12.3 Guided Reading
12.3 Guided Reading
12.3 Guided Reading
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The Business of America
Section 3
A. In the first column, write notes to describe how the inventions and trends of the
1920s changed American life. In the second column, write the name of a related
company or product that contributed to the boom of the 1920s.
1. Automobiles
2. Airplane industry
3. Alternating
electrical current
4. Modern advertising
5. Installment plan
© McDougal Littell Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Why should Americans in the 1920s have shown greater concern for their future?
Note three things that were, or might have been, seen as “clouds in the blue skies
of prosperity.”
1. 2. 3.
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The Business of America
Section 3
Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer for each item. Write the letter of your answer in the blank.
_____ 1. The president who said “the chief business of the American people is business” was
a. Warren G. Harding.
b. Calvin Coolidge.
c. Herbert Hoover.
d. William Howard Taft.
_____ 2. The mode of transportation that began as a mail carrying service for the U.S. Post Office was the
a. automobile.
b. airplane.
c. train.
d. bicycle.
_____ 3. During the 1920s, Americans’ average annual income rose by about
a. 10 percent.
b. 15 percent.
c. 25 percent.
d. 35 percent.
_____ 6. One industry that did not prosper during the 1920s was the
a. farming industry.
b. advertising industry.
c. airline industry.
d. automobile industry.
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Number of automobiles
(in millions)
1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939
1. Characterize the general economic conditions in the United States during the
decades of the 1920s and 1930s. __________________________________________________
How many years did it take for annual sales to surpass that total? ______________________
3. What were the years of greatest economic decline between 1921 and 1939? ______________
5. Between 1921 and 1929, there were two 13-month periods of economic downturn.
During what years do you think they occurred? ______________________________________
7. What might have spurred car production again after 1932? (Hint: Think about
the durability of the average automobile.) __________________________________________
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Activity Options
1. With a small group of classmates, analyze this ad. 2. Find a car advertisement in a recent issue of a
What images and persuasive language does it magazine. Then do a side-by-side comparison
use to sell the car? What attitudes does it por- for the class in which you point out similarities
tray? What information about the car does the and differences between the car ad you found
ad include? and Ned Jordan’s ad.
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with mass appeal. He bought out these investors Ford, meanwhile, devoted himself mainly to a
and in 1908 introduced his dream: the Model T. new project. He founded a historical museum and
For almost 20 years, the Model T dominated the village. This collection of homes and other build-
auto industry. By cutting costs, Ford was able to cut ings celebrated and preserved the values and
its price—from $1,000 in 1908 to only $345 in lifestyle of nineteenth-century rural America—the
1916. The durable, cheap “Tin Lizzie” became the life that Ford’s car had changed entirely. After 1938
everyday car of ordinary Americans. Much of the Ford mostly gave control of his company to others
reduced cost of the Model T is attributed to Ford’s before officially retiring in 1945.
unique assembly-line construction that eliminated
unnecessary motion through simplified operations.
Ford also had another type of improvement up
his sleeve. In 1914 he stunned American industry 1. Hearing of the $5 day, a publisher said “He’s
by announcing that he would pay workers $5 a day. crazy, isn’t he?” Why did Ford’s action get such a
As auto workers in Detroit were being paid from reaction?
$1.80 to $2.50 a day, Ford’s new wage was revolu- 2. Assess Ford’s contribution to industry.
tionary. Ford’s reasoning was simple: by paying 3. Do you think Ford was a good employer? Explain.