DLL Etech Q2 W1
DLL Etech Q2 W1
DLL Etech Q2 W1
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Budget of Work pg. 393-394 Budget of Work pg. 393-394 Budget of Work pg. 393-394 Budget of Work pg. 393-394
CG pg. 3-4 CG pg. 3-4 CG pg. 3-4 CG pg. 3-4
2.Learner’s Materials
Empowerment Technologies Empowerment Technologies Empowerment Technologies Empowerment Technologies
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials LRMDS Portal LRMDS Portal LRMDS Portal LRMDS Portal
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Laptop, Projector, PPT, Module Laptop, Projector, PPT, Module Laptop, Projector, PPT, Module Laptop, Projector, PPT, Module
5. Materials Needed
A. Activity (Motivational Ask: How many times have you Ask students to have a recap on Review on yesterday’s topic. Ask students to have a recap on
checked your phone this yesterday’s topic. yesterday’s topic.
B. Activity Ask: Did you use the internet after What are the online platforms Who among have been using the What are the things that we can
(Establishing a purpose you woke up this morning? (websites/applications) you internet? do in using the internet?
for the lesson) usually visits?
A brief discussion on information Discuss what online platform is Discuss the evolution of the world Discuss the trends in ICT and
and communication technology and present varied nuances of wide web and show the difference show the webpages of the
and how ICT evolve in the online platforms, sites and its of each. different Social Media Sites and
C. Analysis
Philippines content to best achieve specific Discuss the features and discuss their uses.
class objectives or address hindrances of Web 2.0 and Web
situational challenges 3.0
Group Activity: Brainstorming Group Activity: Class Feud Look for ten websites and classify Enumerate websites that can be
Divide the class into groups and (adaptation of the TV gameshow them as static or dynamic. What useful to your community.
have each group meet to “Family Feud”). makes each websites static or
brainstorm and list down at least The focus of the activity will be dynamic?
10 technological advances they the diversity of online platform.
D. Abstraction think should be included on a time Questions include: What are the
line of the most important websites the Filipinos mostly
technological advances in human visit? What are the top 5 reasons
history. why they visit FB site? What are
the Top 5 Social media platform
most popular among Filipinos?
Do you find that modern Say: Cite the top 5 useful How do the world wide web helps Identify a problem in your
technology helps you to websites a student’s browse on businesses to market products? community and image that you
accomplish the majority of your every day. are going to create a website to
E. Application
tasks on a daily basis? persuade both community
leaders and members to solve
this problem.
Quiz Students compose an insightful Quiz
Answer the following on a piece of reflection paper about the impact Answer the following on a piece
paper. of ICT (specifically online of paper.
_____________1-5 Give at least platforms) in their lives and in the 1. What are the different online
5 examples of Social Media society. Compare and contrast platforms that can be used
platforms. the nuances of varied online for ICT content
_____________6-10 List down at platforms and sites. development?
V. EVALUATION least 5 examples of the Blogging
Platform. 2. Besides Google Drive, what
is the other cloud computing
software you have used so
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:
Noted by:
Principal II