Wang 2013
Wang 2013
Wang 2013
Abstract Near-field ground-motion data are available in semi-real time either from
modern strong-motion or continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) networks,
allowing robust solutions for earthquake source parameters, which are useful for rapid
disaster assessment and early warning. These wide applications require the ground-
motion data to cover a very broad frequency band that, however, is usually not
available. This paper presents a case study on the 2011 M w 9.0 Tohoku earthquake,
showing how the ground-motion information from geodetic and seismic instrumen-
tations is complementary, and suggesting the joint use of both types of data, particu-
larly when the network coverage is sparse. First the strong-motion records from the
two Japanese networks, K-NET and KiK-Net, are analyzed using an automatic
empirical baseline correction tool. The static coseismic displacement data are obtained
by double integration and then used to derive the permanent slip distribution on the
earthquake fault. Comparisons with the corresponding GPS-based solutions yield a
quantitative estimation of uncertainties of the empirical baseline correction. Further-
more, a dozen nearby GPS and strong-motion station pairs are selected to demonstrate
that the information in their time series agrees with each other. Finally, methods for
combining both types of ground-motion observation systems are discussed, and the
wide applicability of this approach is highlighted.
Transient and permanent ground movements caused by Therefore, the joint use of the GPS and strong-motion instru-
earthquakes are crucial for locating their source and for inves- ments can improve data coverage and can advance the devel-
tigating their rupture processes. The transient and dynamic opment of new strategies for data processing due to their
movements are usually measured by seismic sensors deployed complementary advantages (Emore et al., 2007; Bock et al.,
worldwide, resulting in velocity or acceleration seismograms, 2012). However, a systematic test and comparison of such
while permanent displacements are traditionally measured data streams as well as their joint influence on kinematic
through geodetic methods. source models has not yet been made.
On the one hand, the continuous and rapid development Japan has one of the densest GPS and seismometer
of Global Positioning System (GPS) hardware and the im- networks in the world, and presently includes the GeoNet,
provement in GPS data processing strategies have been such with 1200 permanent GPS stations, the F-Net, with 84 broad-
that estimating seismic displacements from high-rate GPS has band seismograph stations, the K-NET, with 1000 strong-
become a research topic referred to as GPS seismology (e.g., motion seismograph stations, the Hi-Net, with 777 high
Larson et al., 2003; Bock and Prawirodirdjo, 2004; Chen sensitivity seismograph stations (borehole installation), and
et al., 2004; Langbein and Bock, 2004; Miyazaki et al., 2004; the KiK-Net, co-located with the Hi-Net. Each KiK-Net sta-
Elósegui et al., 2006; Larson, 2009; Irwan et al., 2011). tion is equipped with two strong-motion seismographs at the
Currently, GPS seismology focuses on the acquisition of surface and borehole, respectively (see Data and Resources).
high-rate GPS data and the refinement of data processing ap- Additional data, such as InSAR, were also collected, though
proaches (Smalley, 2009). On the other hand, recent studies not further considered in this study. Nevertheless, after the
have shown that large near-source static displacements can 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake, an unprecedented amount
also be derived from high-quality accelerometer records after of ground-motion data were available from these observation
an empirical baseline correction (e.g., Graizer, 1979, 1983; networks, providing an ideal opportunity for evaluating the
Iwan et al., 1985; Boore, 2001; Wang, Boore, et al., 2003; consistency of the ground motion obtained by the different
Wu and Wu, 2007; Chao et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2011). observation instruments.
Comparison of GPS and Strong-Motion Data of 2011 M w 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake 1337
Figure 2. Coseismic displacement data derived from different GPS and strong-motion networks for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, com-
pared with the values predicted by Models 1–3 (Fig. 4) inverted from the respective dataset. No model is derived from the K-NET dataset
because of its large uncertainty. The model for both the onshore and offshore GPS datasets is obtained by joint inversion. The color version of
this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
analysis, the fault plane is represented by a number of small scatters between 30 and 60 m (e.g., Ammon et al., 2011;
rectangular dislocation patches with uniform slip. The Lay et al., 2011). The moment magnitude of the earthquake
observed displacement data are related to the discrete fault is estimated to be 8.90, in agreement with that given by the
slips through Green’s functions of the earth model, which global seismic network GEOFON. It should be noted that
are calculated using linear elastic dislocation theory. For the when calculating the seismic moment, we adopted the com-
discrete slips to be an adequate representation of the true con- monly used constant shear modulus μo 30 GPa instead of
tinuous slip distribution, the patch size must be reasonably using the depth dependent shear modulus given by the earth
small (Segall and Harris, 1987). In fact, if the available data model. If the latter is used, the geodetic moment magnitude
do not include enough information for determining the slip would reach 9.01. The reason for using the constant shear
distribution with the desired resolution, the inversion system modulus is that here we want to compare the different slip
becomes underdetermined. To overcome the problem of non- models in terms of slip magnitude instead of the associated
uniqueness and instability inherent in such an underdeter- seismic moment. Hence, the shear modulus used here only
mined system, a priori conditions (fixed fault geometry plays the role of a scaling factor.
and restricted variation range for the rake angle) and physical Using the best geodetic slip model as a reference, Model
constraints (smooth spatial distribution of slip or stress drop) 3 (see Fig. 4) derived from the KiK-Net-BH dataset is very
are considered (Du et al., 1998). satisfactory and considerably better than that from the
In the present case, we employ a slightly curved fault KiK-Net-SF dataset (Model 2, Fig. 4), which strongly under-
plane, parallel to the assumed subduction slab. The dip angle estimates the magnitude of the earthquake. It is interesting that
increases linearly from 10° on the top (ocean bottom) to 20° peak slip values as large as 50 m can only be obtained when
at about 80 km depth, which is consistent with that suggested seafloor GPS data are used. Without this data, the GPS-derived
by Pollitz et al. (2011). To avoid any artificial bounding slip model (Model 4) is very close to that from the KiK-Net-BH
effect, a large enough potential rupture area (approximately dataset (Model 3), with both showing similar patterns where the
650 km × 300 km) is used. The upper edge of the fault is peak slip is less than 25 m. The datafit of Model 3 to the onshore
located along the trench east of Japan, on the boundary be- GPS data is equally as good as the datafit of Model 1.
tween the Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate. The patch size
is about 10 km × 10 km. The rake angle determining the slip A Model-Based Approach for Detecting Outliers in
direction at each fault patch is allowed to vary between the Strong-Motion Derived Coseismic Displacements
90° 20°, corresponding to the upper bound of the uncer-
tainties of the teleseismic focal solutions. Green’s functions In the previous two sections we have shown, consistent
are calculated based on a multilayered elastic half-space with previous studies elsewhere, that the large coseismic dis-
model (Wang, Lorenzo-Martin, Roth, 2003; Wang et al., placements during the Japan 2011 Tohoku earthquake can
2006). The model parameters are chosen according to the also be retrieved reliably from strong-motion records using
database CRUST2.0 (Bassin et al., 2000). The weighting fac- an empirical baseline correction tool. Although the displace-
tor for the smoothing term, also called the smoothing factor, ment values obtained at a few individual stations may include
is optimized first for the inversion of the complete GPS data large uncertainties, a robust source solution can still be
including the offshore observations adopted from Sato et al. derived when the whole dense network is considered, pro-
(2011), and then is fixed for all other inversions. vided that the sensors are installed in boreholes or at least on
The inversion results are shown in Figure 4. Because of hard ground. In practice, such ideal installation conditions are
the high station density of all considered networks, we not always fulfilled, not only due to financial or logistic lim-
assume that differences in the results are related to the differ- itations, but also because many strong-motion stations were
ent quality of the input data for the inversion. The best installed intentionally on soft sediments and urban areas for
resolved slip model is assumed to be that derived from the engineering purposes. Therefore, large baseline errors may be
high-precision GPS data, including both onshore and off- induced by the amplified and transient tilt effect, and in
shore observations. In fact, this model indicates that the peak general they cannot fully be corrected using the empirical bi-
coseismic slip of the earthquake reached about 50 m which is linear correction method. Consequently, obvious outliers ap-
in agreement with previous results obtained by the joint pear in the strong-motion derived displacement data (see
inversion of onshore GPS and deep ocean tsunami data by Fig. 2). Because these outliers may affect the results of the slip
Simons et al. (2011), but larger than the peak slip of 33 m inversion, we propose a model-based approach to detect them.
obtained by Pollitz et al. (2011) who also used both the on- First we invert, for example, the total KiK-Net-SF data-
shore and offshore GPS data but a slightly different fault set to obtain a preliminary slip model. A certain observed
geometry (three connected rectangles) and approximated surface displacement in the input dataset is defined as an
the slip distribution by analytical Hermite-Gauss functions. outlier if its misfit to the predicted one oversteps a certain
Other recently published slip models that are only based on threshold. As an example, Figure 5 shows the two KiK-Net
the onshore GPS data show peak slips systematically below datasets after having removed the outlier vectors, which
35 m (e.g., Iinuma et al., 2011; Ozawa et al., 2011), whereas deviate from the model by more than 15° in direction. Here
those only based on teleseismic waveform data show large the 15° threshold in direction is chosen so that the filtered
1340 R. Wang, S. Parolai, M. Ge, M. Jin, T. R. Walter, and J. Zschau
Figure 4. Slip models inverted from different coseismic displacement datasets (OB, ocean bottom; SM, strong motion derived; SF, surface
sensor; and BH, borehole sensor). The data are shown in Figure 2. The selected KiK-Net surface and borehole data are shown in Figure 5.
Both horizontal and vertical components are used for the inversion. The contour step is 5 m. The color version of this figure is available only
in the electronic edition.
KiK-Net-SF data can still show a reasonable coherence of have shown that the strong-motion data derived displacement
their spatial variability. We do not filter the outlier displace- has an acceptable quality when compared with that directly
ments on the basis of the vector amplitude because it has less measured by GPS, the combination of the individual observa-
influence on constraining the source location. After filtering tion systems could improve the data coverage in those regions
the outliers, the statistical deviation of the KiK-Net-BH and thus reduce the uncertainties of earthquake source inver-
dataset from the GPS is reduced from 37% to 20% in the sion when only based on GPS data. To simulate such a situa-
present case. tion, we make a test in which 25 displacement vectors are
In areas with a high station density, the outliers can also randomly selected from the GPS and KiK-Net-SF datasets
be easily detected by comparison between neighboring sta- (without the outliers), respectively. As shown in Figure 6,
tions, but the model-based detection method also works for although only about 10% of the original data are used, the
earthquake source can be resolved satisfactorily. We attribute
inhomogeneous networks. It is worth noting that, when using
the result to the remaining azimuth coverage of the data and
the filtered data, we can improve the slip model considerably,
the improved data quality after filtering the outliers.
particularly with respect to the moment magnitude in the
case of the KiK-Net-SF dataset (Model 5 in Fig. 4). Because
Comparison between Time Series of GPS and
of their relatively small amplitudes, most of the vertical com-
Strong-Motion Records
ponents are within the uncertainty range of the method.
In most other regions of the world, both geodetic and seis- Another important utility of high-rate GPS and strong-
mic networks are generally sparser than in Japan. Because we motion networks is to provide near-field seismic waveform
Comparison of GPS and Strong-Motion Data of 2011 M w 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake 1341
data, which are useful for constraining the kinematic earth- source time function. Thus, we need to derive velocity or
quake source process. In practice, the low-frequency band of displacement seismograms from strong-motion records, for
waveform information is particularly useful for inversion of which the empirical baseline correction is also necessary.
Without the baseline correction, certain high-pass or band-
pass filters have to be applied to the strong-motion records,
leading to loss of the information about low-frequency as
well as static ground deformation that is important for esti-
mating the moment magnitude.
The uncertainties of the strong-motion derived velocity
or displacement seismograms can be best evaluated using co-
installed high-rate GPS as reference. Although Japan has the
densest GPS and strong-motion networks in the world, there
are rare stations where both types of instruments are co-in-
stalled. Nevertheless, we found more than a dozen collocated
(or nearly collocated) GeoNet and KiK-Net station pairs. Us-
ing the automatic baseline correction scheme by Wang et al.
(2011), we derive the velocity and displacement seismo-
grams from the strong-motion recordings and compare them
with the GPS data for all 14 station pairs with distance
≤ 4 km (Fig. 7). In only a few cases the strong-motion de-
rived displacement seismograms show significant deviations
from the high-rate GPS data, mostly in the period after the
permanent displacement has arrived. The worst results are
obtained for the borehole sensor of KiK-Net station FKSH07
(No. 14 in Fig. 7), where the derived east–west displacement
converges to an opposite final value with respect to the GPS.
This is partly due to the fact that in this case, the strong-mo-
tion records do not allow us to select enough pre-event and
post-event times, which are necessary for a successful em-
pirical baseline correction using the automatic scheme. In
all other cases, however, the velocity seismograms derived
from the high-rate GPS and strong-motion records agree sat-
Figure 5. Coseismic displacement data derived from strong- isfactorily with each other, supporting previous observations
motion records at selected KiK-Net stations, where the observed
3D displacement vector deviates from that predicted by Models 2 that the uncertainties of the empirical baseline correction can
and 3 in Figure 4, respectively, by less than 15° in direction. The color affect the derived velocity seismograms, but not as dramati-
version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition. cally as for the displacement seismograms (Boore, 2001).
Figure 6. Coseismic displacement data randomly selected from the GPS and KiK-Net-SF datasets (Fig. 2) and the associated slip model
by joint inversion. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
1342 R. Wang, S. Parolai, M. Ge, M. Jin, T. R. Walter, and J. Zschau
Figure 7. Displacement and velocity seismograms of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake derived from the KiK-Net borehole strong-motion
records using the automatic baseline correction tool by Wang et al. (2011), compared with nearby GPS observations. The number for each
station pair corresponds to the number in the station map. The time window is uniformly 250 s. The color version of this figure is available
only in the electronic edition.
Joint Use of High-Rate GPS and Strong-Motion empirical baseline correction can be improved upon using
Records the known coseismic displacement as reference. We suggest
a modification of the criterion for choosing the timing param-
In previous studies dealing with other major earth- eters so that the final displacement is closest to the GPS refer-
quakes, such as the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan), 2007 Tocopilla ence. Our results show that the use of the GPS reference can
(Chile), and 2008 Wenchuan (China) earthquakes (Wu and obviously improve the recovery of the displacement history
Wu, 2007; Wang et al., 2011), the high-rate GPS data from from the strong-motion records (Fig. 8), providing more
permanent stations were not available, but the static coseis- accurate low-frequency waveform data that are useful for
mic displacement of the strong-motion stations was well investigating the rupture process of the earthquake.
estimated from temporary GPS networks or InSAR observa- For nearly co-installed GPS and strong-motion stations,
tions. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate whether the the true ground-motion information at a broad frequency
Comparison of GPS and Strong-Motion Data of 2011 M w 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake 1343
Figure 8. Same as Figure 7, but the permanent GPS displacement is used as a reference in the baseline correction of strong-motion
records. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
band can be retrieved by the joint use of the two instruments. ferentiations. In the following we propose a simple approach
As an example, we select the nearest station pair between the for the utility of joint GPS and strong-motion records.
strong-motion and GPS networks, that is, K-NET station We first remove the pre-event offset from the GPS data.
AKT006 (40.2152° N, 140.7873° E) and the GeoNet station Then we assume that the baseline error of each component of
0183 (40.2154° N, 140.7873° E), being separated by 20 m. the accelerometer is time dependent and can be expressed
Figure 9 shows clearly the problems of both observation generally by a linear function combined with a sinusoidal
techniques. The ground tilting leads to large erroneous trends series,
in the two horizontal displacement components obtained by
double integration of the strong-motion records, whereas the X
Bt a bt cn sin 2nπ ; t∈0; T;
ground acceleration is strongly underestimated by the double n1
derivatives of the GPS displacement. Because of the low sam-
pling rate (1 Hz) of GPS, high-frequency content is missing where 0; T is the time window of the data, and a, b, and
and possible aliasing effects might appear after double dif- cn n 1; 2; …; N are free parameters to be determined.
1344 R. Wang, S. Parolai, M. Ge, M. Jin, T. R. Walter, and J. Zschau
Figure 9. (a) The 100 Hz strong-motion records (top) at K-NET Station AKT006, the velocity (middle) and displacement seismograms
(bottom) integrated from the strong-motion records, respectively. (b) The acceleration (top) and velocity seismograms (middle) differentiated
from the 1 Hz GPS time series (bottom) measured at GeoNet Station 0183, respectively. (c) The acceleration (top), velocity (middle) and
displacement seismograms (bottom) obtained using joint use of the strong-motion and GPS data. The thick gray curves in the right-top and
right-bottom panels are the estimated strong-motion baseline errors and GPS positioning errors, respectively. The time window is uniformly
225 s. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
The linear term represents the permanent as well as the slow In principle, the larger the degree N, the better the
trend of the baseline, whereas the sinusoidal series, which strong-motion derived displacement fits the GPS data. On
starts and ends with zero, covers the transient baseline errors the other hand, N should be as small as possible to avoid
during the strong shaking period. Because the two stations any overweighting of the GPS in the joint processing because
are nearly co-located, their seismic movements should be al- the GPS is known to have larger high-frequency noise. Gen-
most the same for the great Tohoku earthquake that nucleated erally we start with N 0 and then, if necessary, increase it
at about 250 km distance. Thus, we propose to determine the until the required fitting is satisfied or a certain upper limit of
free parameters in a way where the displacement obtained by N is arrived. The results shown in Figure 9 are obtained by
double integration of the strong-motion recordings, after re- requiring the fitting error not larger than 1 cm for the two
moving the baseline errors, best fits the GPS data in a least- horizontal components and 2 cm for the vertical compo-
squares sense. The number of the free parameters for the nent, corresponding roughly to the measurement errors of
baseline correction depends on the required fitting error of the GPS. It turns out that N 5, 8, and 0 for the east, north,
the strong-motion derived displacement to the GPS data. and vertical components, respectively. Though the functions
Comparison of GPS and Strong-Motion Data of 2011 M w 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake 1345
used for the baseline correction (thick gray curves in the to 20% in the static surface displacement (Pollitz, 1996).
right-top panel, Fig. 9c) are very smooth, the misfits between Moreover, recent studies have shown that when the inversion
the strong-motion based displacements and the GPS data is made based on models incorporating depth-dependent
(thick gray curves in the right-bottom panel, Fig. 9c) are shear moduli, the derived seismic moment can be up to 40%
likely uncorrelated with the high-frequency seismic signals. greater because of deeper source location than that based on
Therefore, these misfits might be attributed to stochastic the uniform half-space model (Hearn and Bürgmann, 2005).
observation noises in both strong-motion data and GPS data, In order to determine the moment magnitude independently,
but also to some effects caused by different installation con- the effect of the layered crustal structure should be accounted
ditions between the two instruments. Figure 9 also shows the for when inverting the geodetic data. We note that a more
ground velocity (right-middle panel) recovered by the joint complex fault geometry may have an effect on the interpre-
use of the GPS and strong-motion data, which provides a ba- tation of the data.
sis for the broadband ground-motion data. On this basis, one After an empirical correction for the baseline errors, the
can obtain the ground displacement (right-bottom panel) by ground velocity and displacement histories are derived from
integration and the ground acceleration (right-top panel) by the strong-motion records through the integration over time.
differentiation, both with a resolution that is much higher Generally, the slip model results obtained from inverting the
than is derived from the geodetic and seismic observations KiK-Net data agree considerably better with those derived
separately. from the high-rate GPS observations than those from the
K-NET data. The latter appear to be strongly affected by site
Discussion and Conclusions effects (strong nonlinear trends in the recordings that could
be due to large and transient tilting of the sensor installed on
Japan has the densest geodetic and seismic networks in soft ground) and thus cannot be used until an efficient pro-
the world. In the case of major earthquakes, information cedure for correcting them is found. The velocity time his-
about ground motion is available near real time through these tories derived from the KiK-Net borehole records are barely
networks. Using an automatic empirical baseline correction influenced by the residual uncertainties still existing after the
scheme, we analyzed the accelerograms recorded by the empirical baseline correction and are more informative, be-
K-NET and KiK-Net strong-motion networks for the 2011 cause of the higher sampling rate (100 Hz), than the 1-Hz
Tohoku earthquake. The coseismic displacements derived GPS data for the ground-motion characterization in terms
from the KiK-Net borehole dataset are the closest to the high- of velocity and therefore energy.
precision GPS solutions. In comparison, the KiK-Net surface It is desirable that the ground-motion data cover a
dataset shows larger uncertainties, but still appears to be ro- frequency band as broad as possible so that they can be used
bust when the whole network is considered. Less confident for different geophysical and engineering investigations. In
results for the derived coseismic displacements are those order to verify if this is the case when strong-motion and GPS
from the K-NET dataset showing large spatial variability. data are considered, we made a comparison of the datasets in
Probably the strongly amplified soil response including sur- the acceleration, velocity, and displacement domains, which
face tilting (Bonilla et al., 2011) caused complicated and dominate different frequency bands of the surface deforma-
multiple baseline shifts for most of the K-NET sensors, as tion information. On the one hand, we integrated the KiK-
well as for some of the KiK-Net surface sensors, leading Net-BH strong-motion records after the empirical baseline
to the failure of the simple bilinear correction scheme. correction to obtain velocity and displacement seismograms.
We inverted the static slip distribution from the two On the other, we differentiated the high-rate GPS time series
KiK-Net datasets, respectively, and compared it with that to receive the velocity seismograms, but did not derive the
obtained from the high-precision GPS data. When the com- acceleration seismograms, since the low 1-Hz sampling rate
monly used constant shear modulus μo 30 GPa is adopted of the GPS data would only allow a comparison with a low-
to convert the slip to the seismic moment, the moment mag- pass filtered version of the accelerogram. Although theoreti-
nitude of the earthquake derived from either the strong- cally the highest sampling rate of GPS receivers nowadays
motion based or GPS coseismic displacement field is about may reach 50 Hz, it is expected that the derived acceleration
8.8 to 8.9, slightly less than the final CMT solution of 9.0 by would be very noisy and could not, with any real confidence,
the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), but consistent with the be used as an alternative to the strong-motion recordings.
GEOFON value. Currently, most slip models derived by the We also attempted to evaluate, and verify, whether the
inversion of near-field geodetic data are based on a uniform baseline correction of the strong-motion records proposed by
elastic half-space mainly because it allows us to calculate Wang et al. (2011) can be improved upon when using the
Green’s functions in a closed analytical form. It is known GPS coseismic displacement as reference. The results we
that the static displacement due to a dislocation source in obtained are successful in terms of comparability of the
a uniform elastic half-space is dependent upon the Poisson velocity and displacement histories estimated from the GPS
ratio, but independent of the absolute value of the shear and strong-motion data, respectively. Furthermore, we dem-
modulus of the medium. This might not be valid for the lay- onstrated an example in which both high-rate GPS and
ered structure; neglecting this issue may lead to errors of up strong-motion data from a co-located site are combined to
1346 R. Wang, S. Parolai, M. Ge, M. Jin, T. R. Walter, and J. Zschau
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Acknowledgments Dynam. Earthq. Eng. 25, 197–204.
Graizer, V. M. (2010). Strong motion recordings and residual displacements:
We thank Walter Zürn and Adrien Oth for valuable discussion, and What are we actually recording in strong motion seismology? Seismol.
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of the European Seventh Framework Programme (Grant Agreement Number inversions of GPS data for coseismic slip and resulting stress changes:
282862). Mingpei Jin is supported by the China Scholarship Council and Strike-slip earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 95, 1637–1653.
China Earthquake Administration. The comments of two anonymous reviewers Iinuma, T., M. Ohzono, Y. Ohta, and S. Miura (2011). Coseismic slip dis-
were very helpful for improving the quality and readability of the paper. tribution of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
(M 9.0) estimated based on GPS data—Was the asperity in Miyagi-
oki ruptured? Earth Planets Space 63, 643–648.
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