UWorld CFA L2 Formulasheet@2024
UWorld CFA L2 Formulasheet@2024
UWorld CFA L2 Formulasheet@2024
Level 2
Quantitative Methods
2 = 1 − (
n − k − 1)
Multiple Regression Adjusted R 2 = R _
(1 − R
2 )
0 dl du 4 − du 4 − dl 4
Detecting Multicollinearity
(1 − p)
p b1 = 1, b
0 ≠ 0, or
ln _
= b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + ε
xt = b0 + xt−1
+ ε t, E( ε t ) = 0
• Event Probability
The first-difference of the random walk with a drift equation is
1 given as:
p = ______________________________
1 + exp [−( b
0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 )]
yt = xt − xt−1
, yt = b0 + ε t, b0 ≠ 0
We take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation to • Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models
arrive at the equation for the log-linear model:
xt = b0 + b1 xt−1
+ . . . + b p xt−p
+ ε t + θ 1 ε t−1+ . . . + θ q ε t−q
ln yt = b0 + b1 t + ε t, t = 1, 2, . . . , T E( ε t) = 0, E( ε 2t ) = σ
2 , E( ε t ε s) = 0 for t ≠ s
Machine Learning
∑ (Yi − Y ̂ i) + λ ∑ b̂ k | | Accuracy = (TP + TN)/(TP + FP + TN + FN)
n 2 K
i=1 k=1
RMSE = ∑
n ( Predicted − Actual )2
• Normalization _________________
√ i
− X
Xi (normalized) = _
i min
− Xmin
• Standardization
Xi − μ
Xi (standardized) = _
Currency Exchange Rates: Understanding Equilibrium Value The forward premium (discount) on the base currency can be
expressed as a percentage as:
• Currency Cross Rates
For example, given the USD/EUR and JPY/USD exchange rates, Forward premium (discount) as a % = ___________
we can calculate the cross rate between the JPY and the EUR,
JPY/EUR as follows: The forward premium (discount) on the base currency can be
estimated as:
= ×
EUR USD EUR ___________
Forward premium (discount) as a % ≈
= _ − 1
• Cross Rate Calculations with Bid-Ask Spreads ≈ iPC − iBC
USD/EURbid = 1.3802
• Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
• Represents the price of EUR (base currency). Expected future spot exchange rate:
• An investor can sell EUR for USD at this price (as it is the bid
price quoted by the dealer). (1 + iFC )
= S FC/DC × _
(1 + iDC
USD/EURask = 1.3806
The expected percentage change in the spot exchange rate can
• Represents the price of EUR
be calculated as:
• An investor can buy EUR with USD at this price.
Expected % change in spot exchange rate
Determining the EUR/USDbid cross rate:
= ____________
= %Δ S ePC/BC
EUR/USDbid = l/(USD/EURask) S PC/BC
Determining the EUR/USDask cross rate: The expected percentage change in the spot exchange rate can
be estimated as:
EUR/USDask = 1/(USD/EURbid)
Expected % change in spot exchange rate ≈ %ΔSePC/BC ≈ iPC − iBC
• Forward exchange rates (F)—One-year Horizom
• Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
(1 + i )
F FC/DC = S FC/DC × _ Law of one price : P
X = P X × S FC/DC
(1 + iDC
• Forward exchange rates (F)—Any Investment Horizom S FC/DC = GPL FC / GPL DC
( 1 + ( iDC × Actual/360) )
− iDC
( iFC ) × Actual/360 Ex Ante Version of PPP
F FC/DC − S FC/DC = S FC/DC _________________
Ex ante PPP : %ΔS eFC/DC
≈ π eFC
− π
( 1 + ( iBC × Actual/360) )
− iBC
( iPC ) × Actual/360
F PC/BC − S PC/BC = S PC/BC _________________
Ex ante PPP : %ΔS ePC/BC
≈ π ePC
− π
Expected change
Spot Exchange Rate Forward Rate
Ex Ante PPP %ΔSeFC/DC Parity
Current account + Capital account + Financial account = 0 Growth rate in potential GDP = L
ong-term growth rate of labor
force + Long-term growth rate in
Economic Growth labor productivity
Intercorporate Investments
Summary of Accounting Treatment for Investments (US GAAP except where noted)
In Financial Assets In Associates Combinations In Joint Ventures
Influence Not significant Significant Controlling Shared Control
Typical percentage Usually < 20% Usually 20%−50% Usually > 50% Varies
Financial Reporting Classified as Equity method Consolidation IFRS: Equity method
Treatment • Fair value through profit
or loss
• Fair value through other
comprehensive income
• Amortized cost
Types of Business Combination • Balance Sheet Presentation of Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Combination Description Funded status = Fair value of plan assets – Pension obligation
Merger Company A + Company B = Company A Where pension obligation is either pension benefit obligation (US
GAAP) or the present value of the defined benefit obligation (IFRS).
Acquisition Company A + Company B = (Company A +
Company B) • If Pension obligation > Fair value of plan assets:
Consolidation Company A + Company B = Company C Plan is underfunded → Negative funded status →
Net pension liability.
• If Pension obligation < Fair value of plan assets:
Employee Compensation: Post-employment and
Share-based Plan is overfunded → Positive funded status → Net pension
• Reconciliation of the Pension Obligation:
• Calculating Periodic Pension Cost
Pension obligation at the beginning of the period
+ Current service costs Net periodic pension cost = E
nding net pension liability
+ Interest costs − Beginning net pension liability
+ Past service costs + Employer contributions
+ Actuarial losses
− Actuarial gains Periodic pension cost = C
urrent service costs + Interest costs
− Benefits paid + Past service costs + Actuarial losses
− Actuarial gains − Actual return on plan
Pension obligation at the end of the period
• Reconciliation of the Fair Value of Plan Assets:
Under the corridor method, if the net cumulative amount of
Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the period unrecognized actuarial gains and losses at the beginning of the
+ Actual return on plan assets reporting period exceeds 10% of the greater of (1) the defined
+ Contributions made by the employer to the plan benefit obligation or (2) the fair value of plan assets, then the
− Benefits paid to employees excess is amortized over the expected average remaining working
Fair value of plan assets at the end of the period lives of the employees participating in the plan and included as a
component of periodic pension expense on the P&L.
IFRS Component IFRS Recognition U.S. GAAP Component U.S. GAAP Recognition
Service costs Recognized in P&L. Current service costs Recognized in P&L.
Past service costs. Recognized in OCI and subsequently
amortized to P&L over the service life
of employees.
Net interest income/ Recognized in P&L as the Interest expense on pension Recognized in P&L.
expense following amount: obligation
Net pension liability or asset × Expected return on plan Recognized in P&L as the following
interest rate.(a) assets. amount: Plan assets × expected
(a) The interest rate used is equal to the discount rate used to measure the pension liability (the yield on high-quality corporate bonds.)
(b) If the cumulative amount of unrecognized actuarial gains and losses exceeds 10 percent of the greater of the value of the plan assets or of the present value of the
DB obligation (under U.S. GAAP, the projected benefit obligation), the difference must be amortized over the service lives of the employees.
Impact of Key Assumptions on Net Pension Liability and Periodic Pension Cost
• Multinational Operations
• The presentation currency (PC) is the currency in which the • The functional currency (FC) is the currency of the primary
parent company reports its financial statements. It is typically the business environment in which an entity operates. It is usually
currency of the country where the parent is located. For example, the currency in which the entity primarily generates and expends
U.S. companies are required to present their financial results in cash.
USD, German companies in EUR, Japanese companies in JPY, • The local currency (LC) is the currency of the country where the
and so on. subsidiary operates.
Foreign Currency
Transaction Type of Exposure Strengthens Weakens
Export sale Asset (account receivable) Gain Loss
Import purchase Liability (account payable) Loss Gain
• The current rate is the exchange rate that exists on the balance sheet date.
• The average rate is the average exchange rate over the reporting period.
• The historical rate is the actual exchange rate that existed on the original transaction date.
Temporal Method,
Net Monetary Liability Temporal Method, Net
Exposure Monetary Asset Exposure Current Rate Method
Foreign currency ↑Revenues ↑Revenues ↑Revenues
strengthens ↑Assets ↑Assets ↑Assets
relative to parent’s ↑Liabilities ↑Liabilities ↑Liabilities
presentation ↓Net income ↑Net income ↑Net income
currency ↓Shareholders’ equity ↑Shareholders’ equity ↑Shareholders’ equity
Translation loss Translation gain Positive translation
Foreign currency ↓Revenues ↓Revenues ↓Revenues
weakens relative to ↓Assets ↓Assets ↓Assets
parent’s presentation ↓Liabilities ↓Liabilities ↓Liabilities
currency ↑Net income ↓Net income ↓Net income
↑Shareholders’ equity ↓Shareholders’ equity ↓Shareholders’ equity
Translation gain Translation loss Negative translation
gS = (1 + g
M )(1 + gMS
) − 1
Expected change in shares outstanding ∆S Depends on the market and time period
• Risk-Based Models: CAPM where RMW is the average difference in equity returns between
companies with robust and weak profitability and CMA is the
r e = rf + β̂ (ERP) average difference in equity returns between companies with
The beta is commonly estimated using the market model. This conservative and aggressive investment portfolios.
model involves performing a linear regression on actual historical • Expanded CAPM
returns for the stock and the market to estimate the beta.
re = rf + β peer + SP + IP + SCRP
( ri,t − rf,t ) = b0 + b1 ( rm,t
− rf,t ) + ε r
• Risk-Based Models: Fama-French Models βpeer = beta of peer group of publicly traded companies
Three factor model: SP = size premium
IP = industry risk premium
re = rf + β 1 (ERP ) + β 2 (SMP ) + β 3 (HML) SCRP = specific company risk premium
where SMB is the size premium (the average difference in equity • Build-Up Approach
returns between companies with small and large capitalizations)
and HML is the value premium (the average difference in equity re = rf + ERP + SP + SCRP
returns between companies with high and low book-to-market • Country Risk Rating Models
The five-factor Fama-French model adds a profitability factor ERP = ERP for a developed market + (λ × CRP)
(RMW) and an investment factor (CMA): Where:
re = rf + β 1 (ERP ) + β 2 (SMB ) + β 3 (HML ) + β 4 (RMW ) + β
3 (CMA) λ = level of exposure of company to the local country
CRP = country risk premium
Where: where:
βG = beta relative to global market PRM = takeover premium
βc = beta relative to foreign currency index DP = deal price per share of the target
E(rgm) = expected return of global market SP = unaffected stock price of the target
E(rc) = expected return of foreign currency index
• Perceived mispricing: D 0 (1 + g L ) D 0 H( g s − g L )
V 0 = _
r − g + _
r − g
Perceived mispricing = True mispricing + Error in the estimate of
intrinsic value. gs = Short-term high growth rate
gL = Long-term sustainable growth rate
V E− P = (V − P)+ (V E − V)
r = Required return
VE = Estimate of intrinsic value H = Half-life = 0.5 times the length of the high growth period
P = Market price
The H-model equation can be rearranged to calculate the required
V = True (unobservable) intrinsic value
rate of return as follows:
( P 0 )
Discounted Dividend Valuation D 0
r = _
[(1 + g L ) + H( g s − g L )] + g L
• One-Period DDM
D 1 P 1 D 1 + P 1 The Gordon growth formula can be rearranged to calculate the
V 0 = _
+ _
= _
required rate of return given the other variables.
(1 + r)1 (1 + r)1 (1 + r)1
V0 = The value of the stock today (t = 0) D 1
r = _
+ g
P1 = Expected price of the stock after one year (t = 1) P 0
D1 = E
xpected dividend for Year 1, assuming it will be paid at the
end of Year 1 (t = 1) • Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR)
r = Required return on the stock g = b × ROE
• Multiple-Period DDM b = Earnings retention rate, calculated as 1 − Dividend payout ratio
D D P • Basic DuPont Analysis
V 0 = _ _ _
1 n n
1 + … + n + n
(1 + r) (1 + r) (1 + r)
D1/E1 equals the dividend payout ratio, which can also be MV(Debt)
WACC = __________________
rd (1 − Tax Rate )
expressed as (1– b). b is the retention ratio. MV(Debt ) + MV(Equity)
P 0 D 1 / E 0 _ D 0(1 + g) / E 0 _
(1 − b)(1 + g) + __________________
Justified trailing P/E = _
= _ = MV(Debt ) + MV(Equity)
E 0 r − g r − g = r − g
Equity Value = Firm Value − Market value of debt
D0/E0 equals the dividend payout ratio, which can also be
WCInv = Change in working capital over the year FCFF 1 FCFF 0 (1 + g)
Value of the firm = _
= _
WACC − g WACC − g
orking capital = Current assets (exc . cash ) − Current liabilities
(exc . short-term debt) WACC = Weighted average cost of capital
Noncash Items and FCFF g = Long-term constant growth rate in FCFF
Firm value = ∑
Amortization of long-term bond Added back
n FCFF t FCFF n+1 _ 1
_ _
t +
discounts t =1 (
1 + WACC) (WACC − g) (1 + WACC)n
Amortization of long-term bond Subtracted Firm value = PV of FCFF in Stage 1 + Terminal value × Discount
premiums Factor
Deferred taxes Added back but requires • General Expression for the Two-Stage FCFE Model
special attention
Equity value = ∑
nFCFE FCFF n+1 _1
_tt + _
t =1 (1 + r) (r − g) (1 + r)n
• Computing FCFF from CFO
IFRS versus U.S. GAAP Treatment of lnterest and Dividends Equity value = PV of FCFE in Stage 1 + Terminal value × Discount
• Non-operating Assets and Firm Value
Interest received CFO or CFI CFO
alue of the firm = Value of operating assets + Value of non-
Interest paid CFO or CFF CFO operating assets
Dividend received CFO or CFI CFO
Market-based Valuation: Price And Enterprise Value
Dividends paid CFO or CFF CFF
FCFE = FCFF − Int(1 − Tax rate ) + Net borrowing • Price to Book Ratio
FCFE = CFO − FCInv + Net borrowing Book value of equity = Common shareholders’ equity
= Shareholders’ equity − Total value of equity claims that are senior
• Computing FCFE from EBIT to common stock
BIT(1 − Tax rate ) − Int(1 − Tax rate ) + Dep − FCInv − WCInv Book value of equity = T
otal assets − Total liabilities
+ Net borrowing − Preferred stock
P/E × Net profit margin = (P / E) × (E / S) = P/S TV n= Justified leading P/E × F orecasted earnings n+1
TV n= Justified trailing P/E × Forecasted e arnings n
• Price to Cash Flow Ratio
• Terminal price based on comparables
Market price per share
P/CF ratio = __________________
Free cash flow per share TV n= Benchmark leading P/E × F orecasted earnings n+1
TV n= Benchmark trailing P/E × F
orecasted earnings n
• Dividend Yield
Justified trailing dividend yield • Justified P/B Multiple Based on Fundamentals
P 0 D 1 /E 0 _ D 0 (1 + g ) / E 0 _
(1 − b ) (1 + g) • Justified Dividend Yield
Justified trailing P/E = _ = _ = r − g = r − g
E 0 r − g D 0 r − g
= _
• P/E-to-growth (PEG) ratio P 0 1+g
Free Cash Net Income plus minus Tax plus plus less less Investment
Flow to the Interest Savings on Depreciation Amortization Investment in in Fixed Capital
Firm = Expense Interest Working Capital
EBITDA = Net Income plus plus plus plus
Interest Taxes Depreciation Amortization
EBITA = Net Income plus plus plus
Interest Taxes Amortization
EBIT = Net Income plus plus
Interest Taxes
• Justified forward P/E after accounting for Inflation • Unexpected earnings (UE)
P 1 UE t = EPS t − E( EPS t )
_ = _
E 1 ρ + (1 − λ ) I
• Standardized unexpected earnings (SUE)
λ = The percentage of inflation in costs that the company can pass
EPS t − E( EPS t )
through to revenue. SUE t = ______________
ρ = Real rate of return σ[EPS t − E( EPS t )]
I = Rate of inflation
EPSt = Actual EPS for time t
E(EPSt ) = Expected EPS for time t
σ[EPSt − E(EPSt )] = Standard deviation of [EPSt − E(EPSt )]
Where BVCE = Beginning of period book value of debt, rD = Market value of debt and equity
Tobin’s q = ______________________
Required return on debt, and t = effective tax rate Replacement cost of total assets
The equity method and capital method yield the same residual
• Multi-Stage Residual Income Valuation
income if 1) after-tax interest expense for net income equals that
DLOC = 1 − [_______________
V t
t t−1
i =1 (
1 + r) i =1 (1 + r) 1 + Control premium
V0 = Intrinsic value of the stock today
• Discount for Lack of Marketability (DLOM)
B0 = Current book value per share of equity
Bt = Expected book value per share of equity at any time t
DLOM = 1 − [ ___________________
1 + Marketability premium ]
r = Required rate of return on equity
Et = Expected EPS for period t
RIt = Expected residual income per share • Combining Discounts
• Residual Income Model (Alternative Approach) V EI = V EO(1 − DLOC)(1 − DLOM)
RI t = EPS t – (r × B t−1 ) Where VEI = value of equity indicated after discounts and VEO =
value of equity in operations
RI t = ( ROE t – r) B t−1
NOTE: These calculations must be performed to first recognize
Where ROEt is calculated using net income during period t, and the lack of control in a position and then whether the equity is not
beginning-of-period book value rather than average equity over easily marketable.
the period.
• Relationship between the Spot Rate and One-Period Forward Type of Bond Effective Duration
Cash 0
[1 + z(T )]T = [1 + z(1)][1 + 1 f1 ][1 + 1 f2 ]...[1 + 1 fT−1
] Zero-coupon bond ≈ Maturity
z(T ) = { ]}⁄ − 1
[1 + z(1)][1 + 1 f1 ][1 + 1 f2 ]...[1 + 1 fT−1 1 T
∑ _
s(T) 1 Putable bond ≤ Duration of straight bond
+ _
− 1 = 0
( )]t [1 + z(t)]t
t =1 1 + zt Floater (Libor flat) ≈ Time (in years) to next reset
∑ _
s(T) 1
+ _
= 1
( )]t [1 + z(t)]t
t =1 1 + zt • Effective Convexity
( PV − ) + ( PV + ) − 2( PV 0 )
Where the swap rate, s, solves the equation given the spot rate at Effective Convexity = ___________________
initiation, z(t). (The value of the swap at initiation is 0; therefore, the (Δ Curve)2 × PV 0
floating rate side of the equation always equals 1.)
• Floating-Rate Securities
• Swap Spread
Value of capped floater = V
alue of uncapped floater – Value of
Swap spread = Swap rate − YT embedded cap.
The swap spread is the difference between the fixed rate side Value of embedded cap = V
alue of uncapped floater – Value of
of a swap and most recently issued government security with capped floater
equivalent maturity. Swap spreads help investors determine the Value of floored floater = V
alue of non-floored floater + Value of
time value, liquidity risk, and credit risk components of a bond’s embedded floor.
Value of embedded floor = V
alue of floored floater – Value of non-
floored floater
The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework
• Arbitrage-Free Value of an Option-Free, Fixed-Rate Coupon Bond • Convertible Bonds
Conversion value = M
arket price of common stock × Conversion
Bn = 0.50 × [ _
1 + i) ]
VH + C _ VL + C
( + ( ratio
1 + i)
Where Bn = the bond value at any node, n, VH and VL are the high Market price of convertible security
Market conversion price = __________________________
and low values assumed by the bond corresponding to node n Conversion ratio
based on the high and low forward rates, and C is the fixed-rate
coupon. Market conversion premium per share = M
arket conversion price
− Current market price
• Calibrating the Rates in a Binomial Tree
Market conversion premium ratio
r1,H = r1,L × e2(σ) where σ is the standard deviation (a measure of
Market conversion premium per share
volatility) = ___________________________
Market price of common stock
• Valuation and Analysis: Bonds with Embedded Options Market price of convertible bond
Premium over straight value = ________________________
− 1
Value of callable bond = Value of straight bond – Value of embed- Straight value
ded call option
• Valuation of a convertible bond that is not callable or putable:
Value of embedded call option = Value of straight bond – Value of
callable bond Convertible security value = S
traight Value + Value of the call
option on the stock
Value of putable bond = Value of straight bond + Value of embed-
ded put option • Valuation of a convertible bond that is callable but not putable:
Value of embedded put option = Value of putable bond – Value of Convertible callable bond value = S
traight value + Value of the call
straight bond option on the stock − Value of
the call option on the bond
Convertible callable and = Straight value CDS Spread ≈ (1 − RR) × POD
putable bond value + Value of the call option on the stock Where RR is the Recovery Rate and POD is the Probability of Default
− Value of the call option on the bond
• Upfront Premium
+ Value of the put option on the bond
Upfront Premium = PV(Protection leg) − PV(Premium leg)
Credit Analysis Models ≈ (Credit spread − Fixed coupon) × Duration
• Change in Bond Price
• CDS Pricing
– Modified duration × (New credit rating credit spread – Original
per 100 par = 100 − Upfront premium %
credit rating credit spread)
≈ 100 − [ (Credit spread − Fixed coupon)
× Duration in years]
Credit Default Swaps
• Settlement Protocols • CDS Profit/(Loss)
Where payout ratio is an estimate of the percentage credit loss on The percentage price change in the CDS equals the bp change in
the CDS spread multiplied by duration.
Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments • Pricing Fixed-Income Forward and Futures Contracts
• Valuing a Forward Contract at Expiration (t = T) Accrued interest = Accrual period × Periodic coupon amount
Value of long position: AI = (NAD/NTD ) × (C/n)
S t − [
1 + r)T – t]
1 + r)T – t]
During life of F 0 (T) F 0 (T) [(1 + Return on equity) * Notional amount] – PV (Next coupon
the contract _
( ( − S t payment + Par value)
At expiration ST – F0(T) F0(T) – ST Pay-return-on-one-equity-instrument, receive-return-on-another-
• Carry Arbitrage Model when the Underlying has Cash Flows [(1 + Return on Index 2) * Notional amount] – [(1 + Return on Index 1)
F0 = FV[S0 + C C0 − C B0 ] * Notional amount]
⎢ ⎥
⎡ ⎤
1 + L 0(h + m)(_
360 )
________________ Where the hedge ratio h identifies the long position in the
F − 1
( 360 )
h underlying to be purchased to offset the call or put price
1 + L (h) _
0 ⎦
E(p 1) = π p ++ (1 − π) p − • The Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) Option Valuation Model
π = [FV(1) − d]/( u − d)= (1 + r − d)/( u − d) c = SN( d 1 ) − e−r T XN( d 2 )
ΔB Δy _ 1 (Δy)2
_ = − D _
+ C _
B 1 + y 2 (1 + y)2
Active Weights Active Returns
wi R Ai
Value Added
Δ w i * = Active security weight
μi = Active return forecast
σA = Active portfolio risk
σi = Forecasted volatility of the active return on security i
IC = Information coefficient
BR = Breadth