October 2015 1448082506 23
October 2015 1448082506 23
October 2015 1448082506 23
Environmental Science
Identification of Nanocomposite Materials KEYWORDS: Polymer, ZnO, Concrete, PVK,
for Green Buildings: A Review PMMA
Dept. of Civil Engg. , Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity Univer-
Mohan Kantharia
sity Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, India
Dept. of Applied Physics, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity Uni-
Pankaj Kumar Mishra
versity Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, India
Anurag Srivastava Advanced Material Research Group, CNT Lab, ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, M.P., India
ABSTRACT Continuous extraction of natural nonrenewable resources such as lime and natural aggregates for the
production of concrete is great burden on our environment and sustainability. It is a need of the hour to save
our environment and our natural resources. One side we want to reduce the consumption of cement, On the other side the cement concrete of
high and ultra high strength is continuously in demand due to multistory, and skyscraper construction.
Here some new composite materials, which are emerging to support conventional concrete industry in some manner, are discussed. ese
new composites are either improving the properties of conventional cement concrete or replacing a part of it. Nanotechnology is imparting its
contribution either by introducing new materials to replace basic constituents or to make concrete of required properties and of high strength.
Introduction ible, corrosion resistant, low maintenance cost. ese light weight
Polymer layered silicate nanocomposites are relatively new class of composites are strong and stiff. e new materials worldwide are
nanoscale materials, in which at least one dimension of the filler advancing toward high-performance, high-function, intelligent, low
phase is smaller than 100 nm. Stones and timber are the basic materi- dimensional and therefore, these nano-materials, ceramic materials,
als of oldest industry that is construction industry. Early civilization composite materials have very good prospects in the construction
houses were composites of mud and straw. Before invention of industry.
cement, lime and mud were used in masonry work. But after intro-
duction of cement now maximum used material is cement in Recently concrete with fibers have got popularity, some of them are
cement- mortar, cement- concrete in building frames. And construc- described here .
tion industry has become concrete industry. Cement-concrete is the 1. Fibers Reinforced Concrete (FRC), it is a new popular composite
only material whose consumption is tremendously increased [1]. In material. e weak matrix in concrete when reinforced with steel
traditional cement concrete, strength and other properties of con- fibers, uniformly distributed across its entire mass, gets strength-
crete depend on so many factors, i.e. type of aggregate, ratio of coarse ened enormously, thereby rendering the matrix to behave as a com-
and fine aggregate, cement content, water cement ratio, admixtures, posite material with properties significantly different from conven-
compaction, curing, PVK, PMMA etc. Every factor has its own effect tional concrete, Because of the vast improvements achieved by the
and slight variation in any factor affect the quality and strength of pro- addition of fibers to concrete. An effective way to improve the perfor-
duced concrete. Traditional concrete having more unit weight (24 mance of plain concrete is by adding a small fraction (0.5%-2% in vol-
kN/m3),having good compressive strength but less crack resistant ume in most cases) of steel fiber to the concrete while mixing with
(weak in tension) and heterogeneous in nature. Its strength and dura- aggregates and cements. e flexural strength of mill-cut steel fiber
bility is limited. Peoples of construction field are creating variety of reinforced concrete is 1.65 to approximately 2.25 times higher than
concrete- composite of varying properties and the results are useful that of normal concrete. e compressive strength of steel fiber rein-
in construction fields. e direction, in which the concrete industry forced concrete improved with additions of steel fibers at various vol-
is moving, is discussed here [2] .Nanocomposites with practically all ume fractions. e strength showed a maximum at 1.5% to 2%. By
the polymer matrices have been reported with varying degrees of adding fibers we can get some advantages like (a) improvement in
property enhancements. Polar polymers have been generally cracking resistance (b) improve ductility (c) improvement in
reported to achieve better filler dispersion owing to better match of mechanical strength. ere are several applications where Fibers
the surface polarities of filler and polymers [2,3]. Reinforced Concrete (FRC) can be intelligently and beneficially used.
ese fibers have already been used in construction of industrial
It is an innovation in concrete, which created a new composite mate- floors, pavements, highway-cover-layer, airport pavement, bridges,
rial. Because concrete is very weak in tension. Some other problems tunnel etc [1].
related to concrete work, is its heterogeneous structure and brittle
nature. By adding some chemicals its workability can be increased 2. Self Compaction Concrete.( SCC). self compacting concrete is
and by adding some fibers its flexural strength can be increased a lit- the demand especially in difficult situation where mechanical com-
tle bit. Introduction of fibers improves the crack resistance of the con- paction is not possible. So to make concrete in such a manner that it
crete, which is desirable as the cracks propagate and durability of con- should not require any compaction. For concrete mix to be consid-
crete decreases. Some concrete composites with fibers are FRC ( fiber ered as SCC, if the three characteristics for workability are to be satis-
reinforced concrete), SIFCON (slurry infiltrated fiber reinforced con- fied. e three characteristics mandatory for SCC are filling ability,
crete). GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete), FRP (Fiber reinforced passing ability and resistance to segregation. Dosages of
Polymer concrete), CFRC (carbon fiber reinforced concrete) etc. superplasticizer may vary from 3% to 7 %.curing temperature also
affects the strength performance.
e polymer binds the reinforcement & particulate together. (Rein- 3. Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Reinforced Concrete (SIFCON) can
forcement material, Glass fibers, Natural fibers, Carbon fibers). Dras- be considered as a special type of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
tic change has been brought in concrete by adding polymers. Poly- (SFRC)is a relatively new high performance and advanced material.
mer mixed composites makes the concrete light weight, durable, flex- e matrix in SIFCON has no coarse aggregates, but a high
15.Radiation absorbing paints :Oil palm ash is used as radiation 19. Fly ash is a mineral admixture that is mainly a by-product of the
absorbing paints . it is called green absorbing material. the ability of coal –fired power plants. It is classified as pozzolanic material.
oil palm ash paint as a green absorbing material. this paint can Development of low energy cements will also contribute to increased
reduce the harm on human body associated with radiations use of supplementary cementing materials like fly ash and slag while
Agriculture's waste such as oil palm ash creates awareness on the making concrete production more environmentally sustainable. Usu-
green technology. Palm oil ash can be used as a part replacement of ally, the use of fly ash as partial replacement of cement has many ben-
cement studies show that up to 30% palm oil ash can be used with eficial effects on the fresh and hardened properties, and the cost of
cement.[11 ] concrete. Fly ash further improves the workability, 20% replacement
Humidity is one important factor in maintaining indoor environ- cement by fly ash as a mineral admixture is determined as the opti-
ment. It is important factor necessary for peoples physical and men- mum replacement. At the age 90 days, all concrete mixes achieved
tal health. And air conditioning is traditional method for maintain- the cube compressive strength between 72 to 120MPa. Tensile and
ing indoor air quality but it consumes high energy. humidity adjust- flexural strength were increased using fly ash using fly ash.[14]
ing material in building has properties of the absorbing and releas- Alternative binder system with fly ash to produce concrete eliminat-
ing of renewable material to adjust air humidity. It do not consume ing cement is called "Geopolymer Concrete". Geopolymer concrete
any artificial energy. it is a kind of natural and ecological control can be manufactured by using the low-calcium (ASTM Class F) fly ash
adjustment methods. ere are some natural and some synthetic obtained from coalburning power stations.[15]
materials which have the properties of adjusting the humidity. Wood
is such kind of natural material. Under normal circumstances, when 20.Slag concrete :- properties of porous cement concrete prepared by
surrounding environment humidity changes, wood itself balance steel slag aggregate.e strength of porous cement concrete was
moisture content, can absorb or release moisture to ease the humid- greatly influenced by strength of aggregate itself. Under the premised
ity changes of the indoor environment directly. Some synthetic and condition of 10mm/s permeability rate, compressive strength of
inorganic materials are capable of humidity adjustment. porous cement concrete prepared by steel slag aggregate was up to
31MPa and strength flexural was about 4.5 MPa Porous concrete pave-
16.Silica gel -- silica gel is a kind of amorphous silicon dioxide which is ment is of high strength, good permeability, well absorbing heat and
in the micro porous structure, and its chemical component is Si02 . noise, no water and sliding characteristics, etc., which is a new kind
H20,and its diameter generally is l.5-20nm. It can be made by sodium of ecological protection concrete pavement meeting modern
silicate solution which must be treated by inorganic acid, organic requirements e surface of modern city is covered with reinforced
organic acid-type salt processing, and then dryed. Silica gel gets all concrete building and impervious pavement. Compared with natural
kinds of "activate" treatment, and its effective area is up to 100- soil, ordinary concrete pavement is lack of respiration .and ability of
1000m2 / g, and adsorption ability to polarity molecular exceeds absorbing heat and infiltrability. en a series of environmental prob-
adsorption ability to nonpolar molecular. It is this character that lems are brought about.
make the silica gel is mainly used for hygroscopic agent in industry.
21.Waste Paper Sludge Ash is a waste material collected from the
17.Montmorillonite is the main component of bentonite (Inorganic Paper Industry. Waste Paper Sludge Ash is used as cement replace-
mineral material) and a kind of aluminum silicate minerals with layer ment in producing mortar and was found satisfactory on its chemi-
structure. Montmorillonite of layered structure and its character of cal, physical and mechanical properties. e chemical and physical
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