A Prospective Study To Evaluate A New Dental Management Protocol Before Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
A Prospective Study To Evaluate A New Dental Management Protocol Before Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
A Prospective Study To Evaluate A New Dental Management Protocol Before Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
& 2006 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0268-3369/06 $30.00
Pre-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) myelodysplastic syndromes and lymphomas.1,2 Although
dental treatment is essential to prevent serious infections HSCT is an effective treatment modality for these patients,
from oral sources during immunosuppression, in patients successful engraftment after HSCT requires adequate
who undergo HSCT therapy. This study was planned to immunosuppression of the recipient, which is accomplished
establish a dental management protocol for such patients. with total body irradiation, chemotherapy or a combina-
Forty-one patients scheduled for HSCT to treat hemato- tion of both. Their immunosuppressed status makes the
logical malignancies were consecutively enrolled in the patients more susceptible to infection, resulting in an
prospective trial. The dental status of all patients was increased risk of infectious complications, including the
evaluated by clinical and radiographic examination at a development of severe septicemia, that may be life-
median of 47 days before the commencement of HSCT threatening.2,3
therapy. Thirty-six patients had one or more dental The oral cavity is a potential site of such infectious
diseases; the remaining five had none. Caries was found in complications in patients receiving HSCT therapy, because
26 patients, apical periodontitis in 19, marginal period- it is an important port of entry for agents that can cause
ontitis in 24 and a partially erupted third molar in 11. Our systemic infections.4–7 To prevent these oral complications,
policy is to preserve patients’ teeth whenever possible, and pre-transplant comprehensive oral care has been incorpo-
therefore minimal dental intervention was planned. rated into the preparatory steps for patients scheduled to
Treatment was completed for all 36 patients with dental receive HSCT therapy. This approach is supported by the
pathologies, before the conditioning regimen began. All National Institute of Health consensus statement on oral
patients received the scheduled HSCT therapy without complications of cancer therapy (1989), which states,
alteration, interruption or delay, and did not show any ‘dental foci are potential sources of systemic infections
signs or symptoms associated with odontogenic infection that need to be eliminated or ameliorated before com-
while they were immunosuppressed. This protocol, there- mencement of anticancer therapy’.8 Therefore, to prevent
fore, appears to be appropriate for the pre-HSCT dental significant morbidity, all sources of potential infection
treatment of patients with hematological diseases. should be identified upon pre-transplant dental screening
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2006) 38, 237–242. and treated appropriately.2,9,10
doi:10.1038/sj.bmt.1705429 Not all previous studies have supported a need for pre-
Keywords: dental management; hematopoietic stem cell HSCT dental treatment. Melkos et al.11 reported that there
transplantation; apical periodontitis; marginal periodonti- was no significant difference in the occurrence of infection
tis; partially erupted third molar originating from oral disease during and after HSCT
therapy between patients, with and without pre-HSCT
dental treatments, but they did not describe in detail the
severity of the dental diseases of the patients in their study.
Introduction Toljanic et al.12 demonstrated that oncologic treatment
outcomes were unaffected by the presence of chronic dental
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has disease or acute exacerbations of these disease states in a
become an essential treatment for many patients with pilot study in which no chronic dental diseases were treated
malignant and non-malignant hematological diseases, regardless of severity, but the great majority of the patients
including acute and chronic leukemias, aplastic anemia, in their study received only chemotherapy, which does not
require the serious immunosuppression needed for HSCT
therapy. Given the limitations of these studies, pre-HCST
dental therapy is still indicated to prevent odontogenic
Correspondence: Dr H Yoshida, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial complications.
Surgery, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1
Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan.
The potentially complicating oral conditions that have
E-mail: [email protected] been identified are as follows: dental caries, pulpitis, apical
Received 13 February 2006; revised 9 May 2006; accepted 23 May 2006 and marginal periodontitis and partially erupted third
Pre-HSCT dental management protocol
K Yamagata et al
molar. Dental care for these disorders includes tooth Table 1 Oncologic diagnosis and medical treatment
brushing instruction, scaling, restoration, pulpectomy and No. of patients
endodontic treatment. Tooth extraction is recommended
for severe dental disease. Such pre-HSCT dental treatments Disease
are anticipated to decrease the risk of local and systemic CML 14
ML 7
odontogenic infections during patient immunosuppression.
Considering the limited period available for pre-HSCT NHL 4
dental treatment,13 minimal dental intervention to treat MDS 4
only the sources of potential infection is recommended. MM 3
However, treatment protocols that clearly define the best ALL 3
Others 2
treatment modality for patients at their pre-HSCT dental
assessment are needed. We previously used retrospective Medical treatment
data to construct a brief dental management protocol for BMT 28
patients scheduled to undergo HSCT therapy for hemato- PBSCT 13
logic diseases and evaluated its usefulness.14 However, a
Abbreviations: ALL ¼ acute lymphoid leukemia; AML ¼ acute myeloid
protocol defining the appropriate detailed treatment leukemia; BMT ¼ bone marrow transplant; CML ¼ chronic myeloid
modality according to the severity of each dental disorder leukemia; MDS ¼ myelodysplastic syndrome; ML ¼ malignant lymphoma;
remains to be described. This study was prospectively MM ¼ multiple myeloma; NHL ¼ non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; PBSCT ¼
carried out to establish detailed treatment criteria for peripheral blood stem cell transplant.
minimal intervention in potentially detrimental dental
disorders and to judge the effectiveness of the protocol.
into account a patient’s status and treatment schedule. We
describe the details of the protocol below:
Teeth with mild or moderate caries are restored in
Patients and methods patients with sufficient time for dental treatment, but
observed in those with insufficient time. Decayed teeth with
Seventy-one candidates for HSCT therapy were referred pulpitis are treated by pulpectomy and root canal filling.
from the Division of Hematology, Tsukuba University The residual roots are extracted.
Hospital to the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Teeth with recently symptomatic apical periodontitis or
which is the same hospital that carried out the screening of asymptomatic apical periodontitis and periapical radio-
dental pathology between 1998 and 2004. Of 71 patients lucency of the maximal diameter greater than 5 mm are
with hematological malignancies, 41 underwent HSCT treated with root canal in patients whose schedule permits,
therapy; 30 did not because their general condition was but the teeth are removed if there is insufficient time for
poor or because no appropriate donor could be found. The treatment. Asymptomatic apical periodontitis with peria-
41 patients were consecutively enrolled into the prospective pical radiolucency of less than 5 mm is not treated.
trial. Subjects were 22 males and 19 females, ranging in Marginal periodontitis, teeth with gingival swelling, pain
age from 17 to 58 years with a mean of 41.3 years. All and purulent discharge, a probing depth greater than 8 mm
participants gave informed consent before proceeding with or severe mobility are removed, whereas teeth with
treatment. Hematologic diagnoses were as follows: 14 marginal periodontitis but without these signs and symp-
patients had chronic myeloid leukemia, seven had malig- toms are observed and tooth brushing instruction and/or
nant lymphoma, four had acute myeloid leukemia, four scaling is provided.
had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, four had myelodysplastic Partially erupted third molars with pericoronitis or
syndrome, three had multiple myeloma, three had acute purulent drainage are extracted, and asymptomatic third
lymphoblastic leukemia and two had other malignancies. molars are not treated.
Hematopoietic stem cells were collected from the bone All patients, including those without dental foci, are
marrow of 28 patients and from the peripheral blood of 13 given tooth brushing instructions to exfoliate dental
(Table 1). plaque.
The dental status of all patients was evaluated at the For the HSCT procedure, all patients were admitted to a
initial visit before HSCT by one experienced dentist. The disinfected room. During the conditioning period, each
screening examination consisted of a clinical examination patient experienced at least one episode of a temperature
of the hard and soft oral tissues and a radiographic survey, higher than 381C and an absolute white blood cell count
including panoramic and occasional periapical films for (WBC) of less than 1000/ml lasting several days, as
symptomatic teeth. All dental diseases encountered, includ- manifestations of their immunosuppressed status. Dental
ing caries, apical periodontitis, marginal periodontitis and follow-up was conducted during the only HSCT hospita-
impacted third molar, were recorded for each patient. lization, which was approximately 3 weeks long. Any
Dental foci were defined as caries, apical and marginal patient with local signs and symptoms consistent with
periodontitis and partially erupted third molar. odontogenic infections, such as swelling, pain, redness and
A new protocol was designed to preserve diseased teeth sensitivity of the gingiva surrounding the teeth had a dental
whenever possible, compared with the previous protocol14 consultation and was given treatment as necessary. The
(see Figure 1). This protocol defines the pre-HSCT dental frequency and occurrence of oral complaints and complica-
treatment modality for the dental foci identified, taking tions were recorded on the patients’ medical charts and
Restoration Pulpectomy or
Treatment or Extraction
Restoration No treatment Pulpectomy No treatment
depth 8mm < 8mm
Severe Treatment Teeth brushing instruction
Mild or Scaling Extraction
Tooth to
Treatment Extraction No treatment
Extraction No treatment
investigated throughout the course of HSCT therapy, and be completed 10 days before HSCT therapy, to give the
the effectiveness of the new detailed protocol was assessed patient time to undergo the conditioning regimen for
by the attending dentists and hematologists. HSCT. The time available for dental treatment was less
than 1 month for 13 patients, from 1 to 2 months for 11,
from 2 to 3 months for seven and more than 3 months for
Results 10. The patients with duration of more than 2 months
between dental examination and the commencement of
The dental status of all patients was evaluated between 7 HSCT therapy were re-examined to check for new dental
and 240 days before the commencement of HSCT therapy, disease within 1 month before HSCT therapy. Thirty-eight
with a median of 47 days. Dental treatment was required to of the 41 patients (92.7%) had one or more dental diseases.