Nortel Optical Metro 5000

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Product Brief
Nortel Optical Metro 5100/5200 for service providers

The Optical Metro 5100/5200 is Managing the increasing volumes of data needs. Nortel Optical Metro 5100/5200
the leading Metro Broadband continuously generated by corporations offers such a solution. The platform
Services delivery platform. It offers today can seem like an overwhelming supports the transparent transport of
task. Both public and private network optical wavelength-based services in their
an open, scalable, high-availability
operators must face the uncertainty native format, extending the optical
(99.999 percent) architecture ideal
associated with forecasting and cost- connectivity from metro core to metro
for applications such as business effectively supporting a broad array of edge, including customer premises. As
continuity and disaster recovery new high-capacity data services being shown in Figure 1, the Optical Metro
solutions, Ethernet transport, demanded in metropolitan and campus 5100/5200 delivers on three key pillars:
optical storage connectivity and area networks. Service providers require scalability and services diversity, lowering
fiber relief. With optical-in/optical- leading-edge, scalable, flexible networks the total cost of ownership and providing
to meet their growing business and data secure services transport.
out infrastructure, the bit rate- and
protocol-independent interfaces
can transport any service type
either transparently over WDM
(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)
or mapped to GFP (Generic Framing
Procedure) for transmission over
existing SONET/SDH infrastructure.
The Optical Metro 5100 and 5200
use common hardware interfaces
and software and they integrate
seamlessly with the Nortel optical
portfolio as part of a true end-to-
end network solution.
Figure 1. Optical Metro 5100/5200 platform interfaces combine different services
onto a single 2.5-Gbps or 10-Gbps
Scalable platform: Simple architecture: Secure system:
Delivering a comprehen- Reducing the Total Cost Service assurance for wavelength in order to offer the lowest
sive set of services and of Ownership (TCO) mission-critical data and cost per service. For example, as shown
applications applications
in Figure 3, the 10-Gbps Muxponder
GE/FC offers up to 10 client interfaces,
Fast Ethernet
GbE either Fibre Channel (FC)-100, FC-200,
10 GE
ESCON FICON or Gigabit Ethernet services,
Fibre Channel
deterministically multiplexed to an
FDDI aggregate capacity of 10 Gbps to be
ETR/CLO carried over the WDM line. Each client
ATM interface is mapped directly to an indi-
D1 Video
vidual channel within the 10G signal
• through dedicated low-latency hardware,

• ensuring that the end-user’s application
is unaware of the transport equipment.
Service flexibility with provisioned by bit rate, the platform These capabilities also contribute to the
protocol independence provides simpler network planning, optimized utilization of the shelf real-
reduces network operating costs and estate space, minimizing power utiliza-
The versatile Optical Metro 5100/5200
speeds up delivery of new services. The tion and overall footprint.
platform offers significant density and
Optical Metro 5100/5200 supports one
flexibility options with compelling
of the most comprehensive sets of
economics for service providers providing Optical Metro 5100
optical services and protocols, as shown
a variety of network applications, such as:
in Figure 2. The Optical Metro 5100 is a space-saving,
> Effective consolidation of growing low-power optical solution designed for
voice, video and data MAN/WAN smaller bandwidth requirements for
Optimized shelf and
traffic onto a single platform and metro collocation and customer prem-
wavelength utilization
infrastructure ises applications, delivering 8 protected
Common client and line interface cards (16 unprotected) wavelengths of ITU
> Mix and match of a diverse set of data
are used for the Optical Metro 5100 20 nm CWDM service per system. It
networking protocols for the evolving
and 5200 which provides simpler inter- features small footprint and flexible
and growing network inter-site traffic
working, lower sparing requirements packaging with high availability and
needs (data center connectivity, LAN
and overall operational savings. In order scalability. It has a simple architecture
extension, etc.)
to benefit from maximum wavelength and is easy to deploy, considerably
> Storage area networking (SAN) appli- usage, several sub rate multiplexing
cations for business continuity and lowering operational costs.
disaster recovery, including distance Figure 2. Optical Metro 5100/5200 supported services and protocols (850
extension support over SONET/SDH nm and 1310 nm interfaces)
using GFP and VCAT (Virtual
Concatenation) efficiency Optical Ethernet Optical Storage Connectivity
> Fiber relief solutions, multiplication • Fast Ethernet (100 Base-FX) • ESCON/SBCON
of the services carried over a single • Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-SX, - • FICON/FICON Express/FC-SB-2
LX) • ISC, ISC-2, HiPerLink, ISC-3
fiber pair • 10GE WAN PHY • ETR/CLO sysplex timer
• 10GE LAN PHY • Fibre Channel – FC-12, -25, -50, -100
The Optical Metro 5100/5200 provides • Fibre Channel – FC-200
the capability to network services across
Private/Leased Line Managed Wavelength
an open, scalable, survivable CWDM/
• ATM, SONET (OC-1 to OC-192) • 8 Mbps – 2.5 Gbps flexible rate
DWDM (Coarse/Dense WDM) optical • ATM, SDH (STM-1 to STM-64) • 10 Gbps wavelengths
transport platform. Equipped with • Async FOTS, PDH – 150 Mbps, 565 Mbps • C CIR-601/ITU-R 601, HDTV, DVB-
• Ethernet and Storage Private Line ASI, DV6000, PrismaDT
universal optical interfaces that can be (GFP mapping, interwork with • FDDI
The Optical Metro 5100 can also be products. The Optical Wizard tool Figure 3. 10G Muxponder GE/FC
deployed in conjunction with the Optical provides the ability to analyze input
Metro 5200 to deliver metro access to traffic demands, route traffic, allocate
metro core integrated solutions with channels for traffic demands and auto-
complete system-to-system or ring-to- matically configure required equipment
ring interconnect as shown in Figure 6, and software. The output results in a
eliminating back-to-back terminals and high-level design which translates into
driving capital and operational savings. an accurate budgetary estimate.

The Network Modeling tool is a

Optical Metro 5200 powerful visual design aid and simula-
The Optical Metro 5200 uses the same tion tool which can then be used to
cards and operating software as the refine the design and finalize the detailed
Optical Metro 5100 while providing engineering of the Optical Metro 5100/
four times the bandwidth for larger 5200 network. It uses sophisticated
applications. It delivers 32 protected algorithms to model signal power,
(64 unprotected) wavelengths of Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR), Figure 4. Optical Metro 5100 shelf
DWDM service and also supports dispersion, fiber non-linearities, jitter,
CWDM applications. The Optical coherent crosstalk and Polarization Mode
Metro 5200 is a true carrier-grade plat- Dispersion (PMD). Simulation results
form providing flexibility and increased guarantee the performance of a network
service velocity, with support for until end-of-life and assist in the deploy-
extended reach applications up to 600 ment, equalization and troubleshooting
km without electrical regeneration. Up of the equipment in the field.
to three Optical Metro 5200 shelves
Figure 5. Optical Metro 5200 shelf
may be installed in a single 19" or 23" Optical Metro 5100/5200
wide, 7-foot frame or 300 mm ETSI basic architecture
(European Telecommunications
Figure 7 shows the basic architecture of
Standards Institute) standard frame
the Optical Metro 5100/5200 platform.
supporting up to 24 protected or 48
Each component is described below.
unprotected wavelengths.
> OCI (Optical Channel Interface):
The Optical Metro 5100 and 5200 meet The OCI performs the client adapta-
the standards set by the ETSI and the tion and interfaces with the numerous
Network Equipment Building System protocols and service types available at
(NEBS). The Optical Metro 5100 is the Metro Edge. Sub Rate Multiplexing
also offered with an AC rectifier option (SRM) OCI modules are deployed for
while the Optical Metro 5200 provides
cabinet solutions for ETSI/NEBS enter-
prise and carrier applications. Figure 6. Optical Metro 5100/5200 application example

99.999% availability
Optical Wizard and Network Storage SAN GE and 10GE LAN
area extension
Modeling tools networking
Business access
The Optical Wizard is an extremely ring
quick and easy-to-use tool which
produces priced equipment lists for
small and medium optical networks,
based on very simple input, even in the Optical Metro
hands of a user unfamiliar with Nortel

Figure 7. Optical Metro 5100/5200 basic architecture > OSC (Optical Supervisory Channel):
Provides a dedicated management
channel that supplements the per-
West Ring East Ring
Interface Channel or Band Channel or Band Interface wavelength OSC, allowing highly
differentiated fault sectionalization.

The Optical Metro 5200 has 16 traffic

carrying slots and the Optical Metro
5100 has 4 traffic slots, any of which can
C/ C/ C/ C/ C/ C/ C/
Core/line interfaces D D D D D D D house the following circuit packs: OCI,
E/O conversion W W W W W W W
ITU grid compliance D D D D D D D OCLD, OTR, MOTR. Additional slots
M M M M M M M are provided in each platform to carry
OCM (Optical Metro 5200 only), SP
T T and OSC cards.
Switch matrix A R/ R/
Protection B M M
Drop and Continue OCM
T T Extended reach applications
The Optical Metro 5200 offers the
ability to increase the reach capability of
Client/access O O O O O O O the optical layer to optimize the deploy-
adaptation C C C C C C C
I I I I I I I ment of metro DWDM networks into
the regional distances market (200 –
600 km range). With this functionality,
optimal utilization of the wavelength metro DWDM point-to-point, ring or
> OCM (Optical Channel Manager):
(for example, the 8:1 ESCON or the mesh networks can support extended
Offers path-protection switching and
4:1 multi-protocol SRMs combine amplified distances, at both 2.5-Gbps
manages the connections between the
several services on a single wavelength). and 10-Gbps line rates, without the
OCI and OCLD. The path protection
The OCI supports both single-mode need to perform costly intermediate
switching is performed at the channel
and multi-mode fiber types. electrical regeneration or OEO (Optical
level, so other channels in the band
Electrical Optical) conversions. Significant
> Flex Rate OCLD (Optical Channel are not disrupted when a switch occurs.
network cost savings can be realized
Laser and Detector): C/DWDM Two OCM circuit packs (working and
with the extended reach capability.
interfaces which provide the line protection) are equipped in the Optical
optics functionality. Supports rates Metro 5200 shelf. This function is
assumed via the backplane on the Network manageability
from 8 Mbps to 2.5 Gbps.
Optical Metro 5100. The Optical Metro 5100/5200 is easily
> OTR (Optical Transponder):
> OMX (Optical Multiplexer/ managed through the Optical Network
Combines the functionality of the
Demultiplexer): Each OMX module Manager (formerly known as Preside),
OCI and the OCLD into a single
contains passive optical filters that add which offers comprehensive capabilities,
interface. Flex Rate 2.5-Gbps OTRs
and drop C/DWDM channels. including an intuitive GUI with full
and 10-Gbps OTRs are available. Like
online help, a unified window into
the OCI/OCLD interfaces, OTRs can > SP (Shelf Processor): Provides local
hybrid networks and topographies, as
be deployed in protected or unpro- management, alarm consolidation and
well as extensive edge-to-edge wave-
tected applications. telemetry connections, software and
length provisioning, alarm reporting and
> MOTR (Muxponder): Combines the configuration management, shelf visi-
performance monitoring capabilities.
functionality of the OCI SRM and bility, performance monitoring, inven-
TMF-814 interfaces are now being
the OCLD into a single interface; that tory control for the shelf and system
deployed into major carriers, allowing
is, multiplexes multiple client inter- communication.
the integration of the Optical Metro
faces into a single channel and 5100/5200 platforms directly into third-
provides the WDM line adaptation, party OSS platforms.
all in one card.

For even greater flexibility, local manage- > Extended reach applications: For Temperature
ment workstations can be connected cost-effective wavelength transport > 32° to 131°F (0° to 55°C) relative
directly to an Optical Metro 5100/5200 with minimal OEO conversions, the humidity
element via a WAN or dial-up connec- Optical Metro 5200 supports ampli- > 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
tion. These options offer the choice fied links up to 600 km at both
between managing at the network oper- 2.5-Gbps and 10-Gbps line rates Certifications
ations center in a complete network > Support tools from design to > Zone IV (earthquake)
topology scenario or locally by craft deployment: Network planning and > GR-63-CORE (NEBS) Telcordia
managers. system management tools allow the
> ETS 300 019 ETSI
accelerated design and provisioning of
Feature summary the network as well as facilitate the > OSMINE compliant
> Multi-service platform: Delivers a monitoring of network performance
Power consumption/shelf
comprehensive set of service and
applications ranging from 8 Mbps to > Optical Metro 5100: 139 Watts
Key technical specifications
10 Gbps with complete bit-rate and typical, 202 Watts max
Supported configurations
protocol independence for service > Optical Metro 5200: 534 Watts
> Optical Metro 5100: 8 CWDM wave- typical, 730 Watts max
forecast tolerance
lengths protected/16 unprotected per
> Reduced Total Cost of Ownership: system Power requirements (nominal)
A simple architecture that optimizes
> Optical Metro 5200: 32 DWDM > -48 VDC
footprint and wavelength utilization
wavelengths protected/64 unprotected > Minimum: -40 VDC
for lowest cost per service, as well as
per system
automates planning and deployment > Maximum: -60 VDC
through automated processes > Optical amplifiers allow for 600 km
> AC interface available
regenerator free transmission
> Fault-tolerant, reliable architecture:
Field-proven, carrier-grade product, > Point-to-point, linear OADM, Shelf dimensions —
built to industry standards for the hubbed ring, dual-hubbed ring, Optical Metro 5100
support of mission-critical services meshed ring > Height: 176 mm (6.92 in.)
(< 50 msec fault recovery, 99.999 Protection schemes > Width: 438 mm (17.25 in.)
percent system availability, OSMINE
> Path switching, equipment switching, > Depth: 297 mm (11.7 in.)
and NEBS/ETSI compliant, in-service
line switching, unprotected > Weight: 14.5 kg (32 lb) empty; 16.5
upgrades and more)
kg (36 lb) (fully loaded)
> Scalable platform: Adaptable to Operational
smaller and/or larger networks with > Universal mounting brackets for 19"
> Optical connectors FC, SC, MT-RJ, LC
simple provisioning of wavelengths on or 23" frames
an as-needed basis; cost-effective initial Communication ports
Shelf dimensions —
deployment with modular growth > 2 10Base-T (Ethernet) ports
Optical Metro 5200
> Flexible networking capabilities: > 1 RS-232 25-pin
> Height: 489 mm (19.25 in.) (11U)
Interconnected systems architecture
for end-to-end effective networking, External alarms (Telemetry ports): > Width: 438 mm (17.25 in.)
eliminating back-to-back terminals for > Optical Metro 5100: 8 inputs, > Depth: 301 mm (11.85 in.)
lower capex/opex; support for all types 4 outputs > Weight: 23 kg (50 lb) empty; 34 kg
of networking topologies, including > Optical Metro 5200: 4 inputs, (75 lb) fully loaded
point-to-point, ring and mesh 4 outputs

Element/network management
> SNMP v1, TL-1, System Manager,
Optical Network Manager

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