Aaae CM Exam 2024

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AAAE CM EXAM 2024/2025 WITH 100%


Under which dept was aeronautics in the U.S. first organized? - Precise
Answer ✔✔The Dept of Commerce

Which precedent is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)

responsible for setting? - Precise Answer ✔✔Government subsidies for
certain airport projects

Which Act created the FAA? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Federal Aviation

What signified the effective beginning of privatized space flight? -

Precise Answer ✔✔The final flight of the US Space Shuttle

What is the minimum number of enplanements your airport must

receive, to qualify for commercial service status? - Precise Answer

Which classification of airports enplanements 70-percent or more of the

annual passenger traffic in the U.S.? - Precise Answer ✔✔Large Hub
What is the correct classification for an airport that is designated by the
FAA to relive GA aircraft traffic from a commercial service airport? -
Precise Answer ✔✔General Aviation Reliever Airport, must have at
least 25,000 itinerant aircraft, or 100 based aircraft

An individual calls a charter operator to arrange a flight from Austin, TX

to Aspen, CO. This flight operation will come under_________? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Part 135 Operating requirements: Commuter and On
demand operations and Rules Governing Persons on board such

What type of aircraft chart shows obstacles, terrain height, the light
pattern of a city at night, federal airways below 18K ft and the location
of airports, control towers nav aids and comms? - Precise Answer
✔✔The sectional chart

What is the baseline cloud ceiling and visibility requirement for a pilot
to operate under VFR? - Precise Answer ✔✔1,000' ceiling and 3 miles

What is the FAA term for the entity that is responsible for governance of
the airport? - Precise Answer ✔✔Sponsor

Which is the most common type of airport ownership in the US? -

Precise Answer ✔✔Municipality
Which of the following duties is more likely to be performed by the
Airport Executive? - Precise Answer ✔✔Implements policy

What is the minimum amount of time the federal government must keep
a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking out for public comment? - Precise
Answer ✔✔30 days

An FAA employee is conducting inspections of aircraft and pilot

certification on the airport. This employee works for the FAA's___? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)

Which of the following documents is a directive to FAA personnel on

specific subjects and programs? - Precise Answer ✔✔FAA Order

The Federal government has found the use of _____ to be the most
effective means for extending federal government policy to local
government units. - Precise Answer ✔✔Grant Assurances (the hidden

Which grant assurance attempts to prevent the airport from taking

actions or making decisions that would preclude it from maintaining
compliance with grant assurance? - Precise Answer ✔✔Preserving
rights and powers
Prior to filing a Part 16 compliant, what must the complainant do first? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Attempt to resolve the issue with the Airport

______ waives immunity over claims arising out of contracts with the
federal government - Precise Answer ✔✔The Tucker Act

Which entity has the power to make safety related regulations after an
aircraft accident? - Precise Answer ✔✔The FAA

What is the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) equivalent

of a regulation? - Precise Answer ✔✔An Annex

Which Grant Assurance addresses the construction of a cell phone tower

on the approach end of the runway? - Precise Answer ✔✔#20 Hazard
Removal and Mitigation

Airport users and tenants are required to adhere to what? - Precise

Answer ✔✔Rules and Regulations

What is the benefit of minimum standard to the airport user? - Precise

Answer ✔✔Ensure that an adequate level of safe and efficient service is
available to the public.
What is the rule regarding airport fuel? - Precise Answer ✔✔An aircraft
owner can fuel their own airplane using their own staff, fuel &

What is the FAA's position on through the fence agreements? - Precise

Answer ✔✔The FAA does not like them, but does not prohibit them.

What is the most common aeronautical charge at a commercial service

airport? - Precise Answer ✔✔Landing Fees

Which type of revenue is incidental to aircraft operations and classified

as non-aeeronautical revenue? - Precise Answer ✔✔Concessions

What is an example of revenue diversion? - Precise Answer ✔✔Loans

or investment airport money at less than prevailing rates

What is another example of revenue diversion? - Precise Answer

✔✔Payments in excess of the cost for police services to the airport.

What is the FAA's position on the airport's fees and rental structure? -
Precise Answer ✔✔The airport must set rates and charges in a manner
to be as self-sustaining as possible.
What shows the expenses and revenues of an airport, i.e. the bottom line
and uses accrual accounting? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Statement of Net
Activities / Income Statement

What is the FAA's position on non-aeronautical property? - Precise

Answer ✔✔The airport must attempt to get fair market value for non-
aeronautical use property

Title 14 CFR Part 77 - Precise Answer ✔✔Safe, efficient use and

preservation of the navigable airspace (obstructions)

Title 14 CFR Part 107 - Precise Answer ✔✔Small Unmanned Aircraft

Systems (UAVs)

Title 14 CFR Part 150 - Precise Answer ✔✔Airport Noise and

compatibility planning

Title 49 CFR Part 1542 - Precise Answer ✔✔Airport security

Title 49 CFR 1544 - Precise Answer ✔✔Aircraft Operator Security: Air

Carriers and Commercial Operators (airline security regs)

Title 14 CFR part 36 - Precise Answer ✔✔Noise Standards: Aircraft

type and airworthiness certification
Title 14 CFR Part 91 - Precise Answer ✔✔Aircraft Operating Rules:
(also refers to aircraft operated as a private operation or general aviation
(i.e. not commercial for hire)

Title 14 CFR Part 121 - Precise Answer ✔✔Aircraft Operating

Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Air Carrier Operations
(scheduled air carrier certifications); can only operate in and out of Part
139 airports due to safety standards; supplemental addresses private

Title 14 CFR Part 135 - Precise Answer ✔✔Operating Requirements:

Commuter and On Demand Operations (air taxi, certain charter and

Grant Assurance #25 Airport Revenue - Precise Answer ✔✔Ensure that

airport revenue is spent on airport capital or operating expenses, directly
and substantially relate to air transportation, ensures community benefits
by the economy and job creation

Grant Assurance #24 Fee and Rental Structure - Precise Answer

✔✔Sustain fees, rents and charges to make the Airport as self-sustaining
as possible. Cannot charge what you didn't pay for, ensure those who are
not using airport doesn't pay for it, maintain utility of the federal
investment, charge enough to break even on aeronautical rates, charge
fair market value or higher on non-movement and non-aeronautical
revenue, exceptions include property no longer needed, not for profit
groups, transit projects. private tenant access adn military
Grant Assurance #23 Exclusive Rights - Precise Answer ✔✔Airport
tenants cannot be given the exclusive rights to perform an aeronautical
function, unless that tenant is the Airport Operator or it would be
unreasonably costly, burdensome or impractical

Grant Assurance #22 Economic Nondiscrimination - Precise Answer

✔✔The Airport must be available on a reasonable basis, without unjust
discrimination, to all aeronautical activities

Grant Assurance #21 Compatible land use - Precise Answer ✔✔Make

reasonable attempts to protect the land use around the airport from land
use incompatible with flight operations; restrict off-airport land to
compatible uses

Grant Assurance #20 Hazard Removal and Mitigation - Precise Answer

✔✔Ensure airspace around the airport is cleared of obstacles that could
affect flight operations; including approach paths

Grant Assurance #19 Operations and Maintenance - Precise Answer

✔✔Airport must be operated in a safe and serviceable condition, comply
with Federal laws, not allow actions that would interfere with the use of
the airport, regulating activities must be applied uniformly and
reasonably protect aviation businesses from unreasonable competition,
sets minimum standard to ensure adequate levels of safe and effective
service and protect from unlicensed products or services
Grant Assurance #5 Preserving Rights and Powers - Precise Answer
✔✔Attempts to prevent the Airport from taking actions or making
decisions that would preclude maintaining compliance with the

On Airport Land Use - Precise Answer ✔✔Aeronautical Use:

Runway/taxiway, hangars, airlines gates and air opening areas

Off Airport Land Use - Precise Answer ✔✔Compatible Land Use:

Doesn't interfere with flight operations or is not adversely affected by
the flights operations (commercial, light industrial) - Commercial,
shopping, industrial park, industry

Non-Aeronatical Use - Precise Answer ✔✔Parking lot, concessions,

ground transportation

Incompatible Land Use - Precise Answer ✔✔Residential, schools,

churches, public hospitals or health care facilities, concert halls

Revenue Diversion - Renting non-aeronautical use property at less than

fair market value - Precise Answer ✔✔Example: A non-aeronautical
tenant less than the full fair market value at the time

Air Mail Act / Kelly Act of 1923 - Precise Answer ✔✔Shored up

railroads by opening up commercial air mail services, established
principle that only those who use aviation shall pay for it
Air Commerce Act of 1926 - Precise Answer ✔✔Created a new
Aeronautics branch, known as Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA -
the precusor to the FAA); charged the Dept of Commerce, established
Air traffic control, pilot licensing, aircraft certification and airways with
enforcement capability

Works Progress Administration (WPA) - Precise Answer ✔✔New Deal

agency authorized by FDW that helped create 9 million jobs and rise
economy out of the great depression, provided federal funding to the
development or expanse of 852 airports

Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 - Precise Answer

✔✔Created the Airport Improvement Program where 75-90% of a
project is covered by federal money.

Reorganized the National Airport Plan as the National Plan of Integrated

Airport Systems (NPIAS), establishing airport categories of commercial
and GA.

Development of Landing Areas for National Defense (DLAND) -

Precise Answer ✔✔Appropriation that created 986 airports in the U.S.
to support the war effort, after the war 500 surplus airports were given to
municipalities with promise (grant assurance) to make the airport
available for public use and national defense
Federal Aviation Act of 1958 - Precise Answer ✔✔Created federal aid
to airports program with 50% funding, established the National Airport
Plan, initiated first grant assurance, created the FAA

Airport and Airway Act of 1970 - Precise Answer ✔✔Passed to fill

funding gaps, created the Airport Development Aid Program (ADAP)
and planning grant

Airline deregulation of 1978 - Precise Answer ✔✔Removed the Civil

Aeronautics board and ended economic and airline regulations and
solidified the Hub and Spoke system

Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) - Precise Answer ✔✔Tenants for general

aviation, some provide primary fuel, hangar storage and ground
handling. Others provide the above and flight training and maintenance

Specialized Aviation Service Operator (SASO) - Precise Answer

✔✔Flight schools, charters, sky diving operations, banner companies,
agriculture, helicopters - if they start selling fuel, they become a FBO

National plan of integrated airport systems (NPIAS) - Precise Answer

✔✔Contains airports that are public use, receive 2500 annual
enplanements or a GA airport, GA reliever airport, Army or Air Guard
Base, and airports with postal contract
Methods to measure airport activity - Precise Answer ✔✔Enplanements,
operations and cargo

Local Operations - Precise Answer ✔✔Aircraft that remain in the local

traffic, within 25 miles radius of the airport

Itinerant Operations - Precise Answer ✔✔Aircraft which arrives from

outside a 25 mile radius of the airport, and performed under instrument
flight rules, visual flight rules or special visual flight rules

Types of airport facilities - Precise Answer ✔✔Airport, Heliports,

Seaplane bases, Ultralight, Gliderport, Ballonport

Classifications of Airports in the U.S. - Precise Answer ✔✔1)

Commercial (+2,500 - +10,000) enplanements = non-hub, small,
medium, large; 2) General Aviation (national, Regional, Local &
Basic) / GA Reliever - must have +25,000 itinerant aircraft or 100 based
operations 3) Cargo with 100 million tons per year; 4) Private/not
regulated; 5) Military - only military, shared use or joint-use 6) Primary
airports = 10,000 enplanements per year, 7) Non-primary - 4500
enplanements per year

Large Hub - Precise Answer ✔✔must account for 1% each of total U.S.
passengers, account for 70% of all passenger traffic
Local - regional markets - Precise Answer ✔✔The backbone of General
Aviation traffic

Joint-use military airport - Precise Answer ✔✔Military owns the airport

and leases space for civilian operations

Shared-use military airport - Precise Answer ✔✔Entities each own their

land and assets, but shares the runway and taxiway responsibilities

Title 14 CFR Part 119 - Precise Answer ✔✔Identifies basic

requirements when flying for hire

Title 14 CFR Part 125 Certification and Operations - Precise Answer

✔✔Airplanes having a seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or max
payload of 6,000 lbs or more (corporate shuttle for oil workers to a rig

Title 14 CFR Part 380 Public Charters - Precise Answer ✔✔When an

airlines leases a plane to a resort company like Apple Vacations to use
the plane to fly their members, one way or round trip performed by
carriers and sponsored by a charter operator

Activities that pilots or their flight dispatchers must complete "do the
math" before take-off - Precise Answer ✔✔1) Check the Airport
Facilities Directory/ Chart supplementals; 2) check the weather 3)
calculate weight, balance and aircraft performance
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) - Precise Answer ✔✔movement is done on a
"see and avoid" basis; enough visibility to navigate ny looking out the
window, use sectional charts; visual meteorological conditions -cloud
ceiling is 1,000' or higher AND 3 miles of visibility; flight plan may not
be required

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) - Precise Answer ✔✔Air traffic control

provides separation, no VFR flights allowed, flight plan required, above
18,000' and when conditions are not good enough for VFR, Instrument
Meteorological conditions less than 1,000' ceiling OR 3 miles visibility
need TERPS (maps for instrument pilots)

Class A Airspace - Precise Answer ✔✔18'000 mean sea level beginning

of Class A airspace to Flight level 600 (60,000 MSL) as the upper level
of class A; Instrument Flight rules, flight plan required and air traffic
control separation

3 types of runway approaches - Precise Answer ✔✔Visual (1,000' or

greater cloud ceiling AND visibility 3 miles or greater; Non-precision
uses one or more navigational aids that provide lateral positioning
information; Precision approach uses lateral and vertical positioning

Airport Management philosophies - Precise Answer ✔✔Public entity vs.

a business enterprise and place for commerce
Airport Sponsor responsibility - Precise Answer ✔✔Establishes policies,
sets goals, identifies strategies, etc.

Airport Manager responsibility - Precise Answer ✔✔Carries out work,

implements policy, runs the day-to-day, reports to governing body,
operates airport safely and securely

FAA structure - Precise Answer ✔✔9 regional offices, regulates

aviation safety in the U.S. and its territories

FAA's major roles - Precise Answer ✔✔Promote safety, Airport District

Office (ADO) Airport Improvement Program Part 139 and Alternative
Dispute Resolution Part 13 complaints, Flight Standards District Office
(FSDO) ramp checks, developing civil aeronautics, air traffic control
and navigation, Air Traffic Organization (ATO) and Navaids,
developing National Airspace System, regulate commercial airspace

FAA Policy Guidance & Direction - Precise Answer ✔✔Advisory

Circulars are advisory in nature, explain intent, gives guidance, except
when "incorporated by reference mandatory when attached to a grant;
FAA Orders are directives to FAA personnel

Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) - Precise Answer

✔✔Informational peer reviewed research on management practices
National Safe Skies Alliance Program for applied research (PARAS) -
Precise Answer ✔✔Academic research for security

Radio Technical Commission on Aeronautics - Precise Answer

✔✔Standards for Access Control

TSA Security Directives and Information Circulars - Precise Answer

✔✔SDs provide direction to change requirements, ICs provide best
practices both contain SSI and are mandatory

What are Grant Assurances? - Precise Answer ✔✔Promises the airport

makes when it accepts federal funds, traced back to AP-4 agreements
and the Surplus Property Act, most effective means fo rextending federal
government policy, better manage local affairs, federal funds used for
public air transportation, promote social objectives, good for 20 years or
life of property/asset managed through Airport compliance manual FAA
order 5190.6B

Requirements of a grant assurance - Precise Answer ✔✔maintain the

airport in good and serviceable condition, generate revenue, operate in
the public interest, ensure against granting an exclusive right to any
aeronautical tenant for aeronautical purpose or use, complaints on
violations can be files in a Part 13 informal or Part 16 formal process.

Govermental immunity - Precise Answer ✔✔Does not apply in

instances of negligence, active gross negligence, claims arising out of
contracts (Tucker Act) or constituted some other tort where the Federal
Tort Claims Act applies

Common budgets in use at airport - Precise Answer ✔✔1) Line item,

performance based, program based, zero-based

Airport financial statements - Precise Answer ✔✔Statement of net assets

or net position or balance sheet, statement of net activities or income
statement, statement of cash flow

Airport Executive Financial Responsibilities - Precise Answer

✔✔Accounting systems, stay informed, financial statements, manage
cash flow

Permissable uses of airport revenue - Precise Answer ✔✔Airport capital

and operating costs, air travel related promotional expenses,
reimbursements to sponsors for capital or operations costs, community
activities that promote the airport, mass transit located on premisess,
consts incurred by government for services, lobbying and attorneys fees
to support the airport

Grant Assurance #26 Reports and Inspections - Precise Answer

✔✔Sponsors required to report their budget, commercial service airports
of 2,500+ enplanements must submit Form 5100-126 Financial
Government Payment Report showing revenue paid to other government
entities for services and Form 5100-127 Operating and Financial
Summary to break down revenue by Aeronautical, Non-Aeronautical
and Non-operating categories

Revenue Diversion examples - Precise Answer ✔✔Using airport

revenue for expenses that do not benefit the airport, marketing and
promotion not related to the airport, payment to compensate
municipalities for lost tax revenues, payment in lieu of taxes, loans or
investments at less than prevailing market rates, use of land for free or
nominal rents for aeronautical purposes, renting non-aeronautical use
property at less than fair market value, direct subsidy of air carriers with
certain exceptions

Types of Airport Revenue - Precise Answer ✔✔Aeronautical, non-

aeronautical, and non-operating

Through the Fence agreements - Precise Answer ✔✔FAA doesn't like

them because they deny airports its rights and powers, aren't prohibited
by strongly discouraged, may occur when an aeronautical user adjacent
to the airport owns property and are not subject to minimums but put
access agreements in place which result in lower revenue for the airport
than a lease ordinarily would

Permitted activities - Precise Answer ✔✔Aeronautical activity except

when incompatible with other operations, establishing rules and
regulations to operate the airport, Self-fueling when using own aircraft,
staff, equipment and fuel; hangar storage for airplanes, air carrier
mandatory access, through the fence agreements (though discouraged)
Approaches to attempt to reduce or eliminate incompatible land use -
Precise Answer ✔✔Airport master plan, adopt ordinances, noise
compatibility studies, educate zoning and planning, concurrent land use

Residential development around airports - Precise Answer ✔✔Strongly

opposed by FAA, no chance to release property if for residential use, not
to be used for through the fence agreements, single family is safer but
has great noise issues, multifamily is not as safe, but can mitigate noise
better, consequences may be displaced thresholds, additional risk of
aircraft accidents, lost instrument approaches or a closure

Grant Assurance #29 Airport Layout Plan - Precise Answer ✔✔Sponsor

must delineate boundaries, all facilities and identify plans for the future,
FAA concurrence on the conformity to design standards, land use
categorized as on-airport (aeronautical and non-aeronautical) and off-
airport, aeronautical use for aeronautical activity, FAA permission to re-
classify aeronautical use

Federal procurement policies do not apply to what type of funded

project? - Precise Answer ✔✔Passenger facility charges funded projects

In which circumstance does one entity work unders a single contract to

provide design and construction services? - Precise Answer ✔✔Design-
The Airport's automated vehicle identification system has gone offline
due to a cyber attack this is most likely a ____ type of attack - Precise
Answer ✔✔Denial of Service

During incursions damages to aircraft are covered under which policy? -

Precise Answer ✔✔Hangar Keepers

A new tenant's lease requires a periodic valuation of the property to set

new rates. What type of lease is this? - Precise Answer ✔✔Revaluation

Which approach to leasing space does the airport take the most risk? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Traditional approach where airport directly leases to
tenants and concessionaires.

According to the FAA, what is the fundamental purpose of the

Aeronautical Use Agreement? - Precise Answer ✔✔Grant operating
rights to the airlines

What type of project typically not eligible for Airport Improvement

Funding? - Precise Answer ✔✔A vehicle parking garage because it
would be revenue generating

Which category has the highest priority for AIP program funding? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Safety and Security
What types of bonds required voter approval and are associated with
being issued by states or municipalities? - Precise Answer ✔✔General
Obligation Bond

Approval of the ALP does what? - Precise Answer ✔✔Represents the

FAA approval of the use of the property.

An Airport executive needs information to determine compatible uses.

what specific ALP sheet is helpful? - Precise Answer ✔✔The airport
land use drawings

Where to find information for when and how land parcels were
acquired? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Exhibit A or Airport Property Map

The term "Useful" related to the approval of the ALP means: - Precise
Answer ✔✔The airport is making the best use of the property while
minimizing the impact of off-airport structures.

The Airport Facility Directory (Chart Supplements) is: - Precise Answer

✔✔The link between the condition of the airport and the airport

How many airports are in the NPIAS? - Precise Answer ✔✔3,300, there
are 4800 GA airports in the U.S. not every airport is in the NPIAS
When the FAA say airports should be affordable and expandable what is
meant? - Precise Answer ✔✔Accommodating new types of aircraft

Which master plan product provides a detailed analysis including the

inventory, forecasts, and facility requirements? - Precise Answer
✔✔The technical report

To keep the public informed about the status of a master plan project,
FAA recommends what type of meetings? - Precise Answer ✔✔Open

The focus on the master plan is: - Precise Answer ✔✔Doing the right
thing related to the environment; the purpose of the plan is a 20 year
look into the future development of the airport.

During the forecast phase of the master plan updates, an update of the
future of the charter industry is needed and can be obtained from: -
Precise Answer ✔✔The Charter companies and charter tenants

Which forecast source takes into account the purchasing power of the
community? - Precise Answer ✔✔Demographics

Which part of the master plan includes a list of potential project to meet
the facility requirements? - Precise Answer ✔✔Facilities
Implementation Plan
The ATO controls aircraft and vehicle traffic on the ___? - Precise
Answer ✔✔Aircraft Movement Area

HOw many aircraft operations are needed to be considered substantial

use and change the design aircraft? - Precise Answer ✔✔500 annual
itinerant flight operations

Which runway config requires precision approach radar to perform

simultaneous instrument approaches? - Precise Answer ✔✔Intermediate
parallel, close parallel is not permitted by FAA for simultaneous

What activity is not allowed on a displaced threshold? - Precise Answer


In which area are aircraft allowed to taxi, when the associated runways
is in use? - Precise Answer ✔✔The Object Free Area

Airspace above the runway elevation at any point but below the 150'
floor of the horizontal area under part 77 - Precise Answer ✔✔Obstacle
free zone

What is meant to be available for an aircraft to stop on if the plane

experiences an emergency an the pilot has to abort the takeoff? - Precise
Answer ✔✔The stopway
What is true about taxiways that are set at a 90 degree angle to the
runway? - Precise Answer ✔✔90-degree turn off decrease airfield

Heliport design advisory circular says helicopters should land where? -

Precise Answer ✔✔Touchdown and lift off area (TLOF)

Which entity has final responsibility over the safety of construction on

the airport - Precise Answer ✔✔The Airport Operator

What type of imaginary surface is centered on the runway centerline and

extends 200 feet from the runway? - Precise Answer ✔✔Primary surface

What imaginary surface begins at the sides of the primary surface or the
sides of the approach slope surface and extends outward and upward 7:1
- Precise Answer ✔✔Transitional surfaces

What is an element of the passenger processing system? - Precise

Answer ✔✔Screening checkpoint

Which airport entity is most concern about short aircraft taxiing distance
and minimal runway crossing? - Precise Answer ✔✔The airlines

What includes an estimate of future passenger activity and aircraft

operation levels? - Precise Answer ✔✔Demand forecasts
How much rentable space is in a terminal, acc'd to FAA? - Precise
Answer ✔✔55%

FAA says that an airport should plan fo r________ parking spaces for
every 1 million originating passengers - Precise Answer ✔✔1000 - 1400

What is a disadvantage of common use facilities and equipment? -

Precise Answer ✔✔Branding

Oriented to be read from viewers perspective and knowledge, relates to

which element of airport wayfinding? - Precise Answer

Which type of federal inspection service process is the slowest? - Precise

Answer ✔✔CAPIS - custom accelerated passenger inspection service

Which Act raised awareness of the environmental impacts of airports? -

Precise Answer ✔✔The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

What does it mean when a project is categorically excluded? - Precise

Answer ✔✔No environmental impact is expected from this particular
What is a formal response for an environmental violation? - Precise
Answer ✔✔Admin responses that carry the weight of legal orders

Which class of airspace is located over the busiest airports in the U.S.? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Class B

Aircraft cannot fly over or in which type of airspace? - Precise Answer

✔✔Prohibited Airspace - like President's location

WHat is Unicom? - Precise Answer ✔✔Radio frequency used at

uncontrolled airports and staffed by a FBO.

What type of radar is used by the Air Route Traffic Control Center? -
Precise Answer ✔✔Air Route Survelliance Radar

Type of navaid that broadcasts info with compass headings - Precise

Answer ✔✔VOR Very High Omni Directional

Airport Surface Observation Station does not provide what? - Precise

Answer ✔✔Distant weather phenomena

Which CAT od Airport Surface Observation Stations are located at

major hub airports? - Precise Answer ✔✔Level A
Which entity uses the airport acceptance rate to determine interval arrive
times? - Precise Answer ✔✔The FAA

What is the minimum threshold beyond which delays in crease

exponentially? - Precise Answer ✔✔4 - 6 minutes

What component of Safety Management System includes audit and

anonymous reporting? - Precise Answer ✔✔Assurance

What type of pavement has no joints or seams? - Precise Answer

✔✔Porous Asphalts

Water entering the base layer and then pressurized by the weight of
aircraft causes blowouts and is called____? - Precise Answer

Pavement ruts, swelling, swelling is known as ________? - Precise

Answer ✔✔Distortion

Prior to development of the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix what

terminology did pilots and airports use - Precise Answer ✔✔Airports
used friction numbers measured in mu, pilots reported braking action.
FAA reconciled this difference which resulted in an assessment matrix
Part 139 inspection of unpaved areas includes what ________ - Precise
Answer ✔✔Unpaved runways available for carrier use, common in

Edge lights in the last 2000 feet of a precision instrument runway are
what color? - Precise Answer ✔✔Yellow

Airport beacons at civilian airports are characterized by___________? -

Precise Answer ✔✔Rotating green and white lights

What part of the approach lighting system help pilots align their wings?
- Precise Answer ✔✔Crossbar lights

Lights at the beginining of a visual approach runway? - Precise Answer

✔✔Runway end lights

What is the yellow sign with the black letter A? - Precise Answer
✔✔Taxiway Alpha

A single solid yellow line with a parallel dashed line indicates____? -

Precise Answer ✔✔approaching a movement area

Non-Precision Approach runway, the light 1000' from the threshold is

known as _______? - Precise Answer ✔✔Aiming point
If a NAVAID is broken do what before issuing a NOTAM? - Precise
Answer ✔✔Call FAA Technical Services Division

What NAVAID tells the pilot the direction of the air traffic control
pattern? - Precise Answer ✔✔The segmented circle

Which NOTAM used to warn of snow on the runway? - Precise Answer

✔✔Field Condition NOTAM

During snow conditions what level of clearing is required? - Precise

Answer ✔✔No worse then wet

Acc'd to Pt 139, what level of medical training is required for a member

of ARFF? - Precise Answer ✔✔Basic Medical Care

Which part of the AEP addresses performance of broad tasks? - Precise

Answer ✔✔Functional Annexes

Which document is most helpful to off-property responders - Precise

Answer ✔✔Grid Map

Which alert means an aircraft has crashed? - Precise Answer ✔✔Alert 3

What is the deplanement rule for domestic flights with irregular
operations? - Precise Answer ✔✔After 3 hours, the passengers must be
offered the opportunity to deplane

Has there ever been a successful surface to air missile attack on us

aircraft within the us or its territories? - Precise Answer ✔✔No

HIghest level of security on the airfield is ________? - Precise Answer

✔✔Secured Area/SIDA

What GA airports are bound to Title 49, CFR Part 1562? - Precise
Answer ✔✔3 GA Airports in Maryland, near Washington DC

Which entity is responsible to the strategic direction of the airport -

Precise Answer ✔✔The elected officials who hired the Airport Director;

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