MonsterGenetics Directions
MonsterGenetics Directions
MonsterGenetics Directions
Focus on Inquiry
This game uses a hands-on interactive approach to introducing students to genotype and phenotype
combinations, Punnett Squares, and other genetic topics related to pedigree.
Game Overview
In this scenario-based game, players will assume the role of “monster intern” and assist Dr. Mayhem in
answering patients’ genetic questions and problems. Upon successful completion of the game, students will be
able to create and analyze Punnett squares to help explain how genotypes influence phenotypes, and determine
the probability that a monster will inherit a particular trait from its parents based on data analysis. Students will
also be able to determine which genotypes are required to produce desired monster traits (phenotypes) by
examining and adjusting different Punnett squares.
This game-based lesson can be used in conjunction with “Monster Mash-Up of Genetics” a 5E MSP lesson plan,
created by Lindsey Evans, Brian Glasby, and Judy McDonald (2016), or as a standalone lesson or review activity.
Florida Science Standards – Nature of Science Florida Science Standards – Life Science
SC.7.N.3.2 - Identify the benefits and limitations of the SC.7.L.16.2 - Determine the probabilities for genotype
use of scientific model. and phenotype combinations using Punnett squares
and pedigrees.
Game Levels
Pre-Training – In the pre-training section, students are able to select their level of
difficulty, select an avatar, see the game and learning objectives, click through the
navigation tutorial, visit the optional review section, and view the game storyline.
Level 1 (Beginner) – In this level, students learn about the basics of alleles,
genotype, and phenotype. A series of three activities allows them to demonstrate
their understanding of genotype and phenotype. This level has more scaffolding
than other levels, as it introduces the core concepts of the game.
Level 2 (Beginner) – In this level, students experiment with Punnett Squares and
use a trait table to make a visual connection between genotype and phenotype.
They must complete each Punnett Square before answering a question about the
possibility of a particular trait appearing.
Bonus - Monster Maker – Students are offered the option to play the bonus level
at the end of the Beginner and end of the Advanced game. In this level, students
will choose several traits for their monster, and then answer a series of questions
related to the likelihood of dominant and recessive traits occurring. Finally,
students will be able to see the monster they created, choose a habitat for their
monster, and print or save the end result.
Intern Badge: On the intern badge screen in the pre-training level, you can type any skip code over the number
that is already present in the “passcode” field and then click on the continue arrow button.
Menu Button: From the game menu button you can type any skip code into the blank area at the bottom of the
menu next to “Passcode” field and then click submit.
Level 1 = 11111
Level 2 = 22222
Level 3 = 33333
Level 4 = 44444
Level 5 = 55555
Level 6 = 66666
Level 7 = 77777
Level 8 = 88888
Level 9 = 99999
Bonus = mmaker
Beginner Hallway = skip
Advanced Hallway = skipadv
Survey = survey