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Indian Political Thought

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31. The state conceived by Kautilya in his Arthashastra is a :

(A) Communal state

(B) Police state

(C) Tax collecting state

(D) Welfare state

32. Which of the following is not included under Shadgunya or six foreign policies of Kautilya?

(A) Samsraya

(B) Vigraha

(C) Santhi

(D) Vyavahara

33. Who among the following wrote 'Life Divine'?

(A) Gandhi

(B) Savarkar

(C) Aurobindo

(D) M. N. Roy

34. "Bhoodan Movement" in India was launched by:

(A) Jayprakash Narayan

(B) The Communist Party of India

(C) Acharya Vinoba Bhave

(D) Acharya Narendra Dev

35. B. R. Ambedkar found solace in the teaching of:

(A) Manu

(B) Vedas

(C) Buddha

(D) Upanishads

36. Satyagraha is:

(A) A method of people's partici- pation

(B) A weapon of violence

(C) A weapon to oppose violence by non-violence

(D) A method of civil disobedience

37. For Gandhi, 'Swaraj' meant:

(A) Self-rule

(B) Rule of law

(C) Rule of morally good persons

(D) Pursuit of good of all

38. Who among the following championed the cause of socialist ideas in the Indian National
Congress before independence?

(A) Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya

(B) Padit Jawaharlal Nehru

(C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

(D) Jamunalal Bajaj

39. Who among the following is the father of "Doctrine of Passive Resistance"?

(A) M. K. Gandhi

(B) Jawaharlal Nehru

(C) Aurobindo Ghosh

(D) Rabindra Nath Tagore

40. Who authored the book 'Nationalism'?

(A) Rabindranath Tagore

(B) Rammohan Roy

(C) B. G. Tilak

(D) G. K. Gokhle

54. Kautilya's Arthashastra contains.

(A) Ten books

(B) Fifteen books

(C) Twenty books

(D) Twentyfive books

55. What was the basic feature of the state of nature accordi,ng to Kautilya ?

(A) Sampuranyaya

(B) Singhanyaya

(C) Satyanyaya

(D) Matsyanyaya
56. How many sources of state law had been described by Kautilya in Arthashastra ?

(A) Four

(B) Eight

(C) Twelve

(D) Sixteen

57. Which movement was started by Raja Rammohan Roy ?

(A) Arya Samaj

(B) Dev Samaj

(C) Prajatantra Samaj

(D) Brahmo Samaj

58. Who was the founder of Atmiya Sabha ?

(A) SwamiVivekananda

(B) G. K. Gokhale

(C) Raja Rammohan Roy

(D) B. G. Tilak

59. What is role of science according to Swami Vivekananda ?

(A) lt is causing destruction in the world

(B) lt is creating division in the international comm u n ity

(C) lt is promoting narrow nationalism

(D) lt is bringing theworld together and accelerating the univ€rsal unily.

60. Gopal Krishna Gokhle was against the:

(A) Localselfgovernment

(B) Communalharmony

(C) Violence

(D) lndividuatLiberty

61. What is the three-fold programme for effective political action accord ing to B. G. Tilak ?

(A) Bycott, violence and national education

(B) Bycott, swadeshi and national education

(C) Bycott, war and peace

(D) Bycott, localism and internationalism

62. According to whom, "Nationalism is immortal; nationalism cannot die, because it is no

human thing; it is God who is working in Bengal" ?

(A) RabindranathTagore

(B) Raja Rammohan Roy

(C) G. H. Gokhle

(D) SriAurobindo Ghosh

63. Gandhian idea of Sarvodaya is the apex of:

(A) Gandhian Nationalism

(B) Gandhian Spiritualism

(C) Gandhian Socialism

(D) Gandhian Materialism

64. What are the basic principles of Gandhian Philosophy of Satyagraha ?

(A) Truth, Non-violence and Selfsuffering

(B) Truth; Molence and Struggle

(C) Truth, Non-violence and Profit

(D) Truth, Non-violence and irrationality

65: Which one of the following books is not written by B. R. Ambedkar ?

(A) Annihitation of Caste

(B) Pakistan Or Partition of lndid

(C) State and Min6rities

(D) Reason, Romanticism and Revolution

66. What was the message of B. R. Ambedkarto his followers ?

(A) "Be Educated, Be Organised and BeAgitated"

(B) "Be Disorganised, Be Fighter and Face the Fate"

(C) "Be Disciplined, Fighter and Maker"

(D) "Be Disciplined and Spiritual"

31. Kautilya's Arthashastra was based on which idea ?

(A) Concept of might is right as origin of state

(B) Belief in socialcontract

(C) An element of divinity to the king

(D) King's welfare helps in the welfare of the subjects

32. Which one below was not Rammohan Roy's contribution ?

(A) He formed Atmiya Sabha

(B) He was champion of women's liberty

(C) He was against state intervention to protect property of individuals

(D) He raised voice against idolatry

33. Who below was called father of lndian Unrest by the British authorities ?

(A) Savarkar

(B) Bhagat Singh

(C) Surya Sen

(D) B. G. Tilak

34. Name the author of 'Life Divine' :

(A) Ranade

(B) Aurobindo

(C) Vivekananda

(D) Gokhale

35. Who below believed that an ounce of practice is much betterthan tons of theory ?

(A) Naoroji

(B) Tilak

(C) Sardar Patet

(D) Gandhi
36. Whose writings inspired B. R.

Ambedkar ?

(A) Sidney and Beatrice Webb

(B) Bertrand Russell

(C) H. J. Laski

(D) Vivekananda

37. On thinkers and their pet ideas from below identify the wrong pair :

(A) Gokhale: lncremental Reform

(B) Aurobindo:Enlightened Humanism

(C) Ambedkar: Social Democracy

(D) Vivekananda : Raja Yoga

38. Name the author of 'Gita Rahasya' :

(A) Vivekananda

(B) Aurobindo

(C) Tilak

(D) Gandhi

39. Which Satyagraha Movement was the first one led by Gandhi in India ?

(A) Bardolai

(B) Jallianwala Bagh

(C) Champaran

(D) Noncooperation
40. Namethe authorof 'Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah':

(A) MaulanaAzad

(B) K. M. Munshi

(C) B. R. Ambedkar

(D) R. R. Diwakar


33. Identify the statement which is / are true as per thinking of Kautilya :

i. He favoured Four Varna System as practiced in Vedic society

ii. He gave importance to Four Stages of life

iij. He was in favour of all women enjoying freedom in marriage and divorce

(B) Only (ii)

(A) Only (i)

(D) Both (i) and (iii)

(C) Only (iii)

34. Who among the following was a scholar on comparative religion during 19th century ?

(B) Raja Rammohun Roy

(A) Jyotiba Phule

(D) B. G. Tilak

(C) Dayananda Saraswati

35. Identify the wrong pair :

(A) Raja Rammohun Roy :Theory of Natural Rights

(B) Vivekananda : Religious Toleration

(C) G. K. Gokhale :Nationalist Press

(D) B.G Tilak: The Arctic Home of Vedas

36. Who said: Self-Purification is the ethical foundation for self-realisation:

B) Tagore

(A) Vivekananda

(D) Gandhi

(C) Aurobindo

37. Who called himself as "philosophical anarchist among the following?

B) Gandhi


D) Aurobindo

(C) Vivekananda

38. Who believed in moderate approach in connection with social change?

(A) Aurobindo

B) Ambedkar

C) Vivekananda

D) Gokhale
39. Name the author ofThe Ideal of Human Unity" :

(A) Rammohun Roy

(B) G. K. Gokhale

(C) Vivekananda

(D) Aurobindo Ghose

40. Who said : The aim of education is to develop such a complete human being, who

develops not only as an individual but also as a member of the society?

(A) Tagore

(B) Vivekananda

(C) Aurobindo

(D) Gokhale

41. Who said : God is self-evident, impersonal, omniscient, the knower and the master ofNature,
the Lord of all?

(A) Gandhi

B) Tagore

(C) Vivekananda

(D) Aurobindo

42. Who worked for social empowerment, expansion of education, struggle for freedom
andabstain from revolutionary path during nationalist struggle in India?

(A) Rammohun Roy

(B) Gokhale

(C) Vivekananda

(D) Gandhi

81. Read the statements and identify

the incorrect one:

(a) Kauilya's Theory of State was to promote the moral and material happiness and

welfare of its people.

(B) The Mauryan Empire was divided into four provinces with Pataliputra as tis capital. The head
of the provincial administration was Viceroy.

(C) In Kautilya's Theory, there v Was no explicit of social contract.

(B) Only 'b' and 'c'

(A) Only c

C- Only a' and b

D- All correct bro

82. ldentify the incorrect option provided in relation to Raja Rammohan Roy:

B) Critical of Atmiya Sabha

(A) Father of Indian Renaissance

(D) Stood for freedom of press

(C) A scholar of comparative religion

83. Who observed that religious toleration is crucial for growth of democracy?

(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(A) Raja Rammohan Roy

(D) Vivekananda

(C) Swami Dayananda

84. Identify the philosopher who lived during the period when liberalisn wäs at the crossroad???

(A) Raja Rammohan Roy

(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(D) BR. Ambedkar

(C) Jawaharlal Nehru

85. Who introduced extremist national sentiments in congress?

(B) Aurobindo

(A) Naoroji

D) MK. Gandhi

(C) B.G Tilak

86. Identify the wrong mention with regard to books n authors:

A) Gitarahasya: B. Tilak

(B) My Explanation on Truth: M. K. Gandhi

(C) Annikilation ofCaste: B. R. Ambedkar

(D) The Life Divine: Aurobindo Ghosh

87. Hind Swaraj' by Gandhi is famous for which one ofthe following?

B) Non-cooperation movement

(A) Constructive social work

D) Critic of Western civilization

(C) Passive resistance

88. Read the following statements ankd identify the correctone/ones:

A- Nehruvian idea of Socialism was intluenced by Fabianism.

B- POVERTYND UN-BRITISHH RULE IN INDILA was authored by the Grand Old man

of India.

C- B.RAmbedkar was a crusader for social justice.

B) Only b

(A) Ony a

D- All correct

(C) Only 'a' and 'c

89. In which year Gandhi's Bookon Hind Swäraj (Indhan Home Rule) was published?

B- 1909

(A- 1908

D- 1920

(C) 1915

90. Swami Vivekananda attended World Parliament.of Religions and introduced Hinduism to
America. In which year and at which venue hedid it?

(B) 1892-Philadelphia

(4Y 1892- Chicago

(D) 1893-Boston

(C) 1893-Chicago

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