Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goals
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goals
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goals
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goals Challenge Goal - $30,000 Victory Goal - $33,000 Hallelujah Goal - $36,000 Recd To Date: $15,873.88
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A three-year-old was helping his mother unpack the Christmas decorations. When he came to the nativity set, he announced each piece with excitement. Heres the donkey! Heres Mary! When he picked up the baby in the manger, he shouted, Heres baby Jesus in his car seat. We usually see things through the eyes of our culture. But whatever age you are, Christmas is a time of joy and hope. Be sure to tell someone about it. Please note our schedule for the weekend of Christmas. The Christmas Eve worship (5:00 p.m.) is always a wonderful time. It lasts about an hour and that leaves you time for other activities on that evening. If I were God, I think I would have arrived on earth in a more spectacular way. Maybe half time at the Super bowl, or AL-LSU Championship game. Lots of fireworks, thunder and the leaders of the world lined up on the 50 yard line. But he chose to come to our world the same way everybody else does-by being born. Why? Because God came to save us, not impress us. He came in a way that showed he loved us. Ill See you Sunday,
FAMILY CHRISTMAS PHOTO CARDS If you have a family Christmas photo card or Christmas photo, wed love to see it! Bring it to Miss Ginger or put it on the big bulletin board to share! RA BASKETBALL (Grade 4-6) Saturday, December 17 Eastern Hills gym Eastmont 2 8 a.m. Eastmont 1 10 a.m. LOTTIE MOON OFFERING Boys and girls, dont forget to return your offering envelope with your Lottie Moon Christmas offeringThis will help support our missionaries around the world! BIBLE DRILL TEAM 2012 (Grades 4-6) Sundays at 4 p.m. Beginning January 8 Through games, fun and practice you will learn AMAZING Bible skills!! You will also have your own ENCOURAGERsomeone who will pray especially for you and encourage you with notes and surprises.They will be your cheerleader! TEAMKID 2012 Grades 1-6 on Sundays at 5 p.m. YAHOO..TeamKID is back!!! Well kick off Sunday, January 8 . Dont miss the fun.and invite a friend!!
Winter Retreat Just Do It January 13-15, 2012 (Friday nightSunday afternoon) At Childrens Harbor on Lake Martin Cost: $90 per person
(Turn in your registration form and $40 deposit)
TimeOut We will meet on the 21st, but not on the 28th. Focus We will go Caroling at 4 p.m. on the 18th and we will not meet on the 24th or 1st. Save the Date D-Now - February 17-19, 2012
Over the Christmas break we will have Community Groups (small groups) at the Mohajerin's house December 20th, 22nd, 27th, and 29th. If you have a college age student who is away at college please send their mailing address to [email protected]. We try to send out a care package to everyone who is away each year.
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Prayer Request! Please be in prayer for our missionaries in Haiti. The IMB and Alabama Southern Baptist State Board of Missions brought our missionaries home two weeks early because of recent home burglaries targeted at the missionaries. Several arrests have been made between Port of Prince and Jacmel. Pray that conditions will continue to improve and our missionaries may return in January. Haiti Mission Trip March 2-10, 2012 Informational meeting, January 22, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. in room 110. Scotty Goldman, our state missionary, will be present to give us an update on conditions and an overview of the project Eastmont has an opportunity to take on in March. If you are interested in the Haiti Mission Trip, you need to have a passport or have applied for your passport no later than December 31, 2011. Please make every effort to attend the meeting; team size will be limited.
God has truly blessed the Fuller family this year as we went through the surgery with Robin. We will get the pathology report this week, but let me say that the presence of the Lord filled our lives as we walked and held the hand of Jesus. God is so good. I'm so proud of the music family at Eastmont. Each year this group is ready to follow their leaders as God leads. The technical crew, video, light and sound, had another great year. The decorations committee did a marvelous job as usual. Rick Hendrick was the right person for our narration; he gave each word the emphasis needed to bring the words to life. A special thanks to Danny McDonald for stepping in and lending a helping hand when needed; and a special thanks to our Childrens Choirs, Director Tracie Griggs & parents who assisted Gayla, Jayne and Cliff make a wonderful team with which to work. They are always ready to go the extra mile to bring our program together. You, our Eastmont family, make possible each year a time for this ministry to present quality programs. You invite friends and family, promote our programs, and encourage each member of the music family. Our thanks to all of you. Merry Christmas,
Arnold G. Fuller Forever Young Christmas Program/Lunch will be December 20 at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided Program - the Bowman Family SCRAPBOOKING FUN Friday, January 6, at 5:30-10:30PM in the Fellowship Hall Call Marti Richardson (277-4439) if you need supplies!!
of his father, Perry Lewis on 11/30/11. The family of Ennis Andrews, a homebound member who passed away on 12/8/11. Vi Ludden-Marsh in the loss of her stepmother, Mac Moncrief Hudson, on 12/8/11. Rhonda Seay in the loss of her aunt, Ginger, Deloney, on 12/9/11. Janet Suddith & Ashley Garrison in the loss of their uncle, Ray McBride, on 12/11/11. Linda & Steve Traywick in the loss of Lindas mother, Lorene Mercer on 12/12/11.
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Monday, December 19
5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Outreach Forever Young Aerobics
Tuesday, December 20
Wednesday Night Meal December 21, 2011 Homemade Vegetable Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Salad, Dessert, Drink December 28, 2011 No Fellowship Meal $5.00 Adult $2.00 Children (Max. $15.00 per family) Sunday School Totals December 4, 2011 Preschool...63 Children...81 Students...95 Adults654 Total...893
Sundays Music - December 18, 2011 Eastmont Bells The First Nowell Down From His Glory Finale Zack, Courtney, Mike & Choir Offertory Eastmont Orchestra Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Chris Parham, Soloist Special Music Up Stares Heart of Worship
Wednesday, December 21
Fellowship Meal Acteens Mission Groups Prayer Meeting Adult Choir Orchestra Practice Mens Small Groups
December 11, 2011 Sundays Music - December 25, 2011 8:10 a.m. Worship Service Preschool...65 Special Music Zack Godwin Children...77 Students...95 Special Music Arnold Fuller Adults...683 O Holy Night Total...920 Building Lock-Up December 18, 2011 Dallas Vick Bobby Griggs December 25, 2011 Kent Harwell Kent Johnson
Thursday, December 22
5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Aerobics Christmas Eve Worship Service
Weekly Giving December 4, 2011 General Budget $62,047.93 Building Fund $9,551.00 Lottie Moon $12,698.88 December 11, 2011 General Budget $32,676.40 Building Fund $2,765.49 Lottie Moon $15,873.88
Bus Ministry December 18, 2011 Larry Connell 857-2381 December 25, 2011 Mark Luker 271-2423
Monday, December 26
No Monday Night Outreach
Tuesday, December 27
5:30 p.m. Aerobics
Wednesday, December 28
No Wednesday night activities
Thursday, December 29
5:30 p.m. Aerobics
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The Encourager
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to Encourager, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109. Periodicals Postage Paid at Montgomery, AL