Sarahudeen Kasaku Anatomy and Physiology

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Saint John of God College of Health



Anatomy and physiology



REG NUMBER : 2405022

ASSIGNMENT TITLE : Physiology of cell structures



1. Refers to the
functions and
processes that occur
within the various
components of a cell,
enabling it to
homeostasis, grow,
reproduce, respond
to stimuli, and
perform specialized

Jelly like substance within a cell
surrounding the nucleus membrane,
it's composed of
a).Cytosol (liquid component)
_Cytosol is the liquid component of
the cytoplasm ,making 70% of the
cell's volume, it provides a platform
for protein synthesis, folding and
modification it is involved in a cell
signaling by transmitting signals from
the cell membrane to other cellular
b)cystoskeleton (filaments providing
structure and support)
_Cystoskeleton supports cell structure
by acting like a framework whereby it
gives structural framework that gives
the cell its shape and maintain its 3
dimensional structure.

C).inclusions (E.g pigments, lipids and


.......Its a control center
of the cell..
 The appearance of the
nucleus under the
microscope does not
provide many clues to the
mechanisms by which the
nucleus performs its
control activities.Nucleus
acts as a control center by
storing genetic
information and also by
regulating gene
expressions .
n is the process by which
the information in a
gene's DNA is copied into
a complementary RNA
molecule .Transcription is
a critical step in gene
expression.allowing cells
to respond to their

Power house of the cell,generating
energy through cellular respiration..
Cellular respiration :,is the process
whereby a cell generate energy from
Glycolysis:This is the process whereby
glucose is broken down into pruvate in
the Cytosol producing the small
amount of ATP and NADH.
Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle).pruvate
is converted into acetyl_coA which
enters the citric acid cycle, producing
more ATP,NADH and FADH2.
Oxidative phosphorylation:,electrons
from NADH and FADH2 are passed
through the electron transport chain
and generating more ATP this happens
in Anaerobic condition

 Convert glucose into ATP (adenosine

 Have their own DNA and can
replicate independently.

..It shows network of
tubular and flat vesicular
structures in the
cytoplasm.The tubules and
vesicles interconnect with
one another.

They interconnect with each

other to allow the rapid
transport of proteins and
lipids throughout the
Endoplasmic reticulum
(ER), to allow protein
synthesis. The folding
allows for efficient transfer
of newly synthesized
proteins from ribosomes to
folding and modification
 The space inside the
tubules and vesicles is
filled with endoplasmic
matrix;a watery medium
that is different from the
fluidin the cytoon
outside out side the
endoplasmic reticulum.
 There’s smooth and rough
endoplasmic reticulum.
 Rough ER is continuous
with the nuclearmembrane
and usually is folded into a
series of flattered sacs.
 Proteins synthesized by ribosomes
attached torough ER.mRNA bind to
ER-bound ribosomes the RIBOSOMES
reads the mRNA and initiates protein
synthesis ,Amino acids are added to
the growing Peptide chain , The
growing Peptide chain is translocated
into the ER_lumen ,the Peptide chain
folds into its native conformation
then proteins undergo further
modification and then misfolded
proteins are detected and
 Smooth ER e xtends ER to form a
network ofmembranetubules unlike
rough ER,
smooth ER does not have

it's small organelles found throughout
the cytoplasm.
 Process and modifies proteins, lipids
and carbohydrates.
 Package and transports molecules to
the cell for secretion.This occurs
with few steps the first one is
Translation RIBOSOMES synthesize
proteins from mRNA, creating a
polypetide chain, the translocation
of the polypeptide chain into the
endoplasmic reticulum through a
channel, folding and modification of
the polypeptide chain, The modified
proteins is packaged into a
vesicle ,Transportation of the
vesicles to the golgi Apparatus
where further modification occurs.

6. Lysosomes

Membrane bound sacs containing

digestive enzymes.
 Break down and recycle cellular

waste,proteins and foreign

substances .This happens in few

steps the first step is where by the

lysosomes engulf and internalize

cellular waste ,proteins and foreign

substances they fuse it the

lysosomal interior is acidified

activating the digestive

enzymes ,they break it down into

smaller particles and recycle it back

for cell use.

 Maintain cellular
homestasis and prevent
damage off from golgi,and
it is despecing through out
cytoplasm .They maintain
homeostasis by removing
cellular waste lysosomes
degrade and recycle
cellular debris,proteins
and organelles, preventing
accumulation and
maintaining cellular
cleanliness. Therefore
maintaining homeostasis
in the cell.
 They have inter secullar digestive
system that allows cell to digestive.
 They have enzymes which split the
organic substance.

7.Golgi Apparatus

....Complex offlattered sacs and tubules.

 Process and modifies proteins, lipids
and carbohydrates
 Package and transports molecules to
the cell for secretion.The Golgi
Apparatus transports molecules by
first synthesizing the proteins and
lipids in the ER ,The ER form vesicles
containing synthesized
molecules ,The vesicles travels to
the golgi Apparatus where they fuse
with the Golgi membrane. The golgi
Apparatus modifies and process the
molecules, adding carbohydrates,
phosphates and surfates.Vessicles
travel to their target locations such
as lysosomes or the plasma


Network of filaments providing

structurals upper and shape.

They create cell shape by creating

tensions in a cell by the "actin
filaments" this involves polymerization
:,Actin monomers assemble into
filaments, generating some forces and
also Actin filaments they link together
creating a network that resists
deformation .

Composed of microtubules,micro
filaments and intermediate filaments.
 Involved in cell division,movement
and signaling .

Membrane (cell
Semi-permeable membrane
regulating what enters and
leaves the cell .
It controls what to enter
and leaves by active and
passive transport ..Active
transport is where by
molecules move against
there concentration
gradient using energy input
while passive transport is
whereby molecules move
from high concentration to
low concentration without
the use of energy therefore
allowing the smaller ones
to pass and not to allow
large particles due to its
natural Semi-permeable

. Following nutrients can

pass through a semi-per
membrane; water through
osmosis, irons such sodium,
calcium and potassium:
small sugar such glucose
and fractose.
 Some things that do pass
through; proteins,
nuclearic acid such DNA
and RNA.


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Hall,J.E(2016).Guyton and hall text
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Martini,F.H., Nathan, j.L.8

Bartholomew, E.F.(2015).fundamentals
of a Anatomy and physiology tenth
edition, Boston :Pearson

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