83-E (RR) (Revised Un-Revised) - s2
83-E (RR) (Revised Un-Revised) - s2
83-E (RR) (Revised Un-Revised) - s2
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Total No. of Questions : 42 ] CCE RR [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 12
—⁄MOÊfi}⁄ —⁄MSÊ¿ : 83-E REVISED & UN-REVISED Code No. : 83-E
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Subject : SCIENCE
( ∫Ë}⁄À¤—⁄°, ¡⁄—¤æ⁄fl´⁄À¤—⁄° »⁄fl}⁄fl° ffi»⁄À¤—⁄° / Physics, Chemistry & Biology )
( BMW«ŒÈ ∫¤Œ¤M}⁄¡⁄ / English Version )
( ‘ʇ—⁄ Æ⁄p⁄¿O⁄√»⁄fl / New Syllabus )
2. This question paper has been sealed by reverse jacket. You have to cut on
the right side to open the paper at the time of commencement of the
examination. Check whether all the pages of the question paper are intact.
3. Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective
types of questions.
4. Figures in the right hand margin indicate maximum marks for the
5. The maximum time to answer the paper is given at the top of the question
paper. It includes 15 minutes for reading the question paper.
Tear here
Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete
statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct
alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.
10 × 1 = 10
2. A source of sound moves towards a stationary observer and crosses the observer
and moves forward. The observer in this situation feels as if the pitch of the
sound is
(A) increasing
(B) decreasing
RR (B)-30019
CCE RR 3 83-E
5. A person shows the symptoms such as ulcers on the nose and lower leg, gradual
blindness and dementia. The disease having these symptoms and the microbe
the secondary voltage is 220 V, then the current in the secondary coil is
(A) 20 A (B) 2A
7. The four steps of manufacturing common sugar are given in wrong order.
(A) b, d, c, a (B) d, a, b, c
(C) a, c, d, b (D) d, b, a, c.
8. The correct statement with reference to wind energy and wave energy in the
following is
(B) The cost per unit for the conversion of wind energy into electrical energy is
very high.
(C) Fluctuation in the energy availability is lesser in wave energy than in wind
(D) Wind energy turbines use specialised instruments when compared to wave
energy converters.
RR (B)-30019
CCE RR 5 83-E
11. The parts of a vehicle/engine are given in Column-A and their related aspects
are given in Column-B. Match them and write the answer along with its letters :
Column - A Column - B
(A) Carburettor (i) Remains closed in intake stroke and
remains open in exhaust stroke
(B) Crank shaft (ii) Petrol and air are mixed here
13. Mention any two characteristics of Jatropa plant whose seeds are used for
15. Choose the elements in the following that belong to the same period in modern
periodic table :
Atomic No. 1 11 6 14
16. Name the device for obtaining high DC voltage from a low DC voltage source.
18. When a person is very angry, the rate of heart-beat and breathing increases.
Name the part of autonomic nervous system that brings these changes into
normal condition.
20. Draw the diagram showing the external features of a fish and label the following
(a) Operculum
(b) Scales.
21. What is atomic size ? How does atomic size vary from left to right along the
23. Write any two differences between transverse waves and longitudinal waves.
RR (B)-30019
CCE RR 7 83-E
24. Draw the diagram of the instrument used in electrolysis and label the following
(a) Ammeter
(b) Anode.
25. “The environmentalists oppose the overuse of the products containing aerosols.”
Give reasons.
26. Write the chemical equation indicating the preparation of carborundum using
27. The ultrasonic waves sent from submarines A and B take 4s and 6s respectively
to reach the iceberg C. If A, B and C are collinear and A and B are on the same
28. “The Government should encourage urban people to take up the practice of roof
“Transgenic plants play a very important role in decreasing the food scarcity of
29. Draw the diagram of an AC dynamo and label the following parts.
(b) Brushes.
30. (a) What is fermentation ? Name the gas usually produced during
31. A student observes the cross-section of a plant stem under the compound
(b) Write the features of that group with respect to root and flower.
32. Write the molecular formula and structural formula of marsh gas. Why is it
Why graphite and diamond are called allotropes of carbon ? Name the two
RR (B)-30019
CCE RR 9 83-E
33. A student adds nitric acid to a test tube having copper turnings and observes the
nitric acid was added to the test tube. Give scientific reasons for his conclusion.
34. A student has wrongly labelled the parts A, B, C and D in the following diagram.
Correct his mistakes and name the parts A, B, C and D of the diagram.
35. Draw the diagram of a nuclear power reactor and label the following parts.
(b) Reflector.
dihybrid cross when a tall pea plant bearing yellow seeds ( TTYY ) is crossed
with a dwarf pea plant bearing green seeds ( ttyy ) with the help of checker
(b) What type of impurity is added to the side of the semiconductor connected
to end A ?’
(c) What happens to the junction resistance, if the terminals of the battery are
reversed ?
(b) What type of majority carriers are found in silicon if an element with
38. Draw the diagram of the apparatus used in the extraction of aluminium from
RR (B)-30019
CCE RR 11 83-E
(b) Some artificial satellites appear to be in the fixed positions relative to earth.
41. (a) Why are oils converted into solid fats ? What is the role of nickel in this
process ?
(b) Write the molecular formula and structural formula of fourth member of
42. Draw the vertical section of the human eye and label the following parts.
(b) The sensory nerve which carries visual impulses to the cerebrum of brain.
RR (B)-30019