AC - MS.006.2024 Reinforcement Bars

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(X) - MS - Method of Statement
Ref Nº: AC.MS.006.2024.


PBW – Electrical;
– Water STR – Structure;
and fire-fighting ARQ PBD
water supply; – Architecture;
– Swage and MEC – Mechanical;
drain water GAS- Gas;

Submission Date: 11-07-2024

APPROVAL FORM drainage; O - Others TEL - Telecommunication
Sequential Number Start with 001
(K) Revision starts with (REV.01) *First submission doesn’t need to describe the revision
Deadline Date:

Starting Working Date: 11-07-2024

1 - Identification

Reference Document AC.MS.006.2024

Material Ref. No:

Equipment Ref, No:

Drawing Ref, No:

Structure Work

Report Ref, No: Technical Spesification no 39

BOQ Ref, No: A. Preparation Work, No. 6
STRUCTURAL WORKS, 2.1 until NO 2.20, 3.5 , E.SEWAGE PIT
Team Leader/Representative
Signature: Rufinus F. Marcal

Christophe Nortier
Received By: Date:


Approved Approved With Conditions Not Approved


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Reinforcement bars

Method work is shared in 4 stages .
1. Preparation And Planning Use of Rebar
2. Preparation Material And Equipment
3. Installation of inner rebar formwork And concrete
4. Inspection And Rebar Testing

1. Preparation And Planning Use of Rebar

1. Rebar Requirements for work wall retainer This is 11,429.52kg With using a 13mm
steel bar for the main bar distance 15cm and 10mm iron for distribution and rebar
chairs with distance 20cm based on rebar requirements type And type structure
that is inside design structure page 15:
2. Size And amount the iron is adjusted with specified specifications in document 4.
02AUGUST2022Z_BACK-UP QUANTITY_CNC ( Anexo document) and based on
existing design .

3. Pattern And system Place the steel bar inside appropriate structure with design
And specification construction :. This matter covers determination pattern rebar
fastening , spacing between rebar rods , and rebar position inside structure . in
accordance with design structure And specification construction To use ensure
strength And reliability structure .

2. Preparation Material And Equipment

Preparation material And equipment is stages important in application of rebar. Following

This explanation about stages This :

1. Rebar size is adjusted with specification And design structure . ( Picture Design
included )

2. Steel bar is used is a steel bar that has been approved by consultants.
3. Cut steel bar and at the bend must in accordance specification And design
structure , with use bending tools and grinding cut what is agreed . Worker ynag
hurt This must be completed with PPE for guard safety Work . Size And form iron
adjusted with design structure And will be checked return by consultant before
use : Stage final from preparation material And equipment is inspect And prepare
necessary equipment For application of rebar. This includes tools rebar cutter ,
rebar fastener , tools rebar placement , and equipment other necessary in the
rebar installation process . Ensure that equipment in condition Good And Ready
used will Simplifies the process of applying rebar.

Document Specification Pages No. 30 to No. 32

3. Installation of inner rebar Concrete

. Following is explanation about stages rebar installation :

1. Clean And prepare the area for construction receiving rebar: Before start rebar

installation , construction area must cleaned from dirt , soil , or other materials that

can interrupt the installation process . Construction area Also need prepared with

ensure the surface is flat and free from obstacle And with consultant approval .

2. Cut the rebar accordingly with required size with use tool proper cutter : Rebar

necessary cut in accordance with the size has been calculated And planned

previously . In stage this , using tool proper rebar cutter very important For ensure

rebar pieces have accurate length And neat edges .

3. Tying rebar with wire concrete or binder special on intersection And specified

points in accordance with pattern system location of rebar: Rebar is necessary tied

on intersection And specified points in accordance with pattern system location

that has been planned . Rebar fastening can be done use wire concrete or tool

binder special For ensure sturdiness And stiffness structure .

4. Install buffer And support temporary For guard correct rebar position during the

placement process concrete : During the placement process concrete , rebar

necessary supported with buffer And support temporary . This matter aim For

guard keep the rebar in position on the place And No move during concrete poured

. Buffer And support temporary can used For avoid shift or change rebar position

that can be reduce strength structure .

5. Install rebar with carefully in accordance with system location that has been

determined , paying attention distance And the right space between rebar rod :

Rebar must be installed with Be careful in accordance with system location that has

been planned . Need noticed distance And the right space between rebar rods for

ensure strength And integrity optimal structure .

6. Ensure that the rebar is located in correct position And in accordance with design

structure : During the installation process , it is important For ensure that the rebar

is located in correct position in accordance with design structure . Rebar is a must

positioned with accurate And in accordance with need to get it give proper support

on structure that will built .

Stages rebar installation requires caution And accuracy For ensure that the rebar is
installed with Good And in accordance with design construction . Installation process This
will be watched by consultants.

4. Inspection And Rebar Testing

Inspection And testing in application of rebar for ensure quality , strength , and suitability
with design structure . Following is explanation about stages inspection And testing :

1. Do visual inspection for ensure that the rebar has been installed with Correct And
in accordance with design : Visual inspection is carried out For inspect is rebar
installation has been completed done with Correct And in accordance with plan
design . This matter covers inspect system location of rebar, proper fastening , as
well as sturdiness And quality installation in a way general .
2. Do testing strength pull And press on rebar samples for ensure quality And his
strength in accordance with desired standard : Testing strength pull And press
done on rebar samples for ensure that the rebar meets standard desired strength .
Testing This usually carried out in the laboratory use tool And method appropriate
testing .
3. Evaluate And record results testing For documentation And supervision quality :
Results testing the strength of the rebar is evaluated For determine whether the
rebar meets established standards . Results testing This Also recorded And
documented For needs supervision quality And verification obedience with
condition design And applicable standards .


No. Material And Tool Function Picture

1. Steel Bar 13mm materials used

3. Wire Bendrat As binder

4. Meter For measure long or

6. Grinder Steel cuter .

7. Machine Bending Steel Bending

10 Personal Protective Tool Protector Self

Equipment (PPE)

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