy guns of raiders.
Renaissance Tier 2 Polity Enemies
Population 2,300 adults, 4,600 children, 1,150 aged Commander Ernesto Guzman, the Leader of the Restoration
and the Glorious Father to the World. Guzman is a cynical resto-
Government Theocratic; the cadres of Restoration rule
rationist apparatchik who achieved his position by arranging the
Origin A hidden rebel base with an ideal position downfall and death of everyone in his way. He believes in nothing
Tags Pariahs, Food Supply TL 1 but power for its own sake and relishes using idealistic young
fools as catspaws and patsies.
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources
Food 100 60 +1 Slave unrest 2 Unifier Janice Hastings, a true believer in the restorationist
creed. She is convinced that only Renaissance can lead the Bone-
Influence 40 30 +1 Guerilla raids 2
lands out of its current savagery, and absolutely any means are
Morale 55 40 +1 Internal purges 3 acceptable in that cause. Human lives are meaningless compared
Security 46 40 +1 to the glory of the Cause- at least, human lives other than hers.
Tech 21 30 Friends
Total Progress 4 Total Ruin 7 Samuel Lin, a teenage slave “favorite” of one of the Unifiers.
Vast Army (The Restorationists have the largest Samuel hates his position and his patron, but plays along for the
Perks known standing military force in the Bonelands, sake of his family. Even so, his growing anger is moving him to
and they like to use it against “reactionaries”) aid saboteurs and rebels against the Restoration.
Rebels and malcontents had an unusually high survival percentage
Red Clara, a mutant with gleaming, metallic skin the color of
after the Scream, as many of them were already accustomed to
fresh-spilt blood. A runaway slave, she’s formed a band of ruthless
surviving beyond the comforts of Mandate civilization. Renaissance
guerillas that haunt the lands around Renaissance, taking any op-
was founded from the rebel base operated by one such faction, the
portunity to strike their former oppressors and aid fellow rebels.
“Universal Restoration Way”. It looked back to a mythical golden
age of humanity before the Mandate, when the world was perfectly
Things of Importance
ordered under the wise guidance of autocrats who provided all their
people required. The Restorationists struggled valiantly against the Proof that an important Unifier falsified a rival’s crimes.
brute forces of democracy and the blind, savage mob. The Restorationist elites are always trying to purge each other,
and the right proof of false accusations are enough to get any of
Since then, the “Rennies” have been vigorously attempting to rec- them killed.
tify the chaos of the world through the salvific power of their spears.
Any group that fails to bow to the Commander and his chosen The security schedule for the military supply depot. The pre-
Unifier nobility is clearly composed of dangerous reactionaries and cious firearms and other advanced tech of the Restorationist
must be brought into line forcibly. Rennie society is composed of a army would be irreplaceable were they to be lost to sabotage.
poisonous noble clique of Unifiers, a larger block of “ideologically
sound” subjects, and a still larger lump of slaves considered inca- Complications
pable of grasping the wisdom of the Restorationist way. They and The small enclaves and petty holdings of the surrounding lands
their minions are universally despised across the north. This doesn’t are beginning to make serious efforts to coordinate against the
stop certain traders from quietly bartering in their markets, though. Rennie advance. The Commander doesn’t care for that, and
means to make an example out of some of these reactionaries.
The Unifiers spend most of their time extorting neighboring en-
claves and scheming to trap each other in public errors in ideology, Ascension is possibly the only enclave in the Bonelands as deeply
the penalty for which ranges from demotion to summary execution. despised as the Rennies. Both of them have totalitarian ideolo-
The subjects keep their heads down and gladly prosper on the suf- gies that admit no competitors, and only a reluctance to commit
ferings of the slaves and neighbors, while the slaves merely endure. themselves to a large-scale enclave war keeps them from each
others’ throats. This doesn’t stop them from laboring diligently
The Rennies keep a large standing army composed strictly of Uni- to sabotage each other, however.
fiers and subjects. These troops are equipped with the best they can
plunder and are usually kept busy monitoring the slaves for signs of Places Characteristic of Renaissance
rebellion. The work tends to attract the most zealous and sadistic
of the locals. Fields worked by coffles of human and mutant “reactionary”
slaves. Treatment is brutal and the Rennie guards are accom-
Outsides are welcome in Renaissance so long as they show due plished sadists.
deference to the Commander and submit to the authority of the
Unifiers. Those who do so are allowed to trade in the largest and A bustling town center, prosperous on the tribute exacted from
most abundant market north of Saltbay, with wares and slaves from the surrounding tribes. Merchants sell stolen goods and Rennie
all across the north provided to willing buyers. tribute caravans come in regularly with extorted plunder.
Saltbay Tier 2 Polity Enemies
Population 1,300 adults, 2,600 children, 650 aged Yellowfoot, the talon-footed patriarch of the powerful Benson
family of avian-inflected mutants. He despises humans as inferior,
Government Oligarchic; mutant families rule in council
maladaptive creatures fit only to serve the new masters of the New
Origin A former Old Terran shipping port Earth. He spares no opportunity to do them a bad turn- them
Tags Ancient Settlement, Mutant Rule TL 0 and any mutant soft-headed enough to help them.
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources Little Sue, a tiny meter-tall mutant with a wide array of lethal
Food 47 60 Human raids 2 abilities and a cheerful contempt for human life. She’s the de-
Influence 44 30 +1 Sea monsters 1 facto boss of Saltbay’s criminal circles, and the mutant elite aren’t
terribly concerned about her so long as she keeps her extortions
Morale 42 40 +1 Pillaged traders 1 limited to human traders and citizens.
Security 20 40
Tech 10 30
Mei-Lin Silverheels, a trader with an fractal crust of silvery
Total Progress 2 Total Ruin 4 nanites spiralling over her form. She’s unusually charitable toward
Expert Traders (The Saltbay trade ships go all up humans, and is often willing to give strangers a job if they seem
Perks and down the coast to serve the little enclaves tough enough to deal with the dangers that press on her caravan
and villages that dot the land.) route. Raiders have been particularly bad on land of late.
Saltbay rose from Old Natuxent, an Old Terran port town once
“Eyeball” Tom Chang, a man with eight evenly-spaced eyes cir-
served by massive oceangoing cargo ships that disgorged their wares
cling his shaven skull. A member of the important Chang family
into vast gravway tunnels that burrowed throughout the Bonelands.
of mutants, he’s nominally in charge of policing criminal activity
These transport pipelines brought innumerable vital goods to the
in Saltbay, but frustrated by the lack of cooperation he gets from
cities of the region, and when the Scream washed over the city, the
any attempt to deal with those criminals who prey on the human
natives impounded the goods in the warehouse, detonated the tun-
inhabitants of the town.
nels to block intruders, and hunkered down to survive.
Damage from the Crazed was relatively limited, save for a par-
ticularly vicious atomic strike on the edge of the town. A potent Good blueprints for low-tech shipbuilding would be precious
Highshine strain mingled with the radioactive winds to mutate the in Saltbay. They lack the tools to build sophisticated ships, but
great majority of Saltbay’s citizenry, and ever since the town has they can’t afford to rely on their relic powerboats forever.
been a stronghold of mutant dominance on the Bonelands coast.
A mutagenic slurry that turns normal humans into mutants.
The great cargo-ships soon collapsed into uselessness, but some of Some crazed Saltie might seek it as a way of “improving” the
the pleasure boats owned by Mandate officials could still be made local humans.
functional, and crude coastal barges of local wood and scrap could
float close to shore to bring goods to other enclaves. Saltbay became Complications
a trading town, with strangers bringing in goods from along the A powerboat has been seized by pirates, and is now being used
Big Sink and Saltbay’s armed powerboats fending off pirates and to run down coastal barges and plunder them. The pirates
sea monsters. are hiding out somewhere in the coastal swamps, and there’s
suspicion that they’re paying off a noble family to help keep the
Ambition runs as strong in Saltbay as anywhere else, and a faction council distracted from taking strong action against them.
on the town council keeps insisting that the settlement needs to
take over the nearby farming enclaves in order to strengthen their Someone’s broken into a tunnel complex beneath a Saltbay
position. More peaceful heads usually dissuade them, but the building, and the first explorers down have failed to return.
human settlement of Big Grange has been a lasting target for the What relics of Old Natuxent might be down there- and what
warmongers for years, and even the more peaceable members some- stopped the initial investigators from coming back?
times approve raids as payoff for support from the expansionists.
Places Characteristic of Saltbay
Trade is the root of Saltbay’s prosperity, and they welcome outsiders
The Saltbay wharves, with the half-dozen armed powerboats
who bring something useful to exchange. They have a particular
under heavy guard and the coaster barges pulling in and out
need of technical resources, as many of the mutants find it difficult
with the tides.
to manipulate standard tools and much of their inherited technical
base has collapsed. They make very little for themselves these days,
The streets lined with Old Terran buildings in relatively good
instead acquiring their necessary goods through trade with more
repair, the remains of Old Natuxent visible in their ancient
technically proficient enclaves. This attitude may come back to
ceraplast walls and tinted armorglass windows.
haunt them if Renaissance and Ascension ever turn attention south.
Sanctuary Tier 1 Polity Enemies
Population 600 adults, 1,200 children, 300 aged Marta Twenty-Kills, Sanctuary’s most fearsome warrior. While
her murderousness toward the Minders is normal in the commu-
Government Oligarchic; raiding band leaders make policy
nity, Marta really just loves killing people- any people- and there
Origin Small mountain town turned into a slave refuge are a lot of people in Sanctuary she’d really like to kill. If someone
Tags Exiles, Sanctuary TL 1 presents her with the opportunity to get away with it, she will.
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources Quartermaster Jack, the enclave storekeeper. He fled Ascension
Food 2 6 Ascension patrols 1 after his husband Stephen was dragged off to what he assumed
Influence 4 3 +1 Mountain savages 1 would be a quick execution. Minder agents have given him proof
that Stephen is alive, however- and will continue to remain alive
Morale 12 4 +1 so long as Jack keeps performing little favors for them....
Security 6 4 +1
Tech 0 3
Urchin, a spiky young mutant girl. Something of an enclave
Total Progress 3 Total Ruin 2 mascot, Urchin is cheerful, winsome, and can take a mag rifle
Fierce Loyalty (The locals are bound by ties round to the chest without flinching. She’s always on some errand
Perks of shared suffering. Their “Our Loyalties are of goodwill to the nearby villages, but sometimes things are too
Tested” pool is presently empty.) dangerous to handle alone, and she’s obliged to find help where
she can.
Sanctuary was founded a little less than a hundred years ago by
some of the first slaves to successfully flee Ascension after the death
Barnabas Masud, mountaineer. Having lived in the Adiron-
of Theophilus Lien. The small mountain resort village they found
dacks for decades as a hermit, Barnabas knows more about its
had been cracked and damaged by quakes from a nearby orbital
hidden ruins and sinister inhabitants than any man living. His
strike, but enough of the buildings were standing to make it habit-
mountain-folk kindred often visit Sanctuary to get his advice and
able. The pelting of orbital debris left the surrounding lands rough
share news of events in the back country.
and riven with narrow passes, ones easily blocked or guarded from
intruders. Things
Ever since, the men and women of Sanctuary have been fighting An Old Terran mind-shielding device that can mask an infiltra-
a one-sided war against the Minders of Ascension, plundering tor’s thoughts from the Minders. Such devices were known on
their goods and freeing their slaves. Newly-freed slaves find a harsh Old Terra, but few have survived the violence of the Crazed.
custom- they are permitted to follow the raiders back to Sanctuary
if they are able, but no food is shared and no help is given. Those Parts to restore an Old Terran factory farm and make Sanctu-
that live are strong enough to contribute to the community. Excep- ary a viable food provider for a vastly greater number of slaves.
tions are sometimes made for infants and children, but Sanctuary is The lack of food holds back the enclave from present growth.
too poor to take in many foundlings.
The citizens of Sanctuary are almost all either former slaves or the Despite their best efforts to filter out moles, some of the slaves
children of such. Outsiders are accepted as traders and visitors, but in Sanctuary are actually Minder plants. Other slaves usually
those that can’t do some good for the community are “encouraged” are quick to identify these quislings, but sometimes these other
on their way with little ceremony. Sanctuary always has room for slaves have tragic accidents before the truth can come out.
another strong arm- provided they have no Minder ties- but they
can’t afford to humor the useless. Sanctuary’s location was chosen for its defensibility rather than
its rich resources. The town is perpetually short of food and
Sanctuary’s rulers are the leaders of the raiding bands, and they earn other supplies, and many of the raids are simply to steal the vital
their authority by the amount of supplies and number of strong necessities of life rather than to free slaves. Serious improve-
freed slaves they bring back to the settlement. A guerilla chieftain ments to the place are needed if it’s going to grow much.
who fails to bring back resources soon loses his following, while
those who do the most for the community tend to earn the great- Places Characteristic of Sanctuary
est deference. Serious differences of opinion are resolved by votes
Narrow mountain pass leading up to Sanctuary, well-armed with
among the raid leaders.
rockslides that can be triggered on any intruding Minder forces.
As poor as Sanctuary is, there is little distinguishing between
The crumbling town square surrounded by partly-patched Old
personal and enclave goods. The belongings a person can carry on
Terran buildings, where former slaves gather after the day’s work
their own back are their own; all else is for those that need it. The
to rest in the light of a few scavenged glowlamps and share some
Quartermaster is the exception, holding in trust those community
conversation with each other.
goods meant for trade with outsiders.
Some Notable Ruins of the Bonelands
The ruins that follow are sketched lightly and given no specific location in the Bonelands. If you intend to use the region as written, it can
be helpful to pick one or two of these ruins and flesh them out in full, keeping them in reserve in case you need a bit of quick content
during a gaming session. Most ruins are fairly self-contained, and can be placed almost anywhere without requiring some special explana-
tion for their provenance.
2 2d4 Tribal Swampers are fishing- or robbing: AC 6, Move 20’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d6 spear, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 8
3 2d4 Raiders have a flat-bottomed raft: AC 6, Move 20’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d6 spear, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 7
4 3d6 aquatic Heritor Bugs swarm from the reeds: AC 7, Move 15’, 1 HP, Atk: +1/1d4 bite, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 10
5 1d8 Blinder Birds nest in the mangroves: AC 6, Move 30’ Fly, HD 1-1, Atk: +1/1d4 claw, Skill +2, Save 15+, Morale 7
6 1d6 Whiskered Devils are out hunting: AC 3, Move 15’ Swim 30’, HD 2, Atk: +3/1d8 claw, Skill +2, Save 14+, Morale 8
A toxic mudhole suddenly drags down a random PC. Make an Evasion save or be soaked with noxious filth, gaining 1d6
7 Toxin points and suffering the Sickened negative condition until they can clean themselves with a lifestyle stim or copious
clean water.
The swamp channels twist and turn back on themselves. The best navigator in the group must make a Wis/Navigation check
at difficulty 10 or be unable to find a way through, delaying the party by a day.
9 A stretch of radioactive muck forces a Radiation save for all groups that don’t have a geiger counter out to warn them.
10 The swamp noises are unceasing that night. No one gets a good rest or recovers lost hit points.
11 A cloud of unseen toxic swamp gas wafts over the PCs. Each must make a Physical Effect save or suffer 1d6 damage.
12 Mutant leeches encrust the PCs. Those not wearing fully-sealed armor or with natural ACs better than 9 suffer 1d4 damage.
Intelligent foes are equipped with hide armor and spears unless otherwise indicated.
10 A nearby wall collapses or an immobile sandtrapper plant snaps at a PC; Evasion save or take 2d6 damage.
Stumble into acrid pocket of stinking chemicals. Foraging checks suffer -3 penalty for 1d6 days until the stench wears off as
prey are alerted. A cleansing lifestyle stim removes the chemical immediately.
12 An abandoned structure might have something interesting in it- one roll on the Random Loot rewards table at +10.
Intelligent foes are equipped with hide armor and spears unless otherwise indicated.
Player Map of the Bonelands
Gamemaster Resources
One of the special challenges of brewing up a sandbox campaign is the difficulty of finding fit inspiration for all the necessary details. It’s
easy enough to draw sweeping outlines and grand plans, but when it comes down to making the fussy bits and specific elements of a game
it can quickly turn exhausting. The tables and maps in this chapter are intended to provide a number of shortcuts for the busy GM, with
a wide array of random tables for spitting out quick results for your preparation. At the end of the chapter, you’ll also find several blank
record sheets for easier tracking of your heroic wanderers.
As with all the tables in this book, they should be taken as a starting point and a tool for sparking your own inspiration. It can often be
helpful to simply review the lists for ideas, or pick fitting items and assemble them into the creation you need.
5 Homes dug into the hillsides Countless prayer flags of cut and brocaded Old Terran cloth
6 Soddies made of stacked peat “bricks” Religious symbols worked in elaborate fashion on buildings
7 Cinderblock and scrap huts Mosaics made of credit chips and plastic fragments
8 Sheets of hard ceraplast crudely fastened together Chimes or shaped pipes that keen in the wind
9 Transparent armorglass salvaged from buildings Bright paints on every available surface
10 Tents and yurts of mutant animal leather Careful carving worked into building walls
11 Stone blocks quarred from nearby Stone statues of the honored dead or religious figures
13 Buildings of finished wooden planks and timbers Tough armorglass fragments worked into the decor
14 Tents of tough, bright-colored Old Terran cloth Small, brightly-worked shrines to local religious figures
15 Hollowed boles of giant mutant plants Memorials to the dead carved into walls and structures
17 Poured concrete shapes The skulls and body parts of slain enemies and beasts
19 Bundled reed walls and thatching Gruesome protector-gods painted to ward off evil
20 Wattle-and-daub structures of mud and sticks Geometric patterns picked out in fragments of bright debris
Quick NPC Generation
Numerous occasions call for a quickly-built NPC. It can be helpful to roll up a dozen or so men and women with the following tables
beforehand, filling in their names, appearances, and personality particulars on 3x5 cards. When you need an NPC in a hurry, just take the
top card off the deck. At the end of the session, update the card with their new role and any important interactions you need to track. You
shouldn’t feel any obligation to use all the tables- just pick the ones that seem useful to the person you need to build.
7 Limb crippled from old wound or accident 8 Follows a faith unpopular with the locals
9 Their true love wants nothing to do with them
8 Extensive scarring over some visible skin
10 Recently disgraced for a serious failure of duty
9 Fastidiously clean and neat
11 They’ve recently broken a valuable enclave relic
10 Uses a particular phrase over and over 12 They’ve been betrayed by a once-friend
11 Always accompanied by another NPC
1d10 Current Greatest Desire
12 Always predicting the worst possible outcome
1 The romantic attentions of a particular neighbor
13 Icy scorn for a particular gender or ethnicity 2 Enough food to ensure family’s safety for a while
14 Talks loudly and slowly to outsiders 3 Revenge against a hated enemy
15 Answers questions with another question 4 Justice for a crime committed against them
16 Bald or with a fanciful hair style 5 Truth about a spouse or lover’s faithfulness
6 Better equipment for their role in the enclave
17 Always toying with their weapons
7 Leadership in the enclave’s government
18 Quotes religious scripture constantly
8 The strengthening of the enclave as a whole
19 Indiscriminate flatterer 9 Safety for themselves or an imperiled friend
20 No sense of humor whatsoever 10 Cure for a sick or crippled friend
1d20 Favored Clothing Style Best Trait Worst Trait Relationship with Spouse/Family
1 Crude rags and tatters Compassionate Arrogant Warm, loving, and uncomplicated
2 Patched Old Terran clothing Cooperative Bigoted Spouse recently committed adultery
3 Loincloth and little more Courageous Deceitful Parents disapprove of their role in group
4 Robes of homespun or Old Terran cloth Determined Entitled A new faith brings tension between them
5 Fragments of Old Terran plastics Fair-minded Foolish NPC recently committed adultery
6 Leathers studded with credit chips Forbearing Greedy Spouse pushing NPC to greater glory
7 Brightly-colored dresses or kilts Forgiving Indolent Spouse or parent nags incessantly
8 Tunic and trousers of available cloth Generous Insulting Spouse or parent overshadows NPC
9 Brightly-brocaded clothing Honest Irresponsible Spouse committed crime; must hide it
10 Suit studded with beads and charms Honorable Malicious Unforgivably terrible mistake was made
11 Armor even at inappropriate times Hospitable Mistrustful Unjust suspicion between them
12 Feathers and leather and dyes Humble Reckless Justified suspicion between them
13 Bright-woven homespun clothes Loyal Selfish Pondering a divorce/disowned by parents
14 Saris or sarongs of bright cloth Merciful Spiteful Impatient for inheritance
15 A few well-placed armor plates Peaceful Treacherous The only support for parents or spouse
16 Shaggy camo clothing that blends well Perceptive Ungenerous Pressured to divorce for infertility
17 Leathers decorated with their kills Prudent Untrustworthy Family deplores spouse or lover
18 Fashionable Old Terran business suits Responsible Vengeful Family burdens them with many orders
19 Leather straps and light cloth Self-sacrificing Violent NPC is family’s pride and joy
20 Paint alone when climate permits Unbigoted Wrathful They mutually hate each other
1d20 Interesting NPC Roles in the Enclave Most Significant Source of Influence
1 The finest and most respected farmer in the enclave Has blackmail evidence on the enclave’s leader
2 The enclave’s best hunter Amazing knack for finding food
3 Cruelly oppressed house servant for the elite Has done favors for everyone in the enclave
4 Enclave’s caretaker for the sick and crippled Remarkable powers of seduction
5 Favorite concubine to an important leader Believed specially blessed by God
6 A scout roving the nearby lands for signs of trouble Hereditary authority rests in their bloodline
7 Tech maintaining arcane and balky relics Owns a powerful relic used for the good of the enclave
8 Clergy of the enclave’s dominant faith Performed a mighty deed of arms that saved the enclave
9 Beggar, if the enclave’s big enough for such Married into a powerful local family
10 Sage versed in Old Terran lore Respected for presciently wise advice and good judgment
11 Harried official of the enclave’s government Years of friendship with important enclave figures
12 Scrapsmith forging necessities from spare parts Best trader in the enclave, has many foreign friends
13 Stranger who wandered in recently from afar Accidentally crippled by enclave leader; guilt brings influence
14 Missionary of another faith- openly or otherwise Found a cache of precious tech and shares it with enclave
15 Wandering historian or sage In their youth, was a great adventurer- by local standards
16 Judge or magistrate of the enclave Respected for rigorously upright spiritual life
17 Owner of the biggest farm or house in the enclave Children or siblings married into half the enclave’s families
18 Head or eldest heir of a large and powerful family Secret psychic powers
19 Former wanderer made mentally ill by experiences Hidden ties with an outside raider or cult group
20 Heir of the enclave’s ruler Irresistibly charming and well-loved by enclave
Quick NPC Class Stats
The vast majority of the denizens of the New Earth don’t have a character class- they’re simply normal men and women. They might be
exceptionally good at what they do, but they don’t need or have the complexity of a full character class. The following thumbnail statistics
are provided for those occasions when you need a classed NPC and don’t care to take the time to generate them the long way. They can also
be used to provide fast pre-generated characters for players in need of a quick replacement for their late, lamented hero. If so, you should
allow the player to reroll each level’s hit dice to give a proper result for the PC’s hit points.
Physical Mental
Lvl HP AC AB Weapon/Armor Evasion Tech Luck
Effect Effect
4 6 +1/+1 Sword (1d8), Hide Armor 16 15 13 12 14
Skills: Combat/Primitive-1, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Literacy-0, Science-0, Survival-0*, Tactics-0*, Tech/Postech-1
12 6 +1/+3 Laser Pistol (1d6), Hide Armor 16 15 13 12 14
3 Skills: Combat/Energy-1*, Combat/Primitive-1, Computer-0, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Literacy-0, Science-0, Survival-0*,
Tactics-0*, Tech/Postech-2
20 4 +2/+5 Laser Rifle (1d10), Harmony Armor 14 13 11 10 12
5 Skills: Combat/Energy-2*, Combat/Primitive-1, Computer-0, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Literacy-0, Science-0, Survival-0*,
Tactics-0*, Tech/Medical-0, Tech/Pretech-1, Tech/Postech-2
28 3 +4/+7 Shear Rifle (2d8), Insurgent Combat Shell 12 11 9 8 10
7 Skills: Combat/Energy-2*, Combat/Primitive-1, Computer-1, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Literacy-0, Perception-0, Science-0,
Survival-0*, Tactics-0*, Tech/Medical-0, Tech/Pretech-1, Tech/Postech-3, Vehicle/Land-0
36 2 +4/+7 Shear Rifle (2d8), Executive Protection Field 12 11 9 8 10
9 Skills: Combat/Energy-2*, Combat/Primitive-1, Computer-1, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Literacy-0, Perception-0, Science-0,
Survival-0*, Tactics-0*, Tech/Medical-0, Tech/Pretech-2, Tech/Postech-4, Vehicle/Land-0
An NPC Scrounger’s default attributes are Strength 7 (-1), Intelligence 14 (+1), Wisdom 7 (-1), Dexterity 11 (+0), Constitution 11 (+0),
and Charisma 14 (+1). All skills are class skills except for those marked with an asterisk; players can swap skills in and out accordingly.
The listed attack bonus gives the base and the character’s bonus with their listed weapon.
Scrounger Class Skills: Combat/Unarmed, Combat/Primitive, Computer, Culture/Literacy, History, Instructor, Language, Navigation,
Perception, Profession, Science, Security, Tech/Any, and Vehicle/Any.
Physical Mental
Lvl HP AC AB Weapon/Armor Evasion Tech Luck
Effect Effect
4 4 +2/+3 Spear (1d6+1), Scrap Mail 12 15 13 16 14
Skills: Athletics-0, Cbt/Prim.-1, Cbt/Proj.-0, Cbt/Unarmed-0, Culture/Enclave-0*, Navigation-0*, Perception-0, Survival-1
12 3 +2/+4 Revolver (1d8+1), Harmony Armor 12 15 13 16 14
3 Skills: Athletics-0, Combat/Primitive-1, Combat/Projectile-2, Combat/Unarmed-0, Culture/Enclave-0*, Navigation-0*,
Perception-0, Survival-1
20 2 +4/+6 Combat Rifle (1d12+1), Scrap Plate 10 13 11 14 12
5 Skills: Athletics-1, Combat/Primitive-2, Combat/Projectile-2, Combat/Unarmed-0, Culture/Enclave-0*, Navigation-0*,
Perception-0, Survival-1, Tactics-0
28 2 +6/+9 Mag Rifle (2d8+1), Insurgent Combat Shell 8 11 9 12 10
7 Skills: Athletics-1, Combat/Primitive-2, Combat/Projectile-3, Combat/Unarmed-0, Culture/Enclave-0*, Navigation-0*,
Perception-0, Stealth-0, Survival-1, Tactics-0
36 0 +6/+10 Mag Rifle (2d8+1), Powered Armor 8 11 9 12 10
9 Skills: Athletics-1, Combat/Primitive-2, Combat/Projectile-4, Combat/Unarmed-0, Culture/Enclave-0*, Navigation-0*,
Perception-0, Stealth-0, Survival-1, Tactics-0
An NPC Slayer’s default attributes are Strength 14 (+1), Intelligence 7 (-1), Wisdom 11 (+0), Dexterity 14 (+1), Constitution 11 (+0),
and Charisma 7 (-1). All skills are class skills except for those marked with an asterisk; players can swap skills in and out accordingly.
Slayer Class Skills: Athletics, Combat/Any, Exosuit, Leadership, Perception, Profession/Any, Stealth, and Tactics.
Physical Mental
Lvl HP AC AB Weapon/Armor Evasion Tech Luck
Effect Effect
4 6 +1/+1 Spear (1d6), Hide Armor 16 12 14 15 13
Skills: Cbt/Primitive-0, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, History-0, Language-0, Navigation-0*, Persuade-1, Survival-1
12 4 +1/+2 Revolver (1d8+1), Harmony Armor 16 12 14 15 13
3 Skills: Combat/Primitive-0, Combat/Projectile-1*, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, History-0, Language-0, Navigation-0*,
Persuade-2, Survival-1
20 4 +3/+5 Combat Rifle (1d12), Terran Explorer Suit 14 10 12 13 11
5 Skills: Business-0, Combat/Primitive-0, Combat/Projectile-2*, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, History-1, Language-0,
Leadership-0, Navigation-0*, Persuade-2, Survival-1
28 3 +5/+7 Mag Rifle (2d8), Insurgent Combat Shell 12 8 10 11 9
7 Skills: Business-1, Combat/Primitive-0, Combat/Projectile-2*, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, History-1, Language-0,
Leadership-1, Navigation-0*, Persuade-3, Survival-1
36 3 +5/+8 Mag Rifle (2d8), Insurgent Combat Shell 12 8 10 11 9
9 Skills: Business-1, Combat/Primitive-0, Combat/Projectile-3*, Culture/Criminal-0, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0,
History-1, Language-0, Leadership-2, Navigation-0*, Persuade-3, Survival-1
An NPC Speaker’s default attributes are Strength 11 (+0), Intelligence 11 (+0), Wisdom 7 (-1), Dexterity 11 (+0), Constitution 11 (+0),
and Charisma 14 (+1). All skills are class skills except for those marked with an asterisk; players can swap skills in and out accordingly.
Speaker Class Skills: Artist, Bureaucracy, Business, Combat/Unarmed, Combat/Primitive, Culture/Any, Gambling, History, Instructor,
Language, Leadership, Persuade, Profession, Religion, Steward, and Tactics.
Physical Mental
Lvl HP AC AB Weapon/Armor Evasion Tech Luck
Effect Effect
7 6 +1/+2 Spear (1d6+1), Scrap Mail 12 12 14 14 13
1 Skills: Combat/Primitive-0, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, Navigation-1, Stealth-0, Persuade-0*, Survival-1, Vehicle/
21 5 +1/+4 Monoblade (1d8+2), Harmony Armor 12 12 14 14 13
3 Skills: Combat/Primitive-2, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, Navigation-1, Stealth-0, Persuade-0*, Survival-1, Tech/
Medical-0, Vehicle/Land-0
35 4 +3/+6 Huge Monoblade (2d8+3), Scrap Plate 10 10 12 12 11
5 Skills: Combat/Primitive-2, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, Navigation-2, Stealth-0, Persuade-0*, Survival-2, Tech/
Medical-0, Vehicle/Land-0
49 4 +4/+7 Huge Monoblade (2d8+3), Insurgent Combat Shell 8 8 10 10 9
7 Skills: Combat/Primitive-2, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, Navigation-2, Stealth-1, Persuade-0*, Survival-2, Tech/
Medical-1, Vehicle/Grav-0, Vehicle/Land-0, Vehicle/Sea-0
63 3 +4/+8 Proton Axe (3d10+1), Powered Armor 8 8 10 10 9
9 Skills: Combat/Primitive-3, Culture/Enclave-0, Culture/Traveller-0, Navigation-2, Stealth-1, Persuade-0*, Survival-2, Tech/
Medical-1, Vehicle/Grav-0, Vehicle/Land-1, Vehicle/Sea-0
An NPC Survivor’s default attributes are Strength 14 (+1), Intelligence 11 (+0), Wisdom 11 (+0), Dexterity 7 (-1), Constitution 14 (+1),
and Charisma 7 (-1). All skills are class skills except for those marked with an asterisk; players can swap skills in and out accordingly.
Survivor Class Skills: Athletics, Combat/Unarmed, Combat/Primitive, Navigation, Perception, Profession/Any, Stealth, Survival, Tech/
Medical, and Vehicle/Any.
All characters are assumed to have 1d6 Type A energy cells available for each weapon or suit of armor that requires their use. Gunslingers
have 1d6 x 10 rounds of ammo to hand. If a character is being brought in as a replacement PC, they begin with the listed armor, weapon,
and normally-rolled starting gear as given in character generation. For every two levels above first, they can pick one of the following:
Any two items from the starting gear table, A Type A+ power cell, 5 units of spare parts of a tech level no greater than their own level,
or a roll on the Random Loot table in the rewards chapter at a +5 bonus.
Quick Name Lists
The Mandate preferred to maintain homogenous cultural and
ethnic groups on Old Terra in order to simplify their task of main- Arabic Names
taining social stasis among the planet’s inhabitants. Still, centuries 1d20 Male Female Surname
of exchange after the Years of Smoke left numerous pockets of 1 Ali Amani Akwal
newcomers dotting the globe. Despite the Mandate’s best efforts
2 Aziz Atiya Amari
at cultural control, almost every district had a distinct leavening of
“foreigners”, most of whom had lived there for generations. 3 Baraka Bashira Antar
4 Farid Daniyah Atef
Almost any mix of ethnicities and cultural extractions can now be 5 Gabir Durra Basara
found in the enclaves of the New Earth. Small cultural reservations 6 Hamid Faizah Daher
formed rallying points for the survivors, and a lack of easy travel
7 Harun Habiba Dalharni
and communication between enclaves has kept exchanges since to a
minimum. Most enclaves in a given region will be largely peopled 8 Ishaq Jalilah Dosari
by the most common pre-Scream culture in the area- as interpreted 9 Ismail Jamila Faraj
by the Mandate- but there are always some that speak of different 10 Jafar Jilan Ganim
origins. After Mandate standardization, most groups ended up fol- 11 Kafil Khadija Habash
lowing the given name-surname pattern preferred by bureaucrats.
12 Khalid Leila Issa
The following name lists are provided to simplify NPC generation 13 Muhammad Maliha Jahani
for a GM. Each table can be used individually, or they might be 14 Rafik Munira Khoury
mixed and matched for those enclaves that have blended several 15 Rashid Nathifa Madari
groups. For pronunciation, a quick check online can give a guide- 16 Saleh Rasha Naifeh
the Chinese names in particular involve letter-sound matches that
17 Tariq Shimah Said
aren’t intuitively obvious. Of course, in the ensuing eight hundred
years between now and the New Earth’s present day a great deal 18 Yazid Suha Sarraf
of linguistic drift has happened. There’s no guarantee that modern 19 Yusuf Yusriya Shamun
pronunciations match the tongues of the far future wastes. 20 Zahur Zuleika Tahan
Lunar Names Neo-Egyptian Names
1d20 Male Female Surname 1d20 Male Female Surname
1 Alan Barbara Aldrin 1 Amenken Ahset Amun
Maps and Stocking Tables
On the following pages you’ll find a selection of unkeyed maps and The feature and object tables need not be used randomly if you
stocking tables designed to give you a quick starting point for your have your own ideas about what should go in a particular ruin. The
ruins and enclaves. Most of the maps are multi-branched, and you nature of its inhabitants and its original purpose will give a number
can get several uses out of the same map by simply excising certain of possibilities, and you can also choose appropriate locations for
portions or swapping the orientation. The PDF version of this book the salvage you’ve rolled for a particular site.
also has the upper and lower maps on separate layers, so you can
turn off one or the other if you simply wish to print a single map. Don’t hesitate to scrawl on your maps and dirty them up with notes
and drawn details. Making a beautiful and evocative map can be
Scale and orientation are for you to determine on each map. One excellent fun, but these are meant for table use. Clarity, ease of refer-
square = 3 meters is a convenient indoor scale, while an outdoor ence, and simplicity in play are your goals, and more inspirational
map might be best at one square = 6 meters. endeavors are best saved for other kinds of cartography.
82-84 Cavern waterfall plunging into the dark 82-84 Scatterings of empty food wrappers
85-87 Cave with walls that crawl with loathsome vermin 85-87 Tripwire attached to a harmless noisemaker
91-93 Decayed tourist information kiosk 91-93 Plundered remains of a survival cache
94-96 Crude shrine to cthonic gods 94-96 Snare trap that brings down a shower of rocks
97-99 Basement of surface structure slumped downward 97-99 Rusted traces of an ancient minecart track
00 An out-of-place room carved before the Scream. 00 An injured stranger, left for dead by someone
Underground Bunker
Office Building
9 Demanding of conversion or death by the sword 11 A powerful cleric has gone renegade as a warlord
10 Rabid hatred with no possibility of conversion 12 The faith is self-destructing with mad principles
Quick Encounter Tables
Crossing the wastelands is dangerous in the best of times, and it’s common for wanderers to run into something unpleasant. A GM can
always make his or her own judgment over what might be likely to crop up in a particular region of the map, but the following tables
provide some quick possibilities. The upper eight results on each are groups of NPCs or mutants, while the bottom four are possible events
appropriate to the region; if you specifically want one or the other, you can just roll 1d8 or 1d4 accordingly.
2 3d6 aquatic Heritor Bugs swarm up the side: AC 7, Move 15’, 1 HP, Atk: +1/1d4 bite, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 10
3 1d6 Traders man a small ship: AC 5, Move 20’, HD 3, Atk: +3/1d8 Revolver, Skill +2, Save 14+, Morale 9
1d4 aquatic Security Bots hunt intruders: AC 4, Move 30’ Swim, 12 HP, Atk: +4/1d10+2 Laser Rifle, Skill +1, Save 14+,
Morale 12. They must be recharging themselves from some nearby power source.
5 2d4 Whiskered Devils seek prey: AC 3, Move 15’ Swim 30’, HD 2, Atk: +3/1d8 claw, Skill +2, Save 14+, Morale 8
6 2d8 Tribals from the nearest enclave are sailing: AC 6, Move 20’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d6 spear, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 8
7 4d8 Raiders have turned pirate: AC 6, Move 20’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d6 spear, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 8
8 1d6+2 Wanderers with PC classes of level 1d4+1, exploring the sea or seeking a lost ruin.
A vicious squall blows up. If the PCs are aboard a ship, move 1d3 hexes in a random direction. If onto land, the ship suffers
2d20 HP of damage per hex it can’t travel. Otherwise, the captain makes a Luck save or the ship takes 2d20 HP damage.
Mutant salt mites have gotten into the canteens or water casks. If not protected by Old Terran packaging or flasks, all fresh
water is rendered undrinkable.
11 A sunken building scrapes a seagoing party’s hull. The ship takes 2d20 damage.
12 Mutant seaweed traps the ship for 1d6 days. On land, radioactive sea wrack forces a Radiation saving throw for the party.
Intelligent foes are equipped with hide armor and spears unless otherwise indicated.
2 2d8 Raiders hide in a ruined building: AC 6, Move 20’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d6 spear, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 8
3 1d6 Traders seek to reach their hidden stash: AC 5, Move 20’, HD 3, Atk: +3/1d8 Revolver, Skill +2, Save 14+, Morale 9
1 ancient Security Bot vainly defends a long-ruined building: AC 4, Move 20’, 12 HP, Atk: +4/1d10+2 Laser Rifle, Skill +1,
Save 14+, Morale 12. A live power source probably exists in the building.
5 3d6 Heritor Bugs erupt from disturbed rubble: AC 7, Move 15’, 1 HP, Atk: +1/1d4 bite, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 10
6 1d8 Tribals are picking over the debris: AC 6, Move 20’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d6 spear, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 8
7 2d4 Skewmen scout for their village: AC 8, Move 15’, HD 1, Atk: +1/1d4 club, Skill +1, Save 15+, Morale 8
8 1d6+2 Wanderers with PC classes of level 1d4+1 are plundering this wreckage.
9 A ruin collapses under the PCs. Each character must make a Luck save or fall 6 meters.
10 Patch of radioactivity. If the PCs don’t possess a geiger counter, each must make a Radiation save.
11 Sudden electrical discharge from ancient cabling. The PC at the front must make a Luck save or take 1d10 damage.
12 Stumbled on a hidden lair. Roll 1d8 on this table and double the number of creatures present.
Intelligent foes are equipped with hide armor and spears unless otherwise indicated.
Str Int Lvl AB Phys Ment Evade Tech Luck
Scrounger 1-3 +1 16 15 13 12 14
Name Dex Wis
4-6 +2 14 13 11 10 12
Level XP
Con Cha 7-9 +4 12 11 9 8 10
System Strain Max Current 10-12 +6 10 9 7 6 8
HP 13-15 +8 9 8 6 6 7
16-18 +10 8 7 6 5 6
Equipment Ready Enc
Hunger Thirst Toxins
Skill Lvl Skill Lvl
1 1d6 0 6 6d6 32,000
Artist Perception
2 2d6 2,000 7 7d6 64,000
Athletics Persuade
3 3d6 4,000 8 8d6 128,000
Bureaucracy Profession/
4 4d6 8,000 9 9d6 250,000
Business Religion
5 5d6 16,000 10 9d6 370,000
Combat/Energy Science
Combat/Gunnery Security Scrounger Ability Flawless Skill
Combat/Prim. Stealth You may use this ability once per game day before roll-
Combat/Proj. Steward ing a skill check for a skill on the Scrounger class list.
You will automatically succeed at the check unless you
Combat/Unarmed Survival
roll a natural 2 on the dice, given that the GM agrees
Computer Tactics that success was ever possible
Culture/Criminal Tech/Astro
Culture/Literacy Tech/Maltech Mutations and Stigmata
Culture/Traveller Tech/Medical
Culture/ Tech/Postech
Culture/ Tech/Pretech
Exosuit Vehicle/Air
Weapon +Hit Dmg Range Ammo
Gambling Vehicle/Grav
History Vehicle/Land
Instructor Vehicle/Space
Language Vehicle/Sea
Navigation Unspent Points
Armor AC Class skills cost new level+1 to raise, others cost new level+2
Str Int Lvl AB Phys Ment Evade Tech Luck
Slayer 1-3 +2 12 15 13 16 14
Name Dex Wis
4-6 +4 10 13 11 14 12
Level XP
Con Cha 7-9 +6 8 11 9 12 10
System Strain Max Current 10-12 +8 6 9 7 10 8
HP 13-15 +10 6 8 6 9 7
16-18 +12 5 7 6 8 6
Equipment Ready Enc
Hunger Thirst Toxins
Skill Lvl Skill Lvl
1 1d6 0 6 6d6 32,000
Artist Perception
2 2d6 2,000 7 7d6 64,000
Athletics Persuade
3 3d6 4,000 8 8d6 128,000
Bureaucracy Profession/
4 4d6 8,000 9 9d6 250,000
Business Religion
5 5d6 16,000 10 9d6 370,000
Combat/Energy Science
Combat/Gunnery Security Slayer Ability Red Hand
Combat/Prim. Stealth Once per fight, you may use this skill before rolling your
Combat/Proj. Steward attack. You will hit your target on anything but a natural
1 on the hit roll. This ability can only be used when
Combat/Unarmed Survival
you are trying to kill someone, and will not work with
Computer Tactics nonlethal attacks or mere trick shooting.
Culture/Criminal Tech/Astro
Culture/Literacy Tech/Maltech Mutations and Stigmata
Culture/Traveller Tech/Medical
Culture/ Tech/Postech
Culture/ Tech/Pretech
Exosuit Vehicle/Air
Weapon +Hit Dmg Range Ammo
Gambling Vehicle/Grav
History Vehicle/Land
Instructor Vehicle/Space
Language Vehicle/Sea
Navigation Unspent Points
Armor AC Class skills cost new level+1 to raise, others cost new level+2
Str Int Lvl AB Phys Ment Evade Tech Luck
Speaker 1-3 +1 16 12 14 15 13
Name Dex Wis
4-6 +3 14 10 12 13 11
Level XP
Con Cha 7-9 +5 12 8 10 11 9
System Strain Max Current 10-12 +7 10 6 8 9 7
HP 13-15 +9 9 6 7 8 6
16-18 +11 8 5 6 7 6
Equipment Ready Enc
Hunger Thirst Toxins Lvl HD XP Lvl HD XP
Skill Lvl Skill Lvl 1 1d6 0 6 6d6 32,000
Combat/Energy Science
Speaker Ability Speaker’s Voice
Combat/Gunnery Security Once per game day, you can automatically convince a
Combat/Prim. Stealth single intelligent NPC to feel friendly or intimidated,
Combat/Proj. Steward assuming that result is in any way plausible under the
circumstances. Swayed subjects will cooperate in ways
Combat/Unarmed Survival that seem reasonable to them. It is not necessary to share
Computer Tactics a language with the target, though complex requests may
Culture/Criminal Tech/Astro require it. This suasion lasts until circumstances make
a different atttitude appropriate. Alternately, you may
Culture/Literacy Tech/Maltech use this ability once per game day to reroll a failed skill
Culture/Traveller Tech/Medical check related to cultural awareness or personal relations.
Culture/ Tech/Postech
Mutations and Stigmata
Culture/ Tech/Pretech
Exosuit Vehicle/Air
Weapon +Hit Dmg Range Ammo
Gambling Vehicle/Grav
History Vehicle/Land
Instructor Vehicle/Space
Language Vehicle/Sea
Navigation Unspent Points
Armor AC Class skills cost new level+1 to raise, others cost new level+2
Str Int Lvl AB Phys Ment Evade Tech Luck
Survivor 1-3 +1 12 12 14 14 13
Name Dex Wis
4-6 +3 10 10 12 12 11
Level XP
Con Cha 7-9 +4 8 8 10 10 9
System Strain Max Current 10-12 +6 6 6 8 8 7
HP 13-15 +8 6 6 7 7 6
16-18 +10 5 5 6 6 6
Equipment Ready Enc
Hunger Thirst Toxins
Skill Lvl Skill Lvl
1 1d6+2 0 6 6d6+12 32,000
Artist Perception
2 2d6+4 2,000 7 7d6+14 64,000
Athletics Persuade
3 3d6+6 4,000 8 8d6+16 128,000
Bureaucracy Profession/
4 4d6+8 8,000 9 9d6+18 250,000
Business Religion
5 5d6+10 16,000 10 9d6+20 370,000
Combat/Energy Science
Combat/Gunnery Security Survivor Ability Hard to Kill
Combat/Prim. Stealth The first time you are reduced to zero hit points in a day,
Combat/Proj. Steward you immediately regain 1 hit point for each experience
level you possess. Optionally, you may allow yourself to
Combat/Unarmed Survival
fall unconscious from the injury, in which case you will
Computer Tactics appear dead but will awaken ten minutes later with 1 hit
Culture/Criminal Tech/Astro point. This ability does not work against injuries that a
human could not possibly survive.
Culture/Literacy Tech/Maltech
Culture/Traveller Tech/Medical Mutations and Stigmata
Culture/ Tech/Postech
Culture/ Tech/Pretech
Exosuit Vehicle/Air
Weapon +Hit Dmg Range Ammo
Gambling Vehicle/Grav
History Vehicle/Land
Instructor Vehicle/Space
Language Vehicle/Sea
Navigation Unspent Points
Armor AC Class skills cost new level+1 to raise, others cost new level+2
Tags TL
Tier Prog. Ruin Sources
Total Progress Total Ruin