Job Interview Questions About The New Job and The Company
Job Interview Questions About The New Job and The Company
Job Interview Questions About The New Job and The Company
What interests you about this job? Why do you want this job? What applicable attributes / experience do you have? Are you overqualified for this job? What can you do for this company? Why should we hire you? Why are you the best person for the job? What do you know about this company? Why do you want to work here? What challenges are you looking for in a position? What can you contribute to this company? Are you willing to travel? What is good customer service? How long do you expect to remain employed with this company? Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?
What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you? What are your goals for the next five years / ten years? How do you plan to achieve those goals? What are your salary requirements - both short-term and long-term? Questions about your career goals. What will you do if you don't get this position?
What problems have you encountered at work? Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? Who was your best boss and who was the worst? Why are you leaving your job? Why did you resign? Why did you quit your job? What have you been doing since your last job? Why were you fired?
Which one is more efficient? A four stroke engine or a two stroke and why?
Resilience It is the energy obsorbed by the body up to the yeild point is called resilience. when we called strain energy obsorbed by the body up to yeild point then it is modulus of Resilience.Modulus of resilience has constant values depending upon the type of material.They are easily available.
Torsion- shafts his question can be answered analytically. We know the Torson Equation T --J t --r J From this, the Section Modulus = --t Section modulus of the hollow shaft may be more than that of solid shaft in the case of automobiles. And the Section Modulus of the solid shaft may be more than that of hollow shaft in the case of pumps, turbine, etc.
Solid shafts bear stresses only on its periphery. Where as in hallow shafts stress occur on the periphery as well as the inner surface. So deformation can easily occur in hallow shafts as compared to solid shafts. Solid shafts has high density and can withstand the torsional stress. (If my answer is wrong kindly correct me)
1. Why did you choose this stream of engineering? 2. Tell us more about the project you had in your final semester during the course of your mechanical degree? 3. Which branch of mechanical engineering do you like the most and why? 4. Let us presume, one of the cloth spinning machine in the factory has met with a short circuit, how will you go about rectifying it? 5. You left your Masters Degree midway. Any specific reason for it? 6. Give us an example where your knowledge about spinning machines prevented your previous employer from buying a new machine?
7. What are the hazards which a mechanical engineer has to encounter in daily routine work? 8. What are your long term goals and objectives? 9. What salary do you expect from this job? 10. Name 3 essential qualities which make a successful mechanical engineer. 11. Do you want us to know anything else about yourself?
Tell us something about your mechanical expertise in the engineering field. Why are you willing to work with us? Explain the job duties have you performed in the previous job? How do you rate your mechanical and analytical skills to identify some issue and to troubleshoot it with the innovative technology? Differentiate between the bicycle reverse pedal and two wheeler reverse gear systems. Discuss the D4D technology used in the vehicles. Tell us the name of the mechanical projects you have handled in your last job? Do you have some personal project on which you would like to work after office time? Explain a major mechanical difference between an Otto cycle and Brayton? Distinguish between a rector and an exchanger in mechanical terms. Explain the phenomena of a nozzle. Why these are manufactured as convergent and divergent nozzles? Discuss the procedure to enhance the efficiency of a power plant without making any major effort. Tell us the formula of calculating the speed of a conveyer per meter per second. Explain the working of a turbo charger. Which method do you use to measure the sound level of a tractor engine? What do you understand from a heat transfer coefficient? Explain the formula to calculate this factor. How effective are you in delivering work within the given deadlines?
1. Why did you choose to do a MBA from London School of Economics? 2. So you did an internship with automobile gaint Ford. Tell us about the experience. 3. Give an example where during the course of your pursuing the MBA course, you had a bitter experience with one of the faculties? 4. In a typical financial market, what is the role of a MBA? 5. Do you have any experience to work in a team? 6. Are you used to working in a deadline centric work procedure? 7. Name 5 top notch universities of your country who impart a MBA course? 8. What made you select this job? Was it solely the salary or something else? 9. Please share with us one lighter moment during your stay at London School of Economics. 10. What are your long term objectives and goals? How do you think you will achieve them?