MV21 INT G4 FM Progress Check Up

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Teacher ’s Manual
with Student Reproducibles

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1 xx
Overview and Description ................................................................................................. T5
Administering, Scoring and Reteaching .......................................................................... T6
Student Progress Chart .................................................................................................... T7
Class Progress Chart ........................................................................................................ T8
Item Analysis Charts ......................................................................................................... T9
Writing Rubric ...................................................................................................................T14
Top-Level Responses for Writing ....................................................................................T15
Answer Key .......................................................................................................................T22
Unit 1 Networks
Week 1 Reaching for the Moon .................................................................................. 1
Week 2 Rare Treasure: Mary Anning and Her Remarkable Discoveries ..................... 5
Week 3 “Twins in Space” ........................................................................................... 9
Week 4 Life at the Top .............................................................................................. 13
Week 5 Barbed Wire Baseball .................................................................................. 17
Unit 2 Adaptations
Week 1 Feathers: Not Just for Flying ........................................................................ 21
Week 2 Animal Mimics .............................................................................................. 25
Week 3 from Minn of the Mississippi ........................................................................ 29
Week 4 from Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow ............................... 33
Week 5 The Weird and Wonderful Echidna/The Very Peculiar Platypus ................... 37
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Progress Check-Ups T3
Unit 3 Diversity
Week 1 from Out of My Mind ..................................................................................... 41
Week 2 Red Hair in Japan ......................................................................................... 45
Week 3 Trombone Shorty ........................................................................................... 49
Week 4 Weslandia/“The Circuit” ................................................................................ 53
Week 5 Poetry Collection ........................................................................................... 57
Unit 4 Impacts
Week 1 Anansi the Spider: Three Trickster Tales ....................................................... 61
Week 2 Thunder Rose ................................................................................................ 65
Week 3 “La Culebra” (The Snake) .............................................................................. 69
Week 4 The Secret of the Winter Count .................................................................... 73
Week 5 The Story of Icarus/The Giant Turnip ............................................................ 77
Unit 5 Features
Week 1 from Planet Earth .......................................................................................... 81
Week 2 Volcanoes ...................................................................................................... 85
Week 3 from The Top 10 Ways You Can Reduce Waste ........................................... 89
Week 4 The Himalayas ............................................................................................... 93
Week 5 Trashing Paradise/“Bye Bye Plastic Bags on Bali” ....................................... 97

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T4 Progress Check-Ups
Overview and Description
The Progress Check-Ups are an important part of the wide array of formal assessments and
classroom assessments that support instruction in myView Literacy International. These
check-ups are designed to measure students’ progress based on the vocabulary, word study,
comprehension, and writing taught in each week of instruction. Some items in these assessments
are formatted to help students gain experience with the item format and stem language they will
experience in the state test.
This Teacher’s Manual includes the following: (1) a description of the Progress Check-Ups,
(2) instructions for administering the check-ups, (3) instructions for scoring and recording
assessment results, (4) reproducible charts on which to track students’ progress, (5) item analysis
charts with alignments to assessment items’ skills and standards, (6) a scoring rubric for writing,
(7) top-level responses for the short-response and Writing portion of each Progress Check-Up,
(8) an answer key, and (9) reproducible student assessment pages.


In Grade 4, there are 25 check-ups—one for each instructional week in the myView Literacy
International program. Each Progress Check-Up contains four sections.
• The Vocabulary section consists of five multiple-choice questions that assess students’
knowledge of the week’s vocabulary words.
• The Word Study section consists of five multiple-choice questions that assess students’
knowledge of the week’s word study skills.
• The Reading Comprehension section consists of a selection students read and four
multiple-choice questions and one short-response question that assess students’ knowledge
of the week’s comprehension focus.
• The Writing section consists of a writing prompt that asks students to write in a particular
writing mode.
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Progress Check-Ups T5
Administering, Scoring, and Reteaching
The Progress Check-Ups should be administered at the end of the instruction for each week.
These assessments are not intended to be timed. However, for the purposes of scheduling,
planning, and practicing for timed-assessment situations, the Progress Check-Ups can be
administered in 45 minutes (approximately 15 minutes for the first two sections, 15 minutes for
the Reading Comprehension section, and 15 minutes for the Writing section).


Reproductions of student pages containing annotated answers begin on page T22. Refer to the
annotated answers for the check-up you are scoring and mark each multiple-choice question as
either correct (1 point) or incorrect (0 points). To score the Writing section, refer to the rubric on
page T14.
When you have finished scoring a student’s Progress Check-Up, complete the appropriate row
on the Student Progress Chart and the Class Progress Chart. Doing so allows you to keep track
of students’ total scores as well as their scores on each of the individual sections. The chart
can also help you monitor students’ progress throughout the year. Refer to the Item Analysis
charts that begin on page T9 to identify what each item assesses and the Common Core State
Standards aligned to each item.

If a student receives a low score on a Progress Check-Up or shows a lack of adequate progress
during the year, use myFocus Intervention, Level E to provide the student with additional
opportunities to practice vocabulary, word study, comprehension, and writing. This can be done
through large-group, small-group, or individual instruction.

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T6 Progress Check-Ups
Student Progress Chart—Grade 4
Name: ______________________________________________

Check-Up Vocabulary Word Study Subtotal Writing TOTAL
Unit 1 Week 1 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 1 Week 2 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 1 Week 3 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 1 Week 4 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 1 Week 5 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 2 Week 1 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 2 Week 2 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 2 Week 3 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 2 Week 4 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 2 Week 5 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 3 Week 1 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 3 Week 2 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 3 Week 3 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 3 Week 4 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 3 Week 5 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 4 Week 1 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 4 Week 2 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 4 Week 3 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 4 Week 4 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 4 Week 5 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 5 Week 1 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 5 Week 2 /5 /5 /4 /14
Unit 5 Week 3 /5 /5 /4 /14
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Unit 5 Week 4 /5 /5 /4 /14

Unit 5 Week 5 /5 /5 /4 /14

Progress Check-Ups T7
Class Progress Chart—Grade 4
Progress Check-Up Total Score
Student’s Name U1W1 U1W2 U1W3 U1W4 U1W5 U2W1 U2W2 U2W3 U2W4 U2W5 U3W1 U3W2 U3W3 U3W4 U3W5 U4W1 U4W2 U4W3 U4W4 U4W5 U5W1 U5W2 U5W3 U5W4 U5W5

Progress Check-Ups
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Item Analysis Charts

UNIT 1 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Suffixes -ed, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 4 RF.4.3.a
-ing, -s, -er, -est
Reading 11–14 Explain Author’s Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 38 RI.4.1
Comprehension Purpose Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 1 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Suffixes -ity, -ty, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 4 RF.4.3.a
-ic, -ment
Reading 11–14 Analyze Main Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 31 RI.4.1
Comprehension Idea and Details Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 1 Vocabulary 1–6 Vocabulary Items 1–6 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 7–10 Syllable Pattern Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 3 RF.4.3.a
Reading 11–14 Analyze Text Items 11–14 DOK 2 Lesson 29 Items 11,
Comprehension Structure 13–14 RI.4.1
Item 12 RI.4.2
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 1 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Vowel Teams Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 2 RF.4.3.a
and Digraphs
Reading 11–12 Analyze Text Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 29
Comprehension Features
13–14 Analyze Text Item 13 DOK 2 Lesson 29
Structure Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 1 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
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Word Study 6–10 Prefixes mis-, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 4 RF.4.3.a
en-, em-
Reading 11–12 Analyze Text Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 28 Items 11–12
Comprehension Structure RI.4.5
13–14 Summarize a Item 13 DOK 2 Lesson 32 Items 13–14
Text Item 14 DOK 3 RI.4.2
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3

Progress Check-Ups T9

UNIT 2 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Plurals Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 1 L.4.2
Reading 11–14 Analyze Main Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 31 RI.4.2
Comprehension Idea and Details Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Informational Writing DOK 3 Lesson 44 W.4.2
UNIT 2 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Vowel Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 2 RF.4.3.a
Reading 11–14 Analyze Text Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 29 RI.4.5
Comprehension Structure Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Informational Writing DOK 3 Lesson 44 W.4.2
UNIT 2 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Irregular Plurals Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 1 L.4.2
Reading 11–14 Analyze Plot and Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lessons 24–25 RL.4.3
Comprehension Setting Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Informational Writing DOK 3 Lesson 44 W.4.2
UNIT 2 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Greek Roots Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 12 L.4.4.b
bio, phon,
scope, graph,
meter, tele
Reading 11–14 Explain Poetic Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 18 L.4.5
Comprehension Language and Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Informational Writing DOK 3 Lesson 44 W.4.2
UNIT 2 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Latin Roots terr, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 12 RF.4.3.a
rupt, tract, aqua,
Reading 11–14 Synthesize Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 29, RI.4.9
Comprehension Information Item 14 DOK 3 Lesson 37
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Writing Prompt Informational Writing DOK 3 Lesson 44 W.4.2

T10 Progress Check-Ups


UNIT 3 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Related Words Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lessons 2–4, 6 RF.4.3
Reading 11–12 Analyze Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 23 Item 11 RL.4.3
Comprehension Characters Items 12–14
13–14 Make Inferences Items 13–14 DOK 2 Lesson 23
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 3 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 Item 1 L.4.4.c
WEEK 2 Items 2–5 L.4.6

Word Study 6–10 r-Controlled Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 3 RF.4.3

Reading 11–14 Analyze Plot and Items 11, 13–14 Lessons 24–25 RI.4.3
Comprehension Setting DOK 2
Item 12 DOK 3

Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3

UNIT 3 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Final Stable Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 3 RF.4.3
Syllable -le,
-tion, -sion
Reading 11–14 Author’s Items 11, 13 DOK 2 Lesson 38 RI.4.1
Comprehension Purpose Items 12, 14 DOK 3

Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3

UNIT 3 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6

Word Study 6–10 Syllable Patterns Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 3 RF.4.3.a
V/CV and VC/V
Reading 11–14 Compare and Items 11–14 DOK 2 Lesson 26 RL.4.6
Comprehension Contrast Point
of View
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.5
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UNIT 3 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6

Word Study 6–10 Silent Letters Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lessons 2–3 RF.4.3.a

Reading 11–14 Examine Poetic Items 11–14 DOK 2 Lesson 18 L.4.5

Comprehension Elements
Writing Prompt Narrative Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3

Progress Check-Ups T11


UNIT 4 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Greek and Latin Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 11 RF.4.3.a
Reading 11–12 Analyze Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 23 RL.4.3
Comprehension Characters
13–14 Make Inferences Items 13–14 DOK 3 Lesson 23 RL.4.1
Writing Prompt Opinion Writing DOK 3 Lesson 45 W.4.1
UNIT 4 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Suffixes -able, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 4 RF.4.3.a
Reading 11–14 Infer Theme Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 22 Items 11–12 RL.4.2
Comprehension Item 14 DOK 3 Items 13–14 RL.4.1
Writing Prompt Opinion Writing DOK 3 Lesson 45 W.4.1
UNIT 4 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Syllable Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 3 RF.4.3.a
Pattern VV
Reading 11–12 Explain Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 18
Comprehension Elements of a
Drama Items 11–12 RL.4.5
Items 13–14 RL.4.2
13–14 Summarize Items 13–14 DOK 3 Lesson 18
Literary Texts
Writing Prompt Opinion Writing DOK 3 Lesson 45 W.4.1
UNIT 4 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.5
Word Study 6–10 Prefixes im-, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 4
in-, ir-
Reading 11–14 Infer Theme Items 11–14 DOK 2 Lesson 22
Writing Prompt Opinion Writing DOK 3 Lesson 45 W.4.1
UNIT 4 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Homophones Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 10 L.4.1.g
Reading 11–12 Analyze Myths Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 16 Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
13 Evaluate Details Item 13 DOK 3 Lesson 16 RL.4.9
14 Analyze Myths Item 14 DOK 3 Lesson 16
Writing Prompt Opinion Writing DOK 3 Lesson 45 W.4.1

T12 Progress Check-Ups


UNIT 5 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Latin Roots: Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 12 RF.4.3
gener, port, dur,
Reading 11–14 Analyze Text Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 36 RI.4.7
Comprehension Features Item 14 DOK 3

Writing Prompt Poetry Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3

UNIT 5 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Suffixes -en, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 4 L.4.4.b
-ent, -ence
Reading 11–14 Analyze Main Items 11–13 DOK 2 Lesson 31 RI.4.2
Comprehension Idea and Details Item 14 DOK 3
Writing Prompt Poetry Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 5 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Syllable Pattern Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 3 RF.4.3.a
Reading 11–12 Analyze Items 11–12 DOK 2 Lesson 30 Items 11–12
Comprehension Argument RI.4.8
13–14 Summarize Item 13 DOK 2 Lesson 30 Items 13–14
Argumentative Item 14 DOK 3 RI.4.2
Writing Prompt Poetry Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
UNIT 5 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6
Word Study 6–10 Prefixes dis-, Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 11 RF.4.3.a
over-, non-,
Reading 11–12 Explain Ideas Item 11 DOK 2 Lesson 33 Items 11–12
Comprehension Item 12 DOK 3 RI.4.3
13–14 Make Inferences Item 13 DOK 2 Lesson 33 Items 13–14
Item 14 DOK 3 RI.4.1
Writing Prompt Poetry Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3
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UNIT 5 Vocabulary 1–5 Vocabulary Items 1–5 DOK 2 Lesson 7 L.4.6

Word Study 6–10 Word Parts Items 6–10 DOK 2 Lesson 11 RF.4.3.a
astro-, sub-,
inter-, fore-
Reading 11–12 Explain Events Item 11 DOK 2 Lesson 29,
Comprehension Item 12 DOK 3 Lesson 33

13–14 Use Text Item 13 DOK 2 Lesson 29
Evidence to Item 14 DOK 3 Lesson 33
Explain Concepts
Writing Prompt Poetry Writing DOK 3 Lesson 43 W.4.3

Progress Check-Ups T13

Writing Rubric
Use the following rubric to evaluate responses on the Writing section. Suggested top-score
responses for each prompt follow the rubric.

Text is clearly Text is well- Text includes Text uses precise, Text has correct
focused on a organized with a thorough and relevant, and grammar,
topic or idea and logical structure/ effective details, accurate language usage, spelling,
4 is developed sequence and clear description, and/or domain- capitalization, and
throughout. transitions. dialogue, evidence, specific vocabulary. punctuation.
and/or text
Text is mostly Text is organized Text includes Text uses mostly Text has a few
focused on a with a mostly adequate use of precise, relevant, conventions errors
topic or idea logical structure/ details, description, and accurate but is mostly clear
and developed sequence but dialogue, evidence, language and/or and coherent.
throughout. may lack effective and/or text domain-specific
transitions. features. vocabulary.
Text may Text is somewhat Text includes few Text may use Text has
occasionally lose unclear or difficult details and minimal overly general conventions errors
focus or lack to follow and may description, or imprecise/ that may affect
2 development. lack transitions. dialogue, evidence, inaccurate clarity.
and/or text language and/or
features. domain-specific
Text is unfocused, Text has little Text includes few Text uses Text is hard to
confusing, or or no structure or no details, little vague, unclear, follow because of
too short. or sequence of or no description, or confusing frequent errors.
events. dialogue, evidence, language.
and/or text
features. Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

0 The text gets no credit if it does not demonstrate adequate command of the traits of the mode of writing.

T14 Progress Check-Ups

Top-Level Responses for Writing

Unit 1, Week 1 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. The author talks about the monkey to show how different and exciting
things are in Costa Rica.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include a paragraph about moving to a new place
• include details about how the writer has reacted or would react to it
• follow the structure of a narrative

Unit 1, Week 2 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Laura Ingalls Wilder set her books in places she lived. Little House on
the Prairie was based on her life in Walnut Grove, Minnesota. Laura wrote the Little House series
about her childhood on the frontier.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include important events in the writer’s life
• include an introductory paragraph to the writer’s autobiography
• follow the structure of a narrative

Unit 1, Week 3 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Astronauts must choose their meals far in advance because it takes so
long for food to be delivered. Some foods require special preparation. Nutrition experts must help
astronauts make sure they are eating a healthy diet.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include the introduction to a story about living in an unusual place
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• include details about the difficulties of living in that particular place

• follow the structure of a narrative

Unit 1, Week 4 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. The graph shows how hot and cold it gets in Salt Lake City, Utah,
which suggests the selection is about the weather. However, it is really about how an “off-the-
grid” house in Utah was built.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include a paragraph about why a house off the grid would present a different experience than
on the grid

Progress Check-Ups T15

• include several details about the experience
• follow the structure of a narrative

Unit 1, Week 5 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Roebling began work on the Brooklyn Bridge, but he hurt his foot in an
accident, became ill, and died, so his children completed the project.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include a paragraph describing what the writer does well
• include details about what the writer does well
• follow the structure of a narrative


Unit 2, Week 1 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Plants send signals to bees, birds, and bats through their shapes and
colors. Some plants have a dark center called a nectar guide that helps send out light signals that
only insects can see.
Writing The informational text should:
• include a paragraph about a garden or place the writer has always wanted to visit
• include details about what makes the place special
• follow the structure of informational text

Unit 2, Week 2 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. The author explains how carnivorous plants are like other plants. The
author also describes how each type of carnivorous plant traps its prey.
Writing The informational text should:
• include a paragraph telling about a problem that the writer had to solve
• include details about how the writer used cause-and-effect reasoning to solve the problem Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

• follow the structure of informational text

Unit 2, Week 3 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. The author uses descriptive words that create suspense, such as
“challenging” and “a lot of searching.” The author adds details that help the reader picture how
the birds feel as they wonder how to find a safe place for their nest.
Writing The informational text should:
• include an introductory paragraph about the ideal place for a bird to live
• include details about what a bird might look for in a new home
• follow the structure of informational text
T16 Progress Check-Ups
Unit 2, Week 4 Writing
Short-Response Item 14. The poet repeats the word friend multiple times in order to make the
reader think about the relationship between the algae and the spider crabs. It makes the reader
realize that this is a close relationship, like having a friend.
Writing The informational text should:
• include a paragraph about an animal that lives in or near water
• include details that describe what the animal looks like, how it acts, and where it can
be found
• follow the structure of informational text

Unit 2, Week 5 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Because some animals have the same colors and markings of more
dangerous animals, they are less likely to be eaten by predators.
Writing The informational text should:
• include a paragraph about an animal that lives near a place in an imaginary travel article
• include details about the animal
• follow the structure of informational text


Unit 3, Week 1 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. At first, Grandma was proud of Frank’s caring and patience. At the end
of the story, she was also proud of his determination, problem-solving abilities, and success.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include an introductory paragraph about communicating with a person who is blind
• include details about the topic
• follow the structure of realistic fiction
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Unit 3, Week 2 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Because the students were from different cultures, they were able
to notice the differences and similarities between foods in their cultures and Matt and Sara’s
empanadas. That made Matt and Sara stop worrying about their choice.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include a paragraph about someone who is nervous about speaking in front of others
• include details about the topic
• follow the structure of realistic fiction

Progress Check-Ups T17

Unit 3, Week 3 Writing
Short-Response Item 14. In the first paragraph, the author says she brings people together. In
the last paragraph, she provides details about how she does this. For example, she says that she
works with musical groups all around the world.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include an introductory paragraph about someone who uses a talent to unite people
• include details about the topic
• follow the structure of realistic fiction

Unit 3, Week 4 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. The first story is told in the third person and is a more straightforward
account of how the Colstons discover a new restaurant while out bike riding. The dialogue
introduces the characters, but you do not get much sense of what they are like. In “What About
Rice,” the story is told by Brenda’s sister and the reader learns more about Brenda and her picky
eating habits. The story is told in a humorous way, which lets the reader know more about Brenda
and her sister on their trip.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include a paragraph about a time the writer made an exciting discovery
• include details about the topic
• follow the structure of a personal narrative

Unit 3, Week 5 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. In the first stanza, the poet suggests that Shappa sings like a swan
in flight, appealing to both hearing and sight. The phrase “singing rhythms like a beating heart”
appeals to the sense of hearing. In the second stanza, the poet compares Kappa’s arms and legs
to butterfly wings, fluttering through the air, which appeals to the reader’s vision.
Writing The narrative text should:
• include a paragraph that tells about a pair of friends who share an interest
• include details about the topic Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

• follow the structure of a personal narrative


Unit 4, Week 1 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Jean knew that Chester was afraid. She used reasoning to point out
they are faster and smarter than the man in the field, who turned out to be a scarecrow.

T18 Progress Check-Ups

Writing The opinion text should:
• include the writer’s opinion of Chester’s decision
• include reasons and information to support the writer’s point of view
• follow the structure of opinion text

Unit 4, Week 2 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Sally’s adventures show that she was never scared of a challenge,
even as she got older.
Writing The opinion text should:
• include the writer’s opinion about realistic characteristics that Sally Ann possesses
• include details from the selection to support the writer’s opinion
• follow the structure of opinion text

Unit 4, Week 3 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Martina and Elba have a relationship in which one of them helps the
other when they are in need. Martina repairs Elba’s wheelbarrow when it is broken. When Martina
loses her last chicken and has no more eggs, Elba organizes the others in the village to give
Martina another chicken.
Writing The opinion text should:
• include the writer’s opinion about whether or not Martina is or is not the most important
character in the play
• include details from the play to support the writer’s point of view
• follow the structure of opinion text

Unit 4, Week 4 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. The theme of the story is to learn from those around you. In the story,
Uncle Tengi has a lot to share with Nomsa. She listens to his story and learns how to build her
own boat.
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Writing The opinion text should:

• include a paragraph stating the writer’s opinion about what Nomsa can teach others
• include details from the selection to support the writer’s opinion
• follow the structure of opinion text

Unit 4, Week 5 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Hercules and Jason both rely on shrewdness to complete their tasks.
Hercules has to carefully defeat several opponents to get the apples. Jason learns to listen to the
advice of Medea in order to win the Golden Fleece.

Progress Check-Ups T19

Writing The opinion text should:
• include the writer’s opinion about whether Hercules and Jason are mostly alike or mostly
• include details from the selections to support the writer’s opinion
• follow the structure of opinion text


Unit 5, Week 1 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Paragraphs 3 and 4 contain information that relates to the diagram.
Paragraph 3 states that lines of longitude determine time zones, and the map shows those lines.
Paragraph 4 states that the United States has six time zones and names them, and the map
shows this information.
Writing The poem should:
• describe a time when being late might cause a problem
• include elements of poetry
• follow the structure of a poem

Unit 5, Week 2 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. Paragraph 3 helps readers understand that Mount Aso is a massive
volcano in Japan. The volcano is a place where railroads can be found and where people live.
This seems amazing when the writer describes that it is an active volcano later in the text.
Writing The poem should:
• describe a volcanic eruption
• include elements of poetry
• follow the structure of a poem

Unit 5, Week 3 Writing

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Short-Response Item 14. In paragraph 2, the author describes a time that he or she has
upcycled in the past to help turn trash into something that is more valuable. This involved creating
a hat for a friend out of plastic bags. The author uses this example to show how upcycling
involves creativity and reusing items to prevent trash from building up.
Writing The poem should:
• describe some of the benefits of upcycling
• include line breaks
• follow the structure of a poem

T20 Progress Check-Ups

Unit 5, Week 4 Writing
Short-Response Item 14. In paragraph 5, I can infer that the hole in the ozone layer may have
been caused by human activities. The author implies that human actions have caused this hole
to form.
Writing The poem should:
• describe the landscape of Antarctica
• include elements of poetry
• follow the structure of a poem

Unit 5, Week 5 Writing

Short-Response Item 14. In “Texas Fourth-Grade Class Cleans Up,” fourth graders created a
play about litter prevention. They performed the play to many audiences in Texas. The audiences
said they had learned a lot about litter and also said they wanted to help solve the problem.
Writing The poem should:
• describe the impact of litter on the landscape
• include words that rhyme
• follow the structure of a poem
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Progress Check-Ups T21

Answer Key
Name Reaching for the Moon

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that completes each sentence.
meaning as the underlined word.
6 Yesterday, I to get to soccer practice on time.
1 The coach admired the team’s 3 The veterinarian explained A tried
determination to finish the that she specialized in large B trying
game even though it was cold farm animals. C tries
and raining. A grew D trier
A will B found
B idea C played 7 My sister is her trumpet very loud.
C respect D focused A played
D promise B playing
4 He struggled to reach the top of C plays
2 At the end of the school year, the hill.
D player
the students celebrated their A fast movement
independence with a picnic. B calm confidence 8 She won the race because she was the runner.
A middle C pleasant experience A fasted
B memory D difficult effort B fasting
C freedom C fasts
D instruction D fastest

9 My teacher said that our class was than my sister’s class.

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
A quiets
5 Which word is a synonym for confidence in the sentence below? B quieter
It was with great confidence that Diana announced she would run for C quieting
class president. D quieted
A certainty
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Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
B shyness
C progress 10 The word that shows an action that happened in the past is —
D helplessness A believes
B believing
C believer
D believed

Unit 1 Week 1 Progress Check-Up 1 2 Unit 1 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

11 The author’s purpose in writing this selection is to —

A let the reader know he saw a monkey
B explain he has never seen a lot of rain
C tell the reader what his new home is like
D persuade the reader to move to Costa Rica

12 Why does the author compare his old home in Las Vegas to his new home
in Costa Rica?
A To tell why his family moved
B To explain how different they are
C To describe why he likes his new home
D To suggest that he wants to return to Las Vegas

13 Based on the details in paragraph 4, the reader can conclude that the
author — Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
A is bored with his new home In Costa Rica
B finds his new home in Costa Rica exciting
C wants to return to Las Vegas immediately
D likes hot, dry weather better than rainy weather

14 In paragraph 2, why does the author ask “did I just see a monkey?” Write
your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
Moving from one home to another involves changes. Think of how it would
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feel to move someplace new. On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph

about moving to a new place and how you have reacted or would react to it.
Remember the characteristics of a personal narrative as you write.

4 Unit 1 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

T22 Progress Check-Ups


Name Rare Treasure

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or group of words that have about the same Directions: Choose the word that best describes the meaning of each
meaning as the underlined word. underlined phrase.
1 Poverty caused him to 3 Everyone knew that the bridge 6 The word that means relating to history is —
miss school. was treacherous and should be A history
A being poor avoided. B historic
B feeling sick A long C histories
C having work B tested D historyless
D doing chores C unsafe
D possible 7 The word that means the action or process of being excited is —
2 Rose pursued her interest in A excite
astronomy throughout college. 4 Alexander’s beautiful piano
B excites
A chose playing proved that he was a
C excitable
B worked remarkable student.
D excitement
C followed A extraordinary
D considered B careful 8 The word that means the quality of being rare is —
C unpopular A rarer
D comfortable B rarity
C rarest
D rarely

9 The word that means the state of being honest is —

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
A honesty
5 Which word is a synonym for assembled in the sentence below? B honestly
The students assembled for the principal’s speech. C dishonest
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A left D honorable
B called
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
C wished
D gathered 10 The word that means the action or process of enjoying is —
A enjoys
B enjoyed
C enjoyable
D enjoyment

Unit 1 Week 2 Progress Check-Up 5 6 Unit 1 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

11 The main idea of the selection is most likely that Laura Ingalls —
A married and had two children with her husband
B was born in a log cabin and lived there with her family
C was a writer whose books told about her life as a pioneer
D took a job as a teacher several miles from where she lived

12 The fact that Laura Ingalls quit school to become a teacher supports the
idea that she —
A liked to write stories
B wanted to leave home
C cared about her family
D thought school was boring

13 The author included the information about Laura Ingalls’s childhood to —

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A persuade the reader to live like a pioneer

B persuade the reader to become a teacher
C show how important Laura’s childhood was to her stories
D explain how Laura and Almanzo fell in love and were married

14 A main idea of this selection is that Laura Ingalls Wilder wanted people
to know about her life on the frontier. Make a list of three details from
the selection that support this idea. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
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Telling stories about her childhood was important to Laura Ingalls. An

autobiography is the biography of a person written by himself or herself. Think
about the important events in your life. On a separate sheet of paper, write the
introductory paragraph to your autobiography. Remember the characteristics
of personal narratives as you write.

8 Unit 1 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T23


Name Twins in Space

Vocabulary Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.

Directions: Choose the word or group of words that have about the same 6 Which word is a synonym for identical in the sentence below?
meaning as the underlined word. The puppies looked identical, down to the white tip on their tails!
1 Human DNA can only be seen with a powerful microscope. A cute
A helpful bacteria that live inside a person’s stomach B same
B the substance on the surface of a cell that fights bacteria C pattern
C the part of the cell that helps damaged cells repair themselves D behavior
D the substance that determines the characteristics of living things

2 Our class had to write a comparison of two different plants.

A how things grow
Word Study
B how things are similar Directions: Choose the word that has a long vowel sound and the VCe
pattern at the end of the word.
C how things work together
D how things are backward 7 A paddle
B argue
3 The information in chromosomes determines a person’s eye color.
C maple
A the strongest part of a cell
D outside
B a structure on the outside of a cell
C the part of a cell that holds the nucleus 8 A free
D the parts of DNA in cells that contain genes B invite
C middle
4 If you have been exposed to radiation, you have come into contact with —
D everyone
A frozen air
B salty water 9 A see
C heavy metals B little
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D energy waves C reptile
D favorite
5 He had to have a duplicate key made.
A fake Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
B copy 10 The word with a long vowel sound and the VCe pattern at the end of the
C different word is —
D change A olive
B engine
C combine
D become
Unit 1 Week 3 Progress Check-Up 9 10 Unit 1 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

11 Which of the following best states the central idea of this selection?
A Astronauts can eat many of the same foods they eat on Earth while
aboard the ISS.
B Food deliveries to the ISS can take several months, so astronauts
must plan their meals.
C Planning healthy diets for the crew of the ISS takes effort by
astronauts in space and scientists on Earth.
D Nutrition experts play an important role in making sure astronauts get
the nutrition they need while on the ISS.

12 Which sentence from the selection contrasts meals in space with meals
on Earth?
A Fresh fruits and desserts can be eaten straight from the containers in
which they’re packaged.
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B There are ovens that allow the astronauts to heat up their food.
C Many drinks also come dehydrated rather than in liquid form.
D They even have ketchup and mustard.

13 The author included the details in paragraph 4 about how the astronauts
eat to show that eating in space is —
A in some ways not too different from eating on Earth
B more enjoyable for the astronauts than eating on Earth
C a complicated process that is too difficult for the astronauts
D the result of an organized effort by many people on Earth and in space

14 What details does the author provide to show how eating in space is more
challenging than eating on Earth? Write your response on a separate
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sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
Being in space is different from being on Earth. Think of someplace where
it would be difficult to live, such as in a submarine or in a research station in
Antarctica. Write an introduction to a story about living in an unusual place.
Remember the characteristics of personal narratives as you write.

12 Unit 1 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

T24 Progress Check-Ups


Name Life at the Top

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or phrase that has about the same meaning Directions: Choose the word that best answers each question.
as the underlined word.
6 Which word has the same 8 Which word has the same
1 Because of her endurance, 3 Greater lung capacity allows sound as the oa in boating? sound as the ai in painful?
Amy was able to finish the runners to take in more oxygen. A found A panic
five-mile race. A ability to contain B toe B happen
A hope B ability to grab C plow C shake
B need C ability to grow D frog D eagle
C pride D ability to touch
7 Which word has the same 9 Which word has the same
D strength
4 The promise of a reward gave sound as the ee in peel? sound as the oa in load?
2 Steve believes he will excel Shari motivation to finish her A metal A proud
in science because he loves project early. B bread B glow
everything about the subject. A growth C meat C should
A work B reason D head D flood
B think C concern
C behave D point
D succeed Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
10 The word that has two vowels that make one vowel sound is —
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. A science
B greener
5 Which word is a synonym for drive in the sentence below? C flyer
Her drive to be the best player on the team helped her get to morning
D reliable
A join
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B style Reading Comprehension
C friendly Directions: Read the selection. Then answer each question.
D ambition
A House in the Desert
1 In the desert climate of Utah, summers are hot, and winters can be
very cold. Building a home to protect a family from these extremes
can be challenging.

Unit 1 Week 4 Progress Check-Up 13 14 Unit 1 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

11 The purpose of the bar graph is to —

A persuade visitors to travel to Utah
B explain how dry it is in Utah throughout the year
C describe the types of storms that occur in the summer in Utah
D show the average daily temperatures in a Utah city throughout the

12 The heading Taking a Challenge was included to —

A make the selection more interesting
B persuade the reader to live “off the grid”
C explain why the house was built in the desert
D help the writer find information about how to build a house

13 In which part of the selection can the reader find information about how
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the house provides what people need to live?

A Taking a Challenge
B Environmentally Friendly
C Heat and Water
D Success

14 Looking only at the bar graph, what would you expect this selection to be
about? How is the bar graph different from what you read in the selection?
Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
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Living in a house “off the grid” would be different from living in a house “on the
grid.” On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph telling about how living
in a house off the grid would be different from living in a house on the grid. As
you write, remember to include the characteristics of a personal narrative.

16 Unit 1 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T25


Name Barbed Wire Baseball

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or group of words that has about the same Directions: Choose the definition that best describes the underlined word
meaning as the underlined word. in each sentence.
1 The spectators filled the stadium 3 The lot next to our old school 6 My sister admitted she 8 Mario was building a wall
as the band marched onto looked desolate without the misspoke when she promised of shells that would encircle
the field. playground equipment we used we would have no yard work his sandcastle.
A empty seats to play on. to do. A to change a circle
B baseball players A empty and sad A said the wrong thing B to lose a circle nearby
C band members B fresh and clean B talked too loudly or softly C to make a circle around
D people watching C crowded and muddy C spent too much time talking D to think about a circle
D overgrown and messy D spoke very clearly
2 During World War II, internment 9 It became clear after we put
camps held Japanese 4 The traffic was diverted because 7 We tried to encourage our little together the chair that we
Americans. of road construction. brother to speak up when he felt misunderstood the directions.
A farm A created a traffic jam we were not listening to him. A understood exactly
B uniform B made the road smooth A to lose courage B did not understand
C confinement C caused to speed up B to forget courage C created an understanding
D education D changed the direction of C to provide courage D helped each other
D to refuse courage understand

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
10 Which word can be changed to mean cause to be bigger if you add the
5 Which word is a synonym for descent in the sentence below? prefix en– to it?
Many people of Haitian descent live in cities across America.
A grow
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A small island
B swell
B different location
C large
C friendly traveler
D heavy
D family background

Unit 1 Week 5 Progress Check-Up 17 18 Unit 1 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

11 The events in the selection are told in the order that they happened so
that the reader —
A will easily see patterns presented
B can identify problems and solutions
C can compare and contrast the events
D can see how the events are connected over time

12 Which signal words show the chronological structure of the selection?

A In 1831
B He became
C It was his job
D Roebling thought

13 What is the best summary of the selection?

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A John Roebling was born in Europe and became an engineer. He
worked on railroads in Pennsylvania. Then he moved to New Jersey.
B John Roebling made a new kind of metal rope. He used it to build the
Brooklyn Bridge. He died, but his children finished the bridge.
C John Roebling was from Europe, but he came to this country and
became an engineer. He injured his foot and died.
D John Roebling worked on the railroad and learned about engineering.
He used this knowledge to build improved bridges.

14 Write a brief summary of the events in paragraphs 4 through 6. Write your

response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Narrative
John Roebling was good at building bridges. Think of something you do well.
On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph describing what it is that you
do well. Remember the characteristics of personal narratives as you write.

20 Unit 1 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

T26 Progress Check-Ups


Name Not Just for Flying

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the correct plural form of the underlined word.
meaning as the underlined word.
6 The fox were hiding behind a tree.
1 The hawk was looking for prey 3 The bird’s eyes are surrounded A foxs
in the trees. by bristle feathers. B foxes
A enemies A colorful down C foxys
B food B oily and wet D foxies
C leaves C short and rough
7 We get up early to go hiking most morning.
D predators D long and soft
A mornings
2 Because elderly people have 4 The scientists used a system to B morning’s
brittle bones, they frequently classify the feathers. C morninges
are injured. A single example D morningses
A heavy and thick B type of behavior
8 Sal put up notice to tell everyone about the show.
B hard to break C series of guesses
C easily broken A notices
D set of connected
D strong and rigid characteristics B notice’s
C noticies
D noticeies
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym for contour in the sentence below?
The contour of the full moon was round. 9 The word that forms a plural by adding -s is —
A light A church
B glow B dish
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C outline C dress
D shadow D window

10 The plural of the word wish is —

A wishs
B wishes
C wish’s
D wishies

Unit 2 Week 1 Progress Check-Up 21 22 Unit 2 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

11 Which sentence best supports the idea that a plant is designed to attract
specific animals?
A This process is called pollination.
B The shape and color of the flowers draw these pollinating animals
and insects.
C Flowers with these signals usually have a darker color pattern at
their center.
D Some nectar guides reflect light that people cannot see.

12 Why is it important for a plant’s pollen to be spread?

A So birds can have food
B So bees can find nectar
C So plants can reproduce
D So plants can send signals
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13 Which sentence best states the main idea of the selection?

A Bees love nectar.
B Plants are like lighthouses.
C Bees and other animals help pollinate plants.
D Flowers that send out signals are dark in the center.

14 How do plants send signals to bees, birds, and bats? Write your response
on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Informational
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Imagine that you are writing a travel article about visiting a garden or another
place you know with flowers. On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph
that tells about the garden or place. What makes it so special? Remember the
characteristics of informational writing as you write.

24 Unit 2 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T27


Name Animal Mimics

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the
meaning as the underlined word. underlined word.
1 Some animals rely on mimicry to 3 That particular species of eagle 6 I heard a wolf howl in the distance.
fool predators. is endangered. A enough
A making noises A color B grow
B looking like something else B individual C round
C releasing a scent or smell C size D slower
D holding very still for hours D type
7 They drove south until they reached the beach.
2 The alligator lived in a swamp 4 We arranged the chairs before A crowded
environment. the crowd arrived. B bowl
A place like a zoo A built C pouring
B indoors and outdoors B organized D youthful
C defenses for safety C replaced
8 He placed his toys into a bin.
D living things and conditions D sat in
A doing
B lower
C noisy
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
D touring
5 Which phrase is a synonym for the word habitat in the sentence below?
9 The lemon tasted very sour.
The zoo had a habitat for giraffes, zebras, and gazelles.
A enjoyable
A people to help B pointer
B place to live C poison
C feeding area
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D town
D water hole

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.

100 The word with the same vowel sound as the word found is —
A clothes
B drown
C cough
D mow

Unit 2 Week 2 Progress Check-Up 25 26 Unit 2 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

11 What is the result of an insect touching the hairs on the leaf of a

Venus flytrap?
A The plant snaps shut and traps its prey.
B The insect pollinates the Venus flytrap plant.
C The insect climbs out of the plant’s container.
D The plant’s sticky hairs cause the insect to get stuck.

12 What causes carnivorous plants to need to eat animals?

A The lack of water in their environment
B The lack of nutrition, or food, in the soil
C The lack of sunlight in their environment
D The lack of leaves and flowers on the plants

13 How does the author use cause-and-effect text structure in Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
“Carnivorous Plants”?
A To show readers that these plants are hard to grow
B To inform readers about how these plants get food
C To persuade readers that these plants are interesting
D To entertain readers with a funny story about these plants

14 What examples from “Carnivorous Plants” tell you that this selection is an
informational text? Give two examples. Write your response on a separate
sheet of paper.

Writing – Informational
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In “Carnivorous Plants,” you read about different plants that trap animals in
different ways to use as food. Think about a problem you have had to solve.
On a separate sheet of paper, write an informational paragraph about what
the problem was and how you used cause-and-effect reasoning to solve the
problem. Remember the characteristics of informational writing as you write.

28 Unit 2 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

T28 Progress Check-Ups


Name Minn of the Mississippi

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that is the correct plural form of the
meaning as the underlined word. underlined word.
1 The raft was entering the rapids. 6 Mr. Sweeney opened the door and saw the man who had called him.
A dock A man’s
B pond B men
C still water C mans
D rushing water D mens

2 The lake was shimmering in the sun. 7 The sharp tooth belonged to a great white shark.
A drying A tooths
B rolling B toothes
C swirling C teeth
D twinkling D teeths

3 Janet told her teacher about her desire to become a doctor. 8 Bobby hurt his foot when he went for a hike.
A action A foots
B feeling B feet
C disliking C foot’s
D wish D feets

4 The water in that part of the lake is shallow. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
A deep 9 The word below that has the same singular and plural form is —
B low A beach
C rough B deer
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D calm C fox
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. D backpack

5 Which word is a synonym for deserted in the sentence below? 10 The correct plural form for the word woman is —
The beach was deserted. A womans
A cold B women
B dry C womanes
C empty D womens
D sandy
Unit 2 Week 3 Progress Check-Up 29 30 Unit 2 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

11 How does the setting of the story change Larry and Emma’s plans?
A The city was very noisy, so they decided to fly on.
B The city was small, so they were able to rejoin their friends.
C The city had few trees, so they had to make their nest in a statue.
D The city was too large for them to build a nest for their babies.

12 Which words from paragraph 1 introduce the setting of “Birds of

the City”?
A Larry and I
B out of the group
C We were glad
D an unfamiliar land

13 Based on the actions in the selection, the birds go to the park because —
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A there are more people there

B it has fewer trees to choose from
C they like the food that is found there
D they need a better place to build a nest

14 What helps create suspense in “Birds of the City”? Use text evidence to
support your answer. Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Informational
Emma and Larry had to learn a new way to do something familiar—build
a nest. What might a bird look for in a new home? On a separate sheet of
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paper, write an introductory paragraph about the ideal place for a bird to live.
Remember the characteristics of informational writing as you write.

32 Unit 2 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T29


Name Butterfly Eyes

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word in each sentence that has a Greek root.
meaning as the underlined word.
6 Which word contains a Greek root meaning “life”?
1 A newborn baby’s skin is tender.
A biography
A hard B telegraph
B pale C autopilot
C rough D metric
D soft
7 Which word contains a Greek root meaning “written or drawn”?
2 The ground by the plant was steeped in water.
A kilogram
A soaked B microscope
B unchanged C graphic
C not affected D biodiesel
D needed to be filled
8 Which word contains a Greek root meaning “far or distant”?
3 Their bodies excreted sweat.
A autobiography
A dried B phonics
B found C biochemistry
C mixed D television
D removed
9 Which word contains a Greek root meaning “sound”?
4 Blood travels through vessels in the body.
A teleprompter
A bones B geography
B pores C phonograph
C muscles D biochemistry
D tubes
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Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
10 In the sentence below, the word telescope means —
5 Which word is a synonym for ultraviolet in the sentence below?
Some insects are able to see ultraviolet light. I looked through the telescope and saw the moon.
A cloudy A tool to see very small items
B bright purple B tool to see items in the distance
C visible to humans C a rocket that allows you to travel
D invisible to humans D a way to measure long distances

Unit 2 Week 4 Progress Check-Up 33 34 Unit 2 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

11 The words “far from the ocean’s roar” help explain that the crabs —
A do not live in the ocean
B are happy to swim in the waves
C are found in dark places in the ocean
D live in a part of the ocean that is calm

12 The author compares the algae to a cape to show that the algae —
A keeps the crabs warm
B helps the crabs find food
C lets the crabs swim better
D grows on the backs of the crabs

13 Read line 12 from the poem.

Their algae friend becomes like a second skin. Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

What is the effect of the language in line 12?

A It compares friendship to a part of the body.
B It places the setting of the poem deep in the ocean.
C It describes the ways that algae survive in the ocean.
D It shows the close relationship between the crabs and algae.

14 The word “friend” is repeated four times in “Helping Each Other.” What
is the effect of this repetition? Write your response on a separate sheet
of paper.
Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Writing – Informational
Think of an animal that lives in or near water. On a separate sheet of paper,
write a paragraph about the animal that could be used in an article about the
animal. Tell what the animal looks like, how it acts, and where it can be found.
Remember the characteristics of informational writing as you write.

36 Unit 2 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

T30 Progress Check-Ups


Name The Weird and Wonderful Echidna

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that has the same Latin root as the
meaning as the underlined word. underlined word.
1 The ring she received for her birthday was unique. 6 The terrace was located on a hill overlooking a large lake.
A colorful A entrance
B expensive B erase
C pale C territorial
D unusual D tortoise

2 The students focused on learning about the monotreme family. 7 The thirsty traveler wanted to interrupt his trip to find a glass of water.
A egg-laying fish A deter
B egg-laying birds B eruption
C egg-laying reptiles C stirrup
D egg-laying mammals D interview

3 The scientists studied the animal’s adaptations. 8 The math problem required Jane to subtract one number from another.
A changes A distraction
B hardships B submit
C challenges C subway
D food sources D tracking

4 The echidna’s claws, skeleton, and muscles help it to burrow. 9 The jury spent a long time deciding on the verdict.
A run fast A dictionary
B jump high B distract
C dig a hole C every
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D stand on its hind legs D version

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 In the sentence below, the word sense means — 10 The Latin root aqua in aquaculture helps a reader know that the word has
A dog is able to sense smells better than a human. to do with —
A act friendly A land
B ability to be aware B pull
C turn away from C say
D release strange odors D water

Unit 2 Week 5 Progress Check-Up 37 38 Unit 2 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

11 How do the scarlet kingsnake and the owl butterfly differ?

A One can fly, and the other cannot.
B One is a look-alike, and the other is not.
C One has markings, and the other does not.
D One stays safe, and the other does not.

12 Which idea is discussed in both selections?

A Animals that are poisonous
B Butterflies with spots on their wings
C Snakes with red, black, and yellow markings
D Adaptations that make animals look like other animals

13 Which idea is expressed in both selections?

A Owls often eat predators.
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B Snakes are eaten by predators.

C The way an animal looks may change how a predator acts.
D Most snakes learn to become copycats of the other snakes.

14 How do both scarlet kingsnakes and owl butterflies confuse other

animals? Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Informational
Imagine you are writing a travel article and you want to write about an
animal that lives in an area you visited. On a separate sheet of paper, write
a paragraph about the animal. Tell where you saw it, what it looked like, and
Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

what it was doing. Remember the characteristics of informational writing as

you write.

40 Unit 2 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T31


Name Out of My Mind

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word that has about the same meaning as the Directions: Choose the word that is related to the boldfaced word.
underlined word.
6 action
1 Daniel was frustrated by the puzzle. A accept
A delighted B attack
B annoyed C perfect
C excited D react
D hopeful
7 declare
2 Our team’s new uniforms are cool! A clarify
A clean B classify
B elegant C decrease
C lively D depend
D stylish
8 donor
3 Gloria was confused when she could not find her backpack. A develop
A brave B doctor
B embarrassed C document
C puzzled D donation
D relieved
9 memory
4 Luke was irritable because he did not get enough sleep. A meant
A grouchy B mention
B helpful C remain
C obedient D remember
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D worried
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. 10 The word below that is related to the word certain is —
5 Which word is a synonym for bothered in the sentence below? A captain
Sophia was bothered by the baby at the table next to her. B center
A upset C certificate
B excited D contain
C frightened
D truthful

Unit 3 Week 1 Progress Check-Up 41 42 Unit 3 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

11 Which sentence from the selection best tells how Frank interacts
with Tiffany?
A “I don’t think she can hear us,” said Frank.
B “A friend in my class isn’t able to hear, and our class learned sign
language so that we could talk to him.”
C Frank spent much of his summer training Tiffany by repeating the
same hand movements over and over.
D As the summer was about to end, Frank made the sign for snack to
Tiffany one more time.
12 Based on Grandma’s words and actions, you can infer that she —
A does not like Frank spending so much time with Tiffany
B wants Frank to teach her how to communicate with sign language
C does not believe Frank will successfully teach Tiffany sign language
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D wants Frank to take Tiffany home with him at the end of the summer

13 Which sentence from the selection shows that Tiffany learned

sign language?
A ...Frank heard the sound clearly, but Tiffany stayed right where she
stood, and she didn’t even blink.
B Even when Tiffany seemed like she wasn’t interested, Frank kept
signing to the cat.
C The cat had never responded, but Frank hoped today would be
different, and it was!
D After Frank signed the word, Tiffany zipped to her treat bowl, and
Frank couldn’t stop smiling.
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14 At the end of the selection, Frank’s grandmother is proud of how Frank

spends his summer. How does her pride in Frank change throughout the
story? Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
Grandma had trouble communicating with Tiffany because the cat could not
hear. On a separate sheet of paper, write the introductory paragraph for a
realistic story about a person who learns to communicate with someone who
is blind. Remember the characteristics of realistic fiction as you write.
44 Unit 3 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

T32 Progress Check-Ups


Name Red Hair in Japan

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Read the dictionary entry. Then choose the meaning of the Directions: Choose the word in each group that has the same r-controlled
underlined word as it is used in the sentence. vowel sound as the boldfaced word.

dedication \ded' kā' sh n\ noun 1. the state or quality of being loyal to a

e e 6 carpet
person, group, or a cause. 2. a note at the beginning of a book or other artistic A barbell
work saying it was written to honor someone. 3. an official ceremony to recognize B carrot
something was created for a specific purpose. 4. selfless devotion to a cause.
C fairly
1 Micah got to cut the ribbon 3 The child impulsively ran across D prepare
at the dedication of the the street.
7 perfect
new building. A fearlessly and skillfully
A before
A definition 1 B eagerly and powerfully
B circle
B definition 2 C energetically and quickly
C forty
C definition 3 D suddenly and thoughtlessly
D pair
D definition 4
4 We left when the rain subsided.
8 ignore
Directions: Choose the word or A appeared
A alert
word group that has about the same B started
meaning as the underlined word. B partner
C stopped
C purple
2 The dog was in a trance when D remained
D tornado
she saw the bone.
A cage 9 garbage
B climb A acorn
C dreamlike state B argue
D race C experiment
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D nature
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym for grudge in the sentence below? 10 The word below with the same r-controlled vowel sound as the word
After fifteen years, Georgia still held a grudge against her cousin. turnip is —
A pride A carnival
B discovery B explore
C dislike C service
D friendship D uproar

Unit 3 Week 2 Progress Check-Up 45 46 Unit 3 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

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11 Which phrase best shows the conflict Sara and Matt face?
A They had fun rolling the dough and filling and baking the empanadas.
B ...they asked each other, “What if the other kids in our class don’t like
our empanada presentation?”
C The two cousins looked shy as they very quietly read their
presentation and showed the class their special dish.
D Everyone in the class talked about a food from their culture that was
like the empanada...

12 How does the setting influence the selection’s climax?

A Sara and Matt are wondering what the teacher thinks.
B Sara and Matt see students who are not like them in class.
C Sara and Matt are nervous in front of their classmates at school.
D Sara and Matt feel comfortable and confident at home with family.
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13 What effect do Steven’s comments in paragraph 5 have on the resolution

of the selection?
A They prompt other students to share stories about their cultural foods.
B They make Sara and Matt wish they had made a different food
to share.
C Sara and Matt continue to have doubts about their decision to
make empanadas.
D They provide a definition of empanadas so that readers understand
the food Sara and Matt present.

14 What can you tell about the other students in Sara and Matt’s class? Tell
how the classroom setting influenced the resolution. Write your response
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on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
Sara and Matt were nervous before their presentation. On a separate
sheet of paper, write a paragraph for a realistic fiction story that includes a
character who is nervous about speaking in front of others. Remember the
characteristics of realistic fiction as you write.

48 Unit 3 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

RDG20_AS04_NA_U03W02_PCU.indd 48 5/8/20 9:33 AM

Progress Check-Ups T33


Name Trombone Shorty

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word that has about the same meaning as the Directions: Choose the way the boldfaced word with a final stable syllable
underlined word. is correctly broken into syllables.
1 Gerald learned he was Sara’s inspiration for writing the poem. 6 perfection
A challenge A pe/rfe/ction
B motivation B perf/ect/ion
C success C per/fect/ion
D support D per/fec/tion

2 My goal is to create a machine that will feed my dog for me. 7 example
A believe A ex/am/ple
B imagine B e/xam/ple
C make C ex/amp/le
D purchase D exa/m/ple

3 Cooking pasta every Sunday is part of my family’s heritage. 8 permission

A discussions A per/mi/ssion
B opinions B per/mis/sion
C schedules C per/miss/ion
D traditions D perm/iss/ion

4 It is possible the harvest festival will be held on a farm. 9 circle

A event A c/ircle
B instrument B ci/rcle
C meal C cir/cle
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D present D circ/le

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which meaning best fits the way performance is used in the sentence below? 10 The word that is correctly divided into syllables is —
The students practiced many hours for their first band performance. A con/fus/ion
A concert B comp/et/it/ion
B success C con/ver/sa/tion
C tryout D com/pass/ion
D working

Unit 3 Week 3 Progress Check-Up 49 50 Unit 3 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

11 Why did the author include paragraph 2?

A To describe her hometown to readers
B To show readers that she is not from a musical family
C To explain to readers how she chose an instrument
D To persuade readers to learn to play a musical instrument

12 What does the author want readers to understand about the style of music
she performs?
A It features a drummer and people clapping to the beat.
B It has a person playing the piano while a singer sings jazz.
C It is made up of many musical instruments and features the flute.
D It involves singing and moving one’s mouth and lips in certain ways to
make sounds.

13 The author wrote this selection mainly to — Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
A express negative feelings about music
B inform readers about her life and music
C persuade readers to join an a cappella group
D describe how she imitates music that other people play

14 How does the author relate the last paragraph to the information she
provided at the beginning of the selection? Write your response on a
separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Narrative
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The author of “Music with My Mouth” uses her musical gift to bring people
together. On a separate sheet of paper, write the introductory paragraph to
a realistic fiction story about someone who uses a different talent to unite
people. Remember the characteristics of realistic fiction as you write.

52 Unit 3 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

T34 Progress Check-Ups


Name Weslandia/The Circuit

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that has the same V/CV or VC/V pattern as
meaning as the underlined word. the boldfaced word.
1 Milton looked miserable after the game. 6 result
A unhappy A si/lent
B good B tal/ent
C merry C pump/kin
D worthless D sub/tract

2 Our visit to the Grand Canyon was thrilling! 7 robin

A confusing A a/gent
B exciting B ba/by
C puzzling C la/ter
D troubling D sal/ad

3 It takes time to recover from being sick. 8 final

A break A de/cide
B decline B haz/ard
C improve C lem/on
D service D fin/ish

4 He learned how to play violin instinctively. 9 modern

A learn it slowly A ba/sic
B have to study it a lot B lo/cal
C have no interest in it C fi/nal
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D can do it without thinking D viv/id

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym for savoring in the sentence below? 10 The word below with the same VC/V or V/CV pattern as spider is —
The soccer team was savoring its close match against our rivals. A limit
A losing B paper
B enjoying C river
C sampling D shelter
D forgetting

Unit 3 Week 4 Progress Check-Up 53 54 Unit 3 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

11 The selection “What About Rice?” is told from the viewpoint of —

A Brenda
B Brenda’s brother or sister
C the server at the restaurant
D an unknown first-person narrator

12 In what way are the two selections different from each other?
A The first selection is told in the third person, while the second
selection is told in the first person.
B The first selection is told in the first person, while the second
selection is told in the third person.
C The first selection is told in the first person, while the second
selection is told in the second person.
D The first selection is told in the second person, while the second
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selection is told in the first person.

13 The two selections are similar in that they —

A talk about grilled cheese sandwiches
B describe families on an outing to a new place
C are examples of the third person point of view
D show how siblings can help each other out with a problem

14 How does the point of view in each story influence how the events of
each selection are described? Write your response on a separate sheet
of paper.
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Writing – Narrative
Think about a time when you made an exciting discovery while out walking or
bicycling. On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph telling about your
discovery. Remember the characteristics of narrative writing as you write.

56 Unit 3 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T35


Name Poetry Collection

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word that has about the same meaning as the Directions: Choose the word that has the same silent letter as the
underlined word. underlined word.
1 Jackson finally decided to take a plunge into the lake water. 6 silent k as in knight
A crash A darkness
B dive B knowledge
C paddle C nickname
D wave D weeknight

2 When the bookcase fell, I heard a thud in my brother’s room. 7 silent g as in might
A boom A assign
B voice B ignore
C roar C magnet
D scream D signal

3 The robins trilled their calls back and forth from the bushes. 8 silent b as in thumb
A cackled A absorb
B howled B beast
C ran C limb
D whistled D rubber

4 I sailed the boat out to the buoy near the lighthouse and then returned. 9 silent t as in listen
A small building A debt
B underwater net B threat
C mechanical prop C site
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D floating object D wrestle

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word group is a synonym for flocked in the sentence below? 10 The word below that has the same silent h as rhyme is —
The children flocked to the show. A ahead
A stayed at home B ghost
B moved in a group C handsome
C decided not to go D perhaps
D scattered away from

Unit 3 Week 5 Progress Check-Up 57 58 Unit 3 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

11 The phrase “His arms and legs are like a butterfly’s wings” is an example of —
A repetition
B a metaphor
C onomatopoeia
D a simile

12 What is the poet suggesting in lines 1–4 of the poem?

A Marcus is a graceful dancer like a swan.
B Marcus’s great love of singing is compared to a flying swan.
C Singing is so important to Marcus that he sings all day long.
D If Marcus could not express himself in song, he would have nothing
to say.

13 Read this line from the poem.

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Marcus sings from morning’s dawn to moonlight

The poet uses the word “moonlight,” rather than dark or evening, to —
A explain that Marcus sings too much
B show that the moon is full and bright
C create a mental image of Marcus being lonely at night
D describe what it looks like when Marcus sings at night

14 What senses does the figurative language in the poem appeal to? Give
specific examples. Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Narrative
Kwan and Marcus each have special talents and a shared love of music.
On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph telling about a pair of friends
who share a unique interest. Remember the characteristics of realistic fiction
as you write.

60 Unit 3 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

T36 Progress Check-Ups


Anansi the Spider:

Name Three Trickster Tales

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Read the paragraph below. Then choose the word that has Directions: Look at the prefixes in the words below each boldfaced
about the same meaning as the underlined word. definition. Choose the word that has the same meaning as the
boldfaced definition.
When a new video game came out, many of Lucas’s friends got it right
away. Lucas made a bargain with his mom. She would pay him to do extra 6 against pollution
chores. Finally, he had saved enough to buy the video game. He walked A autopollution
into the store and stared in astonishment at the discount table where his B transpollution
game was $20 less than the price his friends had paid. He tried to keep his C antipollution
composure as he snatched a copy from the table. D amphipollution
7 letting light move through
1 bargain 3 composure
A transparent
A agreement C explanation A calmness C luck
B amphiparent
B argument D meeting B fear D strength
C autoparent
2 astonishment D antiparent
A fright C surprise 8 animals that live on land and in water
B hope D uneasiness
A antiphibian
B amphibian
Directions: Read the sentence below. Then choose the word that has
C autophibian
about the same meaning as the underlined word.
D transphibian
4 Sophia realized she had been deceived by the company’s advertising.
A alarmed C supported 9 a device that steers a plane on its own
B scared D tricked A transpilot
B amphipilot
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
C antipilot
5 What is the meaning of the word reputation in the sentence below?
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D autopilot
Mr. Crane had a reputation for being a very strict coach.
A mean behavior Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
B mistaken ability 10 What is the meaning of the word transcended in the sentence below?
C attempt to please other people The company’s customer service transcended my expectations.
D shared opinion that many people have of someone A went against
B went beyond
C saw both sides of
D acted in their own interest instead of
Unit 4 Week 1 Progress Check-Up 61 62 Unit 4 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

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11 What can you tell about Jean from her interaction with Chester in
paragraphs 2 and 3?
A She is older and wiser than Chester.
B She is braver and more confident than Chester.
C She likes to give bad advice to friends like Chester.
D She wants to trick Chester even though they are friends.

12 Which sentence best describes the change Chester undergoes in

the selection?
A He learns to fear scarecrows and stay away from corn.
B He gains friends when he shares unexpected good news.
C He gains confidence after he makes an accidental discovery.
D He learns to stand up to Jean when he disagrees with her opinion.
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13 Chester’s decision to go with Jean shows that he feels —

A embarrassed by his own fear
B bullied by Jean’s forcefulness
C surprised by Jean’s knowledge
D encouraged by Jean’s argument

14 How was Jean able to influence Chester’s behavior? Reread the selection
and think about their interactions. Consider Jean’s and Chester’s
character traits. Then write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Opinion
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In “The Man in the Field,” Jean influenced Chester’s decision to go to the field.
What is your opinion of Chester’s decision? On a separate sheet of paper, write
a brief essay to express your opinion of Chester’s decision. Remember to state
your opinion and give reasons and information to support your point of view.

64 Unit 4 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

RDG20_AS04_NA_U04W01_PCU.indd 64 5/8/20 9:41 AM

Progress Check-Ups T37


Name Thunder Rose

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the correct spelling of the word formed by the root
meaning as the underlined word. and suffix in boldface.
1 The blue hat accentuated Amy’s red hair. 6 move + -able
A covered A moveable
B decorated B moveible
C protected C movable
D highlighted D movible

2 I am greatly obliged to you for helping me. 7 believe + -able

A disappointed A believeable
B grateful B believeible
C saddened C believable
D uncertain D believible

3 The squirrel misled the dog that was chasing it and got away. 8 defense + -ible
A educated A defensable
B tricked B defensible
C jumped on C defenseable
D was honest with D defenseible

4 Your team put forth commendable effort in the game. 9 reverse + -ible
A fast A reversable
B ordinary B reversible
C praiseworthy C reverseable
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Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

D unspoken D reverseible

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym of riled in the sentence below? 10 The word that is formed by combining “love” and “-able” is —
The bees were riled by the hikers walking near the hive. A lovable
A irritated B lovible
B pleased C loveable
C surprised D loveible
D unconcerned

Unit 4 Week 2 Progress Check-Up 65 66 Unit 4 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

11 This quotation “I’m Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind, and I’m incredible!”
in paragraph 2 supports the theme that —
A people who brag usually fail
B confidence is important to success
C it is never a good idea to be overconfident
D there are some people who never learn from their mistakes

12 What theme can the reader infer about the relationship between Sally Ann
and her brothers in the selection?
A Friendships between family members do not always last.
B Competition between family members can lead to feelings of pride.
C Teasing between family members can make people lose confidence.
D Interactions between family members can cause people to get injured.

13 What is the main theme of this selection? Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
A Traveling is fun.
B Be careful around animals.
C Brothers and sisters always get along.
D Never underestimate what you can do.

14 How do Sally Ann’s trips to faraway places help to support the theme of
the selection? Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Opinion
Sally Ann may be a character from a tall tale, but she has some realistic
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characteristics. On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph stating

your opinion about the realistic characteristics that Sally Ann possesses.
Use details from the selection to support your opinion. Remember the
characteristics of opinion writing as you write.

68 Unit 4 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

T38 Progress Check-Ups


Name La Culebra (The Snake)

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that has the same VV syllable pattern as the
meaning as the underlined word. boldfaced word.
1 My puppy is sensitive to loud noises. 6 po/em
A led closer to A per/son
B not alert B fu/ture
C wandering around C pleas/ant
D quick to respond D sci/ence

2 Can I exchange my old pencil? 7 flu/id

A save for later use A be/lieve
B give in return for something else B cook/ing
C purchase and then give away C peo/ple
D throw out and never replace D tri/al

3 Jon told his friends about his first kind deed for the day. 8 qui/et
A action A a/like
B idea B di/al
C thought C free/dom
D word D bill/board

4 I didn’t want to see the new movie, but my friends insisted that I go. 9 li/on
A asked A break/fast
B demanded B clear/ance
C hoped C head/light
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D suggested D pli/ers

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym of the word satisfied in the sentence below? 10 The word with a VV syllable pattern that is related to quiet and meow is —
The students were satisfied with their scores on the test. A laughing
A disappointed B pizza
B pleased C ruin
C stunned D special
D bored

Unit 4 Week 3 Progress Check-Up 69 70 Unit 4 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

11 At the beginning of the selection—before any words are spoken—how

does the reader know that this is a play?
A It has many scenes.
B It contains dialogue.
C It shows a list of characters.
D It shows the title, “A Neighbor in Need.”

12 Read the following line from the play.

ELBA (sadly): I’m not doing well, Martina.

How should the actor playing Elba say this line?

A With a big smile
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B Yelling with excitement

C With an angry expression
D Using a voice that sounds upset

13 What is the best summary of the play?

A A village has people with big problems.
B Neighbors help a neighbor in her time of need.
C A woman repairs a wheelbarrow for her neighbor.
D Some people cannot be counted onto help others.

14 Summarize Elba and Martina’s relationship in “A Neighbor in Need.” Write

your response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Opinion
In the play, Martina helps other characters who live in the village. At the end
of the play, the other characters return her kindness. On a separate sheet of
paper, write a paragraph telling why Martina is or is not the most important
character in this play. Use details from the play to support your opinion.
Remember the characteristics of opinion writing as you write.

72 Unit 4 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T39


Name The Secret of the Winter Count

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same
Directions: Choose the meaning for the underlined word in each
meaning as the underlined word.
sentence below.
1 The drought made it difficult for farmers to grow crops. 6 The man said the glass door was invisible.
A lack of rain A locked tight
B cold weather B hard to open
C sudden rainfall C unable to be seen
D unusual snowfall D easy to notice
2 Jesse made an intricate drawing of the skyscraper. 7 It was impossible for the dog to find the hidden bone.
A bold A simple to do
B detailed B not able to be done
C messy C something to be learned
D ordinary D easy to give up

3 The candle flame was wavering on the dinner table. 8 The ink left an irremovable stain on my jacket.
A running out A easy to clean
B burning strongly B made like new
C moving back and forth C unable to be washed out
D growing brighter and brighter D hard to notice

4 The unbidden visit left Diego speechless. 9 Lily was impatient to see her favorite band.
A much appreciated A slow to move
B long requested B calm and ready
C not asked for C happy and reassured
D unwilling to wait
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D well-liked

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.

5 What is the meaning of the word snoozing in the sentence below? 10 Which words are a synonym for the words incapable of in the
following sentence?
I was snoozing after my alarm clock went off.
We were incapable of answering the brain teaser.
A getting out of bed
A ready for
B awake and alert
B helpful about
C sleeping lightly
C not interested in
D eating a meal
D unable to
Unit 4 Week 4 Progress Check-Up 73 74 Unit 4 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

11 What theme can the reader infer about the relationship between Nomsa
and her family members?
A They often worry about each other.
B They fear the arrival of large storms.
C They sail on the seas for months at a time.
D They enjoy passing down knowledge to one another.

12 What theme is supported by the following sentence from the selection?

“If I do, it won’t trouble me for long,” said Nomsa. “I built it

myself, so I know how to fix it!”

A Always avoid trouble.

B It is best to help those in need.
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C Relying on yourself may help you succeed.
D Even though you may fail at first, keep trying.

13 The ocean is important to the theme of this selection because —

A it makes Nomsa decide to fish for a living
B it causes Nomsa to become interested in boats
C it makes Nomsa have a sudden fear of the water
D it convinces Nomsa she should move from the village

14 How does Tengi contribute to the theme of this selection? Write your
response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Opinion
Nomsa may be young, but she has already learned a lot. On a separate piece
of paper, write a paragraph giving your opinion about what Nomsa can teach
to others in her village. Use details from the story to support your answer.
Remember the characteristics of opinion writing as your write.

76 Unit 4 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

T40 Progress Check-Ups


The Story of Icarus/

Name The Giant Turnip

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the correct pair of words to answer each
meaning as the underlined word. question below.
1 The shrewd queen ruled her country for years. 6 Which pair of homophones means “to look at” and “a step”?
A old A see, sea
B silly B ate, eight
C clever C feet, feat
D unkind D stare, stair

2 The ornate city hall took five years to build. 7 Which pair of homophones means “a king’s chair” and “tossed”?
A steel A brake, break
B enormous B knight, night
C simple C side, sighed
D decorated D throne, thrown

3 That breed of dog is known for its gentle temperament. 8 Which pair of homophones means “move or go by” and “long ago”?
A bark A peak, peek
B exercise B beat, beet
C personality C passed, past
D playfulness D heard, herd

4 The soldiers looked over the parapet of the castle. 9 Which pair of homophones means “lighter than normal” and “a bucket”?
A floor A idle, idol
B basement B pale, pail
C roof C pair, pear
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D wall D steal, steel

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 What is the meaning of the word infernal in the sentence below? 10 The homophones that best match the meanings “a penny” and
The infernal car alarm went off in the parking lot. “smell” are —
A hard to hear A I, eye
B ringing B one, won
C steady C soul, sole
D unpleasant D cent, scent

Unit 4 Week 5 Progress Check-Up 77 78 Unit 4 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

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11 How are the quests of Hercules and Jason similar?

A Both quests were unsuccessful and ended badly.
B Both heroes did not require help to complete their task.
C Both quests were considered difficult or even impossible.
D Both heroes received warnings about how to defeat an enemy.

12 How is Jason’s quest different from Hercules’s quest?

A Jason battled a goddess, and Hercules battled a dragon.
B Jason relied on the help of a friend while Hercules worked alone.
C Jason’s quest was for other people, and Hercules’s was for himself.
D Jason was able to complete his quest more quickly than Hercules did.

13 Which sentence from “Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece” best
shows how Jason’s quest was similar to Hercules’s quest?
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A But the king was trying to trick Jason.

B For his first task, Jason plowed the fields and fended off the
king’s warriors.
C For his second task, Jason sneaked a dove through a field of hunters
and set her free.
D The king said the third task was to slay a dragon.

14 How do both Jason and Hercules rely on shrewdness to complete their

tasks? Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Opinion
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Hercules and Jason are different characters from mythology. However, they
both have to fight enemies. On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph
telling whether you think Hercules and Jason are mostly alike or mostly
different. Use details from the selections to support your answer. Remember
the characteristics of opinion writing as you write.

80 Unit 4 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

RDG20_AS04_NA_U04W05_PCU.indd 80 5/8/20 9:54 AM

Progress Check-Ups T41


Name Planet Earth

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the definition that best describes the underlined word
meaning as the underlined word. in each sentence.
1 The volcano erupted, spouting magma from the mantle of the Earth. 6 We created a general letter to send to all the homes in the neighborhood.
A layer above the atmosphere A one with many words
B layer between the crust and the outer core B one that is produced for anyone
C layer between the atmosphere and the crust C one that is meant to be sent by mail
D layer between the outer core and the inner core D one that is meant to be read aloud by others

2 Water on Earth circulates constantly through the water cycle. 7 Trucks are one type of transportation found on streets and roads.
A is formed A vehicle that cannot travel quickly
B is used by plants B vehicle that is used every few days
C flows in a system C vehicle that is on the side of the road
D becomes absorbed D vehicle meant to carry people or items

3 Most areas have adopted one of the standard time zones. 8 The marble statue is so durable it has stood for three hundred years.
A used A hard to make
B rejected B hard and strong
C objected to C younger than most things
D understood D often visited by other people

4 The acorns were abundant under the oak tree. 9 The basketball player rejected the opponent’s shot at the hoop.
A plentiful A tried hard
B collected B threw back
C loose C passed quickly
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D scarce D looked away from

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym for molten in the sentence below? 10 The root ject helps the reader know that one meaning of the word
The molten lava destroyed trees in its path. project is —
A rocky A to throw something
B melted B to last for a long time
C solid C to carry something far
D crystal D something that hardens quickly

Unit 5 Week 1 Progress Check-Up 81 82 Unit 5 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

11 How does the diagram help support the selection?

A It contains a definition of time zones.
B It shows the different time zones in the United States.
C It shows how time zone lines are easy to see from outer space.
D It helps show that there are many time zones throughout the world.

12 Which sentence from the selection is supported by looking at

the diagram?
A As Earth turns, different parts of the planet face the sun, while other
parts turn away from it.
B If the entire planet had only one time zone, a child going to school at
8:00 A.M. in one place might be going there in the middle of the night!
C Longitude lines runs from north to south on a globe.
D There are six time zones in the continental United States, Alaska, and Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Hawaii: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaskan, and Hawaiian.

13 The diagram of the time zones helps the reader understand that —
A Central Time and Mountain Time are the same
B Pacific Time is one hour later than Hawaiian Time
C Eastern Time is two hours later than Mountain Time
D Eastern Time is one hour earlier than Mountain Time

14 Which two paragraphs from the text are supported by the information in
the diagram? Explain how those paragraphs relate to the diagram. Write
your response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Poetry
Keeping track of time is an important part of staying organized. Think about
a time when being late might cause a problem for a person. On a separate
sheet of paper, write a short poem about that problem. Remember the
characteristics of poetry as you write.

84 Unit 5 Week 1 Progress Check-Up

T42 Progress Check-Ups


Name Volcanoes

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the definition that best describes the underlined word
meaning as the underlined word. in each sentence.
1 The magma pushed up through the crust. 6 The presence of our two best players made us confident we would win.
A hot ash A being here
B liquid rock B loud cheering
C dust particles C confusing ideas
D large boulders D sudden departure

2 I could read the time on the face of the clock. 7 We noticed that the oak tree was absent from the side of the school.
A bottom A not here
B inside B arriving soon
C front part C currently here
D back side D growing quickly

3 Wolves were able to reclaim territory in the mountains. 8 I went to the store because of its convenience.
A avoid A being easy to get to
B leave B having sales all the time
C pass through C having few items available
D take back D being located a great distance away

4 The water gushes out of the fountain. 9 My father tried to mend the broken plate.
A drips quietly A forgotten
B flows quickly B damaged
C stops moving C old and not often used
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D trickles slowly D shiny and fragile to the touch

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym for threatened in the sentence below?
10 The suffix -en helps a reader know that the word soften means —
Many homes were threatened by the lava flow.
A not soft
A angered
B hard to make soft
B weathered
C to cause to become soft
C endangered
D hoping to make something become soft
D excited

Unit 5 Week 2 Progress Check-Up 85 86 Unit 5 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

11 Which statement best describes the main idea of this selection?

A Mount Aso is not an active volcano.
B Mount Aso is one of many types of volcanoes.
C Mount Aso is a large, popular, beautiful volcano.
D Mount Aso was forgotten about until it recently erupted.

12 Which detail from the selection supports the main idea that Mount Aso is
an active volcano?
A Volcanoes occur in many places around the world.
B The opening is so large that people live in it!
C Visitors from around the world travel to Mount Aso to observe its
beauty and take pictures.
D Mount Aso had not erupted for many years, but that changed in
October 2016.
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13 Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of

paragraph 5?
A Scientists study volcanoes.
B Volcanoes are very dangerous.
C People should visit volcanoes up close and watch them erupt.
D Mount Aso has erupted in the past and could erupt once more.

14 What do the details in paragraph 3 help the reader understand about

Mount Aso? Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

Writing – Poetry
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Volcanic mountains have been the subject of poems. Think about how you
would describe a volcanic eruption. On a separate sheet of paper, write a
short poem about a volcanic eruption. Use rhythm in your poem. Remember
the characteristics of poetry as you write.

88 Unit 5 Week 2 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T43


The Top Ten Ways You Can

Name Reduce Waste

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the VCCCV word below that is correctly divided into
meaning as the underlined word. syllables using the same syllable pattern as the underlined word.
1 I could see the cloud of black emissions from a distance. 6 That meal was sim/ply delicious.
A flock of birds A com/plain
B hiss of steam B dolp/hin
C pile of powder C out/side
D substances released D mus/hroom
2 There was an excessive amount of trash by the side of the road. 7 We saw the old wash/board in the museum.
A oddly small A cash/back
B unusually large B cons/tant
C neatly organized C cont/ract
D awkwardly scattered D misc/hief
3 Jason’s feelings of confusion underlie his need for a better explanation. 8 My report is now com/plete.
A cause others to feel A dim/ple
B form the foundation of B fes/tive
C suggest few care about C pumpk/in
D allow others to work hard for D side/ways
4 That is a 40-watt light bulb. 9 I worked with a part/ner on the project.
A model of an atom A art/ist
B amount of mass B fort/night
C particle of matter C insp/ect
D unit of electrical power
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D oat/meal
Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 A synonym for the word innovative in the sentence below is — 10 The VCCCV word that is correctly divided into syllables using the same
There are many innovative ideas for using solar power. syllable pattern as in/stead is —
A creative A cu/rtsy
B dangerous B perpl/ex
C expensive C rain/storm
D useless D thun/der

Unit 5 Week 3 Progress Check-Up 89 90 Unit 5 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

11 Which statement best describes the author’s claim in this selection?

A Upcycling is the same as recycling.
B Upcycling is far better for the environment than recycling.
C Upcycling is something that all states should require citizens to do.
D Upcycling is an alternative to recycling that allows you to reuse items.

12 Which detail from the selection supports the claim that upcycling allows
people to be creative?
A When we bring our plastic, metal cans, and glass to the center, we
know that those items are going to be turned into another product.
B Upcycling is a special kind of recycling where the things we no longer
want are turned into better-quality things.
C Your worn-out car tires can become a couch or a bucket that can
carry things.
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D By recycling and upcycling, we join people around the world who are
trying to protect Earth.

13 Which of these statements best summarizes the author’s argument that

upcycling might be a better choice than recycling?
A It helps a lot of different people get new hats.
B It is easier to do and less costly than recycling.
C It allows people to use creativity while helping the planet.
D It provides an opportunity for people to get rid of items they
do not want.

14 Summarize the argument the author makes in paragraph 2 to encourage

people to upcycle. Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Poetry
Reducing the amount of trash you throw away is an important goal. Upcycling
is one way to do this. On a separate sheet of paper, write a short poem that
describes some of the benefits of upcycling. Include line breaks in your poem.
Remember the characteristics of poetry as you write.

92 Unit 5 Week 3 Progress Check-Up

T44 Progress Check-Ups


Name The Himalayas

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word below that has the meaning of the
meaning as the underlined word. boldfaced definition.
1 George Washington took part in a survey of land in the 1700s. 6 knock out of position
A farming A disappoint
B measurement B discover
C purchase C dislodge
D sale D dispense

2 India is a subcontinent. 7 something that has been prepared too much

A second continent A overcharge
B large island nation B overdone
C land that borders a continent C oversize
D large region that is part of a continent D overpower

3 The cattle grazed on the plateau. 8 a flight that goes directly from one airport to another
A river valley A noncompetitive
B beach near a lake B nonfiction
C large, high area of flat land C nonsense
D top of a long mountain range D nonstop

4 I get short of breath at that altitude. 9 plants and shrubs that sprout below larger trees
A depth A undergrowth
B height B understate
C climate C undersize
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D temperature D underfoot

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word group is a synonym for erosion in the sentence below? 10 The word that is a synonym for the word messy is —
The large waves caused erosion next to the coastal highway. A disagreed
A a slippery spot B disbelieved
B a different climate C disobedient
C process of wearing away land D disorganized
D creation of deep pools of water

Unit 5 Week 4 Progress Check-Up 93 94 Unit 5 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

11 Which detail best explains what an ice shelf is?

A Snow that does not melt in Antarctica
B The place where seawater and ice come together
C Large floating chunks of ice in the waters near Antarctica
D A huge sheet of ice that covers millions of square kilometers

12 Which detail from the selection explains why studying Antarctica helps
scientists learn more about how humans impact the environment?
A About 60 percent of the freshwater on the planet is frozen in the
Antarctic Ice Sheet.
B Even in the summer, the temperatures are almost always
below freezing.
C Scientists have been studying Antarctica for many years.
D In 1985, scientists discovered a hole in the ozone layer high
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above Antarctica.

13 Which sentence from the selection best shows why it is difficult to state
the exact size of Antarctica?
A This huge sheet of ice covers millions of square kilometers.
B The snow and ice on top of the Antarctic Ice Sheet don’t melt.
C When this seawater freezes in the winter, Antarctica almost doubles
in size.
D This faraway continent helps us understand how people’s actions in
one part of the world can affect places around the planet.

14 In paragraph 5, what can you infer about the cause of the hole in the
ozone layer? Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.
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Writing – Poetry
Antarctica is an amazing continent with a unique landscape. On a separate
sheet of paper, write a short poem that describes the landscape of Antarctica.
Remember the characteristics of poetry as you write.

96 Unit 5 Week 4 Progress Check-Up

Progress Check-Ups T45


Name Trashing Paradise

Vocabulary Word Study

Directions: Choose the word or word group that has about the same Directions: Choose the word that has the meaning of the
meaning as the underlined word. boldfaced definition.
1 The landslide marred the popular hiking trail. 6 to fit together
A created A interact
B damaged B interim
C opened up C interject
D stopped at D interlock

2 Plastic foam cups are considered a disposable item. 7 a person serving in place of another
A flexible A subject
B single-use B substitute
C hard to break C subtraction
D new and improved D subterranean

3 Many different products are made from crude oil. 8 to predict the weather before it occurs
A natural gas A foreground
B a watery form of coal B forebode
C unrefined liquid petroleum C forecast
D liquid used to preserve objects D foregone

4 Some chemicals are toxic. 9 a train that goes underground

A harmless A subcontinent
B helpful B subject
C poisonous C submit
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D valuable D subway

Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer. Directions: Read the question. Then choose the best answer.
5 Which word is a synonym for phenomenon in the sentence below? 10 A reader can use the prefix inter- to determine that the word
A total solar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs rarely. interview means —
A event A to talk softly
B problem B to research ideas
C storm C to work with others
D sunset D to talk between people

Unit 5 Week 5 Progress Check-Up 97 98 Unit 5 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

11 Which statement best explains a harmful effect posed by littering in

“Why Litter?”
A Litter on roadsides can damage cars.
B Litter makes the landscape look ugly.
C Litter can hurt people when they try to clean it up.
D Litter can harm the health of animals and plants living in water.

12 Which detail from “Texas Fourth-Grade Class Cleans Up” explains why
the fourth graders decided to do something about litter?
A They disliked seeing trash in their parks and on their streets.
B The students worked together to create a play about littering.
C The play talked about why people litter and what each person in their
community and state can do to help.
D People who watched the play talked about how they learned new things Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
about littering, and said they wanted to help to solve the problem.

13 Which sentence from “Why Litter?” best explains why some people litter?
A Litter is trash that is not in the correct place.
B People in cars cause some of the litter along streets, but people
walking around are also responsible for some litter.
C When they see other garbage, they feel that it is fine to get rid of their
garbage this way too.
D Cleaning up litter costs the United States billions of dollars each year.

14 In “Texas Fourth-Grade Class Cleans Up,” the author explains the impact
of the play created by fourth graders. What was the impact? Use text
evidence in your response. Write your response on a separate sheet
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of paper.

Writing – Poetry
Litter is a problem in many communities. On a separate sheet of paper, write
a short poem that describes what a landscape looks like when it is covered
with litter. Be sure your word choice and rhymes clearly express your thoughts
about litter. Remember the characteristics of poetry as you write.

100 Unit 5 Week 5 Progress Check-Up

T46 Progress Check-Ups

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