Beijing Review - Vol67 No31 01 August 2024 - Beijing Review
Beijing Review - Vol67 No31 01 August 2024 - Beijing Review
Beijing Review - Vol67 No31 01 August 2024 - Beijing Review
JPY188 ᥪԦ̼Ձ-eڍЮፑʶᤋ፝ѢྟྫྷՁὙ$/-(
EDITOR’S DESK 20 Reaching Past Lunar FEATURES
02 Two Hands Limits 30 What Lies Ahead?
Gaining momentum in sci-tech China and the Philippines’ provisional agreement
THIS WEEK breakthroughs over islands
COVER STORY 22 The Worldwide Impact of 32 For Peace Only
12 A Proactive Pledge China’s Modernization Ukraine foreign minister visits China
Third Plenum announces How progress reverberates 34 Path to Peace
further economic reforms across different dimensions Beijing brokers Palestinian unity declaration
16 Empowering Employment )DW3URÀWV
New support for job seekers OPINION
24 A Global Imperative: Foie gras farming in Shandong Province
and workers
Five Principles of Peaceful 40 Friendship on Horseback
18 Charting the Road Ahead Equestrian games build connections between cultures
The plan to create a more
Exploring the blueprint for 42 Toasty Tales
open, equal and high-quality
international harmony High temperatures and hot trends in Turpan
26 Beyond the Ballot
With Biden out, what’s next for CULTURE
the U.S. elections? 46 Feeling the Heat
Beijing’s vacation scene sizzles with excitement
Cover Photo: Skyscrapers line the Huangpu 27 From Stones to Milestones
River in Shanghai (VCG)
Step by step, China’s pathway
©2024 Beijing Review, all rights reserved. to development
48 Summertime Splurge: Education or Excess?
A visitor tries his hand at chuiwan, a traditional Chinese ball sport similar to modern-day golf, at the China House
in Paris, France, on July 24. The China House for the Paris 2024 Olympic Summer Games was inaugurated at the
Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris that day.
The China House is an effort by the Chinese Olympic Committee to promote Chinese culture and friendship to
the rest of the world.
China’s history, tradition and culture in sports participation, dating back thousands of years, as well as athletic
exchanges between China and the Games’ host, France, are among the highlights of this year’s pavilion.
points compared to the previous
decade, said the report.
China has met the Healthy China
Program’s (2019-30) interim goal
of improving cancer outcomes,
survival rate of 43.3 percent for all
cancer types combined by 2022.
The research team collected
data from over 6.41 million
newly diagnosed cancer patients
from 281 cancer registries across
China from 2008 to 2019.
During this period, re-
improvements in survival rates
for several types of cancer,
including those of the lung,
prostate, bone, uterus, breast,
cervix, nasopharynx, larynx and
Great Wall, Grand Welcome According to the report,
these advancements in cancer
Children from Uzbekistan visit the Huangyaguan section of the Great Wall in Tianjin Municipality on July 24. More survival can largely be attributed
than 200 children participating in the 2024 Tianjin International Children’s Art Festival visited the tourist site that to major healthcare reforms
same day. The five-day art festival, which commenced on July 22, drew over 1,000 young artists from 40 countries in China and technological
and regions. progress, which have enabled
earlier diagnosis, more effective
treatment, and improved cancer
Brain Health Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei
Province, in collaboration with
passengers, the Adora Magic
care management.
The study also highlighted
Journal the International Hemorrhagic built large cruise ship owned that eight types of cancer—
The journal Brain Hemorrhages , Stroke Association. The journal by the company, completed its thyroid, breast, testis, bladder,
initiated by a team of Chinese publishes high-quality original maiden commercial voyage in prostate, kidney, uterus and
researchers, has seen a steady research articles, authoritative January, traveling 1,119 nautical EGTXKZ§PQYDQCUVC³XG[GCTUWT-
increase in international TGXKGYUCPFCECFGOKEDTKG³PIU miles over the course of seven vival rate exceeding 60 percent.
influence in recent years, ac- in English. The proportion of days and six nights. Among these, pancreatic cancer
cording to the 2024 Brain international submissions is as Equipped with 2,144 rooms, has the lowest survival rate at 8.5
Health Conference that con- high as 70 percent. the second ship will have larger percent, while thyroid cancer has
cluded in Beijing on July 21. public spaces and more ad- the highest at 92.9 percent.
The journal was included in Cruise Ship vanced entertainment facilities.
the Emerging Sources Citation China’s second domestically Education Spending
Index, a database for emerging built large cruise ship is expected Cancer Survival Rate China’s annual expenditure on
and high-potential journals, in to be delivered by the end of %JKPC«UCIGUVCPFCTFK\GF³XG education totaled 6.46 trillion
late 2023, and recently received 2026, and start international year relative survival rate for all yuan ($889.4 billion) in 2023, the
KVU³TUVKORCEVHCEVQTQHOCTM- journeys from Guangzhou in cancer types combined was 43.7 Ministry of Education said in a
ing a new step in its international Guangdong Province in 2027, percent between 2019 and 2021, press release on July 22.
CECFGOKEKP´WGPEGUCKF<JCPI its owner Adora Cruises Ltd. an- according to a report published 6JG³IWTGKPETGCUGF
He, editor-in-chief of the journal, nounced on July 23. in the Journal of the National percent from 2022, according to
who highlighted the progress at The second ship will serve Cancer Center , Xinhua News the ministry.
the conference. the South China market, accord- Agency reported on July 23. Spending on compulsory
It was established by a ing to the company. The survival rate increased education totaled 2.84 trillion
research team from Tongji Carrying more than 3,000 by approximately 7 percentage yuan ($391 billion) in 2023, ac-
counting for the greatest share of data hub,” the mountainous
the overall expenditure, followed province of Guizhou is China’s
by spending on higher education ³TUVPCVKQPCNDKIFCVCEQORTG-
at 1.76 trillion yuan ($242.3 bil- hensive pilot zone. It promotes
lion), according to the statement. the big data industry as the back-
Spending on preschool and bone of its high-quality social
high school education came in at and economic development.
538.2 billion yuan ($74.1 billion) The big data expo is a
and 1.02 trillion yuan ($140.4 valuable showcase for industry
billion), respectively. research reports, technical
Spending on higher educa- URGEK³ECVKQPUCPFV[RKECNECUGU
tion saw the fastest year-on- according to Liu.
year growth in 2023, rising 7.6 Liu added that the NDA
percent. will advance the building of
Year-on-year increases in a national computing power
spending on preschool, com- network and the implementation
pulsory and senior high school
Strength and Spirit
of the “Eastern Data, Western
education came in at 4.7 percent, Computing” project, a key part
6 percent and 6.2 percent, of China’s digital infrastructure.
respectively. The project aims to coordi- Two men wrestle at the Torch Festival in Eliping Township of Butuo County,
Kindergartens saw the fastest nate the computing capabilities Sichuan Province on July 21. The Yi ethnic group’s traditional Torch Festival,
per-student expenditure growth of the country’s eastern regions, running from July 21 to 23 this year , features several folk sports events,
last year, increasing 8.8 percent where the need for computing is including horse racing, bullfighting and wrestling.
year on year. high, with inland western regions,
where abundant renewable
Big Data Expo resources are optimal for the
The China International Big construction of data centers.
Data Industry Expo 2024 will involve the maintenance, commercial blocks have been
take place in Guiyang, capital of Urban Renewal renovation, demolition and
improvement of public facilities,
renovated, and nearly 15,000
public facilities for medical,
Guizhou Province, from August
28 to 30, Liu Liehong, head of Projects with the purpose of readjusting sports, educational and cultural
the National Data Administration China has invested 2.6 trillion urban space resources to bet- purposes have been constructed
(NDA), said on July 22. yuan ($358 billion) in over 66,000 ter meet the expectations and or renovated.
During the expo, the NDA projects designed to renovate needs of the people, and adapt China plans to renovate
will release reports on its urban infrastructure, the Ministry to social and economic develop- 54,000 old urban residential
achievements since its launch in of Housing and Urban-Rural ments. communities this year, and had
October 2023. Development said on July 19. Among the projects, more started revamping 22,600 com-
Often dubbed China’s “big Urban renewal projects than 2,600 former factories and munities by the end of May.
January-June (y.o.y.)
5.9 5.7
3% 2.9
State-holding Shareholding Foreign Privately
January-June (y.o.y.)
6% 5.5 5.1
5% 4.8 4.4 4.2
4.4 4.1
4% 3.4
1% 0.9
Mining Manufactur- Electricity Chemical Automobile Textile Petroleum Coal Electricity General Agricultural Non-metal
ing equipment
Audiences cheer before the kick-off of A performer dances at the Guelaguetza
the men’s pool C rugby sevens match Auditorium in Oaxaca City on July 22. The
between France and the United States performance was part of an annual show-
of the Paris 2024 Olympic Summer case of the country’s indigenous cultures
Games at the Stade de France, Paris, on hosted by the auditorium
July 24
Rescue workers collect debris at the site of an
air crash near the Tribhuvan International Airport
in Kathmandu on July 24. Eighteen bodies were
recovered after a plane crashed near the airport
A military and civilian parade during the Belgian National Day
celebrations in Brussels on July 21
McMurray, northern Alberta,
on July 18
Vice President Kamala Harris
(center) speaks at the White House
in Washington, D.C. on July 22.
Harris has secured the support of a
majority of Democratic delegates
to become the party’s nominee for
president since President Joe Biden
left the race on July 21
Economic structural reform remains the spearhead in China By Tao Xing
A robotic arm manufactures solar photovoltaic cells in the intelligent workshop of a factory in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, on January 4
uestions and specula- Some critics have asserted that politics is suf- Review. “In addition to studying the
tions surrounding the focating China’s economy. Others have voiced communiqué, we also need to study
future direction of opinions that while the words “reform” and “eco- the resolution, which provides more
China’s economy, nomic development” occur frequently throughout VSHFLÀFPHDVXUHVµKHDGGHG
and whether it will WKHFRPPXQLTXpWKHGRFXPHQWFRQWDLQVIHZVSHFLÀF “I feel that this communiqué is
continue pursuing reform and open- details of the measures China will take to continue all about economic development
ing up, have predictably surfaced the revival of its economy. and reform. That’s my personal un-
around the recently held Third However, those with seats closer to the action derstanding,” he said.
Plenary Session of the 20th Central suggest these critics may be looking in the wrong The Resolution of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party places. “The communiqué is about principles and Committee of the Communist Party
of China (CPC), which concluded directions. It is relatively abstract,” Tian Xuan, asso- of China on Further Deepening
with the release of a communiqué FLDWHGHDQDQGFKDLUSURIHVVRURIÀQDQFHDW7VLQJKXD Reform Comprehensively to
on July 18. University’s PBC School of Finance, told Beijing Advance Chinese Modernization
there are some misunderstandings
of the resolution to ‘better leverage
the role of the market and foster a
fairer and more dynamic market
environment,’ and it’s necessary
to clarify these points,” Dong Yu,
Executive Vice President of the
China Institute for Development
Planning at Tsinghua University,
told Beijing Review.
“Some people did not find the
line ‘the market plays the decisive
role in resource allocation’ in the
communiqué and have questioned
China’s attitude to the role of the
market, but it was later seen in
the resolution,” Dong said. “It is a
statement that was unequivocally
put forward at the 20th National
Congress of the CPC [in 2022], and
will not and cannot be changed or
shaken,” Dong said.
“Fostering a fairer and more
dynamic market environment” em-
phasizes fair entry, fair competition
and fair development, aiming to
build a healthier market environ-
ment. Some people mistakenly
interpret this solely as fairer income
distribution, which is a common
misconception that needs to be ad-
dressed, he said.
“Building a high-standard so-
cialist market economy” has always
been the primary focus of reforms
On government’s role
“We will see that the market plays
the decisive role in resource alloca-
A press conference on the guiding principles from the Third Plenary Session of the 20th
tion and that the government better
Communist Party of China Central Committee is held in Beijing on July 19
“This requires us to emphasize
both the role of the market and of any country,” Dong said, adding that it is not a sim- adhering to the two ‘unswerving’
the government. And it is neces- ple matter of “wanting both,” and the key is to “grasp commitments,” Tian said.
sary to play the role of a proactive the balance point of the lever in economic work and, In upholding and fulfilling the
government, especially, the com- according to the characteristics and requirements of commitments to the public and
plementary roles of an effective different areas and stages, grasp the rhythm and inten- private sectors, China must also
market and a proactive govern- sity of the two in a targeted manner.” “ensure that economic entities un-
ment,” Tian said. “Lifting restrictions” emphasizes the goal, while der all forms of ownership have
“It means allowing the visible “effective regulation” emphasizes the capability equal access to factors of produc-
hand to hold the invisible hand, of governance. The balance of the two should be tion in accordance with the law, can
which suggests the coordination of closely linked to the current economic situation, compete in the market on an equal
government intervention and market Dong said. “The communiqué unusually devoted a footing, and are protected by the
forces for balanced and sustainable large section to expounding upon the annual eco- law as equals, thus enabling them to
development,” Tian explained. nomic work, indicating that it is necessary to make complement each other and develop
The resolution further stated XVHRIUHIRUPVWRVROYHWKHFXUUHQWHFRQRPLFGLIÀ- side by side,” according to the resolution.
that “we will lift restrictions on the culties and challenges. This is a signal that requires “The equal access and legal
market while ensuring effective high attention.” protection are important for the
regulation, striving to better main- developing the private economy,”
tain order in the market and remedy On private economy Tian said.
market failures. By doing so, we will China has indeed emphasized the relationship be- According to Tian, the private
ensure smooth flows in the national tween the public and private sectors of the economy economy contributes 70 percent of
economy and unleash the internal in recent years. The resolution reaffirmed that “we China’s innovation and 80 percent
driving forces and creativity of our will stay committed to unswervingly consolidating of its employment opportunities.
society as a whole.” and developing the public sector and unswervingly “We should encourage and pro-
“We need to correctly under- encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development mote the entrepreneurial spirit, and
stand the terms ‘lifting restrictions’ of the non-public sector.” recognize outstanding private entre-
and ‘effective regulation.’ It’s a “The fundamental point of future reforms is still preneurs,” he added.
challenging issue in the governance to encourage the role of the market and insist on “We will continue to implement
On diverse measures
The resolution also put forward
reforms to specific sectors of the
economy, such as strengthening
agriculture, benefiting farmers and
enriching rural areas. “We will de-
velop new types of rural collective
economies, establish related operat-
ing mechanisms featuring clearly
defined property rights and rational
income distribution, and ensure
that farmers enjoy more adequate
property rights and interests. We
will promote orderly reforms for
market-based transfers of rural col-
lective land designated for business
construction and improve the mecha-
nisms for distributing returns realized
from the appreciation of land,” the
resolution said.
in Shanghai on July 5 out in the resolution, economic
reform encompasses six parts: build-
ing a high-standard socialist market
principles and policies that help market, we will enhance our capacity for opening up economy, promoting high-quality
foster a favorable environment and while expanding international cooperation and develop economic development, supporting
create more opportunities for the de- new institutions for a higher-standard open economy,” all-around innovation, improv-
velopment of the non-public sector. the resolution said. ing macroeconomic governance,
We will formulate a private sector “My understanding of ‘a higher-standard open promoting integrated urban-rural
promotion law. We will do more to economy’ is that we need to proactively align with development, and pursuing high-
remove barriers to market access, international standards in economic and trade rules, standard opening up.
work to see that the competitive engage deeply in the international trade division In this allocation of tasks, the
areas of infrastructure are open to of labor and cooperation, accelerate the process of proportion dedicated to economic
market entities in a fair manner, and ‘bringing in’ and ‘going global,’ and participate reform remains undiminished
improve the long-term mechanism deeply in the global restructuring of industrial and compared to previous key docu-
by which private enterprises partici- PHQWVIXOO\UHÁHFWLQJWKHSULQFLSOH
supply chains,” Tian said, adding that these efforts
pate in major national projects,” the of “regarding economic structural
will also promote the flow of talent, capital, and
resolution said. reform as the spearhead” within the
“All in all, we need to imple- guiding philosophy of the resolu-
“We should steadily improve the openness of rules,
ment these measures to further tion, Dong said. The reform tasks
regulations, and management standards to enhance
boost confidence in the private laid out in the resolution shall be
economy,” Tian said. completed by the time the People’s
ket governance system,” he said.
Republic of China celebrates its
On opening up “In terms of international cooperation and ex-
80th anniversary in 2029, accord-
´2SHQLQJXSLVDGHÀQLQJIHDWXUHRI change by domestic enterprises, we should support
ing to the communiqué. BR
Chinese modernization. We must them not only in engaging in international trade
remain committed to the basic state but also in ‘going global,’ promoting their overseas
policy of opening to the outside development,” Tian said. This facilitates the integra-
world and continue to promote re- tion of domestic and international markets, ensuring
form through opening up. Leveraging smooth circulation between domestic and interna- Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
Comments to [email protected]
the strengths of China’s enormous tional economies. AUGUST 1, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 15
China bolsters job opportunities through multifaceted initiatives By Lu Yan
or Wang Zixin, a recent further deepening reform comprehensively to advance external environment remains com-
college graduate majoring Chinese modernization adopted at the Third Plenary plex, domestic effective demand is
in computer science and Session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) still insufficient, and some enter-
technology from Changchun, Jilin Central Committee, which took place in Beijing from prises continue to face relatively
Province, the job hunt did not prove July 15 to 18. high pressures in production and
as challenging as he had anticipated. operations. This, it noted, requires
:DQJDWWHQGHGÀYHMREIDLUVDQG Employment goes first greater efforts to be made in order
received seven job offers. Ultimately, The country has set an annual target of creating more to bolster employment.
he decided to accept a position at a than 12 million new urban jobs this year. It also aims “We will improve the system
bank. to maintain the surveyed urban unemployment rate at of employment support for key
“The job fairs, which were most- around 5.5 percent this year. groups such as college graduates,
ly organized by my university or the The Ministry of Human Resources and Social rural migrant workers and ex-service
local district and city government’s Security attributed the stable performance of the job members, and the system of lifelong
human resources and social security market to China’s ongoing economic recovery, a resur- vocational skills training,” the resolu-
departments, provided graduates gence in service consumption, and faster growth in the tion read.
like me with a wider range of op- industrial sector. The country will also improve the
tions to consider,” Wang told Beijing However, the ministry also cautioned that the policy environment to boost employment
Review. He added that the majority
of his classmates were able to secure
employment at a company or orga-
nization prior to graduation, with the
exception of those who opted for
China created 6.98 million new
urban jobs in the first half of this
In June, the country’s surveyed urban
unemployment rate stood at 5 per-
cent, with the employment situation
remaining generally stable, according
to the Ministry of Human Resources
and Social Security.
China will develop sound mecha-
nisms for promoting high-quality and
full employment, refine the related
public services system, and work
hard to tackle structural unemploy- Young job seekers explore more than 6,000 positions on offer at a job fair in Haikou, Hainan
ment, according to the resolution on Province, on July 20
by encouraging business startups, and He said it also requires efforts from enterprises raise the statutory retirement age in a
support and regulate the development of and cooperation between them and the government. prudent and orderly manner.
new forms of employment. “By aligning with social and economic development, China’s statutory retirement age
It will also build a sound social enterprise transformation and upgrading, as well as is 60 for men, 55 for female pro-
security system to serve people in the development of emerging industries, expanding fessionals and 50 for other female
flexible employment, rural migrant the scale of employment and improving the quality of workers, with the average retire-
workers and those in new forms of employment should be set as important goals for gov- ment age of people participating in
employment. ernment policies and corporate social responsibility,” employees’ pension insurance being
Wang expressed his appreciation he said. under 55, the youngest in the world.
for the government’s employment as- Due to factors such as personal
sistance policies in Jilin. “Graduates Secure the silver choice, work status and physical con-
employed in Jilin with at least one- Liu Chuanfang, a retiree from Nantong, Jiangsu dition, it is indeed difficult to adopt
year labor or employment contracts, Province, has recently secured a job with the help of D´RQHVL]HÀWVDOOµPRGHOIRUUHWLUH-
and who are making social insurance her residential community’s employment service cen- ment age. Delaying retirement by
contributions, can receive monthly ter, an initiative guided by the local government. adhering to the principles of “volun-
living allowances,” Wang explained. After retiring, Liu found herself feeling idle at WDULQHVVDQGÁH[LELOLW\µJDYHVHQLRUV
According to the policy document, home. However, she soon learned that her community more choices.
the allowance amounts are 2,500 had established an employment assistance hub right in In the era of technological, digital
yuan ($344) for doctoral gradu- the neighborhood. Interested, Liu decided to visit the and intelligent transformation, the
ates, 1,500 yuan ($206) for master’s VHUYLFHFHQWHUDQGWU\KHUOXFNLQÀQGLQJDSDUWWLPHMRE traditional nine-to-five work model
graduates, and 1,000 yuan ($137) for to supplement her income. and high-intensity commuting re-
bachelor’s graduates. The subsidy To Liu’s pleasant surprise, she was able to land a quirements are no longer suitable for
period can last up to two years. position at the cafeteria of a nearby vocational school. the population reaching or even ex-
The policies also benefit 5HÁHFWLQJRQKHUQHZIRXQGUROH/LXWROGORFDOQHZV- ceeding the statutory retirement age,
those pursuing flexible employ- paper Yangtse Evening Post, “The job is relatively said Yuan Xin, Vice President of the
ment. College graduates who are OLJKWDQG,ÀQGJUHDWMR\LQLQWHUDFWLQJZLWKWKHHQHU- China Population Association and a
unemployed within two years of getic students. It has really reinvigorated me.” professor of demography at Nankai
graduation can receive subsidies for Established across the country and guided by University.
their social insurance payments when supportive local policies, these community-based em- “Therefore, we should explore
they take on flexible jobs. The sub- ployment service centers have proven to be invaluable more flexible and diverse work ar-
sidy generally covers up to two thirds resources, enabling residents like Liu and others to rangements, including but not limited
of their actual insurance contribu- access job information and opportunities conveniently to adjustments to work hours, job
tions, for a maximum of two years. located right in their own neighborhoods. nature, work location and compensa-
Similar policies have been launched Beyond just connecting job seekers to openings, tion structure. For example, allowing
in different localities based on local these centers take a comprehensive approach to boost- them to choose part-time over full-
conditions. ing local employment. They organize a variety of job- time work based on individual
initiatives, Wang said, “The applica- WRKHOSUHVLGHQWVÀQGVXLWDEOHUROHV7KHVHFHQWHUVDOVR communication technologies to work
tion process is quite straightforward. DUUDQJHSXEOLFZHOIDUHSRVLWLRQVVSHFLÀFDOO\WRHPSOR\ remotely from home, to reduce un-
Benefiting from these supportive LQGLYLGXDOVIDFLQJGLIÀFXOWLHVLQWKHMREPDUNHW necessary commuting pressure and
policies, we feel much more confi- Official data show that China was home to 297 improve work efficiency and qual-
dent about securing our livelihoods million people aged 60 and above at the end of 2023, ity of life,” Yuan told news portal
after graduation.” accounting for 21.1 percent of the total population.
“High-quality employment can- 7RUHVSRQGWRSRSXODWLRQDJLQJ&KLQDZLOOUHÀQH “The specific details of the
not be achieved without the support the policies and mechanisms for developing elderly implementation of this retirement
of relevant national employment care programs and industries. “We will develop the age system still await the publica-
systems and policies,” Zhao Zhong, silver economy and support the creation of diverse jobs tion of the official plan,” Yuan
Dean of the School of Labor and tailored to elderly people,” the resolution adopted at concluded. BR
Human Resources at Beijing-based the third plenary session said. It added that in line with
Renmin University of China, told the principle of voluntary participation with appropri- Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
Comments to [email protected]
Continuing the process of building a high-standard socialist
market economy By Jon Taylor
he Communist Party of for long-term development, not a quick fix. The believe they overlook the broader
China (CPC) recently third plenum’s communiqué serves as a founda- context of the Party’s goal of bal-
concluded the long-antic- tional summary for China’s medium- and long- ancing market mechanisms with
ipated Third Plenary Session of term development. The detailed policy plans and state involvement. The resolution
the 20th CPC Central Committee. proposed laws will follow in the coming months. clearly states “we will see that the
The meeting brought together the Invariably, plenums are not designed to provide market plays the decisive role in
Party’s top leadership to discuss VSHFLÀFVROXWLRQV5DWKHUWKH\DLPWRLQLWLDWHWKHGL- resource allocation and that the
and articulate China’s policy rections and/or guidelines. This means that the Party’s JRYHUQPHQWEHWWHUIXOÀOOVLWVUROHµ
goals for promoting Chinese-style core leadership is not responsible for the minutiae A reading of the resolution conveys
modernization and its strategic of policy development and implementation. That is the Party’s sense of urgency regard-
measures for further comprehen- DWDVNEHVWOHIWWR3DUW\RIÀFLDOVDWDOOOHYHOVDVZHOO ing the economy, acknowledging
sive reform. as the relevant national ministries and provincial au- short-term risks and growth goals,
Several questions arise re- thorities. The Party leadership’s task is to guide the and offers plans to accelerate the
garding the third plenum’s work. country into general policy trends based on thorough issuance of special-purpose bonds
6SHFLÀFDOO\GLGWKHSOHQXPFKDUW deliberations within the central committee. to support local governments.
a clear path toward achieving A key task of the recently concluded third ple- Additionally, the fiscal reforms
new quality productive forces? num was to consider a draft of the Resolution of the aimed at addressing the imbalance
[The concept of new quality pro- Central Committee of the Communist Party of China between the Central Government
ductive forces refers to the shift on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to and local governments’ fiscal re-
toward innovation-driven growth, Advance Chinese Modernization, which lays out the sources and responsibilities are
technological advancement and Party’s plans to develop the economy during the com- clearly highlighted.
high-quality development in vari- ing years. Within the context of China’s long history The resolution emphasizes
ous sector of the economy—Ed.] of reform and opening up, the third plenum’s resolu- advancing new quality produc-
Additionally, did the plenum ad- tion on the draft will likely be viewed as a key event tive forces, noting that China will
dress the structural challenges in China’s efforts to continue to develop and improve accelerate efforts to build a high-
within China’s economy? What the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, pur- standard market system, which is a
additional announcements were suing a path to comprehensively deepen reforms, and major reform task for the country.
PDGHDWWKHSOHQXP"$QGÀQDOO\ promoting Chinese-style modernization. Further, efforts will be made to
what’s next for China as a result build a unified national market,
of the third plenum? Questions answered including the development of a
So, let’s move on to answering the questions that unified urban-rural construction
Third plenums I previously posed. First, did the plenum chart a land market, a nationwide inte-
Before I tackle each of these ques- clear path toward achieving new quality productive grated technology and data market,
tions, a quick note about third forces? The answer is a resounding yes. and a unified national electricity
plenums. Traditionally, the CPC Some Western critics have expressed concerns market. Additionally, China will
Central Committee’s third plenum about the omission of the phrase “decisive role of enact reforms aimed at improving
is meant to be a broad blueprint the market” in the communiqué. Upon review, I the market system and rules for
production factors such as labor, advancing Chinese-style modernization. The second part And what about the fourth and
capital, land, knowledge, technol- discusses how and where China will comprehensively final question that I posed? What’s
ogy, management and data. Finally, deploy reforms in a variety of areas, with economic sys- next for China as a result of the third
the resolution also recognizes the tem reform as the driving force. The third part discusses plenum? While I’m not always keen
need for demand-side support, and strengthening the Party’s leadership over reform and on making predictions, the third ple-
improvements to the social security deepening the reform of the Party building system. num’s resolution clearly lays out a
network and hukou system, or the The resolution proposes more than 300 important path for China’s future.
country’s household registration reform measures, all of which involve all levels of the The resolution notes that by
system. Party and the state. Some of the proposals improve and &KLQDZLOOKDYHÀQLVKHGEXLOG-
The second question I posed enhance previous reform measures, while others are new ing a high-standard socialist market
centered on the plenum addressing ideas aimed at reforms based on practical needs and pilot economy in all respects, further im-
the structural challenges facing explorations. Again, this is a document that carefully ad- proved the system of socialism with
China’s economy. Again, the an- dresses China’s commitment to pursuing further reform Chinese characteristics, generally
swer is an unequivocal yes. and opening up. modernized the system and capacity
For those who have doubts, The third question that I posed regarded additional for governance, and basically realized
it must be noted that the resolu- announcements made at the plenum. While the resolu- socialist modernization. And how
tion consists of 15 sections and 60 tion showed that the Party is as focused on security as on will it achieve this? If the most fre-
articles and is divided into three the economy, which is nothing new or unusual in and of quently mentioned words and phrases
main parts. It is a document that itself, it also had a substantial focus on foreign relations, in the resolution are any indication
underscores the Party’s substantial UHÁHFWLQJ&KLQD·VUROHDVDPDMRUJOREDOSRZHU of China’s future path, it will mean
efforts at continuing to improve Several important announcements stood out, includ- that the country will have completed
the modernization of China. ing the pursuit of the Global Development Initiative, the the comprehensive reform tasks laid
The first part of the resolution Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilizations out in the document by the time of
elaborates on the significance and Initiative, a call for an equal and orderly multipolar the 80th anniversary of the founding
overall requirements of further com- world, global governance reform, and universally ben- of the People’s Republic of China in
prehensively deepening reform and HÀFLDODQGLQFOXVLYHHFRQRPLFJOREDOL]DWLRQ 2029.
As the resolution states,
hang’e is the Chinese moon the 20th Central Committee of the Communist invigorating China through sci-
goddess. Named after Party of China (CPC) is so important. The Central ence and education, the strategy
her, the Chang’e-6 lunar Committee, elected by the quinquennial National of developing a quality workforce,
module returned to Earth this June Congress, is, after the congress itself, the Party’s top and the innovation-driven develop-
carrying 1,935.3 grams of rocks and decision-making body. ment strategy, make coordinated
dust from the far side of the moon. This year, the third plenary session introduced efforts to promote integrated reform
A world first, the unique sam- major policy initiatives with an eye on the future. of institutions and mechanisms of
ples—more viscous and clumpier Many third plenums have become waypoints education, science and technology,
than previously collected lunar delineating China’s progress and relationship with and human resources, and improve
specimens—will be distributed the world. The 1978 third plenary session laid the the new system for mobilizing
JOREDOO\IRUVFLHQWLÀFDQDO\VLV foundations for the reform and opening-up policy. resources nationwide to make key
China’s lunar program, ini- The 1993 plenum announced the liberalization of the technological breakthroughs.”
tiated in 2007 with the launch yuan while emphasizing a socialist market econo-
of Chang’e-1 to create a high- my. Those in 1998 and 2008 focused on agriculture Science-based
resolution 3D map of the moon’s and consequently contributed to the eradication of It is noteworthy that China has
surface, illustrates the country’s rural poverty and to establishing China as the world scientists at the center of gover-
enviable ability to concentrate its leader in agricultural science. The 2013 plenum nance, with several members of the
efforts on major tasks. introduced the strategy of the comprehensive deep- Political Bureau of the CPC Central
This ability, President Xi ening of reform. Committee being eminent scientists.
Jinping has suggested, is one of the The recent plenary session focused on deepen- Among them are Ma Xingrui
major advantages of China’s social- ing reform placing science and technology at the and Yuan Jiajun, who were re-
ist system. heart of the high-quality development that China spectively chief commander
intends to achieve. As the official communiqué of the Chang’e-3 program that
A major event stated: “We must fully implement the strategy of successfully placed a lander on
The results of China’s capacity
to concentrate on major tasks are
equally evident in its rapid transi-
tion from a rural economy to a
global industrial power, in the
successful elimination of extreme
poverty, in building the world’s
largest high-speed train system, and
in pursuing a fast transition to green
It is apparent, too, in the
transformation of China into a
leading scientific nation. As re-
cently as 2019, London-based The
Economist magazine asked whether
perpower. This June, it concluded:
“Today, that question has been un-
equivocally answered: ‘Yes’.”
And this is why the recently Researchers prepare to weigh the Chang’e-6 lunar samples during a returner-opening ceremony
held Third Plenary Session of in Beijing on June 26
the moon in 2010, which is still contributed by China, which leads the world in two growth, education, healthcare, hous-
operational today, and chief com- ÀIWKVRIWKHPDMRUFDWHJRULHVRILQGXVWULDOSURGXFWV,W ing, government services, childcare,
mander of the Shenzhou spacecraft is imperative for enterprises in these sectors either to elderly care, personal safety, and
in China’s national manned space adopt advanced technologies to remain competitive property security.
program. Both scientists hold execu- or to transform when upgrading proves impos- These pressing concerns mean
tive positions that enable science to sible. China’s ability to facilitate such transitions rests that action is required while the
directly inform policy decisions. on its unique ability to combine effective government new information revolution is still
The Central Science and ZLWKWKHHIÀFLHQWXVHRIPDUNHWIRUFHV unfolding. Development must
Technology Commission, estab- The country’s response to the new information generate more high-quality employ-
lished in 2023, promotes science- revolution is not aided by those insistent on global ment, create better entrepreneurial
based innovation as the driving force leadership and fearful of fair competition. The U.S. opportunities, be more inclusive,
of China’s new development mod- has imposed export controls, financial sanctions and and reduce regional and urban-rural
el. Headed by Vice Premier Ding inbound and outbound investment screenings that are disparities.
Xuexiang, an engineer, it ensures narrowly focused on Chinese technology. New wealth generated through
that the efforts of ministries, research In contrast, China’s opening up has always been technological advances should be
institutes and industries focus on seen as a two-way opportunity. Vice Premier Ding re- fairly distributed, with better access
transforming scientific excellence iterated this when addressing the 2024 Zhongguancun to education and public healthcare,
into practical applications. Forum in April. China, he emphasized, was keen to and more comprehensive social se-
Exploiting its lead in fron- work with others to put into action the principles of curity. Those newly arriving in cities
tier technologies and the digital “open, fair, just and non-discriminatory” international should be better integrated and rural
economy, China can successfully cooperation in science and technology, fostering a dwellers should be able to share in
transition to become a high-income JOREDOVFLHQWLÀFFRPPXQLW\ China’s growing prosperity through
country, avoiding the “middle- Similarly, the third plenary session articulated as- economic revitalization and im-
income trap” that has prevented pirations to “steadily expand institutional opening up, proved service provision.
further development in many other deepen the foreign trade structural reform, further re- The legacy of this year’s third
countries. Equally, science-led, form the management systems for inward and outward plenary session may be its response
high-quality development must be investment, improve planning for regional opening up, to the pressing concerns identified
sustainable, low-carbon and green. and refine the mechanisms for high-quality coopera- by Xi. It pledged to: “improve the
This will need to be supported by tion under the Belt and Road Initiative.” institutions and mechanisms for
innovative fiscal, investment and advancing new urbanization, con-
pricing regimes, and by enhanced Small steps, giant leap solidate and improve the basic rural
ecological protection compensation While a lack of international cooperation would slow operation system, […] improve the
schemes. learning and hold back global development, informed income distribution system, the em-
To adopt the poetic language of commentators recognize that it could eventually SOR\PHQWÀUVWSROLF\DQGWKHVRFLDO
the plenary session’s communiqué, strengthen the Chinese economy. security system, further reform the
“We must improve ecological con- In 2018, for example, China needed to import 35 medical and healthcare systems, and
servation systems, make concerted key technologies but, when threatened, these so-called improve the systems for facilitating
efforts to cut carbon emissions, “chokepoints” can be addressed. Seven times more population development and provid-
reduce pollution, pursue green STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathemat- ing related services.”
development and boost economic ics) students graduate in China annually than in the U.S., Science and technology are tools
growth, actively respond to climate and thousands of Chinese scientists working abroad for realizing greater goals. Reaching
change, and move faster to improve could be welcomed home. As The Economist noted, the moon is merely a step toward
the systems and mechanisms for ap- “Even Huawei has prospered despite foreign sanctions.” achieving common prosperity. BR
plying the principle that lucid waters Scientists might study science for science’s sake.
and lush mountains are invaluable However, the ultimate goal of China’s development
assets.” and reform is to meet people’s aspirations for better
China intends to avoid mistakes quality of life. President Xi stressed this when speak-
The author is a professor at the Jingshi Academy at
made by other countries that have ing at a symposium of business leaders and academics Beijing Normal University and professor emeritus and
hollowed out traditional indus- in Jinan, Shandong Province, in May. He drew at- emeritus fellow of Green Templeton College, University
of Oxford
tries. Around 30 percent of global tention to the pressing concerns and aspirations of Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon
Comments to [email protected]
manufacturing output is currently the general public concerning employment, income AUGUST 1, 2024 BEIJING REVIEW 21
ach generation deals with Donald Trump is threatening 60-percent (or more) to manage the demographic chal-
big changes, but today’s tariffs on all imports from China. None of this makes lenge of a declining workforce while
world is experiencing a per- economic sense but populism has mobilized strong ensuring there are enough new,
fect storm of seismic disruptions in constituencies in Europe as well as the U.S. against a well-paid jobs as new technologies
the balance of power, a technological OHYHOSOD\LQJÀHOGIRUWUDGH eliminate some of the old low-paid
transformation, and a climate crisis. China has benefited––and the world enjoys net jobs.
China is central to each of these, and EHQHÀWV²²IURPIUHHWUDGH+RSHIXOO\&KLQDFDQUHVLVW A climate of dialogue and un-
how the country manages its internal the temptation to join a tit-for-tat trade war. Reform of derstanding between major powers
challenges will affect the people of the World Trade Organization will be in everyone’s in- on how to provide confidence and
China and the rest of the world. terests, as would greater transparency around subsidies security would go a long way here,
It’s a highly charged international provided to nurture industries by all major economies. rather than the recent tendency of
environment that China must cope 3HUKDSV&KLQD·VPRVWVLJQLÀFDQWFRQWULEXWLRQLQWKH fear and blame. Many global leader-
with. The United States appears to be coming years will be its leading role in combating cli- ship changes are underway this year,
hopelessly polarized and is therefore mate change. This is the slow crisis the world has seen so there may yet be some room for
XQSUHGLFWDEOH5XVVLD·VFRQÁLFWZLWK coming, but we are approaching a tipping point this de- innovation and initiatives that could
Ukraine seems to have thrust Europe cade if we cannot slow global warming. The switch to stabilize the international environ-
back into a traditional battle of wills. renewable energy is well underway, with China’s rapid ment, rather than continue the recent
We are in a more pessimistic era than transition a major reason why world leaders agreed at downward spiral.
the world has known for decades and UN Climate Change Conference in 2023 to triple re- The Third Plenary Session of
this brings real risks of miscalcula- newable energy output by 2030. the 20th Central Committee of the
tions contributing to a downward China is also leading the world in the rollout of Communist Party of China, held in
VSLUDORIFRQIURQWDWLRQDQGFRQÁLFW new-energy vehicles. The smart digitalization and Beijing from July 15 to 18, sought
Meanwhile, China’s ambitious greening of all industries are underway. China accounts WRÀQGVROXWLRQVWRVRPHWULFN\HFR-
building of new institutions and for around 30 percent of the world’s industrial pro- nomic problems in a complex, global
platforms for interdependence across duction; therefore, a green China will mean a greener environment. All this will require
large areas of the world, from the world. hard work, but nobody ever accused
Shanghai Cooperation Organization Besides these big global disruptions, China has Chinese people of avoiding hard
and BRICS to the Belt and Road many internal challenges. It is transitioning from the work.
Initiative, is interpreted in the West heady, high-growth era to inevitably slower growth The bottom line for the world––
as reshaping the world order. But it that must be more balanced. The country needs less WKDWVKRXOGSURYLGHVRPHFRQÀGHQFH
can be observed that to contribute speculative real estate development and more produc- for the medium term––is that China
to stability, international coopera- tive investment in the industries of the future. It needs has built an impressive infrastruc-
tion and development, all are much ture for trade and can contribute
needed in tumultuous times. The Third Plenary Session to a more sustainable international
We are also seeing a retreat into environment as it trades, invests and
nationalist protectionism. The U.S.
of the 20th CPC Central disseminates the green technologies
has levied 100-percent tariffs on &RPPLWWHHVRXJKWWRßQG of the future. BR
Chinese electric vehicles and 50-per- solutions to some tricky The author is president of 1Earth Village, a senior
cent tariffs on solar cells, and has
gradually tightened restrictions on
economic problems in a fellow at the Center for China and Globalization, and a
former Australian and multilateral diplomat. This article
Chinese access to high-end semicon- complex, global environment was first published on the China Focus website
Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon
Comments to [email protected]
ductors. U.S. presidential candidate
A Global Imperative: Five Principles
Of Peaceful Coexistence
By Warwick Powell
eijing hosted an event commemo- the institutions and ethos of an existential threats, and social inequality
rating the 70th anniversary of emerging multipolar world. within countries has intensified. Uneven
the Five Principles of Peaceful As the unipolar world of the development remains the primary source
Coexistence on June 28. The event served “Pax Americana” gives way of international instability.
not only as a celebration of historical to the reemergence of global In particular, hegemonism, power
achievements, but also as a focal point for multipolarity, a new interna- politics and unilateral bullying continue
nations and peoples worldwide to orient tional architecture is needed to to undermine peace, stability and devel-
themselves amid extensive global transformation. ensure prosperity and peace. opment of the world, and human life and
The Five Principles of Peaceful Over the past three decades, the dignity are, more often than not, ignored
Coexistence, proposed 70 years ago to financialized global capitalist under the law of the jungle.
contribute to building a just post-war inter- system has failed to meet the Additionally, the rapid advancement
national order and properly managing state- needs of a significant portion of artificial intelligence poses new risks
to-state relations, remain essential to the of the world’s population. Even and dangers, unless the technology is
world. They are: mutual respect for sover- in many of the world’s wealthi- regulated and governed comprehensively
eignty and territorial integrity, mutual non- est nations, most people have on a global scale.
aggression, non-interference in each other’s seen a relative decline in living Addressing these challenges re-
LQWHUQDODIIDLUVHTXDOLW\DQGPXWXDOEHQHÀW standards. Moreover, environ- quires aligned and coordinated efforts
and peaceful coexistence. mental degradation has led to across nations. Actions must be taken
These principles later influenced the
consensus reached at the 1955 Bandung
Conference, where representatives from 29
Asian and African nations, comprising over
half of the world’s population, gathered.
Through intense discussion and negotiation,
they agreed upon a 10-point declaration
promoting world peace and cooperation,
which incorporated the Five Principles and
key principles of the UN Charter.
Uni- to multipolar
As conflicts rage worldwide, nations find
themselves at another inflection point.
The concerns that gathered representa-
tives from 29 countries in Bandung,
namely, the reluctance of Western powers
after World War II to meaningfully con-
sult them on issues impacting Asia and
Africa, are recurring one way or another.
The Beijing event contributed to a
necessary global dialogue, drawing on the The Sino-Uganda Mbale Industrial Park in Mbale, Uganda, on April 4. The industrial
strengths of historic alignments to shape park, launched in 2018, houses more than 40 companies
mutually supportive environment, where
the actions of one contribute to the condi-
tions of the whole, and where the actions
of others bolster the security and stability
of one.
These collaborations are fundamentally
shaped not by an orientation toward an
external threat or enemy, but by recogniz-
ing that social and economic development,
stability, and security are best achieved
through common endeavors.
Once again, the echoes of the Five
Principles can be heard.
The Five Principles, embodied in the
institutions and practices of the SCO and
other cooperative mechanisms, point to
ways of international cooperation bet-
ter suited to tackling today’s challenges.
The venue where the 1955 Asian-African Conference, also known as the Bandung Rather than forging alliances defined by
Conference, was held in Bandung, Indonesia, is now a museum external threats or enemies, this model of
multipolar engagement is focused on the
through common agreements in which face of global challenges, the shared interests of the participants, without
all countries, adhering to the spirit of the Five Principles are as relevant any reference to stymying or facing off
Five Principles, consider each other’s as ever. against third parties.
interests and concerns. Attempts to en- “The old world is dying, and the
force actions through unilateral moves, Putting words into new world struggles to be born: In this
buttressed by kinetic interventions or action interregnum, a great variety of morbid
threats, are no solutions and are likely to We witnessed these principles symptoms appear,” said Italian philoso-
backfire, with unilateral sanctions as a take institutional form when pher and politician Antonio Gramsci
case in point. the Shanghai Cooperation in the 1930s, as he observed the rise of
Effective coordinated action on shared Organization (SCO) held its 24th fascism in Europe. Just as Europe in
global or cross-border challenges re- the 1930s saw economic crises drive
summit in Astana, Kazakhstan,
quires social stability as a foundation. To political upheavals, ultimately leading
on July 3-4.
achieve this, it is essential to respect each to transcontinental wars, today, we also
The SCO Summit endorsed
nation’s requirement to govern itself in confront disruption as the “old world”
the initiative on world unity for
ways that are legitimate and align with its of American unipolarity gives way and a
justice, harmony and develop-
unique history and current circumstances. new multipolar world is being born.
ment, which is grounded in the
Coordinated economic development, Multipolarity necessitates new institu-
inseparable relationship between
guaranteeing the benefits of economic tions and methods to affirm and enhance
progress are shared fairly among all fair and equitable economic existing multilateral frameworks, such
participants, is crucial for maintaining development across nations on as the UN, to improve their function-
social stability. When development is un- the one hand, and peace, stabil- ality. The Five Principles of Peaceful
even, with global centers exploiting and ity and security on the other. As Coexistence must form a key part of
extracting resources from peripheral na- Norwegian sociologist Johan these efforts. BR
tions, it fosters resentment and instability Galtung once observed, one “will
in many regions worldwide. never reach peace through secu-
The principles of peaceful coexis- rity, but one will reach security
tence recognize the intrinsic symbiotic through peace.” The author is an adjunct professor at the Queensland University of
relationship between fair and equitable The fabric and ethos of Technology in Australia and a senior fellow at the Taihe Institute. This
article was first published on
development, social stability, and trans- the SCO dictate a set of rela- Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon
national peace. This is why today, in the tionships that aim to foster a Comments to [email protected]
fter former U.S. President Donald part, has focused on the per- However, U.S. campaign rhetoric and
Trump survived an assassination ceived security threats posed proposed policies often tend to threaten this
attempt at his rally on July 13, the by Chinese technology. This cooperation. Trump’s suggested 60-percent
American political landscape has once again fixation on China by both sides tariffs on Chinese imports could disrupt
been thrown into disarray. of the political aisle adds yet international trade, while the Biden adminis-
In a surprising turn of events, President another layer of complexity to tration’s “small yard, high fence” approach
Joe Biden bowed out of the 2024 presiden- an already fraught China-U.S. in technology, maintaining a narrower but
tial race, throwing his support behind Vice relationship. more controlled range of core national se-
President Kamala Harris as the Democratic During a livestreamed curity interests, might impede innovation
standard-bearer. discussion organized by the of- collaboration. These policies potentially
This unexpected development sent ficial social media account of harm both nations’ interests—and global
shockwaves through the United States and Beijing Daily newspaper on economic stability.
garnered global attention. Biden’s decision July 22, professor of interna- On July 22, Wang Yi, a member of the
to step aside not only reshapes the dynamics tional relations and diplomatic Political Bureau of the Central Committee of
of the Democratic primary but also intro- affairs Wei Zongyou from the the Communist Party of China and Minister
duces a new level of unpredictability into an Center for American Studies of Foreign Affairs, met with a delegation
already contentious election. at Fudan University expressed from the Board of Directors of the U.S.-
Biden’s withdrawal followed a storm of his belief that the U.S. politi- China Business Council in Beijing.
challenges. Recent health concerns, includ- cal landscape is undergoing a The meeting underlined Beijing’s
ing a positive COVID-19 test, cast doubt focus on reform, further opening up and
seismic shift. Trump is reshap-
on his ability to endure the rigors of another stronger bilateral relations, highlighting
ing the Republican Party into
presidential campaign—let alone another its approach to Sino-U.S. relations. Wang
an entity focused on his “Make
advocated for stability in this relationship,
term. What’s more, his political capital America Great Again” slogan,
grounded in mutual respect and win-win
had been waning, as evidenced by declin- embracing neo-isolationism
cooperation. It’s clear that Beijing remains
ing poll numbers and a decrease in donor and trade protectionism—a
support. The growing chorus of influential stark departure from traditional
cial relationship.
party voices calling for new leadership only Republican values. Meanwhile,
While the U.S. electoral process is an
compounded the pressure on him not to seek the Democratic Party sees the as-
internal affair, one can only hope that the
reelection. cendance of progressive figures
eventual victor will emphasize cooperation
Meanwhile, the Republican camp faces like Congresswoman Alexandria with China rather than using the country as
its own turmoil. The shocking shooting in- Ocasio-Cortez, pushing for more a scapegoat for domestic woes purely for the
cident that occurred at a Pennsylvania rally radical social and cultural re- sake of short-term political gain.
on July 13 has further inflamed an already forms. The Sino-U.S. partnership, if and when
volatile political climate in the U.S. The But despite all the obstacles nurtured, can contribute to global stability
event served as a stark reminder of the deep and uncertainties, China-U.S. and progress.
divisions plaguing American society and the cooperation must transcend the The path forward, though challenging,
potential for violence in an increasingly po- realm of electoral politics. As offers immense potential for both countries
larized electorate. the world’s two largest econo- and, by extension, the world at large. BR
Amid this tumultuous backdrop, both mies, their collaborative efforts
parties have zeroed in on China as a key are not just beneficial, but es-
campaign issue. Trump continues to hammer sential for mutual growth and
home his message about China’s alleged im- global stability.
pact on U.S. jobs and prosperity. The giants’ cooperation Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon
The Biden administration, for its spans the economic, techno- Comments to [email protected]
eform and opening up have been $WÀUVW&KLQDKDGWRUHYLVHLWVV\VWHPVSDV-
pivotal to modern China’s trajec- sively to meet international standards. Now,
tory, serving as a major driver of as a major world economy, the country has
the country’s economic and social develop- assumed the responsibility of sustaining
ment. Initially characterized by a cautious economic globalization. The rise of trade
approach likened to “crossing the river by protectionism in some developed countries
feeling the stones,” adopted in 1978, China’s has seriously undermined this globalization.
reform and opening up today have entered a Therefore, it is China’s obligation to uphold
new stage. the multilateral trade system centered on the
The challenge lies in advancing the re- World Trade Organization. This includes
form to boost economic and social progress. and opening up mainly relied on participating in the reform of the global eco-
In this context, the Third Plenary the flow of goods and factors of nomic governance system and contributing
Session of the 20th Central Committee of production, which played a big to the development of fairer international
the Communist Party of China, which con- part in the country becoming the rules.
cluded on July 18, decided to further the world’s largest trading nation. This mission necessitates the further
comprehensive deepening of the country’s However, this form of opening up comprehensive deepening of reform and
reform and propel Chinese modernization. primarily benefited labor-inten- the expansion of institutional opening up to
The session outlined more than 300 re- sive enterprises and production maintain economic globalization and uphold
form initiatives, with a prevailing emphasis international multilateral trade rules.
on expanding institutional opening up to International competition among insti-
As China now enters a phase
tutions and regulatory frameworks is now
create a new system for a higher-level, more of high-quality development, on
intensifying. The rapid rise of China and
open economy. The underlying strategy the basis of opening up based on
other emerging economies has shifted the
is to align with international standards in ÁRZVRIJRRGVDQGIDFWRUVRISUR-
global balance of power, triggering struc-
economic and trade practices, harmoniz- duction, it is necessary to evolve
tural conflicts between, for instance, China
ing regulations, management and standards beyond this traditional approach.
and the United States regarding systems and
across a range of fields, including prop- The next step involves taking on a
erty rights protection, industrial subsidies, bigger role in the global economic
The U.S. seeks to modify the current
environmental protocols, labor rights, system. But doing so requires in-
multilateral trade system to establish trade
government procurement, e-commerce and stitutional opening up to enhance and investment rules that favor developed
finance. The goal is to foster a transparent, the country’s engagement with countries, in turn potentially disadvantaging
stable and predictable institutional environ- international economic practices enterprises from China and other developing
ment, integrating China more deeply into the and standards. This new move is countries.
global economy. also necessary to lift the country’s 7KHVHFRQÁLFWVUHSUHVHQWDZLGHUULYDOU\
Institutional opening up was first pro- international competitiveness. between established and emerging systems,
posed at the 2018 Central Economic Work For China, one of the main DVZHOODVDVWUXJJOHIRULQÁXHQFHRYHUJORE-
Conference, a yearly meeting held in components of institutional open- al economic governance and international
December to outline the economic priorities ing up is to study international trade rules. Given these dynamics, China
for the 12 months ahead, when it was put rules and participate in the formu- must expand and expedite its institutional
forward as a means to “promote the transfor- lation of international rules. opening up to better navigate and help shape
PDWLRQIURPRSHQLQJXSEDVHGRQWKHÁRZRI Over the past 40 years, this evolving landscape. BR
goods and factors of production to opening China’s reform and opening up
up based on rules and related institutions.” have included a series of mea- Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon
In the past four decades, China’s reform sures for institutional opening up. Comments to [email protected]
eijing has urged Manila to honor its com- from action of inhabiting on the uninhabited islands and reefs. China continues to
mitments after the Philippines denied key demand that the Philippines tow away the warship and restore Ren’ai Jiao’s state
elements of a “provisional arrangement” of hosting no personnel or facilities.
reached by both sides on managing the situation at Second, between now and when the warship is towed away, should the
Ren’ai Jiao, or Ren’ai Reef, in the South China Sea, Philippines need to send living necessities to the personnel living on the warship,
just hours after the deal was announced and detailed China is willing to allow it in a humanitarian spirit if the Philippines informs
Tensions between the two countries have been the entire resupply process.
escalating since 2023 due to a series of Philippine Third, if the Philippines were to send large amount of construction materials
Islands, to supply the BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57), a will absolutely not accept it and will resolutely stop it in accordance with the laws
tank landing ship that Manila deliberately grounded and regulations to uphold China’s sovereignty and the sanctity of the DOC.
there in 1999. Based on these three points, China recently had a series of consultations with
,QLWVDQQRXQFHPHQW%HLMLQJFRQÀUPHGWKDWIRO- the Philippines on managing the situation at Ren’ai Jiao and reached a provisional
lowing de-escalation talks, an agreement had been arrangement on humanitarian resupply of living necessities. The two sides agreed
reached, contingent on three conditions: the towing to jointly manage differences on maritime issues and work for de-escalation in
away of the Sierra Madre, prior notification and the South China Sea, the statement concluded.
´RQVLWHYHULÀFDWLRQµRIVXSSOLHVDQGWKHH[FOXVLRQ However, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) swiftly
of construction materials from those supplies. responded to China’s statement by posting on X, formerly known as Twitter, re-
commitments, work with China, and jointly man- of deliveries.
age the situation at sea,” Chinese Foreign Ministry “We take note that the Philippines said it’s ready to implement the arrange-
spokesperson Mao Ning said on July 22. ment it reached with China. We hope the Philippines will keep its word. We call
on the Philippines not to backpedal, not to create problems, and not to do any-
on July 22 said that Ren’ai Jiao is part of China’s had agreed to.
Nansha Islands and China has sovereignty over In early May, a transcript was released of the supposed recording of a
both, as well as their adjacent waters. phone call between China and the Philippines’ Western Command (Wescom)
For decades, the Philippines has kept a war- Commander Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos on January 3, indicating Carlos agreed
ship grounded at Ren’ai Jiao, violating China’s to a “new model” for resupply missions to Ren’ai Jiao. Newspaper Global Times
Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). Article 5 of on May 8.
WKH'2&VSHFLÀFDOO\VWDWHVWKDWSDUWLHVVKRXOGDYRLG The “new model” allowed essential daily supplies delivered to the grounded
inhabiting uninhabited islands and reefs. warship in the subsequent resupply mission after notifying China in advance.
On how to handle the current situation at Ren’ai Based on the “new model” arrangement and humanitarian principles, China
Jiao, China has publicly stated the principled posi- permitted the Philippine resupply operation, the source told Global Times.
tion which consists of three points. Soon after the transcript was released, Carlos, who approved the “new mod-
First, by keeping its warship grounded at Ren’ai el” with China, was relieved of his post as the Wescom, and replaced by Rear
Jiao for decades running, the Philippines has been Admiral Alfonso Torres Jr.
violating China’s sovereignty and the DOC, espe- The Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro and National Security
cially Article 5 which says the parties should refrain Adviser Eduardo Año have denied there was such an arrangement. Año called
the agreement “absolutely absurd, ludicrous and preposterous,” while empha- tensions and a major escalation took place on June
sizing in a statement on May 5 that President [Ferdinand Marcos Jr.] did not 17.
empower nor authorize anyone in the Philippine Government to enter into or According to the China Coast Guard (CCG)
commit to any agreement, understanding or arrangement—more so informal that same day, the Philippines has continued to
ones. send supply ships into waters adjacent to Ren’ai
According to a column published in Manila Times on May 15, Francisco Jiao. Global business publication Financial Times
Tatad, a Philippine journalist and politician, cited a source saying that “it was reported that the Philippine military has in recent
specifically Año, who spoke to Teodoro and President Marcos Jr. about the months been carrying out a secret mission to rein-
Chinese proposal and gave Carlos the go-ahead” to talk to the Chinese side. force the dilapidated military vessel grounded at
Ren’ai Jiao to extend its service life.
How did we get here? CCG spokesperson Gan Yu stated on that same
China’s Nanhai Zhudao (South China Sea Islands) consist of Dongsha Qundao day that the Philippines broke its promise that it
(the Dongsha Islands), Xisha Qundao (the Xisha Islands), Zhongsha Qundao only resupplies the grounded vessel at Ren’ai Jiao
(the Zhongsha Islands) and Nansha Qundao (the Nansha Islands). They include, with supplies for living.
among others, over 250 islands, reefs, shoals and cays of different numbers and In late June, Philippine Foreign Minister
sizes, constituting inseparable parts of China’s territory. Ren’ai Jiao is situated Enrique Manalo told a Philippine senate hearing
within the Nansha Islands. The activities of the Chinese people in the South that a working group had discussed the proposals
China Sea date back over 2,000 years. earlier this month and Manila was hoping the talks
Under President Marcos Jr., the Philippines has taken increasingly assertive could take place in July, newspaper South China
steps to claim its right in the Ren’ai Jiao, leading to several confrontations off Morning Post (SCMP) reported.
the Nansha Islands. Manalo said Manila was committed to working
On January 17, Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong cochaired the Eighth with Beijing on developing “confidence-building
Meeting of the China-Philippines Bilateral Consultation Mechanism on the measures” following a series of clashes in recent
South China Sea (BCM) with Undersecretary of the Department of Foreign months.
Affairs of the Philippines Maria Theresa P. Lazaro in Shanghai. Ding Duo, an associate research fellow at
Both countries reaffirmed that the South China Sea dispute is not the China’s Hainan-based National Institute for South
entirety of bilateral relations and agreed to further improve the maritime com- China Sea Studies, told SCMP that at present, it
munication mechanism, continue to properly manage maritime disputes and is hard to say whether significant results can be
differences through friendly consultation, properly handle maritime emergen- achieved. He added that both Beijing and Manila
cies, in particular, the situation on the ground at Ren’ai Jiao, and constantly wanted to try to calm the situation, which he said
promote practical maritime cooperation. was overheating.
The subsequent “resupply missions” on March 5 and 23 have re-escalated “The Philippines does not want to go as far as
A China Coast Guard vessel (top) resupplies other vessels in the South China Sea Copyedited by G.P. Wilson
on May 13 Comments to [email protected]
ne issue is in the center of attention, from spiraling out of control and to restore peace
peace in Ukraine. We will talk, we at an early date.
ZLOOÀQGFRPPRQJURXQG:HVKRXOG “First, we should prioritize the upholding of
avoid rivalry of peace plans and move toward a peace and stability and refrain from seeking self-
just and sustainable peace. China could play a ma- ish gains. Second, we should cool the situation
jor role in it,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro GRZQDQGQRWDGGIXHOWRWKHÀUH7KLUGZHQHHG
Kuleba said in a video posted on social media plat- to create conditions for the restoration of peace
form Instagram on July 23. He made the post upon and refrain from further exacerbating tensions.
his arrival in Guangzhou in Guangdong Province, Fourth, we should reduce the negative impact on
for a four-day visit to China. the world economy and refrain from undermin-
,WZDVWKHÀUVWRILWVNLQGE\D8NUDLQLDQRI- ing the stability of global industrial and supply
ficial to China since the Ukraine crisis began in chains,” Xi said.
)HEUXDU\DOVRWKHÀUVWE\D8NUDLQLDQIRU- On this basis, Wang said, China and Brazil
eign minister to China since 2012. jointly issued six common understandings for a
During talks with Kuleba on July 24, Wang political resolution to the crisis in May.
Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the According to the document, China and Brazil
Communist Party of China (CPC) Central call on all related parties to observe three prin-
Committee and Chinese Foreign Minister, called ciples for deescalating the situation, namely, no
for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and H[SDQVLRQRIWKHEDWWOHÀHOGQRHVFDODWLRQRIÀJKW- A meeting of the UN
Security Council on the
the healthy and steady development of China- ing and no provocation by any party. They support Ukraine crisis is held at
Ukraine relations. the holding of an international peace conference the UN headquarters in
“China’s role in the Ukraine crisis has always at a proper time that is recognized by both Russia New York City,
been promoting peace talks, and the fact that and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties on Feburary 24
Kuleba is visiting China for talks demonstrates as well as fair discussion of all peace plans.
Ukraine’s growing recognition of China’s role in The two sides also agree that efforts are need-
fostering peace negotiations,” Zhang Hong, an ed to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant
associate researcher with the Institute of Russian, regions and prevent a humanitarian crisis on a
Eastern European and Central Asian Studies at the larger scale. Attacks on civilians or civilian facili-
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told news- ties must be avoided, and civilians, especially
paper Global Times. women, children and prisoners of war (POWs),
must be protected. They support the exchange of
Political settlement POWs between the parties to the conflict. China
The Ukraine crisis has entered its third year and and Brazil also call for major measures to prevent
WKHFRQÁLFWLVVWLOORQJRLQJZLWKULVNVRIHVFDOD- nuclear risks and ensure the stability of industrial
tion and spillover, Wang said. He continued that and supply chains.
&KLQDLVÀUPO\FRPPLWWHGWRSURPRWLQJDSROLWLFDO The common understandings have garnered
settlement of the crisis, and the four principles laid widespread support and feedback from the inter-
out by President Xi Jinping form China’s funda- national community, Wang added.
mental approach to solving the crisis. &KLQDEHOLHYHVWKDWDOOFRQÁLFWVKDYHWRHQGDW
On April 16, while talking with visiting the negotiating table, and all disputes must be re-
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Beijing, Xi solved through political means, Wang said, adding
emphasized the need to prevent the Ukraine crisis that recently both Ukraine and Russia have shown
willingness for negotiations. mutual trust, carry forward the traditional friendship,
“Although the conditions and timing are not yet ripe, we support all ef- promote people-to-people relations and advance the
forts conducive to peace and stand ready to continue to play a constructive sound and steady development of relations.
is closely following the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and will continue to partners but also important economic and trade
provide humanitarian assistance. partners, Kuleba said, adding Ukraine supports
Kuleba said Ukraine attached importance to China’s views, and studied the China’s position on the Taiwan question and will
six common understandings for a political resolution of the Ukraine crisis. The continue to adhere to the one-China policy.
Ukrainian side is willing to and preparing to conduct dialogue and negotia- 8NUDLQHZDVRQHRIWKHÀUVWFRXQWULHVWRVXS-
tions with Russia. Of course, negotiations should be rational and substantive, port and participate in the China-proposed Belt and
aiming to achieve a just and lasting peace, Kuleba said, according to a state- Road Initiative, which aims to boost connectivity
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently signaled a readiness China has been Ukraine’s largest trading partner
Ukraine, which he plans to host in November, as reported by CNN. In the first half of this year, bilateral trade
From a rational perspective, Ukraine’s close communication with China increased by 17.4 percent to about $4.5 billion,
and seeking China’s support is a reasonable choice, Cui Heng, a researcher with statistics from the General Administration of
School of Politics and International Relations of East China Normal University, Customs showed.
told Global Times´&KLQDKDVQRGLUHFWLQWHUHVWLQWKH5XVVLD8NUDLQHFRQÁLFW The two sides should leverage the role of bi-
countries, encouraging the international community to actively participate and adding that China will continue to expand grain
jointly strive to help resolve the crisis, said Jian Junbo, Deputy Director of the imports from Ukraine and jointly maintain smooth
Center for China-Europe Relations at the Institute of International Studies of logistics channels and international food security.
the Shanghai-based Fudan University. Wang thanked Ukraine for assisting with
the evacuation of Chinese citizens, especially
During the meeting, Wang said China and Ukraine are friendly nations to each pressed the hope that Ukraine will continue to take
other, and their interactions over the years have been characterized by friend- effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese
ship and cooperation. personnel and institutions in the country.
He called on the two sides to maintain communication and exchange, enhance Kuleba said Ukraine hopes to work with China
to implement the important consensus reached
Path to Peace
Palestinian factions embrace reconciliation in Beijing
t China’s invitation, senior representa- Jerusalem as the capital city, based on related UN resolutions, and ensuring
tives of 14 Palestinian factions held the integrity of Palestinian territory including the West Bank, Jerusalem and
reconciliation talks in Beijing from July Gaza. Parties are ready to, in line with the consensus of Palestinian factions
21 to 23. and the existing basic law of Palestine, establish an interim national reconcili-
Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau ation government, carry out reconstruction in Gaza and prepare and hold a
of the Central Committee of the Communist general election as soon as possible in accordance with the adopted election
Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, laws, according to Mao.
on July 23 attended the closing ceremony of the All parties stressed the need to take practical steps to form a new
reconciliation talks in Beijing, where he witnessed Palestinian national council in line with the adopted election laws. They
Division and Strengthening Palestinian National which will function institutionally, and jointly carry out political decision-
Unity by 14 Palestinian factions. making. All parties further agreed to set up a collective mechanism to fully
implement the provisions of the declaration and create a timetable for the
Historical moment implementation process, Mao added.
In his remarks, Wang noted that since entering
the new era, Chinese President Xi Jinping has put The sole legitimate representative
forward proposals and propositions on address- Wang noted that the most important consensus reached at this dialogue is to
ing the Palestinian question, contributing Chinese achieve grand reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions, and the core
“This is an important historical moment in all the Palestinian people.
the Palestinian liberation cause. China commends The most significant highlight is the agreement to form an interim na-
the reconciliation efforts made by all the factions
and congratulates them on the success of the
Beijing dialogue and the signing of the Beijing
Declaration,” Wang said.
At a daily news briefing later that same day,
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said
the declaration commends China’s sincere effort
to support the rights of the Palestinians, end divi-
sion and bring about a unified position among
the Palestinian factions. The declaration stresses
the need to hold, under the auspices of the United
Nations, an international conference with a full
mandate and broad-based participation from the
region and beyond.
According to the declaration, all parties
involved believe that the Beijing talks demon-
strated a positive and constructive spirit, and
agree to realize national unity among all factions
under the framework of the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO), the sole legitimate represen-
tative of the Palestinian people, Mao said.
The declaration reaffirms commitment to es-
tablishing an independent State of Palestine with
tional reconciliation government focused on the together to promote post-war governance in
“The key post-war governance of the Gaza Strip, and the
strongest call is for the creation of a truly inde-
Gaza. Gaza is an inseparable and integral part
of Palestine, and restarting post-conflict re-
to the pendent Palestinian state according to related UN construction as soon as possible is an urgent
Palestinian resolutions, Wang said. priority.
reconciliation “The key to the Palestinian reconciliation The third step is to promote Palestine to
process is to direction and make incremental progress,” Wang implement the two-state solution. It is important to
bolster added. support the convening of a broad-based, more au-
FRQßGHQFH Reconciliation is the internal affair of the thoritative and more effective international peace
keep to the Palestinian factions but cannot happen without conference to work out a timetable and roadmap
for the two-state solution.
international support. On the path toward rec-
right direction onciliation, China shares the same direction and :DQJVDLGFHDVHÀUHDQGKXPDQLWDULDQUHVFXH
and make destination with Arab and Islamic countries, are pressing priorities, “Palestinians governing
incremental Wang said. Palestine” is the basic principle of post-conflict
reconstruction in Gaza, and the two-state solution
progress.” Tang Zhichao, a scholar at the Institute of
West-Asian and African Studies of the Chinese is the fundamental way out for the future. “The in-
—Wang Yi, Academy of Social Sciences, said China has ternational community should support the parties
China’s Minister of always tried to promote peace and stability in in taking the three steps in real earnest.”
Foreign Affairs bilateral ties. Last year, China brokered a historic Head of the Fatah [a political and military or-
reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. ganization of Arab Palestinians—Ed.] delegation
$IWHUWKHODWHVW,VUDHOL3DOHVWLQLDQFRQÁLFWHUXSWHG Mahmoud al-Aloul and head of the Hamas [or the
last October, China has been calling for a cease- Islamic Resistance Movement—Ed.] delegation
fire, the speeding up of humanitarian aid, and a Musa Abu Marzouk delivered remarks on behalf
lasting, just solution to the Palestinian question. of the Palestinian factions. They noted that China
The closing ceremony of “China’s stabilizing efforts have not only holds an important place in the heart of Palestinian
the reconciliation dialogue helped ease tensions within the region, but also people and expressed sincere appreciation for
among Palestinian factions
in Beijing on July 23 catalyzed a wave of reconciliations among Arab President Xi and China’s unchanging, firm sup-
states and within the broader region,” Tang added. SRUWDQGVHOÁHVVDVVLVWDQFHWR3DOHVWLQHRYHUDORQJ
Fat Profits
Inside China’s largest foie gras-producing county By Ji Jing
inqu County in Weifang of Shandong domestic goose liver is priced at an average of
Province has recently risen to fame as 0.52 yuan ($0.07) per gram.
China’s largest producer of foie gras, Landes geese lay eggs only twice a year,
the liver of specially fattened geese and ducks, and market demand for Linqu’s foie gras
which is a French delicacy. Last year, the county quickly began to outpace supply. In 2014, Gao
raised more than 5 million Landes geese, a breed Yuanliang, General Manager of the above-
GHYHORSHGLQ)UDQFHVSHFLÀFDOO\IRUWKHLUODUJH mentioned goose liver company, began to think
fatty livers; and produced more than 5,000 tons about how to increase production capacity.
of foie gras for the domestic and international “The quantity of foie gras a goose can
markets, accounting for more than 70 percent of produce is fixed, and if you want to increase
domestic goose liver production. foie gras production, you need to increase the
number of geese,” he told In 2015,
A complete industrial chain the company built an egg base with the help
Linqu’s path to becoming China’s largest of Shandong Agricultural University, increas-
producer of foie gras began in 1988, when ing egg production from two seasons to four
Shandong Zunrun Sanrougey Food Co. Ltd. seasons a year. At present, the base has 30,000
imported 10,000 Landes geese from France, geese, producing 900,000 eggs a year. Goslings
initiating the county’s foie gras industry. from the base are supplied to local farmers in
“Linqu and Landes are on the same latitude Linqu.
and their environmental conditions, including Gao Shangkun, a 68-year-old local farmer,
humidity, temperature and soil, are also simi- has over 40 years of experience in the geese
lar, providing ideal conditions for raising the business. He raises 10,000 Landes geese an-
Landes geese.” Gao Shifeng, Chairman of the nually, which brings him an income of over
company, told news portal 300,000 yuan ($41,247) a year. He selects
In 1998, the company introduced a set of Landes goslings from local goose factories
advanced technologies, management models, and raises them for around 80 days. Foie gras
and slaughter production lines from France; producers will then purchase the geese from
and established an epidemic prevention farmers to fatten for an additional 25-30 days.
system. It also engaged a French livestock Currently, Linqu has over 100 goose liver
expert to provide guidance on the produc- producers and over 6,000 practitioners in the
tion process from egg to table, including goose liver industry.
hatching, feeding and slaughtering of Landes
geese, as well as liver harvesting, preserva- Industrial upgrading
tion, and transportation. In 2018, the foie gras market was approach-
The company’s foie gras is sold both within ing saturation, with prices and profit margins
the domestic market, including to high-end decreasing. Goose liver enterprises in Linqu
hotels, and Western and Japanese restaurants sought to upgrade their products to increase
in first-tier cities, and to the overseas market, SURÀWV 'XULQJ WKLV WLPH 6KDQGRQJ &KXQJXDQ
including to Japan and the European Union. Food Co. Ltd. developed a packaged, pre-
Lower labor and feed costs have given cooked foie gras with red wine and blueberry
the county’s foie gras an edge over imported product.
products. According to e-commerce platform “In Western restaurants, foie gras is often
Taobao, imported goose liver sells for an av- cooked with red wine. We can make such a
erage of 0.87 yuan ($0.12) per gram, while dish in our workshop,” Ma Lijun, General
Friendship on Horseback
China’s national minority games build cultural exchange and friendship
between ethnic groups By Li Qing
n July 4, 15 equestrian athletes “The performance showcases the rich cul-
from Yushu Tibetan Autonomous tural heritage of Qinghai and remarkable skills
Prefecture in Qinghai Province of our herders,” Wuang said, emphasizing that
traveled to neighboring Xinjiang Uygur the multi-day event provides a valuable plat-
Autonomous Region for the equestrian events form not only for demonstrating equestrian
of the 12th National Traditional Games of skills but also for fostering friendship between
Ethnic Minorities. ethnic groups.
Their destination was the grasslands of the Although it was his second time participat-
Tianshan Mountains in Zhaosu County of Ili ing in the games, Wuang said he felt excited as
Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, where they he entered the arena with his team members. “I
were reunited with their horses, which had am proud that Yushu Equestrian Association
traveled there for eight days by road. can represent Qinghai in competition with
From July 8 to 13, they participated in other delegations. It’s a wonderful opportunity
friendly competition with other top athletes to feel that all ethnic groups are part of one big The 2,000-meter
in events such as horse racing and horseback family,” he said. horse race kicks off
archery. Exhibition categories at the event in Zhaosu County
on July 8
allowed participants to showcase non-compet- Friends
itive equestrian elements derived from their The Qinghai athletes began training for the
cultures and lifestyles. event in March this year. “Because of our
Held in mid-summer, the equestrian events herding responsibilities, we were only able
took place ahead of more than 160 other tra- to practice for 10 to 15 days each month.
ditional ethnic minority competitions and However, everyone has shown great enthusi-
exhibitions, which will all kick off in Sanya, asm,” Wuang said.
Hainan Province, in November. They also felt great pressure as athletes
“All athletes from the Qinghai delega- from Xizang and Inner Mongolia autonomous
tion are ordinary Tibetan farmers and herders. regions are very competitive, he continued.
Equestrian culture is flourishing in Yushu “We have made many new friends with whom
region, with horses being cherished as part of we can discuss and exchange horse-riding
the family,” Wuang, head of Yushu Equestrian skills.”
Association, told Beijing Review. In addition to “Mutual learning and exchange are the
participating in the competitions, they also pre- goals of the games as the performance of each
sented their traditional folk horse performance, team showcases the unique culture of their
Kangba Rongjiu, to spectators. ethnic group,” Liu Hongqin, a coach from the
Kangba Rongjiu involves riders hooking Inner Mongolian delegation told Xinhua News
their toes into the stirrups, leaning back to grab Agency.
their horse’s tail and hanging from its sides— Bekjan Bekturson, an athlete from the
their heads almost touching the ground. As the Xinjiang delegation, was delighted to welcome
horse gallops, riders rise to stand on its back, the Inner Mongolian delegation. As he had
extending their arms and long sleeves while previously worked at an equestrian club in
swaying gracefully from left to right in an arc. Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia, three
The entire spectacle resembles an eagle soaring members of the Inner Mongolian delegation
through the wind. were his former colleagues.
Bekjan operates a stable with 10 horses in
his hometown, and is transitioning from be-
ing a rider to a stable manager. “Many people
have purchased horses in Zhaosu but are un-
able to always be present for their care and
training. Two of my friends and I assist with
these responsibilities while earning money and
spending time with our beloved horses,” he
told Xinjiang Daily newspaper.
A national celebration
Zhaosu, situated in a high-altitude inter-mon-
tane basin, is the only county in Xinjiang that
does not have deserts. The region has abundant
water and lush pastures and has been renowned
since ancient times as a key production hub
for the Ili horse, known as Tianma (“heavenly
Delegates participating in the equestrian events of the 12th National horse”).
Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities of China at the opening ceremony on July In recent years, the county has placed
8 in Zhaosu County, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region great emphasis on upgrading its horse indus-
try through substantial investments in breed
Having grown up in Zhaosu, Bekjan has a deep understanding of the improvement, infrastructure development, and
county’s climate and conditions for competition. Prior to the games, he ex- organizing equestrian events. This has made it
changed information with his friends about the infrastructure, facilities and an ideal location for national equestrian events
equipment inside the arena, as well as essential items they should bring. such as those of the 12th National Traditional
Games of Ethnic Minorities.
The equestrian competition included contest
Toasty Tales
Turpan, where scorching desert heat meets the thirsty urban beat
By Elsbeth van Paridon
s the mercury rises in Turpan City, Meandering through the remnants, travelers will be transported to an era when
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the city thrummed as a vital heart along the ancient Silk Road—alive with the
northwest China, social media posts paint babble of foreign tongues and the heady aromas of spices from distant lands.
a picture of a city simmering under the unyielding According to local legends, the murmuring of Jiaohe’s ancient residents
gaze of the sun. can still be heard in the wind late at night, infusing the UNESCO site with a
Of the 140,000 posts with the hashtag mystical aura that sends shivers down the spine of the modern visitor.
“Turpan” on Xiaohongshu, a lifestyle and e-com- The sight of the ancient Jiaohe Ruins juxtaposed against the distant lights
merce platform wildly popular among China’s of urban Turpan makes for the picture-perfect daka spot—and your tour guide
younger generations, many scream and echo “It’s will not fail to mention this.
so hot out here, I can’t take it anymore!” Quick Many travel destinations, the Jiaohe Ruins included, have created
disclaimer: Many of these snippets are related to
Nighttime whispers
It’s early July, and this author begins her Turpan
diary under the serene and cool(er) cloak of
night, with a tale woven from the Jiaohe Ruins,
an ancient city dug out from the yellow desert silt
located some 10 km from the city.
Built around the second century B.C., Jiaohe, Captured on July 1, this artsy glimpse into the depths of Turpan reveals the
strategically positioned between two rivers, was a ancient Karez water system, an engineering marvel hiding deep beneath Earth’s
surface. This architectural wonder not only once quenched the thirst of Xinjiang’s
brilliant feat of ancient military architecture, safe- desert towns, but today, bathed in a neon blue glimmer, quenches the quest for
guarding its inhabitants through dusty millennia. that picture-perfect social media moment
1. A group of college
3 students from France poses
for a photo on Tiananmen
Square in Beijing
on June 29
2. Children search for
aquatic life among the
rocks on a river on the
outskirts of Beijing
on July 21
3. Children observe small
pond in Beijing’s Olympic
Forest Park on July 22
4. Students view a model of
central Beijing,
including the Forbidden
City and Tiananmen Square,
while visiting the Capital
Museum as part of holiday
educational activities,
on July 23
ore and more parents in few students feel like attending classes. select projects that are financially
China are sharing posts on As for parents, high tuition fees con- feasible and genuinely interest their
social media about the money stitute a big portion of their daily children. Such engagement can unlock
they spend on their children during sum- expenses. If these classes help their their hidden potential and serve as a
mer vacations. While academic tutoring children excel, parents will feel justi- confidence booster. But forcing chil-
for first to ninth graders is restricted ÀHGLQWKHLULQYHVWPHQW,IQRWWKH\PD\ dren to take classes or tours without
under the country’s related policy to regret the expenditure and even experi- considering individual differences and
lessen the burden on young students, ence anxiety. Tutoring institutions and needs can be detrimental, leading to
other educational programs are widely travel companies seem to be the only fatigue and even anxiety in children.
available. These include summer camps, consistent winners here. Cramming a child’s summer with
educational tours at home and abroad, Summer vacations are meant to educational activities not only in-
and art, music and sports courses. But allow children to relax, immerse them- FUHDVHV ÀQDQFLDO VWUDLQV DQG DFDGHPLF
many parents are now complaining about selves in nature, mingle with friends and burdens, but also disregards their
the rising costs of the summer vacation. whatnot. Meanwhile, they can spend interests and limits. The question re-
While the school year is primarily more time with their family. Those born mains: How should summer vacations
dedicated to group learning, summer in the 1970s and 1980s fondly recall be spent? Should they be packed with
vacations offer children the opportunity summers free from structured learning, endless activities arranged by parents,
to tap into their own specialties. Ideally, filled instead with catching cicadas in or should they provide a chance for
children should be able to choose pro- the woods, playing with peers in alleys, children to explore, discover and cre-
grams that align with their personal goals ÀVKLQJLQFUHHNVHWF ate?
and talents. But parents must be cautious But today, when some parents It’s time for parents to rethink their
not to overload their children with too see other children enrolled in sum- educational philosophies, paying more
many classes, as this could lead children mer courses, they worry that their own attention to their children’s mental
to rebel. children will fall behind if they don’t wellbeing and respecting their real in-
Moreover, families need to select follow suit, spurring them to enroll their terests and choices. Plus, offering more
summer programs they can financially (usually resistant) offspring in summer free or low-cost summer programs
sustain. Competing with others over the classes. and resources could enrich children’s
quantity or type of extracurricular activi- While excelling at school is im- holiday experiences while alleviating
ties can exacerbate parental anxiety, in portant, children’s mental health and ÀQDQFLDOSUHVVXUHVRQIDPLOLHVBR
turn potentially affecting their children. happiness are equally important. Instead
Zhang Chenghao ( of pressuring them into participating in Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon
During the sweltering summer months, educational programs over the summer Comments to [email protected]