E Paper - 13 - June - 2024
E Paper - 13 - June - 2024
E Paper - 13 - June - 2024
: UPENG/2007/19688
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(+526.11 ; 1.06%) VOL. 18 | ISSUE NO: 282 | Thursday, 13 June 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00
Editorial: Waste to wealth ADR says 99% of ministers are crorepatis, with average assets totalling Rs 107 crore Odisha gets tribal CM in Mohan Majhi
Empower Future
Waste to wealth
Plastic waste, globally, has provoked significant respons-
es and has been a driving force for collective action and
regulatory mechanisms. However, closer to its heel is the
challenge of textile waste, which is seeing a burgeoning
fashion. In fact, research by the Ellen MacArthur Founda-
in the past fifteen years, while clothing use has declined by Indian history has been
almost 40 per cent. shaped by the contribution
Statistics show that worldwide over only 20 per cent of of exceptional women, who
post-consumer clothing is collected for reuse or recycling have nurtured the ethos
with less than 1 per cent being recycled back into the tex- and given our nation its
tile ecosystem. Every second, a truckload equivalent of tex- inimitable identity. A quint-
tile waste ends up in a landfill worldwide! The Ministry of essential example of this is
Housing and Urban Affairs, in its report on ‘Circular Econo- seen in India’s Information
my in Municipal Solid and Liquid Waste’ (2021), highlights Technology (IT) sector. In
that 7,250 tons per day (TPD) of post-consumer textile recent years, India has wit-
waste is generated with a staggering 70 per cent (5,075 nessed a remarkable surge
TPD) remaining unrecovered. Today, textile waste is the in the number of women in
third largest source of municipal solid waste in our country, the technology sector, from
highlighting the need for comprehensive solutions in textile IT professionals to toplevel
waste management. decision-makers in India’s
As the textile sector strives to enhance the recovery of largest tech companies.
textile waste through sorting, collection, and recycling sys- Transcending overwhelm-
tems, what should not be missed are the local solutions ing obstacles placed before
that are driving the circular landscape. These solutions, them, these industrious
championed by a diverse range of societal actors, are women have championed
weaving compelling tales of sustainable fashion through all verticals of the IT sector.
upcycling. The rich tapestry of India’s handloom heritage Breaking gender stereo-
and weaving traditions play a vital role in our waste-man- types, today more women
agement narrative. are entering the IT work-
The knowledge of artisanal techniques like taanbaana force as entrepreneurs,
and the skill of turning a simple katran into something new managers, engineers, de-
and better has been passed down through generations. signers, and leaders than
Rising from the sidelines of this age-old story is the saga ever before.
of the women upcyclers, who in their unique way, are pre- Today, Indian women have
venting waste from going to landfills. It is no surprise that pushed the boundaries of
women are at the forefront of this circular movement. the possible, expanded the
These ‘handprints’ are of horizons of the conceivable,
women entrepreneurs and It takes 4,325 litres of and are standing tall as
home workers who are con- water to produce 1 kg torchbearers across a myr-
verting textile waste through of chicken meat, as iad of tech startups. This
innovative enterprise mod- compared to 322 litres shift not only supports gen-
els. In Chennai, women’s col- of water to produce 1 der diversity in technology
lectives through the brand kg of vegetables; The and entrepreneurship but
‘Lily and the Wonder Wom- resurgence of the H5N1 also showcases the unique
en’ are converting post-con- virus highlights the contributions of women in
sumer textile waste into toys ongoing threat of zoonotic this sector. Today, the Indian
by linkage with local tailor diseases, necessitating IT industry is a major driver
shops. urgent changes in of the national economy. are reshaping the socio-eco- for women-founded compa- women entrepreneurship, of Science and Technology Leadership is not a
Meanwhile, in the hills of livestock conditions, Employing 5.4 million peo- nomic fabric of the nation. nies, with a notable spike the Government of India is (DST), aim to promote gen- function of gender,
Dehradun, the art of appli- farming practices, and ple, the share of the IT-BPM Government policies have in 2021 where women-led making structured efforts der equality in STEM fields, however, women have
que and patchwork is being dietary habits to prevent sector in the GDP of India increased women’s enrol- startups raised USD 6.5 bil- towards women empower- while other programs like innate leadership
revived by ‘Project Purukul’, future pandemics is close to 7 per cent in FY ment in prestigious insti- lion, marking the highest ment, by the introduction ‘KIRAN’ (Knowledge Involve- qualities. Women tend
while in Jaipur, rural women 2024. The IT and BPM in- tutes like the IITs and NITs, funding year in a decade and of a plethora of initiatives in ment in Research Advance- to be more empathetic
are hand-crafting upcycled toys, accessories and apparel dustries’ revenue is estimat- further fostering female seeing substantial growth in this domain. ment through Nurturing) and and exhibit better
under the brand ‘Mysa’. ed at USD 254 billion in FY participation in science and both unicorn creation and Aimed at fostering their the ‘CURIE’ (Consolidation visionary and analytical
Ahmedabad’s ‘Raas Leela’, taps into the artisanship of 2024. technology. Leadership is acquisitions. growth through up-skill- of Research for Innovation skills including
unschooled women and home-based artisans utilising According to NASSCOM, not a function of gender, The success of women in ing programs and funding and Excellence in Women’s multitasking and resource
their skills in stitching, embroidery as well applique, to there has been a notable in- however, women have in- the tech sector is not only re- schemes, these initiatives Universities) initiative focus management
create upcycled products. The emergence of many such crease in female participa- nate leadership qualities. shaping the Indian economy are changing the women on integrating and support-
upcycling clusters has not only created indigenous brands tion, and the Indian IT sector Women tend to be more but also serving as a bea- entrepreneur ecosystem in ing women in scientific re- schemes such as Skill
but also generated livelihood opportunities for women and alone has seen an increase empathetic and exhibit bet- con for future generations. the country by changing the search and academia. Upgradation and Mahila
home-based workers in urban, peri-urban areas and even from 30 per cent female ter visionary and analytical Young girls across the coun- conservative mindset of the These efforts are com- Coir Yojana, Mahila Samrid-
rural areas. participation in FY 2013 to skills including multitasking try now have role models country that women should plemented by training dhi Yojana, Pradhan Mantri
These women-led clusters are also actively reimagining 36 per cent by FY 2024. and resource management. who mirror their ambitions pursue only safe career op- programs and research Mudra Yojana, Cent Kalyani
circular traditional practices like repairing, thrifting, swap- Women are significantly Over the past decade, the and demonstrate that with tions. Recent trends have grants, reinforcing the gov- Scheme and others provide
ping, and upcycling. Upcycling is not a new concept for reshaping the male-domi- journey of women entre- resilience and hard work, shown that women in rural ernment’s commitment to vital support to women en-
Bharat. Kantha, practised in West Bengal, is a craft where nated tech industry in India, preneurs in India has been they too can achieve their areas are not only contribut- empowering women, there- trepreneurs across various
old fabric scraps are repurposed to create new fashion and reflecting a transformative nothing short of remarkable. dreams in the technology ing towards their family live- by ensuring their continued stages of their entrepreneur-
lifestyle products. Similarly, the Godhari quilting technique shift in corporate culture Their pivotal role in foster- world. lihoods but also are forth- impact on India’s socio-eco- ial journey.
from Maharashtra breathes new life into old fabrics. The and gender dynamics. A qui- ing inclusive growth across This ambitious endeav- coming in entrepreneurial nomic development. The landscape of the Indi-
unique upcycling ecosystem of collecting old clothes in ex- et revolution is underway, as the nation cannot be over- our not only aligns with the ventures. Through proactive and an IT Sector is being trans-
change for new utensils and selling upcycled garments in women increasingly contrib- stated. From the develop- United Nations Sustainable To this end, the Stand-Up prescient policies, wom- formed by the dynamic con-
age-old markets like Ghoda Mandi is a testimony to the ute to the IT sector by bring- ment of new technologies Development Goal 5, aimed India Program has been en-led businesses and IT tributions of women. The
deep historical roots of circular practices prevailing in our ing diverse perspectives, in- to the introduction of inno- at achieving gender equali- launched by the govern- professionals can leverage journey is far from over, but
culture. novating, and leading major vative products and ser- ty and empowering women ment to ignite entrepreneur- a plethora of government the strides made by these
However, these age-old practices are now seeing a formal tech companies. vices, women have been at and girls but also under- ial spirit among women and initiatives to gain hands-on women are significant and
market with innovative ventures and start-ups. These ven- The Indian government the forefront of innovation scores India’s commitment, marginalized communities, training, and skillbuilding inspiring, promising an excit-
tures recognise the intrinsic value of potentially discarded and companies are fur- in the Indian tech sector. as demonstrated during its offering loans ranging from opportunities, as well as ac- ing era of continued growth
waste. Small and micro-upcycling enterprises range from ther supporting this trend India is now home to over G20 presidency, to prioritize 10 lakhs to 1 crore to estab- quire access to dedicated and innovation in the Indian
grassroot initiatives to luxury brands thus spanning the en- through educational ini- 8,000 womenled tech start- women-led development as lish new ventures in manu- resources and funding. tech industry.
tire spectrum of circular fashion. As we witness the rise of tiatives, scholarships, and ups, according to a Tracxn a catalyst for inclusive prog- facturing, services, and trad- These government initia- While it is undeniable that
new-age enterprises that are blending traditional practices focused hiring practices report, with the DelhiNCR ress. ing sectors. tives work in confluence women have been making
with innovative designs, the role of digital platforms in pro- that promote an inclusive region leading in numbers Today, there is an ecosys- The government has re- with the flagship Women giant strides in India’s tech
moting circular trends has become increasingly significant. culture, thereby driving in- and Bengaluru in funding. tem in place that includes invigorated the critical role Entrepreneurship Platform sector, it is crucial to support
These platforms are helping digitise the textile waste value novation and enhancing Women entrepreneurs’ policies and initiatives gal- of “Nari Shakti” (women’s (WEP), spearheaded by and encourage them fur-
chain thus promoting a culture of conscious consumerism. workplace collaboration share of startups in the Indi- vanized towards promoting power) in shaping India’s fu- NITI Aayog, which serves ther. As India’s tech sector
Furthermore, digital shops and e-commerce platforms are within the tech industry. Em- an tech industry exceeds 18 diversity and inclusivity in ture, underscoring the con- as a collaborative hub for looks towards future hori-
allowing used clothing to be monetised instead of being powered by enhanced ac- per cent, and among fund- the tech sector, while also tributions of Indian women women entrepreneurs to zons, we must aspire to cre-
discarded thereby extending the life of the garments. cessibility to resources and ed companies, the share is addressing traditional chal- in science and technolo- exchange insights, access ate an equitable ecosystem
The traditional hand-me-downs among siblings and education, complemented more than 14 per cent. lenges faced by women in gy. Government initiatives mentorship, and explore that both welcomes and
clothes-swapping habits of our culture are finding res- by supportive governmen- India ranks second glob- the tech sector. Recognizing such as the ‘GATI’ program, funding avenues. celebrates the remarkable
onance with #GenerationRestoration. Rent and repair tal initiatives, these women ally, after the US, in funding the immense potential of launched by the Department Additionally, a suite of women in the tech sector.
COAI announces its leadership for the year Lifestyle announces its
fine industry standards." Commenting on the announce-
ment, Mr. Vinay Pathak, Vice President & Business Head
– SCVPU, Tata Motors, said, “Marking a major milestone
Chandrababu Naidu to be
parked near Bhikam Pur. The their social media profiles strong and unbroken.” Modi
driver, Ajay, associated with as a sign of affection. This also updated his profile and
the executing agency, was gesture gave me immense header photos on his X ac-
caught siphoning diesel. Act-
ing promptly, Additional Mu-
nicipal Commissioner Shri. Additional Municipal Commissioner Pankaj Srivastava seized stolen
The people of India have
granted the NDA a majori-
count. The new images are
from his first day in office
and the swearing-in ceremo-
sworn in as Andhra CM today
Pankaj Srivastava was dis- diesel and equipment at the Sahara Stadium over bridge. ty for the third consecutive ny of his government for the for the swearing-in cere- to return to the airport and
patched to the scene, result- vestigate. Around 2 PM, to flee. The operation led to time, a remarkable achieve- third term. mony,” Naidu said. He also depart for Bhubaneswar at
ing in the seizure of approx-
imately 197 liters of diesel,
Srivastava discovered Ra-
jendra Kumar, the driver of
the seizure of approximate-
ly 100 liters of diesel, pipes, Two minor siblings raped, AMARAVATI: TDP chief
N Chandrababu Naidu is
announced that this would
be his fourth term and ex-
12.45 pm.
Invitations have been
six pipes, and a steel funnel.
Immediate instructions were
a municipal vehicle (UP 33
PN 0854), and Raju, the
and other equipment.
FIRs are being registered
blackmailed for 6 months: Cops set to assume the role of
Andhra Pradesh’s Chief
pressed confidence in the
Central Government’s co-
extended to farmers who
contributed land for the
issued to take action against driver of a private vehicle against the accused, and OUR CORRESPONDENT Minister for the fourth time operation. Amaravati capital project
the driver. (UP32 BK 6000), engaging the investigation is ongoing. in a ceremony scheduled After the meetings, NDA and individuals allegedly
The following day, June in diesel transactions under Chief Engineer Manoj Pra- NOIDA: Two minor siblings for Wednesday. leaders, including mem- harassed during the previ-
12, 2024, Commission- the Sahara Stadium, Vipul bhat, Assistant Engineers were allegedly raped and The swearing-in ceremo- bers from TDP, BJP, and ous YSR Congress regime,
er Singh received another Khand Over Bridge. Srivas- Ishan and Pankaj Awasthi, blackmailed for money for ny is expected to be attend- Janasena, met the Gov- according to TDP sources.
tip about a similar theft. tava seized the private In- Zonal Officer Zone 04, Chief over six months by two men ed by Prime Minister Nar- ernor to stake their claim Naidu first became Chief
He instructed Additional nova involved in the theft Engineer, and the ETF team in Greater Noida, police said endra Modi, Union Home to form the government. Minister in 1995, serving
Municipal Commissioner and apprehended Rajen- were present during the ac- on Tuesday. The two accused Minister Amit Shah, and Alongside Naidu, other two terms in united Andhra
Pankaj Srivastava to in- dra, while Raju managed tions. - Rahul (23) and Suraj (25) - Union Ministers J P Nadda leaders such as Janasena Pradesh from 1995 to
were arrested on Monday, and Bandi Sanjay Kumar, chief Pawan Kalyan, senior 2004, and a third term as
Malawi’s V-P and 9 others die in plane crash a day after the girls’ father
approached the local Beta
among other leaders.
Amit Shah will meet
leader N Manohar, Naidu’s
son Nara Lokesh, and TDP
the first Chief Minister of
bifurcated Andhra Pradesh
OUR CORRESPONDENT 2 police station with a com- culate the videos on social Naidu at his residence to- Andhra Pradesh leader from 2014 to 2019. Fol-
plaint leading to the regis- media and threatened to kill night before the ceremony Atchannaidu are expected lowing a loss in the 2019
BLANTYRE (MALAWI): Ma- tration of an FIR in the case, the girls,” the spokesperson according to NDA sources. to be sworn in. NDA sourc- elections, he served as op-
lawi’s Vice-President and they said. said. Governor S Abdul Nazeer es indicate that Pawan position leader until 2024.
nine others were killed in a The two men had raped the “The matter came to light invited Naidu to form the Kalyan has been offered He returns as Chief Min-
plane crash, the country’s siblings and video-graphed when the father was look- government after a request the deputy CM post, and ister after a landslide vic-
President said Tuesday. The the acts, they said. The girls ing for some money, which from NDA leaders on Tues- Janasena and BJP are like- tory in the 2024 elections,
wreckage of the military aged 13 and 15 were be- the family had kept at their day. Naidu met the Gover- ly to get five to six cabinet where the NDA won 164
plane carrying Vice-Pres- friended by the accused, who home, but could not find and nor at Raj Bhavan later in berths. of the 175 Assembly seats
ident Saulos Chilima was had extorted about Rs 10 he asked the girls if they had the evening. The Andhra Pradesh As- and 21 of the 25 Lok Sabha
located in a mountainous lakh from the siblings’ family seen the money. The girls The swearing-in is sched- sembly has a strength of seats.
area in the north of the since January by threatening then told their father that uled for 11.27 am near 175, allowing for a cab-
country after a search that 370 kilometers (230 miles) operated by the Malawian to circulate the videos on so- they had given the money Medha IT Park opposite inet of 26 ministers, in- Owner, Publisher,
lasted more than a day. to the north. armed forces. cial media, police officials to the accused and narrated Gannavaram Airport in Kes- cluding the Chief Minister. Printer Jamil Ahmad, 5,
There were no survivors of Air traffic controllers told The tail number he pro- said. the entire ordeal,” the official arapalli on the outskirts of Chief Secretary Neerabh Shahanajaf Road (Bheri
the crash, Malawian Pres- the plane not to attempt a vided shows it is a Dornier “The accused befriended said. On the basis of the fa- Vijayawada. Kumar Prasad reviewed wali Kothi) Lucknow.
ident Lazarus Chakwera landing at Mzuzu’s airport 228-type twin propeller the two girls after contacting ther’s complaint, an FIR was Earlier in the day, Naidu the arrangements for the Printed at National
said in a live address on because of bad weather and plane that was delivered to them over phone. They once immediately lodged under was elected leader by the ceremony, stating that the Art Press 207, New
state television. Hundreds poor visibility and asked it to the Malawian army in 1988, lured the girls on the pretext IPC sections 376 (rape), 506 Telugu Desam Legislature Prime Minister is expect- Hyderabad, Lucknow.
of soldiers, police officers turn back to Lilongwe, Chak- according to the ch-aviation of partying with them but fed (criminal intimidation), 328 Party and NDA partners ed to depart from Delhi at Published from 5,
and forest rangers had been wera said. Air traffic control website that tracks aircraft them intoxicants and raped (giving poison to someone) in separate meetings. He 8.20 am and arrive at Gan- Shahnajaf Road (Bheri wali
searching for the plane then lost contact with the information. Around 600 both the girls. At the time to commit an offence), and announced that Amaravati navaram Airport by 10.40 Kothi) Lucknow.
that also carried a former aircraft and it disappeared personnel were involved in of the incident, the accused 384 (extortion), the police will be the sole capital of am on Wednesday. Editor
first lady after it went miss- from radar, he said. Seven the search in a vast forest also made obscene videos said. Charges under provi- the state. “With all your co- Modi is scheduled to Shabana
ing Monday morning while passengers and three mil- plantation in the Viphya of both the girls,” a police sions of the stringent POC- operation, I am swearing in reach the venue by 10.55
making the 45-minute flight itary crew members were Mountains near Mzuzu, au- spokesperson said. “Lakhs SO Act were also invoked in tomorrow (as the CM), and am and participate in the Mobile: 9450364562
from the southern African on board. The President thorities said. Chilima was of rupees were extorted the case lodged on Sunday I would like to thank you swearing-in ceremony [email protected]
nation’s capital, Lilongwe, described the aircraft as a serving his second term as from the girls as the accused after which the accused all for that. Prime Minister from 11 am to 12.30 pm, [email protected]
to the city of Mzuzu, around small, propeller driven plane Vice-President. otherwise threatened to cir- were held. Narendra Modi is coming after which he is expected