2020 Day10 Oop Python

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Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Computing Laboratory
Object-oriented Programming with Python

Malay Bhattacharyya

Assistant Professor

Machine Intelligence Unit

Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
January, 2021

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

1 Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

2 Features of OOP
Classes and Objects
Special features

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

Objects are the basic runtime entities in an object-oriented system.

Objects encapsulate data and method.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Class and Object

Classes are the building blocks in OOP

A class is like a template that describes the behaviors/states that

objects of its type support. It can be considered as a user-defined
entity that can combine data and functionality together.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Class and Object

Classes are the building blocks in OOP

A class is like a template that describes the behaviors/states that

objects of its type support. It can be considered as a user-defined
entity that can combine data and functionality together.

A class contains:
Data members known as attributes of the class
Member functions known as methods of the class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Class and Object

Classes are the building blocks in OOP

A class is like a template that describes the behaviors/states that

objects of its type support. It can be considered as a user-defined
entity that can combine data and functionality together.

A class contains:
Data members known as attributes of the class
Member functions known as methods of the class

An object is an instance of a class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Empty class

Defining an empty class in Python:

class PythonProgrammer:

Note: pass is used as a placeholder with no errors getting created.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object of an empty class

Creating an object of an empty class:

PP = PythonProgrammer() # Instantiation

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object of an empty class

Creating an object of an empty class:

PP = PythonProgrammer() # Instantiation

What is the output of the following code?

class PythonProgrammer:
PP = PythonProgrammer()

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object of an empty class

Creating an object of an empty class:

PP = PythonProgrammer() # Instantiation

What is the output of the following code?

class PythonProgrammer:
PP = PythonProgrammer()

<__main__.PythonProgrammer object at 0x7f3d6b7f4b70>

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object of an empty class

What is the output of the following code?
class PythonProgrammer:
PP1 = PythonProgrammer()
PP2 = PythonProgrammer()
PP1 == PP2

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object of an empty class

What is the output of the following code?
class PythonProgrammer:
PP1 = PythonProgrammer()
PP2 = PythonProgrammer()
PP1 == PP2
<__main__.PythonProgrammer object at 0x7f3d6b7f4da0>
<__main__.PythonProgrammer object at 0x7f3d6b7f4e48>

Note: Though PP1 and PP2 are instances of the same class, they
represent two distinct objects in memory.
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using an empty class

Using an empty class in Python:

class PythonProgrammer:
PP1 = PythonProgrammer()
PP1.fullname = "Malay Bhattacharyya"
PP1.height = 5.6
PP1.age = 38
PP2 = PythonProgrammer()
PP2.fullname = "Mandar Mitra"
PP2.height = 5.7
PP2.age = 49
print("Average age:", (PP1.age + PP2.age) / 2)

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using an empty class

Using an empty class in Python:

class PythonProgrammer:
PP1 = PythonProgrammer()
PP1.fullname = "Malay Bhattacharyya"
PP1.height = 5.6
PP1.age = 38
PP2 = PythonProgrammer()
PP2.fullname = "Mandar Mitra"
PP2.height = 5.7
PP2.age = 49
print("Average age:", (PP1.age + PP2.age) / 2)

Output: Average age: 43.5

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Standard class

Defining a standard class in Python:

class PythonProgrammer:
fullname = "Guido van Rossum"
height = 5.66
age = 64
def feature(self):
print("Creator of Python is: " + self.fullname)

Attributes are always public and can be accessed using the dot
(.) operator.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Standard class – The use of self

Class methods must take the first parameter as self.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Standard class – The use of self

Class methods must take the first parameter as self.

Python provides a value to the self parameter not the user.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Standard class – The use of self

Class methods must take the first parameter as self.

Python provides a value to the self parameter not the user.
The self parameter value is used for referencing. An object
is linked to the class through this.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Object of a standard class

Creating an object of a standard class:

PP = PythonProgrammer() # Instantiation

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using a standard class

Using a standard class in Python:

class PythonProgrammer:
fullname = "Guido van Rossum"
height = 5.66
age = 64
def feature(self):
print("Creator of Python is: " + self.fullname)
PP = PythonProgrammer()
PP.feature() # Method via object
print("Height: " + str(PP.height)) # Attribute via object
print("Age: " + str(PP.age)) # Attribute via object

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using a standard class

Using a standard class in Python:

class PythonProgrammer:
fullname = "Guido van Rossum"
height = 5.66
age = 64
def feature(self):
print("Creator of Python is: " + self.fullname)
PP = PythonProgrammer()
PP.feature() # Method via object
print("Height: " + str(PP.height)) # Attribute via object
print("Age: " + str(PP.age)) # Attribute via object

Output: Creator of Python is: Guido van Rossum

Height: 5.66
Age: 64
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Immutable classes and objects

Immutable classes are Python classes whose objects can not be

modified once created, and such objects are known as immutable
objects. Any modification in immutable objects results into a new

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Immutable classes and objects

Immutable classes are Python classes whose objects can not be

modified once created, and such objects are known as immutable
objects. Any modification in immutable objects results into a new

Objects of built-in types like int, float, bool, str, tuple, unicode are
immutable in Python.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Immutable classes and objects

Immutable classes are Python classes whose objects can not be

modified once created, and such objects are known as immutable
objects. Any modification in immutable objects results into a new

Objects of built-in types like int, float, bool, str, tuple, unicode are
immutable in Python.

Objects of built-in types like list, set, dict are mutable.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


An object = data + method

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


A constructor is used to initialize the object’s state

Constructors are methods that are useful for any kind of

initialization you want to perform with the objects.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


A constructor is used to initialize the object’s state

Constructors are methods that are useful for any kind of

initialization you want to perform with the objects.

Note: A constructor is executed as soon as an object of a class is


Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Defining a constructor:

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname, height, age):
self.fullname = fullname
self.height = height
self.age = age

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Defining a constructor:

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname, height, age):
self.fullname = fullname
self.height = height
self.age = age

self.fullname = fullname creates the attribute fullname

and assigns the value of the parameter fullname to it.
self.height = height creates the attribute height and
assigns the value of the parameter height to it.
self.age = age creates an attribute called age and assigns
the value of the parameter age to it.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Using a constructor:

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname, height, age):
self.fullname = fullname
self.height = height
self.age = age
def show(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum", 5.66, 64)

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Using a constructor:

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname, height, age):
self.fullname = fullname
self.height = height
self.age = age
def show(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum", 5.66, 64)

Output: Guido van Rossum

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using a constructor:

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def include(self, height):
self.height = height
def show(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using a constructor:

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def include(self, height):
self.height = height
def show(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Output: Guido van Rossum

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using a constructor:
class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
# We cannot write return(self.fullname) here
def include(self, height):
self.height = height
def send(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Using a constructor:
class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
# We cannot write return(self.fullname) here
def include(self, height):
self.height = height
def send(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
Output: Guido van Rossum
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Polymorphism is the condition of occurrence in different forms

Python allows polymorphism in many different forms:

At the operator level (also known as operator overloading)
At the function level (also known as function overloading)
At the class level (also known as method overloading)

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Example of operator overloading:

i, j = 2000, 20
print(i + j)

s1 = "Computing"
s2 = "Lab"
print(s1 + " " + s2)

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Example of operator overloading:

i, j = 2000, 20
print(i + j)

s1 = "Computing"
s2 = "Lab"
print(s1 + " " + s2)

Output: 2020
Computing Lab

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Example of function overloading:

print(len(["ver1", "ver2", "ver3"]))
print(len({"Creator": "Guido", "Nationality": "Dutch"}))

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Example of function overloading:

print(len(["ver1", "ver2", "ver3"]))
print(len({"Creator": "Guido", "Nationality": "Dutch"}))

Output: 6

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Example of method overloading:
class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print("Creator of Python is: " + self.fullname)
class JavaProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print("Creator of Java is: " + self.fullname)
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
JP = JavaProgrammer("James Gosling")
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Inheritance means acquiring the properties of another class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Inheritance means acquiring the properties of another class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Inheritance means acquiring the properties of another class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Inheritance means acquiring the properties of another class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Inheritance means acquiring the properties of another class

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


Inheritance means acquiring the properties of another class

Note: subclass (child class/derived class) inherits the properties of

the superclass (parent class/base class)

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP


The syntax:

class SuperClass:
Attributes of SuperClass
Methods of SuperClass
class SubClass(SuperClass):
Attributes of SubClass
Methods of SubClass

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Single inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
CP = CProgrammer("Dennis Ritchie")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Single inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
CP = CProgrammer("Dennis Ritchie")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Output: Dennis Ritchie is a C programmer

Guido van Rossum is a C programmer

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Multi-level inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
class SmartProgrammer(PythonProgrammer):
SP = SmartProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Multi-level inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
class SmartProgrammer(PythonProgrammer):
SP = SmartProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Output: Guido van Rossum is a C programmer

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Hierarchical inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
class JavaProgrammer(CProgrammer):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
JP = JavaProgrammer("James Gosling")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Hierarchical inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
class JavaProgrammer(CProgrammer):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
JP = JavaProgrammer("James Gosling")
Output: Guido van Rossum is a C programmer
James Gosling is a C programmer
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Multiple inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class SmartProgrammer():
def credit(self):
print("He is smart!!!")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer, SmartProgrammer):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Multiple inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class SmartProgrammer():
def credit(self):
print("He is smart!!!")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer, SmartProgrammer):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
Output: Guido van Rossum is a C programmer
He is smart!!!
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Method overriding in inheritance

Priority of a method in the subclass is always more than in the

superclass. This is reflected through method overriding.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Method overriding in inheritance

Priority of a method in the subclass is always more than in the

superclass. This is reflected through method overriding.

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a Python programmer")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Method overriding in inheritance

Priority of a method in the subclass is always more than in the

superclass. This is reflected through method overriding.

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a Python programmer")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Output: Guido van Rossum is a Python programmer

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Attribute overriding in inheritance

Priority of an attribute in the subclass is always more than in the
superclass. This is reflected through attribute overriding.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Attribute overriding in inheritance

Priority of an attribute in the subclass is always more than in the
superclass. This is reflected through attribute overriding.
class CProgrammer:
status = ’inactive’
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
status = ’active’
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
print("He is " + PP.status)

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Attribute overriding in inheritance

Priority of an attribute in the subclass is always more than in the
superclass. This is reflected through attribute overriding.
class CProgrammer:
status = ’inactive’
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
status = ’active’
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
print("He is " + PP.status)
Output: Guido van Rossum is a Python programmer
He is active
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Checking inheritance

The built-in functions isinstance() and issubclass() can be

used for checking inheritances.

isinstance(O, A) returns True if the object O is an

instance of the class A or other classes derived from it.
issubclass(X, A) returns True if the class X is a subclass
of the class A.

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Checking inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
CP = CProgrammer("Dennis Ritchie")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
print(isinstance(CP, PythonProgrammer))
print(isinstance(PP, CProgrammer))

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Checking inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
CP = CProgrammer("Dennis Ritchie")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
print(isinstance(CP, PythonProgrammer))
print(isinstance(PP, CProgrammer))

Output: False

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Checking inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
CP = CProgrammer("Dennis Ritchie")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
print(issubclass(CProgrammer, PythonProgrammer))
print(issubclass(PythonProgrammer, CProgrammer))

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Checking inheritance

class CProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def show(self):
print(self.fullname + " is a C programmer")
class PythonProgrammer(CProgrammer):
CP = CProgrammer("Dennis Ritchie")
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")
print(issubclass(CProgrammer, PythonProgrammer))
print(issubclass(PythonProgrammer, CProgrammer))

Output: False

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Dunder/Magic/Special methods in Python

__init__() for object initialization
__call__() for callable objects
__repr__() for object representation
__str__() for object representation
__add__() for operator overloading
__eq__() for operator overloading
__lt__() for operator overloading
__getitem__() for iteration
__len__() for iteration
__reversed__() for iteration
__enter__() for context manager support
__exit__() for context manager support

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Dunder/Magic/Special methods in Python

__init__() for object initialization
__call__() for callable objects
__repr__() for object representation
__str__() for object representation
__add__() for operator overloading
__eq__() for operator overloading
__lt__() for operator overloading
__getitem__() for iteration
__len__() for iteration
__reversed__() for iteration
__enter__() for context manager support
__exit__() for context manager support
Note: Dunder signifies Double Underscores.
Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory
Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Dunder/Magic/Special methods in Python

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def __repr__(self):
return ’Items: {}’.format(self.fullname.split())
def show(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

Outline Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Features of OOP

Dunder/Magic/Special methods in Python

class PythonProgrammer:
def __init__(self, fullname):
self.fullname = fullname
def __repr__(self):
return ’Items: {}’.format(self.fullname.split())
def show(self):
PP = PythonProgrammer("Guido van Rossum")

Output: Items: [’Guido’, ’van’, ’Rossum’]

Guido van Rossum

Malay Bhattacharyya Computing Laboratory

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