Cubase Key Commands

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Cubase Key Commands

Key Description
T Add Track
D Disable / Enable Track
Shift + Delete Remove Track
Ctrl + Z Undo (Edit Window)
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo (Edit Window)
Alt + Z Undo (Mix Console)
Alt + Shift + Z Redo (Mix Console)
Shift + Z Zoom to Loop Selection
Shift + F Zoom to Full Project
H Zoom In
G Zoom Out
Shift + H Zoom In Vertically
Shift + G Zoom Out Vertically
Alt + H Zoom In Waveform
Alt + G Zoom Out Waveform
Z Zoom a Track Exclusively
Ctrl + Up / Down Increase / Reduce Track Height
Ctrl + E Enable / Disable Enlarge Selected Track
R Render In Place
Ctrl + R Render In Place Settings
Ctrl + Shift + X Cut Time
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste Time
Shift + Backspace Delete Time
Ctrl + Shift + E Insert Silence ( After the Loop Selection)
Ctrl + G Group Selected Clips
Ctrl + U Ungroup Selected Clips
Ctrl + Shift + L Lock Selected Clips
Ctrl + Shift + U Unlock Selected Clips
Shift M Mute Selected Clips
Shift + U Unmute Selected Clips
M Mute the Track
Alt + M Mute / Unmute Selected Clips
S Solo the Track
Ctrl + L Move Selected Clip to Cursor
Shift + X Split the clip section selected with Range Tool
Alt + X Split at Cursor
Insert Insert Location Marker
Ctrl + Insert Insert Cycle Marker
Ctrl + D Duplicate
Shift + C Edit Channel Settings
F Auto Scroll On / Off
J Snap to Grid On / Off
Ctrl + Shift + C Show / Hide Chord Pads
Ctrl + I Show / Hide Info Lane
Shift + K Key Commands
Alt + K On-Screen Keyboard
Pause Bypass All Inserts
End Reset Meters
Ctrl + Left / Right Nudge Left or Right to Grid in the Zoom level
Key Editor
E Expression & Modulation Lane
N Modulation Lane Only
V Velocity Lane
B Articulations Lane
Q Quantize
Alt + L Show / Hide Controller Lanes
Num 0 Stereo Down Mix
Num . Mono Down Mix
Num Enter Open VST Instrument
Num 1 Mix Console Configuration 1
Num 2 Mix Console Configuration 2
Num 3 Mix Console Configuration 3
Num - Close All Folders
Num + Open All Folders
Function Keys
F1 Web Help
F2 Show / Hide Left Zone
F3 Mix Console
F4 Audio Connections
F5 MediaBay
F6 Automation Panel
F7 Direct Offline Processing
F8 Video Player
F9 Preferences
F10 VST Plug-in Manager
F11 VSTi Instruments (Tracks & Racks)
F12 Audio Performance
1 Object Selection Tool
2 Range Selection Tool
3 Draw Tool
4 Erase Tool
5 Split Tool
6 Glue Tool
7 Mute Tool
8 Comp Tool
9 Time Warp Tool
/ Curve Tool
Alt + Shift + 1 Combine Selection Tools
Num / Enable Cycle Loop
Num * Record
P Locators to Selected Slip
Alt + P Loop Playback Selection
Shift + L Go To Left Locator
Shift + R Go To Right Locator
C Metronome

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