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Fin Irjmets1631603841
Fin Irjmets1631603841
Edge Networks Matches the job seekers with jobs available
Mad Street Den Helps customers locate products using captured
DSS Reduce erosion and sedimentary yield Requires big data for training
ANN Can predict monthly mean soil temperature Considers only as a factor for soil
Can predicts soil texture Requires big data for training
Can able to predict soil moisture The predictions will fail with time
as weather conditions are hardly
Cost-effective saves time has 92% accuracy Requires big data
Can estimate soil Nutrients after erosion Its estimate is restricted to only
6.1.2 AI in Crop Management
Crop management is a practice in agriculture that starts with sowing the seed and carries on with keeping an
eye on the growth, harvesting, and storage of crops and distributions.
In other words, it is the activity used to improve the yield of crops. An agricultural management system named
Precision Crop Management (PCM) is designed to find outcrop and soil inputs as per the requirement of a field
with the aim of optimization of profitability and protect the environment. To overcome the water deficit caused
by soil, weather or limited irrigation farmers should use the combination of different crop management
High crop quality yield can be achieved by understanding the weather pattern properly. For estimation of
operation behavior of field weather data, labor availability, machinery capacities are used by PROLOG (an AI
programming language). PROLOG can analyze crop production, gross revenue, and net profit for separate files
as well as for combined fields.
Crop prediction methodology helps forecast the suitable crop by analyzing various parameters of soil and
atmosphere parameter.
Demeter is a computer-controlled speed rowing machine that is equipped with a set of videos cameras and a
global positioning sensor for navigation. It having the ability to plan the harvesting operations for the whole
field and then accomplish its task by crop rows cutting, turning to cut successive rows, and detecting
unexpected obstacles.
The use of AI in harvesting cucumber consists of separate hardware and software
Components of the robot incorporate the autonomous vehicle, the manipulator, the end-effector, the two
computer vision systems for detection and 3D imaging of the fruit and the environment, and, finally, a control
scheme that generates collision-free motions for the manipulator during harvesting.
Table 3: AI in crop management techniques
Technology Strength Limitation
CALEX Can formulate scheduling Time-consuming
guidelines for Crop management
PROLOG Removes less used farm tools Location-specific
FUZZY LOGIC + ANN Reduce insects that attack crops Shows inability to differentiate
between crop and weed
6.1.3 AI in Weed Management
Implementation of herbicides in the field has consequences on human health as well as on the environment. A
report says that if the weed invasion is not managed then it caused a 50% reduction in dried beans yield and
wheat yield about 48% loss is there due to weed.
According to the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) report, weed effects include flooding during the
hurricane, some species of weeds can cover their way during a rampant fire, some weeds can cause
unrecoverable liver damage if they eat up, and they muscle out plants or crops by competing for water,
nutrients, and sunlight. Several weeds are toxic and can cause allergic reactions or even they can be a threat to
public health. Herbicide use can be reduced with the help of Modern AI methods by proper and precise weed
A rule-based expert system is designed to identifying and eliminate the weed in crops like wheat, barley, oats,
and triticale by Pasqual. Machine vision combined with a trained neural network is used to identify weeds in
five distinct species by Burks by doing a comparison between three different neural network systems
backpropagation, and radial propagation and founds that the backpropagation system gives the best accuracy
of 97%.
Table 4: AI in weed management techniques
Technology Strength Limitation
ANN, GA High performance, reduce trial Require big data
and error
Optimization using invasive Cost-effective, enhanced Adaptation challenge with new
weed optimization (IVO), ANN performance data
Mechanical Control of Weeds, Saves time and removes Expensive, constant use of the
ROBOTICS, Sensor machine resistant weeds heavy machine will reduce soil
Learning Vector Quantization High weed recognition rate with The method of data used
(LVQ), ANN short processing time affected the AI’s performance
6.1.4 AI in Disease Management
Disease in the crop is also a subject of problem for farmers. To detect imperfect plants and to take important
actions for curing particular expertise and experience is required. For controlling and diagnosing the disease
computer-aided systems are used worldwide. Integrated disease control and management model which
combined with physical, chemical, and biological measures should be adopted by farmers for effective control
on disease and reduce losses. An innovative application based on the Fuzzy Logic of rule promotion is applied
for drawing intelligent inferences for crop disease management.
Table 5: AI applications in disease management
Technology Strength Limitation
Computer vision system (CVA), Works at high speed can Dimension-based detection may
Genetic algorithm (GA), ANN multitask affect good species
Rule-Based Expert, DataBase Accurate results in the tested The inefficiency of DB when
(DB) environment implementing on a large scale
Fuzzy Logic (FL), Web GIS Cost-effective eco friendly Inefficiency due to scattered
distribution takes time to locate
and disperse data
FL Web-Based, Web-Based Good accuracy, responds swiftly Limited usage as it requires
Intelligent Disease Diagnosis to the nature of the crop disease internet service, its potency
System (WIDDS) cannot be ascertained as only 4
seed crops considered
FL and TTS converter Resolves plant pathological Requires high-speed internet,
problems quickly uses a voice service as its
multimedia interface
An expert system using rule-base Faster treatment as diseases are Time-consuming, needs constant
in disease detection diagnosed faster, cost-effective monitoring to check if the pest
based on its preventive approach has built immunity to the
preventive measures
ANN, GIS 95% accuracy Internet-based, some rural
farmers will not have access