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EPalika User Manual

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User Manual

Hupsekot Rural Municipality
Project Management and Workflow System

Designed and Developed


Krennova Pvt. Ltd

Kalanki-14, Kathmandu,
Phone: +977 14489251/ +977 9801155772
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 6
2. INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT ........................................................................................................ 6
3. USER LOGIN ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 FOR LOGIN ..................................................................................................................................... 8
4. SETTING PAGE/ सेिटं ग......................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 SYNCHRONIZE USER (EMPLOYEE)/ नयाँ कमर्चािर थप्नुहोस् .................................................................... 9

4.1.1 Add User/ नयाँ कमर्चािर थप्नुहोस्.................................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Assign User Role / कमर्चािरको भूिमका तोक्नुहोस् ........................................................................... 11
4.2 ROLE AND PERMISSION / भूिमका र अनुमित ........................................................................................ 11
4.2.1 Add New Role / नयाँ भूिमका थप्नुहोस् ........................................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Add New Permission for a Role/ भूिमकामा अनुमित थप्नुहोस् .......................................................... 13
4.3 ADD FISCAL YEAR/ आिथर् क वषर् थप्नुहोस् ........................................................................................... 14
4.4 ADD DEPARTMENT / िवभाग थप्नुहोस् ................................................................................................ 15

5. USER DETAIL/ कमर्चारीको सूची .......................................................................................................... 16

5.1 DISPLAY EMPLOYEE DETAILS / कमर्चारीको सूची देखाउनुहोस् ............................................................... 16

5.1.1 Add Employee Record/ कमर्चारी िववरण थप्नुहोस् .......................................................................... 17
5.1.2 View, Edit and Delete Employee Records / कमर्चारी िववरण सम्पादन गनुर्होस् .................................. 18
5.2 EXTERNAL USER DETAILS / प्रयोगकतार् िववरण .................................................................................. 19

6. PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ योजना व्यवस्थापन.................................................................................. 21

6.1 CREATE NEW APPLICATION/ नयाँ आबेदन बनाऊनुहोस......................................................................... 21

6.2 APPLICATION RECEIVED FROM USER COMMITTEE/ उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदन........................... 22
6.2.1 View Application / योजना आबेदन हेनुर्होस .................................................................................... 23
6.2.2 Edit Application / योजना आबेदन सम्पादन गनुर्होस् ......................................................................... 26
6.2.3 Assign Task / कायर् तोक्नुहोस् ...................................................................................................... 26
6.2.4 Project Agreement / योजना सम्झौता ........................................................................................... 27
6.2.5 Create Project / योजना िसजर्ना गनुर्होस् ........................................................................................ 28
6.3 PROJECT LIST/ योजनाका सूचीहरु ..................................................................................................... 29
7. USER COMMITTEE/ उपभो%ता स)म+त ................................................................................................... 32

7.1 ADD USER COMMITTEE/ उपभोक्ता सिमित थप्नुहोस्............................................................................. 32

7.2 USER COMMITTEE LIST / उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण .......................................................................... 33
7.3 VIEW USER COMMITTEE / उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण हेनुर्होस .............................................................. 34
7.3.1 Application/ आवेदन ................................................................................................................... 36
7.3.2 Aggrement of Project / उपभो*ता र काया0लयको सम्झौता .................................................................... 36
7.3.3 Cover Letter/ काया0देश ................................................................................................................ 38
7.3.4 Meeting Decisions /बैठकका 6नण0यह9 ............................................................................................ 39
7.3.5 Income and Expenses Details/ आ:दानी खच0को >ववरण .................................................................... 40
7.3.6 Construction and Equipment/ 6नमा0ण र उपकरणको >ववरण................................................................ 42
7.3.7 Project Photos/ योजना स:बिCधत फोटोहG ....................................................................................... 43
7.3.8 Project Progress Status/ योजना Hग6त िJथ6त ................................................................................. 45
7.3.9 Public Partnership/ जनसहभाLगताको Mबबरण ................................................................................... 46
7.3.10 Payment Request/ भु*तानी अनुरोध ........................................................................................... 48 Payment Processing ............................................................................................................ 49
Project Management and Workflow System User Manual Hupsekot Rural Municipality

7.3.11 Additional Documents/ अCय दJतावेजहG थप गनु0होस ................................................................... 50

8. योजनाको प्रवाह ....................................................................................................................................... 52

8.1 कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस् ......................................................................................................................... 52

8.1.1 General Task ........................................................................................................................... 52
8.1.2 User Committee Project Application ........................................................................................ 53
8.1.3 Project Payment Request ......................................................................................................... 54
9. USER COMMITTEE LOGIN/ उपभोक्ता सिमित लग - इन ..................................................................... 56
9.1 USER COMMITTEE MEMBERS REGISTRATION ................................................................................. 56
9.2 USER COMMITTEE MEMBERS LOGIN ............................................................................................. 58

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1. Introduction

Hupsekot Rural Municipality is located in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat East) district under Gandaki
Province, Nepal. The Hupsekot Rural Municipality is spread over 189 SQ KM and has
population of 25065 with male population of 11,272 and a female population of 13,793.
Hupsekot Rural Municipality has assigned Krennova a project to design and development of
digital village profile and project management system for Rural Municipality, which will
provide the edge in service delivery and helps in digitalizing of manual work process and record
keeping system that exists in Municipal in current date. This is in align with the vision of
‘Digital Nepal’ set forward by Government of Nepal and helps in better service delivery within
Rural Municipality.

2. Introduction of Project

The purpose of the project was to design and develop a Project Tracking Application for
Huspekot Rural Municipality for strengthening the project implementation, data collection and
maintenance, with features to incorporate project tracking, task assignment, document
archiving and storage and retrieval of documents as needed. This project aims in developing a
project management system capable registering projects (only for projects run in coordination
with user committee), with detail information of projects, documentation, processes.

The application will be a comprehensive web browser-based application with modular

architecture. This application will act as a management level tool which is concerned with the
process of collecting, processing, and evaluating relevant information of project to support the
management operations and decisions making. The project tracking features will make easily
accessible of detail information of each project when needed over the internet. The project has
been accomplished within the scope determined in each of the phases.
o To develop a project management system capable registering projects (only for projects
run in coordination with user committee), with detail information of projects,
documentation, processes.
o Design and develop departmental workflow process for departments within rural

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Pages, Functionalities and How to Use Steps

Project Management and Workflow System

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3. User Login

The system developed is fully web-based system, thus, to get access to the system user should
have access to internet and laptop or desktop, with internet browsers to access the system.

3.1 For login

• Open the URL http://hupsekotprojects.epalika.com/#/
• Once login screen is opened, enter your user name and password. (Please contact
Admin for your login credentials)
• Click on 'LOGIN', to login to the system.

• Once you click on login you will be re-direct to the dashboard of the application.

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4. Setting Page/ सेिटंग

To visit the setting page, the admin must click on the ‘Setting/ सेिटं ग’ on menu as shown in the
figure below this will redirect the admin to setting page:

4.1 Synchronize User (Employee)/ नयाँ कमर्चािर थप्नुहोस्

4.1.1 Add User/ नयाँ कमर्चािर थप्नुहोस्

To add a new user, the Admin has to login to epalika (http://hupsekot.epalika.com/#/)

application and then use ‘नयाँ कमर्चािर थप्नुहोस्’ button from ‘कमर्चािर िववरण’ tab on the menu of
the application.

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As new user is added to epalika, the same set of user can synchronize users to ‘project’
application by pressing ‘Sync ePalika User’ button located on the application. Once
synchronization is completed admin user can see the details of user, under project application

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4.1.2 Assign User Role / कमर्चािरको भूिमका तोक्नुहोस्

As user is synchronized to the system as listed on step 4.1.2, the admin user has to assign the
particular staff with the ‘Project Application’ role, by clicking on the edit button listed on the
right-hand side of each row of employee name.

Once edit button is clicked a pop up will be appear with ‘Staff Information’, with selected user
name. Admin user can assign the user with the project role as populated under ‘Role’
dropdown. Once assigned with specific role admin can save the data by pressing ‘सुरिक्षत
गनुर्होस’ button. Now the synchronized user has the system access under current application.

4.2 Role and Permission / भूिमका र अनुमित

PMWS can be access by the internal member of the organization, to have the specific access,
admin user has to assign user with the role and permission within the application, which can
be done from Setting/ सेिटं ग à Setting/ सेिटं गà Role and Permission tab.

4.2.1 Add New Role / नयाँ भूिमका थप्नुहोस्

To add new role admin user has to

• Click on ‘Role and Permission’ tab of the setting section and clock on ‘Add New Role’
• Once ‘Add New Role’ is clicked, a page will be open with role name and description.

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• Admin user can add specific role name and description and save the role name by
clicking on ‘Submit’ button.
• Added role will be displayed under ‘Role’ column under ‘Role and Permission’ tab.

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4.2.2 Add New Permission for a Role/ भूिमकामा अनुमित थप्नुहोस्

To add new permission admin user has to

• Click on ‘Role and Permission’ tab of the setting section and clock on ‘Add Permission
for a Role’ button.
• Once ‘Add Permission for a Role’ is clicked, a page will be open with ‘Role
Permission’ detail.
• Admin user can assign specific permission to role name listed under ‘Roles’ dropdown.
Admin has to select the Role name and on basis of selection, admin has to tick on the
roles listed on the ‘Role Permission’ area.
• Admin user can either press ‘Submit’ button to save the role or ‘Reset’ button to reset
the added role to default.

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4.3 Add Fiscal Year/ आिथर्क वषर् थप्नुहोस्

Admin user has option to select the specific fiscal year for the application. To add fiscal year
on PMWS admin user has to go to Setting/ सेिटं ग à Setting/ सेिटं गà Fiscal Year tab. To add
fiscal year
• Admin user has to select ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ for that specific fiscal year.
• Once specific date is inserted, user has option to make inserted as a default date in
system, which can be done by pressing tick button before ‘Current Year’
• Admin user has to click ‘Submit’ to save current fiscal year.
• The added fiscal date is displayed below ‘Submit’ button, with above added details.

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4.4 Add Department / िवभाग थप्नुहोस्

Admin user has option add specific department as per their organization setting. To add
Department on PMWS admin user has to go to Setting/ सेिटं ग à िवभाग menu. To add
department/ िवभाग.
• Admin user has to insert department name under ‘Department Name’ field and press
‘Add Department’ + button, to save and display added detail on list above.

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5. User Detail/ कमर्चारीको सूची

System will allow privilege user to see the details of employee/ कमर्चारी िववरण and other users
added on PMWS.

5.1 Display Employee Details / कमर्चारीको सूची देखाउनुहोस्

To access the employee details user has to navigate to ‘कमर्चारी’ menu, and press on कमर्चारीको
• Once कमर्चारीको सूची is clicked, details of employee will be displayed with option to
add new employee, or to view details of employee under same page.
• User has option to filter the user details from ‘Search’ field located on right hand side
of the page or to see specific number of entry on the page by selecting ‘show __ entries’
area on left hand side of the list.

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5.1.1 Add Employee Record/ कमर्चारी िववरण थप्नुहोस्

Privilege user can add employee records to the system, to add new employee, privilege user
can either click ‘Add’ from कमर्चारीको सूची page or can click sub menu ‘कमर्चारी िववरण थप्नुहोस्’.
• System will display a form with the details, which when filled and pressed ‘सुरिक्षत
गनुर्होस’ the records will be saved and when pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form will reset as
in previous stage.

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5.1.2 View, Edit and Delete Employee Records / कमर्चारी िववरण सम्पादन गनुह
र् ोस्

Privilege user can view, edit and delete employee records. To view, edit and delete employee
records user need to navigate to कमर्चारीको सूची page and click the button listed on each row of
• ‘View’ icon will display all the saved record of employee
• ‘Edit’ icon will display all the saved record of employee and populate specific records
of employee for edit. Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the

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records will be updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form will reset as in previous
• ‘Delete’ icon remove the record of employee. To delete a system will populate waring
message for conformation and if confirmed by user, the record of user will be removed
from the system.

5.2 External User Details / प्रयोगकतार् िववरण

To access the external user details/ प्रयोगकतार् िववरण privilege has to navigate to ‘प्रयोगकतार्
िववरण’ menu, and press on प्रयोगकतार्को सूची.
• Once प्रयोगकतार्को सूची is clicked, details of user will be displayed.
• Display page will have default status as pending, and privilege user can change status
to either on hold, active or decline, based on the necessity from Status menu. Detail on
user registration is provided on section 9.1 Registration of User Committee.
• User has option to filter the user details from ‘Choose Status’ field located on right hand
side of the page or to user list as per the status of approval.
• Once assigned with specific status, privilege can change the status of particular user
from same dropdown under Status menu.

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6. Project Management/ योजना व्यवस्थापन

PMWS main core feature is to add the project details run by user committee, under project
management section. It can be added by two way
• Once application is received from the user committee/ external users, with details of
project and/or (detail of user committee application process is listed on section 9.1
Registration of User Committee)
• When privilege user from municipality will be filling the form for a project, which
will be listed under this section.

6.1 Create New Application/ नयाँ आबेदन बनाऊनुहोस

To create new project application municipal user has to

o Go to योजना व्यवस्थापन menu
o Click on नयाँ आबेदन बनाऊनुहोस and fill up the entire form listed under योजना िववरण and
once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.
o User can inset following information related to project under this form
o योजना िववरण
o योजनाको अनुमािनत लागत िववरण
o भैितक अनुदान िववरण
o योजनाबाट लाभािन्भत हुने
o उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण (अध्यक्ष, उपाध्यक्ष, कोषाध्यक्ष, सिचव र सदस्य िववरण)
o अनुगमन सिमितको िववरण : उपभोक्ता सिमित
o अनुगमन सिमितको िववरण : अनुगमन सिमित (नगरपािलका)
o योजनाको ममर्त सम्भार सम्बिन्ध ब्यबस्था
o आवश्यक फाइलहरू अट्या्च गनुर्होस्
§ User can add multiple entry under योजनाको अनुमािनत लागत िववरण,
भैितक अनुदान िववरण, योजनाबाट लाभािन्भत हुने, उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण :
सदस्य, अनुगमन सिमितको िववरण : उपभोक्ता सिमित, अनुगमन सिमितको
िववरण, अनुगमन सिमित (नगरपािलका), योजनाको ममर्त सम्भार सम्बिन्ध ब्यबस्था
and आवश्यक फाइलहरू अट्या्च गनुर्होस्. System provided delete option
within the form for unwanted records.

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6.2 Application Received from User Committee/ उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदन

The application created under section ‘6.1 Create New Application/ नयाँ आबेदन बनाऊनुहोस’
when saved will be populated under this section – ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदन’ where user
can see details on each application with option of
• View – View the deatil on application
• Edit – Edit application and save the edited section
• Assign Task- Assign the particular task to municipal personnel for further processing
• Agreement – Conduct the agreement with user committee for project to start
• Crate Project – Create a project for further tracking and updates.

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Privilege user can search application from the unique token generated from the system, by
inserting the token number in टोकन field, while further filter can be done on basis of application
submission year आिथर् क वषर् and status of the application listed under आवेदन िस्थित (details of
each status are listed in dropdown field)

6.2.1 View Application / योजना आबेदन हेनहुर् ोस

Privilege user can view project detail on the system, to view project detail, privilege user can
click on ‘View’ icon under योजना व्यवस्थापन à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना आबेदन,
where user can see the details of previously filled form either by user committee or by
municipal personnel.

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o User can view audit log of the project by clicking on ‘Audit’ under योजना व्यवस्थापन
à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना आबेदन

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6.2.2 Edit Application / योजना आबेदन सम्पादन गनुर्होस्

Privilege user can edit project detail on the system, to edit project detail, privilege user can
click on ‘Edit’ icon under योजना व्यवस्थापन à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना आबेदन,
o User can see the details of previously filled form either by user committee or by
municipal personnel, can edit specific section or entire form.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.

6.2.3 Assign Task / कायर् तोक्नुहोस्

Privilege user assign project detail on the system, privilege user can click on ‘Assign’ icon
under योजना व्यवस्थापन à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना आबेदन, where
• User can insert detail on the project including काय0 >ववरण, काय0 स:पCन गनप
ु0 नP Qम6त,
कामको HाथQमकता, तोRकएको / पेस भएको शाखा, तोRकएको कम0चारTको नाम, काय0को Hकार and
फाइलह9 अVया्च details so that application can be send for further review, work
order and or for apporval.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.
o The form will be assigned to respective personnel and will be displayed under कायर्
आदेशà कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस्à योजनाको प्रवाह for each assignee.

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6.2.4 Project Agreement / योजना सम्झौता

Privilege user can conduct the project agreement with user committee. To perform project
agreement user need click on ‘Agreement’ icon under योजना व्यवस्थापन à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट
प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना आबेदन, where
o User can fill the details on ‘Agreement Detail’ side pop up, with required details field
including स:झौताको Qम6त, स:झौताको Jथान, उ.स. को तफ0बाट हJताpरकता0, Date उ.स.
हJताpर Qम6त, पाQलकाको तफ0बाट हJताpरकता0, पाQलका हJताpर Qम6त, योजना सु9 Qम6त र
योजना अनुमा6नत समािqत Qम6त.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.

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6.2.5 Create Project / योजना िसजर्ना गनुर्होस्

Privilege user can create project on the system, to create project detail, privilege user can click
on ‘Create Project’ icon under योजना व्यवस्थापन à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना
आबेदन, where
o Once user clicks the ‘create project’ icon, a side pop up will open where user should
specify the योजना सुरू िमित र योजना अनुमािनत समािप्त िमित.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.

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6.3 Project List/ योजनाका सूचीहरु

Once the agreement is completed and the project is created the application will now be the
part of ‘Project List’, which are located under योजना व्यवस्थापन à योजनाका सूचीहरुà योजना,
where user can view the application and request for the payment.

Privilge user can view the application by clicking on ‘View’ icon on the action field, while
request for payment by clicking on payment icon on the same page.
o View allows user to view the application status till date, with progress while
o Payment will allow user to request for the payment for the project, which can be
accessed by clicking icon and ‘Request for Payment’ button on ‘Request Payments’
side pop up. This will allow another slider pop up where user can fill the request for
payment information including
o भुक्तानीको प्रकार, अनुरोध िमित, मााग रकम

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7. User Committee/ उपभो%ता स)म+त

Privilge user can view the deatil of user committee by clicking on ‘उपभोक्ता सिमित’ from menu,
where user committee detail can be viewed, added and or created.

7.1 Add User Committee/ उपभोक्ता सिमित थप्नुहोस्

New user committe can be added by clicking ‘उपभोक्ता सिमित थप्नुहोस्’ from menu, where user
committee detail can be added and or created.

User committee can be also added from उपभोक्ता सिमितà उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण, by
clicking on ‘Add’ button and completing the form.

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In both the case Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will
be updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application. Additionally, user
also has option to select a particular fiscal year for which that user committee will be active
by clicking आिथर् क वषर् dropdown on right hand dropdown of the page.

7.2 User Committee List / उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण

Details of user committee created till date can be viewed from उपभोक्ता सिमितà उपभोक्ता
सिमितको िववरण. User also has option to select a particular fiscal year for which that user
committee was active by clicking आिथर् क वषर् dropdown on right hand dropdown of the page.

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Privilege user has option to view user committee, edit and delete user committee. To view,
delete and edit a specific user committee user has to navigate to उपभोक्ता सिमितà उपभोक्ता
सिमितको िववरण.
o View – View allows to view the detail of user committee till date.
o Edit – allows user to edit the information of the user committee created
o Delete – allows to delete the user committee.

7.3 View User Committee / उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण हेनुर्होस

To view उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण, user can navigate from उपभोक्ता सिमितà उपभोक्ता सिमितको
िववरण. Once view icon is clicked the detail on User committee will be displayed with
following details.

User committee detail page shows the details of the projects as well as various forms/
documents that will be needed by user committee for completing their project.
• आवेदन
• उपभोक्ता र कायार्लयको सम्झौता
• Cover Letter / कायार्देश
• बैठकका िनणर्यहरू
• आम्दानी खचर्को िववरण
• िनमार्ण र उपकरणको िववरण
• योजना सम्बिन्धत फोटोहरु
• योजना प्रगित िस्थित

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• जनसहभािगताको िबबरण
• भुक्तानी अनुरोध
• अन्य दस्तावेजहरु थप गनुर्होस

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7.3.1 Application/ आवेदन

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

Once user clicks on the application/ आवेदन, the system diverts users to previously created and
submitted application, where user can view details on application and audit log of the process
conducted on that application as required.

7.3.2 Aggrement of Project / उपभो%ता र काया4लयको सम्झौता

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

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Agreement on the project shows the detail of agreement that should be conducted between
user committee and the municipality.
• Once user clicks on उपभोक्ता र कायार्लयको िजम्मेवारी button, system will divert user to next
page with details on the clauses of the application.
o If the agreement has not been completed, the system shows an error message
stating that the agreements hasn’t been completed (user can complete the
agreement from योजना व्यवस्थापन à उपभोक्ता सिमितबाट प्राप्त आबेदनà योजना
o If the application has been completd system will populate the details of the user
committee and the signatory from the municipal side. Which when reviewed can be
printed in desired format too.

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7.3.3 Cover Letter/ काया4देश

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side menu,
will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run by user

Cover letter/ कायार्देश, shows the formal work order that has been issued by the municipal to
begin with the work. It can be accessed by clicking on ‘Cover Letter/ कायार्देश’ button from
उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण page. The details are filled and are populated as per the information,
previously feed into the system.

System also provides user with option to print the details listed by clicking the print button
located at the top right corner of the page.

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7.3.4 Meeting Decisions /बैठकका +नण4यह<

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side menu,
will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run by user

Meeting Decision/ बैठकका िनणर्यहरू, allows user committee members to add the details of the
meeting conducted by user committee. User has option to add details by
• Navigate to उपभोक्ता सिमितको : बैठकका िनणर्यहरू
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with उपभोक्ता सिमितको : बैठकका िनणर्यहरू listing
o Date, meeting number/ occurrence and details of the meeting.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the उपभोक्ता
सिमितको : बैठकका िनणर्यहरू page.
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7.3.5 Income and Expenses Details/ आ>दानी खच4को Bववरण

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

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Income and expense details/ आम्दानी खचर्को िववरण, allows user committee members to add
the income and expenses incurred during the project operation. User committee has option to
add details by
• Navigate to आम्दानी खचर्को िववरण
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with आम्दानी खचर्को िववरण, listing
o Date/ िमित, details/ िववरण, radio button to choose either from income or
expenses/ आम्दानी/ खचर्, amount (Rs.)/ नगद (रु), Kind (Rs.)/ िजन्सी (रु)/ labor (Rs.)/
श्रम (रु)and remarks/ िटप्पणी.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the आम्दानी खचर्को
िववरण page.

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7.3.6 Construction and Equipment/ +नमा4ण र उपकरणको Bववरण

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

Construction and equipment / िनमार्ण र उपकरणको िववरण , allows user committee members to
add the income and expenses incurred during the project operation. User committee has
option to add details by
• Navigate to िनमार्ण र उपकरणको िववरण
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with उपभोक्ता सिमितको : िनमार्ण र उपकरणको िववरण, listing
o खिरद/ प्राप्त िमित, िजन्सी खाता पाना नं, िववरण, ईकाई, आम्दानी (रु.), खचर् (रु.), मौज्दात
(रु.), िनमार्ण सामाग्री िदने व्यिक्त वा संस्थाको, िटप्पणी
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the िनमार्ण र
उपकरणको िववरण page.

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7.3.7 Project Photos/ योजना स>बिEधत फोटोहI

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side menu,
will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run by user

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Project Photos/ योजना सम्बिन्धत फोटोहरु, allows user committee members to add the income
and expenses incurred during the project operation. User committee has option to add photos
• Navigate to योजना सम्बिन्धत फोटोहरु
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with योजना सम्बिन्धत फोटोहरु, listing
o Project Image (फाइल छनौट गनुर्होस), Picture Type (Choose आयोजना संन्चालन
पुबर्को अबस्था आयोजना स्वीकृत पश्चात् िनमार्ण प्रारम्भको अबस्था िनमार्ण कायर्मा संलग्न
मजदुरहरु िनमार्ण सम्पन्न पश्चात् अवस्था), Description
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the योजना सम्बिन्धत
फोटोहरु page.

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7.3.8 Project Progress Status/ योजना Jग+त िLथ+त

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

Project Progress Status/ योजना प्रगित िस्थित, allows user committee members to add the updates
and track the progress during the project operation. User committee has option to add details
• Navigate to योजना प्रगित िस्थित
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with योजना प्रगित िस्थित, listing
o िमित, मुख्य मुख्य कामको िववरण, भौितक लक्ष्य (ईकाई), भौितक प्रगित, प्रगित प्रितशत,
खचर् भएको रकम, िटप्पणी
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the योजना प्रगित
िस्थित page.

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7.3.9 Public Partnership/ जनसहभाNगताको Oबबरण

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side menu,
will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run by user

Public Partnership/ जनसहभािगताको िबबरण, allows user committee members to add public
partnership throughout the project operation. User committee has option to add details by
• Navigate to जनसहभािगताको िबबरण

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• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.

• A new side pop up will open with जनसहभािगताको िबबरण, listing
o सहभािगता प्रदान गनेर् व्यिक्त/ समुहको नाम, ठे गाना, जनासहभािगताको कामको िववरण,
श्रमदान (िदन), श्रमदान बराबरको (रु), नगद सहयोग (रु), अन्य सामाग्री सहयोग (रु),
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the जनसहभािगताको
िबबरण page.

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7.3.10 Payment Request/ भु%तानी अनुरोध

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

Payment Request/ भुक्तानी अनुरोध, allows user committee members to add public partnership
throughout the project operation. User committee has option to add details by
• Navigate to जनसहभािगताको िबबरण
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with भुक्तानी अनुरोध, listing
o भुक्तानीको प्रकार (radio button on चालु िबल or योजना समाापन), अनुरोध िमित, मााग
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on भुक्तानी अनुरोध page.

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Once the request for payment is received from user committee the privilege user has option to
change the status for the payment from ‘Request Status’ dropdown, the default status will be
pending, which can be changes by user as required.

Also, system has option to assign a particular payment to the designated personnel for
approval or further processing, which can be done from ‘Assign’ section by pressing on
‘Assign’ button. Once assign button is clicked system will display
• User can insert detail on the project including तोिकएको अिन्तम िमित, Department, Staff
Name, Category (radio button either task or information), Priority (high, medium or
low) and detail on the payment request and option to add file under the request.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the request.
o The form will be assigned to respective personnel and will be displayed under कायर्
आदेशà कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस्à योजनाको प्रवाह for each assignee.

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7.3.11 Additional Documents/ अEय दLतावेजहI थप गन4ह

ु ोस

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

Additional documents including but not limited to

• प्रािविधक/आगन्तुकको अिभलेख, सल्लाह एवं सुझाब
• उपभोक्ता/सामुदाियक सिमितको कायर्क्रम िववरण
• सावर्जिनक परीक्षण प्रितवेदनको ढांचा
• सावर्जिनक पिरक्षणका लािग िनमार्ण व्यवसायी िववरण
• िनमार्ण पिरक्षण प्रितवेदन

अन्य दस्तावेजहरु थप गनुर्होस, allows user committee members to add other documents related to
the project operation. User committee has option to add details by
• Navigating to अन्य दस्तावेजहरु थप गनुर्होस submenu
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with अन्य दस्तावेजहरु थप गनुर्होस, listing
o File name, select and attach file option
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.

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• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on the अन्य दस्तावेजहरु
थप गनुर्होस page.

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8. योजनाको प्रवाह

योजनाको प्रवाह/ Project workflow shows the detail of the task assigned under general assignment
or specific project. General task shows the task that should be part of day to day operation or
assignment, which can be assigned to specific person or the department as per the requirement.

Additionally, user committee project application shows the user committee specific task
assignment for internal member of municipality, this is divided either on task or the
information, which will state the date as well as the task that has to be completed.

8.1 कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस्

8.1.1 General Task

General task shows the task that should be part of day to day operation or assignment, which
can be assigned to specific person or the department as per the requirement. Privilege user
assign project detail on the system, privilege user can click on ‘Assign’ icon under योजनाको
प्रवाह à कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस् à General Task, where user can see the list of the task assigned

• User can insert detail on the project including काय0 >ववरण, काय0 स:पCन गनप
ु0 नP Qम6त,
कामको HाथQमकता, तोRकएको / पेस भएको शाखा, तोRकएको कम0चारTको नाम, काय0को Hकार and
फाइलह9 अVया्च details so that task can be send for further review, work order
and or for apporval.
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be updated
and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.
o The form will be assigned to respective personnel and will be displayed under
योजनाको प्रवाह à कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस् à General Task for each assignee.

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8.1.2 User Committee Project Application

User committee project application shows the user committee specific task assignment for
internal member of municipality, this is divided either on task or the information, which will
state the date as well as the task that has to be completed. Privilege user assign project detail
on the system, privilege user can click on ‘Assign’ icon under योजनाको प्रवाह à कायर्प्रवाह
तोक्नुहोस् à User Committee Project Application, where user can see the list of the task

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• User can see the detail of task that has been assigned to them, which can be in either
form of review, work order and or for apporval, in form of either information or task
• As per the request user can perform the task, while sending with updates or just view it
for informative purpose. User will be able to see detail on the project including काय0
>ववरण, काय0 स:पCन गनु0पनP Qम6त, कामको HाथQमकता, तोRकएको / पेस भएको शाखा, तोRकएको
कम0चारTको नाम, काय0को Hकार and फाइलह9 अVया्च.
• User if wants to send the updates to the task can fill up the details including
o काय0 >ववरण, काय0 स:पCन गनु0पनP Qम6त, कामको HाथQमकता, तोRकएको / पेस भएको
शाखा, तोRकएको कम0चारTको नाम, काय0को Hकार and फाइलह9 अVया्च and send it to
desire person
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the form to cancel the application.
o The form will be assigned to respective personnel and will be displayed under योजनाको
प्रवाह à कायर्प्रवाह तोक्नुहोस् à General Task for each assignee.

8.1.3 Project Payment Request

User committe details can be viewed by clicking view icon on each row of user committe (as
listed on section 7.3) , which will open a new page with ‘उपभोक्ता सिमितको िववरण’. Side
menu, will show the details of steps/ documents that are the part of this particular project run
by user committee.

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Payment Request/ भुक्तानी अनुरोध, allows user committee members to add public partnership
throughout the project operation. User committee has option to add details by
• Navigate to जनसहभािगताको िबबरण
• Click on ‘Add’ button located at right hand side of the page.
• A new side pop up will open with भुक्तानी अनुरोध, listing
o भुक्तानीको प्रकार (radio button on चालु िबल or योजना समाापन), अनुरोध िमित, मााग
o Once user completes edit and press ‘सुरिक्षत गनुर्होस’ button, the records will be
updated and if pressed ‘िरसेट गनुर्होस’ the to cancel.
• System will pop up a success message and details are displayed on भुक्तानी अनुरोध page.

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9. User Committee Login/ उपभोक्ता सिमित लग - इन

The system developed is fully web-based system, thus, to get access to the system user should
have access to internet and laptop or desktop, with internet browsers to access the system.

9.1 User Committee Members Registration

• Open the URL http://hupsekotprojects.epalika.com/#/

• Once login screen is opened, enter your user name and password. User committee
members can use registration option listed under ‘User Registration’ while opening new
window for registration
o User committee members have to complete the form by filling their detail
information listed below

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• Once user committee members complete the form and press ‘Register’ button system
will show a popup message with user successfully registered.
• BUT, for gaining the access to the system the system admin or privilege user in
municipality needs to update the status of user or accept the request of the user.
o To access the external user details/ प्रयोगकतार् िववरण privilege has to navigate to
‘प्रयोगकतार् िववरण’ menu, and press on प्रयोगकतार्को सूची.
• Once प्रयोगकतार्को सूची is clicked, details of user will be displayed.
• Display page will have default status as pending, and privilege user can change
status to either on hold, active or decline, based on the necessity from Status
• User has option to filter the user details from ‘Choose Status’ field located on
right hand side of the page or to user list as per the status of approval.
• Once assigned with specific status, privilege can change the status of particular
user from same dropdown under Status menu.
• Now external user or user committee members will have access to the system,
while displaying the user name and the password, which can be received from
Municipal end (automated email is on progress)

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9.2 User Committee Members Login

• Open the URL http://hupsekotprojects.epalika.com/#/

• Once user committee members get the login details, he/she can login to the system by
clicking on 'LOGIN', to login to the system.

• Once you click on login you will be re-direct to the dashboard of the application.

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