To PLDS: System Design Using HDL (19ece43)

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HDL Programming (VHDL Digital System design Using Verilog,
# and Verilog), Nazeih M. Charles H. Roth Jr., Lizy Kurian John,
Botros, 2015, John-Wiley Byeong Kil Lee,
India Pvt. Ltd. 2015, CL Engineering.
1 1.1 – 1.7, 6.1 – 6.3 -
2 - 2.1 – 2.5, 2.11
3 1.8 2.6 – 2.8, 2.13 – 2.15
- 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.16 – 2.19,
8.1, 8.2, 4.1 – 4.3, 4.9
5 - 3.1 – 3.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.11, 6.12
Brief overview of
Programmable Logic
Need of programmable logic devices:

• Implementation of a significant amount of functionality

into one physical chip.
• Removes the need for multiple off-the-shelf devices.
• Easy reprogramming, therefore increased ability to
change the design.
• Easier to change the design in case of errors or change
in the design specifications.
Programmable logic

Factory programmable devices Field Programmable Devices

ROM MPGA (Mask SPLD (Simple CPLD FPGA (Field

(Read only Programmable Programmable (Complex Programmable
Logic Device) programmable Gate Array)
memory) Gate Array) Logic Device)


(Programmable (Programmable Array Logic)
Read Only
Memory) Logic Array) Array Logic)
• Factory Programmable Devices: Generic devices that
are programmed at the factory to meet the Customer’s
requirements. Programming can be done only once.
Examples: ROM, MPGA

• ROM: Primarily meant for memory, but can be used to

implement combinational circuits.

• MPGA: Also called as gate arrays, they have been a

popular technology for creating ASIC.
• Field Programmable Devices: Devices that are
programmed by the user, rather than in factory.
Low (few Low to medium Medium to high (3000 to
Density hundred gates) (500 to 12,000 gates) 5,000,000 gates)
Timing Predictable Predictable Unpredictable
Cost Low Low to Medium Medium to high
Lattice Xilinx (Kintex, Artix, Virtex,
Major (GAL16LV8,
Xilinx (CoolRunner, Spartan),
Vendors XC9500), Altera (Stratix, Cyclone, Arria),
(with device
(PALCE16V8), Altera (MAX) Lattice (Mach, ECP),
AMD (22V10) Microsemi (Axcelerator, Fusion)
• PLA: It consists of programmable AND array &
programmable OR array.

• PAL: It is a special case of PLA, where OR array is

fixed and only AND array is programmable. It can also
contain flip-flops.

• Earlier programmable devices were only one time

programmable (OTP, PROM); later on, the advent of
Ultraviolet and electronically erasable technology
gradually led to re-programmable logic devices.
CMOS Electrically Erasable PLDs:
• It contains macroblocks with array of gates, flip-flops,
multiplexers, or standard building blocks.
• PLAs, PALs, GALs & PLDs are collectively referred as

GAL (Generic Array Logic):

• Lattice semiconductor created similar devices with easy
reprogrammability, and called their line of devices as
(Read Only
• ROM consists of an array of semiconductor
devices that are interconnected to store an
array of binary data.

• Data stored in ROM can be read out when

required, but cannot be changed under
normal operating conditions.

• Output pattern stored in ROM is called a


• Each input serves as address, which selects

one of the stored words as output.
• Size of ROM is given as follows: 2n X m, where “n”
represents the number of input lines and “m” represents
the width of output lines.
• A ROM’s size, with 4-bit output line and 3-bit input line
can be written as, 8 words X 4 bits.

• In the following example, when ABC=010, F0F1F2F3=0111.

• ROM consists of a decoder and a memory array. When a
pattern of 1’s and 0’s is applied as input to the decoder,
any one of its output becomes 1, which in turn selects
that particular stored word from the array.

• Types of ROM:
❖ Mask programmable ROM
❖ PROM (user programmable)
❖ EPROM (UV erasure)
❖ EEPROM (Electrically erasable)
❖ Flash memory
• Mask programmable ROM: Data array is permanently stored
during manufacture, by selectively including or omitting the
switching elements, in the cross-point switch matrix. Special
masks are used for this purpose, which is an expensive process.
• PROM: One time, user programmable (fuse / antifuse).
• EPROM: Programmer uses voltage pulses to store electronic
charges in the memory array location. UV light is used for the
erasure of complete data that is stored.
• EEPROM: Uses electronic pulses for erasure of data. It can be
reprogrammed only 100 to 1000 times.
• Flash memories: They have built-in programming and erasure
capabilities, and data can be written while in-circuit, without
needing any separate programmer.
• ROM can implement any combinational circuit, by
storing the outputs for all of the input combinations.
Hence, this method is also called as LUT method.

Ex-1: Implement a 2 bit adder using ROM:

Solution: Input : two 2-bit numbers.

Output : Sum having 3-bits.

• Can be implemented with 16 X 3 ROM.

Data to be stored in memory:
0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6
Ex-2: Compute the size of the ROM to implement an 8:3
priority encoder.

There will be 256 entries in the ROM.

Size of the ROM: 28 X 4
Ex-3: Implement the following state machine, of BCD to
Excess-3 code converter, using ROM.
X=0 X=1 X=0 X=1
S0 S1 S2 1 0
S1 S3 S4 1 0
S2 S4 S4 0 1
S3 S5 S5 0 1
S4 S5 S6 1 0
S5 S0 S0 0 1
S6 S0 - 1 -
• Sequential circuit is designed
using ROM and flip-flops.
• ROM is used to realize the output
functions and the next state
• The state of the circuit is stored in
a register of D flip-flops, and fed
back to the input of the ROM.
• To realize the given Mealy
machine, a ROM and 3 flip-flops
are necessary.
• The ROM will generate
the next state equations
and output Z, from the
present states and input X.
• Q1, Q2, Q3 and X are
connected to the address
lines, with X connected to
the LSB.
• Contents of ROM are:
3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 8, A, B,
B, C, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.
Programmable Logic
Array (PLA)
• PLA with n-input lines and
m-output lines, can realize
m-functions of n-variables.
• When compared to ROM,
instead of decoder, AND
array is used to realize the
product terms.
• Later on, OR array is used
to sum the product terms.
Ex-4: Using PLA, Realize the following functions:
F0 = ⅀m(0,1,4,6) = (A'B'+AC')
F1 = ⅀m(2,3,4,6,7) = (B+AC')
F2 = ⅀m(0,1,2,6) = (A'B'+BC')
F3 = ⅀m(2,3,5,6,7) = (AC+B)

Solution: There are 3 inputs: A, B & C. There are 5 distinct

product terms in the 4 outputs.

Unlike ROM, in a PLA implementation, the product terms

can be shared among the functions.
F0 =⅀m(0,1,4,6)=(A'B'+AC')
F1 =⅀m(2,3,4,6,7)=(B+AC')
F2 =⅀m(0,1,2,6)=(A'B'+BC')
F3 =⅀m(2,3,5,6,7)=(AC+B)
• Instead of AND-OR logic, PLA F0 = ⅀m(0,1,4,6) = (A'B'+AC')
F1 = ⅀m(2,3,4,6,7) = (B+AC')
may use NOR-NOR logic. F2 = ⅀m(0,1,2,6) = (A'B'+BC')
F3 = ⅀m(2,3,5,6,7) = (AC+B)
• 2-input NOR gate can be built
using nMOS transistors:

• NOR-NOR with inverters at

input and output = AND-OR.
Ex-5: Using PLA, Realize the following functions:
F1 = ⅀m(2,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15)
F2 = ⅀m(2,3,5,6,7,10,11,14,15)
F3 = ⅀m(6,7,8,9,13,14,15)

Solution: After minimization, the simplified functions are :

F1 = ⅀m(2,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15) = bd+b'c+ab'
F2 = ⅀m(2,3,5,6,7,10,11,14,15) = c+a'bd
F3 = ⅀m(6,7,8,9,13,14,15) = bc+ab'c'+abd
Here, the PLA requires 8 different product terms.
• To reduce the number of rows F1 = a'bd+abd+b'c+ab'c'
in PLA, these functions can be F2 = b'c+bc+a'bd
reorganized using K-map. F3 = bc+ab'c'+abd
There are only 5 different
product terms, and ⁂, the
PLA table has only 5 rows.
The PLA implementation has 4 • In case of PLA, unlike
inputs, 5 product terms & 3 outputs. memory, the number of terms
in each equation is not
important, as the size of PLA
does not depend on the number
of terms within an equation.

• To reduce the number of rows

in PLA, instead of using
K-maps, the Espresso
algorithm can be used. This is
F1 = a'bd+abd+b'c+ab'c' a complex algorithm, which is
F2 = b'c+bc+a'bd used as logic minimization
algorithm for VLSI synthesis.
F3 = bc+ab'c'+abd
Array Logic
• It is a special case of PLA, in which AND array is programmable
and OR array is fixed.
• Due to this reason, PAL is less expensive than PLA, and is easier
to program as well.
• The following figure represents a segment of an un-programmed
PAL, along with the input buffers which contain two outputs.
Ex-6: Implement I1I2'+I1'I2.
• As OR gates cannot be
programmed, AND
terms cannot be
shared among two or
more OR gates.

• Typical PALs have 10

to 20 inputs, and 2 to
10 outputs, with 2 to 8
AND gates driving
each OR gate.
Ex-7: Implement a full-adder using PAL.
SUM = X'Y'Cin+X'YCin'+XY'Cin'+XYCin
Solution: COUT = XY+YCin+XCin
• PALs were made available that contained D flip-flops as
well, and were called as “sequential PALs”.
Ex-8: Implement Q+ = D = A'BQ'+AB'Q.
(Programmable Logic Device
/ Generic Array Logic)
• PALs and PLAs are good for implementing small
circuitry. But, they are not re-programmable.

• When they are made as erasable/reprogrammable, by

incorporating Flash memory, such PALs are often
referred as PLDs/GALs.

• An example is 22CEV10, which is a CMOS electrically

erasable PLD, that can realize both combinational as
well as sequential circuits.
• 22CEV10 contains:
❖ 12 declared input pins
❖ 10 pins that can be programmed as input / output
❖ Programmable AND array (8 till 16 gates feeding each OR gate)
❖ 10 OR gates, each of which drives an output macrocell
❖ 10 D Flip-flops, with asynchronous reset and synchronous preset
❖ Each macrocell contains the D Flip-flop, multiplexer,
and additional programmability at the output
• 22CEV10 => 22 pins out of which 10 are bidirectional
S1 S0 Output

0 0 D Flip-flop output

0 1 D Flip-flop output inverted

1 0 OR output

1 1 OR output inverted

• Each macrocell has 2 programmable interconnect bits: S1 & S0.

• When the particular bit is programmed, it is connected to 0 V.
• Erasing that bit disconnects it from 0 V, and it floats at logic-1.
• CAD programs are available for PAL/PLD
programming. These programs accept logic equations,
truth tables, state graphs or state tables as inputs.
• They automatically generate the required bit patterns,
which can be downloaded into a PLD programmer,
which will create the necessary connections.
• PALASM (Programmable Array Logic ASsembler for
Military) from MMI & AMD, and ABEL (Advanced
Boolean Expression Language) from DATA I/O are the
two popular languages that are used for programming.
(Complex Programmable
Logic Device)
• This is a programmable IC which is equivalent to several
PLDs in the same silicon chip. Typically a CPLD comprises
of 500 to 10,000 logic gates.

• It consists of a number of PAL-like logic blocks, along with

a programmable interconnect. The interconnect matrix is
implemented using crossbar switch. Even though it is
expensive, it results in predictable timing.

• CPLDs are electronically erasable and reprogrammable,

and hence are sometimes referred to as EPLDs (Erasable
Programmable Logic Device).
❖ Typically a CPLD contains a
number of macrocells, that are
grouped into function blocks.

❖ Each macrocell contains a

flip-flop and an OR-gate, and the
macrocell has its inputs
connected to an AND gate array.

❖ The major manufacturers of

CPLD are: Xilinx, Altera,
Lattice, Cypress and Atmel.
• This CPLD has 4 function blocks, and each block has 16
associated macrocells. A function block is a programmable
AND-OR array, which is configured as a PLA.

• Each macrocell contains a flip-flop and additional

multiplexers, that route the signals from the function blocks
to the I/O blocks or to the interconnect array.

• The interconnect array selects signals from the macrocell

outputs and the I/O blocks, and connects them back to
function blocks. Thus, a signal generated from any function
block can be used as an input to any other function block.
Ex-9: Implement a Mealy • Initially, two D-inputs
have to be generated for
sequential machine with
the Flip-flops.
2 inputs and 2 outputs.
• Later on, two outputs
(Z1, Z2) have to be
generated, by utilizing
the Flip-flop outputs.
• Hence, four macrocells
are required for the
implementation of the
required Mealy machine.
Ex-10: Implement a parallel adder with
• The accumulator register
needs one FF for each bit.
• But that bit also needs to
generate the sum and
carry bits corresponding to
that particular bit.
• Hence, each bit of an
adder requires two
macrocells, one for the
sum and the accumulator,
and the other for the
(Field Programmable Gate Array)
They contain an array of identical logic blocks
with programmable interconnections.
User can program the functions realized by
each logic block, and can flexibly program
the connections between them.
MPGA versus FPGA
The time-to-market of FPGA FPGAs are less dense than
product is much much lesser. MPGAs.
With FPGA, it is easier to correct FPGAs are slower, due to the RC
the mistakes in the design. delay in programmable points.
The prototyping cost is much Interconnect delays in FPGAs are
reduced, with the usage of FPGA. unpredictable.
At low volumes, FPGAs are Programming overhead is much
cheaper than MPGAs. higher, because of the resources.
When compared to CPLD
the major advantage of FPGA is its
highly flexible programmable
interconnect, and due to this fact
itself, the major disadvantage is its
unpredictable interconnect delay.
FPGA typically contains three
programmable elements:

1. Programmable logic blocks

(Configurable Logic Blocks)

2. Programmable routing resources

3. Programmable I/O blocks

• Programmable logic blocks
• These are created by Muxes, LUTs, and AND-OR arrays.
• Programming refers to: a) Changing the contents of LUT,
b) Changing the I/O signals to the Muxes, c) Selecting or not
selecting the particular gates in the AND-OR arrays.
• Programmable interconnect
• For making or breaking the specific connections.
• For connecting various blocks in the chip to each other.
• For connecting specific I/O pins to specific logic blocks.
• Programmable I/O blocks
• I/O pads can be programmed as i/p, o/p or bidirectional.
• They also can be programmed as inverting, non-inverting,
tri-state, slew rate adjustable, passive pull-up etc.
Architectures of FPGA
• Based on the topology in which the logic blocks and the
interconnect resources are distributed inside, there can
be four different basic architectures of FPGAs that are
in the market since 1980s:
• Matrix based architecture
• Row based architecture
• Hierarchical PLD architecture
• Sea-of-gates architecture
• Modern FPGAs that are in the market, contain special
purpose blocks including a microprocessor.
1. Matrix based architecture (e.g., Most Xilinx FPGAs)
• This architecture is also called as “symmetrical array”, and it contains 8X8
arrays in smaller chips, and 100X100 or larger arrays in larger chips.
• Routing is called two-dimensional channeled routing, since routing
resources are available in horizontal and vertical directions.
2. Row based architecture (e.g., some Microsemi FPGAs)
• The logic blocks are organized into rows, and hence, there are rows of logic
blocks, and rows of routing resources.
• Routing is called one-dimensional channeled routing, as the routing
resources are channeled between the rows.
3. Hierarchical PLD architecture (e.g., Altera APEX20, APEX
II) • At the lower level, the FPGAs contain clusters of logic blocks with localized
resources for interconnection.
• At the higher level, the global interconnect is used for interconnection
between the clusters of logic blocks.
4. Sea-of-gates architecture (e.g., Microsemi Fusion)
• FPGAs contain a large number of gates, and there is an interconnect
superimposed on the sea-of-gates.
• There are other terminologies such as sea-of-cells or sea-of-tiles, to indicate
the topology with a large number of logic blocks.
FPGA Programming Technologies
• The term “Programming technology”
is used to denote the technology by
which the programmability in an
FPGA is achieved, especially for the
programmable interconnect.
• Some of the techniques are:
• SRAM programming technology
• EPROM / EEPROM / Flash
programming technology
• Antifuse programming technology
SRAM Programming Technology
• As in the case of ROM, an SRAM can be used to store the
“configuration bits” for interconnection, in an LUT.
• e.g., Sixteen SRAM cells can implement any function of
four variables.
• The programmable interconnect can be achieved by
SRAM, in the following two ways:
• Pass transistor is used for connecting two points
• Routing matrices are implemented by using mux
Advantages of SRAM Programming Technology
1. As SRAM is a volatile memory, new contents can be written again and again,
thus providing flexibility during prototyping.
2. Fabrication steps for manufacturing SRAM are same as that for manufacturing
other logic cells.

Disadvantages of SRAM Programming Technology

1. Six transistors are required for every SRAM cell.
• e.g., if FPGA has 1 million programmable points, 6 million transistors are
required for achieving this programmability.
2. Since SRAM is volatile, all the contents are lost during power failure. This is a
serious setback when an FPGA is used in the final product.
• As a solution, EPROM can be used as “boot ROM”, to store the
configuration bits, and its contents can be transferred to SRAM whenever
power gets resumed.
EPROM / EEPROM / Flash Programming
• Technology
Instead of SRAM, EPROM cells are used to control the programmable
interconnections. Each EPROM cell contains a MOSFET, which has two gates:
Control gate and Floating gate.
• The drain of the transistor can be connected to VDD by means of a pull-up resistor.
When a high voltage (10 - 13 V) is applied to the control gate, electrons get injected into
the floating gate, and the transistor turns OFF.
• The electrons remain trapped at the floating gate. The trapped negative charges can be
removed, by exposing the EPROM to UV light.
Disadvantages of EPROM Programming
1. EPROM is slower than SRAM, because of the dual-gate structure.
2. While manufacturing, EPROMs require more processing steps than SRAMs.
3. EPROM based switches have high ON-resistance, and also have high
4. For erasure, the EPROM chip has to be physically removed from the PCB.

EEPROM is similar to EPROM, but removal of the gate charge can be done
electrically. Hence, for erasure, the chip need not be removed from PCB.
The memory cells can be selectively erased and can be rewritten, and this does
not require any additional equipment.
Flash is a form of EEPROM, in which a block of cells can be erased at once, by
applying a large voltage at the control gate, causing the electrons to pull off.
By sensing the amount of current flow, each cell in Flash can store multiple bits
of information, which in turn depends on the number of trapped electrons.
While writing bits into, Flash is faster than EEPROM, but slower than SRAM.
Antifuse Programming Technology
• Antifuse programming element changes from high resistance (open - OFF) to low
resistance (closed - ON), when a high voltage is applied.
• Antifuses are built by dielectric layers between N+ diffusion and polysilicon
layers, or by amorphous silicon in between metal layers.

• When compared to MOSFETs, the area
consumed by the antifuse is smaller.
• Antifuse based connections are faster than
SRAM / EPROM technologies.
• The antifuse connection is OTP.
• Because of this, design change is not possible.
Comparison of FPGA Programming
Storage Programmability Area overhead Resistance Capacitance

In-Circuit Medium to
SRAM Volatile Large High
reprogrammable high

Non-vol Out-of-Circuit
EPROM Small High High
atile reprogrammable

EEPROM / Non-vol In-Circuit

Medium to large High High
Flash atile reprogrammable

Non-vol Not
Antifuse Small Low Low
atile reprogrammable
I. Programmable logic block architectures
• Manufacturers use different names to denote their logic blocks:
• Xilinx calls them as Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB).
• Microsemi calls them as VersaTiles.
• Altera calls them as Logic Elements (LE), and a group
of LEs is called as Logic Array Blocks(LABs).

• Mainly two types of logic blocks are used in FPGAs:

1. LUT based programmable logic blocks.
2. Mux based programmable logic blocks.
• Look Up Table contains memory cells along with multiplexers.
• The output for each input combination is stored in memory cells.
• The input combination is used as control inputs to the multiplexer.
• For a 2-variable function, 4 memory cells and a 2:1 mux is required.
• For an n-input function, 2n memory cells and 2n :1 mux are required.
1. LUT (Look-Up Table) based Programmable logic block
• Each block contains two
LUT4 and two flip-flops.
• The LUT4 can generate any
one function of 4 variables.
• The flip-flop has chip enable,
set and reset inputs.
• A multiplexer is used to select
in between the combinational
and the latched version of the
LUT4 output.
• The multiplexer is controlled
by a bit stored in memory.
Ex-11: Implement the function A'B'C+A'BC'+AB, using LUT.
• Choosing X1 as LSB and X4 as
MSB, X4 input need not be used,
as F1 uses only 3 variables.
• To store the contents in the LUT,
the truth table of the function has
to be constructed.
• From the truth table, the contents
of LUT to implement the function
F1 will be {0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1}.
• As LUT4 contains 16 memory
cells for output, it is better to
store the other 8 bits as well,
irrespective of the status of X4.
• Thus, the contents of LUT are
2. Multiplexer based Programmable logic block
• With LUT, it is not necessary to minimize the function, as the number
of terms in the function is not important (all o/p bits need to be stored).
• But LUT requires storage space. To save it, multiplexers along with
basic gates, can be used.
Ex-12: Implement the function A'B'C+A'BC'+AB, using mux.
• As there are 3 variables, we can choose a 4:1 mux, which has 2 select lines.
• The truth table can be constructed, so as to define the output in terms of C.
• The mux select lines can be A & B, and the mux input lines can be connected in
accordance with the last column in the truth table.
A B C F1 Mux i/p in terms of C
0 0 0 0 C
0 0 1 1 C
0 1 0 1 C'
0 1 1 0 C'
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
II. Programmable interconnect
1. General purpose interconnect The completely non-blocking
switch matrix is very expensive.
e.g., in a 4X4 matrix, out of 16
switches, only 4 switches are
utilized at any point of time.

Crosspoint switch matrix

To reduce the number of
multiple connections for a
The interconnect in between the single route, the crosspoint can
logic blocks should provide flexible be configured as a 6-way
interconnection in between the switch. But, this crosspoint is
rows and columns (e.g., more complicated than the
row-column, row-row, 6-way switch earlier one.
2. Direct interconnect

To reduce the delay

in the switch
matrix, many
FPGAs provide
direct connections
between the logic
blocks, by means of Direct interconnect Special connections
dedicated switches. to 4 neighbors to 8 neighbors
3. Global

When the clock is distributed to a few million

gates in the chip, the delay in the wire causes the
clock edges to arrive at different times at different
parts of the chip. This is called as “clock skew”,
which needs to be eradicated, for the faithful
functionality of the circuitry on the chip.
For high fan-out and low-skew clock
distribution, FPGAs provide routing lines that
span the entire width & height of the device.
Interconnects in
row-based FPGAs
The previous interconnects discussed, are applicable to matrix-based
architecture, which has symmetrical arrays. For row-based architecture, as
it is one-dimensional, it has arrays of switches in the routing channel,
which is situated in between the logic blocks.
When the 3 connections required are x, y & z, they can be done in 2 ways:
non-segmented (full length track, faster), segmented (reduced resources,

Example nets i) Non-segmented ii) Segmented

II. Programmable I/O blocks
• I/O blocks on modern FPGAs allow the
use of a pin as true or inverted, direct or
latched, input or output, and so on.
• The I/O options can be selected by means
of the configuration memory cells,
indicated in the figure as “M”.
• The inversion is performed using an XOR
gate, and one memory-bit.
• The direction of the pin is decided using a
tri-state buffer, and its control can be
selected as active high or active low, using
another memory-bit.

• Similarly, the rate-of-change of output (slew rate), and the pull-up option (open drain,
built-in resistor), can be configured using the memory cells (SRAM, EEPROM / Flash,
Dedicated Specialized 1. Dedicated memory: The embedded RAM, can be
Components in FPGA used to implement the memory needs of the
circuit, that is being designed.
2. Dedicated Arithmetic Units: The custom
implementation of adders and multipliers inside
FPGA, is smaller and faster, than its counterpart
that is implemented using FPGA.
3. DSP Blocks: To support DSP applications, the
vendors provide the hardware inside the FPGA for
encryption/decryption, FFTs, FIR filters, IIR
filters, compression/decompression, and so forth.
4. Embedded Processors: This is a hybrid solution
where part of the design is in a programmable
processor (high flexibility), and the remaining part
is implemented in hardware (better performance).
5. Content Addressable Memory: This is a special
kind of memory in which the content, and not the
address, is used to search the memory.
1. Rapid Prototyping Applications of FPGA
• As FPGAs contain 5 million or more gates, many large real-world systems can prototyped very
quickly using a single FPGA.
• If a single FPGA will not suffice, multiple FPGAs can be interconnected to realize larger systems,
by plugging the boards into a backplane.
2. Final Products in Medium Speed Systems
• Circuits realized using FPGAs typically operate in the range of 150-200 MHz. If this speed is
sufficient, FPGAs can be used for the final product, instead of the prototype.
• In the final product, if enhancements to the system are required, they can be done as software
updates, rather than hardware changes.
3. Glue Logic
• This is a digital circuitry that works as an interface between two different logic modules.
• Using SRAM FPGAs, the new interface logic can be implemented on the same FPGA.
4. Hardware Accelerators / Coprocessors
• For a software application, an FPGA can be used as a coprocessor, so that it is used to implement a
key kernel, and thus the application can be accelerated.
• Examples of such applications are - pattern matching, computer architecture simulator, emulator
boards, hardware testing boards, and so on.
Create a behavioral, RTL or structural model of the
1 design using HDL
Design Flow for FPGA

2 Simulate and Debug the Design 1&2 3&4&5 6&7

3 Synthesize the design targeting the desired device

Run a mapping of the design, that will break the

4 logic diagram into pieces that will fit into the CLBs
Run the place-and-route program, to place the logic
5 blocks in FPGA and to route the interconnections
Run a program that will generate the bit pattern
6 that is necessary to program the FPGA
Download the bit pattern into the configuration cells
7 and test the operation of FPGA

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