Aaae CM Exam 2024
Aaae CM Exam 2024
Aaae CM Exam 2024
Under which dept was aeronautics in the U.S. first organized? - Precise
Answer ✔✔The Dept of Commerce
Which Act created the FAA? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Federal Aviation
What type of aircraft chart shows obstacles, terrain height, the light
pattern of a city at night, federal airways below 18K ft and the location
of airports, control towers nav aids and comms? - Precise Answer
✔✔The sectional chart
What is the baseline cloud ceiling and visibility requirement for a pilot
to operate under VFR? - Precise Answer ✔✔1,000' ceiling and 3 miles
What is the FAA term for the entity that is responsible for governance of
the airport? - Precise Answer ✔✔Sponsor
What is the minimum amount of time the federal government must keep
a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking out for public comment? - Precise
Answer ✔✔30 days
The Federal government has found the use of _____ to be the most
effective means for extending federal government policy to local
government units. - Precise Answer ✔✔Grant Assurances (the hidden
______ waives immunity over claims arising out of contracts with the
federal government - Precise Answer ✔✔The Tucker Act
Which entity has the power to make safety related regulations after an
aircraft accident? - Precise Answer ✔✔The FAA
What is the FAA's position on the airport's fees and rental structure? -
Precise Answer ✔✔The airport must set rates and charges in a manner
to be as self-sustaining as possible.
What shows the expenses and revenues of an airport, i.e. the bottom line
and uses accrual accounting? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Statement of Net
Activities / Income Statement
Large Hub - Precise Answer ✔✔must account for 1% each of total U.S.
passengers, account for 70% of all passenger traffic
Local - regional markets - Precise Answer ✔✔The backbone of General
Aviation traffic
Activities that pilots or their flight dispatchers must complete "do the
math" before take-off - Precise Answer ✔✔1) Check the Airport
Facilities Directory/ Chart supplementals; 2) check the weather 3)
calculate weight, balance and aircraft performance
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) - Precise Answer ✔✔movement is done on a
"see and avoid" basis; enough visibility to navigate ny looking out the
window, use sectional charts; visual meteorological conditions -cloud
ceiling is 1,000' or higher AND 3 miles of visibility; flight plan may not
be required
Which approach to leasing space does the airport take the most risk? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Traditional approach where airport directly leases to
tenants and concessionaires.
Which category has the highest priority for AIP program funding? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Safety and Security
What types of bonds required voter approval and are associated with
being issued by states or municipalities? - Precise Answer ✔✔General
Obligation Bond
Where to find information for when and how land parcels were
acquired? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Exhibit A or Airport Property Map
The term "Useful" related to the approval of the ALP means: - Precise
Answer ✔✔The airport is making the best use of the property while
minimizing the impact of off-airport structures.
How many airports are in the NPIAS? - Precise Answer ✔✔3,300, there
are 4800 GA airports in the U.S. not every airport is in the NPIAS
When the FAA say airports should be affordable and expandable what is
meant? - Precise Answer ✔✔Accommodating new types of aircraft
To keep the public informed about the status of a master plan project,
FAA recommends what type of meetings? - Precise Answer ✔✔Open
The focus on the master plan is: - Precise Answer ✔✔Doing the right
thing related to the environment; the purpose of the plan is a 20 year
look into the future development of the airport.
During the forecast phase of the master plan updates, an update of the
future of the charter industry is needed and can be obtained from: -
Precise Answer ✔✔The Charter companies and charter tenants
Which forecast source takes into account the purchasing power of the
community? - Precise Answer ✔✔Demographics
Which part of the master plan includes a list of potential project to meet
the facility requirements? - Precise Answer ✔✔Facilities
Implementation Plan
The ATO controls aircraft and vehicle traffic on the ___? - Precise
Answer ✔✔Aircraft Movement Area
In which area are aircraft allowed to taxi, when the associated runways
is in use? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Object Free Area
Airspace above the runway elevation at any point but below the 150'
floor of the horizontal area under part 77 - Precise Answer ✔✔Obstacle
free zone
What imaginary surface begins at the sides of the primary surface or the
sides of the approach slope surface and extends outward and upward 7:1
- Precise Answer ✔✔Transitional surfaces
Which airport entity is most concern about short aircraft taxiing distance
and minimal runway crossing? - Precise Answer ✔✔The airlines
FAA says that an airport should plan fo r________ parking spaces for
every 1 million originating passengers - Precise Answer ✔✔1000 - 1400
Which class of airspace is located over the busiest airports in the U.S.? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Class B
What type of radar is used by the Air Route Traffic Control Center? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Air Route Survelliance Radar
Water entering the base layer and then pressurized by the weight of
aircraft causes blowouts and is called____? - Precise Answer
Edge lights in the last 2000 feet of a precision instrument runway are
what color? - Precise Answer ✔✔Yellow
What part of the approach lighting system help pilots align their wings?
- Precise Answer ✔✔Crossbar lights
What is the yellow sign with the black letter A? - Precise Answer
✔✔Taxiway Alpha
What NAVAID tells the pilot the direction of the air traffic control
pattern? - Precise Answer ✔✔The segmented circle
What GA airports are bound to Title 49, CFR Part 1562? - Precise
Answer ✔✔3 GA Airports in Maryland, near Washington DC