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Mark 60 Series

Pressure Regulators
Self Operated Pressure Regulators
The Mark 60 Sliding Gate Pressure Regulator is
used to regulate the downstream pressure to a
predetermined setpoint. The spring in the Mark
60 holds the sliding gate seats in their normally
open position to allow the process media to
pass through the seats.
The downstream pressure is sensed beneath
the diaphragm. (A sensing line is required on
sizes: 2-1/2", 3", and 4"). As the downstream
pressure exceeds the setpoint, pressure is
exerted on the diaphragm which raises the stem
to modulate the disc (the moveable component Mark 60 Features
on the sliding gate seat set) toward the closed
position. As the seats close, downstream pres- • Sliding Gate Trim – unique seat design for
sure will be reduced to the required setpoint. unsurpassed trim life and accuracy
A decrease in pressure relaxes the spring and • Jorcote Seat Coating – ceramic composite for
diaphragm to move the seats toward the open liquids, gases and especially steam. Very low
position. friction with outstanding wear resistance and a
temperature rating of up to 550°F. Steam tested
This brochure includes the following Series: to 1,000,000 cycles and still maintained Class
• MK60: a line of self-operating pressure regu- IV leakage.
• Jorlon Diaphragm – extremely durable, virtually
lators designed with Jordan Valve's sliding
universally applicable up to 450°F. Tested without
gate seats
failure to over 1,000,000 full stroke cycles. Ideal for
• MK61: The MK61 features a larger dia- steam, gases and liquids. 316SST diaphragm ap-
phragm than a standard MK60 to provide plicable up to 550°F.

Mark 60 Pressure Regulators

even greater sensitivity and minimum offset • Straight-through Flow – The flow is straight
from a required setpoint through the valve seats and body. Direction of
• MK60QC: The MK60QC features a "Quick the disc travel is perpendicular to the flow, not
Change" dome for simple range spring opposed to the direction of the flow. Thus, the
replacements. Ideal for facilities with multiple flow does not unbalance the seats. The MK60
pressure reducing applications - stock one can use a wider range of its stroke to give ac-
valve with several spare springs to cover a curate control; less offset
wide range of needs • Quiet Operation – typically 5-10 dB less than
• MK60H: The MK60H features a handwheel conventional globe style regulators. The disc
that replaces the adjusting screw for easy and plate are always in contact, which elimi-
changes to the setpoint nates chattering. Straight-through flow mini-
• MK60HP: Working pressure fully rated to mizes turbulence. Multiple orifices in the plate
ANSI Class 600 pressures, the HP options and disc divide the flow stream into smaller flow
permits setpoints as high as 450 psi components
• MK60GP: The MK60GP option requires grain • Minimum Maintenance – The MK60 sliding
processing modification for starch cookers gate seats require no special tools for disas-
sembly. The seats are pre-lapped at the factory
and other viscous services
and are self-lapping while in operation ensuring
• MK601/602: The MK601 and MK602 meet
a continual tight shutoff
higher capacity requirements than standard
Jordan Valve a division of Richards Industries
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209
513.533.5600 • 800.543.7311 • 513.871.0105 (f)
[email protected] •
Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Features & Benefits

Ideal for gas and liquids

Superior for steam

Heavy duty housing

can withstand full inlet
pressure rating

Optimized, low rate springs

for increased accuracy

Breather port for

actuator venting

Internal sensing simplifies

Jorlon diaphragm – proprietary installation, improves response
modified PTFE excellent for high time
cycling, chemical resistance,
steam service

Sliding Gate Trim – reduce or

replace trim with ease
Straight through
flow: less noise,
less wear, better
rangeability, longer
seat life

All Stainless Steel internals extend Jorcote – advanced ceramic coating delivers
seat, trim life superior wear resistance and ensures extended
Class IV shutoff

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Specifications – MK60/60QC/61/60HP
Sizes: (note: 1/4" & 3/8" sizes use 1/2" body with reducers) Seat Materials:
• Mark 60: 1/4" – 4" (DN8 – DN100) • Jorcote on SST – Standard
• Mark 60QC: 1/4" – 2" (DN8 – DN50) • Other materials available – Consult factory
• Mark 61: 1/4" – 3/4" (DN8 – DN20) Diaphragm Materials:
• Mark 60HP: 1/4" – 4" (DN8 – DN100) • Jorlon - Standard
End Connections: • Stainless Steel - Standard
• Threaded – FNPT, BSPT, BSPP (1/2" – 2" only) • Buna-N - Standard
• ANSI Flanges (150#, 300#) • Viton – Optional
• DIN Flanges (PN 10/16, PN 25/40) Service: Steam, water, oil, gas, air and chemicals
Spring Housing: Shutoff: ANSI Class IV
• CI or DI – 1/4" – 2" (DN8 – DN50) Options:
• DI/Steel – 2-1/2" – 4" (DN65 – DN100) • Double Bolting: increases the pressure rating of
Body Materials: the valve and ensures a tight seal between the
• Ductile Iron spring housing and the body for services with high
• Bronze (1/2" – 2"; DN15 – DN50) inlet pressures
• Carbon Steel (A216 WCB) • High Pressure Spring Housing: The HP option
• Stainless Steel (A351/CF8M) is an elongated spring housing that features a
Trim Materials: large spring for high pressure setpoints (up to 450
• 303SST – Standard on Ductile Iron, Bronze, Car- psi/31bar)
bon Steel valves • Handwheel: the H option is a handwheel that is
• 316SST – Standard on Stainless Steel valves mounted on the adjusting screw to allow for easy
• Monel, Hastelloy and other Alloys available setpoint changes
Reduced Pressure Control Ranges: Select a range • Exotic Alloys: where service conditions dictate the
to match your setpoint. For optimal performance, use of specialty materials, the Mark 60 Series can be
your setpoint should fall in the upper portion of the produced with bodies, trim and seats in Monel, Alloy
selected range. 20, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Titanium and others
• GP Option: grain processing modification for starch
Spring Ranges
Model Size (DN)
cookers and other viscous services. Available on Stain-
2 – 23 0,14 – 1,6 less Steel valves in 1/4" – 2" sizes only (DN8 – DN50)
10 – 38 0,69 – 2,6 • Cryogenic Service: CR option is a special spring
1/4" – 3/4" 20 – 55 1,4 – 3,8 housing for use if valve is in cryogenic service
(DN8 – DN20) 30 – 85 2,1 – 5,9
35 – 160 2,4 – 11,0 CV Values & Maximum Differential Pressures
95 – 220 6,6 – 15,2 Cv (Kv) Size (DN) Seat Material Max. ∆P PSI (bar)
1–5 0,07 – 0,34
0.84 (0,74) 1/4" (DN8) Jorcote 400 (27,6)
3–8 0,21 – 0,55
60 & 60QC 1.6 (1,4) 3/8" (DN12) Jorcote 400 (27,6)
5 – 20 0,34 – 1,4
1" – 2"
10 – 30 0,69 – 2,1 2.5 (2,2) 1/2" & 3/4"
(DN25 – DN50) Jorcote 400 (27,6)
20 – 45 1,4 – 3,1 4.4 (3,8) (DN15 & DN20)
30 – 95 2,1 – 6,6
6.4 (5,5) 1" & 1-1/4"
60 – 160 4,1 – 11,0 Jorcote 400 (27,6)
9.5 (8,2) (DN25 & DN32)
7 – 18 0,48 – 1,2
2-1/2" – 4" 15 (12,9) 1-1/2" (DN40) Jorcote 325 (22,4)
10 – 25 0,69 – 1,7
(DN65 – DN100)
15 – 35 1,0 – 2,4 25 (21,5)
75 – 190 5,2 – 13,1 2" (DN50) Jorcote 325 (22,4)
1/2" – 2" 30 (25,8)
100 – 320 6,9 – 22,1
(DN15 – DN40) 55 (47,3) 2-1/2" (DN65) Jorcote 150 (10,34)
60HP 150 – 450 10,3 – 31,0
2-1/2" – 4" 30 – 75 2,07 – 5,17 115 (99) 3" (DN75) Jorcote 150 (10,34)
(DN65 – DN100) 65 – 110 4,5 – 7,6 200 (172) 4" (DN100) Jorcote 150 (10,34)
1–5 0,07 – 0,34
2 – 12 0,14 – 0,83
2 – 25 0,14 – 1,7 Low Flow Cv's: reduced Cv's (Kv's) are available. Cv
1/4" – 3/4"
10 – 35 0,69 – 2,4 (Kv) ratings of smaller sized valves can be supplied in
61 20 – 55 1,4 – 3,8 a larger valve size
(DN8 – DN20)
20 – 80 1,4 – 5,5
40 – 115 2,8 – 7,9 0.42 (0,36) 0.21 (0,18) 0.08 (0,07) 0.04 (0,03) 0.02 (0,02)
25 – 160 1,7 – 11,0 0.008 (0,007) 0.004 (0,003) 0.002 (0,002) 0.0008 (0,007)*
30 – 180 2,1 – 12,4 * N/A in 316SS
Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Maximum Working Pressure, PSI Maximum Working Pressure, BAR

• Mark 60 Size Range: 1/4" – 2" • Mark 60 Size Range: DN8 – DN50
DI Body BRZ Body DI Body BRZ Body
Temp °F Temp °C
150# 300# TE 150# 300# TE 150# 300# TE 150# 300# TE
-20 to 100 250 300 [600] 300 [600] 225 300 [500] 300 [500] -29 to 38 17 21 [41] 21 [41] 16 21 [34] 21 [34]
200 235 300 [600] 300 [600] 215 300 [475] 300 [475] 93 16 21 [41] 21 [41] 15 21 [33] 21 [33]
300 215 300 [565] 300 [600] 195 300 [425] 300 [425] 149 15 21 [39] 21 [41] 13 21 [29] 21 [29]
400 200 300 [525] 300 [600] 170 300 [375] 300 [375] 204 14 21 [36] 21 [41] 12 21 [26] 21 [26]
500 170 300 [495] 300 [600] 150 300 [325] 300 [325] 260 12 21 [34] 21 [41] 10 21 [22] 21 [22]
600 140 300 [465] 300 [600] — — — 316 10 21 [32] 21 [41] — — —
650 125 300 [450] 300 [600] — — — 343 9 21 [31] 21 [41] — — —

• Mark 60 Size Range: 1/4" – 2" • Mark 60 Size Range: DN8 – DN50
CS Body SS Body CS Body SS Body
Temp °F Temp °C
150# 300# TE 150# 300# TE 150# 300# TE 150# 300# TE
-20 to 100 285 300 [740] 300 [950] 275 300 [720] 300 [950] -29 to 38 20 21 [51] 21 [66] 19 21 [49] 21 [66]
200 260 300 [675] 300 [950] 240 300 [620] 300 [950] 93 18 21 [47] 21 [66] 17 21 [43] 21 [66]
300 230 300 [655] 300 [950] 215 300 [560] 300 [950] 149 16 21 [45] 21 [66] 15 21 [39] 21 [66]
400 200 300 [635] 300 [950] 195 300 [515] 300 [950] 204 14 21 [44] 21 [66] 13 21 [36] 21 [66]
500 170 300 [600] 300 [950] 170 300 [480] 300 [950] 260 12 21 [41] 21 [66] 12 21 [33] 21 [66]
600 140 300 [550] 300 [950] 140 300 [450] 300 [900] 316 10 21 [38] 21 [66] 10 21 [31] 21 [62]
650 125 300 [535] 300 [950] 125 300 [445] 300 [890] 343 9 21 [37] 21 [66] 9 21 [31] 21 [61]

• Mark 60 Size Range: 2-1/2" – 4" • Mark 60 Size Range: DN65 – DN100
DI Body CS Body SS Body DI Body CS Body SS Body
Temp °F Temp °C
150# 300# 150# 300# 150# 300# 150# 300# 150# 300# 150# 300#
-20 to 100 250 500 285 500 275 500 -29 to 38 17 34 20 34 19 34
200 235 500 260 500 240 500 93 16 34 18 34 17 34
300 215 500 230 500 215 500 149 15 34 16 34 15 34
400 200 500 200 500 195 500 204 14 34 14 34 13 34
500 170 495 170 500 170 500 260 12 34 12 34 12 34

• Mark 60HP Size Range:1/2" – 2" • Mark 60HP Size Range: DN15 – DN50
CS Body SS Body CS Body SS Body
Temp °F Temp °C
600# Flange or NPT 600# Flange or NPT 600# Flange or NPT 600# Flange or NPT
100 1480 1440 38 102 99
200 1355 1240 93 93 85
300 1315 1120 149 91 77
400 1270 1030 204 88 71
500 1208 955 260 83 66
600 1098 905 316 75 62
650 1075 890 343 74 61

1. Double bolting option is required to reach pressures indicated in Brackets [ ].
2. If weld flanges are supplied, use ratings in "TE" column or flange rating, whichever is less (i.e. ANSI 600/900 flanges or PN64/100 flanges).
3. Consult factory for availability of ANSI/DIN/JIS flanges not indicated above.

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Dimensions – Mark 60/Mark 60QC

• Threaded & FSW Ends, Inches • Threaded & FSW Ends, Metric

Weight Weight
Size Material A B C D Size Material A B C D
(lbs) (kgs)
DI/BRZ 4.12 8.50 1.69 5.12 10 DN8 - DI/BRZ 105 216 43 130 4,5
1/4" - 3/8"
CS/SS 4.12 8.50 1.69 5.12 12 DN12 CS/SS 105 216 43 130 5,4
DI/BRZ 3.62 8.50 1.69 5.12 10 DI/BRZ 92 216 43 130 4,4
1/2" DN15
CS/SS 3.62 8.50 1.69 5.12 12 CS/SS 92 216 43 130 5,4
DI/BRZ 3.62 8.50 1.69 5.12 10 DI/BRZ 92 216 43 130 4,5
3/4" DN20
CS/SS 3.62 8.50 1.69 5.12 12 CS/SS 92 216 43 130 5,4
DI/BRZ 4.12 10.00 2.62 7.09 21 DI/BRZ 105 254 67 180 9,5
1" DN25
CS/SS 4.18 10.75 2.62 7.09 25 CS/SS 106 273 67 180 11,3
1-1/4" DI/BRZ 4.12 10.00 2.62 7.09 21 DN32 DI/BRZ 105 254 67 180 9,5
DI/BRZ 4.50 10.25 2.31 7.09 23 DI/BRZ 114 260 59 180 10,4
1-1/2" DN40
CS/SS 4.81 11.00 2.25 7.09 31 CS/SS 122 279 57 180 14,0
DI/BRZ 4.50 10.25 2.75 7.09 26 DI/BRZ 114 260 70 180 11,8
2" DN50
CS/SS 5.50 11.00 2.75 7.09 35 CS/SS 140 279 70 180 15,9

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Dimensions – Mark 60
• Flanged Ends, ANSI, Inches
ANSI A1 B C D Weight (lbs)
150# 7.25 7.25 9.00 9.00 1.69 5.12 13 15
300# 7.50 7.50 9.00 9.00 1.69 5.12 14 16
150# 7.25 7.25 9.00 9.00 1.69 5.12 14 16
300# 7.62 7.62 9.00 9.00 1.69 5.12 16 17
150# 7.25 7.25 11.25 11.75 2.62 7.09 26 34
300# 8.75 1
7.75 2
11.25 11.75 2.62 7.09 28 37
150# 7.87 — 11.25 — 2.62 7.09 28 —
B 300# 8.37 — 11.25 — 2.62 7.09 31 —
150# 8.75 8.75 11.25 13.00 2.31 7.09 42 46
300# 10.251 9.252 11.25 13.00 2.31 7.09 45 52
150# 10.00 10.00 11.50 13.25 2.75 7.09 46 50
300# 10.50 10.50 11.50 13.25 2.75 7.09 49 55
Flanged End CS/SS
Larger Sizes A1 B C D Weight (lbs)
125-150# 10.88 18.75 6.95 12.75 165
250-300# 11.50 18.75 6.95 12.75 165

C 125-150# 11.75 18.75 6.95 12.75 185

250-300# 12.50 18.75 6.95 12.75 185
125-150# 13.88 18.75 8.00 12.75 215
A1 250-300# 14.50 18.75 8.00 12.75 215

• Flanged Ends, Metric 1 Not IFE and NOT per DIN3202

Size ANSI A1 B C D Weight (kgs)

10/16 184 130 229 229 43 130 5,9 6,8
25/40 184 130 229 229 43 130 6,4 7,3
10/16 184 150 229 229 43 130 6,4 7,3
25/40 184 150 229 229 43 130 7,3 7,7
10/16 222 160 286 298 67 180 11,8 15,4
25/40 222 160 286 298 67 180 12,7 16,8
10/16 222 — 286 — 67 180 12,7 —
25/40 222 — 286 — 67 180 14,1 —
10/16 222 200 286 330 59 180 19,1 20,9
25/40 222 200 286 330 59 180 20,4 23,6
10/16 254 230 292 337 70 180 20,9 22,7
25/40 254 230 292 337 70 180 22,2 24,9
Flanged End CS/SS
Larger Sizes A1 B C D Weight (kgs)
10/16 276 476 177 324 75
25/40 292 476 177 324 75
10/16 298 476 177 324 84
25/40 318 476 177 324 84
10/16 353 476 203 324 98
25/40 368 476 203 324 98
Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Dimensions – Mark 60HP

• Flanged Ends, Inches
Size (lbs)
150# 7.25 7.25 12.75 1.69 5.20
1/2" 300# 7.50 7.50 12.75 1.69 5.20 21 •
• 600# 8.00 8.00 12.25 1.69 5.20
150# 7.25 7.25 12.75 1.69 5.20
3/4" 300# 7.62 7.62 12.75 1.69 5.20 22 •
B • 600# 8.12 8.12 12.25 1.69 5.20
150# 7.25 7.25 13.25 2.62 5.20
1" 300# 7.75 7.75 13.25 2.62 5.20 37
• 600# 8.25 8.25 12.75 2.62 5.20
150# 7.87 — 12.75 2.62 5.20
1-1/4" 37
300# 8.37 — 12.75 2.62 5.20
150# 8.75 8.75 13.75 2.31 5.20
1-1/2" 300# 9.25 9.25 13.75 2.31 5.20 45
• 600# 9.87 9.87 13.25 2.31 5.20
150# 10.00 10.00 14.00 2.75 5.20
2" 300# 10.50 10.50 14.00 2.75 5.20 49
• 600# 11.25 11.25 13.50 2.75 5.20
• 600# are not IFE
A1 • For IFE, add 1" to all "B" dimensions (1" – 2" sizes only)

• Threaded & FSW Ends, Inches • Flanged Ends, Metric3

Weight Weight
Size Material A B C D A1 B2 C D
(lbs) ANSI (kgs)
DI/BRZ 3.62 12.75 1.75 5.12 15 Flange
1/2" - 3/4" DI/BRZ1 CS/SS ALL ALL ALL All
CS/SS 3.62 12.75 1.75 5.12 17 10/16 184 130 324 43 132
DI/BRZ 4.12 13.00 2.12 5.20 21 15 9,5
1" 25/40 184 130 324 43 132
CS/SS 4.18 13.25 2.12 5.20 25 10/16 184 150 324 43 132
1-1/4" DI/BRZ 4.12 13.00 2.12 5.20 21 20 10
25/40 184 150 324 43 132
DI/BRZ 4.50 13.25 2.31 5.20 23 10/16 184 160 337 67 132
1-1/2" 25 17
CS/SS 4.81 13.75 2.50 5.20 31 25/40 184 160 337 67 132
DI/BRZ 4.50 13.25 2.50 5.20 26 10/16 200 — 324 67 132
2" 32 17
CS/SS 5.50 14.00 2.50 5.20 35 25/40 200 — 324 67 132
• Threaded & FSW Ends, Metric 10/16 222 200 349 59 132
Weight 40 20
Size Material A B C D 25/40 222 200 349 59 132
10/16 254 230 356 70 132
DN15 & DI/BRZ 92 324 45 130 6,8 50 22
20 25/40 254 230 356 70 132
CS/SS 92 324 45 130 7,7
Not IFE and not per DIN3202
DI/BRZ 105 330 54 132 9,5
For IFE, add 25,4 mm
CS/SS 106 337 54 132 11,3 For all DIN flanges, please consult factory
DN32 DI/BRZ 105 330 54 132 9,5
DI/BRZ 114 337 59 132 10,4
CS/SS 122 349 64 132 14,1
DI/BRZ 114 337 64 132 11,8
CS/SS 140 356 64 132 15,9
Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Dimensions – Mark 61


• Threaded & FSW Ends, Inches • Flanged Ends, ANSI, Inches

Weight ANSI A1 B C D Weight (lbs)
Size Material A B C D Size
DI/BRZ 4.12 10.25 2.25 7.12 12
1/4" - 3/8" 1/2" & 150# 9.62 9.62 10.25 10.25 2.25 7.12 26 26
CS/SS 4.12 10.25 2.25 7.12 13 3/4" 300# 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 2.25 7.12 29 29
DI/BRZ 3.62 10.25 2.25 7.12 12
1/2" - 3/4"
CS/SS 3.62 10.25 2.25 7.12 13
• Flanged Ends, ANSI, Metric
ANSI A11 B C D Weight (kgs)
• Threaded & FSW Ends, Metric Size
Size Material A B C D DN15 10/16 244 244 260 260 57 181 12 12
& 20 25/40 260 260 260 260 57 181 13 13
DI/BRZ 105 260 57 181 5,4
DN8 - 10 1
Not per DIN 3202
CS/SS 105 260 57 181 5,9
DI/BRZ 92 260 57 181 5,4
DN15 - 20
CS/SS 92 260 57 181 5,9

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Jorlon Diaphragm - Revolutionary Diaphragm Sets New Standard

• Easily retrofitted – Jorlon can be easily retrofitted in the field with no additional parts. For regulators pur-
chased after the fall of 1991, only the diaphragm needs to be changed to retrofit either SST or elastomer
• Chemical compatibility – Jorlon is PTFE based, so it is compatible with most media except fluorinated
gases and halogenated fluorocarbons. Whether the application is steam, process gases or fluids, Jorlon
should be your choice.
• High pressure limits – The Mark 60HP has been pressure tested well in excess of the maximum allow-
able pressures of the valve. For the smaller MK60 2" (DN50) and below, it is fully rated to ANSI 300
Class pressure of 720 psi (50 bar) @ 100°F (38°C). The outstanding performance is a combination of
Jorlon and sliding gate seat technology.
• Improved droop performance – A metal diaphragm is much more rigid than an elastomer diaphragm.
As such, metal diaphragms have decreased sensitivity thereby diminishing performance and accuracy
in a self-operated regulator. Jorlon will improve droop performance when used instead of a SST dia-
phragm as its properties are more similar to those of elastomer materials.
• Less expensive – Jorlon is less expensive than many other diaphragm materials, further increasing its
customer value.
• High steam pressure capability – Extensive steam testing of Jorlon in the Mark 60 pressure regulator
has shown this material is ideal for high pressure steam
service. For Mark 60 2" (DN50) and below, Jorlon may be
used in saturated steam service up to 405 psi (28 bar) @
450°F (232°C). For steam service in larger Mark 60s, up
to 125 psi (8,6 bar) saturated steam.
• Fast delivery – Rely on our 36 hour delivery with Jorlon
as the diaphragm material.
• Extremely long life – Under 300 psi air, Jorlon surpasses
1,000,000 full stroke cycles without failure. The harsh-
est test was on 450°F saturated steam, where Jorlon
exceeded the cycle count for stainless steel by over 150
times - the test was stopped and the Jorlon diaphragm
had yet to fail.
• Lower cost of ownership – Less droop provides more ac-
curacy, improving efficiently and productivity. Extremely
long life results in more production up-time, fewer spare
parts expenses and less repair labor.

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Ordering Schematic

Model No Size Body Mat'l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Model 5 Seat Material

60 Standard A 303SST (1/4" – 2")
60HP High Pressure B 316SST (1/4" – 2")
60QC Quick Change V 303SS/Jorcote
61 Large Diaphragm W 316SS/Jorcote

Size 6 Cv (Kv)
025 1/4" (DN8) 1 0.21 (0,28) 9 15 (12,9)
038 3/8" (DN10) 2 0.42 (0,36) A 25 (21,6)
050 1/2" (DN15) 3 0.84 (0,72) B 30 (25,9)
075 3/4" (DN20) 4 1.6 (1,4) D* 55 (47,4)
100 1" (DN25)
125 1-1/4" (DN32) 5 2.5 (2,2) F* 85 (73,3)
150 1-1/2" (DN40) 6 4.4 (3,8) G* 115 (99,1)
200 2" (DN50) 7 6.4 (5,5) I* 200 (172)
250 2-1/2" (DN65) (MK60/60HP only) 8 9.5 (8,2) * 2-1/2" – 4" only
300 3" (DN80) (MK60/60HP only)
400 4" (DN100) (MK60/60HP only)
MK61 available in 1/4" through 3/4" only) 7&8 MK 60 Spring Range PSI (Bar)
1/4" – 3/4" 1" – 2" 2-1/2" – 4"
15 2-20 (0,14-1,4) 05 1-5 (0,07-0,34) 29 7-18 (0,5-1)
Body Material
16 2-23 (0,14-1,6) 20 3-8 (0,2-0,6) 32 10-25 (0,7-2)
DI Ductile Iron
BR Bronze (1/4" – 2") 37 10-38 (0,7-3) 28 5-20 (0,34-1) 42 15-35 (1-2)
CS Carbon Steel 56 20-55 (1-4) 34 10-30 (0,7-2)
S6 Stainless Steel 81 35-160 (2-11) 53 20-45 (1-3)
CI Cast Iron (2-1/2" – 4') A6 95-220 (7-15) 75 30-95 (2,7)
D8 30-85 (2-6) 97 60-160 (4-11)
1&2 End Connections
1/4" – 2" MK60/61 7&8 MK60HP Spring Range PSI (Bar)
PT NPT 1/2" – 2" 2-1/2" – 4"
BT BSPT A1 75-190 (5-13) 71 30-75 (3-5)
BP BSPP A7 100-320 (7-22) 98 65-110 (4-8)
I5 150# IFE A9 150-450 (10-31)
F5 150# FE (Except IFE)
I3 300# IFE 7&8 MK61 Spring Range PSI (Bar)
F3 300# FE (Except IFE)
2-1/2" – 4" MK60 05 1-5 (0,07-0,34) 56 20-55 (1-4)
I1 125# IFE 10 2-12 (0,14-0,8) 63 20-80 (1-6)
I5 150# IFE 17 2-25 (0,14-2) 87 40-115 (3-8)
I2 250# IFE 36 10-35 (0,7-2) 70 25-160 (2-11)
I3 300# IFE 80 30-180 (2-12)
I7 PN10 DIN IFE (CS/S6) DN15-150
I6 PN16 DIN IFE (CS/S6) DN15-150
I8 PN25 DIN IFE (CS/S6) DN15-150
I4 PN 40 DIN IFE (CS/S6) DN15-150 9 & 10 Diaphragm
S6 316SST (1/4" – 2" only)
VI Viton
3&4 Trim BN Buna-N (standard above 2")
S3 303SS JL Jorlon
S6 316SS
I3 303SSF/IFE (1/2" - 2")
I6 316SSF/IFE (1/2" - 2") 11 & 12 Actuator
MD DI for Metal Diaphragm (1/4" – 2" only)
ED DI for Elastomer Diaphragm
SM 316 for Metal Diaphragm
Mark 601/602 Series
High Flow Pressure Regulators

The Mark 601 and 602 meet higher capacity require-

ments than standard regulators. The High Flow Mark
601 has Cv's as high as 50 (43 Kv) and the Super
High Flow Mark 602 has Cv's up to 70 (60,2 Kv).
Each valve is standard with Jordan's Sliding Gate
Seats, which helps to reduce the droop commonly
associated with high flow regulators.
Jordan's unique self-operated sliding gate pressure
regulator offers:
• Shorter stroke than a globe or plug-style valve
  – Faster response Seat Materials
  – Less offset • Jorcote on SST – Standard
   – Smaller and lighter weight than globe-style Diaphragm Materials
   valves • Stainless Steel – standard
   – Longer diaphragm life • Jorlon – standard
• Buna-N – optional
• Straight-through flow
• Viton – optional
   – Less turbulence, erosion and noise
Service: Steam, water, oil, gas, air and chemicals
  – Improved rangeability Shutoff: ANSI Class IV
   – Longer seat life Reduced Pressure Control Ranges: Select a
• Ease of maintenance range to match your setpoint. For optimal perfor-
   – Interchangeable seats and Cv's mance, your setpoint should fall in the upper portion
   – Fewer spare parts of the selected range.
Spring Ranges
  – Self-cleaning seats Model Size (DN)
   – No gaskets or o-rings 20 – 45 1,4 – 3,1
1-1/2" – 2"
601 & 602 30 – 95 2,1 – 6,6
(DN40 – DN50)
Specifications 60 – 160 4,1 – 11,0

Cv Values & Maximum Differential Pressures

Sizes: 1-1/2" & 2" (DN40 & DN50)
• Mark 601
End Connections: Maximum ∆P
• Threaded – NPT, BSPT, BSPP Cv (Kv) Size (DN) Seat Material
• ANSI Flanges (150#, 300#) 25 (21,5)
1-1/2" & 2"
Jorcote 150 (10,3)
• DIN Flanges (PN 10/16, PN 25/40) (DN40 & DN50)
1-1/2" & 2"
30 (25,8) Jorcote 150 (10,3)
Body Materials (DN40 & DN50)
• Ductile Iron 3 1-1/2" & 2"
Jorcote 150 (10,3)
• Bronze 5 (30,1) (DN40 & DN50)
• Carbon Steel (A216 WCB) 45 (38,7)
Jorcote 150 (10,3)
• Stainless Steel (A351/CF8M) 2"
50 (43,0) Jorcote 150 (10,3)
Trim Materials (DN50)
• 303SST – Standard on Ductile Iron, Bronze, Car- • Mark 602
bon Steel valves Maximum ∆P
• 316SST – Standard on Stainless Steel valves Cv (Kv) Size (DN) Seat Material
• Monel, Hastelloy and other Alloys available 65 (56) 1-1/2" (DN40) Jorcote 150 (10,3)
70 (60) 2" (DN50) Jorcote 150 (10,3)

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Dimensions – Mark 601/602



• Threaded & FSW Ends, Inches • Flanged Ends, Inches

Weight ANSI A1 B C D Weight (lbs)
Size Material A B C D Size
DI/BRZ 4.50 11.50 2.75 7.09 26
1-1/2" & 2" 1-1/2" 150# 10.00 10.00 11.50 11.75 2.31 7.09 42 46
CS/SS 5.50 11.75 2.75 7.09 35 1
300# 10.25 10.25 11.50 11.75 2.31 7.09 45 52
150# 10.00 10.00 11.50 13.252 2.75 7.09 46 50
• Threaded & FSW Ends, Metric 300# 10.50 10.50 11.50 13.252 2.75 7.09 49 55
Weight 1
Not ANSI Standard
Size Material A B C D
(kgs) 2
IFE only
DI/BRZ 114 292 70 180 11,7
DN40 - 50 • Flanged Ends, Metric
CS/SS 140 298 70 180 15,9
ANSI A1 B C D Weight (kgs)

DN40 10/16 254 254 292 298 70 180 19,1 20,9

25/40 260 260 292 298 70 180 20,4 23,6
10/16 254 2302 292 3362 70 180 20,9 22,7
25/40 268 2302
292 336 2
70 180 22,2 24,9
Not per DIN3202
IFE only

Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Ordering Schematic

Model No Size Body Mat'l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Model 5 Seat Material

601 High Flow V 303SS/Jorcote
602 Super High Flow W 316SS/Jorcote

6 Cv (Kv)
A 25 (22)
150 1-1/2" (DN40)
B 30 (26)
200 2" (DN50)
V 35 (30)
Body Material W 45 (39)
DI Ductile Iron C 50 (43)
BR Bronze Y 65 (56)
CS Carbon Steel E 70 (60)
S6 Stainless Steel
7&8 Spring Range PSI (Bar)
1&2 End Connections 53 20 - 45 (1,4 - 3,0)
PT NPT 75 30 - 95 (2,1 - 6,6)
BT BSPT 97 60 - 160 (4,1 - 11,0)
I5 150# IFE, CS or SST*
9 & 10 Diaphragm
F5 150# FE, DI or BR
S6 316SST
I7 PN10 IFE, CS or SST*
VI Viton
F7 PN10 FE, DI or BR
BN Buna-N
I6 PN16 IFE, CS or SST*
JL Jorlon
F6 PN16 FE, DI or BR
11 & 12 Actuator
MD DI for Metal Diaphragm
I3 300# IFE, CS or SST*
ED DI for Elastomer Diaphragm
F3 300# FE, DI or BR
SM 316 for Metal Diaphragm
I8 PN25 IFE, CS or SST*
F8 PN25 FE, DI or BR
13 & 14 Double Bolting
I4 PN40 IFE, CS or SST* 00 None
F4 PN40 FE, DI or BR ZZ Non-Standard

3&4 Trim
15 Accessories
S3 303SS
0 None
S6 316SS
6 316SS Bolting
I3 303SSF/IFE (1/2" - 2" CS/S6)
7 Hi-temperature Bolting
I6 316SSF/IFE (1/2" - 2" CS/S6)
Z Non-Standard


Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure Regulators

Jordan Valve offers a full range of pressure regulators in addition to the Mark 60 Self-Operated Pressure

Mark 62 Internally Piloted Pressure Regulator

The Mark 62 is a specialty valve designed for critical application regulation in locations
where space is limited. Small and lightweight in design, the Mark 62 valve provides the
accuracy of a piloted valve with the size, weight, and appearance of a single, self-oper-
ated valve.

Mark 63/64 Differential Pressure Regulators

The Mark 63 is designed to maintain a constant differential between the pressure on the
discharge side of the regulator and the signal pressure loaded on the diaphragm. The
Mark 64 provides the same flow capacity as the Mark 63 but with less offset in con-
trolled pressure due to a larger diaphragm.

Mark 65 Vacuum Regulators

The Mark 65 vacuum regulators control very accurately and shutoff tightly to main-
tain the proper vacuum setting. They are used to maintain vacuums at predetermined
settings and to regulate vacuums on evaporators, cookers, grinding fixtures, milking
machines, altitude chambers and other vacuum systems.

Mark 66 Air-Loaded Pressure Regulators

The Mark 66 is a highly accurate and economical air loaded pressure regulator that
provides regulation from a local station or from a remote station. The operation of the
MK66 requires no control spring or pilot. Instead, a static signal is applied to the top of
the diaphragm to determine the setpoint.

Mark 67 Pilot-Operated Pressure Regulators

The Mark 67 is for critical pressure reducing applications and provides a greater ac-
curacy and lower offset than can be achieved with a self-operated regulator. Because
of its versatility in control, and its accuracy, the Mark 67 can be used in a wide variety
of applications including: controlling the pressure of gaseous oxygen to furnaces at
steel mills, controlling pressure of sealing oil on turbines, and pressure control on steam
mains and distribution lines.

Mark 68G Pressure Regulator

The Mark 68G is a globe-style pressure reducing regulating valve that offers high
capacity, accurate regulation, and easy servicing, making it the ideal choice for your
industrial-grade pressure reducing applications.

Mark 68HP High Pressure Regulating Valve

The Mark 68HP is designed primarily for high pressure steam service as commonly
found in power plants, refineries, pulp & paper mills, and other high pressure process

Jordan Valve a division of Richards Industries

3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209
513.533.5600 • 800.543.7311 • 513.871.0105 (f)
[email protected] •

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