Topic 1
Topic 1
Topic 1
A more rigorous statement makes reference to shear forces and says: "A fluid is a
substance which deforms continuously under the action of shearing forces however
small”. Hence “in a fluid at rest (no motion) there can be no shearing forces acting and
therefore all forces must be perpendicular (or normal) to the planes on which they act-
the normal stress is called the pressure.” Cengel, Turner & Cimbala (2008)
Consider a force F acting on a surface of area dA as shown below. The force can be
decomposed into normal (perpendicular to the surface) and tangential (parallel to the
surface) components Fn and Ft.
The shear force Ft is the force acting tangentially to the area on which it is applied
Shear stress = shear (tangential) force / area over which it acts (units N/m2)
Normal stress = normal force / area over which it acts (N/m2)
In fluids the normal stress = the pressure p (N/m2)
1.3 DENSITY (Cengel & Cimbala 2-2)
Density = Mass per Unit Volume
Symbol = m/V
Units kg/m3
Specific Volume = Volume per Unit Mass which is the reciprocal of density
Symbol v ( v = 1/ )
Units m3/kg
Another term associated with Density that is often used is "Relative Density".
Relative Density = Ratio of Actual Density to the Density of water water (1000 kg/m3)
Relative Density =
Pressure is a distributed load acting on a surface or at a point within a fluid; it has units
of force per unit area or N/m2 in SI. This basic unit of pressure is also given the name of
the Pascal (Pa) so that 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa. This is a very small unit of pressure so it is more
common to use kPa or even MPa. In gases the pressure acting on an adjacent surface
can be thought of as being due to molecular collisions and the force is therefore related
to the rate of change of the momentum of the molecules through these collisions. Hence
the more energy the molecules have (kinetic energy) the greater the pressure.
Another common unit of pressure is the bar: 1 bar = 105 Pa = 100 kPa
We are all familiar with the idea of temperature but actually it is rather hard to say exactly
what it is. Formally this will have to wait until the 2nd year when you cover the 2nd law of
thermodynamics. However, it is related to the amount of heat energy that a body or fluid
has. In gases this is also related to the kinetic or vibration energy of molecules (or the
square of the mean molecular speed). From this argument we can see that pressure
and temperature must be related and for gases this relationship is given by the equation
of state or the so-called ‘ideal gas law’. The common unit of temperature in the SI system
is the °C (Celcius) which is related to the melting and boiling point of water at standard
atmospheric pressure. It is thus a relative temperature scale but what we need is an
absolute quantity to be able to determine property relationships. We thus define absolute
zero temperature as the point where all molecular activity ceases. This condition is not
realistically attainable so we extrapolate to it and define absolute zero as -273°C. This
is also used to define a new absolute temperature scale called the Kelvin scale where a
temperature difference of 1°C = 1K and absolute temperature T(K) = t(°C) + 273. Note
that absolute temperature in degree Kelvin is used in most engineering calculations.
1.6 EQUATION OF STATE or ‘IDEAL GAS LAW’ (Cengel & Cimbala 2.2)
The properties of a number of gases with relatively low molar mass (e.g. air, nitrogen,
oxygen, hydrogen, helium, argon and even carbon dioxide) can often be defined
reasonably well using the ‘ideal gas law’ or equation of state which relates absolute
temperature to absolute pressure and enables us to calculate the density of a gas.
pV = mRT
pV p
= = RT
Beware however this equation does not apply to all gases or to dense water vapour or
refrigerant vapour. In addition, do not confuse the gas constant R here with the universal
gas constant that you might have seen chemistry or thermodynamics. R here is the gas
constant of a given gas of interest in which different gases will take different values of R.
For example, the gas constant for dry air Rair is 287 J/kg.K at 15oC.
Consider the motion of a fluid over a fixed flat wall, shown below. Imagine the fluid as a
whole series of layers parallel to the plate. Experiments show that a thin layer next to
the wall sticks to it and does not move, there is no slip. This is known as the “no slip
boundary condition” and is due to the viscosity of the fluid. The layer immediately above
is slowed down by the layer below and so on until you get sufficiently far away from the
boundary for the fluid motion not to notice the effects of the wall at all. The layers of fluid
that are retarded make up the ”boundary layer”.
The wall feels a friction force in the direction of the fluid motion as the fluid tries to drag it
along. The friction force per unit area is the shear stress because it is parallel to the area
on which it acts.
Experiments show that for many fluids : Shear Stress Velocity gradient
= (N/m2)
where the constant of proportionality = the dynamic or absolute viscosity.
Hence for Newtonian fluids, we have: Shear Stress = Viscosity x Velocity gradient
But not all fluids behave in this simple way, see the figure below.
In an “ideal fluid” the effects of viscosity are non-existent, =0, and we say the fluid is
“inviscid”. However all real fluids have viscosity.
Newtonian fluids = air, water, petrol, oils, carbon dioxide, helium, Diesel etc.
Non-Newtonian fluids = blood, custard (shear thickening), some paints (non-drip paints
are shear thinning), plastic (which flows if shear is high)
Sometimes the "Kinematic Viscosity", ν (pronounced as: nu) is used which is the Viscosity
divided by the density.
Kinematic Viscosity
Symbol =
Units m2/s
Viscosity is not constant for a fluid but varies with pressure and temperature, the main
variations being with Temperature.
The figure below shows the variation with temperature of viscosity for several fluids. Notice
that the scale on the left is logarithmic.
In general:-
(From Cengel & Cimbala(2014))
Example – Journal Bearing
In a journal bearing oil fills the gap between the shaft and the bearing housing. The shaft rotates
at rotational speed whilst the housing remains stationary. The oil in contact with the shaft
rotates with the shaft (velocity r) whilst that in contact with the housing has zero velocity. There
is therefore a velocity gradient across the fluid from r to zero (see the diagrams below).
Assuming the linear velocity gradient due to the thin oil film, i.e.:
∆U = (r − 0) = r
∆y = t = the gap between the shaft and housing
(𝜔𝑟 − 0) 𝜔𝑟
𝜏≈𝜇 ≈𝜇
𝑡 𝑡
From the shear stress the torque (T) on the shaft can be determined
T = x (area of shaft in contact with the fluid) x (radius of the shaft) = x d L x 2
𝜔𝑟 𝜋𝑑 2 𝐿
𝑡 2
The power to rotate the shaft against the effects of viscosity Pw may be determined from
Power Pw = T