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Application of Taguchi Method in The Optimization of Cutting Parameters For Surface Roughness in Turning

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Application of Taguchi method in the optimization of cutting parameters for

surface roughness in turning

Article in Materials and Design · December 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2006.01.008


523 3,917

3 authors:

Muammer Nalbant Hasan Gökkaya

Gazi University Gazi University


Gökhan Sur
Karabuk University


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& Design
Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385

Short communication

Application of Taguchi method in the optimization of

cutting parameters for surface roughness in turning
M. Nalbant *, H. Gökkaya, G. Sur
Department of Mechanical Education, Faculty of Technical Education, Gazi University, 06503 Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey

Received 21 July 2005; accepted 6 January 2006

Available online 24 March 2006


In this study, the Taguchi method is used to find the optimal cutting parameters for surface roughness in turning. The orthogonal
array, the signal-to-noise ratio, and analysis of variance are employed to study the performance characteristics in turning operations
of AISI 1030 steel bars using TiN coated tools. Three cutting parameters namely, insert radius, feed rate, and depth of cut, are optimized
with considerations of surface roughness. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ness is very complicated and process dependent. To select

the cutting parameters properly, several mathematical
In modern industry the goal is to manufacture low cost, models [1–5] based on statistical regression or neural net-
high quality products in short time. Automated and flexible work techniques have been constructed to establish the
manufacturing systems are employed for that purpose relationship between the cutting performance and cutting
along with computerised numerical control (CNC) parameters. Then, an objective function with constraints
machines that are capable of achieving high accuracy and is formulated to solve the optimal cutting parameters
very low processing time. Turning is the first most common using optimization techniques. Therefore, considerable
method for cutting and especially for the finishing knowledge and experience are required for this approach.
machined parts. In a turning operation, it is important task In this study, an alternative approach based on the Tagu-
to select cutting parameters for achieving high cutting per- chi method [6–8] is used to determine the desired cutting
formance. Usually, the desired cutting parameters are parameters more efficiency.
determined based on experience or by use of a handbook. There were two purposes of this research. The first was
Cutting parameters are reflected on surface roughness, sur- to demonstrate a systematic procedure of using Taguchi
face texture and dimensional deviations of the product. parameter design in process control of turning machines.
Surface roughness, which is used to determine and to eval- The second was to demonstrate a use of the Taguchi
uate the quality of a product, is one of the major quality parameter design in order to identify the optimum surface
attributes of a turning product. roughness performance with a particular combination of
Surface roughness is a measure of the technological cutting parameters in a turning operation.
quality of a product and a factor that greatly influences The paper is organized in the following manner. An
manufacturing cost. It describes the geometry of the overview of the parameter design based on the Taguchi
machined surfaces and combined with the surface texture. method is given first. Then, the parameter design with the
The mechanism behind the formation of surface rough- multiple performance characteristics is introduced. The
experimental detail of using the parameter design to deter-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 212 3952/6820; fax: +90 312 212
mine and analyze the optimal cutting parameters in turning
0059. operations is described next. Finally, the paper concludes
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Nalbant). with a summary of this study.

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1380 M. Nalbant et al. / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385

2. Taguchi method ratio g. Usually, there are three categories of the perfor-
mance characteristic in the analysis of the S/N ratio, that
Taguchi has developed a methodology for the applica- is, the lower-the-better, the higher-the-better, and the nom-
tion of designed experiments, including a practitioner’s inal-the-better. The S/N ratio for each level of process
handbook [1]. This methodology has taken the design of parameters is computed based on the S/N analysis.
experiments from the exclusive world of the statistician Regardless of the category of the performance characteris-
and brought it more fully into the world of manufacturing. tic, the larger S/N ratio corresponds to the better perfor-
His contributions have also made the practitioner work mance characteristic. Therefore, the optimal level of the
simpler by advocating the use of fewer experimental process parameters is the level with the highest S/N ratio
designs, and providing a clearer understanding of the vari- g. Furthermore, a statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA)
ation nature and the economic consequences of quality is performed to see which process parameters are statisti-
engineering in the world of manufacturing [1,2]. Taguchi cally significant. With the S/N and ANOVA analyses, the
introduces his approach, using experimental design for [2]: optimal combination of the process parameters can be pre-
dicted. Finally, a confirmation experiment is conducted to
– designing products/processes so as to be robust to envi- verify the optimal process parameters obtained from the
ronmental conditions; parameter design. In this paper, the cutting parameter
– designing and developing products/processes so as to be design by the Taguchi method is adopted to obtain optimal
robust to component variation; machining performance in turning.
– minimizing variation around a target value. !
Nominal is the best: S=N T ¼ 10 log 2 ð1Þ
The philosophy of Taguchi is broadly applicable. He sy
proposed that engineering optimization of a process or !
product should be carried out in a three-step approach, 1X n
Larger-is-the better(maximize): S=N L ¼ 10 log
i.e., system design, parameter design, and tolerance design. n i¼1 y 2i
In system design, the engineer applies scientific and engi- ð2Þ
neering knowledge to produce a basic functional prototype !
design, this design including the product design stage and 1X n
Smaller-is-the better(minimize): S=N S ¼ 10 log y2
the process design stage. In the product design stage, the n i¼1 i
selection of materials, components, tentative product ð3Þ
parameter values, etc., are involved. As to the process
design stage, the analysis of processing sequences, the selec- s2y
where y , is the average of observed data, is the variance
tions of production equipment, tentative process parameter of y, n is the number of observations and y is the observed
values, etc., are involved. Since system design is an initial data.
functional design, it may be far from optimum in terms Notice that these S/N ratios are expressed on a decibel
of quality and cost. scale. We would use S/NT if the objective is to reduce var-
The objective of the parameter design [9] is to optimize iability around a specific target, S/NL if the system is opti-
the settings of the process parameter values for improving mized when the response is as large as possible, and S/NS if
performance characteristics and to identify the product the system is optimized when the response is as small as
parameter values under the optimal process parameter val- possible. Factor levels that maximize the appropriate S/N
ues. In addition, it is expected that the optimal process ratio are optimal. The goal of this research was to produce
parameter values obtained from the parameter design are minimum surface roughness (Ra) in a turning operation.
insensitive to the variation of environmental conditions Smaller Ra values represent better or improved surface
and other noise factors. Therefore, the parameter design roughness. Therefore, a smaller-the-better quality charac-
is the key step in the Taguchi method to achieving high teristic was implemented and introduced in this study [9].
quality without increasing cost. The use of the parameter design of the Taguchi method
Basically, classical parameter design, developed by to optimize a process with multiple performance character-
Fisher [10], is complex and not easy to use. Especially, a istics includes the following steps [11]:
large number of experiments have to be carried out when
the number of the process parameters increases. To solve  Identify the performance characteristics and select pro-
this task, the Taguchi method uses a special design of cess parameters to be evaluated.
orthogonal arrays to study the entire parameter space with  Determine the number of levels for the process parame-
a small number of experiments only. A loss function is then ters and possible interactions between the process
defined to calculate the deviation between the experimental parameters.
value and the desired value. Taguchi recommends the use  Select the appropriate orthogonal array and assignment
of the loss function to measure the performance character- of process parameters to the orthogonal array.
istic deviating from the desired value. The value of the loss  Conduct the experiments based on the arrangement of
function is further transformed into a signal-to-noise (S/N) the orthogonal array.
M. Nalbant et al. / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385 1381

 Calculate the total loss function and the S/N ratio. Table 3
 Analyze the experimental results using the S/N ratio and Cutting parameters and their levels (cutting speed is kept constant
300 m/min)
 Select the optimal levels of process parameters. Symbol Cutting parameter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
 Verify the optimal process parameters through the con- A Insert radius (mm) 0.4 0.8 1.2
firmation experiment. B Depth of cut (mm) 0.5 1.5 2.5
C Feed rate (mm/rev) 0.15 0.25 0.35

3. Turning process experiments

Turning is a widely used machining process in which a

single-point cutting tool removes material from the surface
of a rotating cylindrical workpiece. Three cutting parame-
ters, i.e., feed rate, depth of cut, and insert radius must be
determined in a turning operation. A common method of
evaluating machining performance in a turning operation
is based on the surface roughness. Basically, surface rough-
ness is strongly correlated with cutting parameters such as
insert radius, feed rate, and depth of cut [12]. Surface
roughness is not strongly correlated with cutting speed
therefore cutting speed is not used in this paper. Proper
selection of the cutting parameters can obtain better sur-
face roughness. Hence, optimization of the cutting param-
eters based on the parameter design of the Taguchi method
is adopted in this paper to improve surface roughness in a
turning operation. Fig. 1. Surface roughness profile.

3.1. Selection of cutting parameters and their levels

range 0.5–2.5 mm. Therefore, three levels of the cutting
The cutting experiments were carried out on an John- parameters were selected as shown in Table 3.
ford T35 CNC lathe using TiN coated tools with the grade
of P-20 for the machining of AISI 1030 steel bars. In 3.2. Machining performance measure
the tests used inserts were TNMG160404-MA,
TNMG160408-MA and TNMG160412-MA. Mechanical There are various simple surface roughness amplitude
properties and chemical composition of AISI 1030 carbon parameters used in industry, such as roughness average
steel which was used in the experiments as shown in Tables (Ra), root-mean-square (rms) roughness (Rq), and maxi-
1 and 2, respectively. The initial cutting parameters were as mum peak-to-valley roughness (Ry or Rmax), etc. [13,14].
follows: insert radius of 0.8 mm, a feed rate of 0.25 mm/ The parameter Ra is used in this study. The average rough-
rev, and a depth of cut of 1.5 mm. The feasible range for ness (Ra) is the area between the roughness profile and its
the cutting parameters was recommended by a machining mean line, or the integral of the absolute value of the rough-
handbook, i.e., insert radius in the range 0.4–1.2 mm, feed ness profile height over the evaluation length (Fig. 1).
rate in the range 0.15–0.35 mm/rev, and depth of cut in the Therefore, the Ra is specified by the following equation:
1 L
Ra ¼ jY ðxÞj dx; ð4Þ
L 0
Table 1 where Ra is the arithmetic average deviation from the mean
Mechanical properties of AISI 1030 carbon steel
line, L is the sampling length, Y the ordinate of the profile
Elongation Hardness Tensile Yield Thermal curve. The average surface roughness Ra, is measured with-
(%) (HB) strength strength conductivity
in the sampling length of 5.6 mm.
(MPa) (MPa) (W/m K)
31.2 126 463.7 341.3 51.9
4. Determination of optimal cutting parameters

In this section, the use of an orthogonal array to

Table 2
Chemical composition of AISI 1030 carbon steel, % weight
reduce the number of cutting experiments for determining
the optimal cutting parameters is reported. Results of the
C Si Mn P S
cutting experiments are studied by using the S/N and
0.276 0.110 0.610 0.040 0.050 ANOVA analyses. Based on the results of the S/N and
1382 M. Nalbant et al. / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385

ANOVA analyses, optimal cutting parameters for surface Table 5

roughness are obtained and verified. Experimental results for surface roughness and S/N ratio
Experiment Cutting parameter Measured Calculated
4.1. Orthogonal array experiment number level Surface S/N ratio
roughness for surface
A B C Designation
To select an appropriate orthogonal array for experi- Insert Dept of Feed
ments, the total degrees of freedom need to be computed. rad. cut rate
The degrees of freedom are defined as the number of com- 1 0.4 0.5 0.15  2.170 6.734
parisons between process parameters that need to be made 2 0.4 1.5 0.25 00 6.385 16.104
to determine which level is better and specifically how 3 0.4 2.5 0.35 ++ 13.630 22.695
4 0.8 0.5 0.25 00 2.435 7.730
much better it is. For example, a three-level process param- 5 0.8 1.5 0.35 00+ 5.215 14.347
eter counts for two degrees of freedom. The degrees of free- 6 0.8 2.5 0.15 0+ 1.800 5.1076
dom associated with interaction between two process 7 1.2 0.5 0.35 ++ 2.535 8.079
parameters are given by the product of the degrees of free- 8 1.2 1.5 0.15 +0 0.875 1.159
dom for the two process parameters. In the present study, 9 1.2 2.5 0.25 ++0 1.515 3.608
the interaction between the cutting parameters is neglected.
Therefore, there are six degrees of freedom owing to the
Table 5 shows the experimental results for surface
three cutting parameters in turning operations.
roughness and the corresponding S/N ratio using Eq. (3).
Once the degrees of freedom required are known, the
Since the experimental design is orthogonal, it is then pos-
next step is to select an appropriate orthogonal array to
sible to separate out the effect of each cutting parameter at
fit the specific task. Basically, the degrees of freedom for
different levels. For example, the mean S/N ratio for the
the orthogonal array should be greater than or at least
insert radius at levels 1, 2 and 3 can be calculated by aver-
equal to those for the process parameters. In this study,
aging the S/N ratios for the experiments 1–3, 4–6, and 7–9,
an L9 orthogonal array was used. This array has twenty
respectively. The mean S/N ratio for each level of the other
six degrees of freedom and it can handle three-level process
cutting parameters can be computed in the similar manner.
parameters. Each cutting parameter is assigned to a col-
The mean S/N ratio for each level of the cutting parameters
umn and twenty seven cutting parameter combinations
is summarized and called the mean S/N response table for
are available. Therefore, only twenty seven experiments
surface roughness (Table 6). In addition, the total mean
are required to study the entire parameter space using the
S/N ratio for the nine experiments is also calculated and
L9 orthogonal array. The experimental layout for the three
listed in Table 6. Fig. 1 shows the mean S/N ratio graph
cutting parameters using the L9 orthogonal array is shown
for surface roughness. The S/N ratio corresponds to the
in Table 4. Table 5 shows the experimental results and S/N
smaller variance of the output characteristics around the
ratio of surface roughness.
desired value.
Fig. 2 shows the predicted versus actual values for S/N
4.2. Analysis of the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio
ratio of surface roughness. Here, it is seen that most of the
points are close to this line. Fig. 3 shows the plot of pre-
As mentioned earlier, there are three categories of per-
dicted values versus residual values for S/N ratio of surface
formance characteristics, i.e., the lower-the-better, the
roughness. Deviations are very small each parameter and
higher-the-better, and the nominal-the-better. To obtain
optimal machining performance, the lower-the-better per-
formance characteristic for surface roughness should be
4.3. Analysis of variance
taken for obtaining optimal machining performance.
The purpose of the ANOVA is to investigate which of
Table 4 the process parameters significantly affect the performance
Experimental layout using an L9 orthogonal array characteristics. This is accomplished by separating the total
Experiment number Cutting parameter level
Table 6
Insert rad. Dept of cut Feed rate Error
Response table mean S/N ratio for surface roughness factor and
1 1 1 1 significant interaction
2 1 2 2
Symbol Cutting parameter Mean S/N ratio
3 1 3 3
4 2 1 2 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Max–min
5 2 2 3 A Insert radius 15.178 9.062 3.509 11.669
6 2 3 1 B Depth of cut 7.515 9.764 10.470 2.955
7 3 1 3
8 3 2 1 C Feed rate 3.561 9.148 15.041 11.480
9 3 3 2 Total mean S/N ratio = 9.249.
M. Nalbant et al. / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385 1383

Fig. 2. The mean single-to-noise graph for surface roughness.

Fig. 4. Comparison of residual and predicted S/N ratio of surface

roughness using regression analysis.
Fig. 3. Comparison of actual and predicted S/N ratio of surface
roughness using regression analysis.
" #2
ðsgi Þ2 1 X m
variability of the S/N ratios, which is measured by the sum SS P ¼  g ð6Þ
t m i¼1 i
of the squared deviations from the total mean of the S/N j¼1

ratio, into contributions by each of the process parameters where p represent one of the experiment parameters, j the
and the error. First, the total sum of the squared deviations level number of this parameter p, t the repetition of each
SST from the total mean of the S/N ratio g can be calcu- level of the parameter p, sgj the sum of the S/N ratio
lated as [15]. involving this parameter p and level j.
Xm Xm Xm The sum of squares from error parameters SSe is
SS T ¼ ðgi  
gÞ ¼ g2i  gþ
2gi  g2

i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 SS e ¼ SS T  SS A  SS B  SS C ð7Þ
m X
The total degrees of freedom is DT = m  1, where the de-
¼ g2i  2m
g2 þ m
g2 ¼ g2i  m
grees of freedom of the tested parameter Dp = t  1. The
i¼1 i¼1
" #2 variance of the parameter tested is VP = SSP/DP. Then,
1 X
the F-value for each design parameter is simply the ratio
¼ g2i  gi ð5Þ of the mean of squares deviations to the mean of the
m i¼1
squared error (FP = VP/Ve). The corrected sum of squares
where m is the number of experiments in the orthogonal ar- SP can be calculated as:
ray, e.g., m = 9 and gi is the mean S/N ratio for the ith
S P ¼ SS P  DP V e ð8Þ
experiment (Fig. 4).
The total sum of the squared deviations SST is decom- The percentage contribution q can be calculated as:
posed into two sources: the sum of the squared deviations
SSP due to each process parameter and the sum of the q¼ ð9Þ
squared error SSe. SSP can be calculated as: SS T
1384 M. Nalbant et al. / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385

Statistically, there is a tool called the F-test named after Table 8

Fisher [10] to see which process parameters have a signifi- Results of the confirmation experiment for surface roughness
cant effect on the performance characteristic. In performing Initial Optimal cutting
the F-test, the mean of the squared deviations SSm due to cutting parameters
each process parameter needs to be calculated. The mean Prediction Experiment
of the squared deviations SSm is equal to the sum of the Level A2B2C2 A3B1C1 A3B1C1
squared deviations SSd divided by the number of degrees Surface roughness (lm) 2.68 0.8
of freedom associated with the process parameter. Then, S/N ratio (dB) 8.567 3.913 1.935
Improvement of S/N ratio 10.502
the F-value for each process parameter is simply a ratio
of the mean of the squared deviations SSm to the mean
of the squared error SSe. Usually the larger the F-value, the initial cutting parameters to the optimal cutting param-
the greater the effect on the performance characteristic eters is 10.502 dB. The improvement of the S/N ratio for
due to the change of the process parameter. the individual performance characteristic is shown in Table
Table 7 shows the results of ANOVA for surface rough- 8. Based on the result of the confirmation test, the surface
ness. It can be found that the insert radius and feed rate are roughness is decreased 3.35 times, in the foregoing discus-
the significant cutting parameters for affecting the surface sion; the experimental results confirm the prior parameter
roughness. The change of the depth of cut in the range design for the optimal cutting parameters with the multiple
given by Table 3 has an insignificant effect on surface performance characteristics in turning operations.
roughness. Therefore, based on the S/N and ANOVA anal-
yses, the optimal cutting parameters for surface roughness 5. Conclusions
are the insert radius at level 3, the feed rate at level 1, and
the depth of cut at level 1. This paper has presented an application of the parame-
ter design of the Taguchi method in the optimization of
4.4. Confirmation tests turning operations. The following conclusions can be
drawn based on the experimental results of this study:
Once the optimal level of the process parameters is
selected, the final step is to predict and verify the improve-  Taguchi’s robust orthogonal array design method is
ment of the performance characteristic using the optimal suitable to analyze the surface roughness (metal cutting)
level of the process parameters. The estimated S/N ratio problem as described in this paper.
g using the optimal level of the process parameters can
^  It is found that the parameter design of the Taguchi
be calculated as [5] method provides a simple, systematic, and efficient
q methodology for the optimization of the cutting
g ¼ gm þ
^ ð
g i  gm Þ ð10Þ parameters.
i¼1  The experimental results demonstrate that the insert
where gm is the total mean of the S/N ratio, 
gi , is the mean radius and feed rate are the main parameters among
S/N ratio at the optimal level, and q is the number of the the three controllable factors (insert radius, feed rate
process parameters that significantly affect the performance and depth of cut) that influence the surface roughness
characteristic. in turning AISI 1030 carbon steel.
The estimated S/N ratio using the optimal cutting  Surface roughness can be improved simultaneously
parameters for surface roughness can then be obtained through this approach instead of using engineering
and the corresponding surface roughness can also be calcu- judgement. The confirmation experiments were con-
lated by using Eq. (3). Table 8 shows the results of the con- ducted to verify the optimal cutting parameters. The
firmation experiment using the optimal cutting parameters percentage contributions of insert radius, feed rate and
of surface roughness. Good agreement between the pre- depth of cut are 48.54, 46.95 and 3.39, respectively.
dicted machining performance and actual machining per-  In turning, use of greater insert radius (1.2 mm), low
formance is shown. The increase of the S/N ratio from feed rate (0.15 mm/rev) and low depth of cut (0.5 mm)
are recommended to obtain better surface roughness
for the specific test range.
Table 7  The improvement of surface roughness form initial cut-
Results of the analysis of variance for surface roughness ting parameters to the optimal cutting parameters is
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean F ratio Contribution about 335%.
variation freedom squares square (%)  Deviations between actual and predicted S/N ratio of
Insert radius 2 204.377 102.189 43.668 48.54 surface roughness are small each parameter.
Depth of cut 2 14.295 7.148 3.054 3.39
Feed rate 2 197.735 98.867 42.248 46.95
This research demonstrates how to use Taguchi param-
Error 2 4.680 2.340 1.11
eter design for optimizing machining performance with
Total 8 421.087 100 minimum cost and time to industrial readers.
M. Nalbant et al. / Materials and Design 28 (2007) 1379–1385 1385

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