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(+526.11 ; 1.06%) VOL. 18 | ISSUE NO: 282 | Thursday, 13 June 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00

Editorial: Waste to wealth ADR says 99% of ministers are crorepatis, with average assets totalling Rs 107 crore Odisha gets tribal CM in Mohan Majhi

N Chandrababu Naidu of TDP takes Tipra Motha minister unhappy

oath as Andhra Pradesh chief minister with portfolio, to discuss with Shah
OUR CORRESPONDENT for that. Prime Minister Na-
rendra Modi is coming for OUR CORRESPONDENT ter said.
ANDRA PRADESH: Chan- the swearing-in ceremony,” "If one looks at my expe-
drababu Naidu swearing-in Naidu said, adding he had TRIPURA: Tipra Motha lead- rience, I was elected MLA
ceremony: Nara Chan- sought cooperation from er Animesh Debbarma, who many years ago and then
drababu Naidu, Telugu De- the Union government for became a minister in the worked in the Tripura Tribal
sam Party supremo, was Andhra Pradesh's develop- BJP-led government in Tripu- Areas Autonomous District
sworn in as the chief min- ment and it was "assured". ra ahead of the Lok Sabha Council (TTAADC) as an ex-
ister of Andhra Pradesh for South superstars Ra- polls, said he was unhappy ecutive member, and also
the fourth term on Wednes- jinikanth, Chiranjeevi, and with the portfolios allotted performed my duties as
day, June 12. Andhra gover- actor-politician Nandamuri to him and was looking to leader of the opposition in
nor S Abdul Nazeer, former Balakrishna also attended take up the issue with Union the assembly. I urge the CM
Telangana governor Tamili- the event at Gannavaram Home Minister Amit Shah. to provide important depart-
sai Soundarajan were pres- minister and the second Payyavula Kesav, Kollu Mandal, Kesarapalli IT Speaking to reporters, An- ments to me and I will work
ent at the swearing-in. time after the bi-furcation Ravindra, Ponguru Naraya- Park. imesh Debbarma said he a few days back and urged of Home Affairs again, and efficiently," he said.
Prime Minister Narendra in 2014. na, Vangalapudi Anita, Naidu first became the has already raised the issue him to allocate some im- take up the issue with him. After Tipra Motha joined
Modi, Union home minis- Chandrababu Naidu's son Anagani Satya Prasad, chief minister in 1995 and with Chief Minister Manik portant departments so that "I have been in politics the state government in
ter Amit Shah, Union min- and TDP general secretary Kolusu Parthasaradhi, Kola went on to have another Saha. I could help the rural people. for the last 22 years. Many March, Animesh Debbarma,
isters JP Nadda and Bandi Nara Lokesh, Union min- Balaveeranjaneya Swamy, two terms. "I am not happy with the There is nothing to hide," he MLAs get many things even who was the leader of the
Sanjay Kumar, and several ister Rammohan Naidu, Gottipati Ravi, Gummadi His first two terms as chief departments allocated to said on Tuesday. after completing only five opposition, and Brishaketu
other leaders attended the actors Chiranjeevi, Ra- Sandhyarani, BC Janard- minister were at the helm me. The Forest Department The Tipra Motha minis- years in politics. There is no Debbarma were made min-
oath-taking ceremony. jnikanth, Nandamuri Bal- han Reddy, TG Bharath, S of united Andhra Pradesh, is okay, but Printing & Sta- ter said he would soon visit point if I don't get (important isters. Brishaketu Debbar-
Chandrababu Naidu took akrishna were also present Savitha, Vasamsetty Sub- beginning in 1995 and end- tionery and Science & Tech- Delhi to meet Shah and con- portfolios). I am not against ma was made MoS of the
oath around 11.27am on occasion. hash, Kondapalli Srinivas ing in 2004, while the third nology excluding TREDA... I gratulate him for assuming the government but I have to Industries & Commerce De-
near Gannavaram Airport Naidu had led the TDP- and Mandipalli Ramprasad term came post-bifurcation am not happy. I met the CM the charge of the Ministry perform," the Tripura minis- partment.

U'khand: 3 women dead, 26 injured

in Kesarapalli on the out- BJP-Janasena National Reddy. of the state.
skirts of Vijayawada. Along Democratic Alliance to a In the 175-member In 2014, Naidu emerged
with Chandrababu Naidu, landslide victory in the as- Andhra Pradesh assem- as the first chief minister of

as bus falls into gorge in Uttarkashi

Janasena chief Pawan Kaly- sembly as well as Parlia- bly, the cabinet can have bifurcated Andhra Pradesh
an, the TDP supremo's son mentary elections. 26 ministers, including the and served it until 2019. He
Nara Lokesh and 22 others The TDP holds the ma- chief minister. lost the 2019 polls and was
also took the oath. jority in Andhra Pradesh's The Telugu Desam Legis- the opposition leader until
Pawan Kalyan reportedly 175-member assembly lature Party and NDA part- 2024. Following a landslide OUR CORRESPONDENT ya (55) and Meena Rekwal,
has been offered the dep- with 135 MLAs, while its ners elected Naidu as their victory in the 2024 elec- both residents of Haldwani,
uty chief minister's post. allies, the Janasena Party, leader in separate meet- tions, he is returning as the UTTARAKHAND: Three and Neema Keda (57) of
Janasena is being offered have 21 and the BJP has ings on Tuesday, June 11. CM for a fourth term, oust- women died while 26 were Rudrapur in Udham Singh
three cabinet berths and eight. The opposition YSR Addressing the legisla- ing the YSRCP. injured when a bus driver Nagar district, police said.
the Bharatiya Janata Paty Congress Party has 11 leg- tors, Naidu asserted that The NDA won a landslide lost control over the vehicle Most of the devotees were
one. islators. he is committed to develop- victory in the recently con- and it fell into a gorge near from Rudrapur, Haldwani
After taking oath as chief The TDP MLAs who ing Amaravati as the state's cluded simultaneous Lok Gangnani on the Gangotri and Lalkuan of Uttarakhand,
minister Naidu shared a took oaths included Nara sole capital. Sabha and assembly elec- National Highway in Ut- while four others were from
hug with PM Narendra Modi Lokesh, Kinjarapu Atchan- "With all your coopera- tions in the state, winning tarakhand, police said on Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly dis-
on stage. This is the fourth naidu, Nimmala Rama- tion, I am swearing in to- 164 of the 175 assembly Wednesday. trict and one from Buland-
time that Naidu is assum- naidu, NMD Farooq, Anam morrow (as the CM) and I seats and 21 of the 25 Lok According to them, the in- shahr.
ing charge as Andhra chief Ramanarayana Reddy, would like to thank you all Sabha seats. cident occurred 50 km from Uttarkashi Superinten-

Video shows rats roaming in MP govt

Gangnani on Tuesday night. dent of Police Arpan Yadu-
The bus went out of the driv- The bus was going to- dows and sent to Uttarkashi vanshi spoke to the injured
er's control, broke the crash wards Uttarkashi from District Hospital and Bhat- people and said prima facie

hospital; authorities order pest control barrier, tumbled down the

gorge and got stuck on a
tree before it could hit the
Gangotri with 29 people,
including the driver and his
assistant, a police officer
wadi Health Centre.
Of the 26 injured, 12 were
stated to be in serious con-
the cause of the accident
seemed to be brake failure.
At this same place in
OUR CORRESPONDENT that such a situation does bottom, police officials said. said, adding rescue and re- dition and they have been 2010, a truck fell into a
Video shows the state of a government-run hospital in
not arise in future, he said. A lot of lives were saved lief work began promptly. referred to a hospital in Ri- gorge, killing 27 kanwari-
Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior city. Hospital dean directed
MADHYA PRADESH: A video Such things should not since it got stuck in the tree According to the officer, shikesh, police said. yas, while in 2023, seven
the hospital superintendent to take necessary steps
has surfaced on social me- happen in a hospital where and did not fall into the Bha- the injured were brought out The deceased have been pilgrims died in a bus acci-
dia showing rats roaming the Kamla Raja Hospital in College in Gwalior. patients are present, girathi river, an official said. of the bus through the win- identified as Deepa Varsali- dent here.

PM Modi's roadshow in Bhubaneshwar

purportedly in a ward of a Gwalior, and criticised the The medical college dean, Dhakad said.
government-run hospital in government over the condi- RKS Dhakad, told report- The Congress while shar-
Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior tion of health facilities in the ers on Tuesday that he has ing the video on X said,

before Odisha swearing-in ceremony today

city, prompting the author- state. come to know of the video "Look at the condition of
ities to order an effective Some social media users and has directed the hospi- Madhya Pradesh's health
pest control at the medical have shared the video show- tal superintendent to take system.
facility. ing rats roaming around, necessary steps to control There are more rats roam- OUR CORRESPONDENT Janata Maidan at 5pm. BJP
The opposition Congress claiming it to be a ward of the problem of rats. ing than patients in Gwali- and allies in Andhra Pradesh,
in Madhya Pradesh on Tues- the Kamla Raja Hospital, a Pest control takes place in or's Kamla Raja Hospital, NEW DELHI: Prime Minis- Odisha assembly elections
day shared the video on its X women and children's medi- the wards, but the hospital strict vigil has to be main- ter Narendra Modi, Union In Andhra Pradesh, the
handle, claiming there were cal facility under the govern- authorities have been asked tained to protect patients home minister Amit Shah, National Democratic Alli-
"more rats than patients" at ment's Gajra Raja Medical to make it more effective so and newborns from rats. and Bharatiya Janata Party ance (NDA), which includes

Odisha CM-designate Mohan Majhi’s PA

national president JP Nadda TDP, BJP, and Janasena,
will attend the swearing-in won a strong majority in the
ceremony of Bharatiya Ja- assembly with 164 seats.

killed in road accident in Bhubaneshwar nata Party's (BJP) first chief

minister in Odisha Mohan
Charan Majhi on Wednesday
In the 175-member Andhra
Pradesh assembly, the TDP
won with the majority of 135
OUR CORRESPONDENT evening, June 12. They will seats, the Janasena Party
Police said Chandan
land in Bhubaneshwar after oath-taking ceremony will expected to reach Bhu- won 21, and the BJP won
Mahapatra, 31, was on
BHUBANESHWAR: Chandan attending the swearing-in take place around 5pm. baneswar at 2:30pm and go eight. The opposition YSR
his motorcycle when
Kumar Mahapatra, the per- ceremony of Telugu Desam What is PM Narendra Mo- to the Raj Bhavan from the Congress Party won only 11
a speeding car hit him
sonal assistant (PA) to the Party (TDP) chief Chandraba- di's schedule for the day? airport. constituencies.
from behind, injuring him
Odisha chief minister-desig- bu Naidu, who took oath as PM Narendra Modi's ten- According to reports, the In the Lok Sabha elections
nate Mohan Charan Majhi, the chief minister of Andhra tative schedule showed that PM will hold a massive road- held simultaneously, the al-
was killed in a road accident death, reached the crema- Pradesh for the fourth term he would arrive at the ven- show from Bhubaneshwar's liance won 21 out of the 25
on Tuesday, police said. tion ground to attend the earlier in the day. ue in Andhra Pradesh by Jayadev Vihar to Janata parliamentary seats in the
The incident took place ceremony ahead of BJP’s The TDP chief took the 10:55am for the swearing-in Maidan before the oath-tak- state.
in Siripur area under Nay- legislature party meeting on oath around 11:27am near ceremony. He attended the ing ceremony. Odisha TV re- In Odisha, the BJP won 78
apalli police limits in Bhu- Wednesday. Medha IT Park, across from ceremony from 11am to ported that a BJP team will out of the 147 Legislative
baneswar around 11am. Keonjhar lawmaker Mo- Gannavaram Airport in Kes- 12:30pm. After the ceremo- check the arrangements in Assembly seats crossing the
Police said Mahapatra, him to the Capital Hospital motorcyclists and a car, re- han Charan Majhi is set to arapalli, on the outskirts of ny, he will return to the airport the city before Modi's road- majority mark of 74 seats
31, was on his motorcycle in Bhubaneshwar, however, sulting in injuries to three be the next chief minister Vijayawada. and depart for Bhubaneswar show. and is set to form a govern-
when a speeding car hit him he was declared dead on persons. of Odisha after the Bhara- Odisha BJP president Man- around 12:45pm. Modi will then attend the ment. It also won 20 of the
from behind, injuring him arrival. According to officials tiya Janata Party (BJP) an- mohan Samal said Majhi's As per reports, Modi is oath-taking ceremony at 21 Lok Sabha seats.
critically. Following the acci- Police said that the speed- aware of the matter, Majhi, nounced his name on Tues-
dent, the passerby rushed ing car also hit two other after hearing about his PA’s day. BHARTI AIRTEL CONVERTS $49.87 MN FOREIGN DEBT BOND INTO EQUITY
NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel has converted $49.87 million worth of foreign debt bonds issued in January 2020 into equity,
NEW DELHI: The government on Tuesday imposed import curbs on certain types of studded gold jewellery, a move which the company said on Tuesday. Airtel had raised $1,000 million through foreign currency convertible bonds in January
could discourage inbound shipments of these items from Indonesia and Tanzania. However, the directorate general of for- 2020 that were convertible into the company’s fully-paid up equity shares of Rs 5 each at any time on or after February
eign trade (DGFT) said that imports under a valid India-UAE free tarde agreement TRQ (tariff rate quota) will be permitted. 27, 2020, and up to the close of business hours on February 7, 2025, at the option of the FCCB holders.
2 Lucknow, Thursday, 13 June 2024 Lucknow News (English Daily)

Empower Future
Waste to wealth
Plastic waste, globally, has provoked significant respons-
es and has been a driving force for collective action and
regulatory mechanisms. However, closer to its heel is the
challenge of textile waste, which is seeing a burgeoning
fashion. In fact, research by the Ellen MacArthur Founda-
in the past fifteen years, while clothing use has declined by Indian history has been
almost 40 per cent. shaped by the contribution
Statistics show that worldwide over only 20 per cent of of exceptional women, who
post-consumer clothing is collected for reuse or recycling have nurtured the ethos
with less than 1 per cent being recycled back into the tex- and given our nation its
tile ecosystem. Every second, a truckload equivalent of tex- inimitable identity. A quint-
tile waste ends up in a landfill worldwide! The Ministry of essential example of this is
Housing and Urban Affairs, in its report on ‘Circular Econo- seen in India’s Information
my in Municipal Solid and Liquid Waste’ (2021), highlights Technology (IT) sector. In
that 7,250 tons per day (TPD) of post-consumer textile recent years, India has wit-
waste is generated with a staggering 70 per cent (5,075 nessed a remarkable surge
TPD) remaining unrecovered. Today, textile waste is the in the number of women in
third largest source of municipal solid waste in our country, the technology sector, from
highlighting the need for comprehensive solutions in textile IT professionals to toplevel
waste management. decision-makers in India’s
As the textile sector strives to enhance the recovery of largest tech companies.
textile waste through sorting, collection, and recycling sys- Transcending overwhelm-
tems, what should not be missed are the local solutions ing obstacles placed before
that are driving the circular landscape. These solutions, them, these industrious
championed by a diverse range of societal actors, are women have championed
weaving compelling tales of sustainable fashion through all verticals of the IT sector.
upcycling. The rich tapestry of India’s handloom heritage Breaking gender stereo-
and weaving traditions play a vital role in our waste-man- types, today more women
agement narrative. are entering the IT work-
The knowledge of artisanal techniques like taanbaana force as entrepreneurs,
and the skill of turning a simple katran into something new managers, engineers, de-
and better has been passed down through generations. signers, and leaders than
Rising from the sidelines of this age-old story is the saga ever before.
of the women upcyclers, who in their unique way, are pre- Today, Indian women have
venting waste from going to landfills. It is no surprise that pushed the boundaries of
women are at the forefront of this circular movement. the possible, expanded the
These ‘handprints’ are of horizons of the conceivable,
women entrepreneurs and It takes 4,325 litres of and are standing tall as
home workers who are con- water to produce 1 kg torchbearers across a myr-
verting textile waste through of chicken meat, as iad of tech startups. This
innovative enterprise mod- compared to 322 litres shift not only supports gen-
els. In Chennai, women’s col- of water to produce 1 der diversity in technology
lectives through the brand kg of vegetables; The and entrepreneurship but
‘Lily and the Wonder Wom- resurgence of the H5N1 also showcases the unique
en’ are converting post-con- virus highlights the contributions of women in
sumer textile waste into toys ongoing threat of zoonotic this sector. Today, the Indian
by linkage with local tailor diseases, necessitating IT industry is a major driver
shops. urgent changes in of the national economy. are reshaping the socio-eco- for women-founded compa- women entrepreneurship, of Science and Technology Leadership is not a
Meanwhile, in the hills of livestock conditions, Employing 5.4 million peo- nomic fabric of the nation. nies, with a notable spike the Government of India is (DST), aim to promote gen- function of gender,
Dehradun, the art of appli- farming practices, and ple, the share of the IT-BPM Government policies have in 2021 where women-led making structured efforts der equality in STEM fields, however, women have
que and patchwork is being dietary habits to prevent sector in the GDP of India increased women’s enrol- startups raised USD 6.5 bil- towards women empower- while other programs like innate leadership
revived by ‘Project Purukul’, future pandemics is close to 7 per cent in FY ment in prestigious insti- lion, marking the highest ment, by the introduction ‘KIRAN’ (Knowledge Involve- qualities. Women tend
while in Jaipur, rural women 2024. The IT and BPM in- tutes like the IITs and NITs, funding year in a decade and of a plethora of initiatives in ment in Research Advance- to be more empathetic
are hand-crafting upcycled toys, accessories and apparel dustries’ revenue is estimat- further fostering female seeing substantial growth in this domain. ment through Nurturing) and and exhibit better
under the brand ‘Mysa’. ed at USD 254 billion in FY participation in science and both unicorn creation and Aimed at fostering their the ‘CURIE’ (Consolidation visionary and analytical
Ahmedabad’s ‘Raas Leela’, taps into the artisanship of 2024. technology. Leadership is acquisitions. growth through up-skill- of Research for Innovation skills including
unschooled women and home-based artisans utilising According to NASSCOM, not a function of gender, The success of women in ing programs and funding and Excellence in Women’s multitasking and resource
their skills in stitching, embroidery as well applique, to there has been a notable in- however, women have in- the tech sector is not only re- schemes, these initiatives Universities) initiative focus management
create upcycled products. The emergence of many such crease in female participa- nate leadership qualities. shaping the Indian economy are changing the women on integrating and support-
upcycling clusters has not only created indigenous brands tion, and the Indian IT sector Women tend to be more but also serving as a bea- entrepreneur ecosystem in ing women in scientific re- schemes such as Skill
but also generated livelihood opportunities for women and alone has seen an increase empathetic and exhibit bet- con for future generations. the country by changing the search and academia. Upgradation and Mahila
home-based workers in urban, peri-urban areas and even from 30 per cent female ter visionary and analytical Young girls across the coun- conservative mindset of the These efforts are com- Coir Yojana, Mahila Samrid-
rural areas. participation in FY 2013 to skills including multitasking try now have role models country that women should plemented by training dhi Yojana, Pradhan Mantri
These women-led clusters are also actively reimagining 36 per cent by FY 2024. and resource management. who mirror their ambitions pursue only safe career op- programs and research Mudra Yojana, Cent Kalyani
circular traditional practices like repairing, thrifting, swap- Women are significantly Over the past decade, the and demonstrate that with tions. Recent trends have grants, reinforcing the gov- Scheme and others provide
ping, and upcycling. Upcycling is not a new concept for reshaping the male-domi- journey of women entre- resilience and hard work, shown that women in rural ernment’s commitment to vital support to women en-
Bharat. Kantha, practised in West Bengal, is a craft where nated tech industry in India, preneurs in India has been they too can achieve their areas are not only contribut- empowering women, there- trepreneurs across various
old fabric scraps are repurposed to create new fashion and reflecting a transformative nothing short of remarkable. dreams in the technology ing towards their family live- by ensuring their continued stages of their entrepreneur-
lifestyle products. Similarly, the Godhari quilting technique shift in corporate culture Their pivotal role in foster- world. lihoods but also are forth- impact on India’s socio-eco- ial journey.
from Maharashtra breathes new life into old fabrics. The and gender dynamics. A qui- ing inclusive growth across This ambitious endeav- coming in entrepreneurial nomic development. The landscape of the Indi-
unique upcycling ecosystem of collecting old clothes in ex- et revolution is underway, as the nation cannot be over- our not only aligns with the ventures. Through proactive and an IT Sector is being trans-
change for new utensils and selling upcycled garments in women increasingly contrib- stated. From the develop- United Nations Sustainable To this end, the Stand-Up prescient policies, wom- formed by the dynamic con-
age-old markets like Ghoda Mandi is a testimony to the ute to the IT sector by bring- ment of new technologies Development Goal 5, aimed India Program has been en-led businesses and IT tributions of women. The
deep historical roots of circular practices prevailing in our ing diverse perspectives, in- to the introduction of inno- at achieving gender equali- launched by the govern- professionals can leverage journey is far from over, but
culture. novating, and leading major vative products and ser- ty and empowering women ment to ignite entrepreneur- a plethora of government the strides made by these
However, these age-old practices are now seeing a formal tech companies. vices, women have been at and girls but also under- ial spirit among women and initiatives to gain hands-on women are significant and
market with innovative ventures and start-ups. These ven- The Indian government the forefront of innovation scores India’s commitment, marginalized communities, training, and skillbuilding inspiring, promising an excit-
tures recognise the intrinsic value of potentially discarded and companies are fur- in the Indian tech sector. as demonstrated during its offering loans ranging from opportunities, as well as ac- ing era of continued growth
waste. Small and micro-upcycling enterprises range from ther supporting this trend India is now home to over G20 presidency, to prioritize 10 lakhs to 1 crore to estab- quire access to dedicated and innovation in the Indian
grassroot initiatives to luxury brands thus spanning the en- through educational ini- 8,000 womenled tech start- women-led development as lish new ventures in manu- resources and funding. tech industry.
tire spectrum of circular fashion. As we witness the rise of tiatives, scholarships, and ups, according to a Tracxn a catalyst for inclusive prog- facturing, services, and trad- These government initia- While it is undeniable that
new-age enterprises that are blending traditional practices focused hiring practices report, with the DelhiNCR ress. ing sectors. tives work in confluence women have been making
with innovative designs, the role of digital platforms in pro- that promote an inclusive region leading in numbers Today, there is an ecosys- The government has re- with the flagship Women giant strides in India’s tech
moting circular trends has become increasingly significant. culture, thereby driving in- and Bengaluru in funding. tem in place that includes invigorated the critical role Entrepreneurship Platform sector, it is crucial to support
These platforms are helping digitise the textile waste value novation and enhancing Women entrepreneurs’ policies and initiatives gal- of “Nari Shakti” (women’s (WEP), spearheaded by and encourage them fur-
chain thus promoting a culture of conscious consumerism. workplace collaboration share of startups in the Indi- vanized towards promoting power) in shaping India’s fu- NITI Aayog, which serves ther. As India’s tech sector
Furthermore, digital shops and e-commerce platforms are within the tech industry. Em- an tech industry exceeds 18 diversity and inclusivity in ture, underscoring the con- as a collaborative hub for looks towards future hori-
allowing used clothing to be monetised instead of being powered by enhanced ac- per cent, and among fund- the tech sector, while also tributions of Indian women women entrepreneurs to zons, we must aspire to cre-
discarded thereby extending the life of the garments. cessibility to resources and ed companies, the share is addressing traditional chal- in science and technolo- exchange insights, access ate an equitable ecosystem
The traditional hand-me-downs among siblings and education, complemented more than 14 per cent. lenges faced by women in gy. Government initiatives mentorship, and explore that both welcomes and
clothes-swapping habits of our culture are finding res- by supportive governmen- India ranks second glob- the tech sector. Recognizing such as the ‘GATI’ program, funding avenues. celebrates the remarkable
onance with #GenerationRestoration. Rent and repair tal initiatives, these women ally, after the US, in funding the immense potential of launched by the Department Additionally, a suite of women in the tech sector.

India fastest growing economy, to clock 6.7% growth

models are also offering affordable fashion and creating
a shared economy. Recognising the importance of this
unique movement towards slow production with minimal
wastage and environmental impact, the Government of In-
dia has taken several steps to provide a platform for upcy- India will remain the fast- Global Economic Prospects global GDP would still be region’s other economies, average, is projected for the vate consumption growth is
cling enterprises. One such initiative is to showcase organ- est-growing major economy report. It further said global growing more slowly than growth is expected to re- three fiscal years beginning expected to benefit from a
isations and brands in various exhibitions to enable them recording a steady growth of growth is projected to hold they did in the decade before main robust in Bangladesh, in FY2024/25,” the report recovery of agricultural pro-
to display their products to a larger audience and bring 6.7 per cent in the next three steady at 2.6 per cent in COVID-19,” it said. though at a slower rate than said. This moderation is duction and declining infla-
awareness about circular practices. Further, during Bharat years including the current 2024 before edging up to Growth in the South Asia in the past several years, and mainly due to a slowdown in tion.
Tex 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed financial year, said a World an average of 2.7 per cent in region (SAR) region is project- to strengthen in Pakistan investment from a high base. Government consumption
between the Textiles Committee - Ministry of Textiles, Gov- Bank report released on 2025-26. ed to slow from 6.6 per cent and Sri Lanka. “However, investment is projected to grow only
ernment e-Marketplace (GeM), and Standing Conference Tuesday. In India, growth is That is well below the 3.1 in 2023 to 6.2 per cent in “India will remain the fast- growth is still expected to slowly, in line with the gov-
of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), to promote upcycled prod- estimated to have picked up per cent average in the de- 2024, mainly due to a mod- est-growing of the world’s be stronger than previous- ernment’s aim of reducing
ucts in public procurement through an e-commerce plat- to 8.2 per cent in fiscal year cade before COVID-19. “The eration of growth in India largest economies, although ly envisaged and remain current expenditure relative
form for upcycling brands. This approach of including upcy- (FY) 2023/24 (April 2023 to forecast implies that over the from a high base in recent its pace of expansion is ex- robust over the forecast to GDP, it added. According
cled products in public procurement through GeM holds a March 2024) -- 1.9 percent- course of 2024- 26 countries years. With steady growth pected to moderate. period, with strong public to the report, global inflation
promise of mainstreaming circularity. Circularity has been age points higher than esti- that collectively account for in India, regional growth is After a high growth rate in investment accompanied is expected to moderate to
an integral part of our culture, where zero-waste solutions mated in January, according more than 80 per cent of forecast to stay at 6.2 per FY2023/24, steady growth by private investment,” it 3.5 per cent in 2024 and 2.9
have always been espoused. to the World Bank’s latest the world’s population and cent in 2025-26. Among the of 6.7 per cent per year, on said. It further said that pri- per cent in 2025.
Lucknow News (English Daily) Lucknow, Thursday, 13 June 2024 3

ADR says 99% of ministers are crorepatis,


with average assets totalling Rs 107 crore

MUMBAI: Magenta Mobility, an integrated electric mobil-
ity solutions provider, solidifies its partnership with Tata
Motors, India's largest commercial vehicle manufactur-
er, with the deployment of over 100 units of Tata Ace EV
which include over 60 units of Ace EV and over 40 units
OUR CORRESPONDENT 424.75 crores. His portfolio Rs 144.12 crores, which BJP minister from Mumbai of the recently launched Ace EV 1000. This deployment is
comprises Rs 62.57 crores include Rs. 142.40 crores North in Maharashtra, has part of the MoU inked between the two entities in October
NEW DELHI: Seventy out of in movable assets and Rs in movable assets and Rs declared assets worth Rs 2023, which targeted 500 units of the revolutionary Tata
71 or 99 per cent of the min- 362.17 crores in immovable 1.72 crores in immovable 110.95 crores. This includes Ace EV. Mr. Maxson
isters in the new council of assets. assets. Rao Inderjit Singh, Rs 89.87 crores in movable Lewis, Founder &
ministers are crorepatis with Minister of Heavy Indus- Minister of State (Indepen- assets and Rs 21.09 crores CEO of Magenta Mo-
average assets among them tries and Minister of Steel H dent Charge) of the Ministry in immovable assets. About bility, expressed his
amounting to Rs 107.94 D Kumaraswamy from the of Statistics and Programme 99 per cent of the new minis- excitement about
crores, according to poll Janata Dal (Secular) has total Implementation, Minister of ters are crorepatis. the partnership, stat-
rights body ADR. assets valued at R. 217.23 State (Independent Charge) Out of the 71 ministers an- ing, "We are thrilled
Among the ministers, six crores. of the Ministry of Planning alyzed, an overwhelming 70 to deepen our col-
stand out for their particularly His assets include Rs and Minister of State in the have declared assets in the laboration with Tata
high asset declarations, each 102.24 crores in movable Ministry of Culture, has to- crorepati range, highlighting Motors, furthering our commitment to delivering safe,
exceeding Rs 100 crores, the assets and Rs 115.00 crores tal assets amounting to Rs a significant concentration of smart, and sustainable mobility solutions across India.
Association of Democratic in immovable assets. Minis- 121.54 crores. wealth among the country’s The deployment of 100+ Tata Ace EVs marks a signifi-
Reforms (ADR) said. Chan- tops the list with a staggering in immovable assets. Minis- ter of Railways, Minister of His assets comprise Rs political leadership. Prime cant stride towards our ambitious 'Ab Ki Baar Dus Hazaar'
dra Sekhar Pemmasani, total asset declaration of Rs ter of Communications and Information and Broadcast- 39.31 crores in movable as- Minister Narendra Modi, program, aimed at deploying 10,000 electric vehicles by
Minister of State in the Min- 5705.47 crores. Minister of Development of ing and Minister of Electron- sets and Rs 82.23 crores in along with his 71 ministers, September 2025. By synergizing Tata Motors’ expertise
istry of Rural Development His assets include Rs North Eastern Region Jyoti- ics and Information Tech- immovable assets. Minister took oath on Sunday as the in four-wheel small commercial vehicles (SCVs) with our
and Minister of State in the 5598.65 crores in movable raditya M. Scindia has de- nology Ashwini Vaishnaw of Commerce and Indus- new coalition government integrated capabilities in logistics, charging infrastruc-
Ministry of Communications, assets and Rs 106.82 crores clared total assets worth Rs has declared assets totaling try Piyush Goyal, another was formed. ture, and technology, this partnership is poised to rede-

COAI announces its leadership for the year Lifestyle announces its
fine industry standards." Commenting on the announce-
ment, Mr. Vinay Pathak, Vice President & Business Head
– SCVPU, Tata Motors, said, “Marking a major milestone

2024-25 at Annual General Meeting 2024 biggest sale of the Season

in our partnership with Magenta Mobility, we take im-
mense pride in the deployment of Tata Ace EVs into their
OUR CORRESPONDENT schiffli & crochet dresses, fleet. This reaffirms our shared vision of revolutionising
OUR CORRESPONDENT prise Business of Vodafone tion. As the Chief Regulatory vintage blooms coord-sets, intra-city distribution through advanced, zero-emission
Idea Ltd as the Chief Enter- Officer of Bharti Airtel, Rahul LUCKNOW: Lifestyle, one stylish denim trends for wom- mobility solutions. The Ace EV, a product of our co-cre-
NEW DELHI: COAI, the apex prise Business Officer, where heads the Government Rela- of India's leading fashion en, and an extensive range of ation efforts, offers unparalleled performance, reliability
industry association repre- he led the transformation for tions, Policy and Regulatory destinations, is excited to printed shirts, all-new loose and operational efficiency, while contributing to a green-
senting leading Telecom, Enterprise business from a interfaces across the compa- announce its much-awaited fit pants, and quirky tees for er future for India. This deployment is a testament to our
internet, technology, and Telco to Techco. Under his ny’s Business spanning mo- SALE from 7th June onwards. men being up for grabs at ex- unwavering commitment to democratising sustainable
digital services companies, astute leadership, Vi Busi- bility broadband, DTH, Data Shoppers at the Lifestyle citing discounts. Fashionistas e-cargo transportation across the nation. Together, we
concluded its Annual Gen- ness introduced some of the Center, Submarine Cables, Sale can get UP TO 50% off can be sure to look cool while are paving the way for a cleaner, greener and more envi-
eral Body Meeting for the smartest and newest tech- its international Subsidiaries on the latest styles across top turning up the heat this sea- ronmentally conscious future for India."
Financial Year 2023-24, nologies such as Integrated & all Digital lines of Business. fashion brands. With an ex- son. SHRI JAYANT CHAUDHARY ASSUMES CHARGE OF
with the announcement of IoT, Managed Services and He is chair of GSMA’s Spec- tensive selection of the latest Lifestyle's sale presents a MSDE AS MOS (INDEPENDENT CHARGE)
its leadership for the term Association. Security as a service to serve trum Policy Working Group trends and fashion choices great opportunity for trend NEW DELHI: The newly appointed Hon'ble Minister of State
2024-25, effective June Abhijit Kishore comes with businesses in the digital era. (SPWG), and a member of from leading national and setters to shop the new- (Independent Charge), Shri Jayant Chaudhary, officially
2024. Abhijit Kishore, Chief a rich tapestry of experience Rahul Vatts is a telecom in- GSMA’s Global Policy Group, international brands, the Life- est trends from over 100 assumed charge of the Ministry of Skill Development and
Operating Officer, Vodafone of over three decades with dustry veteran with 29 years and Spectrum Strategy & style Sale offers fashion en- national and international Entrepreneurship (MSDE) today. Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari,
Idea Limited will be the the Indian telecom industry of experience and an expert Management Group (SSMG). thusiasts the perfect chance brands including Melange, Secretary of MSDE, welcomed the Hon’ble Minister and
Chairperson, while Mr. Ra- across functions, organisa- on Telecom & Broadcasting Rahul is also a Governing to elevate their wardrobes. Ginger, FORCA, CODE, AND, extended his best wishes, marking the beginning of a new
hul Vatts, Chief Regulatory tions and geographies. Prior Licensing, Economic Regu- Council Member of Various The Lifestyle collec- Biba, Global Desi, Jack & chapter in advancing the skill development and entrepre-
Officer, Bharti Airtel, will be to taking on the role of COO, lations, Spectrum Manage- Telecom Standardization tion presents the best of Jones, Indian Terrain, Park neurship landscape. The ceremony at Kaushal Bhawan,
the Vice Chairperson of the he was heading the Enter- ment and Regulatory Litiga- Bodies in India. Spring-Summer vibes, dom- Avenue, Pepe Jeans, Puma, New Delhi, signifies a concerted effort to achieve the ob-

Flipkart collaborates with DPIIT to empower Indian

inated by floral prints and Adidas, Fossil, Armani Ex- jectives outlined in the 100-day agenda of the Government
pastel hues. The stylish as- change, Maybelline, L’Oreal of India. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Jayant Chaudhary,
sortment includes trending and many more. Hon'ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), MSDE said,
Toy manufacturers and enhance global competitiveness Unveiling the All-Rounder AI “India has a vast and youthful population that needs to be
empowered with skilling, reskilling, and upskilling opportu-
OUR CORRESPONDENT upskilling and reskilling
domestic manufacturers
workshop aimed to equip
Indian toy manufacturers
event's success,
Rajesh Kumar Singh, Sec-
flagship killer, The realme GT 6 nities to fulfil their aspirations. This aligns perfectly with the
vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi of a
DELHI: Furthering the agen- to produce innovative and with the necessary tools, retary, Department for OUR CORRESPONDENT performance and plethora Viksit Bharat, a developed India where every citizen has the
da to position India as a high-quality toys that rep- knowledge, and resources Promotion of Industry and of cutting-edge features. opportunity to thrive and contribute to our nation’s prosper-
"Toy Export Hub", Flipkart, resent India’s rich cultural to enhance their compet- Internal Trade (DPIIT) said, NEW DELHI: realme, the These features are set to ity. There is a constant need for new and industry aligned
India's homegrown ecom- heritage. itiveness and help them "We are dedicated to cre- Most Popular Smartphone revolutionize the smart- skills in all walks of life, and I am confident that ministry’s
merce marketplace, in Hundreds of toy manu- grow their businesses on- ating a conducive environ- Brand Among Indian Youth, phone industry, marking perpetual efforts will make a tangible impact on the skilling
collaboration with the De- facturers across India par- line. The event was graced ment for the Indian toy announced their latest in- them as the game-chang- and employment landscape.” The ministry is committed to
partment for Promotion of ticipated in the workshop, by Shri. Rajesh Kumar sector to thrive. By collabo- novation, the realme GT 6 - ers of the next generation. implementing strategic initiatives that bridge the skills gap,
Industry and Internal Trade which included interactive Singh, Secretary, (DPIIT); rating with industry leaders The AI Flagship Killer set to The device leverages AI including flagship schemes like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal
(DPIIT), organized a work- and expert-led discussions Shri. Sanjiv, Joint Secretary, like Flipkart, we are taking launch globally on June 20, technology to significantly Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and the National Apprenticeship
shop aimed at enhancing with Flipkart, covering DPIIT; Mohammad Isha- significant steps towards 2024. This game-chang- improve image quality, user Promotion Scheme (NAPS).
India’s capabilities in the quality improvement, in- rar Ali, Director, DPIIT; Ra- making India a leading ex- ing device not only offers interaction, and productivi- PRAMERICA LIFE UNVEILS FLEXI INCOME PLAN,
global toy supply chain. novation, and adherence jneesh Kumar, Chief Corpo- porter of high-quality toys. groundbreaking AI fea- ty. It aims to make AI tech- ENHANCING FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR INDIANS
The workshop focused on to industry standards. The rate Affairs Officer, Flipkart We believe that with the tures but also stands as nology more accessible LUCKNOW: Pramerica Life Insurance, one of the fastest
and Manjari Singhal, Head right guidance and sup- an all-rounder AI-powered to young audiences glob- growing life insurers in India, today announced the launch
of FMCG and General Mer- port, India can become a flagship killer, thanks to its ally. Tailored for modern of its latest offering, the Pramerica Life Flexi Income Plan.
chandise, Flipkart. powerhouse in toy manu- performance trio - flagship tech-savvy consumers, the This is a Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insur-
Commenting on the facturing." chipset, superior camera, smartphone offers a blend ance Savings Plan designed to help policyholders achieve
and industrial leading VC of high performance and their financial goals with certainty and flexibility. The intro-
2 KILL IN EXPLOSION AT ARMS AND AMMO SHOP cooling system. advanced photography ca- duction of the Pramerica Life Flexi Income Plan is a signif-
JAIPUR: Two men were killed in an explosion at an arms and The realme GT 6 is be- pabilities. Its potent chipset icant step under Pramerica 2.0, the current phase of the
ammunition dealer’s shop in Udaipur city of Rajasthan on ing positioned as the “AI guarantees seamless op- company’s evolution. In this new phase of growth, Pram-
Tuesday, police said. Superintendent of Police (SP), Udaipur, Flagship Killer”, targeting eration, making it ideal for erica Life Insurance remains dedicated to creating value
Yogesh Goyal said the shop was a licensed one and it was the premium smartphone gaming, streaming, or mul- for its customers by continually innovating and enhancing
located on the first floor of a small two-storey building. market with its outstanding titasking. its product offerings. The Pramerica Life Flexi Income Plan
is designed to empower policyholders in achieving critical
RR Kabel's Firex LS0H-EBXL unveiled: financial milestones, such as securing the future of loved
ones and ensuring a comfortable retirement. This plan en-
Revolutionary Halogen-Free Wire solution ables policyholders to accumulate funds in a wallet, provid-
ing the flexibility to access them at a chosen future date.
MALIGAON: Freight un- OUR CORRESPONDENT This helps them achieve their milestones and remain resil-
loading over NFR is contin- ient against market volatilities.
uously registering a steady LUCKNOW: RR Kabel Limit- XIAOMI 14 CIVI: A FLAGSHIP EVOLUTION IN DESIGN
growth. 1152 freight carry- ed, a leading wire and cable AND CAMERA PERFORMANCE
ing rakes were unloaded manufacturer in India, proud- LUCKNOW: Xiaomi, a global leader in technology and inno-
during the month of May, ly announces the launch of vation, unveils the Xiaomi 14 CIVI, a stunning addition to
2024. This is an increase the Firex LS0H-EBXL, a revo- the acclaimed Xiaomi 14 Series. Co-engineered with Leica,
of 1.86 per cent in compar- lutionary innovation in house Xiaomi 14 CIVI takes forward Xiaomi's legacy in mobile im-
ison to the same period of wire solutions. Engineered aging and smartphone photography. The Xiaomi 14 CIVI
the previous year. During with cutting-edge technology doubles-down on camera performance while seamlessly
the month of May, 2024, a and a commitment to safe- inheriting the iconic design language of the Xiaomi 14 Se-
total of 645 rakes of freight ty, the Firex LS0H-EBXL sets ries, marking a significant evolution in the flagship segment.
carrying trains were un- a new standard for electrical This demonstrates Xiaomi's ongoing commitment to mak-
loaded in Assam out of wiring in both residential and up to an incredible 900°C. consistently pioneered prod- ing cutting-edge innovations available to everyone. "Build-
which 331 were loaded commercial settings. This ground-breaking product uct innovations that positive- ing on the phenomenal success of the Xiaomi 14 Series,
with essential commodi- Firex LS0H-EBXL (Low was unveiled at an event held ly impact people's lives. Firex co-engineered with Leica, we're excited to announce the lat-
ties. 54 rakes in Tripura, 20 Smoke Zero Halogen) –EBXL in Lucknow at Hotel Clarks LS0H-EBXL is another stride est addition of the Xiaomi 14 CIVI to the line-up", says Anuj
rakes in Nagaland, 09 rakes (Electron Beam Cross Linked) Avadh Hall - Rang Mahal on in this direction, exemplifying Sharma, Chief Marketing Officer, Xiaomi India. "The Xiaomi
in Arunachal Pradesh, 02 represents a significant 12th June 2024, attended by our commitment to innova- 14 Series pushed the boundaries of smartphone photog-
rakes in Manipur and 08 breakthrough in electrical industry leaders, trade part- tion, safety, and sustainabili- raphy, innovative design and unmatched performance. Our
rakes in Mizoram were un- safety, utilizing an innovative ners and stakeholders. ty." Firex LSOH-EBXL, unlike aim was to expand these latest innovations to a wider au-
loaded during the month. electron beam cross-linked Mr. Shreegopal Kabra, PVC based counter parts, is dience. With the launch of Xiaomi 14 CIVI, we are rewriting
Moreover, 248 freight rakes compound that is completely Managing Director of RR not only chlorine free but its the rules of innovation and redefining what a smartphone
in West Bengal and 166 halogen-free and capable of Kabel, expressed hisenthusi- non-toxic, non-corrosive & of- in this segment can offer. It delivers a complete flagship
freight rakes in Bihar were withstanding temperatures asm, stating, "RR Kabel has fers safety tenfold. experience, from its stunning design to its everyday perfor-
also unloaded during the TOWER THEFT DISRUPTS POWER SUPPLY IN PANNA, NOW RESTORED mance that surpasses benchmarks, all equipped with the
month of May, 2024 within JABALPUR: The tower along the 132 KV Satna - Devendra Nagar - Panna transmission line of MP best cameras we are offering in this segment. The Xiaomi
the jurisdiction of NFR. Transco’s (Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company) in village Bhad suffered damage. 14 CIVI isn't just a phone; it's a statement."
4 Lucknow, Thursday, 13 June 2024 Lucknow News (English Daily)

Odisha gets tribal CM in Mohan Majhi NEET sanctity hit,

OUR CORRESPONDENT perity as the new Chief Min-
ister of Odisha.
la, Keonjhar district. He is the
son of a watchman and was
need answers, says SC
on plea for fresh exam
BHUBANESWAR: BJP’s Many congratulations to first elected to the Assembly
tribal leader and four-time him.” Majhi, who served as in 2000. The BJP’s choice of
MLA Mohan Charan Majhi the BJP’s chief whip in the Majhi and the deputy CMs
has been announced as the previous Assembly, secured reflects a strategic effort to
new Chief Minister of Odi- his fourth term by defeating maintain regional balance.
sha, marking the first time Mina Majhi of the BJD in Majhi hails from northern OUR CORRESPONDENT
the saffron party has come the Keonjhar constituency. Odisha’s Keonjhar, while Deo
to power in the state with a Sources indicate that Prime and Parida represent the NEW DELHI: The Supreme
decisive mandate in the As- Minister Narendra Modi and western and coastal regions, Court has called for a re-
sembly elections, thus end- senior BJP leaders are ex- respectively. Deo is the titular sponse from the National
ing the BJD’s 24-year rule. pected to attend the swear- head of the erstwhile royal Testing Agency (NTA) and
According to sources, also revealed that sixtime attended the meeting. Ma- ing-in ceremony at Janata family of Patnagarh (now Bo- the Centre regarding a peti-
Prime Minister Narendra legislator Kanak Vardhan jhi will take over from BJD Maidan on Wednesday. langir), and Parida, a lawyer, tion that demands a recon-
Modi and senior BJP lead- Singh Deo and first-time supremo Naveen Patnaik. The BJP secured 78 seats will be the state’s first female duct of the NEET-UG 2024,
ers are expected to attend MLA Pravati Parida will serve Singh expressed his delight in the 147-member Odisha deputy chief minister. citing concerns over the
the swearing-in ceremony as deputy chief ministers. on X, stating: “Delighted to Assembly, while the BJD won The BJD and BJP had an sanctity of the examination
of the Majhi government These decisions were fi- announce that Shri Mohan 51 seats. Majhi becomes the alliance from 1998 to 2009, process due to alleged leaks
on Wednesday at Janata nalized at the BJP legisla- Charan Majhi has been elect- third tribal Chief Minister of contesting three Lok Sabha and other irregularities. De-
Maidan at 4.55 pm. Union ture party meeting, where ed unanimously as the lead- Odisha, following Congress and two Assembly elections spite these concerns, the
minister Rajnath Singh 52-year-old Majhi was unani- er of Odisha BJP Legislature leaders Hemananda Biswal together. However, Patnaik court has decided not to the gateway for students to ing Mishra and nine others,
made the announcement mously chosen as the leader. Party. He is a young and dy- and Giridhar Gamang. Ma- ended the alliance before halt the ongoing counselling enter MBBS, BDS, AYUSH, urge the NTA to annul the
on Tuesday, naming Majhi as Central observers, includ- namic party karyakarta who jhi’s political journey began the 2009 general elections, process for successful can- and other related medical results and hold a new ex-
the Chief Minister in a move ing Rajnath Singh and Union will take the state forward on nearly three decades ago as following a riot in Kandhamal didates seeking admission courses in both government amination, ensuring a fair
that surprised many. Singh minister Bhupender Yadav, road to progress and pros- a village sarpanch in Raika- the previous year. to medical courses. and private institutions na- chance for all candidates to

Shri Ravneet Singh, Minister of State for PM urges supporters to

A vacation bench com- tionwide. compete for their preferred
prising Justice Vikram Nath The court issued a notice college admissions.

Railways conducts high level review meeting remove ‘Modi Ka Parivar’

and Justice Ahsanuddin and awaits the NTA’s re- They also call for mea-
Amanullah acknowledged sponse. However, it reject- sures to prevent future

suffix from social media

the gravity of the situation, ed the argument present- occurrences of malprac-
OUR CORRESPONDENT emphasizing the need for ed by the students’ lawyer, tice and fraud, particularly
answers due to the com- Mathews J Nedumpara, to concerning question paper
NEW DELHI: Shri Ravneet OUR CORRESPONDENT promised sanctity of the postpone the counselling leaks.
Singh, Union Minister of State examination. Notices have process. The bench firm- The petition highlights the
for Railways and Food Pro- NEW DELHI: Prime Minister also been sent to the Bihar ly stated that counselling distress and anxiety faced
cessing Industries, conducted Narendra Modi on Tuesday government amid accusa- would proceed without inter- by the aspirants due to the
a high level review meeting requested his supporters to tions of misconduct during ruption, warning that further alleged leak, which they be-
with Railway Board members remove the “Modi Ka Pari- the examination in the state. arguments could lead to the lieve has undermined the
on 11th June, 2024. var” suffix from their social The bench questioned dismissal of the plea. fairness of the competition.
During the meeting, Rail- media handles, stating that the timeframe required for The court noted the re- It mentions the arrest of
way Board Members pre- the recent election victory of a response, hinting at the quest to associate the new four individuals, including
sented a brief overview of collectively as a team to re- sized that Railways is a con- the BJP-led National Dem- possibility of counselling plea with a previous one, two medical students, for
Railways and apprised the alize the vision of Prime Min- venient mode of transport for ocratic Alliance (NDA) has commencement upon the which had already received allegedly operating a pa-
Minister about various ongo- ister Shri Narendra Modi and the common people, Indian successfully conveyed its court’s reopening. The plea, attention from a bench led per-solving scheme during
ing activities across Indian transform Indian Railways Railways should make all intended message. initiated by Shivangi Mishra by CJI DY Chandrachud on the NEET exams at Bhara-
Railways. Shri Ravneet Singh into one of the best Railways efforts to cater to all classes In March, numerous BJP ment, and have entrusted us and nine other medical as- May 17 and is scheduled for tiya Vidya Bhavan Mehta
urged the officials to work in the world. He also empha- especially poor. members and supporters with the mandate to contin- pirants, has been linked to review on July 8. Vidyalaya in New Delhi.
adopted the “Modi Ka Pari- ue working for the nation’s a similar pending petition, Lawyer Nedumpara ex- The petitioners seek the
Diesel Theft uncovered: Municipal Tanker var” (Modi’s family) identifier
on social media in response
betterment.” He continued:
“Now that the message of
with the NTA instructed to
provide a response in the in-
pressed concerns over the
alleged widespread access
court’s urgent intervention,
asserting that the report-
driver arrested with 197 Liters stolen Fuel to Opposition leader Lalu
Prasad Yadav’s remark
us all being one family has
been clearly communicat-
terim. Regular hearings are
set to resume on July 8, fol-
to leaked examination pa-
pers, which may have con-
ed malpractices and leaks
have violated the consti-
OUR CORRESPONDENT about Modi not having a ed, I would like to thank the lowing the end of the sum- tributed to the success of tutional right to equality
family of his own. Modi had people of India once again mer vacation that began on certain candidates. With 23 by providing certain candi-
LUCKNOW: On June 11, countered by asserting that and request that you re- May 20. The NEET-UG 2024 lakh participants and only dates with an unfair advan-
2024, Municipal Commis- the people of India are his move ‘Modi Ka Parivar’ from took place on May 5, with re- 1 lakh available seats, the tage. They reference a pre-
sioner Shri. Indrajeet Singh family. your social media profiles. sults announced on June 4, examination’s integrity is of vious decision by a CJI-led
was alerted to a case of die- In a post on X, Modi said: While the display name ahead of the expected date utmost importance. Nota- bench that declined to stay
sel theft involving a munici- “During the election cam- may change, our bond as of June 14. bly, 67 students achieved a the examination results but
pal corporation water sprin- paign, many across India one family striving for In- The examination, conduct- perfect score. agreed to consider the plea
kler tanker (UP32-DN-0258) added ‘Modi Ka Parivar’ to dia’s progress remains ed by the NTA, serves as The petitioners, includ- for a re-examination.

Chandrababu Naidu to be
parked near Bhikam Pur. The their social media profiles strong and unbroken.” Modi
driver, Ajay, associated with as a sign of affection. This also updated his profile and
the executing agency, was gesture gave me immense header photos on his X ac-
caught siphoning diesel. Act-
ing promptly, Additional Mu-
nicipal Commissioner Shri. Additional Municipal Commissioner Pankaj Srivastava seized stolen
The people of India have
granted the NDA a majori-
count. The new images are
from his first day in office
and the swearing-in ceremo-
sworn in as Andhra CM today
Pankaj Srivastava was dis- diesel and equipment at the Sahara Stadium over bridge. ty for the third consecutive ny of his government for the for the swearing-in cere- to return to the airport and
patched to the scene, result- vestigate. Around 2 PM, to flee. The operation led to time, a remarkable achieve- third term. mony,” Naidu said. He also depart for Bhubaneswar at
ing in the seizure of approx-
imately 197 liters of diesel,
Srivastava discovered Ra-
jendra Kumar, the driver of
the seizure of approximate-
ly 100 liters of diesel, pipes, Two minor siblings raped, AMARAVATI: TDP chief
N Chandrababu Naidu is
announced that this would
be his fourth term and ex-
12.45 pm.
Invitations have been
six pipes, and a steel funnel.
Immediate instructions were
a municipal vehicle (UP 33
PN 0854), and Raju, the
and other equipment.
FIRs are being registered
blackmailed for 6 months: Cops set to assume the role of
Andhra Pradesh’s Chief
pressed confidence in the
Central Government’s co-
extended to farmers who
contributed land for the
issued to take action against driver of a private vehicle against the accused, and OUR CORRESPONDENT Minister for the fourth time operation. Amaravati capital project
the driver. (UP32 BK 6000), engaging the investigation is ongoing. in a ceremony scheduled After the meetings, NDA and individuals allegedly
The following day, June in diesel transactions under Chief Engineer Manoj Pra- NOIDA: Two minor siblings for Wednesday. leaders, including mem- harassed during the previ-
12, 2024, Commission- the Sahara Stadium, Vipul bhat, Assistant Engineers were allegedly raped and The swearing-in ceremo- bers from TDP, BJP, and ous YSR Congress regime,
er Singh received another Khand Over Bridge. Srivas- Ishan and Pankaj Awasthi, blackmailed for money for ny is expected to be attend- Janasena, met the Gov- according to TDP sources.
tip about a similar theft. tava seized the private In- Zonal Officer Zone 04, Chief over six months by two men ed by Prime Minister Nar- ernor to stake their claim Naidu first became Chief
He instructed Additional nova involved in the theft Engineer, and the ETF team in Greater Noida, police said endra Modi, Union Home to form the government. Minister in 1995, serving
Municipal Commissioner and apprehended Rajen- were present during the ac- on Tuesday. The two accused Minister Amit Shah, and Alongside Naidu, other two terms in united Andhra
Pankaj Srivastava to in- dra, while Raju managed tions. - Rahul (23) and Suraj (25) - Union Ministers J P Nadda leaders such as Janasena Pradesh from 1995 to
were arrested on Monday, and Bandi Sanjay Kumar, chief Pawan Kalyan, senior 2004, and a third term as
Malawi’s V-P and 9 others die in plane crash a day after the girls’ father
approached the local Beta
among other leaders.
Amit Shah will meet
leader N Manohar, Naidu’s
son Nara Lokesh, and TDP
the first Chief Minister of
bifurcated Andhra Pradesh
OUR CORRESPONDENT 2 police station with a com- culate the videos on social Naidu at his residence to- Andhra Pradesh leader from 2014 to 2019. Fol-
plaint leading to the regis- media and threatened to kill night before the ceremony Atchannaidu are expected lowing a loss in the 2019
BLANTYRE (MALAWI): Ma- tration of an FIR in the case, the girls,” the spokesperson according to NDA sources. to be sworn in. NDA sourc- elections, he served as op-
lawi’s Vice-President and they said. said. Governor S Abdul Nazeer es indicate that Pawan position leader until 2024.
nine others were killed in a The two men had raped the “The matter came to light invited Naidu to form the Kalyan has been offered He returns as Chief Min-
plane crash, the country’s siblings and video-graphed when the father was look- government after a request the deputy CM post, and ister after a landslide vic-
President said Tuesday. The the acts, they said. The girls ing for some money, which from NDA leaders on Tues- Janasena and BJP are like- tory in the 2024 elections,
wreckage of the military aged 13 and 15 were be- the family had kept at their day. Naidu met the Gover- ly to get five to six cabinet where the NDA won 164
plane carrying Vice-Pres- friended by the accused, who home, but could not find and nor at Raj Bhavan later in berths. of the 175 Assembly seats
ident Saulos Chilima was had extorted about Rs 10 he asked the girls if they had the evening. The Andhra Pradesh As- and 21 of the 25 Lok Sabha
located in a mountainous lakh from the siblings’ family seen the money. The girls The swearing-in is sched- sembly has a strength of seats.
area in the north of the since January by threatening then told their father that uled for 11.27 am near 175, allowing for a cab-
country after a search that 370 kilometers (230 miles) operated by the Malawian to circulate the videos on so- they had given the money Medha IT Park opposite inet of 26 ministers, in- Owner, Publisher,
lasted more than a day. to the north. armed forces. cial media, police officials to the accused and narrated Gannavaram Airport in Kes- cluding the Chief Minister. Printer Jamil Ahmad, 5,
There were no survivors of Air traffic controllers told The tail number he pro- said. the entire ordeal,” the official arapalli on the outskirts of Chief Secretary Neerabh Shahanajaf Road (Bheri
the crash, Malawian Pres- the plane not to attempt a vided shows it is a Dornier “The accused befriended said. On the basis of the fa- Vijayawada. Kumar Prasad reviewed wali Kothi) Lucknow.
ident Lazarus Chakwera landing at Mzuzu’s airport 228-type twin propeller the two girls after contacting ther’s complaint, an FIR was Earlier in the day, Naidu the arrangements for the Printed at National
said in a live address on because of bad weather and plane that was delivered to them over phone. They once immediately lodged under was elected leader by the ceremony, stating that the Art Press 207, New
state television. Hundreds poor visibility and asked it to the Malawian army in 1988, lured the girls on the pretext IPC sections 376 (rape), 506 Telugu Desam Legislature Prime Minister is expect- Hyderabad, Lucknow.
of soldiers, police officers turn back to Lilongwe, Chak- according to the ch-aviation of partying with them but fed (criminal intimidation), 328 Party and NDA partners ed to depart from Delhi at Published from 5,
and forest rangers had been wera said. Air traffic control website that tracks aircraft them intoxicants and raped (giving poison to someone) in separate meetings. He 8.20 am and arrive at Gan- Shahnajaf Road (Bheri wali
searching for the plane then lost contact with the information. Around 600 both the girls. At the time to commit an offence), and announced that Amaravati navaram Airport by 10.40 Kothi) Lucknow.
that also carried a former aircraft and it disappeared personnel were involved in of the incident, the accused 384 (extortion), the police will be the sole capital of am on Wednesday. Editor
first lady after it went miss- from radar, he said. Seven the search in a vast forest also made obscene videos said. Charges under provi- the state. “With all your co- Modi is scheduled to Shabana
ing Monday morning while passengers and three mil- plantation in the Viphya of both the girls,” a police sions of the stringent POC- operation, I am swearing in reach the venue by 10.55
making the 45-minute flight itary crew members were Mountains near Mzuzu, au- spokesperson said. “Lakhs SO Act were also invoked in tomorrow (as the CM), and am and participate in the Mobile: 9450364562
from the southern African on board. The President thorities said. Chilima was of rupees were extorted the case lodged on Sunday I would like to thank you swearing-in ceremony [email protected]
nation’s capital, Lilongwe, described the aircraft as a serving his second term as from the girls as the accused after which the accused all for that. Prime Minister from 11 am to 12.30 pm, [email protected]
to the city of Mzuzu, around small, propeller driven plane Vice-President. otherwise threatened to cir- were held. Narendra Modi is coming after which he is expected

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