Baroi Sabuj
Baroi Sabuj
Baroi Sabuj
3. Educate employees.
acts FINDING 1:
Picture 1
Date, Time & Location of Incident
Description of Incident
Corrective Actions for Rectification
(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
To rectify by: 21/07/2024
Action by: Supervisor Baroi Sabuj
Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 21/07/2024 2:10 pm
Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed
Picture 2
Date, Time & Location of Incident
Description of Incident
2. Hazard: worker should not carryout work at underneath excavator arm it will hit
Corrective Actions for Rectification
(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
To rectify by: 22/07/2024
Action by: Supervisor Baroi Sabuj
Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 22/07/2024 03:30 pm
Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed
Picture 3
Date, Time & Location of Incident
Description of Incident
(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
To rectify by: 23/07/2024
Action by: Supervisor Baroi Sabuj
Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 23/07/2024 4.00 pm
Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed.
WSHMCI-PROJ-Ver2.02-Rev02-09.01.2024 Eversafe Academy Page 7 of 12
Workplace Safety and Health Management in Construction Industry
Picture 4
Date, Time & Location of Incident
2. Risk: Injury.
To rectify by: Tomorrow 24/07/2024
Action by: Supervisor Baroi Sabuj
Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 24/07/2024 11:15 pm
Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed
Picture 5
Date, Time & Location of Incident
Description of Incident
Corrective Actions for Rectification
WSHMCI-PROJ-Ver2.02-Rev02-09.01.2024 Eversafe Academy Page 10 of 12
Workplace Safety and Health Management in Construction Industry
(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
To rectify by: 25/07/2024
Action by: Supervisor Baroi Sabuj
Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 25/07/2024 04:20 Pm
Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed
(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole organization etc.)
I, the undersigned, declare that the project report titled INSPECTION REPORT based on my
own work carried out during the course, and not plagiarised from other candidates completed
work, or wholesale copy material.