Reading and Writing Modules Second Sem

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Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 3 - Module 1:
Reading & Thinking Strategies
across Text Types


Cover Page 1
Copyright Page 2
Title Page 3
Table of Contents 4
Module Overview 6
Competency 1 7
What’s New 8
What I Need to Know 8
What I Know 9
What’s New Lesson 1.1 Writing Paragraphs 10
What Is It? Activity 1 11
What’s New Lesson 1.2 Narration 12
What Is It? Activity 2 13
What’s New Lesson 1.3 Description 14
What Is It? Activity 3 15
What’s New Lesson 1.4 Definition 16
What Is It? Activity 4 17
What’s New Lesson 1.5 Classification 18
What Is It? Activity 5 19
What’s New Lesson 1.6 Comparison & Contrast 20
What Is It? Activity 6 21
What’s New Lesson 1.7 Cause & Effect 22
What Is It? Activity 7 23
What’s New Lesson 1.8 Problem-Solution 25
What Is It? Activity 8 26
What’s New Lesson 1.9 Persuasion 27
What Is It? Activity 9 28
What I Have Learned 29
Assessment 29
Key to Answers 30
References 31

Competency 2 33
What’s New Lesson 2 Properties of a Well-Written Text 34
What I Need to Know 34
What I Know 35
What’s New Lesson 2.1 Organization, Coherence & Cohesion 36
What I Have Learned 38
What Is It? Activity 10 38
What Is It? Activity 11 41
What Is It? Activity 12 42
What’s New Lesson 2.2 Language Use & Mechanics 43
What Is It? Activity 13 46
What Is It? Activity 14 48
What Is It? Activity 15 49
What I Have Learned 50
Assessment 50
Key to Answers 51
References 53
Writer’s Profile 54
Back Outside Cover 55

Hi there! I see that you have opened the first few pages of this module. That’s

great! This module is made especially for Grade 11 Senior High School students like

you, who aim to improve one’s reading and writing skills. There will be two other

modules for you to complete for this subject, and all of these modules are filled with

important lessons and challenging but fun activities.

This module is all about Reading and Thinking Strategies across Text

Types. As a student, you will be asked to read and write different types of academic

texts—and you need to work hard and work smart to succeed in the tasks given to

you. This module will teach you the different strategies and techniques in reading

and writing to help you with your tasks.

There are two parts of this module, one for every competency outlined by the

Department of Education for you to master:

 Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines; and

 Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and

cohesion, language use and mechanics.

With that being said, I wish you all the best and take this opportunity to learn

more and BE MORE.


Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Reading & Thinking Strategies across Text Types

Learning Competency 1: Compare and contrast patterns of written texts

across disciplines.
a) Paragraph Development - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
b) Narration - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.1
c) Description - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.2
d) Definition - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.3
e) Classification - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.4
f) Comparison & Contrast - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.5
g) Cause & Effect - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.6
h) Problem-Solution - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.7
i) Persuasion - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.8

Semester: 2nd Semester

Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Number of Hours: 16 Hours

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
1 Paragraph Development

What’s New
This part of the module discusses about paragraph writing. It includes the
various techniques or patterns in developing a paragraph. It also explains the
elements involved in paragraph writing. Each method or pattern is followed by writing
activities to test your ability and theoretical knowledge in writing unified, coherent
and emphatic paragraphs.

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines:

a) Narration
b) Description & Definition
c) Classification
d) Comparison & Contrast
e) Cause and Effect
f) Problem-Solution
g) Persuasion

What I Know
To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already
know. Read the statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to,
then write your answers on the blanks provided before each number.

___________1. It is a method of writing a paragraph by drawing pictures with words.

___________2. This method of paragraph development involves similarities and
differences between two things.
___________3. This gives a written account of an event or story.
___________4. This is a collection of related sentences with one central idea.
___________5. This pattern of development classifies or divides people, places,
things or ideas into categories.

Great job! Later we will see if your answers are correct by reading the
rest of this module… but before that….

Can you define what a paragraph is? Try filling up this graphic organizer, with your
ideas of what a paragraph is.


Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
1.1 Writing Paragraphs

What’s New

 The word paragraph comes from two Greek words: para which means
“beyond” or “beside” and graphein which means “to write”.
 A paragraph is a collection of related sentences with one central idea.
Each sentence shows connection to other sentences in the paragraph.
 A paragraph is an independent unit or a related unit. As an independent
unit, it is complete in itself. As a related unit, it is a part of a composition
that is combined with other paragraphs to make a larger composition.
 Whether a paragraph is an independent unit or a related unit, it has its
beginning, middle and end.


One of the most important elements in writing is the form or structure. It is

worth noting that without a solid structure in place, the content you have gathered
would fall apart. After constructing an outline and writing your first draft, it is time to
get on to paragraph writing.

An effective paragraph shows the unity of the sentences used in developing

the main idea. A paragraph is made up of the topic sentence which contains the
main idea, the supporting details and the conclusion or the clinching sentence at
the end.

 Topic sentence – it reveals the main or central idea of the paragraph. It does
not necessarily have to be placed at the beginning of the paragraph. It may be
found in the middle of the first and the last sentence or at the end. If it is found
at the end of the paragraph, it may be used as a clinching or concluding
 Supporting details – they give the paragraph life as it elaborates on the scope
given by the topic sentence.

 Clinching sentence – it closes your paragraph. According to Dagdag (2010),
this “may be a restatement of the topic sentence, a summary, or a conclusion
based on the supporting details.”

What is it?
Activity 1: Read the paragraph below and identify the topic sentence. Write
your answer on the blank provided below each paragraph.

1. Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. Both
are bodies of water, but oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes
are much smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land,
while oceans are what surround continents. Both have plants and animals living
in them. The ocean is home to the largest animals on the planet, whereas lakes
support much smaller forms of life. When it is time for a vacation, both will make
a great place to visit and enjoy. I want to swim in the lake.
Topic Sentence:
2. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds. There
are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons
caught in a blender. Sunset is the opposite of sunrise. The sun moves slowly to
hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon races to take its place in
prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting
the deeds that still must be done. There is a coolness, a calmness, when the sun
does set.
Topic Sentence:
3. Here is the perfect system for cleaning your room. First, move all of the items
that do not have a proper place to the center of the room. Get rid of at least five
things that you have not used within the last year. Take out all of the trash, and
place all of the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Now find a location for each of the
items you had placed in the center of the room. 5s is a Japanese cleaning
system. For any remaining items, see if you can squeeze them in under your
bed or stuff them into the back of your closet. See, that was easy!
Topic Sentence:

Great job answering those items!

Moving on, there are several methods or techniques in paragraph
development. You will be exploring them in the next lessons. Are you

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
1.2 Narration

What’s New

 Narration, from the root word narrates, originated from the Latin word
narrare— which means related or told.
 It gives a written account of an event or story, or simply, storytelling. The
sequence of events is told in chronological order.
 It usually contains the following: the who, what and when.
 A narrative must have “vivid” description of details, a consistent point of
view and verb tense, and a well-defined point or significance.” (Tiongson,
 At the end of writing it, it must send a clear message to its readers through
the story.

A narrative paragraph simply tells what happened and establishes facts. It

is sharing of personal experiences that offer lessons and insights. It is more than
just a chronological sequence of events that happen to the different
characters. It also contains elements of drama and tension.

Narration is the most common type of paragraph development. It has the

following elements:
1. Setting. It is the time and location in which a story takes place.
2. Characters. The life-giving element of the story.
3. Plot. It is the logical series of events in the story.
The five essential parts of the plot are:
a. Exposition. It is the part of the story where the characters and
the setting are revealed.
b. Rising Action. It is where the events in the story become
complicated and the conflict in the story is exposed.
c. Climax. This is the highest point of interest and the turning
point of the story.
d. Falling Action. The events and complications begin to resolve
e. Denouement. The final resolution of the plot in the story.
4. Point of View. It is the perspective of the writer in narrating the

a. First person point of view . The story is told by the
protagonist or one of the characters using pronouns I , me ,
b. Second person point of view. The author tells the story in
second point of view using the pronouns you , yours, and
c. Third person point of view . The narrator is not part of the
story but describes the events that happen. The writer uses
the pronouns he, she , him, and her.

What is it?
Activity 2: Read the story “Not Necessary News From The Beat” and
answer the comprehension questions that follow.

Palace liaison in Congress Jesus Ayala has an incident to share with

friends, after meeting a world-renowned missionary, Mother Teresa of Calcutta,
India last week. When Mother Teresa , dubbed a “ living saint “ in religious
circles, paid a courtesy call on President Aquino at the Malacanang Premier
Guest House Thursday afternoon last week, Chito was one among the palace
staff members who eagerly lived up to have a glimpsed of the 79-year-old
nun. It was a blessing that Chito even had the chance to kiss Mother
Teresa’s hands. And, on bended knees, Chito publicly confessed. “Bless me,
Mother Teresa for I have many sins, “ he whispered to her. (Reprinted from:
Philippine Daily Inquirer “Not Necessary from the Beat”).

1. Who is the main character of the story?
A. Jesus Ayala C. President Aquino
B. Mother Teresa D. Palace Sta
2. Where is the setting of the narrated story?
A. Malacanang Guest House C. Office
B. Garden D. Sala
3. Who is the world –renowned missionary?
A. Chito Ayala C. Sta. Rita
B. Mother Teresa D. Pres. Aquino
4. Where is the setting of the narrated story?
A. Spain C. Philippines
B. Calcuta, India D. Malaysia
5. Who is the president mentioned in the story?
A. Pres. Estrada C. Pres. Aquino
B. Pres. Macpagal D. Pres. Duterte

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
1.3 Description

What’s New
Descriptive writing emphasizes a reader’s ability to paint vivid pictures using
words on a reader’s mind. This relies on the writer’s ability to appeal to his/her five
 Description gives information of what a person, an object, a place or a
situation is like.
 It appeals to the reader’s senses.
 A descriptive paragraph has concrete and specific details, which are
carefully chosen by a writer to paint a picture in the mind of the reader.
senses: the sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.

To rouse feelings, emotions and reactions from the readers is what

descriptive paragraphs aim for. Simple adjectives will not simply cut it for readers
desiring for appropriate description of an event, thing, place or person.

According to Dagdag (2010), there are two types of description: objective

and subjective. Objective description is a factual description of the topic at hand.
This relies its information on physical aspects and appeals to those who crave for
facts. Meanwhile, subjective description allows the writer to explore ways to
describe an emotion, an event, a thing, a place or person, appealing to emotions.
Often, this is an artistic way of describing things, mostly from the eye and
perspective of the writer.

Here is a word bank of sensory words to refer to when you want to add
descriptive details to your paragraphs:
sparkling yelp musty sticky spicy
gloomy shriek rotten grainy sweet
glossy whisper fragrant smooth sour
bright hiss fresh satiny bitter
dazzling screech pungent pointy bland
cloudy chortle fruity clammy creamy
blurred sneeze stinky furry delectable

What is it?
Activity 3: Try these writing activities. Use your imagination!

A. Imagine yourself somewhere in the forest. You cannot find your way to get back
home. Write a short paragraph describing your sensations. You may use the word
bank list to help you express your sensations.

B. Then imagine yourself still in the forest. You continue walking and you get lost
along the way and you really don’t know where to go. You get tired, so you sit under
a tree. Suddenly, a lady appears in front of you. How would you describe the lady so
that others could imagine her?

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:

1.4 Definition
What’s New
 Definition explains a concept, term or subject. Its main purpose is to tell
what something is.
 It consists of three parts: (1) the term, concept or subject to be defined; (2)
the general class to which it belongs; and (3) the characteristics that
differentiate it from the other members of its class.
 A definition explains what a term means. When you want your
readers to know exactly how you are using a certain term or an
unfamiliar concept , you use definition.

Definition is the main constituent of any dictionary. In developing a

paragraph by definition, you should take account of these things:
a) the term to be defined
b) the class to which the term belongs
c) the characteristics that distinguish the term from the other
members of its class.
Take a look at this example of a definition:
An owl is a bird with a large head, strong talons and has a nocturnal
Owl – is the term to defined
Bird – is the class where the owl belongs
with a large head, strong talons and has a nocturnal habit – are the
characteristics that distinguish the owl from the other birds.
The following are the different types of definitions:
1. Formal Definition. The definitions provided in dictionaries.
2. Informal Definitions. The three common informal definitions are operational
definitions, synonyms, and connotations.
a. Operational Definitions gives the meaning of an abstract word for
one particular time and place.
b. Synonyms or words that mean the same as another word.
c. Denotation is the exact meaning of the word
d. Connotation is an idea or meaning suggested by or associated with
a word or things.
3. Definition Paragraph. It is a definition sentence which is extended into a
paragraph by adding meanings, descriptions, narrations , and other kinds
of paragraph development to make clear the term being defined.

What is it?14
Activity 4: Try to develop a paragraph by using the definition method. Choose
your topic from the words listed below. Define the term and expand it by
description or giving examples.

1. Education
2. Senior High School
3. Family
4. COVID-19
5. Student


Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:

1.5 Classification

What’s New
 Classification paragraphs group items into categories, to establish a clear
 If the topic encompasses a large body of information, one effective way of
elaborating it is through classifying things of distinct features into
 Classification groups items into categories to establish a clear distinction
between related or similar ideas. Similar items are grouped into categories
for the readers to better understand and analyze the material at hand.

In a classification paragraph you tell readers how a collection of items

can be sorted into categories. It is an activity of sorting items (people, things ,
ideas ) into categories.

1. Terms that signal classification

aspects kinds qualities traits
areas levels systems types

2. Transitional Expressions

can be divided can be categorized

can be classified the first type

What is it?

Activity 5: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

Types of Friends

Friends can be classified according to their honesty , loyalty , the type

that fits you into their schedule , or the type that finds time for you when
they need something. An honest friend tells you the truth even if it’s not
always what you want to hear. In the long run , that honest friend may have
saved you from embarrassment or possibly rejection. They give you
constructive criticisms overall. The loyal friend is the type of friend that will
be there for you through thick and thin. They don’t care how good or bad
you may look one day; they are sensitive to your feelings , they respect you
and the other people in your life, and most of all they will never let you
down when times are hard. They may be what you call a best friend. The
third group, the person that fits you into their schedule , is the type of person
that is always on the go. They barely have time for themselves let alone
another person. More than likely they will not be there for you when you
need them most, because they are so wrapped up in their busy , hectic life.
Then you have the self-absorbent type of friend that finds time for you only
when they need something. This type of person isn’t what you would call a
friend. This person may always be extremely nice to you because they know
that from being nice they will more than likely get what they want. They will call you
every once in a while when it is almost time for them to use that person
again. It may be for a ride to work, home or they just want somebody to
hangout with because they have no other friends. If the person that is being
used is smart they will eventually realize that they are getting used and will
stop being there for that person. ( Amy Neil, 2005)

Comprehension Questions

1. What are the three types of friends?

2. What basis is used by the author to classify friends?

3. How does the author develop the classification essay?

What’s New

 A comparison tells how two things are similar. A contrast tells how they
are different.
 A paragraph developed by comparison and contrast has a unifying idea or
purpose of attempting to weigh decisions between two ideas or subjects.
 A comparison and contrast paragraph must be balanced in such a way that
there is an equal amount of information for each subject to avoid bias.

There are two ways in writing a comparison and contrast paragraph.

1. Subject – by - Subject Method. You present all of the facts and

supporting details about one topic , and then you give all the facts and
supporting details about the other topic.

2. Point – by - Point Arrangement. You discuss each point for both subjects
before giving on the next point.

What is it? 18
Activity 6: Write sentences by comparing and contrasting the given pictures

1. Classroom Laboratory

(sign & symbol by

Similarities: ____________________________________________________
Differences: ____________________________________________________

2. Computer Calculator

(sign& symbol by

Similarities: ____________________________________________________
Differences: ____________________________________________________

Lesson Reading & Thinking

19 Strategies:
1.7 Cause and Effect
What’s New

 A cause is what makes a particular thing happen.

 An effect is what results from a particular situation, activity, or behavior.
 A paragraph developed by causal analysis must not only raise the question
why, but also give answers to the satisfaction of the reader.

Cause and Effect paragraphs are written for the following purposes:
 to discuss why a certain phenomenon occurs
 to discuss the results of a phenomenon, event, feeling or action
 to understand a situation
 to solve a problem
 to predict an outcome
 to entertain
 to persuade

Some of the signal words used in this type of paragraph are the following:
 For
 Because
 Since
 Due to
 So
 But
 For this reason
 As a result
 Consequently
 Otherwise
 Therefore
 Thu

What is it?

Activity 7: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

The Influence of Video Games to Children

Video games have been a part of children’s life for the past few decades. It all
started when Atari came up with its first gaming consul, which included a very simple
game of tennis. The controller had just 1 stick and 1 button to play with. Now, we
have many different types of consuls available in the market with very complex
games that requires controllers with two or more sticks and a variety of buttons.
Video games are almost second nature to the modern children and they are more
comfortable playing them. Playing video games can have many different effects (both
positive as well as negative) on children. Some of this effects include increasing
hand eye coordination and increasing dexterity mental skills; a decrease interest in
other interest such as studies and sports ; and a very negative effect of inducing
One of the most positive effects of video games is increasing the dexterity of a
child and improving his or her hand eye coordination. As mentioned earlier, the new
video games that are coming out are extremely complex and they involve the
movement of many different kinds of sticks and buttons on the controllers. These can
be very good for children as they learn to make the fast connections between what
they see and what their hands and fingers are doing. This allows them to think
quickly and improves their reflexes. The newest games are very precision-based and
it takes very minute and accurate movements for the children to control the
characters. This helps in making the children much more a depth at handling and
operating real-life machinery and objectives.
Another effect that playing video games have on children is that they
tend to get addicted to playing this games and give them foremost priority.
This takes the children away from their other responsibilities, such as doing
house chores, homework, and other physical activities. Children also end at
spending more time playing video games in front of television screens than
playing real and actual sports that involve physical exercise. This in turn can
have many health related problems for children, as they can get obese if they
don’t exercise ad stay home playing video games. This is perhaps the worst
negative effect that video games can have on children. Parents and educators
all over the world are concern about this phenomenon and they are urging the
children to not spend so much time playing video games. Many new video
games consuls, such as the new Nintendo WII have come out with games that
require users to actually get up and move.
Many researchers have talked about the effects of viewing violence in the media
and how it affects children. Video games takes this to another level, where the
children are actually participating in being violent in the video games. There are
many games out there that allow children to play arm bearing characters who can kill
anyone that they want, steal cars, and commit many different kinds of crime. These
games can have negative implications on the children as they get immune to the idea
of committing crime and end up believing that it is alright. Research still on going on
this negative effect and it has not entirely been proven or disproven as of yet.
We find that plain video games can have various effects on children, both
positive as well as negative. Even though children can benefit by increasing their
dexterity and improving their reflexes, the cost of them losing out on their physical
exercise and homework, as well as their becoming prone to violent acts, are way too
much. It is important that the parents and educators take up this problem seriously
and enable certain rules and regulations that allow children to divide their time
responsively between playing video games and completing their studies and other


Comprehension Questions

1. Why are video games popular with children?


2. What are the positive effects of playing video games?


3. What are the negative effects of playing video games?


 In composition writing, problem-solution is a method for analyzing and
writing about a topic by identifying a problem and proposing one or more
 Problem-solution paragraphs as the term implies, presents and identifies
a problem and proposes possible solution/s.

What’s New

In composing this type of essay, you must present an argument or

stand and support it with reliable evidence in order to persuade the readers to
make a particular move or action (Kemper, 2016).

According to Soles (2010), topics for problem-solution essays “are

typically framed in the form of questions.” Problem-solution essay can provide
answers to 5W and 1H (who, what, when, where, why, and how) questions.
Soles (2010) added that this type of essay has essentially two parts: “a full
explanation of the nature of the problem, followed by an analysis of solutions
and their likelihood of success.”

Structure of paragraphs in a problem-solution essay:

Nordquist (1995) suggested the following structure of a problem-

solution paper that may serve as a guide on what to include in this type of
1. Introduction. At the forefront of the essay, the introduction must serve to
capture the reader’s attention. This may contain the thesis statement
wherein the problem or topic at hand is presented. This is where the
problem is defined, and the reason why it is significant to a specific group
of people (or the target audience).
2. Problem Paragraph. This paragraph/s will dwell on the elaboration of the
problem, effectively conveying the importance of a solution. You may
present reliable sources and evidence to support your stand.
3. Solution Paragraph. Present and describe a concrete solution to the
problem. Explain how this solution is better than other probable solutions.
4. Conclusion. Conclude the essay with connection between the problem and
its proposed solution.

What is it?

Activity 8: Directions: Read the passage below and complete the graphic
organizer that follows.

Deforestation is a serious problem because it destroys forests—and

forests and trees are not just pretty to look at, they do an important job making
the earth´s environment suitable for life. They clean the air, store water,
preserve oil, and provide homes for animals. They also supply food, fuel,
wood products, and paper products for humans. In the past fifty years, more
than half of the world´s rainforests have been destroyed.

Today, all around the world, deforestation continues, the world´s

climate may change, floods may become more common, and animals will die.
One solution to the problem of deforestation is to use less paper. If you use
less paper, fewer trees will be cut for paper making. How can you use less
paper? One answer is to reduce your paper use by using both sides of the
paper when you photocopy, write a letter, or write an essay. A second answer
is to reuse old paper when you can, rather than using a new sheet of paper.
The backs of old envelopes are perfect for shopping list or phone messages,
and when you write a rough draft of an essay, write it on the back of
something else. A final answer is to recycle used paper products instead of
throwing them away. Most schools, offices, and districts have some kind of
recycling center. If you follow "the three Rs"- reduce, reuse, and recycle-you
can help save the world´s forest.

Use the figure above

as your guide
Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
1.9 Persuasion

 A persuasive paragraph tries to convince the reader that a particular point

of view is worthy of consideration. It wants you to consider both sides of an
issue, but it reveals a bias in favor of one side over another.
 A persuasive paragraph intends to convince readers to do or believe in
 Knowing how to write a persuasive paragraph allows you to express your
personal conviction or opinion about an issue or topic and make the
readers agree with or adopt your conviction or opinion.

What’s New

Much like problem-solution essays, persuasion essays seek to urge

readers to take a particular action (Forlini,, 1990). The main goal of
persuasive essays is to convince the reader to agree to the writer’s opinion or
at the very least, take it into serious consideration.
According to Forlini (1990), “the purpose of persuasive writing is to
obtain the reader’s agreement on a matter of opinion.”
The statements given in persuasive essays are heavy on opinion while
based on facts. The opinions of the writer must be (a) controversial enough or
something that would inspire conversation and debate, (b) significant and
interesting, and (c) supported by evidence. (Forlini, 1990).
It is also vital that in order to prove your stand, you must thoroughly
research about the issue you are about to discuss. Make a list of your
strongest arguments composed of facts and data. Introduce a new reason or
fact with every paragraph.

Some of the transitional expressions used in persuasive paragraphs are the

First (second, third, etc.) Of course Therefore
Another, Next Some may say Thus
Last, finally Nevertheless Hence
Because, since, for On the other hand Consequently


What is it?

Activity 9: Write a paragraph with the topic “I Changed My _________”.

(e.g. lifestyle, attitude, priorities, eating habits, mind, etc.). Devote your
attention to the cause of your change and its effects.

Your paragraph will be rated based on the rubric below. You may write your
paragraph on the space provided.

Criteria Performance Indicators Points Score

Complete and thoughtful explanation of ideas 5
CONTENT Strong organization and structure 3
Vivid supporting details included 3
Written in complete sentence 2
MECHANICS Correct and appropriate grammar,
punctuation, spelling, etc.
Total 15

I CHANGED MY ____________________


What I Have Learned

 A paragraph is a collection of related sentences with one central idea.

Each sentence shows connection to other sentences in the paragraph.
 A paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting details, and a clinching
 There are many ways of developing a paragraph, such as: narration,
description, definition, classification, comparison and contrast, cause
and effect, problem-solution and persuasion.


After our lesson, let us now check what you have learned. Read the
statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then write
your answers on the blanks provided before each number.
____________________1. It is a method of writing a paragraph by drawing
pictures with words.
____________________2. This method of paragraph development involves
similarities and differences between two things.
____________________3. This gives a written account of an event or story.
____________________4. This is a collection of related sentences with one
central idea.
____________________5. This pattern of development classifies or divides
people, places, things or ideas into categories.

You have completed your journey in this module. You did a great
job! It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
Good luck!

Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 3 - Module 1
Reading & Thinking Strategies across Text Types

Learning Competency 2: Evaluate a written text based on its

properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language
use and mechanics) S2 Q3 EN11/12RWS-IIIgh4
Semester: 2nd Semester
Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Number of Hours: 8 Hours

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
2 Properties of a Well-Written Text

What’s New

When you have already gathered enough materials in developing your

paragraphs or texts, the next step is to organize properly. Then you need to
determine which ideas should be used in the beginning, middle and end of
your texts—coherence and cohesion should be considered in arranging your
ideas. The mechanics of writing should be observed too, like capitalization,
contractions and punctuation marks. Lastly, you need to determine the type of
language you are going to use for you to be able to communicate with your
target audience. All of the things mentioned above is what this module is all

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. discuss the meaning and components of a well-written text;
2. explain the steps in achieving a well-written text;
3. read and explore texts and determine if they are well-written or not;
4. create a well-written text; and
5. reflect on your learning on the properties of a well-written text

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already know.
Read the statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then
write your answers on the blanks provided before each number.

____________________1. This is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately

____________________2. This refers to when the details of a paragraph are
arranged according to the order in which they happened.
____________________3. It is a set of conventions on how to spell, abbreviate,
punctuate and capitalize.
____________________4. This means that the sentences are arranged in a logical
manner, making them easily understood by the reader.
____________________5. To attain this property, one must be consistent with the
use of pronouns.

Great job! Later we will see if your answers are correct by reading the
rest of this module… but before that….

Complete this figure by writing what do you think makes up an effective or a

well-written text.

What is a

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
Organization, Coherence and
2.1 Cohesion
For a text to be well-written, one must keep in mind these three properties:
 Organization - this is the structural framework for writing. It is important to
effective writing because it provides readers with a framework to help them
fulfil their expectations for the text. This is the logical progression and
completeness of ideas in a text.
Organization is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged.
 Coherence – by coherence we mean that every part of a composition must
contribute to one main unifying thought, which means that the various parts
of a text must follow one another in an order which makes their relationship
 Cohesion - means that the overall text has meaning.

What’s New

Text organization is the way a text is organized that helps to guide the
reader logically through it. This property makes a text readable and its
message clear. Organization can be achieved through the following
 Physical format
 Signal words
 Structure

Physical Format
The format is an aspect of the organization that is immediately apparent
to the reader. It is seen in how the text physically appears like headings
and subheadings, bullet points or font emphasis. However, use this technique
with discretion as improper or superfluous formatting can be confusing.

Marxist ideology has three main theories. Historical materialism purports
that all the features of society can historically be traced back to economic

activity. Social class in capitalist societies is what produces unjust structures
of power that exist today. Socialism would be the next rational step for the
development of human society.

The words in bold are the three most important Marxist theories that the first
sentence is referring to. By emphasizing these words, the reader can identify the
correct term for the concepts along with their definitions; this would also aid in
remembering the theories since they stick out from the rest of the text.

Signal Words
Signal words are textual cues that readers can use to follow a text.
They can “signal” the transition from one point to another, the ordering of
events and concepts, or the writer’s chosen text type (e.g., linear narration,
question and answer).

Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club greatly influenced me as a fictional
writer. First, his use of the unreliable narrator fascinated me, and I have
written similar characters in my works. Second, the theme of patriarchal
oppression can also be found in the stories I write. Third, the novel’s stunning
twist is something that I have been trying to recreate. Thus, I am extremely
grateful to have encountered Palahniuk’s genius early in my writing career.

By using sequential signal words (first, second and third) before the
beginning of every sentence, the reader can follow what seems to be the
writer’s list of three reasons why the novel influenced him. The word thus also
signals the conclusion and the end of the list.

The structure provides the framework upon which the text is organized.
It consists of the following:
 Beginning: introduction, thesis statement, hook
 Middle: supporting details
 End: conclusion, summary, final message

Ancient philosophies believe that a person has an “aura,” this appears as a
rainbow of light around the body that can be seen by individuals with
clairvoyant abilities. The colors change depending on one’s mood, health, and
thoughts. Some scientists believe that the existence of the aura has
something to do with the electromagnetic fields produced by cells and tissues

in the human body. Whether auras are real or not, the fact remains that there
are forces everywhere that are real even though we cannot see them.

Organization in this paragraph is not readily noticeable as it does not use
cues like formatting or signal words. However, the text is organized in this
 Beginning: Introduce topic of aura
 Middle: Definition and evidence of existence of auras
 End: Ending message about forces in the world

What I Have Learned

 By adhering to the structure, the writer can produce a text that is still easy to
follow. The topic, supporting details and concluding message is still clear to
the reader.
 Text organization makes a text easy to read. It prevents the reader from
becoming confused by a jumble of words, sentences, and paragraphs that are
in no particular order.
 Organization can be achieved through the physical format, signal words,
and structure.

What is it?

Activity 10: Underline the signal words and phrases that the author has used
for arranging the details in the paragraphs.
Northern Mindanao is a region rich in culture, which can be seen in
their numerous festivals. One of the most popular festivals in the region is the
Higalaay Festival in Cagayan de Oro City. They celebrate the feast day of St.
Augustine every 28th day of August. Another festival is Kaamulan festival in
Bukidnon. It is an ethnic cultural festival wherein people allocate a relative
amount of their time to remember the culture and traditions of the seven ethnic
tribes in their area. It is also considered as a thanksgiving festival to celebrate
their bountiful harvest. Moreover, another famous festival in the region is the
Lanzones festival in Camiguin, which is a 4-day celebration of this fruit. It is
held every 3rd week of October. It is essential to note that the sweetest
Lanzones can be found in the islands of Camiguin. Regularly celebrating

different causes as one whole community shows that the citizens of Region 10
value camaraderie and friendship.

Some parts of this region are known to have preserved their tribal
beliefs and customs. An example is the Higaunon, a mountain tribe in
Bukidnon. Apparently, they still believe in the existence of spirits and gods.
Furthermore, they have a god for each element. Another superstition is they
need to please the spirits so they will experience something good in return.
People in this tribe still live according to their traditions with farming as their
primary source of income. Additionally, the ancestors of its current inhabitants
mentioned that the region was occupied by four tribes but when northern-
central Mindanao was divided into provinces, migrants from Visayas and
Luzon began to dominate the region. Since that happened, the tribal
communities went to the mountains and forests to continue living out their
cultural heritage.

The region’s culture can also be seen in their establishments and

churches. These include: the Immaculate Conception Parish Church in
Misamis Oriental, Macapagal-Macaraeg Heritage House in Lanao Del Norte,
General MacArthur Maker and Saint Augustine Cathedral in Cagayan de Oro.
These places represents a glimpse of Northern Mindanao’s history
because the events that occurred in these locations moulded Region 10 to be
what it is today. The province of Camiguin is home to century old churches
such as the Santo Rosario Church and Old Catarman Church Ruins. Baylao
Church is considered as a miraculous place because a lot of individuals
connect it to how its existence saved numerous lives during the eruption of
Mount HibokHibok. Besides that, there are also a lot of ancestral homes that
can be found in this region that date back all the way to the Spanish era.

if there is a clear
statement of purpose,
position, facts, examples, IDEAS are formed
specific details,
and well-developed ORGANIZATION
definitions, explanation,
justifications or opposing

And if there is ORGANIZATION, there is…

 Coherence and Cohesion – by coherence we mean that every part of a

composition must contribute to one main unifying thought, which means that
the various parts of a text must follow one another in an order which makes
their relationship clear. On the other hand, cohesion means that the overall
text has meaning.

A text with coherence has ideas that are logically sequenced in a way
that is easy to follow for the reader. Although without cohesion, no central
concept links all these ideas together. The main point of the text remains
unclear for readers.

My favorite painting is “The Weeping Woman” by Pablo Picasso, which is
an intriguing painting that symbolizes suffering. As a result, I love bright
primary colors, so I wear a lot of shocking yellows, blues, and reds. Also, as
an outgoing person, I enjoy performing for large crowds. In the end, people
should not judge an artist’s talent based on one standard.

Connecting words in the text suggest a sequence of ideas that the writer
wants to convey. “As a result” implies an effect of the previous statement while
“in the end” indicates the conclusion. However, the writer jumps from one topic
to another resulting in a lack of cohesion. For instance, the writer talks about
his or her favourite colors “as a result” of Picasso’s painting even though they
are not connected in any way. It can be inferred that the choice of favourite
colors was inspired by the colors of the painting, but the writer does not make
this clear.
Cohesion and Coherence
A text with both cohesion and coherence has a central concept
linking all the ideas in the text, and these ideas are presented in a logical
manner. The main point is clear, and the text is easy to follow and

International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of March of every year.
It began as a Socialist political event in several Western countries. Then, other
countries also started celebrating the holiday just as a way to express their
love for women. Currently, the United Nations observes the holiday as a way
to bring to light women’s issues around the world.

The main topic of the text is International Women’s Day, which was stated
in the first sentence. The paragraph proceeds to outline the history of the
holiday starting from some Western countries and its spread to other nations.
It ends with the current way that the whole world celebrates the day. The
writer can present different ideas about the holiday in a logical manner and
without veering away from the topic.

Remember the following when trying to evaluate if your text has cohesion and

 A text with cohesion but no coherence

36 is difficult to follow.
 A text with coherence but no cohesion has no definite point.
 A text with both cohesion and coherence is logically sequenced and stays
on topic.
What is it?

Activity 11: Create a coherent paragraph by arranging the following jumbled

sentences. Then write your arranged paragraph on the space provided. Don’t
forget to observe proper mechanics in writing your paragraph!

 In these areas, 70 % of the agricultural land suffers from dryness and lack of
 As a result, the crops are usually marginal with hardly enough production to
feed the farmer’s family.
 The first fact to consider is that over 60% of the population lives in rural
 In my country, one of the most urgent problems facing the government today
relates to agriculture.
 And without irrigation, agricultural production is wholly dependent on the
uncertain rainfall.
 To understand the nature of this problem, one has to look at some facts.

 To solve the problem of overpopulation, he devised a great war, which would

sweep like a conflagration over Greece.
 This was the Trojan war.
 Zeus, the ruler of the gods, seemed to have realized that the earth was
getting terribly overcrowded.


What is it?
Activity 12: Read each of the following paragraphs. Underline the sentence that
does not belong to the paragraph, to make it more coherent and cohesive.

1. Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. Both
are bodies of water, but oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes
are much smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by land,
while oceans are what surround continents. Both have plants and animals living
in them. The ocean is home to the largest animals on the planet, whereas lakes
support much smaller forms of life. When it is time for a vacation, both will make
a great place to visit and enjoy. I want to swim in the lake.

2. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds. There
are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons
caught in a blender. Sunset is the opposite of sunrise. The sun moves slowly to
hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon races to take its place in
prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting
the deeds that still must be done. There is a coolness, a calmness, when the sun
does set.

3. Here is the perfect system for cleaning your room. First, move all of the items
that do not have a proper place to the center of the room. Get rid of at least five
things that you have not used within the last year. Take out all of the trash, and
place all of the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Now find a location for each of the
items you had placed in the center of the room, for any remaining items, see if
you can squeeze them in under your bed or stuff them into the back of your
closet. 5s is a Japanese cleaning system. See, that was easy!

Lesson Reading & Thinking Strategies:
2.2 Language Use and Mechanics
 Language Use – refers to the appropriateness of word/vocabulary use.
An effective language is specific, concise, familiar, correct and appropriate.

It is important that you make good choices when it comes to language use
because how you use language affects the tone of the text and the readers’
interpretation of it. Before writing, you have to think about and consider your
target audience.

Determine when it is appropriate to use formal language or when

informal language is acceptable.

What’s New
Informal language is usually used in writing for oneself or in writing to
family, friends, and colleagues. On the other hand, formal language is used
in writing academic, business, and official texts.
 We asked the secretary to call the professor and get her permission for us to
continue our research.
 We requested that the secretary contact the professor and obtain her
permission for us to continue our research.
In the first sentence, the writer used casual words such as asked, call,
and get permission, which made the sentence informal. The second sentence
used more serious words such as requested instead of asked, contact instead
of call, and obtain permission instead of get permission. This sentence is
formal and is appropriate to use when talking or writing to a person of
When you write, you should also make sure that the language you use is
**direct and simple rather than complicated so that readers would easily understand
the text.** If your readers are the youth, then you should use words that are familiar
to young people.
Why Sunglasses Are a Must-Have for Kids (An Excerpt)
(NewsUSA) Most parents know how damaging the effects of ultraviolet radiation
(UVR) can be to our skin, which is why they dutifully slather sunscreen on their kids
during the summer. But one thing that often gets overlooked is protecting their
children’s eyes. According to vision-care experts, kids receive three times more UV
exposure than adults annually, yet less than 30 percent of parents currently protect
their children’s eyes with sunglasses. The reason for concern is that children and
adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the sun’s rays because their ocular lenses
are not mature enough to filter UV light as effectively as adults, causing damage to
the retina.
“Everyone buys into what happens to your skin when it comes to sun damage, but
many parents are really surprised to learn about the cumulative UV damage to the
eyes,” Dawn Hartman, an optometrist at Columbus Ophthalmology Associates in
Columbus, Ohio, told the Wall Street Journal in an interview. But the right
sunglasses can help, as parents become more aware that protection from the sun is
not just skin deep.
(USA, NEWS USA, 2016)
The entire text uses simple words. This lets readers easily understand
the significance of letting kids wear sunglasses. There were a few technical
scientific terms that were necessary to mention in the text, such as ultraviolet
radiation, ocular lenses, and retina. However, the message of the text is still
easy to grasp.

You should also be sensitive enough to use unbiased language so that

you will not offend any individual or any particular group of
people. Unbiased language is language that is free of racial bias, free of
religious bias, and free of gender bias.
 A teacher should make it a point to motivate her students.
 Teachers should make it a point to motivate their students
In the first sentence, the pronoun used is she, but teachers may also be
male, so the statement shows gender bias. The second sentence, on the
other hand, makes use of the gender-neutral pronoun their, making it

Proper Language Use

Proper language use allows you to capture the message that you want to
convey to your readers. It is all about choosing the right words that accurately
capture your ideas.
However, writers sometimes encounter problems with the following:
 Misused Words
 Words with Unwanted Connotations
 Technical or Highfalutin Words

Misused Words
A writer might sometimes use a word incorrectly, and this occurs when
the word does not mean what he or she thinks it does. So, it is important to be
certain of the definition of a word before using it; this often happens with
words that sound or look alike.
There are many behaviors that past societies considered legal but are now
deemed amoral including slavery, sexism, and racism.
The writer confused the word “amoral” with “immoral.” The former means
neither moral nor immoral (without moral quality) while the latter means not
moral. Sometimes, it is easy to guess the correct meaning of a word just by
looking at how it is spelled. The prefix a- signals that something is without
such as in “anarachy” (without a government) or “atypical” (without typical
features). On the other hand, the prefix im- simply means not such as in
“imperfect” (not perfect) or “impossible” (not possible).

Words with Unwanted Connotations

There are words that take on a meaning specific to a context. Some
writers might not be aware of these connotations, so they end up using
language that is unintentionally confusing, comical or even offensive to
The coast guard salvaged Priscilla and her sister after their fishing boat was
damaged in the storm.
The word “salvage” means to save usually from the wreckage of a marine
vessel. However, the Philippine media and police often use the term to mean
a violent killing, which is opposite from its traditional English meaning. It
comes from the Spanish word “salvaje” that has a meaning similar to
“savage.” Thus, if the writer produced this text for a Filipino audience, the
meaning that he or she intended would be lost. Using the word “saved” or
“rescued” would remedy the issue.

Technical or Highfalutin Words
Writers want to sound smart by using words that are very technical or
have deep meanings. Though some writing genres require the use of such
words, writers should still be careful about using them since they make
readers work harder to understand texts.
 Example:
There is an ongoing discourse about the antidisestablishment assemblage and the
administrative political body.
 Explanation:
The text is complicated because it is filled with words that are difficult to
understand. If the terms are important to use, then the writer could define what
they mean. Otherwise, the sentence could be rewritten simply this way: There
is an ongoing discussion between the opposition and the government. This
sentence still “sounds smart” but it is easier for most people to understand and
it does not change the meaning of the original sentence in any way.


When you use words improperly, readers are left confused as to what you
are trying to say. So, always choose words according to their correct definition
and connotation. Also, keep your language simple enough to make your text
easier for readers to understand.

What is it?

Activity 13: Underline the informal words in the following sentences.

1. He’s gonna be angry.

2. I wanna learn how to ski.

3. Didja like the movie?

4. We hafta leave now.

5. I bought ya apples and grapes.

Mechanics - refers to a set of conventions on how to spell, abbreviate, punctuate

and capitalize. Mechanics are conventions that have to be considered in writing.

Some of these conventions are spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. It is
important to know and observe these conventions in writing to avoid confusion.

When you write, always make sure that you are consistently using one
standard with regard to the spelling of your words. Remember that there are
slight differences in American English spelling and British English spelling.

Punctuation is the act of using a system of symbols such as the
comma, period, quotation marks, question marks, etc. that are used to give
structure to and organize a text. The use of punctuation guides the reader
regarding how the text should be read.
 I love to paint portraits I would paint one every day if I had the time
 I love to paint portraits. I would paint one every day if I had the time.
 This book is dedicated to my parents, Noel and Corazon.
 This book is dedicated to my parents, Noel, and Corazon.

The first example does not make use of proper punctuation marks,
while the second example presents two sentences that are correctly
punctuated. In the third example, the sentence denotes that the author’s
parents are Noel and Corazon. In the fourth example, the use of the serial
comma denotes that the book is dedicated to four persons: the author’s mom,
the author’s dad, Noel, and Corazon. The simple act of adding a comma
completely changed the meaning of the statement.

Capitalization is the act of writing the first letter of a word in uppercase while the rest
of the letters are in lowercase. There are rules in capitalization that one has to
remember. Below are a few examples of words that require capitalization:
 proper nouns
Alex, Manila
 proper adjectives
 days of the week
 months of the year
 specific course titles
Theater 101
 kinship names used in place of personal names and are followed by personal

Grandma, Dad, Aunt Paz, Uncle Alvin
 adjectives, verbs, adverbs, nouns, and pronouns in a title and the first and last
word in a title
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (literature)
 historical periods, events, documents
Great Depression, the Renaissance, the Constitution

What is it?

Activity 14: Put a () if the phrases or sentences are following the proper
mechanics. If the words or phrases are incorrect, rewrite them below the given
items to make it correct.

_____1. San miguel Corporation

_____2. Joe said, “he is my patient.”

_____3. do you believe me

_____4. Tom Cruise won the oscar award

_____5. Hon. Juan dela Cruz

_____6. girlie is one friend i know inside and out

_____7. i am from the philippines

_____8. Anna can pass for a movie star as a deadringer of anne Hathaway.

_____9. Being the only daughter, sylvia is the apple of the eye of her father.

_____10. please keep an eye on her while I am out.

What is it?

Activity 15: In not more than 10 sentences and not less than 5 sentences
explain what you like or don’t like about Senior High School. Your paragraph
will be rated based on the rubric below. You may write your paragraph on the
space provided.

Criteria Performance Indicators Points Score

Complete and thoughtful explanation of ideas 2
CONTENT Strong organization and structure 2
Vivid supporting details included 2
Written in complete sentence 2
MECHANICS Correct and appropriate grammar, punctuation,
spelling, etc.
Total 10


 Organization is the logical progression and completeness of ideas in a text.
 By coherence we mean that every part of a composition must contribute to
one main unifying thought, which means that the various parts of a text
must follow one another in an order which makes their relationship clear.
 On the other hand, cohesion means that the overall text has meaning.
 Language Use refers to the appropriateness of word/vocabulary usage.
 Mechanics refers to a set of conventions on how to spell, abbreviate,
punctuate and capitalize.


After our lesson, let us now check what you have learned. Read the statements
carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then write your answers on the
blanks provided before each number.
____________________1. This is the structural framework of writing.
____________________2. This refers to the arranged of paragraph in a logical order and
the sentences are clearly related to each other.
____________________3. It is a set of rules on how to spell, abbreviate, punctuate and
capitalize properly.
____________________4. This means that the text is effective because the reader is
able to follow the writer’s train of thought with ease.
____________________5. This refers to the appropriateness of the words that you are
using in your text.

You have completed your journey in this module. You did a great
job! It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
Good luck!

Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 3 & 4 - Module 2
Text and Context Connections


Cover Page
Copyright Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
Module Overview
Competency 3
8 What’s New Lesson 3 Claims in Written Texts
What I Need to Know
9 What I Know
10 What’s New Lesson 3.1 Claims in A Written Text
What’s New Lesson 3.2 Claim of Fact
What’s New Lesson 3.3 Claim of Policy
What’s New Lesson 3.4 Claim of Value
What Is It? Activity 1
What Is It? Activity 2
What I Have Learned

Key to Answers
Competency 4
What’s New Lesson 4 Contexts of Written Texts
What I Need to Know
What I Know
What’s New Lesson 4.1 Context
What I Have Learned
What Is It? Activity 3
What’s New Lesson 4.2 Hypertext
What Is It? Activity 4
What’s New Lesson 4.3 Intertext
What Is It? Activity 5
What I Have Learned
Key to Answers
Competency 5
What’s New Lesson 5 Critical Reading as Reasoning
What I Need to Know
What I Know
What’s New Lesson 5.1 What is Critical Reading
What I Have Learned
What’s New Lesson 5.2 Facts vs. Opinions
What Is It? Activity 6
What’s New Lesson 5.3 Author’s Purpose & Tone
What Is It? Activity 7
What’s New Lesson 5.4 Making Inferences
What Is It? Activity 8
What I Have Learned
Key to Answers
Competency 6
What’s New Lesson 6 Assertions and Counterclaims
What I Need to Know
What I Know
What’s New Lesson 6.1 Formulating Assertions
What Is It? Activity 9
What Is It? Activity 10
What Is It? Activity 11
What Is It? Activity 12
What’s More
What I Have Learned
What’s New Lesson 6.2 Formulating Counterclaims
What Is It? Activity 13
What Is It? Activity 14
What Is It? Activity 15
What’s More
What I Have Learned
Key to Answers
Competency 7
What’s New Lesson 7 Textual Evidence
What I Need to Know
What I Know
What’s New Lesson 7.1 Determining Textual Evidence
What Is It? Activity 16
What Is It? Activity 17
What Is It? Activity 18
What Is It? Activity 19
What I Have Learned
Key to Answers
Writer’s Profile
Back Outside Cover
Hi there again! I see that you have finished the first module for Reading &

Writing. Give yourself a tap on the back, because you did a great job, and you

deserve a treat. This time, it’s time to embark on a new adventure: you second


This module, is all about Text and Text Connections. This module will teach

you the different strategies and techniques in reading and writing texts critically. This

module will help you sharpen your critical reading skills.

There are five parts of this module, one for every competency outlined by the

Department of Education for you to master:

 Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text;

 Identify the context in which a text was developed

 Explain critical reading as reasoning

 Formulate evaluative statements about a text read; and

 Determine textual evidence to validate assertions and counterclaims made

about a text read.

With that being said, we wish you all the best and take this opportunity to

learn more and BE MORE.


Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 3 - Module 2
Text and Context Connections

Learning Competency 3: Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made

in a written text EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6
j) Claim of Fact EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.1
k) Claim of Policy EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.2
l) Claim of Value EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.3

Semester: 2nd Semester

Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Number of Hours: 2 Hours

Lesson Text and Context Connections:
3 Claims in Written Texts

What’s New

Readers like you, interact with a material through critical reading. In the
practice of critical reading, the readers are not just gathering information; they
also judge the importance and legitimacy of the information gathered by
judging the purpose, manner of presentation, and holistic development of the
arguments presented in the text. This is what you are going to do and learn in
this module.

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. identify claims explicitly and implicitly made in a written text
h) Claim of Fact
i) Claim of Policy
j) Claim of Value

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already know.
Instruction: Identify which type of claim the statement is making and put a check (/)
inside the box next to each sentence.
Clai Claim Claim
Statements m of of of
Fact Value Policy
1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Staying late at night can cause obesity.
3. Smoking can lead to respiratory infection.
4. Be kind for everyone has a hard battle to win.
5. Social media makes every youth share common
6. Extra Judicial Killings lessen the crimes in our
7. All students must be strictly prohibited to bring any
gadgets at school.
8. Barkada Kontra Droga would eradicate drug addiction
in the community.
9. Zero Waste Management should be strictly
implemented in the school campus.
10. To compete globally, the Department of Education
adapted the K to 12 curriculum.

Great job! Later we will see if your answers are correct by reading
the rest of this module.

Lesson Text and Context Connections:
3.1 Claims in a Written Text

What’s New

To properly evaluate the ideas you have gathered while reading, you must
be able to know the different kinds of information which are explicit information
and implicit information.
Two Kinds of Information:
 Explicit Information is the information stated in the text. Readers can see
the piece of information stated in the given passage.
 Implicit information is the information not directly presented in the text.
As readers, we need to read between the lines to understand the details
that the writer is trying to tell us.

Critical reading enables you to distinguish the explicit and implicit information
provided by the author. Explicit information is information that is clearly stated in
the text. Implicit, on the other hand, are ideas suggested in the text but not directly
stated. This is where the ability to make inferences based on clues within the text is
Through proper identification of explicit and implicit information, the
critical reader can properly evaluate the claim/s made by an author. Claims
state the point or position of an author regarding a certain topic. The claim
statement is further proven by supporting details from various resources and
reliable evidence.
Tiongson (2016) gave the following characteristics of good claims:

1. A claim should be argumentative and debatable. It is expected for a written

text to yield objections and opposite perspectives to appear for readers of a
text that supports a certain stand on a topic. Completely factual texts are not
considered debatable.

2. A claim should be specific and focused. With the statement of claim limiting
the scope of the written text, it must be noted that claims must be focused on
a single topic alone to arrive at an equally concise and specific result or

3. A claim should be interesting and engaging. It should capture the interest of
readers at first glance and encourage a healthy discussion on the topic.

4. A claim should be logical. The evidence supporting the claim must be

reasonable at its best.


Lesson Text and Context Connections:
3.2 Claim of Fact

What’s New

 Claims of Fact are pieces of information which are grounded on reliable

authority such as science or history.
 Claims of Fact relate to statements that can be easily verified and not
dependent on a person's preference. It also asserts that a condition has
existed, is existing, or will exist and is based on facts or data.
 Facts that are universally accepted are not considered claim of fact but instead
a statement of fact.

Claims of Fact are often qualified by such terms as generally, probably,

or as a rule. And, to verify whether these statements are claim of fact or not,
ask these questions:
Is it debatable? Is it verifiable? Is it specific? Can it be solve
Types of factual claims (generally "objective")
1. Factual / historical
2. Relational - causal connections
3. Predictive

Proof requires:
• sufficient and appropriate grounds
• reliable authority
• recent data
• accurate, typical data
• clearly defined terms -no loaded language
• a clear distinction between fact and inference


 The oldest known disease in the world is leprosy.

 Generally, obesity causes health problems.
 Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon.
 The first Mindanaoan President is Rodrigo Duterte.
 The earth is warming rapidly.

What’s New

 The Claim of Policy calls for some form of action.

 It states what the reader should or ought to do about a particular

The Claim of Policy advocates a specific course of action. It asserts

that specific policies should be instituted as solutions to problems.
Claims of policy argue that certain conditions should exist. Almost
always "should" or "ought to" or "must" are included in this claim.
Claims of Policy are specific statements on procedures or laws that need
to be modified based on certain issues or conditions.
Most of the time, claims of policy ask for plans of action to solve current
Proof requires:
 Making proposed action (clear), need (justification), plan (must be workable),
benefit (advantages) consider opposition / counter arguments.
Consider this statement, for example:
To attract more non-traditional students, this college must review and revise
its course offerings.

The given statement above is an example of a claim of policy. It calls

on action for the college referred to, regarding its course offerings to arrive at
a workable conclusion which is to attract more non-traditional students. The
author may choose to elaborate on this course of action to prove that this
claim can work for the college.


 The mayor should suspend the classes today.
 You must send your children to public schools.
 The government should legalize medicinal marijuana.
 The Boy Scouts should not have to include gay scout leaders.
 Local Malls should not open during the general community quarantine.

Lesson Text and Context Connections:

3.4 Claim of Value

What’s New

 Claims of Value refers to statements that appeal to a person’s taste and

morals or the sense of what’s good and what’s bad.
 This type of claim weighs the values according to which is more desirable.
Claim of value deals with topics concerning moral, philosophical, or aesthetic

Claims of Value involve judgments and evaluations. It judges whether

something is good/bad, right/wrong, just/unjust, ethical/non-ethical, and
others. We judge the worth of something. It attempts to prove that some things
are more or less desirable than others.

Some claims of value are simply expressions of taste, preferences, and

prejudices. The most important in proving claim of value is by establishing
standards of evaluation.

Proof requires:
• Establishing standards of evaluation (i.e. a warrant that defines what
constitutes instances of the relevant value)
• note the priority of the value in this instance
• Establish the advantage (practical or moral) of your standards
• Use examples to clarify abstract values
 Use credible authorities for support

The famous saying, honesty is the best policy, is one good example of
a claim of value. To prove the statements validity, the author may elaborate on
the examples that show how honesty holds advantage over other policies and
how it has been proven to be effective.


 It is better to be feared than loved.
 Cheating is not good.
 Gay marriage is immoral.
 Buying a house is a lot better than building it.
 Rock music sucks.
 The government is doing a great job during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Claim of Fact Claim of Value Claim of Policy
Facebook is better Facebook must be doing
Generally, Facebook than Twitter and well considering the
received most visits than Instagram. number of visitors it has
Twitter and Instagram.
every day.

debatable, verifiable, Requires a “standard” Suggests a solution or a

specific, objective to verify policy

What is it?

Activity 1: Read and identify the types of claims used in each statement. Write
COF for Claim of Fact, COP for Claim of Policy and COV for Claim of Value.
Write your answer on the space provided before each sentence.

______________1. The use of civil disobedience during the Martial Law struggle
was reasonable, moral, and necessary.
______________2.The private ownership of automatic and semi-automatic weapons
in the Philippines should be banned.
______________3. The possibility of an asteroid or meteor hitting Earth is great
enough that the Federal government should be finding plans to
prevent it.
______________4.The death penalty if used in the Philippines will be ineffective and
______________5. The death penalty if applied in the Philippines will be immoral.
______________6. Recovered memory should be disallowed as evidence in
Philippine courts.
______________7. Opera is not as entertaining as musical comedy.

______________8. Generally, public secondary schools in America are not
adequately preparing students for college.
______________9. Fetal tissue research should not be funded by the Philippine
______________10. Fetal tissue research is wrong.

What is it?

Activity 2: Read and analyze the following essay. And fill in the table with the
claims that are in the essay.


Ching Jorge

If last year’s enrollment figures are to be a basis, the Philippine

education system will be expecting around 27 million students to enroll in the
Basic Education System in the coming school year. With the early closure of the
school year in March, the enhanced community quarantine in effect, and the still
unclear future that the COVID-19 pandemic will bring, the Department of
Education (DepEd) and our millions of learners are facing enormous
In a recent evaluation on ALS (Alternative Learning System)
interventions done in the Mindanao region during the quarantine period,
platforms such as ICT4ALS, FB Chat, Google Classroom, the Aral Muna app,
and DepEd Commons emerged as the most common technological
interventions used. Also popular are the use of radio-based intervention —
partnerships with local radio stations to announce questions or lessons that can
be replied to by phone. There are also the door-to-door delivery of worksheets,
take-home learning activity sheets, and take-home portfolio completions. These
modalities are being used and explored during the quarantine period and will
serve as key learning points for implementation in the bigger education system.
While home school and online learning are among the proposed
solutions, access to technology and the internet, especially in remote areas,
remains a challenge. In the public education system, it is not uncommon for
students to lack internet connection at home or be unable to afford to “load”
their phones regularly. Some do not even have computers or phones at all. As
this is a reality that many schools, students, and communities will face, the
DepEd proposes a combination of different learning modalities and will be using
the Blended Learning approach.
In-classroom study and individual study/online classroom work, or
Blended Learning, will allow students to learn at their own pace under guided

modules. The DepEd has launched an online study platform called DepEd
Commons, accessible to both private and public schools, to help students
continue their lessons. It has also developed an ALS platform in partnership
with Unicef called ICT4ALS, a portal of learning resources, activity sheets, and
online tutorials for ALS teachers and learners.
However, the challenge of technology access still remains for public
school students. Other factors such as home environment (conduciveness to
learning), learner attitudes toward home learning, and technology competence
can affect learner outcomes and the effective use of Blended Learning.
Learning at home also requires parent participation and support.
Education’s new normal will not just be about operating in an
environment that secures the health of students; nor will it be about completely
transitioning to online modalities. Instead, it should be about using technology
to increase efficiency in areas with the capacity to do so, while empowering
learners and communities to create positive learning environments in which the
student can grow. It should not sacrifice quality but continue to provide equal
opportunities, most especially to the marginalized and vulnerable sectors. It is
not a one-size-fits-all solution, but one that is dependent on the needs of each
learning community.
While the DepEd carries most of the burden for this challenge, the role of
local government units is crucial. An alignment of resources and education
goals within each community is needed to support the education ecosystem of
students, teachers, and parents and assist the adjustment to the new normal —
home schooling, parent-as-teachers training, community internet centers, a
Citizen Watch for education, establishing LGU leaders as education champions.
While the future remains unknown, by working together to support and
empower the education ecosystems in our communities, we can help establish
the structures that our students will need to receive the quality education they
deserve, and bring stability in a time of uncertainty.
Posted April 28, 2020
Paragrap Key Claim Type of Claim (Fact,
h Number Policy, Value)

What I Have Learned

 A claim is a statement that is not considered accepted by all. It may be

unverified or controversial to a certain degree.
 There are claims rooted in history or science (claims of fact).
 There are claims that demand action because the present conditions for
certain policies are no longer effective (claims of policy).
 There are claims that assert the morality of an idea based on certain
standards or preferences (claims of value).


After our lesson, let us now check what you have learned.
Instruction: Identify which type of claim the statement is making and put a check (/)
inside the box next to each sentence.

Claim of Claim of
Statements of
Fact Value
1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Staying late at night can cause obesity.
3. Smoking can lead to respiratory infection.
4. Be kind for everyone has a hard battle to win.

5. Social media makes every youth share common
6. Extra Judicial Killings lessen the crimes in our
7. All students must be strictly prohibited to bring
any gadgets at school.
8. Barkada Kontra Droga would eradicate drug
addiction in the community.
9. Zero Waste Management should be strictly
implemented in the school campus.
10. To compete globally, the Department of
Education adapted the K to 12 curriculum.

You have completed your journey in this module.
You did a great job!
It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
Good luck!

Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 3 - Module 2
Text and Context Connections

Learning Competency 4: Identify the context in which a text was

a) Hypertext
b) Intertext
S2 Q4 EN11/12RWS-IIIgh4
Semester: 2nd Semester
Quarter: 4th Quarter
Number of Hours: 4 Hours

Lesson Text and Context Connections:
4 Contexts of Written Texts

What’s New

Being a critical reader also involves understanding that texts are always
developed with a certain context. A text is neither written nor read in a
vacuum; its meaning and interpretation are affected by a given set of
circumstances. Thus, there is a need to identify the context of text

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. identify the context in which a text was developed
a) Hypertext
b) Intertext

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already know.
Read the statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then
write your answers on the blanks provided before each number.

____________________1. This creates a network of materials linked because of

various connections.
____________________2. It is the complex interrelationship between a text and
other texts.
____________________3. This refers to the occasion or situation that informs the
reader about why a document was written and how it
was written.
____________________4. This is the modeling of a text’s meaning by another text.
____________________5. It is a non-linear way of presenting information.

Great job! Later we will see if your answers are correct by reading the
rest of this module… but before that….

Can you think of the differences between these two ways in identifying the
context of text development? Try to fill this table with your ideas.


Lesson Text and Context Connections:
4.1 Context

What’s New

What is CONTEXT?
 Context is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and other
related circumstances that surround the texts and form the terms from
which it can be better understood and evaluated.
 It also refers to the occasion or situation that informs the reader about why
a document was written.
 Context, according to Moxley, refers to the occasion, or situation that
informs the reader about why a document was written and how it was
written. The structure, organization and purpose of a written text is heavily
influenced by its context.

The way writers shape their texts is dramatically influenced by their

CONTEXT. Writers decide how to shape their sentences by considering their
Context is important as a foundation for the author in constructing
his/her written text. This includes how the writer has researched the topic and
how he/she organized the content.
Moxley posed the following questions on the analysis of context:
1. What is going on in the world of readers that will influence the reader’s
thoughts and feelings about the document?
2. Does the intellectual content of the document rest on the shoulders of other
authors? Will readers expect the author to mention particular scholars or

researchers who did the original, ground-breaking work on the subject you
are exploring?
3. What background information can you assume your reader is already
familiar with?

What I Have Learned

 Context refers to the occasion, or situation that informs the reader about why
a document was written and how it was written.
 The way writers shape their texts is dramatically influenced by their context.

What is it?

Activity 3: Read the following essay and identify the context with which the
text was written by answering the questions that follow.


Experts all over the world believe that to mitigate the effects and end the
spread of the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), all sectors of the society must
work hand in hand to fight the deadly virus.
It is not the sole responsibility of the government to stop the global pandemic,
and it is imperative for people to join in the efforts and collectively stop the virus from
further infecting anyone.
This rings true in the Philippines, where the spirit of bayanihan is slowly being
revived amid the onslaught of natural and man-made catastrophes that struck the
whole country during the first three months of 2020.
Various non-government organizations and even individuals have started
calling on Filipinos to help in the war against the pandemic, whether it’s through
volunteerism or through monetary donations.
Donations drives have been launched by various groups to help protect
frontline healthcare workers from the virus. These came amid the reported scarcity of
personal protective equipment (PPEs) in hospitals.
Likewise, groups and individuals are seeking support to fund relief goods for
the families that are in need of food and personal hygiene kits, as major cities and
provinces and provinces impose in their own community quarantine protocols.

There are hundreds of more donations drives that are hundreds of more
donations that are happening across the Philippines today, signaling the strong
revival of the Filipino culture of Bayanihan—only that with the strict implementation of
community quarantines and social distancing protocols, donations are facilitated
through mobile phones.
Source: (posted March 2019)

1. What is going on in the Philippines while this text was written?

2. What is meant by BAYANIHAN?
3. How is bayanihan during the pre-colonial Philippines different from bayanihan
during the pandemic?
4. How are things different in the Philippines during the pandemic?

Great job answering those questions!

Moving on, there are two types of context in which a text was developed: the
hypertext and the intertext.
You will be exploring them in the next lessons. Are you ready?

What’s New

Typically, a text is written in a linear fashion. This linear progression only

enables the reader to read the material the way the author designed it from the
beginning to end. HYPERTEXTUALITY allows readers to study a text in a
different manner.
In a hypertext, pieces of information are connected semantically. There is
an undefined beginning, middle and end.
Hypertext creates a network of materials linked because of various
connections they share. This encourages and, at times, requires readers to go
through the material at their pace.

Hypertextuality according to Amaral, 2010 is simply a non-linear way

of presenting information. Rather than reading or learning about things in the
order that an author, or editor, or publisher sets out for us, readers of
hypertext may follow their own path, create their own order – their own
meaning out the material.

This is accomplished by creating “links” between information. These links are

provided so that the readers may “jump” to further information about a specific topic
being discussed (which may have more links, leading each reader off into a different

Instead of reading or learning about things in the order predefined by
an author, an editor or a publisher, the readers of a hypertext can follow their
own path, create their own order – their own meaning out of the material.

Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. The term was
coined by Ted Nelson around 1965. It is when you type a word and attach a
link to that word so that upon clicking on that word, the reader is sent to the
site attached.
Hypertext is the foundation of the World Wide Web enabling users to
click on link to obtain more information on a subsequent page on the same

site or from website anywhere in the world.

Hypertext materials include pictures, video materials animated and

audio illustrations. All those possibilities make hypertext materials content high
and suitable for educational purposes.
Hypertext connects topic on a screen to related information, graphics,
videos, and music – information is not simply related to text.

This information appears as links and is usually accessed by clicking.

The reader can jump to more information about a topic, which in turn may
have more links. This opens up the reader wider horizon of information to a
new direction.

A reader can skim through sections of a text, freely jumping from one part to
another depending on what aspect of the text interests him/her. Thus, in reading with
hypertext, you are given more flexibility and personalization because you get to
select the order in which you read the text and focus on information that is relevant to
your background and interests.

Take a look at this example:

Every time you search on the web, you see words or clusters of words that are
underlined and are in blue. When you click these words, you will be transported to
another site.

Hypertext is a new way of reading a text online. It collects every available data
but this exhaustive inclusion exposes the reader to a wealth of irrelevant material.
While intertextuality banks on its text-generated constraints on the reader’s
perceptions, hypertextuality is a reader-generated loose web of free association.

Information directly/indirectly related to the topic written may be referenced

through hyperlinks in which the reader can access the direct source or reference
through a single click.

Hypertextuality, although opens up to a wide variety of mostly irrelevant

information, gives the reader the free will to personalize his or her analysis of
the text. The reader may choose to focus only on the information that is
related to his/her background, thus creating a personal meaning out of the
given material.

What is it?

Activity 4: Try to research about a word that you were curious about. You can
start with WIKEPEDIA, then click on the hyperlinks on the article and see what
sites the hyperlinks sent you. List the sites that you were able to explore.











Lesson Text and Context Connections:

4.3 Intertext

What’s New ,

When reading, the readers try to make meaning of the material that they are
absorbing through many different processes. Unintentionally, sometimes, the
patterns in the materials read are apparent in another text. Theorists term this as
Intertextuality, is also the modelling of a text’s meaning by another text.
It is defined as the connections between language, images, characters,
themes, or subjects depending on their similarities in language, genre and

Intertextuality, as defined by Tiongson (2016), is the modeling of a text’s
meaning by another text. Intertext is the relationship between texts and how culture
and other writers influence a text. This is often seen on works wherein the author
borrows and transforms an existing text or when one references a text on his own
written work. The text will then contain a wide accumulation of cultural, historical and
social knowledge.

Intertextuality, as a literary device, “is the complex interrelationship between a

text and other texts taken as fundamental to the creation and interpretation of the
text” (Merriam Webster Disctionary, 2015).

Intertext excludes irrelevant data. It underscores the main point/s of the

text by making explicit those data that are only implied or presupposed in the
text, thus defining their relevance. Spurred by this context, a healthy dialogue
among different texts and interpretations, audience, is born.

As readers, the ability to create connections among various texts

enhances the meaning of the reading material.

Let us see if you can see the connections between these two literary

What is it?

Activity 5: Are you familiar with the Harry Potter Series and the Lord of
the Rings Trilogy? If so, can you discuss what their similarities are?



What I Have Learned

 Context is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and other related
circumstances that surround the text.
 Hypertext is a non-linear way of presenting information. Instead of reading or
learning about things in the order predefined by an author, an editor or a
publisher, the readers of a hypertext can follow their own path.
 Intertext on the other hand, is defined as the connections between language,
images, characters, themes, or subjects depending on their similarities in
language, genre or discourse.

After our lesson, let us now check what you have learned. Read the
statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then write
your answers on the blanks provided before each number.
You have completed your journey in this module.
____________________1. This creates a network of materials linked because of
You did a great job!
various connections.
It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
____________________2. It is the complex interrelationship between a text and
Good luck!
other texts.

____________________3. This refers to the occasion or situation that informs

the reader about why a document was written and
how it was written.

____________________4. This is the modeling of a text’s meaning by another


____________________5. It is a non-linear way of presenting information.

Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 4 - Module 2
Text and Context Connections

Learning Competency 5: Explain critical reading as reasoning
S2 Q4 EN11/12RWS-IVac-8
Semester: 2nd Semester
Quarter: 4th Quarter
Number of Hours: 2 Hours

What’s New

It is important to read critically. Critical reading requires you to evaluate

the arguments in the text. You need to distinguish fact from opinion, and look
at arguments given for and against the various claims. This also means being
aware of your opinions and assumptions (positive and negative) of the text
you are reading so you can evaluate it honestly. It is also important to be
aware of the writer's background, assumptions and purposes.

What I Need to Know

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. explain critical reading as reasoning.

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already know.
Read the statements carefully, and determine if they are TRUE or FALSE, then
write your answers on the blanks provided before each number.

____________________1. Critical reading is simply recognition of the text’s meaning

and restating it in your own words.
____________________2. Critical reading examines the author’s choice of content,
language and structure.
____________________3. Critical reading teaches the readers to accept all the
presented facts without further examination.
____________________4. A statement of fact can be verified through
experimentation, personal observation or credible
____________________5. A statement of opinion needs further evidence and other
valid supporting details to be proven true.

Great job! Later we will see if your answers are correct by reading the
rest of this module… but before that….

Can you think of the similarities and differences between critical reading and
reasoning? Try to fill this Venn Diagram with your ideas.

Critical Reading Reasoning

What’s New

 Critical reading goes beyond recognition of the text’s meaning and

restating it in your own words.
 A critical reader does not merely skim the text at hand.
 To reach a solid interpretation of a text, the critical reader must dwell on
what the text does by making such remarks beyond what it says. From
this, the critical reader must identify what the text wholly means based on
the previous analysis.

Critical reading advances the understanding of the reader by not taking

the text by its face value. It studies the composition’s every nook and cranny
until you find the author’s inconsistencies, oversights, limitations and other
reasonable arguments that is often overlooked by a normal reader.
According to the website, there are three steps of
analysis reflecting the three types of reading and discussion:
1. What a text says – restatement (wherein the reader merely restates what
is said in the original text)
2. What a text does – description (wherein the reader discusses aspects of
the discussion itself)
3. What a text means – interpretation (wherein the reader analyzes the
meaning of the text as a whole).

Critical reading does not simply ask what the text says but more of how
the topic is presented and why. Critical readers dwell on the distinctive
qualities of the text. Readers normally read texts to obtain facts and
knowledge. A critical reader, on the other hand, mulls over the unique
perspective of the author on a particular text and how the facts the author
presented arrived at his/her conclusion.

Goals of Critical Reading

Prentice Hall has enumerated the following critical reading skills:

1. The ability to distinguish between fact and opinion
2. The ability to identify the author’s purpose
3. The ability to make inferences
4. The ability to recognize the author’s tone
5. The ability to recognize persuasive techniques

Critical reading ultimately examines the author’s choice of content,

language and structure. The basis of recognizing the purpose of an author is
their choice of content and language to use. The critical reader analyzes the
tone and persuasive elements of a text through reviewing the choice of
language used. In recognizing the bias of the text, the critical reader must
identify the nature of patterns of choice of content and language. Critical
reading teaches the reader how to not blindly accept all the presented facts
without further examination. This technique allows you to confirm and present
your own argument. The practical starting point of every critical reader is to
question everything you read.

To read critically is to make judgments about how a text is argued. This

is a highly reflective skill requiring you to stand back and gain some distance
from the text you are reading.

It is not recommended to read just to look only or primarily for

information; instead, read to look for ways of thinking about the subject matter.

What I Have Learned

So far we have discussed what critical reading is.

 Critical reading is a more active way of reading. It is a deeper and more

complex engagement with a text.
 When we read critically, we use our critical thinking skills to question both the
text and our own and others’ interpretation of it.
 Critical reading teaches the reader how to not blindly accept all the presented
facts without further examination.


What’s New

 A statement of fact is characterized by its ability to be verified through

experimentation, personal observation or credible sources.
 On the other hand, a statement of opinion needs further evidence and
other valid supporting details to be proven true.

Facts are statements that can be checked or proved. We can check facts by
conducting some sort of experiment, observation or by verifying (checking) the fact
with a source document.

Facts often contain numbers, dates or ages and facts might include specific
information about a person, place or thing.

An opinion, on the other hand, is a statement that cannot be proved or

checked. It tells what someone thinks, feels or believes.

Clue words for opinion statements are: think, believe, seem, always, never,
most, least, worse, greatest.

To recognize a fact or an opinion, ask yourself, “Can this statement be

proved?”. If your answer is YES, then that statement is a fact; if your ANSWER is
NO, then that statement is an opinion.

Activity 6: Identify whether the following statements are statements of fact or
opinion. Write SOF for statement of fact and SOO for statement of opinion.

________1. Chocolate cake is the most delicious kind of dessert.

________2. Belo Medical Clinic is the best clinic that can reverse skin aging.
________3. LBC is the most reliable express delivery company in the Philippines.
________4. BDO is the best bank in the Philippines.
________5. Listerine is a mouthwash.
________6. Listerine is a dynamite against bad breath, plaque and gingivitis.
________7. Globe handy phone makes great things possible.
________8. Natural fibers boost the immune system and improve digestive health.
________9. Paula’s Hotel is perfectly suited for your family vacation.
________10. Paula’s Hotel is located at Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental.
________11. BMW is the fastest and most sporty car ever.
________12. Winston Cigarette is the “spirit of the USA”.
________13. Hope is the largest-selling luxury cigarette.
________14. Hope is a brand of cigarette.
________15. Palmolive is a brand of shampoo and conditioner.
________16. Palmolive shampoo makes you more confident with your straighter
________17. Filipinos are lazy people.
________18. Men and women are opposite sexes.
________19. People from Mindanao are all beautiful.
________20. Duterte is the greatest president this country has ever had.

What’s New

 An author’s purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author’s

purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader or to inform
 An author’s purpose is reflected in his tone.
 Tone reflects the author’s attitude in approaching the topic. According to
Forlini, “an author chooses words according to his/her attitude toward the
topic and how the author expects the reader to respond to the material.”

Purpose is the reason an author writes about a topic. An author may have a
more specific purpose in mind other than to inform, entertain or persuade him. To
figure out the author’s purpose, you as the reader, must consider the main idea,
thought pattern and tone.

The author’s tone, on the other hand, may be evident in his/her choice of
words either expressing its connotation or denotation.

The author uses various persuasive techniques to color the presentation of

facts and to appeal to the reader. Authors use jargons and slanting to make the
readers lean towards their position/argument.

 Jargons are “specialized vocabulary used by people in a particular field.”

While often misused to conceal meaning, jargons may prove effective in
solidifying an argument if defined and explained appropriately.

 Slanting “is the writing of a passage so that it leans toward one point of view.”
Words with either positive or negative connotations may be used as slanting.
Another example of slanting is purposefully leaving out information of a
different perspective on a similar issue.

Analyzing a Written Text

In analyzing a written text, it is important to take note of the following

elements as well as the guide questions that come with it:
 Purpose/Context – What does the text aim to do? Does it mean to persuade
or does it contribute to a discussion of an existing topic? What content does
the text cover? What purpose does it serve its readers?
 Author/s – Who wrote the text? What are his qualifications for writing about
the topic?
 Audience – What is its target audience? Where is the text found? What does
the author expect the reader to get from his/her composition? Are you a part
of the author’s audience?
 Topic and Position – Is the author’s argument on the topic at hand supported
by valid evidence? Is the author’s position clear? Is it presented as objective?
Is his/her stand based on other author’s position or simply from personal
 Research/Sources – Do previous researches have a role in supporting the
author’s argument? Which of the references elicits further discussion?
 Proof/Evidence – What are the proofs/evidence presented by the author
throughout the text? Did they come from credible sources? What type of proof
is used by the author (e.g. references to other work, interpretations of other
work, original research, personal experience, author’s opinions, critical
analysis, etc.)? Do these proofs validate the argument? Which of the evidence
carries the most weight?
 Organization – How are the information organized in the text? For what
particular reason are they arranged in this particular way? Where did the
author plainly states his/her stand on the topic? Is the organization driven
more by the content (the information that needs to be presented), by the
authors' argument, by the needs of the audience, or by some combination of
the three?
 Style – What can you infer from the author’s choice of words? From what
perspective did the author write the text? Was he/she inclusive with his/her
choice of words? Did they use jargons or slanted meanings? If there are, were
they properly defined for the reader’s convenience and understanding? What
other writing techniques did the author apply in writing the text? Analyze each
sentence structure, figurative language and rhetorical questions existing in the
 Drawing Conclusions – What does the author want to highlight? Compare and
contrast the text with other similar ones. Identify the similarities and
differences in their approach of the same topic.

What is it?

Activity 7: Read the following passage and analyze the author’s purpose, tone
and persuasive techniques used by completing the table that follows it. Use
the guide questions we have discussed in the previous page to help you in
analyzing the text.

Exit Essay: Save the Filipino Language

The Filipino language plays a huge part in the lives of the countrymen.
It is the heart and soul of the country as it symbolizes oneness in words,
speech, and thought. Language is something one continuously learns as
he/she grows up. Truly, a country’s language paves way for bigger and better
opportunities that will benefit everyone. But what will happen to this optimistic
view of the future if the means of learning one’s language is taken away from
him? This has been one of the hottest issues present in Philippine society
today – the exclusion of the Filipino subject in the tertiary level.
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has already released a revised
general education (GE) curriculum that implements the dropping of the mandatory
Filipino subjects on the tertiary level. The CHED memorandum order on the new
curriculum notes that the integration of GE courses in senior high school – Grades 11
and 12 – has created a window for the revision of the current curriculum in colleges.
According to CHED, the revision of the curriculum aims to promote the development
of a student’s intellectual competency, personal and civic competency, and practical
skills. CHED also claims that the Filipino subjects taken under the K to 12 program
are sufficient given that students already have 108 hours under the said subject in
Grade 11 alone. “The proposed GEC strips away remedial courses, those that
duplicate subjects in Grades 11 and 12, and introductory courses to the disciplines,”
CHED explained in CMO 20-2013.
The new curriculum includes the following core courses: Understanding
the Self; Readings in Philippine History; The Contemporary World; and
Mathematics in the Modern World. Also included are Purposive
Communication; Art Appreciation; Science, Technology and Society; and
Ethics. It requires three courses on the Arts & Humanities; Social Sciences &
Philosophy; and Mathematics Science and Technology clusters. It also
mandates the three-unit Life and Works of Rizal course. As a whole, the
number of GEC units has been reduced from the current 63-51 units down to
36 units for all college students.

The revision of the curriculum has met various violent reactions and
oppositions from stakeholders, linguists, academics, and even students
themselves. Movements from different universities concerned are currently in
motion in order to fight for the life of the Filipino subjects in the tertiary level.
David San Juan (2014), a professor in De La Salle University-Manila, pointed
out that while the memorandum stated that the optional provision for the
teaching of the courses in Filipino dilutes its purpose as most universities in
the country uses English as its default language. In addition to the statements
of oppositions, the Kagawaran ng Filipino of the Ateneo de Manila University
avers that “Hindi lamang midyum ng pagtuturo and Filipino. Isa itong disiplina.
Lumilikha ito ng sariling larang ng karunungan na nagtatampok sa pagka-
Filipino sa anumang usapin sa loob at labas ng akademya.” UP DFPP also
reacted on the revision of the curriculum expressing, “Ang pagtatanggal ng
siyam na yunit ng
Filipino sa kolehiyo ay isang anyo ng karahasang pangkamalayan.
Nilulusaw nito ang pagpapahalaga sa kasaysayan at kabihasnang tanging
Filipino ang makakapagpaliwanag.”
On a personal account, being a student myself makes me think twice about
the revision of the GE curriculum in college. Through the years of my schooling, the
Filipino language has been one of the most important factors that shaped me as a
person. It is the language I use at home, in school, and nearly in everywhere I go
every day. I couldn’t stress even more the fact that I am a Filipino living in the
Philippines. I grew up in a family that treasures the native language of the Philippine
culture. Hearing about the mandatory exclusion of the Filipino subjects in college irks
me mostly because I cannot see the point if it is really necessary to remove the
Filipino language when in fact; it plays a big role in the development of the country.
Resorting to dropping these subjects in favor of others, let alone its mere deletion, is
senseless. There are far more ways to address the issue of the student’s
incompetence and the revised curriculum is not one of them. It is a shameful act to
kill the nurturing of the native language. We are Filipinos and our language is
something we should be proud of – something that we must treasure. Save the
country from senseless actions by fighting for the life of the Filipino subjects. It is not
impossible to oppose such acts if all countrymen are united towards achieving one
goal. The time to act is now – before it is all too late.

(Perez, R.E. (2014). Exit essay: Save the Filipino language. Retrieved from




Topic & Position





Drawing Conclusions

Lesson Text and Context Connections:
5.4 Making Inferences

What’s New
 An inference is an idea or conclusion that’s drawn from evidence and
 An inference is an educated guess.
 When you are making an inference, you are reading between the lines or just
looking carefully at the facts and coming to conclusions.

The text, by itself, does not contain meaning. It is up to the reader to

interpret the meaning of the words, their usage and structure in the text. The
reader infers an interpretation of the text through prior knowledge, social
conventions, shared experience or shared values.

Inferences are essential in both written and spoken communication. A

single sentence may contain a variety of assertions. Reading is “an active,
reflective, problem-solving process.” Readers do not simply read the words,
but ideas from a collection of assertions.

Some examples of inferences are the following:

 A boy is wearing a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, glasses, and his shoes have mud on
them. One can infer he likes Led Zeppelin, his eyesight is poor and he walked
through mud.

 You adopt a puppy from the shelter and he seems nervous and scared. He
hides from loud noises and had some noticeable scars. You can infer that he
was abused by his former owner.

What is it?96
Activity 8: Let’s try if you can infer where I am and what I am doing, and
what can you infer about the feelings of the people in the situations that
I’ll be giving you. The first one has been done for you.

Can you infer where I am and what Can you infer where I am and what
I’m doing? I’m doing?

I see bubbles rising. I hear my own I hear screaming. My stomach feels

breathing. There are fish swimming funny. Can you see my hair blowing?
above me. I feel the seaweed swaying. I’m feeling excited.

Answer: Scuba diving in the sea! Answer:

Can you infer where I am? Can you infer where I am?

It’s so dark in here. What’s that spooky I hear the crowd cheer as the ball gets
sound? Oh I feel somebody on my inside the ring. The players whop with
back! I’m getting nervous. glee.

Answer: Answer:
What can you infer from this? What can you infer about Anna’s

Rey always carries his guitar with him.

After Anna broke the vase, her father
turned and walked away without saying

Answer: Answer:

What can you infer about the What can you infer about what

relationship of the speaker and Grandma is feeling?
whom she is speaking to?

Grandma’s mouth dropped open. Her

If you won’t go, I won’t either. hands flew to her face.


 Critical reading goes beyond recognition of the text’s meaning and
restating it in your own words
 A critical reader must be able to do the following
a. Distinguish between fact and opinion
b. Identify the author’s purpose
c. Make inferences
d. Recognize the author’s tone
e. Recognize persuasive techniques.


After our lesson, let us now check what you have learned. Read the
statements carefully, and determine if they are TRUE or FALSE, then write
your answers on the blanks provided before each number.
____________________1. Critical reading is simply recognition of the text’s
meaning and restating it in your own words.
____________________2. Critical reading examines the author’s choice of
content, language and structure.
____________________3. Critical reading teaches the readers to accept all the
presented facts without further examination.
____________________4. A statement of fact can be verified through
experimentation, personal observation or credible
____________________5. A statement of opinion needs further evidence and
other valid supporting details to be proven true.

You have completed your journey in this module.
You did a great job!
It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
Good luck!

Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 4 - Module 2
Text and Context Connections

Learning Competency 6: Formulate evaluative statements about a

text read. S2 Q4 EN11/12RWS-IVac-9
a. Assertions about the content and properties of a text read
S2 Q4 EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.1
b. Meaningful counterclaims in response to claims made in a text read
S2 Q4 EN11/12RWS-IVac-9.2

Semester: 2nd Semester

Quarter: 4th Quarter
Number of Hours: 4 Hours

What’s New

Reading as a critical element of literacy is very essential for individuals’

success. It is one of the ways that we use language in our daily life to gather
information, communicate with others and for enjoyment. Hence, reading always
occurs in context. Thus, when you read and evaluate the text you are reading, it is
important to validate your assertions and counterclaims with valid evidences to
produce meaningful evaluative statements.

This module is all about formulating evaluative statements about a text read
which will be broken down into two lessons.
Lesson 1: Assertions about the content and properties of text
Lesson 2: Counterclaims in response to claims made in a text

What I Need to Know

By the end of this module, you will have been able to:
1. Formulate assertions about the content and properties of a text read;
2. Formulate counterclaims in response to claims made in a text read;

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

 Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
 Answer all the questions that you encounter. As you go through the
module, you will find help to answer these questions.
 Do the suggested tasks with patience and industry tasks.
 Take your time to study and learn.

Let’s see how much you know before we tackle the lesson.

Direction: Identify the following assertions as statements of convention, fact,

opinion, or preference.

___________1. Social media is defined as the Internet and mobile-based tools and
devices that facilitate the integration of technology,
telecommunications, and social interaction.

___________2. Facebook is a cooler social media platform than Twitter.

___________3. In 2012, there were 1.4 billion users of social media worldwide.

___________4. Teachers should use social media in their lessons to get more
students interested.

___________5. Another name for social media is “Web 2.0” because both terms
emphasize the social aspects of the Internet as avenues for
communication, collaboration, and creative expression.

___________6. Many teenagers’ present obsession with taking selfies shows they
are the most narcissistic generation.

___________7. Social networks are the most distracting websites on the internet.

___________8. In the first quarter of 2014, nearly 300 million smartphone units were
sold all over the world.

___________9. Parents ought to enforce stricter guidelines in social media to

safeguard their children’s privacy.

___________10. Children are learning how to operate mobile devices at increasingly

younger ages; many of them have an idea of how to use a
touchscreen tablet before they are two.

Great job! It’s now time to take off to our first lesson…

The lesson you are about to learn focuses on formulating assertions.

So, read on!

What’s New

What is an Assertion?

Becoming a good critical reader means that you are able to logically evaluate
the claims of the writer. Assertions become the primary channel for a reader to
assent to a claim.
Assertion is a stylistic approach or technique involving a strong declaration, a
forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief or a fact. Often, it is
without proof or any support.
It is a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. Its purpose is to
express ideas or feelings directly, for instance, “I have put my every effort to
complete this task today. “Standing up for your rights and not being taken advantage
of is one definition of being assertive. It also means communicating what you really
want in a clear fashion, respecting your own rights and feelings and the rights and
feelings of others.
Assertion is an honest and appropriate expression of one’s feelings,
opinions, and needs.
A way to convince a critical reader to accept the writer’s claim is to formulate
assertions. Assertions, as defined by Tiongson (2016), are “declarative sentences
that claim something is true about something else.” These sentences may either be
statements of truths or opinions. There are four common types of assertion
enumerated by Tiongson.

Activity 9: Instructions: Guess the word based on the pictures /clues

1 2
. .

Source: Source:

assertions assertions

3 4
. .

Source: Source:

assertions assertions

Great job!
Are you having fun? Then let’s take off to more fun activities!

So, read on!

Tiongson’s Types of Assertion

1. Statement of Fact
This is a statement that can be proven objectively by direct experiences,
testimonies of witnesses, verified observations, or the results of research.

Example: The sampaguita’s roots are used for medicinal purposes, such as
an anesthetic and a sedative.
This statement is a fact because it can be directly verified by experience or
reliable research reports.

2. Statement of Opinion

Opinions are based on facts, but are difficult to objectively verify because of
the uncertainty of producing satisfactory proofs of soundness.

Example: The popularity of sampaguita flowers is most evident in places of

The above statement is an opinion because it is based on an observation that
needs to be proven by studies and repeated observation; there are too many
factors involved that makes explicit judgment difficult.

3. Statement of Convention
A convention is a way in which something is done, similar to traditions and
norms. Conventions depend on historical precedent, laws, rules, usage, and

Example: The sampaguita belongs to the genus Jasminum of the family

This statement is a convention because it is based on a classification system
made up by scientists and is acceptable to the scientific community.

4. Statement of Preference
Preferences are based on personal choice; therefore, they are subjective and
cannot be objectively proven or logically attacked.

Example: Sampaguitas are the most beautiful and most fragrant of all

This statement is a preference because it says a lot about the type of flowers
that the writer likes, instead of objectively comparing the qualities of
sampaguitas to that of other flowers.

Activity 10: Identify the following assertions as statements of convention, fact,
opinion, or preference.

_________________ 1. Import liberalization means allowing foreign goods to enter

Philippine markets and directly compete with domestic

_________________ 2. The leaves of growing plants are usually green.

_________________ 3. Roses grow best in soil made of ¾ clay and ¼ sand and

_________________ 4.The rose belongs to the genus Rosa of the family Rosaceae.

_________________ 5. The export of cut rose can easily become one of the most
lucrative businesses in the Philippines.

_________________ 6. Many more will die because of political considerations and

unwise aid-spending.

_________________ 7. Roses are more beautiful, smell sweeter and are easier to
grow than any other flower.
_________________ 8. The previous government should have toughened its stand
against the burgeoning insurgency.

_________________ 9. Eyewitness testimony is generally unreliable.

_________________ 10.Camel’s hair brushes are made of Siberian squirrel fir.

What is it? 107

Activity 11: Formulate assertions based on the given pictures.
Statement of Convention: GMA, being the vice president,
advance to the presidential position when Estrada stepped down
from his office.
Statement of Fact: GMA is the second woman president of the
Philippine Republic
Statement of Opinion: I think our country's situation will
continue to become worse under Gloria's administration.
Statement of Preference: Estrada was more concerned with the
masses compared to GMA.

Statement of Convention: ________________________________

Statement of Fact: ______________________________________
Statement of Opinion: ___________________________________
Statement of Preference: ________________________________

Statement of Convention: ________________________________

Statement of Fact: ______________________________________
Statement of Opinion: ___________________________________

Statement of Preference: ________________________________


What is it?108
Activity 12: Formulate assertions based on the words given in each number.
Follow the type of assertion specified in each word.

1. Martial Law (statement of opinion)



2. Senior High School (statement of preference)



3. extrajudicial killing (statement of opinion)



4. dog (statement of convention)



5. lagundi ( statement of fact)



Great job!
You are done with the third and last activity, have a break! You deserve
one. Then let’s take off to more fun activities!
So, read on!

Instructions: Read the given text and formulate assertions about the content
and properties of a text.

“Educational Challenges and Opportunities of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Pandemic” (Excerpt)

We are living amidst what is potentially one of the greatest threats in our
lifetime to global education, a gigantic educational crisis. As of March 28, 2020, the
COVID-19 pandemic is causing more than 1.6 billion children and youth to be out of
school in 161 countries. This is close to 80% of the world’s enrolled students. We
were already experiencing a global learning crisis, as many students were in school,
but were not learning the fundamental skills needed for life. The World Bank’s
“Learning Poverty” indicator – the % of children who cannot read and understand at
age 10 – stood at 53% of children in low- and middle-income countries – before the
outbreak started. This pandemic has the potential to worsen these outcomes even
more if we do not act fast.
What should we be worried about in this phase of the crisis that might have an
immediate impact on children and youth? (1) Losses in learning; (2) Increased
dropout rates; (3) Children missing their most important meal of the day. Moreover,
most countries have very unequal education systems, and these negative impacts will
be felt disproportionately by poor children. When it rains, it pours for them.

Statement of Convention: _____________________________________________

Statement of Fact: ___________________________________________________
Statement of Opinion: ________________________________________________
Statement of Preference: _____________________________________________

An assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to express strong
belief on a particular topic, often without evidence. According to Tiongson, it has 4
Statement of Fact
This is a statement that can be proven objectively by direct experience, testimonies
of witnesses, verified observations, or the results of research.

Statement of Opinion
Opinions are based on facts, but are difficult to objectively verify because of the
uncertainty of producing satisfactory proofs of soundness.

Statement of Convention
A convention is a way in which something is done, similar to traditions and norms.
Conventions depend on historical precedent, laws, rules, usage, and customs.

Statement of Preference
Preferences are based on personal choice; therefore, they are subjective and cannot
be objectively proven or logically attacked.

Great job!
You are done with Lesson 1, have a break! You deserve one.
Then let’s take off to Lesson 2!
So, read on!

What’s New
To be an effective critical thinker, it is not enough just to be able to identify
claims and assertions. It is also important to have the ability to analyze an argument
and counterclaims.
Counterclaims are claims made to rebut a previous claim. They provide
a contrasting perspective to the main argument.
Counterclaims – answer the question “What are other credible
The following questions will help you formulate a counterclaim:
 What are the major points on which you and the author can disagree?
 What is the strongest argument? What did they say to defend their position?
 What are the merits of their view?
 What are the weaknesses or shortcomings in their argument?
 Are there any hidden assumptions?
 Which lines from the text best support the counterclaim you have formulated?

Steps in Writing a Counterclaim

Step One – Ways to begin counterclaim paragraphs
 Many people believe that . . .
 It is often thought that . . .
 It might seem as if . . .
 While it is common . . .
Step Two – Ways to transition from the opposite side back to your opinion
 What this argument fails to consider is . . .
 This view sounds convincing at first but . . .
 Although the core claim is valid, it suffers from the flaw in its . . .
Step Three – Write a counterclaim. Use one of the sentence starters in step one.
Remember to transition back to your opinion. Use one of the sentences
starters in step two.

Counterclaim example:
It is often thought that social studies is the favorite academic class for junior high
school students. However, what this argument fails to consider is that science

allows for more hands-on activities. For example, when studying amphibians, you get
to dissect a frog rather than just read about an event from the past.

What is it?

Activity 13-A: Solve the puzzle using the definition provided.


Activity 13-B: Read each sentence carefully. Then write T if the statement is
true and F if false.

__________ 1. Being able to make an assertion is enough to formulate


__________ 2. Analyzing an argument is important in formulating counterclaims.

__________ 3. Claim is a statement that addresses opposing viewpoints.

__________ 4. Critical thinking concerns in determining the quality of our beliefs.

__________ 5. Counterclaim is a contrasting perspective to the argument.

Great job!
You are done with the first activity, have a break! You deserve one. Then
let’s take off to more fun activities!
So, read on!

What is it?

Activity 14: Read the given claim. Write your counterclaim based on the given

Hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution.

Many people believe that hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight
pollution. This view sounds convincing at first but instead of focusing on cars,
which still encourages a culture of driving even if it cuts down on pollution, the
nation should focus on building and encouraging the use of mass transit

1. Claim: Tracking devices on phones is a good idea

because if you go somewhere your parents will know
your whereabouts.

Counterclaim: ______________________________________


2. Claim: Being grounded is a good idea

depending on what they did.

Counterclaim: ______________________________________

What is it?
Activity 15: Read the passages below. Apply the questions above in identifying
the claim and counterclaim.

Watching television entertains, educates, and informs. These three factual
advantages developed, giving more and more advantages. The value of family life
could increase when they spent time together, and the ability of television to
entertain supports this condition to happen. There are shows which fit all
generations and could make people happy watching it. When members of the
family watch the shows, they laugh, and a comforting atmosphere is created.

Claim: Watching television strengthens the family relationship.

Counterclaim: It might seem as if watching television strengthens family

relationship. This view sounds convincing at first but watching television prevents the
talking, the games and the family festivities and arguments through which the child’s
learning takes place.

They are certainly right. Sunscreen protects your ski n from ultraviolet light
rays. Too much ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If you spend a long time outside
without any sunscreen on, you might get a sunburn because of the ultraviolet

Claim: ________________________________________________________


Counterclaim: __________________________________________________




You need a total of about 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Here is the
good news. ----. Five or ten minute sessions
116 of physical activities throughout the
day are just as good for you. These may include walking, jogging, running, and
riding a bike.
Claim: ________________________________________________________


Counterclaim: __________________________________________________




The House of Representatives approved House Bill 6517, or the Philippine

Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act, on its final reading on January 29, 2019.
The bill aims to “legalize and regulate the medical use of cannabis,” with the
overall goal of making it more accessible for Filipinos.

Once the bill gets enacted, the government will establish Medical Cannabis
Compassionate Centers (MCCC), as well as a Medical Cannabis Research and
Safety Compliance Facility (MCRSCF) for research and testing. These new
institutions will safeguard the distribution and research of medical cannabis in the

Claim: ________________________________________________________


Counterclaim: __________________________________________________




What’s More

Instructions: Read the speech of Sen. Manny Pacquiao. Apply the questions
above in identifying the claim and counterclaim. Write these below, followed by
a brief explanation.


Sen. Manny Pacquiao's speech at Cambridge Union
President Charles Connor and other esteemed officials of the
Cambridge University; distinguished members of the Cambridge Union, other
dignitaries in attendance, ladies and gentlemen, my fellow guests, good
A famous pastor once said, and I quote, "The world is a university and
everyone in it is a teacher. Make sure when you wake up in the morning you
go to school." End of quote.
Today, I am not just in any obscure part of the global university. I am
deeply honored to be invited by the Cambridge Union, the oldest debating and
free speech society in the world and the largest student society in the
University of Cambridge.
I am not a scientist, a mathematician, or a philosopher. But you have
given me this privilege of addressing you. I am humbled to be in the midst of
brilliant students in this prestigious university that has educated remarkable
alumni, including British Prime Ministers, foreign Heads of states, monarchs,
and royals. It is my distinct honor to stand before all of you.
I am delighted to learn that one of Cambridge University's historic
colleges is Emmanuel College and that Harvard University, the first college in
the United States, was organized after the model of Emmanuel.
I have not experienced how it is to pursue a degree like a regular
university student. My circumstances were very different from yours.
But I did not allow these circumstances to limit me. I worked on and
finally received my degree through the Alternative Learning System. More
importantly, I continue to learn from the University called life.
So, here is Emmanuel Dapidran Pacquiao standing in front of you. I am
not here to show off my left hook or my fluid footwork. I am here because I
want to personally share my narrative in the hope that it will touch even just a
few of you and persuade you to think differently about life.
I was born into poverty. There is a Filipino metaphor that goes "mas
mahirap pa sa daga," which translates to "more destitute than a rat." From a
very young age, I had to struggle daily to survive. I fought hard, I faltered, I
failed many times. But I learned to rise again each time I fell. Each setback
became a platform for a comeback.
That is what life was like to me as a child. But my hardships are not
uncommon. There are so many others around the world who have faced even
worse. But my hardships taught me one valuable lesson. Never quit.

If the world knocks you down, get up. If all things conspire against you,
fight back. Quitting is not an option.
I was only 7 years old when I had to take responsibility for my three
siblings who were left under my care because our mother had to earn a living.
I took it upon myself to help her, "Mommy Dionisia", as she is fondly called by
the Filipinos, to earn extra money so that we can eat even just one decent
meal a day.
I was still in elementary school back then. I managed to attend classes
even without sleep and without food. There were days when it was only water
that kept me going. We were so poor that we could not even afford school
supplies; I would use my pencil even if there was only about an inch long of it
left that I could no longer hold it to write.
I remember when I was in the sixth grade, and my classmates would
flock around me for our mathematics homework because they knew I was
reliable when it came to numbers. I did their math homework for them, and in
exchange they would share their food with me because they knew I rarely had
Boxing turned my life around. I was only 14 years old when I left my
hometown in Mindanao so that I can train for it in Manila. My narrative took a
turn because of that crucial decision to take a big step away from my comfort
With the benefit of hindsight, I have realized that it is the grace of God
that transformed me from nothing into something.

My circle became bigger and bigger because of the countless

opportunities that boxing brought about. My victories in the ring pushed me
right into center stage and ushered in fame and fortune. Opportunities came
knocking at my door, one after the other.

I apply the same principles in public service. As a lifelong learner, I

must keep improving myself and I must not stop learning. That way, I remain
relevant to my people and the world that deserve the best of Manny Pacquiao,
inside and outside the ring.
For as long as I exist, I will keep showing up for life. I will continue to be
a learner and always strive to be a teacher by imparting my hard-earned
lessons to others.
Each one of you in this room can change the world. Have faith,
persevere. Find your passion and heed your calling. I urge you, as the Roman
poet Horace did: Carpe Diem -- seize the day.
And above all, FIGHT. Thank you and a pleasant afternoon.

The claim in the text:






My counterclaim:





Great job! You are done with the activities, have a break!
You deserve one.

What I Have Learned

To be an effective critical thinker, it is not enough just to be able to identify

claims and assertions. It is also important to have the ability to analyze an
argument and counterclaims. Counterclaims are claims made to rebut a previous
claim. They provide a contrasting perspective to the main argument.
Counterclaims – answer the question; “What are other credible possibilities?


Direction: Identify the following assertions as statements of convention, fact,

opinion, or preference.

___________1. Social media is defined as the Internet and mobile-based tools and
devices that facilitate the integration of technology,
telecommunications, and social interaction.
___________2. Facebook is a cooler social media platform than Twitter.
___________3. In 2012, there were 1.4 billion users of social media worldwide.
___________4. Teachers should use social media in their lessons to get more
students interested.
___________5. Another name for social media is “Web 2.0” because both terms
emphasize the social aspects of the Internet as avenues for
communication, collaboration, and creative expression.
___________6. Many teenagers’ present obsession with taking selfie’s shows they
are the most narcissistic generation.
___________7. Social networks are the most distracting websites on the internet.
___________8. In the first quarter of 2014, nearly 300 million smartphone units were
sold all over the world.
___________9. Parents ought to enforce stricter guidelines in social media to
safeguard their children’s privacy.
___________10. Children are learning how to operate mobile devices at increasingly
younger ages; many of them have an idea of how to use a
touchscreen tablet before they are two.

You have completed your journey in this module.
You did a great job!
It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
Good luck!

Senior High School

Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 4 - Module 2
Text and Context Connections
Learning Competency 7: Determine textual evidence to validate
assertions and counterclaims made about a text read.
S2 Q4 EN11/12RWS-IVac-10

Semester: 2nd Semester

Quarter: 4th Quarter
Number of Hours: 4 Hours

Lesson Text and Context Connections:

7 Textual Evidence

What’s New

Reading as a critical element of literacy is very essential for individuals’
success. It is one of the ways that we use language in our daily life to gather
information, communicate with others and for enjoyment. Hence, reading
always occurs in context. Thus, when you read and evaluate the text you are
reading, it is important to validate your assertions and counterclaims with valid
evidences to produce meaningful evaluative statements.

This module is all about determining textual evidence to validate assertions

and counterclaims made about a text read

What I Need to Know

By the end of this module, you will have been able to determine textual evidence to
validate assertions and counterclaims made about a text read.

To achieve the objectives of this module, do the following:

What I Know
 Take your time reading the lessons carefully;

 Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises


 Answer all the questions that you encounter. As you go through the
module, you will find help to answer these questions;

 Do the suggested tasks with patience and industry tasks; and

 Take your time to study and learn.

Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the correct answer by writing the letter
on the space before each number.

_______ 1. It is information gathered from the text that supports your evaluative
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence

B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 2. It is a statement used to make a declaration or to express strong belief
on a particular topic, often without evidence.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 3. It is a statement that you can make to reflect your judgment and
generalization about a text that you have read.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 4. These are statements that oppose the claims of the writer in the text.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 5. In formulating assertions and counterclaims about a text, it is important
to support one’s statement with __________.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 6. It is the act of mentioning a specific section of the text like an event or
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 7. It is stating a part of a text in the exact way it was written.
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 8. It is restating the text in your own words.
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 9. It is restating the text in a shorter way using your own words.
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 10. Textual evidence weakens the assertion or counterclaims about a text.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. It depends

Lesson Text and Context Connections:

Determining Textual Evidence
What’s New

In formulating assertions and counterclaims about a text, it is important that
you support your statements with textual evidence.

What is textual evidence?

Textual evidence is information gathered from the text that supports
your assertion or counterclaim about the text. It refers to any proof of an
argument, a claim, a counterclaim, an assertion cited in the text leading to a

In expressing your judgment about the text,

1. First, state your idea about the text.

2. To determine evidence from the text, look for clues and keywords that support
your idea about the text.
3. Quote or paraphrase the part of the text that helped you come up with your
4. Use quotation marks to quote a part of the text. If it is from a book, indicate the
page number at the end of your sentence.
5. Lastly, express how the quote supports your idea.

In citing textual evidence, you need to quote, paraphrase or refer to the

very specific part of the text where you can use to support your own thoughts
and ideas.

Below are types of textual evidence:

This is the act of mentioning a specific section of the text like an event
or action.
 According to Fussell, ‘The Oxford Book of English Verse presides over the
Great War in a way that has never been fully appreciated’ (159).
 Strickland tells the story of Minty Nelson, a 27-year-old Seattle University
employee and student, whose encounter with a census worker epitomizes
the identity battle faced constantly by multiracial people.

This is restating an author’s or someone else’s work using your own
words without losing the original idea of the text.


The original passage: The paraphrase:

Students frequently overuse 126 In research papers students
direct quotation in taking notes; as a often quote excessively, failing to
result they overuse quotations in the keep quoted material down to a
final (research) paper. Probably only desirable level. Since the problem
This is stating the essential ideas together of the text in a shorter way.


The original passage: The summary:

Students frequently overuse Students should take just a
direct quotation in taking notes; as a few notes in direct quotation from
result they overuse quotations in the sources to help minimize the amount
final (research) paper. Probably only of quoted material in a research
about 10% of your final manuscript paper (Lester, 1976 p. 46 – 47)
should appear as directly quoted
matter. Therefore, you should strive
to limit the amount of exact
transcribing of source materials while
taking notes (Lester, 1976 p. 46 – 47)

This is stating a part of a text in the exact way it was written.
 Samantha King, a forensic specialist, stated that “DNA evidence is usually
 According to Confucius, “You can’t open a book without learning

Support your statements with textual evidence to come up with strong

or solid arguments, and make your ideas more credible. You can come up

with good textual evidence by selecting the most relevant section of the text
that strongly supports your statement about the text.

Why do you need to determine textual evidence?

The need to answer questions after reading a text and or to share our ideas
enables us to go back to what we have read and give evidence from it to prove that
you are not just manufacturing your thoughts. Oftentimes, when we you are asked
about how nice a movie was, you need to cite part or parts of the movie which could
support your thoughts that it was indeed a very nice movie worthy to be watched.
What you are doing is using textual evidence.

Eric often gets wet on Saturdays. He wakes up at 6 o’clock in the
morning and goes straight to the faucet. He prepares a basin, soap, shampoo
and a stool. One by one, he calls out his fur friends for the Saturday mornings
Question: Based on the text, what is Eric’s work on Saturday mornings?
a. Washes clothes
b. Cooks for breakfast
c. Baths his pets
d. Preparing for work

Textual Evidence: One by one, he calls out his fur friends for the Saturday
mornings “ritual”

What is it?

Activity 16: Read the passages carefully. Write the letter of your choice on the
space before the number.
A lot of people waste time driving around when they are lost. This can be avoided
by asking other people for direction. The trick is to find a person who would point
the right direction.

_____ 1. Which of the following is an assertion regarding this text?

A. People should ask directions from strangers when they are lost so
that they do not waste time driving.
B. I agree with the claim of the writer that people should ask directions
from strangers to save time by asking someone reliable such as gas
station attendant.
C. I disagree with the claim of the writer that people should ask
directions because they might end up getting lost longer if a
stranger gives them wrong directions.
D. All of these are correct.

_____ 2. Which of the following is a counterclaim about the text above?

A. People should ask directions from strangers when they are lost so
that they do not waste time driving.
B. I agree with the claim of the writer that people should ask directions
from strangers to save time by asking someone reliable such as gas
station attendant.
C. I disagree with the claim of the writer that people should ask
directions because they might end up getting lost longer if a
stranger gives them wrong directions.
D. All of these are correct.

_____ 3.
“A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.”
Which of the following is the best paraphrase?

A. A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.
B. Internationally, a greeting by shaking hands is not the same.
C. A handshake means something different around the world.
D. All of these are correct.

_____ 4. “Climbing a mountain is a dangerous activity.”
Which of the following is the best paraphrase?

A. A perilous sport is climbing mountain

B. Climbing mountains is dangerous activity.
C. Climbing mountains can be an unsafe activity.
D. None of these are correct.

The Leboyer method of childbirth seeks to protect a newborn’s

delicate senses from the shock of bright lights, harsh sounds, and
rough handling. After the baby’s head has begun to emerge, lights are
dimmed and the delivery room is quieted. The baby is not held by the
ankles and slapped to encourage the first breath; Leboyer states that
since the fetus’’ spinal column has never been in a straight position; this
kind of handling is a severe shock to the infant. Instead, the baby, with
the umbilical cord still attached, is gently placed on the mother’s
abdomen until breathing begins naturally. At this point, the baby is
rinsed in a tepid bath, rather than weighed on a cold scale. Babies born
this way are usually relaxed and smiling, not tensed and screaming.
Some studies of Leboyer babies and standard-delivery have shown that
Leboyer children are slightly more physically advanced and quicker to
learn. Parents of Leboyer children, in general, saw the birth as a
positive and exhilarating experience.

_____ 5. Which sentence best summarizes the selection?

A. The usual method of childbirth subjects newborns to bright lights,
harsh sounds, and rough handling.
B. In the Leboyer method of childbirth, a newborn’s first breath is
never encouraged by the common process of holding the infant by
the ankles and slapping it.
C. The Leboyer method of childbirth, designed to protect a newborn’s
delicate sense from the shock of standard deliveries, has positive
D. All of these are correct.

Great job!
You’re done with the first activity. Then let’s take off to more fun
So, read on!

What is it?
Activity 17: Practice choosing the strongest piece of textual evidence to
support the claim. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before the number.

_____ Claim #1: Simple changes can cut your carbon emissions greatly!
A. I think that we need to do something quickly to help save the environment.
B. If you hang your clothes outside on the clothesline instead of using the
electric dryer, you can cut your carbon emissions by 351 lbs./year.
C. Kids can help parents by doing some household chores.

_____ Claim # 2: Exercise is important for the growth and development of children.
A. Children watch too much television.
B. All children love to ride their bikes outside and on trails through the forest.
C. Children who are active will have stronger muscles and bones.

_____ Claim # 3: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has many benefits.
A. Fruits and vegetables taste good.
B. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of heart disease.
C. There are many colorful fruits and vegetables for you to try.

_____ Claim # 4: Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health.

A. The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes temporarily
increases your heart rate and blood pressure, causing strain on your heart
and blood vessels.
B. Cigarette smoke smells really bad and that smell sticks to your hair
and clothes.
C. Secondhand smoke is bad for the people around you

_____ Claim # 5: Bullying is a common problem in schools across the province.

A. Children who are bullied experience suffering that can interfere with their
emotional and social development.
B. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some
time during their school years.
C. Action needs to be taken to stop bullying now!

Great job!
Are you having fun? Then let’s take off to more fun activities!
So, read on!

What is it?
Activity 18: Practice more. Read the passage and answer the questions below.
Cite the strongest piece of textual evidence to support your answer.

Passage # 1

Welcome! The tour is about to begin. First stop is the cornfield. It

must be time to pick the corn crop. The cow pasture is near the cornfield. The
cows eat grass and drink water. This helps them produce milk. A flock of sheep
grazes in their pasture. The sheep have coats of soft wool. At the barn, the pigs
are squealing at a dog that’s bothering them. The henhouse is the last stop on the
tour. The farmer is collecting the eggs. It’s time to say goodbye.

A. Define Words
Match the words with their definitions. Use a dictionary if you need help.

_____ 1. pasture a. textile fiber obtained from sheep and

other animals
b. high-pitched cry or noise
_____ 2. graze

c. land covered with grass and other low

plants suitable for grazing animals
_____ 3. wool

d. a large farm building for storing crops,

_____ 4. barn or for keeping animals in

e. to feed on land covered by grass

_____ 5. squealing

B. Analysis

✦ Where is this tour taking place?


✦ Cite the strongest piece of textual evidence to support your answer.


Passage # 2

Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit. People begin to smoke for

the fun of it. They think that it’s easy to stop all of a sudden. The truth is
that it is very difficult to quit smoking. My uncle began smoking one
cigarette a day. He now smokes more than thirty cigarettes a day. Some
people get addicted to smoking and needs to smoke cigarettes
continuously. It is called chain smoking. When we sit beside a smoker,
we unknowingly breathe in smoke. This is called passive smoking which
is equally bad for our health. If a pregnant woman smokes it is harmful for
her child. Smoking is bad for our skin and cause cancer. Smokers have
dark lips and bad breath. Constant smoking destroys our lungs. It causes
mouth and lung cancer and slowly leads to loss of appetite. When we
smoke the tobacco in the cigarette burns and we inhale the smoke.
Smoking gradually destroys our body part and so it is a silent killer.

A. Context Clues
Circle the meaning of the underlined word used in the sentence.
1. Having lost nearly all of his savings, he finally realized he was addicted to
A. apathetic B. clearheaded C. dependent D. sober

2. She returned to her room to clean herself up, cursing peanut butter for
ruining her appetite as she went.
A. craving B. satisfaction C. fullness D. satiety

3. When we sit beside a smoker, we unknowingly breathe in smoke. This is

called passive smoking.
A. protesting B. involuntary C. resistant D. willful

B. Analysis
Assertion: Smoking cigarette is a bad habit.
✦ Cite the strongest piece of textual evidence to support the assertion.
Use paraphrasing.


Passage # 3

The slave owners justified their inhuman cruelty by blaming the

Africans themselves for their enslavement. For example, Captain
Snelgrave argued that slaves “had forfeited their Freedom before I
bought them, either by Crimes or by being taken in War, according to the
Custom of their Country; and they being now my Property, I was resolved
to let them feel my Resentment, if they abused my kindness.” By saying
they were rightfully slaves because of their “Crimes” in Africa, Snelgrave
blamed the slaves rather than himself for the loss of their freedom. His
promise that disobedient slaves would “feel” his anger shows that
physical punishment would result from this supposed legality of slavery.
It’s true that the Captain emphasizes his acts of “kindness” in comparison
with other slavers. But Snelgrave’s professions of humanity should be
taken with a grain of salt. For example, when says the mutineer slaves
begged him to “forgive them, and promising for the future to be obedient .
. . if I would not punish them this time,” it’s clear that he has punished
them before. Their child-like request for “forgiveness” comes from their
complete and violent deprivation of liberty—not from the slave captain’s
humane treatment.

A. Writing Sentences
Use the given words in a sentence based on the given definition.
Observe proper capitalization and correct punctuation.

1. justified – (adj.) done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason


2. enslavement – (n.) the action of making someone a slave; subjugation.


3. mutineer – (n.) a person, especially a soldier or sailor, who rebels or
refuses to obey the orders of a person in authority


4. deprivation – (n.) the state of being kept from enjoying or using

something; the state of being deprived


5. liberty – (n.) the state of being free within society from oppressive
restrictions imposed by authority


B. Analysis
Assertion: The slave owners believed their inhuman cruelty was

✦ Cite the strongest piece of textual evidence to support the assertion.

Use quoting.

Good thinking!
Let’s take off to the next activity!
So, read on!

What is it?

Activity 19: Cite the strongest piece of textual evidence to support your
assertion and counterclaim.

An excerpt of Meat Culture

By Steve Pavlina

When I see a piece of flesh on someone’s plate, I also see the processes
that brought it to their plate. Some people argue that plants may be harmed by
being eaten. I happen to agree. If we care about minimizing harm to plants, then
we’ll do much less harm by eating them directly as opposed to grinding them up,
feeding them to animals, and then grinding up and eating the animals. If we
stopped growing crops to feed to animals and fed those crops to people directly,
it’s estimated that we’d have enough food to feed the whole planet five times
over. So if you do actually care about plants, then you can greatly reduce your
plant harm by eating plants directly. Another way to reduce harm to plants is to
favor fruits that can be eaten without killing the plants. You can eat a wide variety
of fruits, both sweet and non-sweet, without seriously hurting the plant that
spawned it. And that same plant will often continue to bear even more fruit. I
think a more sensible and realistic approach is to keep leaning towards a more
conscious, compassionate, and ecologically sound way of eating.

If you want to argue that we should model predators’ diets to justify meat
culture, I encourage you to go ahead and try being a truly predatory person for a
while. Do it consciously. Prey on the weak. See where that takes you.

Source: (Pavlina, 2014)

Write your assertion with textual evidence.


Write your counterclaim with textual evidence.

Great job! You are done with the activities, have a break!
You deserve one.

What I Have Learned

Textual evidence is information gathered from the text that supports your
assertion or counterclaim about the text. It refers to any proof of an argument, a
claim, a counterclaim, an assertion cited in the text leading to a conclusion.

Types of textual evidence:

Paraphrasing is restating the text in your own words.
Summarizing is restating the text in a shorter way using your own words.
Referencing is mentioning a specific section of the text.
Quoting is stating a part of a text in the exact way it was written.

In locating textual evidence, decide which type of textual evidence will best support
your statement before locating textual evidence. Always look for clues and
keywords that support your evaluative statement/s about the text.


Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the correct answer by writing the letter
on the space before each number.

_______ 1. It is information gathered from the text that supports your evaluative
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 2. It is a statement used to make a declaration or to express strong belief
on a particular topic, often without evidence.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 3. It is a statement that you can make to reflect your judgment and
generalization about a text that you have read.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 4. These are statements that oppose the claims of the writer in the text.

A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 5. In formulating assertions and counterclaims about a text, it is important
to support one’s statement with __________.
A. Assertion C. Textual Evidence
B. Evaluative Statement D. Counterclaim
_______ 6. It is the act of mentioning a specific section of the text like an event or
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 7. It is stating a part of a text in the exact way it was written.
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 8. It is restating the text in your own words.
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 9. It is restating the text in a shorter way using your own words.
A. Referencing C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Quoting
_______ 10. Textual evidence weakens the assertion or counterclaims about a text.
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. It depends

You have completed your journey in this module.
You did a great job!
It’s now time to go on to the next adventure…
Good luck!


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